
--- Day changed Sun May 11 2008
fenntonight may end early for me00:01
Vedestinominous even00:03
* fenn stares at the sky fearfully00:03
kanzurehttp://video.google.com/videosearch?q=Revolution+OS&sitesearch= Revolution OS00:30
kanzureWho was Stallman working under at MIT?00:30
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h92n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap02:04
kanzureHi splicer.02:07
kanzure"Popular Mechanics reports if the looming Discovery mission or any other between now and the spacecraft's retirement loses control, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is prepared to ditch it in the Atlantic ocean — or blow it up. The article also shows complete no-fly-zone maps and a photograph of the switch."02:13
kanzureNASA of the '60s would NEVER have built in a self-destruct switch02:13
kanzureSelf-destruct wasn't an option.02:13
Biopunkhi kanzure02:28
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Connection timed out]04:09
-!- nsh [n=nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]04:36
-!- Splicer2 [n=p@h110n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:37
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h92n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]07:49
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h110n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:50
-!- Splicer2 [n=p@h110n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]08:02
-!- Splicer2 [n=p@h234n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:02
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h110n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]08:14
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[Users #hplusroadmap]12:17
[ drazak] [ fenn] [ krebs] [ Vedestin] 12:17
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 4 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]12:17
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:43
kanzurefenn: we need a specific example of a metadata file13:00
kanzurelet's do something with a name of the project, the location of the skdb file on the internet (URI), and then an object that stores a list of (valid) files within the dot skdb file13:00
* kanzure is running off to go see Iron Man.13:01
kanzureI wonder where I put the examples.13:28
kanzureNow that I think about it, how do you make a derivative metadata file? A new subtype, I mean. Right now the !! is supposed to be a reference to another metadata file, right? That'll have to change .. it needs to be a reference to a python file somewhere, which defines the class. Otherwise things go, poorly.13:30
fenn!! is a verbose tag which references a python class (i think?)13:57
fennLocal tags start with “!”, are not URIs and are not expected to be globally unique.14:19
fenni think of "%TAG fennetic.net/foo:v1.0:; bar: !baz" analogously to "import foo; bar = foo.baz" (i'm certain my yaml syntax is wrong)14:22
fenni think !! is only for built-in types14:25
fennoh, right !!python/object is a built-in type14:49
fennmetric clock: watch -n 1 'date +%s; echo "G  M  k  s"'15:36
fennstill not sure how to deal with conflicting values as a result of relativistic time dilation15:37
fenni guess you just have to keep track of two numbers instead of one15:37
fennthe reason we still use hours/minutes/seconds is the church didnt like the idea of a ten day week15:45
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap16:32
kanzureHi ybit, fenn17:28
kanzureChat with Max More in 30 minutes at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/immortality-update it seems17:28
ybitoi kanzure, the house wasn't blown away last night :)17:30
ybitVedestin's comment made me laught though17:30
ybitwhat's typically discussed there?17:40
ybiti'll ask there17:40
kanzureAh, sorry, didn't see your question here.17:45
kanzureAnyway, answered.17:45
kanzureSo. I need to come up with some objects, fenn, for the OpenVirglers to get fully interested. I am thinking that I'll just start by writing up some python classes. It should be pretty simple. I don't know how to write python classes, though, nor how to get inventive with them. Do we want just plain ol' variables? A few integers, a few strings, that sort of thing?17:46
kanzureBah, they are blocking my comments in the chat room.17:53
fennno video.. lame18:14
kanzureI could just drive up to his house18:16
kanzureI doubt he's doing anything new, and the interface *sucks*.18:16
fenni have no idea who max more is18:16
kanzureThese guys from ImmInst are apparently complaining about how nobody wants to associate with them because of their name18:16
