
--- Day changed Sun Mar 30 2008
kanzurehttp://phy.asu.edu/shumway/codes/paths.html Open source path integral quantum Monte Carlo program.01:23
kanzureHow's that for awesome?01:23
kanzurehttps://wiki.asu.edu/pimc/index.php/Main_Page their wiki01:34
kanzureit mentions graphene :)01:34
kanzureSigh. I still find nanohub.org to be unusable. Their interface is completely wacky, they don't know how to write valid HTML. But they have a very large list of simulation tools .... argh.01:35
fennwow i never even though to look this up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-24-hour_sleep-wake_syndrome02:05
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/shots/2008-03-29-30.png my current desktop02:09
fennso, how goes the comp-chem?02:11
kanzuregoing quite well, want a link dump so far?02:11
fennno, not really02:12
* kanzure clears his paste buffer :(02:12
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@] has quit ["Leaving."]02:43
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]09:46
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:52
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:50
-!- Netsplit zelazny.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: epitron14:43
-!- Netsplit over, joins: epitron14:59
-!- andares [n=andares@unaffiliated/jacco] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]15:26
-!- andares [n=andares@unaffiliated/jacco] has joined #hplusroadmap15:30
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/transhumanism_def.html <-- I got bored, so I critiqued the Wikipedia article.16:58
epitronSome interesting excerpts from Charles Simonyi’s 1986 interview:17:43
epitronSML: Why is it taking so much time for progress to occur with computers:17:43
epitronCharles: Because a lot of dumb ideas have to die first. That’s why progress takes time. First, new ideas have to evolve, then the bad ideas that stop the progress have to die. Even with relativity and quantum mechanics, the good ideas had to crystallize. And then people with vested interest in the old physics had to die out.17:43
kanzureepitron: Did you read my critique of the Wikipedia article?17:58
kanzureepitron: I figure it's right up your ally re: enhancement.17:59
epitronno, i'm currently looking at a bunch of google techtalks18:05
epitroni'll check it out later...18:05
-!- fenn_ [n=pz@adsl-76-251-83-156.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:01
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: happy bunny day - day of the replicator || http://heybryan.org/ http://fennetic.net/20:01
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Sat Mar 29 01:44:46 2008]20:01
[Users #hplusroadmap]20:01
[ andares] [ epitron] [ fenn_ ] [ mech0r] 20:01
[ Enki-2 ] [ fenn ] [ kanzure] 20:01
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 7 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 7 normal]20:01
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200820:01
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 37 secs20:01
kanzurefenn_: http://heybryan.org/transhumanism_def.html20:05
kanzureand tonight's lecture on stem cells - http://heybryan.org/chats/2008-03-30-%23%23neuroscience_re_iPS_stem_cells.html20:06
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-99-133-189-140.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]20:20
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]21:18
-!- You're now known as fenn21:23
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:24
kanzureHey Enki-2.21:25
kanzureEnki-2: would you read my h+ article critique? http://heybryan.org/transhumanism_def.html21:25
Enki-2in a bit21:29
* fenn looks21:32
fennshouldnt 1 be transhumanology and 2 be transhumanism?21:34
kanzurehow so?21:37
kanzurehow would 1 be transhumanology?21:37
fennor maybe transhumaneering :P21:39
fennisms are usually social or philosophical movements21:39
fennwhereas technical fields of study are not21:40
kanzurethat is a good point21:40
fenntranshumaneering makes me think of privateering21:41
kanzuretranshuman engineering ?21:41
fennyou could use both if you want. transhuman engineering and social transhumanism21:43
kanzurewhat? social transhumanism is already in use, or already suggested in the doc at least21:43
kanzureI call it type-1 and type-2 later in the doc :)21:43
fenni mean for extra redundancy (since you seem to think 'transhiumanism' is ambiguous')21:44
kanzurebut it is ambiguous -- there's apparently a weird political movement behind it 21:45
kanzureof people who are angry about money and other nonsense21:45
fennwell, sure, because it's unfair that rich people should live and poor people die21:46
kanzureright, but that's where self-replication comes in21:46
kanzureas well as other projects21:46
kanzuresuch as the human variome project to collect all genetic variation21:46
kanzureor the DNA sequencing organizations21:46
kanzure(they need to get a move on, fast)21:47
fennhow does dna sequencing help with social inequality?21:47
kanzureit doesn't, but we can sure as hell try to save them21:48
fennthe whole genetic divide argument is specious at best21:55
fennwe already have 'human enhancement techologies' of every sort21:56
fenncars, computers, fresh vegetables21:56
fennheh 'ableist' what a funny concept. i had to read the word several times22:04
fenn"they wouldn't be alive if medical technology and our industrialization would keep them there" and neither would 98% of the world's population22:10
kanzurerefresh I updated that part22:10
kanzurethat exact line22:10
kanzure"the fact is that they *are* alive, no matter how it happens to be so"22:11
fennits a rather meaningless division is what i'm trying to say "them" vs "us"22:11
fennthe fact is that _we_ are alive no matter how it happens to be so22:12
fennare you good at hunting? how well does your immune system do when you're starving?22:13
kanzureaha, a difference in emphasis22:13
fennjust read the diamond age, it's interesting that stephenson thinks humans will reorganize mostly along racial lines onces the national and economic boundaries fall apart22:22
kanzuresounds like bullshit to me22:22
kanzurealthough niches will always develop22:22
kanzureand specialists to fit the niches22:22
kanzureby 'bullshit' I mean it sounds like he might be somewhat racist22:23
fennwell, it might just be a plot element22:23
fennhave you read the book?22:24
kanzureI hear of it all the time, of course22:25
kanzurethere is a concerned mother in #wrongplanet22:55
kanzureshe has an autistic child22:55
kanzureand says that she wants to check out #wrongplanet to see what it's like22:55
kanzurebecause "my son feels so lonely"22:55
kanzureI need to find somebody in materials science.23:47
kanzurefenn: this guy looks interesting23:50
kanzureapparently I already had him on my buddy list23:51
kanzureI hate it when my searches take me in circles23:54
kanzureMichael Anissimov. Again.23:54
kanzureMike is a sharp guy. Started the Immortality Institute ( http://imminst.org/ ) while in high school, has a good nootropic following. 23:55

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