
--- Day changed Sat May 24 2008
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]00:49
-!- ybit [n=u1@c-71-207-240-143.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:50
ybitthought this might stimulate no intellectual conversation whatsoever 00:59
ybitalso located here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL_CVwqnn4k01:01
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@ip98-169-184-165.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:28
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-!- Biopunk [n=p@h13n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []06:08
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap08:27
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:58
kanzureCD3WD's clone: http://www.humaninfo.org/project_details.html 'The equivalent knowledge of 16 full university degrees available at fingertips' 10:00
kanzure'An average university degree of four years requires integrating about 10.000 pages of information and knowledge. This HDL library 2.0 contains 160.000 pages, all accessible within seconds. This means the equivalent knowledge of about 16 full university degrees available at fingertips to any person.'10:00
kanzureThis is a terrible idea: http://nzdl.sadl.uleth.ca/cgi-bin/library?a=p&p=about&c=mhl10:11
kanzure"Humanity Info Project" ... oh, but you must use our interface to the information10:11
kanzurehttp://www.unisdr.org/eng/public_aware/world_camp/2008-2009/wdrc-2008-2009.html International Strategy for Disaster Reduction10:14
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap12:31
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@ip98-169-184-165.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:12
kanzureHey kramer3d.13:13
kanzureHi Vedestin.13:13
kramer3dhey kanzure whats up13:13
kanzureI'm going through some international organizations, seeing some things that might be relevant to SKDB.13:13
Vedestinhi kanzure13:14
kanzurehttp://www.isi.edu/~salemi/ self-reconfigurable robotics for space exploration13:51
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap13:57
-!- amaruk [n=amaruk@p54B1B449.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #hplusroadmap14:04
kanzureHey amaruk.14:06
-!- amaruk [n=amaruk@p54B1B449.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote closed the connection]14:08
kanzureIt'd be nice if we could solve the browser problem.14:28
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@unaffiliated/kramer3d] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]15:55
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kanzurehttp://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/novak/cgi/apserver.cgi automatic programming?16:20
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fennits so automatic i dont even have to run the program to get equivalent results!18:50
kanzureI think it means "intentional programming"18:50
fennwell, 0=018:50
kanzurealso, isoc.org should be interested in our projects18:50
kanzureif not, I'm investigating the local manufacturing, uh, 'clubs'18:50
kanzuresanctioned by the uni18:50
kanzurealso, to solve my browser problems18:51
kanzureI'm considering hacking konqueror18:51
kanzureI want to put it under the control of a messy perl script18:51
fenncheck out dcop18:51
fennrun 'kdcop'18:51
kanzureand this script would be what I control/navigate-with --- it would track link following behavior, back/forward/next calls, and close/open windows on demand and do my 'tabbing'18:51
kanzurewhat is this ?18:52
fenna list of methods callable through dcop18:52
kanzuredirect api access ?18:52
* kanzure runs off to eat18:53
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h194n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:53
fenni use this one all the time, mapped to ctrl-alt-l in icewm: http://fenn.freeshell.org/gnurds/newkonq.sh18:55
fennits like hyperwords but less mouse-clicky18:56
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:57
fennwhat brings you to our humble channel?18:59
kanzureHello wrldpc.19:04
kanzurefenn: so your script is partially what I'm looking for.19:05
kanzureI also want to interface with konq so that I get back/forward commands, stuff that's important to record like that19:05
kanzureI could do logging via a proxy gateway I guess19:05
fennso you can record your 'path' and replay it?19:05
kanzureyes, and other things19:05
