
--- Day changed Tue Jun 03 2008
joshcryerDenied! :(00:42
kanzurejoshcryer: Hello.00:44
Vedestinkrebs is not servicing the channel it seems00:48
kanzuredo we want krebs servicing the channel?00:49
Vedestindid it do anything00:50
kanzureit told epitron secrets.00:51
joshcryerHey kanzure00:52
kanzureWhat's up?00:53
joshcryerListening to the Phoenix briefing cast got me thinking.00:53
joshcryerThey talked about TEGA and how it seperated partciles by ionizing them and using magnetic fields to push them along.00:53
joshcryer(Since matter itself is non-magnetic without being ionized.)00:54
joshcryer(briefing cast = the mp3 of the phone briefing they had)00:54
joshcryerAnyway, it sounded interesting enough to discuss.00:54
kanzureI don't understand. The magnetic fields would push the ions along?00:54
joshcryerThey heat up some soil.00:55
kanzureI think the idea of the ion Hull reactors used to be that the ions would eventually just squeeze their way out or something.00:55
joshcryerIt breaks down into the constituant compounds (it's not hot enough to make them split up into their elements).00:55
kanzureOh, the actual lander.00:55
joshcryerAnd since a water particle isn't exactly magnetic they ionize it.00:55
joshcryerSo that magnetic fields can interact and they can hold it in a nice plasma for spectromoy.00:56
kanzureYes, yes, but once they have that plasma, how is this used for propulsion ?00:56
kanzureI mean, pushing the ions along, this would create thrust, yes?00:56
joshcryerWe're not talking about propulsion. :P00:57
joshcryerWe're talking about soil analysis. :)00:57
kanzureOkay :)00:57
joshcryerI think it applies though.00:57
joshcryerWe know the carbothermic reaction can seperate elements pretty effectively.00:57
kanzureSo, mass spec with magnets?00:57
joshcryerThe question is, how do you engineer something that does the chemistry?00:57
kanzureor at least magnets to do separation, hrm00:57
joshcryerThat's what I was thinking.00:57
kanzureWhat's the exact carbothermic reaction?00:57
joshcryerMagnetic centrafuge thing.00:58
joshcryerIt's on page 9 of that paper.00:58
* kanzure is ashamed that he hasn't gotten to it.00:58
joshcryerPfft, it's a nice diagram.00:59
kanzureActually, my time has been spent reviewing the classic:00:59
kanzureIt's for a group I just joined today -- first day at the lab. yay \o/00:59
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbothermic_reaction 'Carbothermic reactions are thermic chemical reactions which use carbon as the reducing agent at high temperature. The most prominent example is used in iron ore smelting.'01:00
joshcryerTo me the paper itself is pretty much irrelevant.01:02
joshcryerIt just proves what we already know.01:02
joshcryerWhat I think is important, at least to me, perhaps it's stupid, is the element seperation cycle expounded upon there.01:02
kanzureUhh, where'd that come from?01:03
kanzureI mean, who acquired that information and how ?01:03
joshcryerIt's from the paper I sent you... page 9.01:03
kanzureright, but 01:03
joshcryerLackner wrote the paper, but I'd have to look at it more closely to see where he got the chemistry.01:03
* kanzure grumbles. Guess I really have to read it now.01:04
joshcryerJANAF thermodynamic tables.01:04
joshcryerHoly shit.01:05
joshcryerThe book is $305.01:05
kanzureheh' libraries at universities will have it.01:05
joshcryerTo check out?01:06
Vedestinshortloans atleast01:07
joshcryerProbably not for non-students though, I imagine?01:07
joshcryer(Obviously I'd want to scan it in. ;))01:07
Vedestinnot to check out, now01:07
Vedestinthey have scanners in uni libraries01:07
joshcryerBarns and Noble has it for $195.01:07
joshcryerI'll see if the local universities have it.01:07
Vedestinyeah, university has it for free01:08
kanzurejoshcryer: I've been able to walk into uni libraries quite easily.01:08
kanzureportable scanner :)01:08
joshcryerkanzure, same here.01:08
Vedestinanyone can walk in to a uni library01:09
joshcryerAll schools here are open at least.01:09
joshcryerVedestin, well some schools are crap and locked down because of the shootings.01:09
Vedestinisnt that just high schools01:09
Vedestinthat's barely a uni at all01:09
joshcryerV. Tech is all locked down now.01:09
Vedestinwho the fuck would lockdown01:09
kanzurevirginia tech got slaughtered01:10
Vedestini remember that01:10
joshcryerWorst in American history, so it's no surprise they locked dow.01:11
Vedestincho was a student01:11
Vedestinhe'd have gotten in anyway01:11
joshcryerBut yeah when I had no computer I would walk into uni library and just use internet.01:11
joshcryerThey don't bug you unless it's exams time.01:11
joshcryerThen they'll ask if you're a student.01:11
Vedestinare you homeless?01:11
joshcryerLOL, no.01:11
Vedestinwhy would they bug you at all then01:12
joshcryerI went on, a waltzing matilda before though.01:12
Vedestini see01:12
joshcryerBecause if it's exams time and you look like a non-student and computers are needed they'll ask you for your student ID.01:12
Vedestinlibraries are always full of mature-age students01:12
Vedestinbecause kids have their own computers01:13
joshcryerNow adays it doesn't really matter.01:13
joshcryerStudents use their own computers.01:13
kanzureHave you been to a public high school library ?01:13
joshcryerBut back in 2002 I went to a university and it was exams time and they booted me.01:13
Vedestinpublic high school isn't university01:14
joshcryerIt was in Clearwater OK.01:14
joshcryerCan't remember the university.01:14
joshcryerBut w/e, it's a moot point.01:14
joshcryerI'll see if The University of Colorado has a copy.01:14
joshcryerLet's see if I can get on their website.01:15
joshcryerBarns & Nobel has it for $160.01:15
Vedestinbuy it if you can afford it01:15
joshcryerI think I might.01:16
Vedestini just failed first semester01:17
joshcryerWhat were you taking?01:17
Vedestinmath 111, chem 101, engineering 100 and phys 12001:18
Vedestini withdrew from phys straight up01:18
Vedestinthen i withdrew from eng01:18
joshcryerYou exploded bro.01:18
Vedestinnow i realise i have my final exam for math next week and i haven't been to a lecture in 3 months01:18
joshcryerGotta take it easy.01:18
joshcryerThat's some hard stuff.01:18
Vedestinfour courses per semester is the norm01:18
Vedestinplus, i've been out of high school for a few years, so i couldn't remember anything01:19
Vedestinonly thing i'll pass is chem01:19
joshcryerLibrary use only.01:20
