
--- Day changed Fri May 30 2008
ybitgoodnight friends00:16
* ybit will be up early reading more on these topics :)00:16
fennthey sell 'merchandise' which seems so narrow and limited there must be some kind of kickback00:24
fennalso lots of 'membership' stuff and 'donate now' buttons00:25
fennif they're a 501c3 i think they have to publish where the money comes from00:26
fenn'(c) Extension of human-level rights protections to great apes.'00:28
fennslippery sloppy slope00:29
fennArrange letter-writing, protests, and boycotts of especially offensive films, television programs and books.00:30
fennYES i want to DONATE NOW!!!00:30
fennpersonally i think "I, Robot" did more to advance transhumanism than transhumanism.org ever did00:31
kanzureor Iron Man00:32
kanzureunless you mean the book00:32
kanzureoh shit.00:32
* kanzure loses one geek point00:32
fennno i meant the movie00:33
kanzureI went to James Clement, the executive director of WTA, and said that SKDB/OSCOMAK/etc. is the missing puzzle piece to transhumanism.org00:33
fenni wonder what they consider to be offensive films tv and books00:34
kanzurehe wants to get transhumanism.org actually *doing* something, but he seems reluctant to push it00:34
kanzurehe says "oh, but it needs money, so we need to do rebranding ... so we've hired a firm to do it for us"00:34
kanzurebut the whole point is that it *doesn't* require that much money00:34
fennuh.. kanzure did you just sell us out to offshore coders?00:34
fennoh he's the webcam guy00:35
fennon imminst.org00:35
kanzureI don't know what you're talking about.00:36
fennquite frankly the 'so weve hired a firm to do it for us' scares the shit out of me00:37
kanzureme too00:38
kanzureI'm thinking of doing a hostile takeover00:38
fenni dont know what that is supposed to mean00:38
kanzurethese guys are supposed to be asserting themselves at the front of human technological development00:38
kanzureand it's a total failure00:38
kanzureso why not get hostile, move in, set up camp, call the organization a quack, and steal some thunder (the funding thunder, really, there's not much else)00:39
kanzurewell, there's also the "meme territory" to claim00:39
Vedestinwouldn't the funding be intrinsically linked to the individuals rather than the organisation itself00:40
kanzurethe organization is not funding itself.00:40
Vedestinpeople don't just throw money at an organisation because of the name00:41
Vedestinnot big money anyawy00:41
kanzurewell, they do there apparently00:41
kanzurebecause holy shit ;-)00:41
kanzureI should be rolling in dough.00:41
Vedestinok, do it00:42
Vedestinbut i'm telling you, blazing in to the scene half cocked is a sure way to lose the respect of venture capitalists and donators00:42
PhreedomVedestin: sometimes they do00:42
PhreedomVedestin: the trouble is that I never found any :) and always end up funding my activities myself00:43
kanzureyep :)00:43
kanzureit's all diy anyway in the end00:43
kanzureso the fact that they went out to another firm, as fenn says, scares the shit out of me00:44
kanzurethey're about self-transformation, not "let others transform you for you" 00:44
fennand did he ever say "hey, looks like you need some help with your image, maybe we can help, lets talk"? no, its "thats a good idea, *yoink* and fuck you"00:45
kanzurewait, what?00:45
fennare they going to help us? seriously, what do you think00:46
kanzureI think it's all of them, it's not just one guy screwing it all up00:46
kanzureat the moment the prospects are slim00:46
kanzureeven though ideologically they *claim* they are on the ball00:46
kanzurethey don't measure up00:46
fenni dont think they have enough technical savvy to even explain what we're on about00:47
fennsigh.. anyway00:47
kanzureso, do we want to do anything about that?00:47
kanzureprobably not - it might be more of a distraction in getting our projects rolling00:48
kanzurebut at the same time, it seems that 'networking' is the large problem at the moment00:48
fenni dunno, if they want to play fair and work *together* then it might be beneficial for us to have some kind of "legitimate" backing00:48
Vedestinwhy don't you just do honours projects00:48
fennwhere legitimacy is based on how bland and groomed your website looks00:48
kanzureso it's definitely legitimacy that we're working on?00:49
fennand calling yourself 'world transhumanist association' hah00:49
kanzurebecause we could come up with a spiffy website if we really had to00:49
fennno, its a technical project, but often its easier to convince coders to volunteer for something 'real' than just a pile of junk in some guy's garage00:49
kanzurebut I'm not sure if that would get us some of the bootstrapping funding we need (or bootstrapping junk/parts)00:49
kanzureheh :)00:49
fenni'm falling for it myself, tearing my hair out over gershenfield00:50
kanzurehas he replied?00:50
kanzureso basically we're the only ones playing fair00:50
fenni think *.edu has a massive spam filter that blocks fenn@*00:50