kanzurefor example, my 300+ tabs in Opera from a few minutes ago19:05
kanzurewas making this thing sound like a jet airplane19:05
kanzureso, I want to be able to do tabbing sessions without the agonizing ridiculousness19:06
kanzurenah, before takeoff19:06
kanzureI'm trying to come up with a good idea for an interface19:06
kanzuremight just do bookmarking19:06
fennit all comes back to graph visualization it seems19:07
kanzurebut in this case I'm thinking of a small list of 'tabs'19:07
kanzurethis could be a page rendered by an app feeding off of my bookmarks db19:07
kanzuresimple XBEL -> HTML rendering or something19:07
kanzurebut it doesn't allow for easy tab manipulation like in Opera :-/19:07
fennnever having used opera, i can't provide any meaningful insight on that19:08
kanzureoh, well19:08
fennso what, it's just a list with little icons next to them19:09
fenneasily done with frames19:09
kanzureit's not just a list though, it's drag/droppable too19:10
kanzureand a double click sends you to the tab19:10
kanzureyeah, it's that stupid -- all of them are in immediate mem19:10
fennwhere do you drag them to?19:10
kanzurebookmark manager, for example19:10
fennhow is that useful?19:10
kanzurewell, it's the only way I can bookmark in Opera19:10
kanzurewithout it crashing19:10
kanzureI guess this could all be replicated with a JS interface19:11
kanzurebut frankly I'd like to avoid that.19:11
fennso. user interface stuff is hard to explain19:11
fennunless you have extensively studied HCI and know all the lingo19:11
kanzurewell, what would an alternative interface be like19:12
kanzurestill need a list of active tabs that you're working with, right?19:12
fennwell, for one thing it'd never lose any input to the system (like elephant)19:12
kanzureelephant? but yes.19:12
fennshould be able to make both hierarchical and tagged sorting representations19:12
kanzureshould be able to scripthack the hell out of all of it19:13
fennsemantically and graphically zoomable19:13
fenn'preview' icons are just the beginning19:13
fennbut shrinking the rendered page down only goes so far.. everything ends up looking like white boxes with black text19:13
kanzureback when I was using firefox I found this extension that was called 'webhistory' or something19:14
fennso we have these 'favico.ico' or whatever - the little pics next to the bookmark19:14
kanzureit was sqlite + history + bookmarks + your browser trail session in one19:14
kanzureon the side of the screen19:14
kanzurethe favico.ico doesn't matter much to me19:14
kanzureI just need a list that can facilitate my selection of pages to open up in a timely manner, really19:14
kanzureI don't care if it has to fetch it from disk19:15
kanzureas long as I get to play around with different strategies for managing it19:15
fennwell, with gigs of ram you shouldn't need to fetch it from disk :)19:15
kanzureyou'd think so, but still19:15
fennyes one would think so, but apparently the engineers at firefox have their own ideas19:15
kanzureI have 1 GB RAM and Opera still whines like a whore with +300 tabs19:15
wrldpcanyone know of a top secret tech project code named 'stonehenge' ?19:16
fennhmm was that the druid mainframe?19:16
wrldpcgot it19:17
wrldpcAdobe's new CS419:17
wrldpcor CS 'whateva'19:17
wrldpcBryan you are a legend in Boston :)19:18
* fenn stares at wrldpc blankly19:18
kanzureAm I?19:18
kanzureHow's that?19:18
fennadobe? wasnt that some proprietary software company from the nineties?19:18
kanzurefenn: no, it was a brick19:19
fennoh, right, like superadobe19:19
kanzureused to make houses in the 0090s.19:19
wrldpcAt the DIY Bio meet up your name wasn't mentioned but you were referenced positively as "some high school genius doing everything himself"19:19
fennsince obsolesced by compressed earth block19:19
kanzurewrldpc: There's new updates to http://heybryan.org/ btw.19:20
kanzurefenn: so, uh, interface. here's a good way to decide:19:21
kanzureclicking required or no clicking?19:21
fennresponse time under 0.1 sec19:21
kanzurethis is mainly for the list of tabs19:21
kanzureof 'current workspace' (whatever you're browsing about)19:22
kanzureI think no clicking would be very nice19:22
kanzureonly time you should click is when konqueror is brought up19:22
kanzureand you want to visit a link or something19:22
fennactually konqueror has these 'access keys' if you tap ctrl, gives you a letter for each link19:22
