--- Log opened Wed May 01 00:00:00 2019 01:30 -!- bitonic-cjp [~bitonic-c@92-111-70-106.static.v4.ziggozakelijk.nl] has joined #c-lightning 02:06 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 02:20 <@cdecker> Yep, we might want to introduce an association with a channel and drop transactions that are associate with closed channels 02:33 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 02:46 < m-schmoock> cdecker: the problem dissapeard once the channel was finally forgotton... 02:47 < m-schmoock> LNBIG and Co is spamming my node with high inbound liquidity channels :D what the f*** are those guys up to 02:48 < m-schmoock> ... and people say inbound capacity is a LN problem. lol 03:00 -!- bitdex [~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex] has quit [Quit: = ""] 03:07 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 03:12 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Client Quit] 03:15 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 03:35 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 03:57 -!- spinza [~spin@] has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught up with me...] 04:05 -!- spinza [~spin@] has joined #c-lightning 04:27 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 04:39 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:29 -!- spinza [~spin@] has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught up with me...] 05:39 -!- spinza [~spin@] has joined #c-lightning 06:20 < fiatjaf> m-schmoock, it's the autopilot 06:21 < fiatjaf> he used to do that, then he turned off the lnd autopilot 06:21 < fiatjaf> yesterday he said on twitter that he would turn autopilot on again because the lnd team said they had improved it 06:22 < fiatjaf> maybe calling him on twitter and telling him to turn that thing off will fix things 09:07 -!- bitonic-cjp [~bitonic-c@92-111-70-106.static.v4.ziggozakelijk.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:48 -!- CubicEarth [~CubicEart@c-67-168-1-172.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:55 -!- kexkey [~kexkey@] has joined #c-lightning 12:51 -!- jb55 [~jb55@S010660e327dca171.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:04 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has joined #c-lightning 13:07 -!- rh0nj [~rh0nj@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:08 -!- rh0nj [~rh0nj@] has joined #c-lightning 13:56 < m-schmoock> cdecker: is there an option I can manage PR tags on GitHub? There was a minor open ongoing in the rebalance plugin PR as I wrote in the conversion. 14:03 <@cdecker> Just added you as a contributor so you can manage the labels, sorry if I merged too early 14:04 < m-schmoock> I will just open a new one, there are other edgases as well 14:04 < m-schmoock> like for example when user tells the plugin to use too high amount that would not fit capacities and such 14:04 < m-schmoock> thx :D 14:06 < m-schmoock> current version is at least better than before 14:07 < m-schmoock> cdecker: also, I have not picked up on channel_accept hook, as I found out rusty was already working. I did not get feedback from him about this: https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/pull/2576 (last comments) 15:05 -!- kexkey [~kexkey@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:22 -!- spinza [~spin@] has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught up with me...] 15:32 -!- justanotheruser [~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has joined #c-lightning 15:39 -!- spinza [~spin@] has joined #c-lightning 16:41 -!- spinza [~spin@] has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught up with me...] 16:50 -!- spinza [~spin@] has joined #c-lightning 17:25 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 17:43 -!- justanotheruser [~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 17:59 -!- justanotheruser [~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has joined #c-lightning 18:26 -!- takinbo [sid19838@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sqtjjzxmavccqcrs] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:31 -!- bitdex [~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex] has joined #c-lightning 18:47 -!- takinbo [sid19838@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bbdxkhryyriohwyk] has joined #c-lightning 19:15 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:16 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has joined #c-lightning 20:11 -!- Eagle[TM] [~EagleTM@unaffiliated/eagletm] has joined #c-lightning 20:13 -!- EagleTM [~EagleTM@unaffiliated/eagletm] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 20:22 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:22 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has joined #c-lightning 20:24 -!- takinbo_ [sid19838@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lwfcknxyojbcakco] has joined #c-lightning 20:25 -!- takinbo [sid19838@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bbdxkhryyriohwyk] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 20:25 -!- takinbo_ is now known as takinbo 20:29 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:30 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has joined #c-lightning 21:27 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:27 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has joined #c-lightning 21:47 -!- justanotheruser [~justanoth@unaffiliated/justanotheruser] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 21:59 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:00 -!- cubancorona [cubancoron@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/cubancorona] has joined #c-lightning 22:27 -!- spaced0ut [~spaced0ut@unaffiliated/spaced0ut] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:21 -!- rusty1 [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning 23:25 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 23:26 -!- rusty1 [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 23:27 -!- Eagle[TM] [~EagleTM@unaffiliated/eagletm] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:33 -!- rusty [~rusty@pdpc/supporter/bronze/rusty] has joined #c-lightning --- Log closed Thu May 02 00:00:01 2019