fennexcluding my parents, i've NEVER received a reply from any professor on any subject00:51
kanzureso basically we're the only ones playing fair00:51
fennlike wtf are they doing, whacking off in their office all day?00:51
Vedestinyeah, probably00:52
Vedestinor out there doing fund raising gigs all day00:52
Vedestinlike greenpeace00:52
Vedestindo you know how much money greenpeace spend on fundraising a year?00:52
fenngreenpeace has this cool boat that they heckle other boats with though00:52
Vedestinso? these guys have a cool website that they look all sauve and tech with00:52
Vedestinmake you us look like dorks00:53
Vedestinyou us, lol00:53
Vedestincan you tell i didn't sleep last night>00:53
Vedestinnot hardly00:53
fennwe dorks, slept deprivationed legion00:53
fennnobody ever said free-running-sleep was socially acceptable00:53
fennhonestly kanzure i never liked the word 'transhuman' it just sounded like some froofery00:54
fennintelligence augmentation, sure; physical augmentation, neato00:55
fenn'cybernetic' is played out00:55
Vedestincan't we just call it terminator00:56
Vedestini mean really, that's what we're talking about00:56
fenni like to mean what i say and say what i mean, and 'transhuman' doesnt really mean anything (especially since we cant even define intelligence)00:56
fenni'm not talking about a terminator00:56
Vedestinfine then00:57
fennUSA is already spending $500 billion/yr on that shit00:57
Vedestinwhen i get buttloads of funding you can't have any of it00:57
fennfine then00:57
* Vedestin goes back in time to find jahn caahnaa00:57
* fenn goes forwards in time to find john titor00:57
kanzureJohn Titor, heh, is that the usenet future guy?00:57
Vedestinwhat? john titor is alive now00:57
kanzurere: not using the word transhuman,00:57
kanzuredo we need to use any word at all?00:57
Vedestinhe lives in florida00:58
kanzurenah, we don't need a word00:58
kanzurebut at the same time, 'word compression' is just something I tend to do naturally00:58
fenni always get more excited when i see someone saying things i agree with00:58
kanzureso that I can start to refer to certain things via acronyms or shortened versions00:59
fennjargon-- legion00:59
fennwe are verbose! jargon-- unite!00:59
Vedestindo you know of anyone who's working out a way to quantify learning01:00
kanzurefenn: but how verbose do we have to be?01:00
kanzureI mean, I've had a terrible time doing this01:00
kanzurewriting it all out and so on01:00
kanzurethere's just too much to cover01:00
Vedestinlike, who's actually developing a real mathematical tool to measure how much someone has learned01:00
fennlike # of university degrees?01:00
kanzureF/OSS, GNU, manufacturing and its love affair with money, scarcity, post/pre-scarcity, gift economies, SKDB architecture, python, pyyaml, rdf, semantic web nonsense, wikis, ...01:00
kanzureVedestin: Hm.01:00
kanzureThat's pretty hard. 01:01
Vedestini'm thinking so that you can compare experimental data for nootropics and such fenn01:01
Vedestinyeah, it's really hard01:01
fennah i see01:01
kanzureI don't know of anybody actually doing it. But I know of SuperMemo and the like, but that's just software.01:01
fennnot all nootropics are about learning01:01
kanzurethat's what the organotypical experiments are for01:01
Vedestinsupermemo is flashcards01:01
Vedestinno, they arent01:01
Vedestinnootropics or experimental techniques, that sort of thing fenn01:01
fenncan't you just use intelligence tests?01:02
Vedestini'm not sure01:02
Vedestinthere needs to be some way to index them01:02
fenni'm no psychologist but i know there are different tests for measuring different aspects of intelligence (learning, pattern recognition, memory etc)01:02
Vedestinthis answer won't come from a psychologist01:02
fennwhy not?01:02
Vedestinthey don't know enough math01:02
kanzurewhy do you think I'm doing it ?01:02
kanzureit's to automate the selection process via GAs01:02
kanzureso that these neurotissue slices can be built from 'rules' for learning01:02
kanzureand then we can quantify this by whether or not they are able to solve problems 01:02
kanzurenot solving == death01:02
kanzurevery easy to see the winners01:03
kanzurewoah, did you guys get any of my messages? from "uh" to "very easy" ?01:03
Vedestinall at once01:03
kanzureI got the opposite - your messages all at once01:03
Vedestinit's called lag01:03
fennyay irc!01:03
kanzure"intelligence tests" <- the suck01:03
Vedestinyeah, you need a common index01:03
kanzureyou need to not suck01:03
fennintelligence tests just arent sensitive enough01:04
Vedestinso that you don't have to compare methodology in each new paper you read about how effective a technique or drug or treatment is in learning01:04
kanzureI don't know what a "test" for intelligence would be anway01:04
kanzuresince we can't definite intelligence.01:04
Vedestinintelligence has nothing to do with learning01:04
kanzureright, I definitely agree that there needs to be integration in that sense, Vedestin01:04