fenni never got the hang of it19:23
kanzureoh, so that's what that is19:24
kanzurehard to predict19:24
kanzureseems to miss a few links on my sie19:26
fenni wonder how these humanitarian projects compare to wikipedia19:26
kanzurefenn: hm?19:27
kanzurethe cd3wd projects?19:27
kanzureor places like WHO?19:27
fennyes that and humaninfo.org19:27
kanzurewell, they aren't wikis19:27
kanzureand they probably should be19:27
kanzureapparently it's just UN pamphlets dumped into a CD19:27
fennthey are just agglomerations of various organizations' attempts to write a how-to encyclopedia19:28
kanzureit's the UN ;-)19:28
fennffs they could at least try to make the format consistent19:28
kanzuremaking me download it from cnet is a stupid thing19:28
kanzureI was going through each of the individual pages and clicking 'download'19:28
kanzureso they suck.19:28
fennsure that's just cluelessness19:29
fennideally there's be a torrent with all 16GB or whatever19:29
fennalex seems to come from a "commercial" programming background19:29
kanzurepeculiar :)19:30
fennbuncha weirdoes :)19:30
fennno it makes perfect sense19:30
fennin the usual assbackwards way19:30
fennsee, these relief organizations get a big chunk of money, they're like crap what do we do with this money! i know, we'll hire some consultants19:30
kanzureguy who makes profit decides to turn around and liberate 3rd world development info in his spare time?19:30
kanzure*steal steal steal*19:31
fennso then they use the same techniques as huge corporations with constant cash flows19:31
fennbut they dont have a cash flow, they just have this big chunk at the beginning, then the data rots after that19:31
fennthe methodology requires constant input of paid effort (since there's the commit access problem, no redistribution/modification etc)19:32
kanzuremaybe I don't need a list-view of tabs. just do a queue manager and go through it linearly. when done with a page, dump it in the bookmarks and write a few notes19:32
fennnow i see why you want back-links to project maintainers19:34
fenni figured that it doesn't matter who the maintainer is, if all the documentation and source is there, and you have equal clout to modify and redistribute19:35
kanzuresure you do, but .. the S in skdb is important :)19:35
fennS meaning social interaction?19:35
kanzureyeah, it's a good bet that the guys who were doing the code might have a better clue than you19:35
kanzurewhat did you realize about my wanting the backlinks anyway?19:36
fennoh, well i was browsing archive.org on the NIST hexapod project, and i realized that they didnt just delete all the data on purpose, it was some guy got laid off and his pet projects bit-rotted19:36
kanzureoh, sure, that too19:37
fennand nobody even knew about their existence so they disappeared19:37
kanzureI'm seeing a lot of organizations that *should* be very enthusiastic about skdb19:37
fennfound this vrml model last night on archive.org (unfortunately not the pro-engineer files) http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/nist_hexapod.png19:38
kanzureheh, blender19:38
kanzureor is that you?19:39
fennthat's me importing vrml into blender19:39
kanzureah, right, vrml model19:39
fennits nice to finally see it in 3d thogh19:39
kanzurefenn: tell me why I need a visual list of tabs in my queue19:40
kanzuremuch less a list that I can jump around in19:40
kanzuredo I really need that ?19:40
kanzuredo you?19:40
fennum, i'd like to "burn" a path through the desert and be able to look back on it19:40
fennbut i dont know how to turn that into a computer interface exactly19:40
kanzurepath visualization can be done pretty easily, IMHO, at least as linear paths (retrospectively)19:41
kanzurefor example, in your bookmarks you could say "show session-pathings"19:41
kanzureand then it would show what you were doing that got you to that page19:41
fennnot so much jump around, but pull something from a couple minutes ago back into view, relating it to the current set of things i'm paying attention to19:41
kanzurenow, in cases where you didn't click to it (random insight to do a search versus being given a link), that's up to you - I guess you could always write down a few words, but I don't know any ML for that.19:41
kanzureyes, I do that too19:42
kanzureI also jump between pages a lot19:42