kanzureuh, hold on18:16
kanzurethe whole18:17
kanzure'perpetual progress ,self-transformation, practical optimism, tech, open society, self-direction, rational thinking' thing18:17
fennright i was whining about that last night18:17
fennwow and now we have stories about immortality on every sitcom ~snark~18:19
fenni've skimmed over that huge block of text about ten times now without knowing what it said18:21
fennre: example artifact metadata, i'm sick today and got distracted.. sorry18:23
kanzurewhat block of text18:27
kanzureon 2008-04-26 ?18:27
fenn"perpetual learning and exploration" seems rather difficult to achieve in practice18:32
fenni guess it goes back to the old saw about whether a computer program that acts just like you is really you or not18:34
fennkanzure: what's your stance on the toposophic conjecture?18:35
kanzurepossibly bullshit, *but* my behavior is unchanged whether it is true or false, since I'll die trying [while also making the 'next generation' brain architecture etc.]18:36
fennif you had a choice to work on your own brain architecture or the next generation, which would it be?18:37
kanzureit's both at the same time18:38
fennthat's cheating18:39
kanzureyou proposed a loaded situation18:40
kanzureremember what I was talking about,18:40
kanzureusing self-replication to do giant fields of simulations of brains or the actual physical brains18:40
kanzureor not really of brains, sorry18:40
kanzureof minicolumns and other structures etc.18:40
kanzureso that we know what modifications to make on our own brains18:40
kanzurewhile also allowing that digital infrastructure to come together as well18:40
kanzureso it's not cheating at all ... it's just a byproduct of the implementation18:40
kanzurefenn: I think I'm going to become Richard Stallman.18:41
fennits a byproduct of your inability to make a decision :P18:41
kanzureI know that I'm *probably* screwed in the end18:41
fenni think richard stallman is a poor role model18:41
kanzurehe bootstrapped the free software movement18:42
fenni admire his ideals and determination to stick to what he believes to be right18:42
kanzurein a sense.18:42
fennbut he totally flopped the political side of things18:42
fennnow we have "the linux OS" and "open source movement"18:43
fennpeople see stallman as a whiny selfish bitch18:43
fennit's sad but true18:44
fennits edison electric all over again18:44
kanzureI think that his mission is incomplete sort of18:52
kanzurewhy the hell did he stop at software18:52
kanzurewhy not manufacturing18:52
kanzurethe openvirglers have made a suggestion for skdb18:55
kanzurethey are suggesting a first project18:55
kanzureeither origami instructions or a bicycle18:55
kanzureI'm thinking about pulling a Gingery here18:55
kanzureand doing some packages on basic industrial bootstrapping with metals18:55
kanzureWhat do you think?18:55
fennorigami is simple, i like it18:58
fennbicycle is horrendously complex18:58
kanzurebtw, when the time come18:59
kanzureI think I can get instructables.com onboard18:59
kanzureMIT contacts are awesome :)18:59
fennbecause of dalrymple?18:59
kanzureand Gershenfeld18:59
kanzureinstructables.com is Saul Griffith18:59
fenni know18:59
fenni spent several hours yesterday reading about saul griffith19:00
kanzurethat's more than what I have read about him19:00
kanzurewhat'd you find?19:00
fennjust read his masters thesis, looked at phd thesis, etc (i had already looked at a lot of his stuff earlier)19:00
fennbasically my reaction was "that doesnt look so hard"19:01
fenn"maybe i actually stand a chance of getting in"19:01
kanzureto MIT?19:01
kanzurenope, that's a lie19:01
kanzurethey rejected me19:01
kanzureso I'm still wondering who the hell at MIT is matching me . .. I know, I know, big ego, but seriously19:01
kanzurelooking at the facts of the situation19:01
fennsome indian kid19:01
kanzurewho ? what Indian kid took the plunge to publish biohacking information, or took the plunge to put together brain implant projects, or etc. etc.19:02
kanzureI'm just saying.19:02
fennwell, the type of people who review admissions applications arent exactly known for valuing "eccentric" ideas19:03
fennmaybe i'm just lying to myself but i have to19:03
fennand honestly i've looked at gershenfeld + friends code and it's nothing special19:04
fennbut dammit, its the only game in town19:04
kanzureyeah, exactly19:05
kanzurewhat the hell would they say if I one up Gershenfeld19:05
kanzurebecause they're supposed to be doing self-replication stuff19:05
fennthey'd arrest you19:05
kanzurebut if you look at it, and look at their websites etc.,19:05
