
--- Day changed Tue Apr 22 2008
maraineinand of connexions00:00
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mailing_lists.html <-- added to the bottom.00:01
maraineinyou don't find all that stuff hard to keep up with?00:02
Kismeti must say, some pretty intriguing and astonishing stuff collected on the wiki00:09
kanzureHi Kismet. :)00:10
kanzureDidn't notice you coming in. Thought you were krebs.00:10
Kismethello, yeah i kinda came along from ##neuroscience00:11
kanzureYeah, have a look around the wiki, feel free to drop some comments or ask in here about wtf is going on :)00:12
Kismetyeah i'm just reading and thinking "holy crap, this isn't as wildly impossible as i thought..."00:18
kanzureSince you come from ##neuroscience, maybe you would be interested in the Makram computational neuroscience simulations? http://heybryan.org/intense_world_syndrome.html re: microcolumns and so on.00:20
Kismetyikes, if only i didn't have to be to work first thing tomorrow00:23
Kismetnighty night00:24
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kanzurefenn: Having git not work with debian etch, and relying on git for the repos, isn't a good idea since apt-get is supposed to *illustrate* its power ;)22:16
kanzuresoo I'm thinking we'll implement some repo interconversion tools22:16
kanzurehttp://mwolson.org/projects/GitCvsSync.html git via a cvs sync22:17
kanzureAnyway, I'm thinking of adding some ui hooks or something to agx-get, there'll be a dir where you drop in plugins and extensions, and basically this has to be heavily protected by the root super user22:17
kanzureand any script added in there will be called at run time :-/22:17
kanzureideally these are 'bootup' scripts22:18
kanzuresuch that they add in hooks and handlers for certain events22:18
kanzuredo you think this is a good idea/22:18
fennbootup scripts?22:18
kanzurewell, I mean that they are ran and then unloaded - they load up code into handlers or hooks, instead of running persistently with their own main script or something22:19
kanzuredunno. I have to work out the architecture for this ...22:19
kanzurebasically the ikiwiki+git=>skdb thing is solid, except for review processes and authorization to upload a package - but basically it's done22:19
fennwell, sorta22:20
fennwe need some way to present a yaml file to the user for editing.. ikiwiki doesnt want to do anything but .mdwn files22:20
kanzurehttp://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/06/03/004214 <-- Slashdot doesn't like git, apparently. They are suggesting svk.22:23
kanzurewhy can't ikiwiki just know that everything in a certain dir is for editing22:23
kanzureand then load up more plugins for content parsing / display over the web22:23
fennthere is probably a plugin, i just havent looked yet22:29
kanzureI don't know how I want to run the whole 'drop some plugins into agx-get' thing though22:31
kanzureI mean, when do we demand agx-get is completely updated?22:31
kanzurewould we have them download a new script? or download a plugin that is an install script that writes over the previous version?22:32
kanzureand then for new plugins to parse new metadata files? how would the output be done, how would we let new plugins ask the users for certain things or whatever?22:32
kanzurethere'd have to be a number of enforced modes where one could be "do something default and act like everything is okay" versus other modes where "ask the user on every single item" or "ask the user for some major stuff, but don't go all out" - and we'll just police the submitted plugins?22:33
fenner.. what would plugins be asking the user for?22:33
fennyou could specify a requirement for a plugin version number in the .skdb yaml/metadata file22:35
fennslashdot is so full of inane banter and false basis for argument its hard to find anything worth worrying about22:38
kanzurethe plugins would be used to interpret new metadata files22:44
kanzureso when the metadata is of a new type, you go fetch the necessary plugin to make agx-get work22:44
kanzurebut you don't want these plugins to do the entire user interface, do you?22:45
fennyes, plugins are not doing the requesting though, the program launching plugins to parse statements is requesting new plugins22:45
kanzureso then how would it work22:45
kanzurethis sounds pretty simple in theory22:45
kanzureuh, git a copy of the metadata only 22:46
kanzurethen search through it for the thing that the user wants22:46
