
--- Day changed Tue Apr 29 2008
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-200-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]00:28
fennfrom one of the orocos dev's: http://people.mech.kuleuven.be/~bruyninc/blender/roadmap.html00:34
fennbarcamp - neato00:38
fennyou should credit fernhout on your quotes page (otherwise it's not .. a quote)00:41
fennthe whole concept of distributed hash table is so sexy i cant believe we dont have a www based on it yet00:45
* fenn grumbles about freenet00:47
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/exp.html refresh to see the Neil Gershenfeld quote I threw up01:02
kanzureit probably adds some much needed context.01:02
fenni think video games are the only expressive medium which can really communicate this sort of idea01:04
kanzureoh? why's that?01:04
fennmovies dont have enough technological detail, explanation of rules and constraints. and books dont have enough 'feel' to them or artistic expression01:04
kanzurethat's true, letting players strategically manage self-replicating machines might be easier01:07
kanzureoh right, biology, life itself, etc.01:07
kanzuremaybe a way to make a 'game of life' that is true and controllable01:08
kanzureinstead of managing a legion of cells on a micro level, something a bit more understandable and visible with more immediate results?01:08
fenni'm talking about skdb and santa-claus machines01:09
fennand possibly visions of asteroid belt colonization01:09
fennhave you seen the spore demo?01:09
fenn" When you change the nature of your tools, and especially the scale of production, you are dealing with a new set of rules, a new mode of production, a new industrial paradigm. You must design to suit because now you can’t make things in the same way and must arrive at the same practical results –the same performance– by a different engineering path. "01:12
fennits this sort of change that people will definitely not understand by reading your book01:12
kanzureI am most certainly not against making video games, but I have to warn you that I have this terrible history of going all out when wanting to make a game, something that can match my own imaginings and so on ... very destructive history in this regard ;-)01:15
kanzureif you're going to make skdb in the first place01:15
kanzurethen any video game would just be a simulator aspect01:15
kanzurewith human interactive 'debugging' to watch situations unfold, no?01:15
fennsort of.. it'd also be entertainment and foster community01:16
fennbetter than some phpbb crap :)01:16
kanzureheh, no kidding01:17
fennSL without the hipsters01:17
* kanzure was hardcore and refused to use phpbb and instead wrote his own forums01:17
kanzurefrom scratch01:17
kanzurewhich, in retrospect, wasn't that hard01:17
kanzureI just had to get over myself re: the queries to select from the database per a particular range based off of which page of results the user was on, but after I got over myself that was fine01:17
fennyeah tat's standard cgi stuff01:18
kanzureI wish somebody would have been there to kick me in the ass to tell me that though01:18
* fenn would have found a better bb software out there01:18
kanzureikonboard, phpbb, invisionboard, infopop ubb, vbulletin, xmbb, yabb, 01:19
fennheh yabb01:19
fennweb forums all look the same to me01:20
kanzuresomebody was on the openvirgle mailing list a few weeks ago saying "screw mailing lists, let's go to a forum"01:20
kanzureand I really wanted to punch him :(01:20
kanzurehe claimed his expertise was that he had a degree in web design01:20
fennforget threading, forget concurrency, forget content01:20
kanzureforget good interfaces01:21
kanzureHTTP over mysql - what's the point? Just let me tap into the database directly, that's what user accounts are for.01:21
kanzureand if not, then you need to add in hooks or something01:21
fennfor some reason web forums tend to promote 'chatty' posts01:21
kanzureI think it's just the culture that has caught on to it01:22
kanzureI was trapped in that culture for a long time01:22
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/forums.html <-- but I only exploded once I realized that there was other stuff to talk about on various forums.01:22
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-200-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap02:01
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]02:17
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-200-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]05:43
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-200-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap14:44
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:01
-!- Splicer [n=p@h249n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:31
-!- Splicer is now known as Biopunk18:50
Biopunkah... I thought the nick would only change in #biology18:52
kanzureHeh, no.18:54
kanzureWhat's up?18:54
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/exp.html | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help18:54
Biopunkmmm.. not much.. work18:54
BiopunkI noticed BrickIt today18:58
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-200-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]19:10
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-200-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap19:40
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-200-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Client Quit]19:42
BiopunkReading "The art of memetics - pirate edition"... it has low signal to noise ratio.19:55
Biopunk...and a lot of references to books on amazon with referral id:s attached ;)19:58
