
--- Day changed Mon Apr 07 2008
kanzureso "what's built in" will have to be a way to specify dependencies or relations to other packages, I guess00:00
kanzureat some point we are going to have to restrict the possible types of relations between entities or functions or processes00:01
kanzure"depends on" "requires for execution" "is a child of"00:01
fenni was thinking GNU 'units' would be a good set of functionality to start00:01
kanzurewhat are GNU units?00:01
fennits a software program for converting between different units00:01
fennlike foot, meter, inch, micron00:02
kanzureno, I was thinking of the package file format standards00:02
kanzurebut I suppose you are to00:02
kanzureso, the package deals with some sort of 'units'00:02
kanzureit has to be able to specify this for input/output00:02
kanzurespecifying both a relation between pckg X and pckg Y while also speccing out the unit conversions00:03
kanzureis intense.00:03
fennhow else do you do it without simply specifying requires: package Y00:04
kanzurebecause there are different types of 'requirements'00:04
kanzureyou can have a requirement for compiling the package and understanding it00:04
kanzureyou can have a requirement for the final physical form00:04
kanzurejust like a person-on-a-chair system requires the chair under the person00:05
fenncompiling? you mean building?00:05
kanzurenah, I mean preprocessing00:05
fenni dont understand00:05
kanzurewell, putting together a project usually means you're going to do some simulations first00:05
fennare you talking about software or chunks of metal?00:05
kanzureor at least a verify-check00:05
kanzureboth, since you have software on autogenix that represents the metal that you are placing together00:05
kanzureand then you have different types of 'require'ments in the final metal chunks you're putting together00:06
kanzurethere are many types of 'require'00:06
fenni'm gonna go out on a limb and say that software requirements are so easy to meet that we can ignore that for now00:06
kanzurehuh? you can't ignore that in a specification00:06
kanzurethat was the whole point of having a specification heh00:06
kanzurecan you convince me of otherwise00:07
fennpackage X has specifications in "quantum bogosity units" provided by libbogo00:08
fennso when you have something which depends on bogosity (such as X) autogenix will consult libbogo. if the library is not installed it will be fetched by <insert software package manager here>00:09
fennjoe cell device: conflicts: bogons > 1.2 nanosuits00:10
kanzurepackage X will have to specify dependency on bogosity00:10
kanzurenow, package X can also depend on package Y00:11
kanzurealthough is it really a package if it depends on other things?00:11
fennpackage X itself doesnt need bogosity, you just need bogosity code to interpret the specifications00:11
fennthat's implied from the way specs are structured00:12
kanzureyou mean the physical implementation of package X, the final form, does not require bogosity00:12
kanzurebogosity is backend, i.e. preprocessing00:12
fenni guess it could look like PHB side-effect: bogosity::bogons 1 suit 00:13
fennbogosity:: is the package00:13
fennbogosity:: is the code module00:14
fennbogons is the unit type00:14
fennsuit is the unit00:14
fennPHB is the package, which provides other functionality such as 'management'00:14
kanzurethis is feeling more and more like the CPAN perl modules ... the perl modules for CPAN are uploaded in a wiki-like format, but with code as well, which is then downloaded. The code itself provides library 00:15
kanzurefunctions. But in our case, the script would be the entire package, and would have various inputs and a standardized way of accessing the features and querying whatever it is that the package implements.00:15
kanzureI thought you were making a humorous remark: "PHB side-effect - they need 1 suit" with the rise of PHBs, but anyway00:15
fennnow maybe sometimes you do need software in order to build something, such as for example cad/cam files to run the cnc machine00:15
kanzureI think it will always be the case00:16
kanzuresuppose the case of a chair00:16
kanzurea chair-package can manage all of the various ways to specify the chair00:16
kanzureand have all sorts of fun parameters00:16
kanzurea chair would be a virtual reference to a set of operations to make a chair with other packages00:16
fennpointy-haired-boss raises the local bogosity field00:16
kanzuresuch as lathes ands oon00:16
fennsorry i couldnt think of a specialized unit00:17
fennbogons might be useful anyway00:17
fenner, the concept i mean00:17
fenni guess you could have anti-bogons00:17
fenn"chair" could be an alias00:18
fennor it could be a functionality provided by different models of chair00:19
fennthen autogenix solves which model of chair to use based on the constraints00:19
kanzurewell, chair is really just an object formed by specific lathe motions and wood inputs00:19
kanzureso chair itself should be a very small file, just stuff based off of human specs on movement00:19
fennwell, when you write the chair module you get to figure this stuff out00:20
fennejector seat provides chair, and also some other functions :)00:20
fennalso there's some parameter relating to how comfortable the chair is in newton*hours/dolor 00:21
fenna rock is a chair, for some low value of comfort00:22
kanzureso maybe we should just write down everything we can think about of a certain object or package that we envision00:23
fenngnu units allows arbitrary unit definitions if you provide your own definition file00:23
kanzureand then revise it until it fits for a general case00:23
kanzurethat's good00:23
fenni think specialized units should be based on functionality00:24
fennwhereas built-in should be physical properties00:24
kanzureit just seems like this is relying on a TOE00:25
fennthere's only so many physical properties00:25
kanzurehey, what if we go steal file formats from other projects00:25
kanzureSBML for systems biology00:25
kanzureCAD for cad stuff00:25
kanzureand uhh, molecular biology has their own file format I believe00:25
fennsure, that's part of the package's source code00:25
kanzurechemistry for their molecules (SMILES and so on)00:25
fenni'm just talking about the "control" file, which determines logical relationships between packages00:26
fenni guess you could look at the special-format data while traversing the dependency tree, but it might get really hairy (and slow)00:27
fennobviously you can't compute everything from first principles00:27
kanzureyes, I was thinking we have to draw a line somewher00:27
kanzurewhere engineering becomes a practice of "well, it's good enough" instead of "this will absolutely, in every aspect, work"00:28
fenncapability of becoming a TOE is better than being limited by arbitrary decisions in the beginning00:29
fenndoesnt mean you have to support everything00:29
kanzurejust being extensible enough00:29
kanzureso that our awkward thoughts here don't hinder us in the future00:29
kanzureI was thinking I need to go find a software engineer or computer scientist bulldog00:29
kanzureand bring him in here to help come up with some rocksolid specs00:30
kanzureI need some sleep, however00:30
fennthe oscomak specs looked pretty bad00:30
fennme too, night00:30
kanzureI didn't see anything 00:30
fenntheir 'aluminum bolt'00:30
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]00:33
fennmechie: yndrome, persons with NT or persons who have NT. Though it seems that most persons with NT would prefer to be referred to as neurotypicals, NTs or even normals, nobody cares about their opinions; after all, they are seriously ill, and clearly do not know what is best for them.00:33
-!- Aulere [n=dragon_d@] has quit []00:43
mechiei'm confused :D00:44
mechiethought you were talking about myers briggs NT00:45
mechieawefully quiet00:48
* epitron stands in awe of the silence01:02
