
--- Day changed Wed May 21 2008
kanzurehttp://experienceproject.com/ - they are aggregatting 'experiences' that people write down and share anonymously00:06
kanzureoops, ignore00:06
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kanzureblog updates00:36
* fenn studiously ignores that link00:37
kanzureprobably a good idea00:39
kanzureinterface sucks00:39
kanzureoh, fenn00:45
kanzureI came up with an interesting way to uh, do the 'hook' for the article I was hoping to write00:45
kanzuresince I've not really felt that it was anywhere near 'right' for a wide audience00:45
kanzurewhy not bring up something equivalent to the Manhatten Project as an analogy? the Manhatten Project is commonly held in public perception as a 'very massive, very awesome feat'00:45
kanzurebut it's also govt + funded + => nuketech / destruction, which isn't the point of anything related to skdb00:46
fennthe _hy-u-o-_ook_-kuh_00:49
fenni think manhattan project has been flogged to death in these types of discussions, and not very appropriate either since it's a distributed, basically non-funded effort00:49
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fennabove mispronunciation from 'cats cradle' courtesy of 13130 books collection00:50
fennhaving all the books you've ever read and more in a searchable format on your hard drive is awesome00:50
fennstupid pdf's00:51
kanzuresome stupid pdfs are plaintext00:52
fenni had to use 'pdftotext' on this one, why can't they at least name all the commands similarly.. hrmph00:53
fennso, i've read about a million essays where some nerd is whining about how a concerted manhattan project in <insert project here> would change the world00:55
fennmostly space AI and anti-aging00:55
fennit's not that they're wrong, but obviously it's not the way to get funding00:56
kanzurewell, it's a social aggregation project00:57
kanzureI don't know how to describe that.00:57
fennwhat's the intended audience?00:58
kanzuremaybe starting off with "This is completely new, there's nothing really like this, sorry -- tough, bite my ass." wouldn't be too bad?00:58
kanzurewell, there's the Sirius H+ magazine00:58
kanzurefor transhumanism, sort of, but I think Sirius has a broader context in mind than just transhumanism00:58
fenn'just transhumanism' eh00:58
kanzurewell, probably a magazine about tech updates and developments00:59
fenni'm not entirely sure it's a totally new idea, just a new way to look at it?00:59
kanzurehe doesn't seem like the type of guy to just dump a bunch of guys masturbating each other00:59
kanzureif it's a new way, then what was the old way?00:59
fennexpert system AI coded by some research institute00:59
kanzureno, this isn't a spiell against ai though01:00
kanzureis it?01:00
kanzureI mean, it's easy to hate on ai :)01:00
fenneh? i dunno, it's an expert system01:00
kanzurehah, a different type of expert system01:00
kanzurewhere anybody becomes an expert [sort of]01:00
kanzurecertification in the mail within 2 to 3 weeks?01:00
fennwe could ordain people as popes01:01
fennpope of inflatable solar collectors01:01
fennpope of paper bicycles01:02
fennorigami bicycle?01:02
kanzurewould origami bicycles be 01:02
kanzureI don't even know how to ask this,01:02
fenni bet you could evolve one01:02
kanzureevolvable origami ? what would the GA be like?01:03
fenna GA that folds paper01:03
fennorigami strikes me a lot like protein folding01:03
kanzurewouldn't paper have too much friction?01:04
fennnot if it's, uh, low-friction paper!01:04
fennsry for the tangent01:04
kanzureright, well, 01:04
kanzuretoo many ways to introduce it ...01:05
fennhow would beethoven do it..01:05
kanzureI remember now, earlier today while watching The Empire Strikes Back, I realized that I might just have to say 'screw it' and just make it an announcement01:05
fennan announcement? like communist propaganda style?01:06
kanzureand an announcement basically sucks, but you just say "HERE IS WHAT I AM DOING. What it can do, will do, is doing. Here's some historical background. You can help if you want, but whatever."01:06
