
--- Day changed Thu May 22 2008
kanzureI am against the enslavement of the abstractions encoded within the nucleotides of DNA.00:11
kanzurebut I'm not against running a cell culture experiment00:12
kramer3dim here01:42
kramer3doh shit01:42
kramer3dwrong chan01:42
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap01:52
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]01:58
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap02:16
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap02:18
* kanzure yawns and searches the net for some new hardware02:20
kramer3dhey kanzure still up? :)02:23
kramer3dkanzure: are you into game programming by any chance? :P02:31
kanzurekramer3d: yes02:31
kramer3dreally? what languages/ thingies02:31
kramer3ddo u use02:32
kanzureI've done work with OpenGL, AllegroGL, Allegro, SDL, some weird assembly modes, various BASIC languages (Q, V, Dark, Liberty, ... ), text-adventures (mostly in perl and php), ...02:32
kramer3dhah cool02:32
kramer3dgot anything to show on the web?02:33
kanzureHrm. They are deleted.02:34
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]02:36
kanzurehm, some stuff from 2003 - http://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_view&t=15031&b=202:37
kanzureMan, that's some old stuff. I was doing some more recent games in 2006, IIRC.02:40
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]03:12
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/New_comp planning a new computer03:43
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/inspiration/physicaldesktop.jpg is what I'm looking towards03:46
kramer3d4gb O_O03:47
* kramer3d faints03:47
kramer3dwait no03:47
kramer3dive 2gb on my macbook03:47
kramer3dnvm :)03:47
kramer3dmy pc is still 512mb03:47
kramer3dholy shit monitors03:47
kanzureI used to do 4 monitors, sort of, but I've never gotten it completely working03:48
kramer3dkanzure: how close do you live to ur uni?03:48
kanzurekramer3d: 40 miles03:48
kramer3dwill you be driving?03:48
kanzureso I'm dorming there the first year (they require it)03:48
kramer3dah ok03:48
kramer3di live bout 35 mins from mine03:48
kramer3dat first i didnt like it03:49
kramer3di mean like driving03:49
kramer3dso i decided to get dorm03:49
kramer3dthen i realised i liked the freedom of driving lol03:49
kramer3dplus you get more privacy :)03:49
kanzureoh, I'm doing a single room03:50
kanzureno room mate03:50
kramer3di see youre not going all out on the grfx card03:51
kanzureI'm getting two graphics cards so that I can have a total of five monitor outputs03:55
kanzurehopefully with a few expansion slots left over03:56
kanzurefeel free to leave some notes or something03:56
kanzureI need sleep03:57
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]03:57
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Connection timed out]04:18
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]04:38
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@unaffiliated/kramer3d] has quit []05:26
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-!- krebs_ [n=krebs@] has quit ["no PONG from server in 37.207322 seconds"]09:56
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-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@ip98-169-184-165.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:52
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h229n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:13
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krebshelp topics: 6 core modules: auth, basics, config, httputil, remote, userdata; 73 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, azgame, babel, bans, bash, cal, chanserv, chucknorris, debug, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, dict, digg, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, figlet, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, grouphug, hl2, host, imdb, insult, iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, lastfm, linkbot, markov, math, modes, nickserv, q, quiz, quote, reaction, realm, remind,17:46
krebsremotectl, ri, roshambo, rot, roulette, rss, salut, script, search, seen, shiritori, shortenurls, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, time, topic, translator, tube, twitter, unicode, urban, url, usermodes, weather, wheeloffortune, wserver (help <topic> for more info)17:46
Biopunkdoes anyone know if krebs records this channel?17:47
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@unaffiliated/kramer3d] has quit []17:54
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:02
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]18:16
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@ip98-169-184-165.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:39
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Connection timed out]19:12
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@unaffiliated/kramer3d] has quit []19:19
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h229n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []20:44
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:40
* kanzure got back from the awards ceremony22:45
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap22:59
kanzureHey ybit.23:01
ybitoi kanzure23:03
ybithate to jet again, but this isn't my internet23:06
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]23:06
kanzure'The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the23:33
kanzureuniverse, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,23:33
kanzurethere remains time to create, to create, and escape.23:33
kanzureEscape will make me God.'23:33
fennhmm @ http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/cs482/photos/20070104_ccdi_fablab_visit/20070104_3653.jpg23:45
fenni wonder if the shape is a result of bead alignment like in dna origami23:45
fennthink magnetic silver beads23:46

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