mechiei'm laying on the couch01:02
epitronEnki-2: hey dood... i haven't heard much from you in here01:03
epitronare you not into the biotech stuff as much as these two?01:03
mechieprobably cuz someone hereeeeeee01:03
mechieis probably really mean01:03
epitronEnki-2: kanzure told me that you were interested in collaborative information systems and that kinda thing01:04
epitronmechie: it's ok we're just lowly NT's01:04
epitronwe deserve it01:04
mechiesure sure :D01:05
* mechie puts on imagineer helmet01:05
mechiebecause i don't speak in technical jibber jabber?01:05
epitron(we've never forgiven rats for the bubonic plague)01:05
mechierats are awesome01:05
epitronwha? you must've picked up some jabber01:05
mechiebut not the jibber01:06
epitrondoes that mean you can read it, but not speak it?01:06
mechiesame with chinese01:06
mechiepeople can talk to me but i can't talk back01:06
epitronMAN i'm so happy01:06
epitronwith seconds!01:06
epitronit's so awesome01:06
epitronit's one of the oldschool ones with 3 buttons01:06
mechiei went back to cave men time01:07
epitronMODe, LIGHT, and START/STOP01:07
mechiei'm not even wearing a watch01:07
mechie"it's 6 o clock"01:07
epitronwhat if it's overcast?01:07
mechiethen it's sleepy time01:07
epitroni like your philosophy01:07
mechieor you can tell what time it is by traffic01:08
epitronplease send me some literature01:08
epitroni'm reading a review of karl popper's "the open society and its enemies"01:09
epitronit's called "the open society and its ambivalent friends"01:10
epitronit's a book of essays called "the primacy of persons and the language of culture"01:18
epitroni dunno if it's got anything useful in it or not :)01:18
epitron"These essays diagnose the present situation of Western thought by making explicit the philosophical presuppositions to which it is committed. They include theological affirmations, reflections on epistemology, conceptual.."01:19
mechieso... is it rather dry so far01:21
epitronhell yes01:22
epitroni'm having trouble converting it into english :)01:22
mechiegood thing you're reading it01:22
epitron"But just because it is a tract as well as a scholarly and analytical exercise, The Open Society becomes of interest in and must be responsible to a public much larger than that which, e.g., Popper's exegesis of Plato, will be debated in tome and journal."01:22
epitronwhat the fuck is he saying01:22
mechieit means... it's not important :D just fluff !01:23
epitroni think he's saying that the public will read it01:23
mechieit sounds like... tax law01:23
mechiewhich 99.9% of the nation understands01:24
epitronsame difference01:24
mechiei hate reading tax :\01:24
epitroni've never had that rite of passage01:24
epitroni just use tax software01:24
mechiei read this stuff at work01:24
mechieit's awful01:24
mechieand i have to translate it into my reports01:25
mechiebut with numbers01:25
epitronso part of your job is translating tax laws?01:25
mechieno one else wants to do it01:25
mechieso they dump it on the intern01:25
mechiethere's only 1 MAN in the company who understands all of it01:26
mechiei like him because he's sarcastic :D01:26
epitronoh man01:26
epitronyou gotta have a sense of humour if you understand the tax code :)01:26
epitronthis review hasn't yet talked about any of popper's ideas01:27
mechieis he just talking about why you should read it?01:28
epitronhe's just talking about people who like or dislike or read his book or don't read his book or comparing him to don quixote01:28
mechieahhh ok01:29
epitronthis guy sounds like one of those people who are very eloquent speakers, and like to hear themselves talk01:29
epitronand say nothing01:29
mechiei can think of a feewwwww.01:29
epitronyou don't mean...01:29
mechieO_o OH DO I01:30
epitronsnap to the ap01:30
mechie@_@ DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!01:30
epitronOH! speaking of snap01:30
mechieoh yes01:30
epitroni saw a cool history channel program01:30
mechiei should reattach zoner's leg.01:30
epitronit was a re-enactment of cicero's famous court case that made him a powerful man01:30
epitronwhere he bitchslaps this other powerful dood who stole a bunch of farms01:31
epitronit's so awesome01:31
epitronit's like matlock times 10001:31
epitronlaw and order times 5001:31
mechiethe last thing i watched on history channel was the dogfights01:31
mechienot the animal dogs.01:31
epitronI ask you... QUI BONO!01:31
mechiethe airplanes01:31
epitronoh, i don't watch the channel01:31
epitroni just download stuff from the documentary torrent sites01:32
epitronanything that looks interesting01:32
mechieoh i'm trying to slow down on that :(01:32
epitronit's usually not very good though :)01:32
mechiei just rather leave it on tv01:32
mechiebut i haven't been able to watch anything lateley01:32
epitronso you don't have to organize it?01:32
mechie -e01:32
mechiewell maybe :>01:32
mechiei don't mind d/l anime though01:32
mechiebut movies and w/e are iffy01:33
mechieunless they're chinese movies01:33
epitronit all depends on what's important to you01:33
epitronapparently western TV is not worth the trouble :)01:33
mechieah ok01:33
mechiei miss my documentaries though -_-01:33
mechiei miss those open surgery docs01:33
mechiereality shows w/e01:33
epitronlive organs are so funky01:33
mechiei knooowwwwwww01:34
epitronall squirmy and gooey01:34
mechiekilling animals and then opening up are also funky01:34
* mechie coughs01:34
epitronhave you done that?01:34
mechieeveryone in pharmacy has01:34
epitroni've only ever cut open cold formaldehyde-soaked things01:35
mechiepoison the rats01:35
epitronwe'll never forgive the rats!01:35
mechiehahah yeah01:35
mechiebut i don't know why01:35
mechiei liked gorey things back then01:35
mechiewhich made me want to be a surgeon -ish person01:36
mechiewhich also led me to surf your damn stileproject site01:36
epitronhey that's not my site01:36
mechieok ok ok01:36
epitroni just contributed jokes01:36
epitronor rather01:36
epitroni just made jokes on irc01:36
epitronand stile stole them01:36
epitronand put his name on them01:36
mechiedid you ever frame your metablolic pathway poster01:39
epitronno, i don't have a big enough wall :)01:39
mechieneither do i :D01:39
mechieexcept in my living room01:39
epitroni could do the ceiling in my room01:39
mechiebut my bro would kill me01:39
mechiebut the diagrams are so small01:39
epitrondoesn't he already kill you?01:40
mechiewell yes01:40
epitronyou moving out soon? :)01:40
epitroni think i am.01:40
mechiei told my mom01:40
mechiewhen i graduate01:40
mechieshe seems fine with it because she knows my bro is an asshole01:40
epitronyour bro sounded more like he was pushing himself really hard01:41
epitronand he'd project his feelings of inadequacy on you01:41
epitronthere was a perfect example that you told me about01:41
mechiewell he was kind of chicken01:42
mechiei didn't know he was so scared of people01:42
epitronwhat did he do again?01:42
mechieoh trying to go on interviews to find a new job01:42
mechiehe was too chicken to go on them01:42
mechiehe didn't like feeling dumb01:42
mechieso he stayed at his current place because it's safe01:43
mechiebut then he projected all the anger on me01:43
epitronand what did he say to you?01:43
mechietelling me i'm lazy01:43
mechieand i have no initiative01:43
mechieand that i need a job01:43
mechieand nagged me every day to apply to jobs and go on interviews01:43
mechieand lectured me on how i'm bad w/ communicating with people01:43
mechieand that i'm so scared01:43
mechie(i was confused)01:44
epitronoh! i'm reading an awesome book that you shoudl check out01:44
epitronit's all about weird dysfunctional family dynamics01:44
epitronand optimal family dynamics01:44
mechiewill it make me not feel depressed01:44
epitronand one of the authors is john cleese01:44
mechiehahah cleese01:44