fennif the level of drug effect is large enough to show on an intelligence effect it'd be more than just 'i read about this on erowid'01:04
Vedestinor rather, it has nothing to do with how much you've learned01:04
kanzureit's not going to be a test, as far as I can tell01:05
Vedestinwe need some mathematical minds to work on that model kanzure01:05
kanzureit's not measurable since we can't definte it01:05
kanzureso you have to look elsewhere01:05
kanzurei.e., attention01:05
Vedestinif it's not measurable we might as well be doing arts degrees01:05
Vedestinreading poetry01:05
fennsurely you can define pattern recognition, memory?01:05
fennsynthesis is a bit harder to define01:05
kanzurehm, we're getting off topic01:06
Vedestinderailed it a bit01:06
kanzureI'm definitely interested in the engineering of intelligence01:06
kanzureand that's why I have the 'staged' strategy or whatever -- an engineered brain with plug-and-play thoughts/perceptions01:07
Vedestini just see so many people so interested in this field01:07
kanzurewhich would allow permutation and recombination and selectivity in the desgin of brains, perceptual processes, etc.01:07
Vedestinbut they're hobbled by it either being done from first principles01:07
fennVedestin: that's the amplifying power of the internet, not reality01:07
Vedestinor just skipping that part and assuming their methodology is good enough01:07
kanzurethose aren't "first principles" ;-)01:07
Phreedomfenn: regarding your coders for a pile of junk complaint... do you really have a useful pile of junk in your gaage? ;)01:07
fennPhreedom: no, not really01:08
fennfake it til you make it baby01:08
Vedestinnot being done from first principles i meant kanzure01:08
* kanzure has sudden urge to stab fenn01:08
Vedestinthere are no first principles01:08
Vedestinthat's what we need to find out01:08
kanzure"Fake it till you make it" is the reason I was forced through high school.01:08
fenni've been in a coding slump for a half a year or so01:08
Vedestinfake it till you make it?01:08
Vedestini've never heard that one01:09
fennits a jazz improv thing01:09
kanzureit means bullshit01:09
Phreedombut sure experienced many times ;)01:09
Vedestinhow does that apply to your high school kanzure?01:09
kanzureso I'm wondering if we really have to put together a better presentation of the project01:09
kanzureVedestin: The parents. They had the say.01:09
fennwell the diagram i drew doesnt really explain the concept very well01:10
fennits more of a 'how to implement this thing' diagram01:10
kanzurelet's go back to the GNU analogy01:10
kanzureStallman had the advantage of not having to explain to everybody what the hell a 'unix' was ;-)01:10
kanzureso he didn't need much to complete that part of the puzzle01:10
fennalso, he didnt have to convince everyone that such a thing as a 'unix' could actually work01:10
Phreedombut you don't need to explain anyone what GPL is ;)01:11
fennGPL won't work for us, unfortunately01:11
Phreedomor open-source for that matter01:11
kanzureso, our 'unix' is really manufacturing overall01:12
kanzurewhich is really hard to explain since it's always behind closed doors01:12
fennwe can copyleft the design files and the software to make it work, but the hardware is 'property' in the end (i guess it doesnt matter much though)01:12
kanzurein giant factories that nobody knows much about01:12
fennno, our unix is BETTER than manufacturing01:12
kanzurethat's true01:12
fennit takes these guys months and years to get a single product revision out the door01:12
Phreedomkanzure: you're mistaken01:12
Phreedomhardware is not really secret01:12
kanzureuh? it's all proprietary01:13
fennit's secret _and_ proprietary01:13
Phreedomyes, but the science behind it isn't01:13
fennoh really01:13
kanzuregive me some citations01:13
kanzureand I'll go get the papers01:13
fennscience is a mixed bag01:13
kanzureI'd like some papers that do full reviews over manufacturing automation, metrology, materials science, chemical engineering 'unit processes', 01:13
Phreedomat least I've never enountered stuff for which I couldn't find an acceptable description based on scientific works+patents 01:14
kanzurebiomining, and uhh tools, bootstrapping designs, and the historical routes of the fabrication of exact tools (genealogy)01:14
fenntell me how to make a quantum tunneling composite (QTC pill)01:14
Phreedombusinesses don't R&D half of your list01:14
kanzurebecause somebody else did a hundred years ago01:14
kanzurelook, we know that we can go walk around and pick up stones and make our own composites, our own plastics and our own ceramics from scratch if we had to01:15
kanzurebut that's a long, long ass way away from what we're really trying to do01:15
fenna lot of the things of interest to us have been funded by NASA fortunately, and they make everything available for free to the public01:15
fennbootstrapping and self-contained manufacturing01:16
fennit wasnt that long ago a smith could make everything in his shop he needed01:16
