
--- Day changed Tue May 27 2008
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@ip98-169-184-165.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:10
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kramer3dkanzure: you here00:11
kanzurekramer3d: yes.00:12
kramer3dkanzure: i dont really know who to ask this, maybe you can help me out.. is it possible to get into bioengineering/biomed engineering w/out doing undergrad engineering?00:14
kanzureThat really depends on what you mean by "get into".00:27
kanzureBecause technically you could start a bioengineering group without a degree.00:27
kanzureYou think I have a degree?00:27
fennyou think you have a bioengineering group? :)00:27
kramer3dphd progrsm00:28
fennkramer3d: not in the US with the  current cultural climate00:28
fennyou might be a lab tech though, if you get lucky00:29
kanzureI don't know about that. It depends on what you mean by actual 'bioengineering', since you could get an accounting job at a biotech firm or something silly like that.00:29
fennbioinformatics computer jockey is another opportunity00:30
kramer3dlike i said00:30
kramer3dphd program00:30
fennwhy do you want to get into a phd program?00:30
kramer3dbecauuse i want to00:31
fennthat's no reason00:31
fennfess up00:31
kramer3dfor education00:31
fennif you dont know why, you seriously need to think about it before wasting years of your life00:31
kramer3dmaybe become a professor00:31
kramer3dits not wasting00:31
kanzureyeah it is :) you're going to die00:32
kramer3dthats youre perspective00:32
kramer3dyoure gonna die too :/00:32
fennhmph. some bio-engineer00:32
fennplanned obsolescence apologist!00:32
kramer3dfenn: why youre anti phd?00:32
kramer3dand education?00:33
kanzurenothing wrong with a phd, but a goal is better00:33
fennbecause academia sucks, the educational model is all wrong00:33
kramer3di have a goal00:33
fennit doesn't foster education00:33
kramer3dum ok00:33
fennyou cant even speak because they've twisted the words around so much00:33
fenndo you know what 'the liberal arts' used to mean?00:33
kanzurehah :)00:33
kramer3dno, but i dont really care00:33
kramer3dim not into liberal arts00:33
kanzurethat's his point00:33
kramer3dsay you want to make something00:34
kramer3dbut you dont have the tools00:34
kramer3dwhat do you do then waste 10 years of ur life 00:34
kramer3dgetting the tools :/00:34
kramer3dor just work at uni 00:34
kramer3dwhere they already have it 00:34
kramer3dwhat u think about that :/00:34
fennuni tools are 20 years behind the times00:35
fennthey throw slave labor and money at their own incompetence00:35
kramer3ddepends on what exactly youre talking about00:35
kanzurelet's put it this way00:35
kanzurea university undergrad degree is worth the equivalent of reading 10,000 pages00:35
kanzureand a masters degree is maybe 20k00:36
kanzureso a PhD is usually 50k+00:36
kanzurenow, there are thousands of universities on the internet00:36
kanzureand many thousands of phd programs as well00:36
kanzureso you can definitely see the course curriculums and read all of that on your own00:36
kanzure*then* the lab research aspects,00:36
kanzurethose are mostly all on your own --anyway--00:36
kramer3dno they arent00:36
kanzurewell, if you want to be a labmonkey I guess.00:37
fenni cant find a good explanation of 'liberal arts' online - basically it was: grammar, rhetoric, logic. then expanded to include the rest of science and math00:37
kanzure'liberal arts' used to be 'the renaissance man'00:37
fennit's "liberal" because they are empowering, leading to the freedom of their users00:37
kramer3dmost phd programs give you stipend, whats not to love about that00:37
kanzureliberal as in liberation, not liberty-politics00:37
kramer3dyou get paid to study00:37
kramer3di guess if you want to be a systems administrator and google neuroscience terms in your free time its fine :/00:38
kramer3dlol ignore the last line00:38
kanzurenah, I don't take it as an insult, I just think you are misinformed00:39
kanzuretell me - in a university, how are you going to learn?00:39
fennthere's more to bioinformatics than being a sysadmin00:39
kanzureare you going to, not search/google ?00:39
kramer3di will read textbooks00:39
kramer3dand do homeworks yay \o/00:39
kanzureas opposed to reading them now?00:39
kramer3dya but nothing forcing me to do it00:39
kanzureexcept yourself?00:39
kramer3dno structre00:39
kanzurecreate your own structure?00:40
fennkanzure: that really is the hardest part00:40
kramer3dthats easier said than done00:40
kanzurefenn: I was making an observation today. I've found that when you say that you want 'your own time', to do your own thing and be yourself, people look at you all funny, as if you're the most evil thing in the world.00:40