kanzurethey're not actually doing anything at all19:05
kanzuregranted, Dalrymple has shown me some stuff going on inside19:05
kanzureand they are actually doing, well, thins19:05
kanzureit's how I first learned of Winfree's DNA assembly stuff for example19:06
fennwell, a lot of it is putting the disparate pieces together and giving them direction19:06
kanzureperhaps so19:06
kanzuresounds like eccentricism.19:06
fennyep you're allowed to be eccentric once you get tenure19:06
kanzureah, I see.19:06
fennotherwise you're "practicing medicine without a license"19:07
fennyaml 1.2 is just around the corner19:09
fennbtw stallman didnt invent the internet, there was a lot of "liberal thought" going around in computer circles for so long that it's kind of amazing that corporate narrowmindedness was even able to take root19:10
fennhe was just the most persistent and had a plan19:10
kanzureI didn't say he invented the internet19:11
kanzureoh, I had an insight yesterday19:12
kanzurewhile flipping through a stack of manufacturing texts19:12
kanzureoh, I already mentioned this19:12
fennyou have too many books?19:12
fennyou have ocpd?19:12
fenni collect tools19:13
fennbetter than collecting old newspapers or used kleenex19:13
kanzuretoo many books?19:15
kanzureNot enough :)19:15
kanzurefenn: I am getting the headache again; could you please hack out a few lines of python to write a class that represents a basic metadata file for skdb19:15
* fenn resumes the 13130 sci-fi book torrent19:16
fennfor some reason its split up into 1GB chunks: http://www.mininova.org/tor/121499919:16
fennupdate 1 2 3 4 5 are like daily diffs19:17
fennits the only place on the net i could find 'a deepness in the sky'19:18
kanzureyou ignored my request19:19
kanzureI need to go run and hide from this headpain.19:19
fenni've got wisdom tooth + sinus infection, buddy19:19
fennfluorescent green sticky stuff coming out19:19
fennok, i promise to work on it if you dont distract me19:20
ybitkanzure: who's the guy that interviewed max more?19:30
ybitMind is his username...19:31
-!- fenn_ [n=pz@adsl-75-62-113-75.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:56
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/exp.html | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help19:56
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Tue Apr 29 18:54:31 2008]19:56
[Users #hplusroadmap]19:56
[ drazak] [ fenn_ ] [ krebs ] [ ybit] 19:56
[ fenn ] [ kanzure] [ Vedestin] 19:56
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 7 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 7 normal]19:56
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200819:56
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 42 secs19:57
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-251-81-124.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Nick collision from services.]19:58
-!- You're now known as fenn19:58
kanzureybit: Mind is just some guy from http://imminst.org/ - that's all I know.20:32
kanzureTylenol + amphetamine seems to be doing some good for me. Although maybe it was just seeing Marry Poppins on television that shocked me out of it. What the hell were they thinking? Dancing pinguins and flying merry-go-rounds?20:32
kanzurewhat the fuck20:35
kanzure''An on-line modeling tool is missing on the web20:35
kanzureModels, data, metadata, should all be accessible via the web. The same way as there is a web-based mail that can be accessed anytime from anywhere (i.e. GMail), there should be a web-based metarepository to hold models. No special IDE's to be installed. Ready to generate useful outputs from the data (reports, documents, or even program code).20:35
kanzureSeems to be about modeling.20:36
kanzurehttp://www.grister.org/articles/2000/00.10.14_Transtech_Map.html transtech map20:38
kanzureHm. He lives near me.20:39
fennnice map20:39
kanzuresent an email yelling at him for not being responsible and meeting up with me20:40
fennwell, too bad about the flat 2d gritty squint-at picture20:40
fennbut i've never seen anything like it20:40
fennkaczynski has some thoughts on what happens when people have too much leisure time :)20:43
kanzureyou know you're going wrong when your own grandmother sends you an email about instructables.com 20 minutes after you're talking about it in the IRC channel21:00
kanzureSo after getting my mind back, they want to force me to walk around mowing the lawn21:01
kanzureAwesome. 21:01
Vedestinwhat happened to your mind?21:02
kanzureVedestin: Got a weird headache and couldn't do any programming.21:03
Vedestinmaybe it's a tumour21:03
kanzureSo I did some tylenol tablets which seem to have helped.21:03