kanzurelike when copying information in some stupid way19:42
fennalso would like to tag/annotate/score a numerical "interestingness level" and possibly auto-archive over a certain level19:42
fennbut i think the whole bookmark idea is fubared19:43
kanzurehow's that?19:43
fennits just a bunch of links19:43
kanzureoh, bookmarks-as-active-tabs ?19:43
fennits supposed to be a memory augmentation system19:43
kanzurewhy can't it be links to local caches too?19:43
fennlike.. i'm thinking of some page, its mostly red and has something to do with 1959 ford's19:43
fenncan bookmarks do that?19:44
kanzureuh, are they designed to?19:44
fennno fucking way19:44
kanzureI don't think that's the idea19:44
fennits just a bunch of links19:44
kanzureit's not a memory augmentation system19:44
kanzureit's like an skdb package ;-)19:44
kanzurethese links can't really be intuited out of the divine void19:44
kanzurethat's why we have to use search engines19:44
kanzure(and remember some particular servers, of course)19:44
kanzurescrew URLs, just imagine as if they are IP addresses only19:45
kanzurebecause essentially the URLs are only for remembering19:45
fennback in the early days before search engines, there were these 'phone books' that had basically a hierarchical organization of pages by topic19:45
kanzurebut they are still essentially like IP addresses in that you can't really do the whole territory=map BS19:45
kanzurebut that's a MPOV thing19:45
kanzureand that sounds like hierarchical bookmarks to me :-/19:45
kanzurethe links were telephone numbers instead of hyperlinks19:46
fennoh, not phone numbers, real hyperlinks19:46
fennthink gopher19:47
fennanyway, you're right, that's no different from bookmarks19:47
kanzureI don't know what you want, 19:47
kanzurethis isn't my 'revolutionary web interface' stuff :)19:48
kanzurethis is just me trying to get through the day19:48
kanzureIMHO, the next generation web interface will be my neurosci projects19:48
kanzurethe ones that exploit the information otherwise trapped in your head19:48
kanzureones where you can literally "import" information and so bookmarks are just a part of the underlying framework19:49
fennwell, i've always been more of a fan of wearables than implants.. considering a PC a wearable in this context19:50
fennPC is an intelligence/memory/communication augmentation system no?19:50
kanzurein a limited sense, yeah of course19:51
kanzureI'm much more myself on a box than on paper, for example19:51
BiopunkI've been thinking along the lines of 3d mindmaps19:56
kanzureYou mean the 'write everything down as a map' strategy?19:56
Biopunkfor organizing large chunks of information in a way I can remember it19:56
kanzureAnything that requires you to write, sucks.19:56
* Biopunk sucks19:57
kanzureMy brain compiler architecture is based off of the idea of auto-importing and integration of ideas, stimulation, and the automated processing of excess information.19:57
kanzureBiopunk: :) Don't take it that way.19:57
fennwriting is about 100-1000 times slower than reading19:57
kanzureBiopunk: I would like to see a 3D mindmap anyway, especially if it had those fancy navigation controls like characters flying through simulations.19:57
BiopunkI meant for myself.. like to learn all the biology terminology19:57
kanzureplus colors and fields of colors or something, I'm sure somebody's tried that out with fogs and so on19:57
fennmnemosyne? supermemo?19:58
kanzureall of the bio terminology? that would overload supermemo19:58
kanzureI mean, you could do it, if you could spend 14 hours a day19:58
Biopunki want fog19:58
fenneven a hierarchical menu is faster than trying to fly through some VR environment19:59
Biopunki have been thinking about weather it would work... it adds the spacial tag to info... and level19:59
kanzurewhile true, the supermemo strategy of repetitious and so on ... it's hard to download 20,000 terms into your head that way19:59
kanzureI was spending way too much time with the tagging problem and writing questions / new content into the db19:59
kanzureimporting it all at once would have been nice, but19:59
Biopunkmaybe not if it's well organized19:59
kanzurebut ideally you're writing the content that you throw into it because that's how you're encoding it19:59
fennyeah supermemo doesn't give you a holistic view of things, which you need (at least initially) to build up a sense of what those definitions really _mean_19:59