kramer3dbut really dont underestimate uni00:40
fenndon't overestimate uni :P00:40
kramer3di learned calculs on my own and retook it at uni thinking itll be cake00:40
kramer3di learned tons of new stuff00:41
kanzureI'm not sure calculus-in-class is the best way00:41
kanzuremathematics is not something that can easily be verbalized00:41
kanzureI've been noticing that it's actually much easier if you can type it into mathematica or octave or some other mathematics software, so that you can see the data structures and methods00:41
kramer3dmath is pretty straughtforward00:41
kanzurebut for some reason teachers like to teach it in a traditional style :)00:41
fennkanzure: we live in an employee economy, not a capitalist economy (re your own time)00:41
kramer3dif you pay attention to the proofs00:41
kanzureyou'd be surprised, it's actually much simpler than the teachers make it00:42
fennit's worse than saying you want to be a communist, because at least communists are good little employees00:42
kramer3dwell simpler is good if  you are just doing math to get it out of the way00:42
kanzuresimpler doesn't leave stuff off, though00:42
fennobviously the math education is totally fucked, otherwise everyone wouldn't hate math00:43
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/bookmarks/bookmarks-old2/toc.html#21-top <-- my mathematics bookmarks00:43
kanzureor maybe it's #top-2100:43
kramer3di dont hate math00:44
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Cal2 <-- entire review of two years of calculus00:44
fennkramer3d: because you learned it on your own maybe?00:44
kramer3dno, i liked it before learning it on my own00:44
kramer3di admit the US education system is slow00:45
kanzurefenn: I think mathematics is a very good example of why skdb is needed; the syntax is 'formal' aka social. 00:45
fennuh.. formal aka social?00:45
kanzurefenn: however, math doesn't exactly belong in skdb except as computational models / simulations, etc.00:45
fenni dont get it00:45
kanzurecould you come up with the integral symbol on your own?00:45
fennlots of ways, too many ways in fact00:45
kanzureand so these guys who call themselves mathematicians give the integral a symbol and name and so on00:46
fennmath notation is highly arbitrary and non-obvious00:46
kanzureand so you have to be indoctrinated into that00:46
kanzurethat's my point - there's a lot of stuff that seems to be arbitrary00:46
kanzurethese are things that are apparently inaccessible to thought experiments00:46
kanzureor however you want to say that.00:46
fennso you're saying that any formalized system is by definition impossible to derive?00:46
kanzurenah, because somebody came up with it somewhere else, of course; I'm just saying that it's highly arbitrary00:47
fennthere can be standards that aren't generated socially00:47
fennsure, lots of things00:47
fenneventually they are disseminated by groups of people, but i wouldn't necessarily call that social00:48
kanzureso I guess these are the ones where "well, this is the only model that can fit, really"00:48
kanzurei.e., ASCII as a way to encode the 256 common characters00:48
kanzurealthough the exact ordering ... yeah, bad example00:48
fennbad example :)00:48
fenni'm thinking IGES but you probably arent familiar00:49
kanzurenope, not a clue00:49
fennIGES was developed by a small team of .. standards developers00:49
fennin contrast to STEP (its successor) in which everyone and their grandma had a say00:49
kanzureso why isn't that a social group - the standards developer group?00:50
fennits cathedral vs bazaar stuff, in this case gone horribly wrong00:50
kanzureI don't know if cathedral-versus-bazaar highlights arbitrary v. nonarbitrary00:50
fennthe small group might as well have been one person00:50
kanzurewho makes that person an ultimate allseeing authority?00:50
kanzureI mean, imagine Joe and Jane. Two sides of the world. Both decide to quantify relationships between numbers; both come up with different representation systems.00:51
fenn"with the power vested in me by the state of california.."00:51
kanzureI like to use Ramanujan as an example. Although he *partially* knew the social context of mathematics thanks to Carr's book, he made up a lot of stuff on his own00:51
kanzureapparently, according to G. H. Hardy, Ramanujan ended up making up a good ~century of European mathematics that he was unable to access (being poor and, in India)00:52
kanzure(btw, I was entering those by hand, in LaTeX, which was a stupid idea)00:55
fennindeed.. why were you entering them at all?00:55