fenner.. i think we mostly need computer hackers at this point01:07
kanzurenow I'm confused01:07
kanzureokay, that's an interesting way of doing it, just a community recruitment announcement01:07
fennhmmm nah it sucks01:07
kanzurewhy's that?01:07
fennit's boring01:08
kanzureI mean, it's a social project, no?01:08
fennit would make it easier to fend off accusations of being communist, just be like "yeah, whatever man"01:09
kanzurehaha, communist :)01:10
kanzureyes, we'll make everybody show up to work for 9 hours a day01:10
kanzureand read a questionable news-source01:10
kanzurehail hitler? other random memes to confabulate with communism, etc.01:10
kanzurenow an introduction01:11
fenni like fernhout's "achieving a star-trek society"01:11
kanzurethere are accusations out there on the net about Star Trek being communist01:11
kanzureeven though they are post-scarcity, they still fly around in a monopolistic federation, that sort of thing01:11
kanzurebut perhaps that was the best that Star Trek could have done, considering01:12
fennwe dont really see much of the federation society, just their military01:12
kanzurethe Rebel Alliance probably wouldn't have flied well on cable television01:12
* kanzure is obviously a Rebel sympathizer.01:12
fenni think all you people are totally immature01:12
fennsquabbling over a piece of dirt01:13
kanzurewhat dirt?01:13
fennwhat are you rebelling against/for?01:13
kanzureoh, I see01:13
kanzureno, I mean their group -- they were just a group of people that assembled more or less randomly to do something they wanted to do01:13
fennis "Rebel Allance" something specific i dont know about?01:14
kanzurein Star Wars, 01:14
kanzureyou have the Empire, and the Rebel Alliance, the make-shift team of what seems to be open source advocates ;-)01:15
fenn"The Alliance to Restore the Republic (commonly known as the Rebel Alliance)"01:15
fennfuck that01:15
kanzureyes, fuck *that*01:15
kanzurebut luckily that's not actually emphasized in the movies01:15
kanzureoff topic again01:16
fennunfortunately a real galactic empire would be a lot more sinister and harder to fight against01:16
fennnot just flying around in airplanes01:16
kanzureespecially since they have clone troops01:16
fennclones, hell, mind-control and nanotech, man01:16
kanzureif you have a billion troopers per star system ready to be deployed within however long it takes to sling-shot around, 01:17
kanzurewell, nanotech wasn't assumed, although mindtech is an interesting alternative01:17
kanzureI'm sure that would be via mass media01:17
kanzurealthough if you have nanotech, why the hell have people01:17
kanzureseriously, what are they doing for you ?01:17
fennwell.. that would certainly make it harder for the rebellion now wouldnt it01:17
kanzureyou have all of these fantastic robots and automated machinery, lots of intelligence shackled up in places like the Maw, etc.01:17
fennvinge has these not-quite-nanotech distributed sensor networks called "localizers" that can measure your pulse, skin conduction, some EEG stuff, cameras, microphones. and basically do a continuous surveillance lie-detector test 01:19
fennit all seems quite near-term to me, whereas he was trying to play it off as some 5000 year in the future technology01:19
fennthey're basically RFID tags on steroids01:20
kanzureso an intro, do I want to go with something like (title: What's the community cooking?) and then something like 01:20
kanzure"Since there aren't many good analogies or historical examples of what we're doing here (maybe we're uninformed), this is a community announcement for an open source, free, automated manufacturing project. That's a mouthful. Here's what we're talking about"01:20
kanzureI was in #wrongplanet the other day, and these kids are going stark-crazy about that sort of stuff01:21
fennreplace "automated manufacturing" with "personal manufacturing"?01:21
kanzureooh, yes01:21
kanzurenot just RFID, but the tagging databases, where autists are required to be noted in01:21