BiopunkI heard they had about 10k downloads a while ago... I wonder how much they make from it in referrals20:01
Biopunkit looks balanced at a first glance20:11
Biopunkonly bioDIY is not on that map either20:12
Biopunka lot of new legislation is eu wide now... it's becoming one country with a lot of resources20:18
kanzureyou should see my posts 20:31
kanzureThey want to 'regulate' synbio, and I really wanted to laugh20:31
Biopunkposts where?20:31
kanzureHow are they going to stop the natural course of evolution of the entire planet?20:31
Biopunki think the rich/poor thing has to do with some french farmers and some strange legislation right now.. something about people not owning crops in their fields if it's mixed with gm crops. It was something weird but there was a debare about it. 20:37
BiopunkIt's also a common european thing i think... the rich/poor thing20:38
BiopunkI like the google trend curve on gm food, it gets half the amount of hits now compared to 200420:40
kanzureNo, it's common all over the damn place20:40
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/transhumanism_def.html deals with it too20:40
BiopunkIt's not so easy, it's a big field and a lot of people from different memespaces want to carve a nitche...20:55
Biopunkwhen it comes to things like morality, everyone gets equal time20:56
Biopunkand traditionally that's been a big part of humanism20:57
Biopunki kindof like to look at biopunk as amoral20:58
Biopunkthe same way as memetics and rhethorc is amoral20:59
Biopunki think that's the way you want to define transhumanism too21:00
kanzureno, you mean "not dictated by the historical constraints of what has previously been considered to be 'moral'"21:16
kanzureHere's why - previously, a "moral" action would be to burn a loved one's dead body. WHAT THE FUCK. http://alcor.org/21:16
Biopunkyeah.. that would be one example why i like subcultures that are amoral... 21:22
Biopunkmorality is a moving target21:22
kanzureit's a personal thing, amoral mostly means "not moral" *both* in the sense of (1) not within the domain of current morality and (2) not possibly within the domain of your own morality [i.e., what you can personally control]21:23
Biopunkthat would be 'immoral' i think21:23
Biopunkamoral means recognizing that morals are not applicable here21:24
Biopunklike that saying that planets orbit the sun is an amoral statement even though a church says it will weaken it's position and that will lead to bad things.21:26
Biopunknature is, evolution is.. amoral21:26
kanzurethat's not true, 21:29
kanzurewould you say that subjectivity is a part of the brain21:29
kanzurethat one has this subjective experience of the world21:29
kanzuretherefore, this 'subjectivity' is *real* and *natural*, whether you call it morality, ethics, virtues, principles, approaches, etc.21:30
Biopunkyou mean 'we are part of nature -> we feel morality -> nature is moral'?21:33
kanzureI mean that people's subjective experiences are legitimate, they are *physical things* that are right there, they are truly thinking and feeling these thoughts and actions that lead them to say those weird things and so on that might not be technically accurate and so on21:35
Biopunkof course they are...to them at least, and at least until they think about something else. What I'm saying people want to mix them in where they don´t belong... many people have a hard time understanding that morals have absolutely nothing to do with rhetoric for instance.21:38
BiopunkI'm not saying people shouldn't take an intrest in morals. I'm just saying it's not my kink21:41
Biopunk... it doesn´t belong a lot of places, like most of science for instance.21:43
Biopunk'we are part of nature -> we feel morality -> nature is moral'21:46
Biopunk'cheeses are round, the moon is round -> the moon is a cheese'21:46
Biopunkmmm.. bad one21:48
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-200-40.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap21:49
Biopunk'Some vehicles go 200mph, I have a bicycle -> my bicycle goes 200mph'  21:51
-!- Aulere [n=dragon_d@] has joined #hplusroadmap22:13
BiopunkWe are part of nature, we feel morals -> nature has morals22:17
BiopunkBicycles are vehicles, My bicycle is yellow -> Vehicles are yellow22:17
Biopunktime to sleep22:18
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h249n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []22:18
kanzureHi Aulere.22:27
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h249n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:28
Biopunkhave you seen the wikipedia 'synthetic biology' page?22:30
kanzureI don't think so, why?22:31
Biopunkyou´re on it22:31
kanzureSo are you. I put you there.22:31
Biopunkit was you? ;) thank you22:32
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h249n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Client Quit]22:33
AulereHi Kanzure23:00
kanzureHey there. What's up?23:01
Aulereand me23:01
Aulere- I'm up all night these days 23:01
AulereSoon it will be over though.23:01
AulereWhat's up with you?23:01
AulereI like the big picture vision23:29
kanzureThe email I cite at the bottom with Eric Hunting. Hm. Eric is able to do long, intense emails. I am trying to figure out how he does it.23:33
Aulereyeah, that is long 23:37
Aulerehehe, "where's the open source car?"23:40
kanzurenote that on exp.html I have a link to one23:59
kanzurehttp://oscar.org/ IIRC23:59
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor <-- the guy from usenet who claimed to be from the future23:59

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