epitronthe idea i wanna tell you about is complicated01:45
epitronit took them about 30 pages to lay it out01:45
mechiedescribe it with ascii01:45
epitronso just read the book01:45
epitronit's called "Life and how to survive it"01:45
mechieoh yeah aren't you an older brother01:45
mechieare you an asshole01:45
mechieit's ok :>01:46
epitronwe have a different dynamic though01:46
epitroni just like to be right :)01:46
epitronand so does he01:46
epitronso we argue01:46
mechieyeah me too01:46
epitronand one of his friends pointed out that we were BOTH right01:46
epitronand arguing different aspects of the same thing01:46
epitronwe were arguing over interpretation or something01:46
mechiei don't think my bro and i fight over interpretation that much01:46
epitronit's funny...01:46
mechiewe think alike pretty much01:47
epitronyou stop listening to the content of what someoen is saying, and just listen to their tone of voice01:47
epitronyou think they're accusing you of something01:47
epitronbut they're not01:47
mechieI AM JUST DEAF.01:47
epitronanyhow, generally my bro and i get along :)01:47
epitroni always like when he comes back to visit01:47
mechiein your basement?01:48
mechiemy cousin is in my basement01:48
epitronyeah :D01:48
epitroni'm living in his old pad right now01:48
epitronhe set it up really nice01:48
mechieahhh gamer? 01:48
epitronwhen he moved to calgary, i just moved in01:48
mechiemy house = all gamers01:48
epitronwhen you turn off the lights, there's 500 led's01:48
mechiehow do you sleep01:48
epitronin another room :D01:48
epitronthere's 2 rooms down here01:49
epitronmore like SPACE EFFICIENT01:49
mechieman i have so much crap01:49
mechieelectronics + tools + plants + baby grand piano01:49
mechiei wonder how i'd move all of this01:50
mechieoh yeah wtf do i do w/ lumber 01:50
epitrondo you ever wish for a giant house so you can setup a special room for every interest?01:50
mechiewhich makes me rethink the whole apartment thing01:50
mechieall the time01:50
epitronme too :D01:50
epitroni also want a room that's full of tropical plants01:50
mechiei'd need a special room just for drying lumber01:50
mechieomg i always wanted a conservatory01:51
epitrona small indoor rainforest01:51
mechieand study plants01:51
epitrondrying lumber?01:51
mechieyou have to dry out your lumber before you use it01:51
epitronbut don't you do that in a shed or something?01:51
mechieotherwise when warps01:51
mechiewell suureeeeeeeee01:51
mechieif you have one :<01:51
* mechie builds one01:52
mechieok now i do01:52
epitronOK FINE you can have a lumber room01:52
epitronyou got a bit of a paradox01:52
mechiei know01:52
mechieit's going to warp01:52
mechieand collapse01:52
epitronit DRIES ITSELF01:52
epitronwhich brings us back to synthetic biology01:52
epitronand engineering autonomous systems 01:52
epitrongod i love my new atch01:53
* mechie out of it01:53
epitronlong day?01:53
mechiefeel rather woozy01:54
mechiebeen feeling tired lately01:54
mechiebtw my mom made her own bread starter01:55
mechieshe used the word "CULTURE"01:55
mechieoOoOoo :D01:55
epitronnaomi was into that01:56
mechiedid she use grapes01:56
epitronshe liked to show me her little sourdough culture01:56
epitroni don't know how she started it01:56
epitronshe also makes cashew cheese01:56
epitronand kimchi01:56
epitroni dunno...01:56
mechielull kimchi...01:57
epitronthere's recipes on the itnernet01:57
mechiemy mom is into baking a lot because there's a set recipe to follow01:57
mechiei tend to just skim recipes and play around01:57
epitroni laughed when you told me about the time she didn't have any chocolate chips01:57
epitronand you were like "PFTTT WHATEVER" *mash up candybar*01:57
mechieI HAVE HO CHIPS01:57
mechieWHAT DO I DO01:57
mechieOH NO01:58
mechiemmmmm candy bar cookies01:58
epitrondid i tell you that my aunt works for a chocolate company?01:58
fennyou need an automated generalized recipe markup language01:58
mechiei'd send you some but i think customs would get it01:58
mechiewhich one01:58
epitroneffem foods01:58
mechiedon't know what that is but continue01:58
epitronthey make starburst and skittles and mars and that coconut one01:58
mechieohhhh ok01:59
mechieAlmond Joy?01:59
mechietime to ask pookie01:59
epitroni don't wanna bring pookie in here01:59
epitronhe'd turn into a scientist01:59
mechieahh there it is01:59
mechieit is coconut01:59
mechiealmond joy is similar but just w/ almonds added02:00
epitronit's actually BOUNTY02:00
epitron(i have a big bag of candy that she gave me last time i was at her place)02:00
epitron(what towels?)02:00
mechieoh we have paper towels called Bounty02:01
epitronthat's the one02:01
epitronwe do as well02:01
epitronthere is room for 2 bounties02:01
mechieahhh ok02:01
mechiei've never tried those02:02
epitronthey're good02:02
mechiei'm not big into coconut02:02
epitronit's like ...02:02
mechieunless they're coconut cupcakes02:02
epitronwell, then you're fucked! :)02:02
mechieis it all coconut :(02:02
* epitron <3 coconut02:02
epitronbasically :)02:02
mechie<3 coconut cupcakes02:03
epitronit's a pellet of shredded coconut02:03
epitronwith about a 2mm coating of chocolate02:03
epitronthere are 2 pellets per "bar"02:03
mechieahhh ok02:03
epitronso you don't have to eat it all at once02:03
epitron(if you did, it would be too much coconut)02:03
mechiecuz that'd be disgusting02:03
epitronalso it allows for more chocolate surface area02:03
epitronoh creepy02:07
epitronchevron's new slogan is "human energy"02:07
epitronHELLO MATRIX02:07
mechieI KNOW02:07
epitrondid you see the glofish that kanz posted?02:11
mechiehow could i tell what is what02:11
mechiei have no pookie02:11
mechieo ok02:11
epitronI KNOW!02:11
epitroni know02:11
mechieplus there are a million links02:11
mechieand nothing to filter02:11
mechiei think they sell these in asian stores02:12
epitroni wonder if they die faster02:12
mechiehmmm  i don't know02:13
mechieif i wanted fish i'd try to do saltwater02:13
epitronohh man02:13
mechieoh geez02:13
epitroni love saltwater tanks02:13
mechiei thought there was something wrong w/ my eyes02:14
epitronmy friend daniel had one... it was awesome02:14
mechiethe stupid words on that jar were moving02:14
epitronwow, you ARE out of it02:14
mechieass to eye. ass to eye.02:15
mechieyou friend "had" one02:15
mechiedid they all die :D02:15
epitronwas that a poem? :)02:16
mechiedid the fish die02:16
epitron(my friend moved from montreal to calgary)02:16
epitron(or CAL-GAH-REE as they say)02:16
mechiehow do you say it02:17
mechieoh ok02:17
epitroni can skype you to demonstrate02:17
mechieno it's ok02:17
epitronyou sure?02:17
epitroni'm all ready here02:17
epitronall skyped up02:17
epitronskypin' to the max02:18
mechieyour accent isn't very different from ours02:18
mechieother than some subtle differences02:18
epitroni know, i'm joking :)02:18
mechiei kno02:18
mechiei wanted to make fun of noeld and ub02:18
mechiebut i couldnt :(02:18
mechieso i just make fun of ub's purse.02:18
epitronyou gotta be from the south to do it02:18
epitronsoutherners can tell the difference between canadian and northern US accents02:18
epitronor at least, the one i knew could02:19
mechiewell you do say ou/oo's differently02:19
epitronmaybe she was unique02:19
epitronyeah, that's basically it :)02:19
mechiebut that wasn't big enough for me to make fun of02:19
epitronget those dogs in the HEWS02:19
epitronah well02:19
mechiei like how there are so many diff accents in NYC02:20
epitronyou can always just call us beady-eyed flapping-headed freaks02:20
mechieno that's me :(02:20
epitron(no that's canadians on south park :)02:20
mechie(oh you trash cans)02:20
epitronanyhow, yeah, i liked that about NYC02:20
epitronexcept for the one person who was SCREAMING ON THE NIGHT TRAIN02:20
mechiewas it me02:21
mechiedo you remember which line it was02:21
epitroni dunno are you a gino?02:21
epitroni was going to trenton02:21