kanzureand so they fear that if there is a cure, the govt will force it upon them01:21
fennmaybe do the personal computer revolution spiel01:21
kanzurethen what's the enabling platform ?01:22
kanzurethere's not a single enabling platform to be analogous to01:22
kanzure"The computer is personal again -- much more personal." or something, heh01:22
kanzureI guess it's still based on computers anyway01:22
kanzureah, okay01:22
kanzure"The personal computer took the mainframe and put it on your desk, your pockets. And now for the rest of the industrial infrastructure."01:23
fennum, well, err.. read this http://fennetic.net/pub/emc/bfi/bfi-draft.txt01:23
kanzure^ see last line I wrote there01:23
fenncut "your pockets"01:23
fennthat's a good tagline if any01:24
fennthe bfi entry was limited to some pathetically small number of words01:24
fenni'd like to rewrite it and flesh out a lot01:25
fennbut i'm lazy and stupid :(01:25
kanzureoh, the personal fabrication spiell01:27
fenni dont really know how to convince a computer nerd that making stuff is cool01:27
kanzureto most people all of these machines and processes are "very distant" as if another world away, and in truth they are, but it doesn't have to be that way01:28
fenni mean how can you compete with "this best of all possible worlds"? (points around at the ether)01:28
fennheh leibniz01:30
kanzurewell, there is a way to compete with that01:30
kanzurepart of Leibniz's argument was that his optimism is no reason to become a sloth01:32
kanzuresuppose this: if this is in fact the best of all possible worlds, of all that could have been possible and has now become existent,01:32
kanzurethen what's left to optimize but the self ?01:32
kanzure'optimize' in the sense of optimism, not necessarily Vulcan-let's-be-robots :)01:32
kanzurehttp://www.google.com/googlegroups/archive_announce_20.html the Stallman link is still broken01:35
kanzureGoogle has no "report a broken link" feature01:36
kanzurehm. Henry Spencer is thanked on a Google page ?01:36
kanzureguess I need to give Henry some more respect :)01:36
kanzurehe's already the internet's most prolific spacetech enthusiast, but I've only seen him in the context of his replies to my thoughts on spacetech development on the arocketry mailing list01:36
kanzurehe wrote regex?01:37
fennsorta, i know regex incorporates some stuff from earlier grammar notations01:39
kanzure"Starting this Thanksgiving I am going to write a complete 01:40
kanzureUnix-compatible software system called GNU (for Gnu's Not Unix), and 01:40
kanzuregive it away free to everyone who can use it.  Contributions of time, 01:40
kanzuremoney, programs and equipment are greatly needed."01:40
kanzureseemed to work for him ...01:40
fennah i see01:40
fennalso notice that stallman had already written a very popular editor01:41
kanzurealso, he had MIT credentials01:41
kanzurenot that it matters01:41
kanzurebut it put him at the right place at the right time, at least01:41
fennhis MIT credentials did not matter much, he was a "technician" more or less... programmers didnt get _any_ respect in those days (except for among programmers but they all worked at big institutions so meh)01:42
fennso now you see where the meritocracy comes frmo01:43
kanzureit'd be nice if I was more hostile01:45
kanzureit'd be easy to do a quick writeup and show how a professor at some institution as failed re: personal fabrication01:45
kanzureand say "this project deserves his place"01:45
kanzure[avoiding the issue of tenure]01:45
fennjust make sure my name isnt on it ;)01:47
fenntenure is such bull crap01:47
fennthey only give tenure to narrow-minded people who agree with the status quo, so that when they get tenure they'll come up with crazy ideas that would normally get you kicked out? that doesnt make sense01:48
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fennegads "From 1983 to 2007 Spencer has posted over 34000 message to the sci.space.* newsgroups."01:54
fennthat's an average of about 4 a day01:54
kanzureHi h2i.02:01
kanzureoh, ybit.02:01