kanzureno, trust me, organization only makes it worse20:00
kanzureyou need 'organization' (analysis) in terms of _processes_, not objects/hierarchies20:00
Biopunkmm... i kinda think it's vital20:00
kanzurehow's that tree of life working out for ya20:00
kanzurehehe :)20:00
Biopunk? the game?20:01
kanzurethere's a game?20:01
kanzurethat only complicates the issue20:01
fennBiopunk: kanzure was referring to the observer bias in taxonomy20:01
Biopunki was seeing some tree representation of the life game .. 'game of life'?20:01
kanzureand, the taxonomical problems of there being multiple ways to approach a subject20:01
fennbiologists have "solved" this problem by declaring "wah! i'm more senior than you! deal with it"20:02
Biopunkyeah.. but i was talking about info that's alrady organized.. as names in biology20:02
kanzureinteresting solution, fenn20:02
kanzuretoo bad it sucks.20:02
kanzureI like that word today, apparently. 20:03
kanzurere: jumping around / going back to something from a few minutes ago (using active attention as opposed to whatever script for tab-queue-processing you wrote earlier) 20:04
kanzurewhat if you could have a log viewer for one monitor?20:04
kanzureI don't know if I like that implementation though20:04
kanzuresomething like that20:04
Biopunkfenn: you have a point with the 'organize along the process' though20:05
fenni do?20:05
Biopunkyou mean info has to be attached to a backbone20:06
fennno, there is no backbone20:06
fennyour brain works by relating lots of different blobs of information20:06
fennits not a hierarchical tree with one root20:06
fennthis is why you can never get to the 'final' definition in a dictionary20:07
Biopunki called your process backbone i think.. cause thigs are attaced to it.. bad word maybe20:07
fenni dont understand kanzure's insistence on organization around processes - its just another type of bias imho20:08
fennsome languages like inuit? use process as a basic unit of communication20:08
fenninstead of nouns20:08
fennor haskell vs java, this argument's been thoroughly flogged20:08
Biopunkdo the inuits build nuclear subs?20:09
fennare you saying nuclear subs are a good thing? :)20:09
Biopunkit's better to have them than not to20:09
fennwhy is that?20:09
Biopunkmutual assured destruction?20:09
fennyes, so any of our petty squabbles can result in destroying the entire planet, great20:10
fennBiopunk: you're a poor representative for whitey20:10
Biopunk... it takes som organized effort to build them enyway.. so i used them as an example20:10
Biopunkfor 'the man' maybe20:11
fennhonestly i dont know much about the inuit.. i'm sure it takes a lot of community organization to live in the arctic wilderness20:11
fennthe point is almost moot. look at the lojban effort - people can't change their own bias even if they try20:12
Biopunki'm a bit sceptical of putting indigenous people on pedistals20:12
fennwell. i'm a bit sceptical of putting invaders on pedestals20:13
Biopunkok... indigenous cultures then20:13
fennsame diff20:13
fennunfortunately they're all dead so there's nobody to argue for their way of life20:14
fennor demonstrate it20:14
fennso i might as well be talking about how cool babylonianism is20:14
Biopunkdid their culture produce space flight and western medecine?20:15
fennwell, fwiw space flight and 'western' medicine came out of nazi germany20:15
fennand with that, the thread has reached its natural conclusion :)20:16
fennnice talkin to ya20:16
Biopunkthere is a name for that somewhere... when the discussion ends with one calling the other a nazi i think? hehehe20:17
fenngodwin's law20:17
Biopunkah ;)20:17
Biopunkjust heard about it maybe a year ago20:18
kanzureBiopunk: It was I who was bringing up the 'backbone' process architecture stuff.20:24
kanzurefenn: it's not just another type of bias :) process is where you have something that is actually *doing it*, whereas objects are just static and stale20:24
kanzurere: effort to build submarines; a man in his backyard has built a nuclear submarine, IIRC.20:25
kanzurehowever, the idea was to have it swim, so that didn't quite work out20:25
kanzuremy mom wants me to digg through trash20:25
kanzurewhy is she here?20:25
Biopunkkanzure: (yeah, I see that now)20:26
Biopunkkanzure.. is this cannel logged by krebs?20:26
fennkrebs is some bot that epitron left here20:27