kanzureHaha, a tumor? Maybe. I guess it would be cool to have an excuse to get a brainscan.21:03
fenndo they let you keep the data?21:03
kanzurefrom my experiences with doctors that use digital imaging, "Hell no"21:04
kanzureNobody ever gives me the data, even when I ask.21:04
kanzureI even hand them the flash drive and point to their USB port.21:04
kanzureor tell them where to email it to21:04
kanzureHow'd epitron get his brainscans in a tar anyway ?21:04
kanzurehm, I need some origami sites21:05
kanzureWoah, I have no bookmarks on origami.21:06
Vedestinis that suprising?21:06
kanzureOnly one search result on ""origami markup"" (looking for origami ML)21:07
kanzureVedestin: I have tens of thousands of bookmarks. You give me a tech name, and I probably have a few links on it. Probably. 21:07
kanzureapparently I've missed out on origamitech :)21:07
kanzureYOUTSU video wall, UCHI environment and why it can not play;; 21:08
kanzureLoading and solidified. 21:08
kanzureOrigami creations also have close behind. Or dragon or unicorn, dinosaurs and vocals. 21:08
kanzureHyper-related components so that, origami and OML (Origami Markup Language) it's there. 21:08
kanzureAnything, origami logical language to describe the structure. 21:08
kanzureA little GUGU I have not made shortly, is does not seem to spread. 21:08
kanzureCHORO previously seen only there, but the spell was SHIROTO w21:08
fenni seem to have lost my origami links21:09
kanzureSo there might be an Origami Markup Language21:09
fenni have NFC that those japanese words are talking about21:09
kanzureOrigami fold language21:10
kanzurehttp://creased.com/ for diagrams (argh, not good enough)21:12
kanzureheh http://www.peacetree.info/history.php origami peace tree project, aww21:12
kanzureGlobal Language: Origami Shape Language (OSL)21:13
kanzurefrom none other than CSAIL21:13
fennthose bastards21:14
fennlooks like lisp to me21:15
fenn<epitron> the toronto hospital system lets you get copies of your imaging scans for free21:17
fenn<epitron> i just went to the central imaging center and asked for a cd21:17
fenni might be more interested in origami if it werent so hard :)21:18
kanzureit does take a certain skill, doesn't it?21:19
fenn<epitron> did you ask "why"? :)21:21
kanzurefenn: programming with an origami fold language is interesting21:21
kanzureit shows how art, is in fact, a design process of programming21:21
fenner.. "why wont you give me my own images"21:21
fennits useful as a demo because everyone already has a 2d printer21:23
kanzurethat too21:24
kanzureI'm thinking that it'd be good if we could translate the OFL into human readable statements21:24
kanzureor into visual diagrams21:24
kanzureand then say "ok, now imagine that you are a mechanical arm, and all of that info was digital"21:24
kanzure"that's what the hell we're talking about"21:24
kanzureof course, GitS has gone over the point that it's hard to make a mechanical arm fold swans ;-)21:24
fennyes and no21:25
kanzurecranes, rather21:25
fennlow precision manipulation is just an area that hasnt received much interest (because humans are already cheap and good at it)21:25
fenntrue story, btw21:28
kanzurewhat sort of crappy analogy is "plane crash" to "1/1000th the energy of the sun going off less than 2 miles from you, oh and you don't die immediately"21:33
fennit probably has something to do with the story21:34
fennthere are some steps to folding a paper crane that are hard to explain with just a sequence of images and words21:43
fenngosh maybe origami isnt the simple thing i thought it was :P21:44
kanzurehm, possibly21:53
fenn"what happens when everyone is smart, ambitious, informed and motivated?" <- and he makes it sound like a bad thing..22:25
kanzureyes, I noticed that he has a negative take on things22:29
kanzureStudents for the Development of Space22:30
* fenn paddles furiously22:30
fennwhy a cube?22:32
fennseems hard to stabilize22:33
kanzureybit: Hey. I didn't realize you were sneaking up on me like that via facebook.22:39
* ybit is away for about an hour22:41
kanzurefenn: http://www.langorigami.com/art/creasepatterns/creasepatterns.php4 Crease Pattern lang? Seems to be a diagram method.22:43
kanzureHadoop/MapReduce for manufacturing?23:00
kanzure<--- is a moron23:00
kanzureone of those "Of course, of course!" moments23:01
kanzurethis is disappointing23:18
kanzurewait, no it's not23:18
kanzureHeh, I am such a player. I've combined a local SEDS chapter with a local NSS chapter. 23:25
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]23:51

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