mechieto NJ?02:21
mechieyou were on the Path train02:21
epitroni see02:21
mechieNJ Transit Rail road02:21
mechieoh wait i don't think path goes there02:21
mechieit's too far south02:21
epitronit was elevated02:21
mechieyeah i think you were on the railroad02:22
mechiejeremy lives in trenton02:22
mechieit was like a 2 hour ride right?02:22
epitronyou mean, when he's not living in manhattan?02:22
epitroni can't remember02:22
epitronit didn't seem that long02:22
mechiei think him and tom are married by now! jk02:22
epitronthere was a long wait for the train02:22
mechieyou were probably etertained by something02:22
epitronno, i was very annoyed by the drunken idiot02:23
epitroni was trying to read my book02:23
epitronit should've felt loonnngg02:23
mechielots of those around :)02:23
mechieNYC used to be worse02:23
epitronit was 2am on a friday or saturday night02:23
mechieschizos everywhere02:23
mechiethen all the hipsters and yuppies cleaned it up02:23
epitronit could've been 2 hours...02:23
epitronit was awesome to walk through trenton at 4am02:24
mechiemaybe the 2 hours included the wait time...02:24
epitronfrom the train station to the house02:24
mechieyou walked?02:24
epitronnever having visited ny before02:24
epitronyep :D02:24
epitronit was only about 5 blocks02:24
epitroni was told to look out for bloods and crips02:24
mechieoh i have no idea where trenton train station is02:24
mechiedepends which part of trenton02:24
epitronand to not have a red or blue handkerchief on me02:24
mechiei still wore those colors :\02:24
epitronit's on the border between the gang territories02:25
mechiestupid gangs ugh02:25
epitronso what should i name the new bot02:25
epitronsomething nerdy02:26
mechieyou're bringing one here?02:26
epitronlike SirIsaac02:26
mechiemake it really stupid02:26
mechiejust cuz02:26
epitronlike some kinda crazy wackadoo!02:26
epitronehhh fuggedaboutit!02:26
epitronya crazy wackadoo!!02:26
mechieyou say that to me irl and i punch you!02:27
epitronhow about02:27
epitronwhatcha gettin all punchy for02:27
mechiei like to punch02:27
epitronyou some kinda wackadoo or sumthin?02:27
epitroneh tony look at the wackadoo over heauh!02:27
epitronshe thinks she can take me!02:27
mechiei can :(02:27
epitronah ha ha02:27
epitroncome on sweetie show me whatcha got02:28
* mechie kicks epitron in the nads02:28
* mechie kicks epitron in the nads02:28
* mechie kicks epitron in the nads02:28
* epitron collapses02:28
* epitron vomits02:28
mechieit's ok we can get you new ones02:28
mechiestop being a drama queen02:28
epitroncrazzyy.... wacka... doo... *faint*02:28
epitronso names!02:28
epitroni like it02:29
mechiei still call my dog pookie sometimes02:29
epitronmaybe this will fix it02:29
mechieoh god he farted02:29
epitronwe could give it a biology name too02:29
epitronlike MENDEL02:29
mechiei'm in pain02:30
mechiewhere is the gas mask when i need it02:30
epitronso much stink from such a tiny animal02:30
mechie(yes we have such things)02:30
mechieok it passed02:30
mechieMOVING ON.....02:30
mechieSir Pudgie Mendel02:31
epitronChurchill Babington02:32
mechiei don't like the flow!02:32
epitronEmil Adolf von Behring02:33
epitronOtto Fritz Meyerhof02:33
epitronFrederick Grant Banting02:33
mechiemaybe if it sounded more like chocolate02:33
epitronCarl Peter Henrik Dam02:34
epitronEdward Adelbert Doisy02:34
epitronErnst Boris Chain02:34
epitronwhat an awesome name02:34
mechiefor your dog :<02:34
epitronhow about krebs02:34
epitronthat's a good bot name02:34
epitroni think it would grow on us :D02:35
mechiewe could take out our maps and pick something02:35
mechienah too lazy02:35
epitronnah, it should be whimsical02:36
mechielike drug OTC names? XD02:36
epitronthere are so many wacky biology names02:36
epitroni wish i could remember them02:36
mechieyeah i can't remember them anymore02:36
epitronwhere you're sitting in glass, eyes glazed over, then the teacher says a funny word02:36
epitronlike GOLGI BODY02:36
epitronand it sticks02:37
mechieand where everything in chem class looks like a bunch of emoticons02:37
mechieorg chem*02:37
mechiei think people thought i was high02:38
mechieso anyway02:38
mechieTirlenol is cute02:38
epitronthe name or the person02:38
mechieis that the type you wanted?02:38
epitronbut then we'll get nick collisions02:38
epitrontirlas and the bot will fight02:39
mechieoh wait are you changing pookie's name?02:39
epitronno, i'm making a new bot that will absorb all this channel's text :)02:39
mechieoh god i feel sorry for it02:39
epitronhe will have a different personality02:39
mechienow i'm tempted to make it sound retarded02:39
epitroni could call him ecoli02:39
epitronGO FOR IT02:40
epitronstart riffin'02:40
epitronEWW http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Celldeath.jpg02:41
mechiei'm thinking of something... slow moving like a blob02:41
epitron"Incomplete differentiation in two toes (syndactyly) due to lack of apoptosis"02:41
mechieheh my bio teacher wrote books on cell death02:41
epitronok i'm calling him krebs :D02:41
epitronactually, how about just Hans Adolf :)02:43
mechiesounds like an arrogant prick02:43
mechienoooo we have too many of thooseee02:43
mechieunless hans is always wrong02:44
-!- krebs [n=krebs@] has joined #hplusroadmap02:44
-!- krebs [n=krebs@] has quit [Client Quit]02:44
-!- epitron is now known as krebs02:44
krebscrap, someone's got the name02:44
-!- krebs is now known as epitron02:44
-!- mechie is now known as mech0r02:44
epitroneih it'll be ok02:44
-!- krebs [n=krebs@] has joined #hplusroadmap02:44
mech0rFUCKING A02:45
epitronit begins02:45
krebsit begins02:45
krebsit begins02:45
krebsit begins02:45
krebsFUCKING A02:45
krebsHELLO HANS ADOLF KREBS it begins02:46
epitroni love that plugin02:46
krebs[Link Info] title: Bryan Bishop's home page02:46
mech0ri wonder if he'll get irritated02:46
epitronwe can turn it off02:46
mech0rbecause he knows what all the links are already02:47
mech0rcan it do..02:47
epitronhe's not posting them for his own benefit though :)02:47
mech0r!figlet O_O02:47
krebs  ____      ____ 02:47
krebs / __ \    / __ \02:47
krebs/ /_/ /   / /_/ /02:47
krebs\____/____\____/ 02:47
krebs     /___/       02:47
epitron!figlet YESSS02:47
krebs__  __ ____ ____ ____ ____02:47
krebs\ \/ // __// __// __// __/02:47
krebs \  // _/ _\ \ _\ \ _\ \  02:47
krebs /_//___//___//___//___/  02:47
krebs                          02:47
mech0r!figlet <302:47
krebs  __   ____02:47
krebs / /  |_  /02:47
krebs< <  _/_ < 02:47
krebs \_\/____/ 02:47
krebs           02:47
mech0rno that looks like something else! you fail!02:48
epitronit looks like a 3 with a bow02:48
mech0rwhich somehow reminds me02:49
mech0ri want to make something ridiculous out of wood02:49
epitronhow aobut little hula dancers02:51
epitronwood gas mask?02:51
epitroni give up :D02:51
mech0ri know me too02:52
mech0ri look at inhabitat again02:52
epitronwood stove!02:52
mech0rsome guy made a bench out of tennis balls02:52
epitronmake a tennis ball out of a bench02:52
mech0rdoesn't sound very bouncy02:52
epitronmake it out of rubber plants02:53
epitronrubber bench!02:53
epitron(i think i'm losing it now too)02:53
mech0r(it's late)02:53
epitron((whoa it's monday))02:53
mech0ryou didn't take your pills?02:53
mech0ri have work.02:53
epitron(((where were you digital watch!!!)))02:53
epitronmeh, i don't have to get up early02:54
mech0ri do02:54
epitroni don't need to take sleeping pills :)02:54
epitronyou know what i thought was silly02:54
epitronover the counter sleeping pills are just antihistamines02:54
mech0rme cutting off zoner's leg.02:54
mech0rlike benadryl?02:54
epitroni dunno :)02:54
epitronit's the same stuff though02:54
epitroni looked it up02:54
mech0rdrugs r such a scam02:55
mech0rthere were no major breakthrough really02:55
mech0rjust a reboxing of everything02:55
epitrondid you ever see Brain Candy?02:55
