
--- Day changed Tue Apr 15 2008
-!- Jarocks [n=Jarocks@c-68-80-219-150.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:36
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-!- Jarocks [n=Jarocks@c-68-80-219-150.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #hplusroadmap []14:39
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-!- Splicer [n=p@h162n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:16
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:44
kanzureHi Splicer. 17:52
Splicer..yeah, not gonna read that one.. maybe I have ADHD17:53
kanzure*I* am the one with ADHD.17:55
Spliceryou have the opposite17:56
SplicerI read skimmed some of the ideonomy papers today17:57
kanzureI have some pretty powerful ADHD, my friend.17:57
kanzureDid you like ideonomy stuff?17:57
Splicerhmm... i liked the introduction.. a lot, extremely well written piece17:58
kanzureYes. I talked with Gunkel a month ago when David Dalrymple (he came in here a few weeks ago to explain to us the computational complexity classes) pointed him out. I saw that Gunkel might have been in Austin, so I emailed him and asked if I could get him a lunch sometime. He replied back, we talked a little, he's completely done with ideonomy, too intense for his tastes.17:59
Spliceri never really understood how it would be related to math... to me it seemed to be about organizing things, very subjective, like an iq test or something18:00
Spliceri mean, the thing begins with defining what thing goes where, and that's dependant on that one already somehow know it18:02
kanzureMathematics and organization go together - that's how we have so many mathematical structures, as well as datastructs in our programming libraries.18:02
Spliceryeah, but isn´t the big task finding the right categories and ordering those?18:03
Splicerthe philosoper who uses it, ken wilber, he organizes societies according to colors18:04
kanzureThe 'right' ones? :)18:04
Splicersafe colors18:05
Spliceri kinda like memetics, organizing is not my kink18:07
kanzureYou seem to make arbitrary distinctions where none exist. It's not about organizing things, but rather combinatorics, and to do combinatorics you need to be able to do lists of things; so if you recursively go through the list, then you can assume you have saturated the structs. 18:08
kanzureIf you find you missed a piece, you go back and add it. But then you need computers to rebuild the rest, else that's *tons* of manual work. That's what impressed me about Gunkel. I was *sure* that he had overcame the overhead problem.18:08
kanzurefenn: I'd like you to take a look at that PDF.18:12
Spliceri didn´t read that far... but isn´t what you are describing about organizing? and the reason for the importance of organizing.. as oposed to memetics which is about how an idea is tansmitted and how it evolves18:13
kanzureMemetics is more than how the idea is transmitted, it's also about the 'monster' (meme) while inside the brain.18:14
Spliceryeah, that's what intrests me, the autopsy isn´t that interesting18:15
Splicersocieties by color: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_Dynamics18:15
kanzuresounds like a weird name to name it18:16
kanzurefirst few sentences seem to check out18:16
-!- Insanity3 [n=Anon754@d54C0A1F3.access.telenet.be] has joined #hplusroadmap19:01
Insanity3Hi kanzure sent me here saying there are other people interested in Henry Markram's research19:02
fennSplicer: the categorization scheme is called an ontology19:12
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fennso gunkel is over ideonomics, what does he do?19:14
fennfrom what i read it seemed to entirely consume his life19:14
fennSplicer: if you admit that there's an objective reality, then there are questions that can be asked about that reality, and answers to the questions19:15
fennhm. spiral dynamics seems rather muddled and doesnt say a lot19:20
Spliceri think you´re absolutely right19:21
Splicerit's an example to me that the categorisations become subjective19:22
kanzurefenn: it looks like some basic ideas from the first few sentences that I read. 19:23
fenni think most philosophers are not familiar enough with game theory to point at a particular strategy and say "this is green" or whatever19:23
fennsure, memes, value systems in moral relativism19:23
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/docs/Intense_world_syndrome.pdf <-- read this.19:23
fennthere was a UN survey on value systems by country, and correlated various value systems with declared happiness19:24
fennthey have autistic rats?19:26
Splicerfenn: So has anyone solved it? if the basedata is subjective, appying math to it won´t make science. 19:26
fennSplicer: no, i'm saying the value systems are objective, and you can find the mathematics behind them if you study game theory19:27
Splicerit all becomes mussy as you say, like this: http://ideonomy.mit.edu/mapsandlists-set1/pic016.html19:27
Splicerwhat do you mean by value system?19:28
fennactually, my brain made that last sentence up19:28
fenni disclaim all responsibility for it!19:28
fennvalue system = vMeme of spiral dynamics19:29
Splicerhehe.. i usually say 'I take it back and claim the opposite'19:29
fennits basically your philosophy behind life, which memes can flourish in you19:29
Spliceryeah, it's subjetive19:29