Phreedomfenn: probably QTC patents are still pending01:16
kanzuresociety has already done some of the bootstrapping -- now it's a social aggregation deal, or we just bootstrap it. We can do both at the same time. The bootstrapping -- from scratch -- is just so slow in comparison that we get to try to do this other stuff with society in the mean time.01:17
Phreedomkanzure: you'll end up bootstrapping almost from scratch01:17
fennoh another one was that refractory 'paint' made out of hairspray, the guy paints it on an egg and takes an oxyacetylene torch to it - doesnt boil the egg01:17
Phreedomespecially if you have plans for automatted manufacturing01:17
Phreedomfenn: cutting edge may be a problem01:18
kanzureyou know that when I say from scratch I really mean from scratch, as in, cave man discover fire type scratch ;-)01:18
fennthis was ten years ago01:18
Phreedomoh well, you like to bring some obscure things to the table :P01:18
fennit's obscure because it's proprietary and secret!01:18
Phreedomfenn: of course you can enounter bits of this stuff01:19
Phreedombut overall it's not as bad01:19
fennyou could have a micro gas turbine generator in your PDA if you had that kind of refractory material01:19
Phreedominformation wants to be free01:19
Phreedomand wants it so badly that it usually escapes ;)01:19
fennthat's simply a statement of thermodynamics01:19
fennheat wants to be free01:19
kanzureI want to be free.01:20
Phreedomso go ahead and escape too :P01:20
Phreedomand what does it mean to be free?01:20
Phreedomfree to kill others? ;)01:20
kanzureokay, so back on topic01:21
Phreedomso I assume the answer is yes :P01:22
fennwhat's the topic?01:22
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/exp.html | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help01:22
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Tue Apr 29 18:54:31 2008]01:22
kanzureI don't know what you mean, Phreedom - if you don't want people to die, why not back them up?01:22
kanzurefenn: the topic was back around something about Stallman or something01:22
kanzurei.e., do we really, really want to invest into a more formal front for ourselves01:22
kanzureby 'invest' I mean time01:22
kanzureespecially re: the problems that Stallman got to ignore.01:23
fenni think this is part of why i wanted an "autogenix technology distribution"01:23
kanzureremember how hard it was for people to convince manufacturers about PCs?01:23
fennheh i just read some quote about that01:24
kanzureI wonder how people got convinced of 'business machines' in the first place. I think the automated calculators looked good .... because it did the finances and the moneymaking stuff.01:24
fennSo we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.' So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.' 01:24
kanzureyeah :(01:24
fenntoo bad apple turned into the devil's little brother01:25
kanzurewell, they didn't have an 'open source movement' to back them up01:25
kanzuretheoretically we could tap into it01:25
kanzurehey, uh, do we want to abduct Stallman?01:25
kanzureis that the solution?01:25
fennstallman's brain is crystallized01:25
fennhe wouldnt go for it01:26
fennjust stuck in a rut01:26
kanzurethat's true, he's basically done01:26
fennit happens when you get old01:26
kanzurealthough I don't know about that re: his programming, does he still write anything?01:26
fennwhere old = 3001:26
fennshit i've got 4 years until i'm useless01:26
kanzuremeh, that's a lie01:26
fenn2012 the day fenn becam useless01:26
kanzurehappens to be the year I graduate from undergrad01:27
kanzureif I stay ;-)01:27
kanzureoh, did I give you my updated stance on governments?01:27
fenn"4 years is a small price, she said"01:27
kanzurebasically any government that is imposing 'artificial scarcity' needs to be revolted against01:27
Phreedomfenn: so your only hope is kanzure... maybe one day he'll come and help you reverse aging :P01:27
kanzurePhreedom: antiaging is one of my subprojects, as it turns out.01:28
kanzureIf we have clanking replicators we can do millions of tissue experiments + antiaging possibilities to test it all out.01:28
kanzureAlso, Aubrey needs to double his efforts. Why the hell doesn't he make his machine setups open source etc.? 01:28
kanzurehe's getting millions in funding evidently ... grr.01:28
Phreedommaybe that's a condition he had to agree to01:28
fennkanzure: example of government that's -not- imposing artificial scarcity?01:29
kanzurefenn: one that would see to SKDB.01:29
fennsweden is toeing the line, maybe, sorta01:29
kanzureor autogenix etc.01:29
fennpiratbyren or whatever01:29
kanzurethe govt should only be there to help people communicate and get together01:29
Phreedomyeah yeah01:29
kanzureand even then only to help 'human liberation' cause01:29
kanzurewhat I mean by that is that the current governments should be making your space habitats, fenn01:29
Phreedomreally govt should protect life and freedom01:29
Phreedomthe rest it's only going to stiffle01:30