joshcryerThat's a shame.01:20
Vedestinthere are scanners in the library01:20
Vedestinflatbeds atleast01:20
Vedestinor there should be01:20
joshcryerThe 1986 version is for checkout though.01:20
joshcryerI imagine that one is good enough.01:20
joshcryerWho needs the 1998 version.01:20
Vedestinget that then01:21
joshcryerI need to find someone enrolled... ;)01:22
Vedestinoh yeah, right01:25
Vedestinyou could just steal a wallet01:26
Vedestini bet it's a self checkout service01:26
joshcryerI'm sure someone would be helpful.01:26
joshcryerIn fact my brother is enrolling there this summer.01:26
Vedestinthere's no way i'd let some random check a book out on my record01:26
joshcryerI could just wait.01:26
joshcryerOr buy it at B&N.01:26
joshcryerVedestin, even if I offered you dinner and let you watch me scan the tables in?01:26
joshcryer(Not the whole book, just the important parts.)01:27
Vedestinwould you cook yourself?01:27
joshcryerWhy yes, yes I would.01:27
joshcryerWhat would you like to eat?01:27
Vedestinnah, i don't want you to cook01:27
Vedestinwe'll just get chinese01:27
Vedestinseriously though, there'd be scanners at the library01:27
joshcryerYeah I know.01:28
joshcryerI'll go check it out.01:28
Vedestink bye01:28
joshcryerIt's 11:30PM here.01:28
Vedestinuni libraries are 24 hour01:28
joshcryerYeah but.01:29
joshcryerI think I'd be more obvious going in at night.01:29
Vedestinmaybe they have a security dude or something01:33
Vedestincouldnt you just get a library card from them01:34
Vedestinnot from the security guard01:35
Vedestinfrom the university01:35
Vedestinenrol in a non-award program01:35
Vedestinget a student card01:35
Vedestinand you're done01:35
Vedestinfree books01:35
joshcryerIt's online!02:07
joshcryerHow did I overlook that?02:07
joshcryer250mb pdf file lol02:07
joshcryerif this was OCR'd it'd be 25 mb02:20
ybit1:22am here 02:22
ybitthought i'd chime in :)02:22
joshcryerThis book has every single chemical composition known to man.02:49
joshcryerAnd formulas how to get to each one.02:49
joshcryerThis is all you need!02:49
joshcryerAny other channels like this that aren't so dead?03:59
-!- nsh [n=nsh@eduroam-80.uta.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap05:33
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-!- faceface [n=chatzill@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap07:31
facefacecan you give me an implant to speak german?07:32
nshthe you that speaks german is discontinuous from the you that doesn't07:36
-!- fenn_ [n=pz@adsl-76-251-87-73.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:44
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/exp.html | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help07:44
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Tue Apr 29 18:54:31 2008]07:44
[Users #hplusroadmap]07:44
[ faceface] [ fenn_ ] [ nsh ] [ Vedestin] 07:44
[ fenn ] [ kanzure] [ Phreedom] [ ybit ] 07:44
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200807:45
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 37 secs07:45
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-251-84-248.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]08:01
kanzurefaceface: Hey.08:13
facefaceyo k08:20
facefaceI figure, what would I really want an implant for?08:20
facefaceI would like a dictionary of german words and phrases08:20
facefacehow could we hook up such a memory expansion?08:21
facefacewould that 'brain interferance' technology that got posted a while back (the one that stopped a guy from talking using a targeted magnetic field) be used in a refined way to 'implant' certain thoughts?08:21
facefacelet me put my thinking cap on...08:22
Vedestinit wouldn't08:22
facefaceVedestin: wouldn't what?08:22
Vedestinit's like how you use the great wall of china to do brain surgery08:22
facefaceVedestin: sure, at current resolutions08:22
facefaceWon't the resolution get driven down by better magnets (super conductors) and better software 08:23
Vedestinprobably not08:23
Vedestinnot to a level that you'd need atleast08:23
facefaceMRI -> MFRNI08:23
facefaceVedestin: but what 'level' would be interesting? currently you can target the 'speach centers', surly we can do more intereseting thigs with higher res08:24
facefacewhat about focusing attention on the 'forign language' centers of the brain? (I heard that adults who become bilingual use a different region of their brain to talk forign than they do to talk their mother tongue)08:25
facefacewhat about mildly surpressing the 'mother tongue' brain function while mildly stimulating the forign language centers during an intensive dictionary crash course?08:26
facefaceof course it could backfire and leave you talking less of the forign language than controll08:26
facefaceVedestin: my point is that refining the 'level' will always be 'interesting', therefore high levels of resolution should be acheived naturally08:26
facefaceby continuious improvement driven by better technology08:27
facefaceanyway... let me know when we can start de deutsche sprachen.08:27
-!- You're now known as fenn08:32
Vedestinfaceface, it really doesn't sound like the way to go08:32
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendly_artificial_intelligence <-- I see. Eli got the nod from a few 'professionals'.08:36
kanzurefaceface: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/rTMS08:36
kanzurefaceface: Your idea of supressing the mother tongue is interesting.08:36
* nsh is dubious08:37
kanzurensh: It would be fun to try.08:37
nshjust wondering about children who are raised bilingually08:37
nshalso, don't you mean: it'd be fun to try on a neural slice or something else that makes your earlier disparagement of chemical neuromodification experiments non-hypocritical? :-)08:38
kanzurensh: No, I really mean it'd be fun to use rTMS :)08:43
fennfaceface: the problem with rTMS is it's like using a stick of dynamite, when what you really want is a chisel08:45
fennand there's no obvious way to make the effect more fine grained08:45
kanzureI want a proof about this 'friendly ai' BS. I think the unstated fear is "well, Vinge said they will be able to catch us no matter where we go, so we're doomed!"09:00
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]10:12
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d122-109-35-58.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]10:15
facefacefenn: how was it 'focused' in the first place?10:36