epitronthat's great02:55
mech0rIS IT02:55
epitronit's the Kids in the Hall movie02:55
epitronit's about drug companies02:55
mech0rdid they somehow mke drug companies seem interesting02:56
epitronyep :D02:56
epitronit was about the people at the top02:56
epitronthe crazy rich bastards02:56
mech0rtoo much about profit02:57
epitronanyhow, i won't tell you any more02:57
epitronit's wacky02:57
krebs[Link Info] title: brain candy torrent search02:57
mech0rdamn i ran out of room02:57
mech0ri'll save it02:57
mech0rthe link02:58
epitronsayonara, anime!02:58
mech0ri've deleted like almost all of it from laptop02:58
mech0rif i was on my pc it wouldn't matter02:58
epitronman i wanna see this movie again02:58
mech0rbrain candy eh02:59
mech0rtime to imdb02:59
mech0ri'm sleepy now03:00
epitrononly one cure for that03:01
mech0r5 cans of coke03:01
epitronYou know what you must do.03:01
epitron!topic add krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help03:07
krebsepitron, you don't have 'topic' permissions here03:07
epitronoops :D03:07
epitron!topic add krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help03:08
-!- krebs changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Self-replication | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help03:08
mech0rif it DOESN'T WORK03:09
mech0rYOUR BOT IS DUMB03:09
epitronthat's only true when it's tmrd's bot :D03:10
mech0rhaha :D03:11
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:21
kanzureHey krebs.07:21
kanzureRuby bot?07:21
kanzurehttp://biopunk.org/ emailed me07:28
krebs[Link Info] title: Biopunk.org - Index page07:28
krebs[Link Info] title: DNATube.com Scientific Video Site07:38
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]08:01
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:41
krebshelp topics: 6 core modules: auth, basics, config, httputil, remote, userdata; 73 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, azgame, babel, bans, bash, cal, chanserv, chucknorris, debug, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, dict, digg, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, figlet, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, grouphug, hl2, host, imdb, insult, iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, lastfm, linkbot, markov, math, modes, nickserv, q, quiz, quote, reaction, realm, remind,17:42
krebsremotectl, ri, roshambo, rot, roulette, rss, salut, script, search, seen, shiritori, shortenurls, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, time, topic, translator, tube, twitter, unicode, urban, url, usermodes, weather, wheeloffortune, wserver; 1 plugin ignored: use help ignored plugins to see why; 2 plugins failed to load: use help failed plugins to see why (help <topic> for more info)17:42
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Skdb#File_format17:52
krebs[Link Info] title: Societal engineering knowledge database - Biohack17:52
kanzureepitron: You around?17:54
kanzureAnissimov might need some emergency hosting.17:55
epitronohm, sure18:03
epitronwhat's he need hosted?18:03
kanzureAnissimov 18:04
kanzurehe was on the front page of digg18:04
epitronwell, give me some more info 18:26
epitronor maybe tell him to talk to me :)18:26
epitroni can't seem to find him on digg either18:27
epitronyou wanna give me some hints?18:27
kanzureah, he says everything is okay18:27
epitronok :)18:27
epitroncan you give me the link to his thing? I'm curious what this is now :)18:28
kanzurewell, it's down18:28
krebs[Link Info] title: Accelerating Future18:28
epitronprobem SOLEVD18:28
epitronwhich article was dugg?18:29
kanzureit was obviously something in 200818:32
kanzureso I don't know18:32
kanzurethat may have been it18:38
krebs[Link Info] title: Digg - 10 Futuristic Materials18:38
fennnot in archive18:54
krebs[Link Info] title: 1_gigabyte_is_so_much_less_manly_today.jpg :: Funtarded!19:04
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]20:05
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:11
-!- mech0r [n=DION102@cpe-74-73-121-30.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit ["[04:12] <meK3> go fuck opt [04:12] <[TOP]kotton> i will [04:12] <[TOP]kotton> now [04:12] <[TOP]kotton> we can go all night me"]20:22
-!- Nevermore [n=nevermor@] has joined #hplusroadmap20:54
-!- Nevermore [n=nevermor@] has left #hplusroadmap []20:54
kanzurewho was Nevermore?20:57
-!- Aulere [n=nevermor@] has joined #hplusroadmap21:05
-!- drazak [i=drazak@drazak.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:19
kanzureWelcome drazak.21:19
kanzurecheck the /topic21:19
* drazak waves21:19
-!- BDrago1 [n=noah@ip68-14-89-105.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:24
kanzureHey Noah.21:24
kanzurePlease stick around.21:24
BDrago1Hi. I shall. 21:24
-!- BDrago1 is now known as Noahj21:24
kanzurerecent topics of interest are in the /topic21:24
kanzureNoah and I go way back, a year at least21:26
NoahjYeah, although I still haven't caught up  21:26
NoahjRight now I'm putting a piezo on my throat and overmodulating it to make music, also, I'm compiling the cvs version of gnuitar to do guitar effects. With the ultimate goal of doing a guitar solo with my throat. I don't know if that's cyborgy enough to qualify mentioning on this channel, though.21:27
kanzuremaybe if you speak in Taylor polynomials it'll be cyborgy enough21:28
NoahjHmm, I think I'd have to be using the piezo as a speaker for that 21:31
NoahjWhat do these have to do with cyborgs? 21:32
kanzureyanking your chain21:32
NoahjAh. Well... that's, uh, a good way to flush a toilet if the thing on the side is broken, I guess. 21:33
NoahjI feel like I've stopped an important discussion or something 21:36
NoahjBut I guess on this channel most people are probably distracted by their tRMS machines or whatever 21:36
kanzureI'm off talking with drazak, waiting for fenn to get back online so that we can discuss the updates to the skdb article I threw together,21:37
kanzureAulere is off studying for psych, epitron is doing who knows who, Enki-2 is conversing in #wrongplanet, and krebs is a bot21:37
* drazak is conversing, and reading the calc book21:37
kanzurecal book21:38
kanzurecalc = calculator21:38
kanzurecal = calculus21:38
Aulerecog neuro actually, but yeah 21:39
NoahjCa = California and CA = Cellular Automata? 21:39
NoahjExcept Ca's probably also an element 21:39
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Skdb please check out the big giant paragraphs - I think I've narrowed down some ideas21:39
NoahjCalcium. 21:39
krebs[Link Info] title: Societal engineering knowledge database - Biohack21:39
kanzurebut please excuse the massive paragraph structure21:39
drazakCA is calcium21:40
drazak45.5 formula weight21:40
drazak23? atomic number21:40
Noahj20, I thought 21:41
NoahjAnyway, Ca is calcium 21:41
NoahjCA is cellular automata I hope. But it gets ambiguous... 21:41
fenni'm playing with 'phun'.. if you throw enough stupidity at a problem it begins to look quite biological: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/phun.png21:41
krebs[Link Info] type: image/png, size: 263,410 bytes21:41
NoahjHey, I just installed that today 21:41
NoahjBut I can't use it because of proprietary nvidia drivers not working unless I've got kernel sources that match my current kernel 21:42
kanzure-- without my influence, fenn, I did no linking to Noah21:42
NoahjAnd I installed a binary kernel because I'm lazy 21:42
drazakew, binary kernels21:42
NoahjYeah, yeah 21:42
NoahjI ought to recompile. I will. 21:42
drazakmmmm gentoo (not genkernel, genkernel is shit)21:42
Noahjyeah, sabayon is worse though 21:42
drazaksabayon is a POS21:43
NoahjSabayon is like genkernel to the whateverth 21:43
NoahjYeah. Well. I've learned that the hard way.21:43
NoahjDebian sucks on this machine so I figured I'd install gentoo, but I didn't have two months 21:43
fennkanzure: synthetic serendipity?21:43