kanzurePhreedom: protect?01:30
fennkanzure: fuck they should have made them 40 years ago01:30
fenni shouldnt have to deal with this shit01:30
kanzurebut having governments impose various artificial scarcities, like promoting the whole "money" thing01:30
Phreedomkanzure:  you don't want to be murdered, do you?01:30
Phreedomlife also extends into ecology01:30
kanzurePhreedom: Nope, but I'm working on that one.01:30
kanzureI'm planning on some automated cloning machines + automated education machines.01:30
kanzurethink stormtrooper01:30
* fenn pictures a guy wearing egg-crates01:31
kanzureright now you don't have much of a hiding option except for earth, but if you had space habitats, who cares? just leave, go to another star01:31
kanzureyou shouldn't be your only working copy anyway01:31
kanzurethat's just stupid engineering01:31
fenncrackpots come onto luf-team all the time, talking about making new governments/islands etc01:33
fennthe general consensus seems to be that you'd get bombed to little bits within a week, and not even get any media coverage01:34
kanzurefenn: so let's doubletime our strategies; first, we'll do a formal front, try to make something that looks spiffy but at the same time addressing the wide range of possibilities here (ugh), and then implement some strategies for dumpster diving for materials :-/01:34
fennwhy dumpster diving for materials? or do you mean that figuratively?01:34
kanzurethat's the "from scratch" approach, so it's slightly figuratively -- it's more like figuring ou how to bootstrap it all01:35
kanzurewhich sucks. even Gingery needed some dumpsterstuff :/01:35
fennwe need to get this guy writing for us: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/free_matter_economy01:35
kanzurefenn: how much of a bang did he make?01:37
fennits basically paul fernhout with some realistic strategy01:37
fennkanzure: its kinda hard to measure the effect an idea has on the internet, isnt it?01:37
kanzurewhat's his strategy?01:37
fennsimilar to skdb, he was trying to make a 'sourceforge' for hardware projects01:38
fennhe talks about "ISRU" in-situ resource utilization, aka dumpster-diving01:39
fennbut also digging in the dirt, refining trash01:39
kanzureyes, but what's his strategy to get people on board01:39
kanzurewe can all do trash and dumpster-diving01:39
fennwriting magazine articles i guess01:39
kanzurebut that's not fast enough for my taste01:39
kanzuresurely there must be something better01:40
fennhey i thought you had pages of this stuff, 'how to build community'01:40
fennoh, it was sorta hybrid between sourceforge and ebay (mfg.com)01:41
kanzurehold on01:41
fenn"A tavern, with really good napkins"\01:41
fenni think it stalled because he was the only person working on it01:42
fennthe cad exchange format is really tough too (there is very little open source cad-related software)01:43
kanzureoh, scheduling online events01:43
kanzurethat's one we've missed01:43
kanzurewe could just say "meet online at this location at this time for an active discussion"01:44
kanzurebut that feels like preaching :(01:45
fennrl events too01:45
kanzure" Fake community statistics for vBulletin: make it seem like there's more activity than there really is."01:45
fennaustin is full of weird people01:45
fenn(and apparently some of them are actually good at technical stuff)01:45
kanzure" - Create a fake identity and write from that perspective."01:45
kanzureI suppose that's true. But then I'd need a physical workshop. ;-)01:46
fennnah that fake stuff is a bad idea01:46
fennspam is the most hated crime on the internet01:46
fennbest to distance yourself from it as much as possible01:46
fennjust dont publish usage statistics if you're embarrassed about them01:46
kanzure" - Organic content. Let the problem of "advertizing" become the user's, not yours. Many users, means many possible solutions that you hadn't thought of."01:46
kanzure" 01:47
kanzureA few popular sites can spread infections rapidly - Those 40,000 visitors all originated with six email messages and a post on my personal site. Do your research, pick the most relevant and popular sites, and start with them. The ‘long tail’ matters - Only 16% of all visitors came directly from one of those four originating sites. The vast majority of traffic came from over 500 additional, less-popular sites and other sources.01:47
fennreally virgle was a goldmine - i should've been more involved in openvirgle01:47
kanzureI was stupid for waitnig 20 days oto01:48
fennoh, one good thing is to have something new for a user/volunteer to look at and contribute to every day01:48
fennhijack the "check your email" gene01:48
fennblogs etc01:48
fennpeople love to comment them some blogs01:49
kanzurebtw, the 'copywritable' stuff is good - always write it for the person to copy and send immediately in the intended purpose, not for the person to rewrite and reformulate01:49
kanzureI don't know why people like commenting on blogs01:49
kanzureit's a terrible interface01:49