facefacensh: bilingual individuals use the same region of their brain for both languages10:36
faceface(unlike ppl. who learn a language in adulthood)10:36
facefaceperhaps we could just develope a 'learn a language pill' that lets you access the 'core' language region of your brain again... or perhaps that would just result in turning you into a babbeling child10:37
nshso.. beyond which stage of cognitive development does a second language require an alternate localisation?10:51
nshsay if you were raised bilingually until the age of 7, then spoke just one language until adolescence, then relearnt the second language...10:52
nsh(as is my case)10:52
* nsh remains dubious10:52
facefacensh: interesting example10:57
facefaceyou would need to be probed ;-)10:57
facefaceI only remember the factoid 'ppl. use a different region of their brain to talk a second language if learnt after childhood'10:58
facefaceI could guess 7 years... but its a guess10:58
facefacein your case... I'd say that the bilingual impression for 7 years would not fade10:59
facefaceyou went back to your core region... I would guess.... now if you learned a 3rd language... oh my!10:59
nshthing is that these summarisations of research are generally more misleading than revealing11:01
facefacehow dare you! my left brain is insulted!11:01
facefacemy right brain is admiring my desktop wallpaper11:02
facefacehttp://www.wellcome.ac.uk/News/News-archive/Browse-by-date/2007/News/WTD026366.htm ??11:02
* nsh smiles11:02
facefaceIt has been shown that monolingual children lose at least some of their sensitivity to foreign phonemes between the age of 6 and 12 months (Werker and Tees 1984Go; Cheour and others 1998Go; Rivera-Gaxiola and others 2005Go). ???11:06
facefacePallier and others (1997)Go have shown that even early exposure to a second language before the age of 6 years is not enough to attain first language–type phonological competence.11:06
facefacethat last one is as close as I have found 11:08
--- Log opened Tue Jun 03 11:22:22 2008
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-251-81-170.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:23
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/exp.html | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help11:23
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Tue Apr 29 18:54:31 2008]11:23
[Users #hplusroadmap]11:23
[ faceface] [ fenn] [ nsh] [ Phreedom] [ ybit] 11:23
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 5 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal]11:23
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200811:23
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 32 secs11:23
facefacefenn: use less dynamyte11:29
facefacefenn: or build something else11:29
fennthe nice thing about rTMS is you dont have to drill any holes in peoples' skulls11:39
fenni bet there's some way to use the bessel function to recreate a desired 3D electric field in arbitrary space (but only for a short amount of time, which might still work)11:41
fennor whatever the 3d version of the bessel function is called11:42
-!- nsh is now known as manglefango11:44
-!- manglefango is now known as nsh11:44
fennthis is what i'm remembering re: bessel function: http://www.pinktentacle.com/2006/07/device-uses-waves-to-print-on-water-surface/11:52
nshthat's cool11:52
nshcould be cooler11:53
fennaww the video's down wtf11:54
fennyoutube gets suckier every day11:54
nshif i was allowed anywhere near google11:54
nshremoved videos would automatically redirect to replacements11:55
nshthen again, i would probably not have videos go down, ever11:56
nshbut i think people would dislike that even more11:56
fennpeople with lawyers. i think regular people wouldn't care11:57
fennthat think is sorta like a phased array radar11:58
nshbessel functions also arise in quantum mechanics12:03
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:06
kanzureHi all.18:07
kanzurehttp://grailsearch.org/?q=node/77#comment-226 <-- I just posted to grailsearch.org18:39
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Wittig_cohort but probably stuff you've already seen18:40
kanzureI'm pretty much very, very sure now that the majority of good work that happens, happens on your own18:40
kanzuresince the majority of the work that I got done in the day was in a 5 minute period.18:41
fenn5 minutes in the lab?18:42
kanzurewell, on a computer18:43
kanzureI'm not doing anything wet since they want to do some "Don't Die" safety training courses18:44
fennoh, dangerous stuff, that DNA18:44
kanzurewhich is totally BS, and they know it, they're actually waiting for a student to come back in who knows his techniques/protocols well18:44
kanzureright, we're not even doing radiotagging18:44
kanzureokay, back18:52
kanzurefenn: I'm thinking of illustrating skdb with wet ware first, even though wetware has this tendency to suck18:52
kanzureand generally not be solid state18:52
kanzureso the 'bioreactor'/biotank thing18:52
fennlooks like a pain in the butt18:53
fennwrong chan sry18:53
kanzureit'll have immediate results in that it'll be mostly self-replicating18:53
kanzureexcept for the metal tank18:53
kanzureand uh, maybe some other things like any electronics (which I want to keep to a minimum -- have it all automated via biology)18:53
kanzureactually, the tank may not be metal18:54
kanzurebut you get the idea18:54
fennhmm.. automated via biology?18:55
kanzureso, the baseline system will just produce the chemicals like T7 and so on, that would be necessary for transcription and doing other DNA experiments, gene splicing, insertion, plasmids, whatever18:55
kanzureyou were mentioning in vitro synthesis via laser light flashing a few months ago -- I think I've figured out some possible implementations18:56
kanzurethe next step up from baseline would do something, I don't know what. Personally I want to try inserting the neurotransmitter synthesis pathways into ecoli.18:56
fennkainic acid stuff? i think if it were easy someone would have done it already, but maybe its just cross-discipline taboo stuff18:57
kanzureright, I'm not completely certain it's possible, I bet there's a lot of funky missing pieces18:57
kanzurethe purification proc migth be it 18:57
kanzurefenn: looks like I might have a contract with somebody to extend drupal.org software19:13
kanzurehurray for PHP?19:14
fenna contract?19:14
kanzurewell, I'm waiting for him to email it to me19:14
kanzurebut I just got off the phone and it sounds good19:14