kanzurethere's another guy out there, Keith F. Loyd or something.02:01
kanzureKetih F. Lynch.02:01
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kanzurehe's a bit of an oddball, but he's another prolific poster02:02
fenngood advice: http://keithlynch.net/weight5.html02:09
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kanzurehttp://www.kainic.com/search.htm $100 for 10 mg of kainic acid07:23
Vedestinyeah, biochem stuff is really expensive07:24
Vedestinfriend of mine is doing his honours in biology07:24
Vedestincost him like $2000 in dye to do his experiments07:25
kanzureguess I'll have to make it myself07:26
kanzurehttp://methpedia.org/ 07:28
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Vedestindon't make meth07:32
Vedestinthe cops will raid you07:32
kanzureheh, I'll subscribe to all of their recent-changes07:36
kanzurehttp://slork.stanford.edu/ Stanford Laptop Orchestra07:44
Vedestinwhose benefit is this for, kanzure?07:46
Vedestinthis is your notepad?07:46
kanzureStill trying to find some cheap kainate, or methods of synthesis.07:46
kanzureVedestin: hm?07:46
Vedestinwhy are you posting all these wikis07:47
kanzureI'm pointing out a trend in .edu universities obtaining wikis07:47
kanzurethis is something new :)07:47
kanzureand it can be exploited to our benefit very easily07:47
kanzuresince wikis typically have an rss feed07:47
kanzurehttp://www.caymanchem.com/app/template/Product.vm/catalog/78050/a/z;jsessionid=DA97E651BC5C45D3A89A7A72C6779D30 kainate - 5 mg for $30 07:48
kanzurehttp://www.nanocs.com/kainic_acid.htm 10 mg for $7007:49
kanzureI wonder what it would take to purify it.07:49
kanzurehttp://kainoids.com/Product.htm $6/mg07:50
Vedestinyou mean growing some of that algae, chucking it in a blender and extracting the kainate with some sort of solvent?07:50
kanzureaha - http://lib.bioinfo.pl/meid:17327507:51
kanzure'Domoic acid and its potent excitotoxic analogues glutamic acid and kainic acid, are synthesized by marine algae such as seaweed and phytoplankton. '07:52
kanzureheh, I can do some growth tanks07:52
Vedestinyeah, then what's the process for refining it?07:52
kanzure"Development of rapid and sensitive high throughput pharmacologic assays for marine phycotoxins."07:52
kanzure'Synthesis of (−)-kainic acid using chiral lithium amides in an asymmetric dearomatizing cyclization'07:53
kanzureone of the search results - http://www.curehunter.com/public/showTopPage.do - semantic 'cure hunter'07:53
kanzurehttp://pubs.acs.org/cen/business/7810/7810bus3.html "Producers strive to bring kainic acid back on the market."07:55
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kanzurehttp://www.sustainable.gatech.edu/research/initiatives.php 19:20
kanzure"Expanding closed-loops"19:20
kanzureNational Electronics Manufacturing Initiative.19:32
kanzureI find it kinda suck that gatech.edu is funding these things,19:32
kanzurebut oh well :)19:32
kanzurevery big names here.19:32
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/pipermail/hplusroadmap/2008-May/000538.html Powered exoskeletons, Iron Man and transhumanism20:24
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Neurochem_kit -- so that we don't have to pay companies for neurotransmitters20:58
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-!- JoeLlama [n=snork@unaffiliated/joellama] has joined #hplusroadmap21:33
JoeLlamaneato :)21:33
kanzureHi all.21:34
kanzureSo we can keep the neuro stuff in #neuroscience for the moment21:34
kanzurebut all the other stuff can go here ;-)21:34
kanzurelike the automated manufacturing tech21:34
* kramer3d is eager to hear kanzure 's idears21:34
JoeLlamaI have done a lot of work on manufacturing equipment in my life.. I'm 49 so I'm kinda old :)21:35
kramer3dyoure old O_O21:35
JoeLlamaold enough :)21:35
JoeLlamamostly I work with amusement ride control systems now including hydraulics and pneumatic systems.21:35
JoeLlamait's an aspie thing for me I think21:36
kanzureoops, please excuse me21:36
kanzuretrying to multitask hehe21:36
kanzureJoeLlama: ah, good21:36