fennbut anyway, with ideonomics, there might be multiple ontologies talking about the same objective reality19:29
fennit can be hard to stick to one ontology sometimes19:30
Spliceri think you´re right19:30
fennif we had a theory of everything, well, maybe you could use it for everything, but maybe not19:30
* Splicer is waiting for the singularity19:31
Splicer*tap* *tap' *tap*19:31
kanzureSplicer: I am working as fast as I can. I'll try to go faster.19:31
fennyou have to admit it's a clever map19:31
fenner, diagram19:31
kanzure"The map is not the territory" - thus emphasis on 'clever'19:32
kanzureand i.e. mapmaking as an art and science19:32
kanzurethus my maps of the internet.19:32
Splicerit's a good saying that "The map is not the territory"19:33
Splicer(except in math)19:33
kanzureNope, in math you get to study maps, like in topology, set theory, category theory, graph theory, topos, number theory, ...19:34
Spliceri love the concept of memespaces19:35
fennwhat is a memespace?19:35
Splicerthe collection of memes that make out a piece of territory19:35
fennare you sure that isnt a meme complex?19:36
fennfrom what i gather, memespace is the set of all possible memes19:38
Splicerhmm. according to wikipedia i think yes19:38
Spliceri've never used it to mean that19:38
fennperhaps you mean something like a local memespace (whatever that might mean)19:40
Splicerwikipedia seems to use both: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memespace19:40
Splicer(n memespace gets twice the hist on google)19:42
* Splicer goes to sleep20:05
-!- Splicer [n=p@h162n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has left #hplusroadmap []20:05
fennkanzure: i dont know 20% of the words in that paper, it just looks like a review article to me20:12
kanzurefenn: the hypothesis suggests what we were discussing last night20:13
kanzurethat autism is intense information processing20:13
kanzurebut this puts those ideas to specific brain structures that have been experimentally confirmed20:13
fennauditory startle - no effect20:14
kanzurein the paper that I linked to?20:14
fennauditory fear generalization - enhanced20:15
fenni dont know what these tests mean20:15
kanzurethey are standards in the experimentalists' community, so it's just a lack of social knowledge here20:16
kanzureI'll go through the list and do a writeup when I get to it20:16
kanzureI have some blog posts to read over from an individual I picked up from #wrongplanet -- it's a good place to find individuals from time to time, but you really just have to get in and out and be done with it20:16
fenndunno if you've ever read this, but i liked it20:19
kanzuregrr, I need more Bayes20:24
fennhe had a nice explanation about an AI in a computer with a monitor and a light sensor..20:31
fenni cant seem to find it20:32
kanzureheh, I'd rather go to the source of Eliezer's understanding of Bayes20:33
kanzureI'm pretty sure it's Jef. 20:33
fenncan you see things without moving your eyes to look at them?20:46
fenncan you focus on them20:46
kanzurewithout moving my eyes?20:48
kanzurethere's significant loss of detail to the point where I am pretty sure I'm not getting much relevant information except 'nothing is moving there, so you are okay'20:48
fenni just cant read words20:49
fenni think my glasses interfere with peripheral vision too, probably why i hate them20:50
-!- Aulere [n=dragon_d@] has joined #hplusroadmap21:05
kanzureAulere: Hey.21:33
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/intense_world_syndrome.html <-- what I've been working on tonight.21:33
kanzurespawned from http://heybryan.org/docs/Intense_world_syndrome.pdf21:34
Aulerehi kanzure - sorry for the delay21:47
Aulerevery interesting21:50
kanzureAulere: yeah?22:24
kanzureblah, somebody just called me an idiot on http://google.com/virgle - and here I am designing ways for him to become smarter22:41
kanzurewhy do I bother?22:41
Aulereyeah, I found it very interesting. You've obviously studied the subject to some depth.22:43
AulereSo I learned a bit about it.22:43
fennwhat about virgle?22:46
kanzureto either of you22:49
fennto each his own22:53
fennwhat does 'someone called me an idiot on' mean precisely22:53
kanzureit doesn't mean anything, I am just complaining22:54
fennwhat is your stance on virgle?22:55
kanzure"Hey Bryan, I checked out your website AND YOU ARE AN IDIOT." <-- why would that noise come into play?22:55
kanzuremy stance is proactionary and one of helpfulness22:55
kanzurehttp://openvirgle.net/ <-- am participating.22:55
fennwhy not work with the mars society?22:55
kanzureand many other organizations22:56
fennis that where you learnd about oscomak?22:57
kanzureI also work with Artemis, L5, the Moon Society, Interplanetary Ventures, FREDNET, Cringely, etc.22:57
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_Forces_Institute_of_Pathology <-- this looks delicious23:02
fenndid you ever contact fernhout about skdb?23:23
fennnm i see you mentioned something, i guess that's all we got right now23:25
kanzureyes, I did, he seems to be in a rut and not caring23:27
fennthe semantic mediawiki thread?23:28
fennits hard to see your own blind spots :)23:28
fennugh fernhout thinks scientific growth is over23:34
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]23:40

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