kanzureI wanted to make a database that was more accessible than Wolfram's mathworld00:55
kanzurealso because I wanted to 'digest' the 1200 theorems of Carr's book that I had printed out in dead tree format (I still have it on a shelf over there)00:56
kanzuremissing the second half..00:56
kanzureanyway, I posted a link to a recent document I scanned in00:57
kanzureit was about laying the ground work for viral memetic uptake via synaptic plasticity and 'priming' populations for the maintenance of certain types of memes00:57
kanzureuh, crap, I had a link to what we were just talking about00:57
kanzureah, right, laying the groundwork00:58
kanzureso, it seems that there has to be groups of people to start that - right00:58
kanzureso the groundwork of many memes is largely incomplete since many people just suck at engineering and art00:58
fennwhich memes in particular?00:58
kanzurethe same with mathematics; but once you have a successful synaptic (not so much 'cultural') framework, [I was going somewhere with this]00:59
kanzurewell, any, I would think00:59
kanzureit's the reason why we're not getting through to kramer3d for example.00:59
fennstar trek has done a lot in advancing american culture, imho00:59
kanzurehow's that?01:00
kanzureheh, "well at least it's scifi"01:00
fennby making people familiar with math, physics, cultural relativism, technological solutions to social problems..01:00
fennthough usually (depending on the writer) they got the physics somewhat wrong01:01
kanzureI think a lot of people let it 'wash out' since there's the magical replicator tech01:01
fennbut at least you can say 'wormhole' and it would mean something01:02
kanzurewhich I admit still seems too magical. Really? An object replicated right in open air? 01:02
kanzureso that probably put a damper on things, but it's better than nothing, yes01:02
kanzureand I suspect it has indeed 'primed' people01:02
kanzurejust like ER and how apparently a large number of med students are there because of tv01:02
kanzure(and the whole 'help people not, uh, die' thing)01:02
fennwell, not to excessively nerd out on you, but the transporter beam displaces the air and shields it01:03
fennso, there's no independent engineering/science culture tv show01:04
fenndamned english01:04
fennwe have no 'star trek' for mad scientists01:04
kanzureif PBS had brains they'd jump on it01:04
kanzurenot the science channel, they're too popular-consumer01:04
fenndo people still watch tv? i havent in so long i dont even know what it's like now01:05
kanzureit's pretty terrible01:05
kanzureI watch it only for st:voy, really01:05
fennjunkyard wars/battlebots was cool01:05
kanzureand some dbz, bleach, death note, pokemon, futurama, family guy, the simpsons, batman/superman/iron man, and How It's Made when Andrew steals the remote from me.01:06
fennsuperman is back on tv eh01:06
kanzureonly on the disney channels, a real downer01:07
fennprobably not any moral relativism there :\01:07
kanzureThe Great Internet Migratory Box Of Electronics Junk is a progressive lending library of electronic components. An internet meme in physical form halfway between P2P zip-archive sharing and a flea market. It arrives full of wonderful (and possibly useless) components, but you will surely find some treasures to keep. You will be inspired look through your own piles, such as they are, and find more mysterious components that clearly01:08
kanzurea good group to get hooked on skdb01:09
fennseems like it would accumulate the worst of the cruft01:09
fennscarcity personified01:09
kanzurenot if you know who you're passing it to01:09
kanzureand electronics junk can be pretty cheap, so if a few philanthropists refill it every now and then01:10
kanzureor something?01:10
kanzureshould also be given data storage too - "copy this data"01:10
fenni dont think it would be any good01:10
fennwhat do you call an anti-mascot? something you keep around just to kick in the ass because it sucks so much01:11
kanzureit's a way to raise interest more than anything I guess01:11
kanzureso, fenn, can you take a look at the Opera session files (.win) and make any suggestions for parsing them? I want to extract information about the tabs that I had open, mostly so that I can go back and try to turn an Opera session into a KDE session and test out 300+ tabs.01:17
* fenn looks01:20
fennjust grep for url's?01:21
kanzurewell, some of those URLs could be pages I clicked off from and determined useless01:23
kanzurefor example, only the latest links in each of the tabs01:23
fennhow can you tell which url is good and which is bad01:23
kanzurewell, I do it by pages 01:23
kanzureI don't keep everything I click through :)01:23