kanzureJoeLlama: http://heybryan.org/exp.html21:36
kanzureif you don't understand it, please feel free to yell at me21:36
kanzurebasically if you know anything about debian you'll understand what I'm doing here21:36
kanzureI'm doing it with all of my projects21:36
JoeLlamawow you are a busy bee :) neat21:37
kramer3dwhat in the hell21:37
JoeLlamaself-replicating machines21:37
JoeLlamamachiens to build machines21:37
JoeLlamacool :)21:38
JoeLlamaI'm mostly into ferris wheels and flume rides now.21:38
kanzureit's a convergence of transhumanism, recursive self-improvement, future-tech, and building stuff21:38
JoeLlamaI guess that's because I'm older.21:38
JoeLlamaI like recursion21:38
kanzureI'm writing an article at the moment for the inclusion in a magazine later this month or year, I'm not sure which21:38
kanzureJoeLlama: I like recursion too.21:38
kanzureunless you meant the document21:38
kanzurewhich I like too, of course21:39
JoeLlamano I do a lot of programming and recursion is your friend :) heh21:39
JoeLlamaMostly into state machines and finite state automata21:39
JoeLlamait's my thing21:39
kanzureI like CA too21:39
JoeLlamacool :)21:39
kanzurein fact, it's my summer project21:39
kramer3dkanzure: what the hell ... im still on the first link21:39
kanzurekramer3d: exp.html?21:39
kanzurekramer3d: okay, I can explain it to you, if you can tell me what you think it might be21:40
JoeLlamahuh interesting21:40
JoeLlamahopefully you won't blow apart and end up doing amusement ride engineering21:40
JoeLlamaheh :)21:40
kanzureJoeLlama: nothing wrong with amusement21:40
kanzureeven better when it's the ride engineering, sounds neat21:40
JoeLlamano I'm attracting to spinny shiney flashy objects....  I love blinky lights :) heh21:41
JoeLlamaah well...21:41
kanzureso, kramer3d21:42
kanzurebasically the idea is kind of like linux21:42
JoeLlamau r a b-z b21:42
kanzurelinux's community has distributions for operating systems21:42
kanzurelike http://debian.org/ or http://ubuntu.org/ or http://gentoo.org/ - pick any of them21:42
kanzureaccording to Wikipedia, debian has an accumulative value of $10 billion21:42
kanzureand this is mostly because of the social aggregation that they are doing under the hood21:42
kanzureit's a completely free software project, you see21:43
kanzureso the volunteers assemble 'packages' of software from the internet21:43
kanzureand you download them with simple <apt-get install 'software name here'> and *that's it*, you're done :)21:43
kanzureprogram installed :)21:43
kanzureso, I'm doing the same thing with manufacturing, do-it-yourself / homebrew stuff, etc.21:43
kanzureit's called SKDB21:43
kanzurefor 'socialized engineering knowledge database'21:43
kanzurethis is mostly because the problem of personal fabrication and diy isn't so much the engineering as the knowledge21:44
kanzuremost of the knowledge is locked up in proprietary systems and lots of dead guys21:44
kanzurehttp://oscomak.net/ for another introduction to the project (sort of) - it's basically the same project21:45
kanzureso, fenn and I have been working on it21:45
kanzureright now I still have to write up some documents and do some pythoning21:45
kanzurebut fenn has successfully demonstrated paper-folding through the system :)21:46
kanzurethe real first steps will be taken when we can wire up robotic arms that can make some more robotic arms21:46
kanzureor when we can get others submitting semantic standards etc.21:46
JoeLlamaYou certainly seem to have perseverative features kanzure...  You aren't an aspie?21:47
kanzureI'm going to be dumping everything from my roadmap into this databse/repository, no doubt about it. http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Roadmap (of course, there's not a lot of datafiles here, anyway)21:47
kanzureJoeLlama: Heh. :)21:47
kanzureJoeLlama: http://heybryan.org/intense_world_syndrome.html for an interesting take on autism spectrum disorders.21:47
JoeLlamaI dunno you seem to have similar features like I do21:47
JoeLlamaokee doke I look :)21:47