Biopunkso noone knows?20:27
fenni keep logs fwiw, they are not published anywhere20:28
Biopunkthanks.. i like that20:28
Biopunkthere is some humor in 'krebs is some bot that epitron left here' ;)20:29
* Biopunk examines krebs20:30
krebshelp topics: 6 core modules: auth, basics, config, httputil, remote, userdata; 73 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, azgame, babel, bans, bash, cal, chanserv, chucknorris, debug, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, dict, digg, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, figlet, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, grouphug, hl2, host, imdb, insult, iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, lastfm, linkbot, markov, math, modes, nickserv, q, quiz, quote, reaction, realm, remind,20:31
krebsremotectl, ri, roshambo, rot, roulette, rss, salut, script, search, seen, shiritori, shortenurls, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, time, topic, translator, tube, twitter, unicode, urban, url, usermodes, weather, wheeloffortune, wserver (help <topic> for more info)20:31
fennspeaking of logs, i'm looking over some logs where kanzure is asking about a metalworking ontology; dmess answers 'its called the machinists handbook' which is true20:31
fennunfortunately it's 400MB: http://fennetic.net/pub/ebooks/bookwarez/machinerys-handbook-26.tar20:32
fenni wonder if that's accessible from outside20:33
Biopunkhelp basics20:37
Biopunkkrebs help basics20:37
krebsbasics: quit, restart, join, part, hide, save, nick, say, action, topic, quiet, talk, ping, mode20:37
fennBecause the information in the Handbook was so varied, little attempt was made to arrange it by subject matter. It was thought sufficient to include an extensive index of over 30 pages, with more than 4500 references, from which the location of any subject in the Handbook could quickly be found.20:37
kanzurefenn: downloading to data server :)20:38
fennhmm there is a 34MB torrent, i wonder what the diff is20:40
kanzureplaintext hopefully?20:40
fennthere are seriously a lot of diagrams20:42
fennand tables and charts20:42
Biopunk*.djv compression?20:44
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []20:46
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Connection timed out]20:47
kanzurehm, djvu is just a pdf equiv IIRC20:47
fenndjv just has a bunch of little pictures for each letter instead of letters20:49
-!- krebs_ [n=krebs@] has joined #hplusroadmap20:50
Biopunkfrom what i've seen it gives a really good compression for documents like charts20:50
-!- krebs [n=krebs@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]20:51
kanzureso again, re: jumping around to what you were working on a few moments ago, seeing the whole view of 'working mem'21:15
kanzurethat's a general problem when making anything and zooming etc.21:15
kanzurewhen you make a giant complex system, how do you identify the components that contribute to 'emergent' behavior anyway ?21:15
kanzureI mean, when you 'make' something, just dropping a file in a folder doesn't do much21:15
kanzureexcept allow you to forget about it except in as much as you consider the whole dir21:15
kanzureas one single 'dir-file'21:16
fennyeah the whole 7 working items thing21:16
fenndmess (an air-force manufacturing contractor) claims the v-22 osprey has cost 200 billion in development - that's 10 years of NASA budget!21:20
kanzureand supposedly the X43A cost a few billion too21:22
kanzurewhy'd it cost that much to develop21:23
kanzureI want to see a budget report21:23
kanzureof the v-2221:24
fenndunno, wiki says $20 billion but he claims it's actually $200B21:25
fennpolitical pork gone mad21:26
kanzureI don't understand how it's $200B21:30
fennme either21:30
fennanother open hardware machine tool project - watch this space: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww1.eafit.edu.co%2Fwiki%2Findex.php%2FHerramientas_de_Manufactura_Dise%C3%B1o_Abierto&sl=es&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-821:31
fennwe should contact mfg.com labs21:31
kanzure' Joint Project with MFG.com'21:31
fenni dunno about their management but some "researchers" have posted to the emc list about open hardware, and are quite enthusiastic21:33
fennoh it was jorge barrera21:35
kanzureI was going through ~50 tabs today on these topics21:35