kanzureread an article, click 'comments', type in a comment, click, reload the page, go back to the index, find your place01:49
fennmost email is also a terrible interface01:49
kanzureor do some tabbing01:49
fennever used webmail? its about the same01:49
kanzuremeh, at least with email I have 'look, read, arrow, look, read, arrow"01:49
kanzureyes, I have, but I have to really ask "why the hell use webmail"01:50
kanzureother than when on the road01:50
kanzureany other time it's inexecusable, it seems01:50
fennwhat were you saying about 'copywritable'? i dont understand the context01:50
kanzurewell, I've realized something01:50
kanzurewhen I make my announcements about projects and designs and so on01:50
kanzurenobody is going to rewrite it01:50
kanzurenobody is going to reinterpret01:50
kanzurewhen I posted emails, I realized that what was appearing on blogs, for example,01:51
kanzurewas exactly what I had written01:51
kanzureand what I had written, frankly, *sucked* 01:51
kanzureMakezine, as an example.01:51
kanzureI would've tailored it for their site had I known that it would've been a copy+paste thing.01:51
kanzureanyway, daily activities01:51
fennah so you sent out a 'press release' and they just published it01:51
kanzureI didn't know I was writing a press release :)01:52
kanzurebut apparently that's what it was.01:52
fennwelcome to the 21st century, growing pains and all01:52
kanzuredaily activities -> I don't really know. I guess we could do a blog about "how our poject solves yet another stupid problem if only you people would listen"01:53
kanzurebut that's the angry old guy approach01:53
kanzureprobably not good01:53
fennthis is a cool blog i read a lot (not daily, but could be aggregated if skdb proved useful to him)01:55
fennhe's into CAM software01:55
fenn(and RC sailboats)01:56
fennsomething went screwy with the photo size, not usually like that01:56
fennat the same time though, blog aggregation is pretty lame01:57
kanzurewhy isn't there a "shit I've solved world hunger, what now?" hotline ?01:58
fennum.. dude, it's been solved for 50+ years01:58
fennwhy isnt there a "what now" hotline maybe?01:59
kanzurefenn: if it's all secret knowledge, then what are we to do in the mean time? while we're trying to bootstrap it via stealing garbage + also trying the social routes?02:06
kanzureI think we could, theoretically, map out some strategies02:07
kanzureI mean, it's not like there were many 'manufacturing geniuses' back in the day, most of the processes have to be pretty simple, right?02:07
fennCLI ftw: http://code.google.com/soc/2008/gimp/appinfo.html?csaid=645C8B60767929AF02:07
fenna lot of manufacturing knowledge is still locked up in peoples' heads, simply because its so obvious once you try to do it02:08
kanzuretrying to optimize, gain access to proprietary/hidden BS, all at the same time => probably a recipe for failure?02:08
fennits similar to the AI learning to speak problem02:08
fennkanzure: the solving world hunger is a political problem, similar to IP. it's not secret or anything02:09
fennlike, we have all this food which is worth very little to us, but you cant have it even though you're starving, or.. you cant have it because your fucking dickhead government would rather use it as a tool than just give it to you02:10
kanzurehttp://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=44506950346  <-- brings back lots of memories02:10
kanzureoh, I always assumed it was really truly because of production02:10
fennfacebook hates me because i won't register02:10
kanzureeh, well, it's the Austin Waldorf School graduation ceremony02:11
fenn'world hunger is already solved' was bucky fuller's tagline02:11
kanzureClass of 2008: George Black, Christopher Brockett, Hannah Campos, Colin Clark, Gina Daniel, Alexandra Frizzell, Zoe Gioja, Jessica Goldstein, Courtney Graves, Sorcha Grogan, Conor Hall, Patrick Hall, Alexandra Hoisington, Arielle Lewis-Zavala, Gabriela Moats, James Morton, Bridget O'Shaughnessy, Ixchel Parr, Rachel Rodgers, Karl Snyder, Steven Tijmes, Forest Trager, Daniel Winkler, Luke Zasowski02:12
fennanother fresh batch of fodder for the mills02:12
kanzureForest and I were 'fort buddies' / Star Wars / Warcraft/Starcraft addicts back in the day.02:13
kanzureby back in the day I mean a few decades or something02:14
kanzureI don't understand the learning-to-speak problem02:14
kanzureChomsky language acquisition stuff ?02:14
fennthe point of cyc was to make an explicit ontology/knowledge base defining all the common day-to-day common sense a child learns automatically02:16
fenna new employee is like a baby because they dont know this stuff02:17
fennat an industrial manufacturing job02:17
fennunless their job is just to press the green button02:17
fenni wasnt really going anywhere with this, it will become apparent what's missing once we try to use the system anyway02:18
kanzureI don't know what to do to get skdb actually working. I don't like this 'not knowing' thing.02:18