JoeLlamaI have my own ideas.21:47
kanzureApparently I'm ADHD, the H stands for hyperactive, but really also hyperfocusing and H+ (transhumanism ;-)21:47
kramer3dso basically its self replicating machines via open source engineering ?21:47
JoeLlamaboth a disorder AND evolution21:47
JoeLlamaI am also ADHD however asperger's trumps ADHD21:48
kanzureBut I'm pretty sure I have aspergers as well - some of the anxiety [which I selectively take advantage of], the obvious babbling, etc.21:48
kanzurekramer3d: yes21:48
kanzurekramer3d: but to get to the self-replicating part, we need lots of work beforehand :)21:48
JoeLlamaif you have asperger's you dont' have ADHD even though you have all symptoms of it....  but that's just teh DSM-IV which I take with a LARGE grain of salt.21:48
kramer3dkanzure: let me tell you in concept it sounds very exciting :)21:48
kanzureso that's why I'm supposed to be writing some papers. 21:48
kramer3di wish u good luck21:48
kanzurekramer3d: :)21:48
JoeLlamakanzure do you have hypergraphia too>21:48
JoeLlamaI have hypergraphia and hyperblabbia21:49
JoeLlamahypertypia :)21:49
kanzureJoeLlama: No hypergraphia, although I seem to have hyperlexia/hyperbabblia. 21:49
kanzurehypertypia, sure.21:49
kramer3dkanzure: is your python stuffs open source?21:49
JoeLlamayou seen to type a lot kanzure21:49
kramer3dcause id love to read some code :D21:49
JoeLlamahypertypia is hypergraphia I think21:49
kanzurekramer3d: yes, but it's nowhere near ready, it's just a few lines21:49
kanzurehold on21:49
kanzureJoeLlama: hypergraphia =~ synesthesia, right? The word highlighting.21:49
JoeLlamakanzure writing, typing, and talking all seem to come from the same part of the brain so I don't consider a big difference between the three.21:50
kanzurekramer3d: http://heybryan.org/docs/agx-get.py might be it21:50
JoeLlamakanzure no21:50
JoeLlamawiki hypergraphia21:50
JoeLlamaI also have hyperblabbia21:50
JoeLlamaIt's how I live my life sometimes.21:50
JoeLlamaI mean, I talk regardless of the dangers sometimes.21:50
JoeLlamaI mean....21:50
JoeLlamaI talk to people and I seek people out specifically to talk to those people.21:51
JoeLlamaand sometimes.......21:51
JoeLlamaI get into trouble21:51
kanzureI mean, I've had my close calls too21:51
kanzureA year ago I was in my first chem class. The class was discussing melting points.21:51
JoeLlamaBut the benefits outweigh the possible (and probable) dissadvantages.21:51
kanzureSomebody spoke up and asked "What's the melting point of a human?"21:51
kanzureI saw the opportunity and ran with it: "What's the melting point ... OF A JEW?"21:52
kramer3dhmm idle on mac sucks21:52
kanzurethat had to be one of the less good ideas I've had.21:52
JoeLlamayeah that would be a bad thing to say in a neurotypical environment.21:52
JoeLlamakanzure do you have anything against jews?21:52
kanzureJoeLlama: luckily I am jewish (only because my mother is (only because her mother is (ad naseum)), so I got to call racial immunity or some bullshit like that21:52
kanzureJoeLlama: nope, not at all21:52
JoeLlamaand yes, that was an incredable "foe pah" I dont' spell well.21:53
JoeLlamaok good :)21:53
JoeLlamayou seem aspie to me...21:53
kanzureJoeLlama: It was just something that had to be said, you see. Many of them were burned alive. :(21:53
JoeLlamaYou seem ADHD and aspie which I can relate to I am that way.21:53
JoeLlamaI have symptoms of both (in spades)21:53
kanzureyeah, actually my great grandfather on my mother's side (the jewish side) was aspie21:53
JoeLlamaI have learned a lot over the years to mimic behaviors.21:53
JoeLlamaand become what I need to be in this neurotypical world.21:54
kanzureHe died with Alzheimer's too, so I have that to look forward to. I'm the first male on that side of the family since him.21:54
JoeLlamaBut I still make mistakes...21:54
JoeLlamaall the time.21:54
JoeLlamakanzure I take preventative measures against alzheimers but not on direcdt purpose.21:54
kramer3dkanzure: what do you plan on studying in undergrad?21:54