kanzurefenn: hm?21:43
drazakdebian is nice on servers21:44
NoahjSerendipity? What? Is this peacefulness or a CMS?21:44
NoahjDebian is nice on old machines, too 21:44
NoahjIt's annoying to have to compile everything 21:44
drazak(or Serendipity the chocolate parlor?)21:44
drazakgentoo is nice too, if you do distcc21:44
fennserendipity is fortuitous coincidence21:44
NoahjYeah, synthetic chocolate? 21:44
NoahjDistcc? 21:44
NoahjOh, yeah, serenity is peacefulness. I always get those messed up. 21:45
drazakdistributed c compiler21:45
kanzurefenn: how so? (not your last message)21:45
NoahjOh, right, I heard about that a couple years back 21:45
drazakit's a gcc/g++ extension, it allows compilation over the network21:45
NoahjWhere would I distribute it to, though? 21:45
NoahjI've got no cluster to speak of 21:45
drazakjust another machine21:45
NoahjWell, none at all. If I did have one, though, I probably wouldn't speak of it :-D 21:45
kanzureNoah. You get free machines from MIT.21:45
NoahjYeah, gentoo is slow on all my machines 21:46
drazakyou can add lots of machines, all they need to do is run a distcc compiler21:46
drazakThen you did gentoo wrong :P21:46
NoahjWell, yeah, there was that one. But my father took it to do lawyerly stuff on 21:46
drazakwhat WM?21:46
NoahjIon. Well. I used to use ion. 21:46
NoahjBefore the guy who wrote it went loco. 21:46
* drazak uses fluxbox21:46
drazakwhich is very minimal21:46
NoahjYeah, I'm on fluxbox now 21:46
NoahjYeah, but fluxbox is annoying. It uses windows and not tabs. 21:46
NoahjWmii is nice. 21:46
drazakalthought it doesn't have all the... WMIMPC? compliance hooks21:47
NoahjAnyway yeah, mostly compiling X takes a lot of time 21:47
drazakI wouldn't mind giving my fluxbox a little eyecandy, with compiz-fusion21:47
NoahjI go through eyecandy phases 21:47
kanzureEnki-2: now would be a good time to jump in with your xu88 stuff for these two21:47
fennkanzure: ew, natural language specifications, suck21:47
Noahjxu88? 21:47
kanzurefenn: unfortunately that's how papers are published21:47
fennkanzure: that's what we're trying to get away from21:47
drazakNoahj: I sort of like the zoom in thing21:47
kanzurefenn: that's how we've been collecting all of our data21:47
drazaksome of my monitors go up to 2048x153621:48
kanzurefenn: it's just tagging and ontologies21:48
drazakand it'd be nice to be able to have all of that real estate, and still be able to read21:48
kanzurefenn: we need multiple "approach ontologies" for the content21:48
NoahjI made a theme that made KDE look like windows media centre, back when such things were hip 21:48
NoahjWhoa, that's severly high-res 21:48
NoahjI also used to use enlightenment. Which is essentially fluxbox with eyecandy. 21:48
kanzurefenn: I guess you're right.21:48
fennkanzure: a "readme" is okay, but it shouldnt be the source code too21:48
drazake11 is niceish21:48
NoahjI used to glue monitors together and use xinerama 21:48
Noahje17 is much better 21:49
Noahje...11? 21:49
NoahjI thought the first one was, like, 15 21:49
kanzurefenn: but I do not see the necessity of automating it all, actually. That's the only reason to move away from natural-lang-desc, right?21:49
NoahjWhat's this natural language thing? It sounds important. 21:49
kanzureNoahj: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Skdb21:49
krebs[Link Info] title: Societal engineering knowledge database - Biohack21:49
krebs[Link Info] type: image/jpeg, size: 460,390 bytes21:49
kanzureCPAN/apt for engineering and knowledge in general21:49
drazakmy favourite poster :D21:49
kanzureinstead of just software21:49
drazakNoahj: http://drazak.net/misc/pics/dcao0066.jpg is that monitor, it's 19"21:50
krebs[Link Info] type: image/jpeg, size: 465,648 bytes21:50
kanzurefenn: we have to decide if this just has to be the CPAN/aptitude equivalent for more than software, or if we want the hardcore automation for finding the self-replicators21:51
drazakNoahj: but uhm, I used enlightenment when I was helping the fork of the Arcane linux project, which lasted for all of 6 months(the fork, called Divine), as it came already compiled21:51
fenna lot of scientific and engineering papers dont give you all the information, they just summarize what they did21:51
kanzureI guess ultimately they are always modeling21:51
kanzureso the trick is to translate the models into the right format21:51
fennor handwave away the source code because of whatever reason21:51
kanzure"reminder: write code here"21:51
drazakNoahj: my servers are in that picture too, haha, and the KVM21:51
kanzureokay, so then I forsee two splits21:52
kanzure(1) the formalized knowledge, automated and encoded as software and various queryable datasets21:52
kanzure(2) the knowledge stuff, see my AutoScholar ref in those paragraphs21:52
NoahjNice keyboard21:52
kanzurenot a split21:52
fenni want it to be automated or at least 'processable' otherwise it's just wikipedia or hobbycircuits.com21:52
kanzurebut it's the same system21:52
kanzurefenn: true enough21:52
NoahjIs that a model M?21:52
kanzureyes, it's an M21:52
kanzureI asked that same damn question21:52
drazakNoahj: yeah, kanzure's already lusting over it21:52
NoahjIs it dvorak? 21:52
drazakI have 4 of them, too21:52
NoahjI think I have one of those somewhere 21:53
drazakI might rearrange one for Dvorak though21:53
NoahjI'm just too lazy to do anything about it21:53
drazakall of those have the keyheads that pop off21:53
NoahjIt's very similar to the keyboard on my portable 8088 21:53
NoahjWhich, one of these days, is going to be useful. I swear it on my pretty floral bonnet. 21:54
kanzurefenn: okay, so it's a way to digest wikipedia and the rest of the knowledge bases (KBs) out there -- so we can queue up information per various topics, then let our programmers (i.e., us) go over it and formalize it21:54
fenni dont see the difference, actually21:54
kanzurewell, I want to do something like21:54
kanzureapt-get install graphene-physics21:54
kanzureand then apt-get install graphene-simulators21:54
kanzureor something21:54
kanzurewhere we can do apt-cache search graphene21:54
kanzureand get back a list of ontologies related to graphene software21:54
drazakew apt!21:54
fennthat's just plain debian21:54
kanzurebut I'm giving an example :)21:55
fennit should already work, provided you have the software21:55
kanzurebut the difference is category organizations I think21:55
NoahjHeh 21:55
kanzureplus a distinction between processable data of the sort you are talking about21:55
kanzureand knowledge packages21:55
kanzurelike the zips I keep on my site for later processing21:55
kanzurebtw, Noah and drazak - I have various zips on my server spread out all over the place on CNTs, brain implants, synthetic biology, longevity science, take your pick and I have something21:56
fennthere could be different levels of 'processibility'21:56
drazakkanzure: maybe later21:56
kanzurehuman processibility would be the knowledge-base stuff21:56
kanzureand then computer stuff is obvious21:56
kanzureI like that21:56
fenni.e. one is all natural language, straight from the webpage or journal21:56
kanzureright, with links to the next level down21:56
fenntwo is related to other packages in the db21:56
kanzurefor people to follow and engineer new stuff if they want to21:56
fennthree is basic units and physical properties21:56
kanzurethis sounds like namespaces on the wiki21:56
fennfour is semantic/specialized units21:56
kanzureeven if one layer fails21:57
kanzurethe others will still work21:57
kanzureso stuff can still be made and so on21:57
fennfive is simulated and auto-analyzed?21:57
kanzureand the system will still be useful21:57
kanzureif that is five, then five is debug stuff / logs of processing ?21:57
kanzureincluding human todo lists of the content?21:58
kanzureone useful namespace would be a todo/workspace / scratchpad21:58