kanzureuhm, so, the purification stuff is what I'm worrying about19:16
kanzureaffinity chromatography sounds like it takes some pretty funky equipment19:16
fennits not just a column with various solutions passing through it?19:18
kanzureok, please explain column chromatography setups19:18
kanzureI've read wikipedia, I've read other docs, it just doesn't make sense19:18
kanzurepaper chromatography, being the first type I learned about, has completely thrown me off base19:18
fennso there's a column, meaning a cylindrical plug of goo in a syringe or a glass tube19:19
fennyou can add water to the column and it slowly oozes through the plug of goo19:20
fennthe plug is the 'substrate' which has an affinity for what you're trying to purify19:20
kanzuregoo could equal wha? something like, a gel?19:20
fennso, you'd bind your DNA to that19:20
fennyeah it looks like agarose (at least when i did it)19:20
kanzurethis is column?19:21
kanzureokay, so how do we come up with affinities for specific molecules?19:21
kanzurecomputational chem?19:21
fennnatural selection?19:21
fennaptamer process19:21
fennmm.. i guess you have to have a sample of what you want before you can do that19:22
kanzureaptamer process sucks apparently, I've asked the Ellington goons19:22
kanzureI mean, for purification19:22
kanzurefor selection, like bonding to receptors, it works19:22
kanzuresame reason you mentioned19:23
fennnot specific enough?19:23
kanzure'sample of what you want before in the first place'19:23
kanzurespecificity has to increase with bp length :(19:23
kanzureso 100 bp might not be enough in some cases, apparently19:23
fennwell once you have the aptamer then you sequence it and anyone can use it19:23
kanzureand as you increase bp, the DNA synthesizers quickly begin to suck19:23
kanzure(in vitro DNA synthesis, again, might be useful)19:23
kanzureright, or just copy them19:23
kanzureaptamer -> denature -> clone -> ...19:24
fenncan use a western blot to purify small samples of protein19:24
fennworks sorta like 2 dimensional paper chromatography19:24
fennyou end up with a piece of paper with dots all over it19:24
kanzureI've heard about blots, but I still have't internalized19:24
kanzureoh, blot == just a gel?19:24
fennits filter paper19:24
fennbut works sorta like a gel19:24
kanzureso the filter is specific to what you're blotting?19:25
fennoh sorry the actual separation is performed in a gel19:26
fennand then it gets 'blotted' onto filter paper19:26
kanzurewait, I misinterpreted your recommendation19:26
kanzure"natural selection? aptamer process"19:26
kanzureI didn't read the implied "i.e., aptamer process"19:26
kanzurethe implied "i.e."19:26
kanzurehrm, the same comments we mentioned still apply :) nevermind19:26
kanzureso, bruteforcing purification methodologies: physical/mechanical, chem, electrical, thermo, nuclear (radioactivity & decay), surface tension (according to Wikipedia article on energy)19:29
fennsince its a recombinant protein, you could 'tag' the protein with a covalently linked 'handle' of a well-characterized binding complex19:29
kanzurephysical - crank up the RPMs via centrifuges, phase changes (affinity chromatography),19:30
kanzurewell, it's multiple proteins of course19:30
fennand then just cleave the handle off with a digestion enzyme19:30
fennyou could use the same method each time19:30
kanzurewhat if the handle is degradable?19:30
kanzurethat would be useful19:30
kanzureonce you have it purified, you degrade the handle, inject into human19:30
kanzureyeah, cleave19:30
kanzureso, there's a known binding complex that we can use?19:31
fennAdding a tag to the protein such as RuBPS gives the protein a binding affinity it would not otherwise have. Usually the recombinant protein is the only protein in the mixture with this affinity, which aids in separation. The most common tag is the Histidine-tag (His-tag), that has affinity towards nickel or cobalt ions. Thus by immobilizing nickel or cobalt ions on a resin, an affinity support that specifically binds to histidine-tagged proteins can be created.19:31
kanzurecutoff@histidin (support that specifically binds to histidin)19:32
kanzurebut I get it19:32
fennthere is probably a more biological version that works similarly19:32
kanzurelet's say that we have a tank of cells (or even just a tank of ribo* stuff, but I think we need cells still) that have transcribed & translated & made the protein we want, with the RuBPS 19:32
kanzureso, how would we do this? would we cycle water over the culture,19:33
kanzureor would we centrifuge the hell out of it?19:33
fenni like those beads actually19:33
kanzureand then take the remaining supernatant / goo and run it through something that has surface bonds of 19:33
kanzureyeah, so beads on a surface? 19:33
kanzureactually, I suggested earlier today to a friend to use nanoparticles in the blood stream19:33
kanzurefor something totally different19:33
fennbeads in solution, centrifuge, decant, elute beads19:33
kanzureif the nanoparticles could be used to bind to the RuBPS handles19:33
kanzurein context, we were discussing myostatin and muscle growth in marathon mice and hu19:34
kanzurethe poor grad student (Mike Wittig) has realized that I'm pretty well read19:34
kanzurefun guy, Mike. 19:34
kanzurebtw, Mike has a friend at UT somewhere, some Russian guy named Stan, that does multimonitor setups. he also did an IP-by-IP scan of the women's dorms to figure out which rooms had linux installations ...19:35
kanzureIP blocks rock in that way.19:36
fenndunno what to think about that19:36
kanzurefenn: don't you and I googlestalk anyway?19:36
fenni plead the fifth19:36
kanzurehow do you get the molecules off of the beads19:36
fenncleave the tag19:37
kanzurethe tag is in between the molecule and the surface19:37
fennor some salty magick19:37
kanzurenot physically accessible19:37
fenni was thinking there's a long chain between the two proteins19:37
kanzurehrm, salty magik -> degrade the proteins, they detach, but then reform when solution returns to normal ?19:37
kanzureI'm not sure, how would we make sure? is that common?19:37
fennmake sure what?19:37
kanzurethat there's a good space between the protein and the nanoparticle19:37
kanzurehrm, buckyballs19:37
fennuh.. you write it into the sequence19:38
kanzurethe protein can just randomly be mutated like that?19:38
fenngene start... protein A... chain ... protein B ... end19:38
kanzureto be given such a 'tail' ?19:38