kanzureThe inattentiveness due to ADHD keeps me normal when I'm aimless etc.21:54
JoeLlamaNot that I won't get it....21:55
kanzurekramer3d: Chemical engineering, http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/UT21:55
kanzurekramer3d: but I might switch to something else21:55
JoeLlamaactually, I wish to prevent the type of death that my mother had.21:55
kanzureUT doesn't let me pick my own classes21:55
kramer3dkanzure: neat i reccomend EE21:55
kanzurekramer3d: yeah, but nobody knows anything about EE anymore21:55
JoeLlamaMy mother basically her brain malfunctioned very badly21:55
kanzureby this I mean that there's no connection down to subatomic particle physics with EM fields and so on21:55
kanzureso it's hard for me to understand21:55
kramer3dkanzure: whats that supposed to mean?21:55
JoeLlamakanzure lemme see if I can describe some of your features :)21:55
kanzurekramer3d: There's no way for me to connect it to my understanding of QED, so it's hard to understand at times. Just seems kind of ridiculous. 21:56
kanzurekramer3d: But I wouldn't be opposed to it.21:56
JoeLlamakanzure are you intensely organized?21:56
kanzureI mean, I've done digital electronics before :)21:56
kramer3dkanzure: force yourself to learn it21:56
kanzureJoeLlama: Hm. That depends.21:56
JoeLlamaI do digital electronics.21:56
kanzurekramer3d: yes21:56
kanzureJoeLlama: Let's see.21:56
kanzurephysically, no21:56
kramer3di wish i could do double major neuro + engineering21:56
JoeLlamakanzure depends on what it is?  I bet your file systems are well oroganized.21:56
kramer3dbut i just cant fit into my skedule21:56
kanzuredigitally, no, although I do hoard links into collections21:56
kanzureJoeLlama: well, look at my bookmarks on my site21:56
kramer3dmaybe after undergrad i might do something21:56
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/bookmarks/bookmarks-old2/ 21:57
JoeLlamawell I make sure I put my car keys in the same place each day so I know where they are... If I don't do that I will not find them immediatelly.21:57
kanzurekramer3d: neuro + engineering would be awesome21:57
kanzurekramer3d: I'd like to do computational neuroscience + mechanical engineering, or something like that.21:57
kramer3dya thats my ideal education21:57
JoeLlamakanzure I an mostly NOT organized.21:57
kramer3dbut right now it looks like neuro + math21:57
kanzureI have a list of the main classes in the engineering curriculum that I want to take - like the mechanical industrial stuff, the processes that are used in manufacturing, etc. But then the other stuff, like p-chem, I can learn on my own via reading the papers and mathematical models21:58
kanzureJoeLlama: The majority of my ideas are scattered throughout 25+ megabytes of plaintext journaling logs, over the web ( http://google.com/search?q=kanzure ), and on hundreds of sheets of densely packed pieces of paper21:58
kanzureI use blank, white printer paper (8.5x11) and write densely in black ink21:58
JoeLlamaI bet kanzure gets "hyperfocus" which he has periods of time where he get's so focused on a project that all time seem to slow down.  He might think it's 20 minutes yet it's been two or three hours.21:59
kanzureI've been fitting 100 lines per sheet-side, and have a very large stack that admittedly I will never go through entirely :)21:59
kramer3danything requiring hands on stuff is what id take if i was u21:59
kramer3dcause the rest u can learn on ur own especially maths21:59
kanzureJoeLlama: sure, time dilation21:59
kramer3dif youre dedicated that is :)21:59
JoeLlamayes seems like time dilation21:59
JoeLlamasomeone might even say your name and you won't hear them... your focus isi so intense...22:00
kanzurekramer3d: the [[UT]] link on the wiki there ... is evidence of dedication, methinks. I'm going through the entire friggin' curriculum before I show up for day one.22:00
JoeLlamayou mnight get three days of work done in a period of several hours.22:00
JoeLlamaThat is a symptom of ADHD22:00
kanzurethat's me, sure22:00
JoeLlamaof asperger's I'm not sure.22:00