fennoutput of simulations, automatic, no human intervention21:58
kanzuresimulation output should be local, i.e. whoever the programmer is21:58
kanzurenot on the server, although server daemons can take requests - sure21:58
fenni guess21:58
fennit's just data, it doesnt matter where you do the simulations21:58
fennphun does weird stuff to your brain.. makes all the words bounce off the sides of the window and ideas bounce around in your brain21:59
kanzureso each namespace would have its own XML/wiki-like fileformat specs?21:59
kanzure(wiki-namespace, that is)22:00
kanzuredo we want those to be our finalized layers?22:00
fennyea each specialized code module would have an XML DTD (or whatever's fashionable these days)22:00
kanzureis DTD anything like BNF?22:00
drazakI'm going to go off for the night22:00
kanzureg'night drazak22:00
kanzurenice meeting you22:00
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]22:00
fennnot really, it's less of a grammar, more format22:00
fenni dont really know much about it actually22:01
kanzureme either22:01
kanzureI just know that w3c is under intense ping fire22:01
kanzurefrom people requesting the DTD for each page load22:01
fennwell that's dumb22:01
kanzuremaybe in the last 3 seconds it's changed!22:02
fenneverything should be bittorrent by now sheesh22:02
fennlike, apache3 mod_torrent22:03
fennevery hosted file becomes a torrent22:03
kanzureEnki-2 has some thoughts on this22:03
kanzurebut on the other hand I thought you were joking22:03
kanzurethere's no reason to do DTD requests on each page load22:03
kanzurejust cache it once22:03
kanzureit's not changing ;)22:03
fennwhy would a DTD be on w3c server anyway?22:04
kanzurethey do HTML definition stuff22:04
kanzureTim Berners-Lee et al22:04
fennok, so real basic stuff22:04
krebsit's just tagging and ontologies22:05
krebsi might rearrange one for Dvorak though22:05
krebsTim Berners-Lee et al22:05
epitronhe's learning22:05
fennargh kill it!22:06
epitron!chat about i think22:06
krebsi think I've narrowed down some ideas22:06
epitron!chat about i think22:06
krebsi think I have 4 of them, too22:06
epitron!chat about i think22:06
krebsi think I'd have to be the source code too22:06
epitron!chat about i think22:06
krebsi think I'd have to be our finalized layers?22:06
fenn!chat about epitron22:06
krebsincorrect usage, ask for help using 'krebs: help chat'22:06
epitron!chuck 822:06
krebsChuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. [score=8.319]22:06
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:06
fennstupid bot22:06
epitronmust you knock everything fenn?22:06
epitrongo get some antidepressants or something22:07
kanzureyou still play around with bots?22:07
epitronno, i just find them handy tools22:07
epitronfor example22:07
epitron!urls search fenn22:07
krebs[2008/04/07 18:41:38] <fenn> http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/phun.png22:07
epitron!google the meaning of life22:07
krebsResults for the meaning of life: 1. Meaning of life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meaning_of_life | 2. The Meaning of Life (1983): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085959/ | 3. The Meaning of Life: Intro: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/06/the-meaning-of-life-intro/22:07
fenn*cough irc client cough*22:07
kanzurefenn: heh22:08
epitronfenn: what if you close it?22:08
epitronor login from school?22:08
epitronor you want to show another person on irc a link? 22:08
kanzuressh into your client22:08
epitronit's there if you need it22:08
kanzurenot to spam us though :)22:08
epitronyes, spamming is bad :)22:09
epitroni just wanted to demonstrate22:09
fenncan you at least turn off the link title "feature"?22:09
epitronif you guys don't want that, it's toggleable22:09
epitroni find it useful22:09
kanzurethat's only because you don't visit links :)22:09
epitrondo you want it disabled kanz?22:09
epitronso i take that as an implicit yes22:11
kanzurefenn: do you want to set a target date for formal specifications? If I have the concepts down, I can go off to write them. Don't know if everything is crystal clear yet. you?22:11
fennkanzure: http://slip.sourceforge.net/22:11
krebs[Link Info] 22:11
kanzurethat looks interesting22:12
kanzuredoes this mean I have to learn python? :)22:12
fennit's easy and readable and general22:12
fennit's xml, not python22:12
epitron!config set url.display_link_info 022:12
krebsokay then :)22:12
fennbut learning python would be a good thing i think22:12
epitronpython is a piece of piss to learn22:12
epitronit took me an hour22:12
epitronthe language is so simple :)22:13
kanzureI still have to go searching through the docs from time to time22:13
kanzurethere are some little quirks that I am not familiar with22:13
epitronwell, i can help22:13
kanzurerather important ones, I might add22:13
epitroni know it quite well22:13
epitroni'm also familiar with many standard libraries :)22:14
kanzurefenn: so you think that's a good implementation for the units namespace?22:14
epitronand handy language features22:14
kanzureI guess we want to distinguish classes of units versus instances of units22:14
kanzureor would we just tag it {{Category:it's this class}} ?22:15
kanzureansewr is no, but I'm getting my neurons to fire22:15
fenni spose you could do module.class or class.method or something22:15
kanzurewe need include statements22:15
fennnot really22:15
kanzurewhat's the alternative22:15
kanzureI guess all units are specifying themselves22:16
kanzureand shouldn't rely on others?22:16
kanzurebut there are different ways to interpret units, IIRC22:16
fennif special units always include the module name then you can just load the modules listed in the file22:16
kanzurefor example, energy can be joules and other forms22:16
fennthe standard physical units cover a lot of ground22:17
kanzuregood point22:17
kanzurethere's no reason to not use the direct units anyway22:17
kanzureno 'meta-units' that are just simplified packages22:18
kanzureerm, that are just encapsulations22:18
kanzureor if we do allow encapsulations, it's easy to specify them with a #REDIRECT22:18
fenncould you explain that so i know what you're talking about?22:18
fennan example22:18
epitronwhat are you guys trying to create an ontology for?22:18
kanzureunit: Newtons22:18
fennbuilding stuff22:18
epitronso, all physical matter?22:18
kanzureNewtons are really just kilograms * m/sec^222:18
kanzurebut yet they are a unit22:19
fennepitron: it's starting to look that way22:19
kanzureepitron: we hope to not go in circles22:19
epitroni think cyc has that already22:19
epitronalong with ai rules22:19
epitronyou could leverage that22:19
epitron(i have a research copy of cyc somewhere)22:19
kanzurethat's a "common sense" database22:19
epitronright, but it's also extendable with predicates :)22:20
fennlast time i looked at cyc it didnt make any sense to me22:20
epitronand it can do processing22:20
epitronfenn: check out doug lenat's google tech talk22:20
kanzureEnki-2 might suggest predicate logic via prolog22:20
epitronfenn: their website is confusing22:20
epitronprolog is kinda brute force22:20
kanzurethis is a brute force project ;)22:21
epitroni don't think people use prolog for large problem spaces22:21
epitronright but it's also incredibly huge in scope22:21
kanzurefenn: it's okay, problems will just show up as we go22:21
kanzureso as long as our software base is extendable we're ok22:21
epitronyou can't use a brute force algorithm... it'll take eons22:21
kanzurethe Newton = kg * m/sec^2 problem is not much of one22:21
fennprolog eh.. that's like java isnt it22:21
kanzureis it?22:21
epitronit's nothing like java22:22
fenni mean, its a crappy language that they use in universities and standards bodies22:22
kanzureat least it doesn't blow sun up your ass22:22
kanzureor maybe it does- I've never used it22:22