kanzurethen parse the metadata file and give the user options?22:46
kanzureor if the user has already specified parameters, chug through it22:46
fennyou're reading along, reading along, then there's something you dont recognize. it should be the name of a plugin (i guess)22:46
kanzurewell, I thought it was the top of a yaml file22:46
fennthe yaml file writer doesnt know what the user has installed22:47
kanzureand then it'd check your sources.list and go find a package in skdb that offers that functionality for agx-get, and if not it gets a new set of 'metadata files' and finds it again22:47
fennso you'd have to list every plugin used in the file, is that ok>22:47
kanzurebut agx-get can try loading it, but then it will fail22:47
kanzurehere's what I thought22:47
kanzureI thought that the file was yaml itself22:47
kanzureso therefore it's a serialized data structure22:47
kanzuremeaning that there's really only one class that you truly want to have that data in22:48
fennbut the data doesnt mean anything without some code that can use it22:48
kanzureand that's the class provided *by the plugin*22:48
kanzureso the !!plugin/name/statement that is mandetory in yaml22:48
kanzureis what we use, no?22:48
kanzureit's actually a class name22:48
kanzurebut for us, we can conveniently use that for some other code as well22:48
fenni was thinking just use the name of the plugin, then the name of one of its members.. etc22:49
kanzuresee? we can have an skdb package with /that/class/name/ in file main.py, and then some other scripts that would be important for agx-get or something22:49
fenn  member:22:49
kanzureokay, so /plugin/name/member14141/22:49
fenn   foo bar baz22:49
fennwhy not?22:49
kanzurebecause the entire yaml file is a serialization of a single class, no?22:49
kanzurethat changes things22:49
fennit's a data structure, the data structure can have different code objects in it ( i think)22:50
kanzureso can we request all sub-instances within the file that are of type "needsThisTypeOfPlugin" ??22:50
* fenn looks up yaml types22:50
kanzure'you think'22:50
kanzurethat's something rather important22:50
fennsee example 2.24: http://yaml.org/spec/cvs/current.html22:54
fennit looks like you have to use an exclamation point, but the file structure can be mixed classes22:54
fenni'm fine with that22:54
kanzurewell, wait22:55
kanzureworst-case scenario, we use a specific class that makes for an object with a list of names of plugins22:55
kanzureand then another file for the actual content22:55
kanzurebut if mixed classes are allowed, or if the file parsing can be held off until we are sure we have operated per those plugin dependencies, then we're good22:55
fennthe use of a hash of hashes was confusing me i guess22:56
fenn  member:22:56
fennwould translate to plugin=>member=>'foo bar baz'22:56
kanzureI don't think that's useful22:57
kanzurehow about 22:57
fennoh, not quite22:57
fenn'plugin'=>'member'=>'foo bar baz'22:57
kanzure    memberUnit22:57
kanzure        id: 349104914 mainRepo: fennetic.net/autogenix/autogenix.git22:57
kanzureheh, my \n command was translated to plaintext over here22:57
kanzureoh well22:57
kanzurewas translated to nothing22:57
kanzurewhat would be the best way to do it23:04
kanzurewould that allow for updates of all sorts?23:04
kanzureand if so, what would the code to a plugin look like?23:04
kanzureobviously we want agx-get to automatically take that 'pluginList' and check it against a list of known plugins23:04
kanzureand then add the name of a plugin to a confirmed list of approved ones (just for security, it's not all that safe, but it's better than randomly accepting anything dropped in a directory)23:05
kanzurewhat I am worrying about is conflicts between plugins23:05
kanzurefor example, how are they going to be processed?23:05
kanzurewhich one gets executed first?23:05
kanzurealphabetically? that's rather arbitrary23:05
fenncould add plugin and sha1 hash23:07
fennfor security23:07
fennwhat do you mean which gets executed first? they get instantiated in the order they appear in the metadata file23:08
kanzureyes, that should have been obvious to me23:13
kanzureI wonder where I put the python files I was working with a few days ago23:14
kanzureah, it was through IRC, I remember now23:15
kanzure(a code highlighting extension for mediawiki might be a good idea)23:19
kanzureprobably GeSHi or something23:19

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