JoeLlamawith some they have it.22:00
JoeLlamaasperger's is an autistic specturm disorder whereas ADD/ADHD is an affective spectrum disorder22:00
JoeLlamabut I've seen both in people (regardless of what the DSM-IV says)22:01
kanzurehere's what I was focusing on today - http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Sustained_attention22:01
kanzurenah, ADHD is on the autism spectrum22:01
kramer3dkanzure: my goal is to achieve whats already shown alot in sci fi films and that is cyborgs :)22:01
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/intense_world_syndrome.html talks about ADHD in relation to ASDs.22:01
JoeLlamaI think the only way to define asperger's is asperger's with or without ADD/ADHD22:01
kanzurekramer3d: yeah, cyborgorization is neat stuff sometimes.22:01
kanzurekramer3d: Kevin Warwick and so on.22:02
JoeLlamakanzure I will have to read it.22:02
kramer3di want a full understanding of brain so that i can hook up electronics to it and do whatever i want22:02
kanzurekramer3d: yeah, you might be interested in http://www.innerspacefoundation.org/ - it has the 'first' cyborg (Kevin Warwick) and a few other guys sponsoring the IF Prize22:02
JoeLlamaYou type a lot on many channels I think kanzure22:02
JoeLlamayou multitask it's what "floats your boat"22:02
kanzurethe Innerspace Foundation Prize -- it's a neurohacking competition22:02
kramer3dkanzure: how well do you do in school? gpa  etc22:03
kramer3dsorry if im being personal :P22:04
kanzurekramer3d: I used to do near perfectly, until I realized I didn't care22:04
kramer3dok thats good22:04
kanzurethat's why everything is digitzed on my website22:04
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/todo.html is back when I cared - it was my *total* todo list, day by day, minute by minute, I was an extremist, but also sort of delluded at the time hehe22:04
kramer3dkanzure: i was same, like junior year i stopped giving a damn but that was due to personal reasons22:04
kramer3dnow i have realised i need to stop the lazyness :)22:04
kramer3d    * I need to write a ToDo List for going between houses.22:05
kanzurewell, the trick is to separate the laziness due to school versus the laziness due to personal issues22:05
kanzurekramer3d: yeah, be careful there22:05
kanzurethat's a rather personal document22:05
kanzureI don't link to it on the web because of the content, really22:05
kanzureHm. we died out22:14
kanzureI was going to do some other things tonight, I can't quite remember what22:14
kanzureI was going to write a few emails, one pointing out the lack of criticism against Iron Man as a transhuman22:14
kanzureand then another one on the lack of molecular science backing up 'basic physical fitness' propaganda22:15
kramer3dkanzure: suppose i wanted to cut up like a bug 22:23
kramer3dand put electrodes in it so it would control a little motor instead of moving its leg22:23
kramer3dhow can i get started 22:23
kramer3dlol i just laughed 22:23
kramer3di cant believe i typed that but oh well22:23
kanzurewe've talked about this on the mailing list before22:27
kanzureor something close to it. Hm.22:27
kanzureAnyway, the problem with cutting up a bug is that it's so small. You're not going to be able to easily wire up electrodes. And even if you could, do you have small electrodes on you? Probably not.22:28
kanzureThe smallest MEAs (microelectrode arrays) are maybe 1/10th the size of a quarter, and they have at least 10x10 arrays22:28
kanzureso it's just kinda hard22:28
kramer3di can get some $4 mice from petco22:28
* JoeLlama says, "moo"22:28
kanzurebut there was a setup where there was an MEA hooked up to a cockroach22:28
kramer3dbut thatd be cruel22:28
kanzureso you might want to look at that22:28
kanzureyes, if you do animal research please know what you are doing22:29
kanzureMEA = microelectrode array22:29
-!- JoeLlama [n=snork@unaffiliated/joellama] has quit ["Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one learned in school --=Albert Einstein"]22:45

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