kanzuredoes Sun have an influence on prolog?22:22
epitronit's a languge for specifying logical constraints, then giving you particular solutions 22:22
epitronit's what oldschool AI people thought AI would be22:23
epitronuntil they realized how intractible real world problems are when specified like that22:23
epitronkanzure: prolog is an academic language22:23
fennhmm ok22:23
epitronpeople use it for problems that require that kind of programming22:23
epitronbut usually the problems can't be very big22:23
fennwhy is it limited to small programs/22:24
epitronand if it's a common problem, people also usually reimplement the problem solver in another language and sell that22:24
epitron(like scheduling problems)22:24
epitronfenn: because it has to enumerate all possible states of your logical system22:24
epitronit's like O(n!) or something :)22:25
fennwhy dont they use lazy evaluation then!22:25
epitronwhere n is the number of binary variables22:25
epitronuhmmm.. because it's not a functional language22:25
epitronit can optimize by caching previous states22:25
epitronbut that doesn't help with states that aren't dependant on previous ones22:26
epitronalso, it's usually not worth it to cache anything22:26
epitronbecause you'd blow out your RAM pretty fast22:26
epitroni'm sure there are more advanced logic solvers that use fancy optimization techniques to prune search space22:27
epitronbut pure logic is limited22:27
epitronpure logical systems don't exist in nature... (except maybe at the lowest level)22:28
epitron(but to simulate the universe from the lowest level, you'd need an insanely powerful computer)22:28
epitron(basically you'd need another universe)22:29
fennwell, prolog is something, but i dont think its worth using22:30
epitronme either22:30
epitroni recommended cyc :)22:30
fenni'm watching the google talk.. well listening to it22:30
epitroni'm not sure you want to use the cyc inference engine, but their ontology seems quite well thought out22:31
fenni bet cyc has a symbol grounding problem22:31
epitronat the least it would be good to yank data out of22:31
epitronwhat's a symbol grounding problem22:31
epitronnevermind, reading wikipedia22:32
fennjust a big blob of words22:32
kanzurewe don't need just one ontology, epitron22:32
epitronyeah, it's more than that. it has relations22:32
kanzuremany ontologies22:32
kanzuremany approaches22:32
kanzuremany ways to find what you are looking for22:33
kanzurewhile an overall search engine of all of the content would, of course, also be included22:33
epitroni guess i have to read your crazy wiki page. hold on.22:33
fennno, i mean the words are related to each other, but it doesnt know what a square looks like, or how to build a bridge22:33
epitronright, but any AI would benefit hugely from something like cyc22:34
fennyes of course22:34
fenn(if it works)22:34
epitronit's a shortcut to learning all the common-sense knowledge that it takes us the first 4 years of our lives to learn :)22:34
epitronkanzure: this wiki page is kinda confusing22:37
fennanother thing, not sure if its a problem, is that humans use categories, not strict logical relations22:37
epitron"the idea is to come up with as much social knowledge as possible (stuff that can't be derived from first principles on the spot) and then connect all of the components together and fish out the Hamiltonian paths."22:38
epitronwhat's social knowledge? :)22:38
fenncategories are a lot more fuzzy error resistant22:38
epitronfuzzy categories are fuzzy22:38
epitrontight categories are not :)22:38
fennepitron: social knowledge is knowledge spread throughout a society22:38
epitronit all depends on how you define their boundaries22:38
fenni'm pretty sure all categories are fuzzy22:39
epitronwhat about the category of all people who are exactly 5 feet tall22:39
epitronwithout shoes22:39
fennthat's not a category22:39
epitronwhen they wake up22:39
epitronwhy isn't that a category?22:39
epitron  category22:40
epitron       n 1: a collection of things sharing a common attribute; "there22:40
epitron            are two classes of detergents" [syn: {class}, {family}]22:40
epitronanyhow this is off the point22:40
epitronhow is societal knowledge different from "stuff that can't be derived from first principles"?22:40
epitronyou just mean, things that require experience?22:40
fennsome societal knowledge can be derived from mathematics22:41
fennbut then you have to derive it22:41
fenni'm not interested in deriving things, because it's so hard to prove that it's right without actually testing it out22:42
fennit might be useful later on though22:42
fennthere's a lot of 'probably's in cyc's output, i'd like to explicitly specify those assertions22:44
epitronso by societal knowledge, you just mean knowledge?22:44
fennyeah pretty much22:45
fennbut it will be used by a disparate group of users22:45
epitronso this is some kind of collaborate knowledge system22:46
fennpeople who dont necessarily know each other or have the same focus and goals22:46
epitroni think the wiki page would be better if it didn't talk about implementation before it's described the goals :)22:47
fennum, it does22:48
-!- Noahj [n=noah@ip68-14-89-105.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:50
epitron"The societal engineering knowledge database (skdb) is kind of like aptitude, yum, CPAN, rpm, etc., in that it hosts modules (blackboxes) for projects, whether digital or physical."22:52
epitronthat's implementation22:52
fennok maybe not22:52
epitronyou guys are attemping to solve a pretty difficult problem by yourselves22:52
epitronyou should probably try to combine your efforts with other people who are trying to do the same thing22:53
fennjeez this guy throws some AI jargon around like there's no tomorrow23:01
fenn"a small number of what we call sibling disjoint assertions in the knowledge base take the place of billions of class level disjointness assertions and hundreds of trillions of instance level non-set membership assertions"23:02
kanzureepitron: yes, the wiki page needs more work. I learned about OSCOMAK or whatever yesterday, and knew it was the same thing, but then realized that the wiki page didn't make this clear.23:17
kanzureepitron: also, there may be a better introduction on the self-replication page that describes the goals23:18
kanzureremember the idea about fishing out Hamiltonian cycles to find self-replicators?23:19
kanzureI remember you not being interested in that23:19
kanzureso that's probably why you don't remember.23:19
epitroni'm not interested in the technical details until i know what the point is :)23:19
epitronthat's all23:19
kanzureI've already told you the point23:19
kanzureyou're still disinterested23:19
epitronok :)23:19
epitronit's not that it's not cool23:19
epitroni just don't care about the nitty gritty23:19
epitronjust like you probably don't care about the nitty gritty of whtaever weird esoteric thing i find intersting23:20
kanzurenope, remember I have my Infinite Motivator Drive.23:20
epitroni'm sure i can run it down :)23:20
Aulereepitron: have you *seen* heybryan.org? I wouldn't be so sure ;-)23:26
kanzureno, he hasn't23:27
kanzurehe doesn't click on links.23:27
epitronkanzure: i do click on your links23:38
epitronthen i am confronted with a confounding mess of details23:38
epitronand i close them23:39
epitronsome of the pages are good... i can tell what it's about by the Table of Contents23:39
epitronbut there's generally no introduction or summary23:39
epitroni mean, i'm not saying it should be different...23:40
epitronif you're working on something on the cutting edge, it has to be a mess first23:40
epitronyou organize it and figure out the underlying coherent structure as you go along23:40
epitronbut i don't wanna read it23:40
kanzureI did a quick speed-post over at the Slashdot article on RepRap23:58

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