kanzureI think that's something involving hydrogen bonds19:38
kanzureI remember something about specific protein bonding mechanisms19:38
fennyou could build it up that way, but it's a lot more work19:39
kanzurethe beads are ridiculously easy to synthesize19:42
kanzurenow, the surface chem to bind the RuBPS-gropers to the nanoparticle?19:43
kanzureactually, it doesn't need to be nano19:43
kanzurebut nano maximizes surface area19:43
kanzurehttp://postbiota.org/pipermail/tt/2008-February/002547.html only thing wrong with this page - Gold is not a semiconductor.19:45
kanzureI quickly corrected myself: http://postbiota.org/pipermail/tt/2008-March/002548.html19:45
kanzureso, fenn, remember how you were talking about in vivo sequencing/synthesis a while back?19:52
Spliceri know very little about protein purification... i just started reading about it a few days ago... my image of it was that the standard method was affinity binding with receptor coated plastic beans in columns.. and that the receptors were synthezized to match the protein one wanted bound... am I totally off? Or is there some reason the 'add standard tag - catch the proteins with it - cleave the tag off' procedure is not used?19:52
kanzurefenn: what we're building in the lab is a way to translate frequency (like flashing photon input) into kinetical changes;19:52
kanzureperhaps this could be a way to control transcription?19:53
kanzureI don't actually recall the exact method that you were suggesting19:53
fennsure, hamad schifferle (?) at CBA was doing gold nanoparticles that caused DNA to unravel when exposed to radio19:56
fenngod CBA's website really sucks19:56
fennunless that was some weird dream i'm remembering19:57
kanzureno, CBA really sucks19:57
fennRemote Electronic Control of DNA Hybridization Through Inductive Coupling to an Attached Metal Nanocrystal Antenna, K. HamadSchifferli,19:58
fennah its one of those hybrid frankenstein names19:59
kanzureokay, that's close20:00
kanzurebut that's requiring metal20:00
kanzurewe're building a biological equivalent20:00
fennyeah should be able to do similar with quinones, fluorescins, rhodopsin, chlorophores20:00
fennbasically anything colorful20:00
fennmaybe could hack some existing light-activated enzymes20:01
kanzurewe have a represillator/oscillator -- a circuit of transcriptional switches going around in a circle20:02
kanzurelight-activated enzymes would be useful, I suppose20:02
fenni dont know what 'represillator' means20:02
kanzurebut it's not in the transcriptional logic itself20:02
kanzurerepresillator == oscillator20:02
kanzurerepresillator = repressor/activator oscillator20:02
fennstupid name20:02
kanzureheh :)20:02
fennso, that's your clock cycle?20:03
kanzurefenn: I could send you a few papers20:03
fennthen you only need one 'data line' for asynchronous serial20:04
kanzureI'll have to show you the paper, yeah20:04
fenni think the hard part is getting it all to work :)20:04
kanzurewe're doing just one section of the larger schematic at the top of the page on, uh, page 720:05
kanzurebut I'm dubious about the memory state system -- I think it can work, but it's hard to get people understanding that it's not quite like physical RAM address space 20:05
kanzurehrm, anyway20:07
fennwhat you trying to do overall?20:07
kanzurewe're making the repressilator component in the diagram on pg 720:08
kanzurethat's in the lab20:08
kanzurenow, what I want to do re: your "shine a light to synthesize DNA" system20:08
kanzurethe lab project allows that20:08
fennoh, i thought you were just pulling a repressilator off the shelf and using it for someting else20:08
kanzureas I was saying - the light frequency input - can be done via this method. So if you can program the state machine with pulsing photons, then the synthesizing component needs to come into play to do it nucleotide-by-nucleotide with the following requirements:20:09
kanzure(1) not interfering with the existing template/non-template switch and source strands20:10
kanzure(2) lots of nucleotides flying around ready to be used to make the next piece of the DNA strand 20:10
kanzure(3) looks like 2 bits of memory? since we need 4 different nucleotide possibilities?20:10
kanzurebut then we need some more data, actually20:10
kanzuresince there's also stuff like how to end the molecule20:10
kanzure(it'll just be controlling the oligonucleotide reaction process)20:10
kanzurereally, I'm hoping that oligo synthesis could work with these transcriptional elements nearby, otherwise the idea's foobarred20:11
fennwtf are you talking about memory?20:11
fennand state machines?20:11
kanzuredid you look at the diagram?20:12
fennno, where is that?20:12
kanzureemail, in the pdf page 720:12
kanzuretop diagram20:12
kanzureI'm not sure if we actually need 'memory' for this20:13
kanzureif we need more than 1 bit, then yes20:13
kanzuresince to do an adenosine versus guanine you'd have to do 2 pulses, etc.20:13
kanzure4 nucleotides, I mean20:14
kanzureso that's at least 2 bits20:14
kanzureand then there's a few other details that might have to be implemented ... like the way to end the strand or something? I'm not entirely versed in oligo synthesis parameters.20:14
kanzureor the variations to the protocol, I mean.20:14
fennyep 4 nucleotides needs 2 bits, but i'd settle for 2 nucleotides20:15
kanzurehow so?20:16
fennuh, nevermind20:16
kanzurein terms of awesomeness, or a way to 20:16
fenni dont think there exist any enzymes to synthesize a dna or rna strand from nothing at all20:16
fenni'm thinking something involving tRNA.. not sure why20:17
kanzurewait, this is going to suck20:19
kanzuretranscriptional switches take forever20:19
kanzurebut it might be faster than building a DNA synthesizer20:19
kanzurewould it?20:19
fennif you have a dna lab to work in :020:20
kanzurere: 2 nucleotides20:20
fennuh, if you get it working it would be worth zillions20:20
kanzurejust have two different colonies20:20
kanzureeach with 2 bit input20:20
kanzurei.e., light/dark maybe20:20
kanzureand then integrate or something20:20
kanzurethat wouldn't work20:20
kanzure(zipper strategy)20:21
fenni was thinking 3 wavelengths of light20:21
kanzureone colony does A & T, the other does G & C. but the zipper issue ... lineup, etc ...20:21
kanzurewell, light/dark is easy because you can just cover it up or not20:21
fennbut that doesnt fit the ellingtonia agenda20:21
fennneed to squeeze transcriptional switches into the design somewhere :)20:21