kanzurehad mfg.com or whatever there 21:35
kanzuredidn't get to it21:35
kanzureopera kept on crashing21:35
fenndoes it preserve your tabs like firefox/konqueror do?21:36
kanzureopens/renders faster than both too21:36
kanzureeven with 400 tabs open, once you convince it to actually open a page it does it pretty quickly21:37
kanzurebut there are ... rules.21:37
kanzurefor example, at 200+ tabs, if you just opened up a page in the background, opening up another one would mean right-click and *immediately* go to open in background tab, if you don't do this then it will freeze with your mouse there selecting the option21:37
kanzureor you can wait until the other tab is fully loaded21:38
kanzurethat sort of thing21:38
kanzureit's kind of like teetering on an edge21:38
kanzureI feel like that a lot with tech and gamehacking sometimes21:38
kanzureit's retarded and shouldn't happen21:38
fenni think you're pushing it beyond the design point21:38
kanzureoh, definitely21:38
kanzureI've heard some Opera developers gasp in horror21:38
kanzureI had to send in my old bookmarks file for their review21:39
kanzurebecause Opera fscked up a write21:39
kanzureI was hoping it was just a bitshift or something21:39
kanzurebut they never did get back to me ...21:39
Vedestinwhy did you have 200 tabs open?21:39
fenndunno if you're interested, but apparently kazehakase is hot shit21:40
kanzurebut it uses gecko21:41
kanzureaka it's firefox21:41
fennsays you can switch to dillo/w3m21:41
Vedestindo you use mouse gestures?21:42
Vedestini find them irritating21:42
kanzureI don't use gestures21:42
Vedestingesture people are weird21:43
fennalso GTKhtml and webkit, whatever those are21:43
Vedestini might go get a hard drive21:44
fennoh wait, those are planned, nevermind21:44
kanzureah, planned implementations21:44
kanzureI've tried playing with gtkhtml and webkit before21:46
kanzureI don't remember what my results were21:46
kanzurewebkit > khtml, seems to be the consensus21:47
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GtkHTML <-- a fork of khtml21:47
kanzureI dunno, I always sort of dislike the differences between renderings between khtml v. pandora (Opera's engine) for example21:51
kanzureit's just hard to get used to, it's almost like khtml is ignoring some stuff21:51
kanzureapple webkit always looks like it's never readable at all21:51
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@ip98-169-184-165.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:53
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kanzurefenn: I got it :)23:04
kanzurehow about a tab list much like ALT+TAB23:04
kanzureit'd be a hack to konqueror, and it'd just access a list from a flatfile somewhere or something23:04
kanzureand then everything else is controlled by the underlying perl/shell script on a terminal shell23:04
fenndoesnt seem practical for 200+ tabs23:04
* fenn still stuck in revolutionary web-interface mode23:06
fennyou need a ... tab manager!23:07
fennlike a window manager, but instead of using the perfectly good window managers out there, we stick all the windows in the same window!23:07
fenni mean, um, narf23:08
kanzurefenn: have you seen screenshots of my, uh, screen?23:08
kanzureWhat are we going to do tonight, Brain?23:08
fennwhat are we going to do tonight, Bryan?23:08
kanzureThe same thing we do every night, Ben.23:08
kanzureTry to take over the world. :)23:08
kanzureThe pinky and the brain, the pinky and the brain, one is a genius, the other is insane, 23:09
kanzurehehe :)23:09
* fenn is still trying to figure out which one he is23:09
kanzurebatfucking insane23:09
kanzuremaybe not23:09
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/2008-05-24_2.png 23:09
kanzureso, that's with only, what, 33 tabs displayed there23:10
kanzureOpera does better density *and* a better scrollbar23:10
kanzurethis sucks :(23:10
fenni dont see any tabs? or do you mean tabs for the irc?23:10
kanzureuh, windows to the left ?23:11
fennor do you mean the kde window manager?23:11
kanzureyou mentioned window managers23:11
fennyeah, agreed kde's wm stinks23:11
fenni mean, it's ok, and much better than windows, but not "high performance"23:11
kanzurepersonally windows has always been faster, but the hackability sucks immensely (zero)23:12
kanzurejust switching between two windows with alt+tab on kde sucks23:12