kanzureit's obvious that we're good on our end re: programming, infrastructure, database requirements, etc.02:19
kanzurewe have that settled02:19
fenni'm still a little stuck on what a validation should be validating.. and also how to settle units/requirements02:21
fennmostly its just laziness/motivational deficiency02:22
fenndistraction, weird schedule and lack of sleep02:22
kanzuremultiple levels of validation -- such as syntax, making sure the units can plug together when you're using a class-type-object-thing to specify a jumblement of packages put together to make a new one or something (fire+water => life, in the Aristotlean models)02:22
kanzureas for settling units/requirements, I don't know what you mean by that -- like protocols for yelling at each other over whether or not it's in BTUs or candles?02:23
fennno BTU into candle is done deal, GNU units handles that02:23
kanzurethen what 'requirements' ?02:23
fennits like interface definitions02:24
kanzurehow to settle interference uh, conflicts?02:24
kanzure"conflicts of interest" except something else.02:24
fenngrr stupid manufacturing people havent even come up with stats to compare milling machines against each other02:24
kanzureconflicting realtime-unit-dependencies?02:24
kanzurethat's just lame02:25
fennnot conflicts, just interoperability requirements02:25
fennlike your camera needs a USB charger or a wall outlet02:25
fenni just havent generalized it yet02:25
kanzureokay, that's not bad02:25
fennits one thing to write it in english, another to figure out how to do it in code02:25
kanzuredoesn't sound like an impossible task02:26
kanzurewe'll have a class that does input/output for physical plugging or something02:26
kanzureand then we'd have extra scripts to compare these in the 'design compilation process' or one of those validation check stages02:27
fenni think its just me trying to avert possible problems in the future that we can probably work around in the future anyway02:27
fennther's a balance between worrying and fixing stupid decisions02:27
fennstupid decisions get entrenched02:27
fennbut worrying isn't actually productive02:27
fennmanufacturing is absolutely chock full of stupid decisions02:28
fennand they never get fixed because it creates exploitable scarcity02:28
fennok so units is a level below interface checking02:29
kanzurewe need a contigency plan in case "some rich dude notices us" doesn't work out02:29
fenn"some rich dude notices us" isnt going to work out02:29
kanzurethen we're going to have to dumpster-dive02:29
fennthat was never the plan anyway02:29
kanzureby "rich dude" I mean any possible sort of "rich"/charitable organization, or attention-directing source02:30
kanzureokay, so I guess I just need to move to somewhere that there's lots of free junk floating around02:30
kanzureand do scrapstrapping02:30
fenni want to build dumpster-friendliness into the system anyway, because "some rich dude" wont be knocking on the door of everyone else in the world02:30
fennthats why i'm so adamant against black-boxiness02:31
kanzurewhat about whiteboxiness? you can look, but you don't have to02:31
kanzurethat's what I call a blackbox02:31
kanzurewhereas I think your blackbox == proprietary and so on02:31
fennuh.. er.. i just mean something the computer doesnt have any wiggle room02:31
fennit should all be open source anyway, so a human could look at it02:32
fennany thoughts on licensing strategies?02:32
kanzureignore it02:32
fenni like the affero gpl02:32
kanzureor if we have to, something viral02:32
kanzurePaul's been pushing for me to license my site02:33
kanzurebut I already have a damned robots.txt file on there.02:33
fenneh? whats robots.txt got to do with it02:33
kanzureit tells you what to save and what not to02:33
kanzureit's one of them there darned 'web standards' ;-)02:33
fennits an ugly hack, not a web standard02:34
fennbleh, anyway it doesnt say anything about the legality of re-publishing text and files from your site02:34
kanzurebtw, my policy is sharing of course02:34
kanzureuhrm, so02:35
kanzureso if we're not going to rely on 'some rich dude' scenarios02:35
fennyou just need to be explicit about it02:35
kanzurethen how would we go about diving?02:35
kanzureI mean, should I map it out on Google Maps and do daily routes?02:35
kanzurethere's not much around in my area02:35
kanzureno manufacturing facilities really, wrong part of the continent02:36
kanzurewe do, however, have a rock crushing facility02:36
kanzuresince there's so much limestone around here.02:36
fennthat's not what i mean by dumpster diving02:36
kanzure"hunting for scraps in the junk yard"02:37
fennusually, you will see something in the dumpster, think it's possibly useful and take it home02:37
kanzureso I mean a route, as in, going through the neighborhoods and at the good dumpsters02:37
fennover the years you accumulate large quantities of this crap, and have no easy way to integrate it into your cad systems02:37
fennhowever, say someone models the inkjet printer guts and their specs02:38