fenni dont see where it keep track of which page in the history is displayed01:25
kanzureit's the last one in the tab01:27
kanzureit keeps track of history per each tab01:27
kanzurea new tab is [1] or [2] or [4]01:28
kanzureand then there's a subsection of history and some other random stuff it seems01:28
fennyeah i know. i think its just "ini file format"01:28
kanzureoh, I wonder if perl has a module for parsing that01:29
fennthere's a list of url's in the history, so i guess somewhere there would be a variable saying where you're at in the history (otherwise you could just grab the last one in the list)01:29
fennits probably [#history scrollpos list]01:33
kanzure#perl suggests http://search.cpan.org/~bricas/Config-Any-0.12/lib/Config/Any/INI.pm - which gives what looks like a hashref01:33
kanzureI was parsing for that earlier tonight01:33
kanzurebut my script sucked :)01:33
kanzureso I'm going with an ini parser01:33
fennonly one way to find out - open opera, open a tab, click on some links, press back, save session, look at ini01:35
fenncount= might just be like a checksum01:35
kanzureright, that's what I did01:35
kanzurecount is a count of the number of tabs, or URLs in the history01:35
kanzureI remember that much :)01:35
kanzureI wrote an Opera session generator a while back01:36
kanzureso that I could dump a list of URLs01:36
fennhm. ok, save a tab, then press back and save again. diff the two saved sessions01:36
kanzureand then retrieve it as a session of tabs01:36
fennoh scrollpos is how far down the page you were scrolled - duh01:38
kanzureheh :)01:38
fenn"current history" maybe?01:38
kanzuresmall pfc01:42
kanzurewhy the redundancy in storing the count= variable in both the [$xhistory url] and [$xhistory title] sections?01:59
-!- kramer3d [n=kramer3d@unaffiliated/kramer3d] has quit []02:11
kanzureadded opera_to_konq.pl02:11
kanzurebut it actually doesn't open up the URLs, that's the job of an extra shell script or something02:11
kanzuremy latest tab session did 324; do I dare test opening up that many konqueror sessions?02:12
fenndo you open new processes or just new windows in one process?02:14
kanzurein Opera, you open up new tabs within the same proc02:14
fennno i mean, for konq02:15
kanzurehm, checking02:15
fennbtw i think this page would get you slashdotted :P02:15
kanzuredo people care that much? this is really, really ridiculously simple stuff02:16
fenn"extreme power-user browsing with thousands of tabs"02:16
kanzureheh :)02:16
fennyou could say hundreds and not be accused of exaggerating02:16
kanzureI've been known to open up 1k tabs on other computers02:16
kanzureknown ... once.02:17
kanzurewell, I know that running 'konqueror' from the shell generates a new pid02:19
kanzurehowever, CTRL+N from an existing konqueror window makes for a new window, but not a new pid02:20
fennyou can open a new window using dcop (its much faster)02:21
kanzureso what's the difference between konqueror -> tab tab tab + CTRL+N tab tab tab on new window, versus all of those tabs in the same konqueror window, versus new konqueror instances for all of them02:21
fennone is faster and uses less memory, but if it crashes they're all gone02:22
kanzurenot if you're using the 'framework script' I'm envisioning (periodic calls to dcop to figure out all URLs in use?)02:22
fennkde has it set up to load a new instance for some reason02:22
kanzureactually, konqueror has a recovery mechanism02:22
kanzure"Don't need to be, recovery after crashes has been there for a long time. Open Settings->Configure Extensions select Tools and enable Crashes Monitor. Next time Konqueror crashes, open Tools->Crashes (It's a plugins, so you may need to install it from the kdeaddons package)."02:23
kanzureso how do I do this through dcop /me goes to read some docs02:25
kanzureah, newkonq.sh02:25
kanzuredcop $(dcop konq* | head -1) KonquerorIface createNewWindow "$*"02:25
fennthe dcop konq* | head -1 just gets the name f the first konqueror instance02:26
kanzureweird, when I embed it into perl via `<stuff here>` it spits out some errors02:30
kanzurebut when I do it in bash, it's fine02:31
kanzuregrr, nevermind02:31
fenn$() is a bashism02:32
kanzureyep, you spotted it02:34
kanzureokay, so it works02:34
kanzurenow for saving the session into something usable, opening URLs from anywhere (I'm thinking of a widget at the top of the screen with an address bar / search box).02:36
kanzurein Opera I've been addicted to the easy ability to always press CTRL+T and then whisk off to Google after typing out a quick query + enter02:37
fennctrl+t is like a form box for google search? or just new tab that opens to google02:37
