
--- Day changed Thu May 29 2008
kanzureConstructional features of a 15-litre home-made bioreactor for fed-batch fermentations.pdf00:38
kanzurehttp://www.academicjournals.org/AJB/PDF/Pdf2003/AugustPDFs2003/Gueguim-Kana et al.pdf00:39
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Phreedom/nickserv identify help12:12
Phreedomybit: ping12:12
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:48
kanzureHad a bit of a crisis. Hard drive was full again. Was out all day with family (graduation stuff). But I did get a hefty load of books.15:50
kanzureAcquired: The World's Greatest Fix (nitrogen tracing), Schleif's genetics and mol-bio, A laboratory guide to the mammalian embryo, Burnell's postcards from the brain museum, biotech, Flow cytometry, some protocols, Napoleon's buttons, and Phikal.15:52
-!- Splicer [n=p@h38n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:37
kanzureU.S. Plan for 'Thinking Machines' Repository16:44
kanzurePosted by samzenpus on Wednesday May 28, @07:19PM16:44
kanzurefrom the save-those-ideas-for-later dept.16:44
kanzureAn anonymous reader writes "Information scientists organized by the U.S.'s16:44
kanzureNIST say they will create a "concept bank" that programmers can use to build16:44
kanzurethinking machines that reason about complex problems at the frontiers of16:44
kanzureknowledge - from advanced manufacturing to biomedicine. The agreement by16:44
kanzureontologists - experts in word meanings and in using appropriate words to16:44
kanzurebuild actionable machine commands - outlines the critical functions of the16:44
kanzureOpen Ontology Repository (OOR). More on the summit that produced the16:44
kanzureagreement here."16:44
kanzurefenn: ever read the pikhal books ?17:23
nsh& tihkal18:15
Splicera friend of mine was into that stuff18:26
Splicer(i think the names come from an old carlos castandea book... new age stuff)18:28
kanzureThe guy is somewhat of a legend for experimenting on himself. But I'd call him stupid for not making a neural slice setup instead. And *then* moving up to his own brain.18:39
kanzurehttp://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/pihkal/pihkal.shtml <-- the second part of the book I mentioned.18:52
kanzureThe entire erowid.org site needs to be 'vamped up' to be more technically literate -- i.e., automated experimentation and toxicity testing, 'brain sandboxing' and whatnot.18:52
SplicerThey are still remarkable considering the culture they stem from18:58
* nsh frowns19:01
kanzurensh: indeed19:06
nshcoupla things: (a) erowid is a contributor-based site. the organisers have very little to do with the production of content. (b) the vast majority of the substances under their purview are illegal [ (c) pihkal and tihkal are acronyms, (phenethylamines¦tryptamines i have known and loved) ]19:06
kanzurensh: These drug-takers, like from erowid.org etc., they don't seem too serious about their brains. The point is the brain, not necessarily the moment-by-moment experience or highs they get out of it. So that's why it's such a backwash culture.19:07
* nsh smiles19:07
kanzureThey are amateurs, but they aren't professional amateurs.19:07
kanzureDoes that even make sense?19:07
kanzureI think the 'professional' and 'amateur' aspects might counteract each other and you're back to zero, but that's another issue entirely.19:08
nshi'm not certain what you meant by 'the point is the brain', though19:08
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Bioreactors <-- I posted an email.19:08
kanzureAt least in my work.19:09
kanzureI suppose I might refer to goal orientation.19:10
kanzurebut they do have goals -- self-wankery, right?19:10
kanzureI don't know how to characterize it; is this bad? And does it mean that my distinction is flawed?19:10
kanzureI'm *pretty sure* that injection of hallucinogenics, paralytic-agents, etc., is a bad idea. But hey, I might be wrong.19:11
* nsh contemplates19:11
nsheating isn't for eyeballs19:12
kanzureis this a koan? :/19:14
nshsomething like that19:14
kanzureI mean, should I decode/decrypt, or just leave it at that?19:14
nshwhat's a good idea for some people isn't a good idea for others, in the context of a greater pattern19:14
nshsubjectivity of expedience19:17
kanzureit's bad systems management practice to volunteer for a virus19:17
kanzure(I might point out that viruses are chemical, not biological, and so have more relation to these erowid.org's hallucinogenics than otherwise.)19:18
* nsh smiles19:18
kanzureThough the dispute between bio/chem in the context of viruses is rather silly ... they self-replicate, no?19:18
nshlike turns of phrase19:19
Splicernsh: you're right.. and I can't find the castaneda reference19:21
kanzureSo, I'd have to argue that the erowid.org contributors are wild and stupid in most cases (there's actually a few chemicals on there that I suspect have been, in fact, experimentally verified and so on, which is fine, i.e. water), but ... anyway. :)19:24
Splicer(.. n enjoyed the koan)19:24
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap19:42
kanzureWoah, this is an amazing generalization of money-centric thinking: http://3trillion.org/categories/7-health-beauty19:47
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Splicertime to sleep.. cu20:10
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kanzurefenn, this was all a stupid idea. KDE is now incredibly slow.21:44
ybitkanzure: that was a nice message in diybio23:09