fenncould build a demultiplexer out of trans switches20:21
kanzurebasically I'm ok with needing multiple light sources, but it needs to be something doable on the cheap 20:22
kanzurefor example, building fires that burn different colors20:22
kanzurelike distinct colors.20:22
fennuhh whats wrong with an LED?20:22
kanzurecan you make an LED?20:22
kanzurecan you bash rocks together to make sparks?20:22
fennok i see where you're going20:22
fennhmm. what kind of tech level is allowed?20:23
kanzurethat's a good question20:23
kanzurenone would be awesome20:23
kanzurebut I'm willing to compromise20:23
fennfluorescent tubes give off different kinds of light20:23
fenndepending on what gas is in it20:23
kanzurethe way that I seem to be working here is starting with 'advanced tech' and then finding a simplification of it20:23
kanzurevacuum tubes?20:23
fenngeissler tubes20:23
kanzurewe talked about these before methinks20:24
kanzureglassblowing sucks20:24
kanzureor blows20:24
fennjust a glass tube filled with gas and HV20:24
fennanyway it's 1800's tech20:24
kanzurebut if necessary, glassblowing is acceptable20:24
fenni'm trying to think of a way to convert electrical signals to light signals using biological materials20:24
kanzureoh, so different gases burn different colors, right?20:24
fennlike frankenstein firefly20:25
fennbzzt bztzt20:25
kanzureso, organic LEDs were in the news recently20:25
kanzurenow we need a bioluminescent, electrical protein20:25
kanzurewhat do fireflies use anyway?20:25
kanzureenzyme reaction?20:25
kanzure'Light production in fireflies is due to a chemical reaction that occurs in specialized light-emitting organs, usually on the lower abdomen. The enzyme luciferase acts on luciferin in this organ to stimulate light emission.'20:26
kanzuresurely different fireflies do different colors?20:26
fennits activated by oxygen, the blinking is due to their flying up/down cycle which increases respiration20:26
kanzurehell, let's do a selection experiment on firefly light color20:26
kanzurewouldn't be too hard to set up a firefly cage20:26
fenni've only seen green fireflies20:26
kanzuresurely it's mutatable?20:26
kanzureellingtonia specializes in knocking out nucleotides in genes20:27
fenni know there are blue and red light-emitting proteins in deep sea creatures20:27
kanzurewith unnatural nucleotides20:27
fenneven infrared20:27
kanzurewhich significantly significantly enhances mutation20:27
kanzuremutation rates, I mean20:27
kanzurenot mutation results20:27
kanzureoh, there's also the jellyfish stuff20:27
kanzureGFB, luciferase/luciferin, ?20:27
kanzurewould really like a solid state laser ... but luciferin would be totally solid state20:27
kanzureblah, lots of labs have a list of fluoroproteins right?20:28
kanzurenot focused/directed -- how much energy loss, noise, etc.?20:28
kanzureholding up a firefly is not like holding up a lamp20:28
kanzuremaybe we can try making a huge mass of firefly luciferin20:28
kanzureas big as we can make it20:28
kanzureand just dump a huge bucket of luciferase on it and see if it lights up like a firecracker :)20:29
fennsure, or just a couple drops20:29
kanzurehow are we going to get that much luciferin20:29
fennstandard recombinant dna stuff20:29
kanzureit would require its own experiment before we even confirm this method though20:29
fennto see if combining luciferin/luciferase generates light (quickly)?20:30
kanzureif it's accumulative20:30
kanzurei.e., will 5 grams of luciferin light up strong enough to signal the transcriptional circuit?20:30
fennprobably not20:30
kanzurebio is the only alternative to solid state that I'm going to accept here, I think. not sure.20:31
kanzuresolid state advantages: it's freaking reliable (photons, lasers)20:31
kanzurebio advantage: just replicate more20:31
fennsolid state is also quite cheap these days20:31
kanzurereplicate enough to do the synthesis you're planning for a few weeks in advance, or something20:31
kanzurealso, DIY laser projects on the net20:31
kanzureand organic LEDs as another option..20:31
kanzurebut on the other hand, "go build a fire with sticks and stones" might work, right?20:32
kanzureoLEDs might be too manufacturing-specific (i.e., fabs-only)20:32
fennso are LED's20:33
kanzurewouldn't it be nice if we could just have a pigment filter for a light source20:33
kanzurethen we just need to figure out how to get enough candles / luminosity20:33
kanzureor some laser variable.20:33
fennwhat about sunlight/colored gel/shutter20:33
kanzurecolored gel?20:33
fennto filter out the light20:34
kanzureoh, food coloring20:34
kanzurewell shit.20:34
fennits called a gel for some reason20:34
kanzurefood coloring works very, very well20:34
kanzureit blocks out specifically that color20:34
kanzureso it's the absence of it20:34
kanzurethat's ... close.20:34
kanzurewould it be enough?20:34
fennthe thing is, your eye sees only one color at a time20:34
fennbut we really want monochromatic light20:34
fennand a messy spectrum with everything but green missing will look red20:35
fenneven though its not monochromatic red20:35
kanzurehow is that possible?20:35
fenner.. with green missing i mean20:35
kanzureeverything-but-green ==> red?20:35
kanzuregreen-missing => red?20:35
kanzureis this something that I should be aware of already20:35
kanzurelike 7th grade science or something? sounds very peculiar20:36
fennhmm.. you know rods/cones, yah 7th grade science20:36
fennlook up color blindness20:36
kanzureare we talking about the human eye, or color input for any system20:36
fenni'm just saying food coloring won't necessarily produce a tight spectrum20:37
kanzureoh, pigmentation purity issues20:37
kanzureis that it?20:37
fennhow about a prism or diffraction grating20:37
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffraction_grating 'In optics, a diffraction grating is an optical component with a regular pattern, which splits light into several beams travelling in different directions. ' (huh, like a prism)20:37
kanzurehow does one go about making a prism20:38
fenna triangular chunk of something clear20:38
kanzureeven gel?20:38
kanzurecan we grow gels?20:39
fenni dont know how you'd get it into a triangular shape20:39
kanzureif it's stable, then physical sawing / sharp pointy stick20:40
kanzurehow exact?20:40
fennwho's gonna saw it?20:40
fennin that case, why make it from gel20:40
kanzureoh, what if the gel grows in a triangular container?20:40
fennyou still need a triangular container20:41