kanzurehold on02:37
kanzureCTRL+T is for new tab, actually02:38
kanzurecursor starts at address bar02:38
kanzurebut then tab once and you get to the Google search box02:38
kanzureand press enter to submit query02:38
fenndoesnt konqueror do that?02:38
kanzuresuprisingly not02:38
kanzurebut there is a 'gg: <query><then press enter>" for the address bar02:39
kanzurebut KDE has WIN-'R', which does the run prompt, so you can type gg: <query> and hit enter02:40
kanzureI guess I could argue that the four extra keys needed there is retarded, but I don't know if anybody's going to listen02:40
fennctrl+t opens a new tab here02:41
kanzurebut I just refer to a box that can be devoted to a single function02:41
kanzuretyping in a search into my address box whisks me off to some weird Road Runner / Time Warner Cable page02:41
kanzureeven though I have **never** configured konq/KDE or any of my boxes with those addresses02:41
kanzure(DNS lookup poison?)02:41
fennuh.. you sure you're using konqueror and not IE? :)02:42
kanzureyeah :(02:42
fennmine just says 'malformed url'02:43
* fenn tries on ubuntu02:43
fennyep same thing02:44
fennwhat was the search?02:46
kanzuresearch is anything02:46
kanzuresingle nonsense word for example, something that will not be a dot com02:47
fennfeh the last thing i want is a graphical package manager02:48
kanzure"hey, I have a great idea !!!11one let's go in the COMPLETE OPPOSITE DIRECTION! YEAH!"02:48
fennall the letters are so huge..02:49
fennthis is pretty good http://www.packagekit.org/img/gpk-eula.png02:50
kanzureHELP HELP HELP.02:51
fennoh and annoying non-window-manager windows that pop up distractingly with irrelevant info that it should just take care of or queue up until i'm ready02:51
fennisnt it past your bedtime?02:54
kanzureI screwed up and took an incorrect dosage at nine02:55
kanzureschool tomorrow02:55
fennyour robot overlords will be displeased02:55
kanzurethey are deactived.02:55
kanzureperhaps you're right. g'night02:57
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Biopunkhello hi17:41
kanzureHi Biopunk.17:42
kanzureToday I'd like to point out the recent changes page.17:42
kanzureNote the time indices.17:42
Biopunklooks productive17:55
Biopunkit looks like it's heading for the crater18:15
Biopunkgood pic18:15
Biopunkthat's a big fucking crater18:21
Biopunk( News anchor talks about ADD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2WWrOe84TY )19:09
kanzureI'm doing something at the moment, but I'll watch if it's saying something interesting19:10
Biopunkit's a blooper... he gets lost while talking about it19:14
kanzurenicotine alternatives apparently 'help' ADHD via modulation of the visual cortex19:24
Biopunkwhat does visual the visual cortex have to do with ADHD and how can nicotine modulate the visual cortex?19:27
Biopunkheh.. getting tired19:27
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Sustained_attention has that at the bottom19:51
Biopunkthanks.. I can't read it right now19:58
Biopunk(stumbled on autoreceptor)19:58
kanzureI felt very much at home when I was on two workstations at once earlier today. I got so much done ...20:14
Biopunka poor mans utility cloud20:19
Biopunktime to sleep20:19
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fennthat picture is really cool22:38
fennreminds me of ratpoison22:44
kanzurewhy bleh?22:44
* kanzure has little experience with ratpoison22:45
kanzurebut it's all scripted, which is interesting (or not)22:45
fenni'm not saying haskell is bad, but i can't just look at it and see what it does22:45
kanzureI know KDE suffers from bloat, but then interpreted WMs? bad idea methinks22:45
kanzurehum. really?22:45
fennkde bloat is due to 'code reuse'22:46
kanzuregiant OOP22:46
fennalso i have emotional bias against haskell because they use math words/symbols22:47
fennusing single letters for everything, that pisses me off22:52
fennand how do you type "≡"?22:53
kanzuretype what?22:54
kanzureis that an equal-sign with an extra bar?22:54
fennyeah i'm trying to figure out wtf a 'monad' is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monad_(functional_programming)22:54
fennthe symbol shows up in some of their example code22:55
Vedestinthe congruent symbol?23:16
kanzureno, that's two tildes stacked on top of each other23:17
Vedestinnot when i did geometry23:18
Vedestinyou're talking about approximately equal to, by the sounds of it23:18
Vedestinknow what i'm talking about?23:19
Vedestini don't program so it might be different for you23:19
kanzurehttp://westallen.typepad.com/idealawg/2008/05/coaching-and-co.html Self-directed neuroplasticity23:24
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