fenni guess i use the favico's because thats what happens in icewm when you've opened lots of windows23:13
fennthen mouse-over or alt-tab will show the full title23:13
fennbut the killer missing feature from kde is you can't ctl-alt-# to go to a specific desktop23:14
kanzurethis sucks.23:15
fennheh you could try twm23:18
fennor a traditional unix-style 'collapse to icon' paradigm23:19
fennthe icons stack up on your desktop like tetris blocks23:19
kanzureI need text23:19
kanzurethose might as well be .lnk files23:19
fennsure you can do text too, at least for some things23:19
kanzurewhich is the whole idea of flat file bookmarking23:19
kanzureso what happens when I have 12,000 bookmark files on my desktop23:20
fennno, not like that.. hmm how to explain the difference23:20
fennin say KDE when you save a page as .lnk it goes to a file, and the file is represented by an icon on the desktop23:20
fennin twm when you click 'minimize' on a window, it is represented as an icon (or text) on the desktop23:20
fennwhen you click on the minimized window it pops back up23:21
kanzureI remember that.23:21
fennso these arent bookmarks, they're just windows that you're getting out of the way23:21
kanzureit might as well be a bookmark to a program state23:21
kanzureit's also a different implementation23:21
kanzurethan files being displayed on the desktop23:21
kanzureI know that, but it might as well just do a write too at the same time, or load up a collection of bookmarks as tabs in that sense23:21
fennwell, you dont want to bookmark every site you visit do you?23:22
* kanzure ponders23:22
kanzureif I don't want to bookmark it, I'll probably just close out of it anyway23:22
fennponder the difference between history and bookmark23:22
kanzureit should be stored in the history logs anyway23:22
fennyes one might hope that, but my experience is browsers delete your history after a certain period of time or they explode23:23
kanzureso what23:23
kanzurewe can write an encapsulating script23:23
kanzurefor example, I've had 1000k webhits, it's all in my apache logs23:24
kanzurethat's +200 MB of logs23:24
kanzureI've barely browsed that many websites methinks.23:24
kanzureso it's not much to deal with.23:24
kanzureas long as the logs are, uh, separated btw, none of this "all in one file" BS23:24
fennyou could do logrotate23:24
fenni forget what the problem is now23:25
fennopera too slow?23:25
kanzureopera whines like a beast23:32
kanzureand then crashes when you start to do more tabs23:32
kanzurealso, it can't bookmark anymore, unless I do it manually23:32
Vedestindo you like music kanzure?23:37
kanzureVedestin: sure23:38
kanzurefenn: can we save a tabbing session and convert it into bookmarks23:39
kanzureif this isn't scriptably viable then it's just as useless23:39
fenn'save a tabbing session' is basically browser history23:40
kanzureno, in fluxbox23:40
kanzureyou have your working memory,23:40
kanzurewhich is different from history23:41
kanzurehistory is everything23:41
kanzureworking memory is task-oriented23:41
kanzure(or can be grouped off into task-orientation)23:41
kanzureseparate "no, in fluxbox" from the next message after that23:41
fennif you're using konqueror you can just go through all open konq processes and do some dcop call to get the url23:43
kanzuremaybe the idea of working memory and random browsing sucks23:43
Vedestinweird mix kanzure23:43
kanzureI doubt it though23:43
kanzureVedestin: yeah, it's true.23:43
kanzurefenn: hm, okay23:43
fennthat's window manager independent23:44
kanzurealso, I need a way to spawn a program call when closing konqueror23:44
kanzurea 'bookmarking hook'23:44
fennhmm i'm not that kde-savvy23:44
kanzurethe logger is just some proxy23:44
kanzureoh, I guess I could recompile konqueror23:44
fenni mean there's probably already some way to do it23:44
fenni dont think doing anything on program call is the right way to do it. instead you'd have some journalling system so things are preserved after a crash23:47
fennduh. s/program call/program close/23:47
kanzurebut at the same time there needs to be hooks for opening up new links easily23:48
kanzureso opening a link should be done via calling an external script23:48
kanzuresurely *that* can be done23:48
kanzuremaybe I'll just split up konqueror into some shell scripts and perl scripts and see how it goes from there23:59

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