kanzureactually, I've heard some terms recently20:41
kanzureapparently you prepare a gel in the lab20:41
kanzureby mixing some chemicals together20:41
kanzureare these chemicals, biological in origin?20:41
kanzurean ECM of some sort?20:41
kanzureextracellular matrix20:41
kanzurere: needing the container; you need the tank too.20:41
fennok, where do you get the tank?20:42
kanzurescrap metal :( that's an unsolved problem20:42
fennanyway, there's a big ugly complex electromechanical shutter mechanism to worry about too20:42
fenngranted, it could be just a motor with some fan blades20:42
kanzureeasy system: cardboard paper + servo motor to spin it around + keep it in the path from light -> circuit; then, spin it around to open the gate20:43
fennbut those dont exactly grow on trees either20:43
kanzurewell, we mentioned an electrical shock20:43
kanzurewhich was to be used to do the bioluminescence20:43
kanzurein this case, however, we just need a shock to clear a 'buffer' or 'blocker'20:44
kanzurehrm, that sucks20:44
fennyou're thinking like a liquid crystal?20:44
fennor a kerr cell (ignore)20:44
kanzureliquid crystal might work, how would we implement?20:44
fenni think this project is somewhat lacking in rigorous specifications20:45
kanzureof course20:45
fenni think its best to ignore the 99% of the rest of the technological infrastructure leading up to getting blinky lights20:47
fennand just pretend you've got blinky lights20:47
kanzureI guess somebody else can come along and do it anyway20:48
kanzurethe blinky lights aren't too important to the overall circuit really20:48
fennthe thing is, we dont have a direct write method for DNA yet20:48
kanzureremember, the frequency-input mechanism on the bio side isn't necessarily light-based20:48
kanzureit might be electrical if we want, or something, I'll have to ask the guys at the lab about this20:49
kanzureokay, so the DNA write method20:49
kanzureI have some notes on the oligo synthesis reactions, but not much20:49
kanzurestarting @ "The first step in the synthesis is the removal of the dimethoxytrityl (DMT) group with TCA to free the 5'-hydroxyl for the coupling reaction. The next step, activation, is achieved by simultaneously adding a phosphoramidite derivative of the next nucleotide and tetrazole, a weak acid to the reaction chamber."20:49
kanzure"The tetrazole protonates the nitrogen of the phosphoramidite, making it susceptible to nucliophilic attack. This intermediate is very reactive and the following coupling step is complete in less than 30 seconds. The 5'-OH group of the phosphoramidite is blocked with the DMT group."20:50
fenni dont care20:50
fennthat's chemical engineering bullshit20:50
kanzurebut how would we build a DNA molecule 20:51
kanzureif we could make it think that it's building the complementary strand, that'd be great20:51
kanzureit == transcription factors and so on20:51
kanzureerm, proteins related to the proc20:51
fennyou'd have one molecule to hold the base in place, and then ligase comes along and bonds it to the backbone20:51
fennknow how a line printer works?20:52
kanzureink based?20:52
kanzureI know how a laser jet works20:52
kanzurethe 'laser' fires and writes to the roller, the roller presses down on the paper20:53
fennthere's a wheel which spins around to the correct letter (nucleotide) and then it goes *wham* and hits against a piece of paper (ligation)20:53
fennyou can have a whole bunch of wheels spinning in parallel, so you print a whole line at a time20:53
fennanyway, i'm thinking just one wheel20:54
fennwith 4 letters20:54
kanzureok, when you say wheel that spins around to the correct nucleotide, I'm thinking casino "777 YOU WIN!!" spinners20:54
kanzureand it sounds like a nasty biomolecule ...20:54
fennyeah something like that20:54
fennactually it doesnt even need to ligate, just hold them in place while another molecule uses them as a template20:55
fenndunno if that would really work though20:55
kanzureI don't like this. sounds like spooky molecular engineering.20:55
kanzureand the molecule *must* be replicable (i.e., be a protein)20:55
kanzurehey, uh, to speed up transcriptonial switches, why not run them while in a centrifuge?20:56
fennspeed is governed by concentration and temperature20:56
kanzureit's just diffusion that limits it, right?20:56
kanzureconcentration doesn't matter if they're covering the same space more quickly20:56
fenncentrifuge just increases the pressure, which causes some equilibrium shifts (favoring larger molecules)20:57
fennalso it wreaks havoc with molecular machinery because everything gets clumped together at the bottom20:57
kanzureI don't like your biomolecule idea really20:58
kanzurewhat we have is some molecular gates that can hold the 'state' of the system20:58
kanzureI mean, hold which nucleotide needs to be done next20:58
fennso, in computer terms that's a register20:58
kanzure(there is obvious noise issues -- some might still be manufacturing the last state's nt, but just encode some selection experiment into it)20:58
kanzureso if you have a register, what do you connect to20:58
kanzureto specify the next nucleotide?20:59
kanzureusually the only way that the next nucleotide is specified is ... mutation20:59
kanzureI know it sounds weird, but think it through20:59
kanzureyou have a dna molecule and the only way you change it is through mutation20:59
kanzureor recombination with another dna molecule20:59
kanzure(so we need a ghost dna molecule)20:59
kanzureanyway, so the 'next' nucleotide is basically set unless the machinery itself makes an error20:59
kanzureso we need to be able to engineer these errors to be subject to our will21:00
kanzurevia the signaling system we have21:00
kanzuremake sense?21:00
fennhmm.. could use a genengineered DNA repair enzyme to 'repair' each nucleotide incorrectly (swap in what we want)21:00
kanzurehow would it know what spot it is at21:00
kanzurealso, dna repair enzymes do not move so slowly21:00
fennperhaps it could be light activated to move forward one bp21:01
fennand otherwise do nothing21:01
fennso "prep - load guanine" then "swap"21:01
kanzuremovement kinetics ?21:01
kanzureneeds to have a piece of the 'protein puzzle' missing before it can move21:01
fennnot so much different from what i was saying before, only now it's crawling along a dna strand21:02
kanzureand then we swap in the replacement component via light signaling (or whatever)21:02
kanzurebut the problem is that the concentrations suck21:02
