
--- Day changed Sun Jun 01 2008
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-251-86-26.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:02
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-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Tue Apr 29 18:54:31 2008]07:02
[Users #hplusroadmap]07:02
[ fenn] [ kanzure] [ nsh] [ Phreedom] [ Vedestin] [ ybit] 07:02
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 6 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal]07:02
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200807:02
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-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d122-109-35-58.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit ["User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby"]07:10
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d122-109-35-58.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap08:06
fennone would expect that they have symbols for all of them..09:51
fennone easy demo app for augmented reality would be overlaying pin names on the physical chip package09:52
kanzureon pcb boards, isn't that common? for printing the name of a resistor next to where it is supposed to go09:53
fennyeah but there's too much info for a micro09:59
fennspecifically i'm thinking of sitting there plugging wires into a breadboard, looking back and forth at the datasheet over and over, inevitably getting it backwards/upside down half the time09:59
fennalso you could label wires with signal names10:00
fennmaybe that's a bit harder10:00
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d122-109-35-58.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit ["User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby"]10:00
fennwith JTAG you can get the actual I/O data so you could see what's going on in the circuit right in front of you10:01
kanzureyou mean, in the signals?10:02
kanzureso that when you plug in one component to the next, it beeps and screams at you "this isn't what you were planning on doing" ?10:02
* kanzure otherwise is lost.10:02
fennno, jtag is like a debugger for computer programs, you can see the variable values, the state of i/o lines10:03
fennnormally i watch what's going on with led's on all the i/o lines10:04
fennso, gedasymbols has a pretty good metadata/data viewer10:05
fennwell, "a" metadata/data viewer10:09
fennit's more than just a list of url's at least! :)10:09
kanzureyes, I see there's actual files10:10
fennno metadata on that one10:11
fennAlso, you can ask for a CVS account so that you can create your own area here which would let you upload and manage your own symbols and footprints.10:12
fennnow, how many people are going to do that, really10:12
fennabout 19 it looks like10:13
fennsomeone just needs to make an OCR for datasheets10:14
fennthey're pretty standard format, should be easy to extract the semantic content10:14
kanzurefenn: So, I went to the Austin Waldorf School graduation ceremony last night. It's hard to communicate what Waldorf was like for me, for the four years that I was there. Very much so something you have to be a part of to see how serious these people are. At one point, the class stood up and chanted this quote: 10:14
kanzure"The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. 10:14
kanzureA whole stream of events issues from the decisions, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance10:14
kanzurewhich no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."10:14
kanzureif ever I had to point to a group of people just as intense as myself, it would be them.10:14
fenndo they have a concept of 'synthetic serendipity'?10:16
fennpublish or perish10:16
fenngrr stupid ieee10:18
kanzureserendipity? accidental discovery? Sure, somewhat.10:31
kanzureArgh. My time is still being stolen. I don't like this graduation thing. I haven't had time to myself since Friday. Here's a partial todo list dump so that I may try to continue it later;10:32
fennshave the lawn, wax the yak10:32
kanzureI've been meaning to go through the stack of bio books to my left re: the reactants required for the steps that Relentless was outlining in #biology with cowbert and I re: the bioreactor tank setup that would be needed for a 'do-it-yourself neurochem tank'10:32
kanzurenah, it's more like family stuff, driving around, doing nothing much in particular10:32
kanzureAnyway, I was hoping to go through those docs. There was something about phase-change separation chromatography that the diybio.org guys brought up; somebody mentioned that aptamer purification procs aren't that good because of the high selectivity required (eh, not sure about this - need to run some simulations or something)10:33
kanzureI think the biotank might be a good start to skdb anyway, even though it's wetware and not solid state -- i.e., some componets would be the petri dish, the protein purification processes, the tank (mainoinesse jar, really), maybe some mechanical pumps or PVC-pipe-systems, etc.10:34
kanzureas for making some simpler introductions to skdb, I'm still beat on that front; junk-harvesting cyclical routes req. gas/money, or just gas for dumpster-diving sessions; 10:35
kanzurehm, KDE has still been acting up with a large number of tabs, so I need to figure out a way to cache to disk and still have the labels appear on the kicker taskbar10:35
fennheh nice creative spelling there (mainoinesse)10:35
kanzureor it may be acting up because of Opera + kmail + pidgin, which significantly tax the system10:36
kanzureheh, spelling mayoinease isn't my specialty10:36
kanzurelet's leave it at mayo10:36
kanzureok, now I have to go (again? why?)10:36
* kanzure is still trying to figure out how to write the KDE app manager that he wants.13:16
kanzureI can't decide how to make it work. I think it'll be a service-daemon to run in the background. Would have to keep track of all konqueror windows, and then figure out which ones to dump to disk and which ones to keep open.13:17
kanzureIt's pretty stupid that the windowing manager still makes the laptop whine. There's no reason for this whining. No reason for all of this heat generation. Something's eating up the cpu cycles.13:17
kanzureoh, maybe dcop can dump all variables in the konq session, instead of me hardcoding "grab url, grab pos, grab ..." into my script13:42
kanzureI've installed recaptcha to the wiki14:41
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:08
wrldpcHey guys.15:08
wrldpcHey Bryan, remember our chat about CO2?15:08
kanzureHeh :)15:19
kanzureI need to run. But we'll get back to that, wrldpc.15:19
kanzureI think that's the iGEM team, right?15:19
-!- Splicer [n=p@h11n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:21
kanzureI wonder why I gave the same name to the laptop and the server. I just spent the last 20 minutes trying to figure out why, suddenly, the scanner wasn't working.15:57
nshmassive global conspiracy?16:05
kanzureokay, this one's my fault -- need to go in an hour to join the Maker Fair.17:26
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]18:06
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]19:15
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap19:17
ybitoi, any movie recommendations while i grub on some veggie kabobs?19:39
ybiti've watched all ted vids it seems19:39
wrldpcdid you see gershenfeld's ted talk?21:11
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:10
kanzureThat went ridiculously well.22:10
kanzureI kinda sorta got the 'community outreach/organization' position.22:11
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d122-109-35-58.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap22:20

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