ybitit was a good read while bored @ work :P23:10
kanzureybit: Thank you :)23:10
kanzureOh was it? :)23:10
ybitwould have been good even without work of course :)23:10
ybitthat's quite a creative concept23:10
ybithave you been developing a bio lab @ your house?23:10
kanzureHave any ideas on what you'd use it for? 23:10
kanzureHeh, perhaps ;-)23:11
kanzureI'm barely anywhere near completed, especially since I'm totally broke.23:11
ybiti'm hoping to get some materials for a lab soon with mi money23:11
ybitphreedom: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/t/b5adcd35fd1072c23:12
kanzureYou should read through the biohacking kit, there's a lot of really, really cheap ideas.23:14
kanzureFor example, the centrifuge is my favorite at the moment. It's a broken bicycle. You peddle to make it spin.23:15
Phreedomkanzure: actually it makes sense to have an assortment of electric motors in any lab23:17
Phreedomybit: this is more or less along the lines of what I was thinking23:19
kanzurePhreedom: I agree about motors. But again, I'm broke. I have some servos laying around, but not much. I need to go garbage hunting soon.23:19
Phreedomybit: the hardest part is to make the DNA assembler, but the tech that can make this assembler will produce the rest of the lab as well23:20
Phreedomkanzure: naturally used ones work just as fine23:20
Phreedomkanzure: actually a used bicycle is harder to find ;)23:20
kanzurebtw, the DNA assembler is just a giant inkjet printer23:21
Phreedomwith a $20k+ price tag23:21
kanzureprice tag?23:22
kanzureWe're talking about building it.23:22
Phreedomhmm... I thought they had a bill of materials somewhere23:22
kanzureYeah, they do, I don't remember it being that high.23:22
kanzureit's in one of the PDFs.23:22
PhreedomI think 20k comes from their pdf23:23
Phreedombut it not a big deal23:23
Phreedommost of the cost is positioning system and control electronics23:23
Phreedomexactly what I'm working on23:23
Phreedomand it can be made orders of magnitude cheaper23:23
kanzureWoah, you're right. $23k.23:24
kanzureyes, I agree23:24
kanzurethat $20k pricetag is completely outrageous23:25
Phreedombut notice that 16k goes towards positioning+electronic23:25
PhreedomI think I can get it into $500-1000 range23:25
kanzure$4k motion table ? wtf?23:25
Phreedomalso they have inflated the price of a pentium III PC :)23:25
Phreedomhigh-precision stuff costs money23:25
kanzureweird, $450 for the wiring for the drivers / power supply23:26
Phreedomprobably lots of cables, stands23:26
ybitp3 inflation, hehe23:26
* ybit was distracted23:26
Phreedomthey had to buy metallic cases and other stuff you could make cheaper23:26
kanzurePhreedom: So where's your work on that, anyway?23:26
kanzureright, they did it in a nitrogen atmosphere23:27
Phreedomwhere? in my lab of course23:27
ybit..with a girl :| ..believe it or not though, she wasn't asian23:27
kanzureso they had a pretty tight container system going on there23:27
PhreedomI think ybit once tried to make me tell more about the project :)23:27
ybithehe, more than once if i recall correctly ;)23:28
* kanzure isn't saying anything, but "is now the new webmaster of" http://transhumanism.org/ wouldn't be too far from a truth. Now, how the *hell* do we fix this site? Ethics? WTF.23:28
Phreedomybit: more like 10 times23:29
ybit10x100 ..anyone catch that?23:29
ybitman, i'm smooth23:29
* Phreedom thinks ybit caught the p3 inflation bug23:29
Phreedomkanzure: I need a webmaster too :)23:29
Phreedomand a site23:30
Phreedomand an actually working device :)23:30
kanzureHeh :)23:30
ybitfirst, you need information my friend23:30
Phreedomworking on the device though23:30
kanzureBut really, these guys have, uh, money.23:30
kanzureyes, we have those23:30
kanzureI have those, at least.23:30
kanzureor am working towards it, and know who to hit up to make sure I'm not talking out my ass23:30
Phreedomblueprints are not enough23:30
kanzureof course23:30
kanzureit's just that this website entirely sucks23:30
Phreedomyou need blueprints you can actually use at home23:31
kanzureif you're a techie, your immediate urge is to click off23:31
kanzureyeah, that's true23:31
Phreedomand you need to bootstrap the process23:31
kanzurePhreedom: So that's where the automated manufacturing project comes into play.23:31
kanzureyes, that's where the bioreactor can come into play re: bootstraping23:31
kanzureor possibly the philanthropical bootstrapping of apt-get downloads of the fablab/skdb23:31
kanzurebut I'm not sure if I should just flat out assert a hostile takeover of the website23:32
* ybit will bbl. me needs some veggies23:32
Phreedomthe site looks like a typical corporate crap23:32
Phreedomoffering solutions for vaguely defined problems23:32
Phreedomwith lots of fuzzy stuff intermingled with meaningless crap23:33
* Phreedom quits bitching23:33
kanzureyeah, exactly23:36
kanzurethis is supposed to be 'transhumanism' -- i.e., the people that are hacking their brains and doing augmentation, ai, neuroscience, clanking replicators, nanotech, space exploration, etc. etc.23:36
kanzurebut instead it's this crappy website that, somehow, is making more money than I do, by doing -less-23:36
Phreedomkanzure: they're doing more to get funding :P23:47
kanzure*for what* ? :-p23:56
kanzurethey're not doing anything23:56
Phreedomkanzure: but where does money come from?23:59

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