fennthen presto it's immediately 90% more useful than it was without that info available02:38
fennso, yes i suppose you could look in dumpsters and see if anything's online in skdb regarding that particular piece of trash02:38
fennroving wifi trash-nomads02:39
kanzure:/ that has to be very inefficient02:39
kanzurebut visiting junkyards might be a better idea02:40
kanzuresurely they keep more than cars, right?02:40
kanzureor does everybody throw out their microwaves and machinery via garbage cans these days?02:40
fenngood junkyards are disappearing due to insurance liability, general public froofiness, etc02:40
fenni went to the recycling center where they had this trash can full of cell phones02:40
fenn'can i have a couple of those cell phones to disassemble and use in electronics projects?'02:41
fenn'no, we arent allowed to redistribute them because you might electrocute yourself'02:41
kanzurerecycling, you say?02:41
fennso instead they are going to grind them up into a paste and reclaim the gold in order to buy some fucking calling cards for soldiers in iraq to use satellite phones02:41
fennthen they have this heavy-metal laden paste which gets dumped into the ocean02:42
fennthere is like $0.15 worth of gold in a phone02:42
fennafter recycling costs02:42
fennso.. i dunno wtf they are thinking besides authority mentality02:42
kanzureI need a better electronics inventory anyway, my parts collection is ridiculously low02:43
kanzureI only have a few cases full of resistors, transistors, capacitors anyway02:43
kanzurenothing else02:43
fennoh, you mean actually getting the stuff02:43
kanzureonly one soldering iron02:43
fennfuturlec is cheap and has mostly good useful stuff02:44
kanzurealthough it's come in handy ;-)02:44
fennthey sometimes take 2 months to ship your order though02:44
fennjameco is also cheap and good selection02:44
fennand digikey for everything else02:44
fennfuck mouser02:44
fennoh, digikey has the best prices on AVR's for some reason02:45
fenni can make some electronics recommendations but i dont know what you're doing02:45
kanzureoh, nothing, just accumulating02:46
kanzurelooks like people thin it's mostly vehicles02:46
kanzureLocal business results for junk yards near Buda, TX change locationA.Ken's Auto Buyer - maps.google.com - (512) 243-5277 - more02:47
kanzureB.On the Road Salvage - maps.google.com - (512) 389-1119 - more02:47
kanzureC.American Lung Association of Texas - www.texaslung.org - (512) 467-2534 - more02:47
fennaccumulating electronics from junk doesn't seem to really work in reality unless you are really good at electronics already02:47
fennyeah texans smoke a lot doncha know02:47
fennlungs are full of junk02:47
fennmaybe it will be easier to junk-source with skdb02:48
fenn"for this project you will need: a resistor, between 500 and 1500 ohm, a capacitor 50-300uF" etc02:48
fennbut common stuff is so damn cheap it's not even worth picking up off the floor02:49
fennlike 0.05 cent for a resistor02:49
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fennpeople who shop at radio shack dont know this of course02:49
fenntalk about artificial scarcity02:50
kanzurehttp://www.dnrec.state.de.us/dnrec2000/Divisions/AWM/hw/hw/salvage.htm Salvage Yard Manual02:50
kanzure'The Salvage Yard manual was produced to provide guidance for handling or recycling waste fluids, scrap metal, machinery, equipment, and vehicles. You can download the chapters of this manual below.'02:50
kanzureheh, there's a *single* person to email to get more info02:50
fenni would like to make a 'post-industrial shack' where we sell drill bits, RP equipment, electronics, and consulting?02:51
kanzurewhat's with the question mark?02:53
kanzurebleh, all of the stuff on the internet sucks ... the junkyards are all for 'auto' stuffs02:53
kanzureI guess everybody is throwing stuff away in stead02:53
fennbtw re: scrap yard manual, this is an interesting story about improper scrap yard practices: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goiânia_accident02:54
fenn"consulting?" because i wasnt sure if that fit the business model02:55
fennor the ideology02:55
fenninformation wants to be free! but you have to pay me to answer your question02:55
kanzurewell, Opera crashed, but there's some good links at the bottom of [[Scrap]] on Wikipedia03:06
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kanzurehttp://cosmeng.org/ the Order of Cosmic Engineers.15:26
kanzurebut again ... they're not actually *doing* engineering (skdb)15:26
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Undergaduate_neuroscience <-- I sent an email to the Director of the Neuroscience Institute at UT Austin about setting up an undergrad program in neurosci19:30
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Manufacturing_engineering <-- also looks good for UT. Anyway, I'm late for graduation now. Or something.19:31
Splicergood luck with the day.. cu19:40
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