fennoh, you can use a single stranded dna and just fill in the blanks21:02
kanzureno no21:02
kanzureI mean the repair enzmye needs to have a "push here to go" button21:02
kanzureand we provide the push via a particle21:02
kanzurehowever, these particles are everywhere21:03
fenni dont understand21:03
kanzurewho's to say that another particle won't hit that same enzyme a few seconds later?21:03
kanzureand therefore make it do two bases when we only really meant one?21:03
fennthat's what i'm trying to avoid, hence the "swap" signal21:03
kanzurethe problem is that the DNA repair enzyme only works at a certain rate, and we need it to be 'phase locked' to our switch signals21:03
kanzurehow would the swap signal avoid that?21:03
kanzureoh, the signal is extra21:03
kanzureanother extra signal on top of it all?21:03
fennyou'd give it enough time to get ready (bind to the correct nucleotide) before giving the swap signal21:04
kanzure(would be nice if the DNA repair enzyme had a transcriptional switch attached to it .....)21:04
fennanother signal (wavelength of light)21:04
kanzureokay, so the transcriptional circuit would be used to inhibit/activate the production of the first signal21:04
kanzureand then another light type for the swap signal after a certain amount of time21:04
kanzure(that amount of time is to let the switches do their thing and so on)21:04
kanzurethe 'first signal' would specify what the molecules are looking for21:05
fenni'm not so fond of transcriptional circuits really21:05
fenni guess you could use the oscillator as a clock/swap signal21:05
kanzureI don't think you understand though .. it's all DNA21:05
fennbut it would have to be predictable to within some very small percent21:05
fennor you'll get framing errors21:05
kanzurewell, that's a flip-flop of what I was thinking of. I wanted the swap signal to be some light source; and then the other one to be due to switches21:05
fennif the other one is due to switches, you have no data21:06
fennjust some silly on-off pattern21:06
kanzureremember the 2 bits?21:06
kanzurebut if you have 2 bits then you could select different particles to send the enzymes21:06
kanzurethe repair enzymes that are waiting for the 'signaler' as for what to fetch ext21:06
kanzurewait, is it a "what to fetch next signal" ? so the two signals are officially: (1) fetch-next, (2) swap21:07
kanzure*next fetch21:07
kanzurefetch and swap21:07
fennif i weren't so lazy i'd make a blender animation of this thing21:07
kanzureif I didn't suck so much with blender, I'd make an animation of this thing21:07
fennyeah, that too21:08
kanzureokay, so the fetch signal -- it would be really, really great if this was an switch template from the synthetic circuits21:08
kanzureEllington has supposedly worked with mutated polymerases21:08
kanzureor invented them or something :)21:08
kanzureis it polymerase that we want?21:08
fennwell.. polymerase can have dozens of pieces, each with their own function21:09
fennsome polymerases are simpler than others21:09
fenndna repair polymerase, for example pol-I, are usually simpler21:09
kanzureI don't like the 'binding complex on polymerase' thing ... seems kind of hard to engineer, since polymerase is, itself, a protein21:10
kanzure(for the fetch signaler)21:10
kanzureerm, so we need multiple pol-I molecules floating around21:10
kanzuredifferent ones for different molecules, we don't want it to have to have internal logic21:10
kanzurenot a big issue, just a note21:10
kanzurewithout the fetch signaler it shouldn't work21:11
kanzurebut when it has the fetch signal, only those that fit the fetch signal will work21:11
fennpol-I crawls along the dna strand one base at a time21:11
fennthat's useful because it means you dont lose your place21:11
fennalso, its guaranteed that the enzyme will be there21:11
kanzureok, scratch that last stuff about multiple types of pol-I then21:11
fennso you only have to wait until a free nucleotide comes along21:11
kanzurewe can't flush it quickly enough21:12
kanzurewhat are the specs here?21:12
kanzureneeds to be able to accept a fetch and swap signal21:12
kanzureis that about it?21:12
kanzurethe fetch signal will be any of 4 types21:12
kanzurethe swap signal will tell it to move21:12
kanzurehm, doesn't it move thanks to ATP or something?21:13
kanzureI don't recall.21:13
fennthe nucleotide has "ATP" built into it21:13
fennATP is just adenosine with phosphate sticking off it21:13
fennthere's also GTP TTP CTP21:13
kanzurehttp://ellingtonlab.org/ ' For example, we have evolved RNA polymerases that can utilize modified nucleotides. Finally, we have extended our evolutionary approaches to whole organisms, and are attempting to evolve 'unnatural' E. coli (unColi) that can augment their genetic codes with unnatural amino acids.'21:14
kanzureso evolving RNA polymerase seems to be possible21:14
kanzurehow do we evolve polymerase for such specific functions?21:14
kanzure(fetch, swap)21:15
fenni dont see the point of that really21:15
kanzureincreases rate of mutation21:15
kanzurethanks to 'new' nucleotide types21:15
fennhow do they specify the location of the new nucleotide?21:15
kanzurethus you can put some intense selective pressure on them21:15
kanzuremaybe he's not?21:15
fennthere's lots of ways to increase mutation21:15
kanzureradiation hurray21:15
fennlocation-specific mutation is useful. also highly random mutation. most methods are somewhere in between21:16
kanzure''DNA replication in E. coli proceeds at approximately 1,000 nucleotides/second,21:16
fennanyway, it doesnt get us any closer to in-vivo DNA synthesis21:16
kanzure' while the rate of synthesis by pol I averages only 20 nucleotides/second. '21:17
fennDNA replication is highly optimized for speed, accuracy, and efficiency. not necessarily simplicity or hackability21:17
fenn20bp/s is good enough21:17
fenne. coli genome is like 4kbp right?21:17
kanzurewtf? sounds unlikely21:18
kanzurebut useful21:18
fennone would expect this to be an easy google search21:18
fennhmm ok Mbp21:19
kanzure4000 genes21:19
kanzureso you were off by a term21:19
fenn12 hours21:19
fennoop, 70 hours21:20
kanzureok, at 20 nt/sec, that has to be incredibly in sync21:20
kanzureunless we can slow it down21:20
kanzurehey, let's slow it down with a signal too21:20
kanzurelet's throw in another light source21:20
fennwhy is it slow in the first place?21:20
fennok, premature optimization, who cares how fast it is21:20
kanzurePaula de Lucia; John Cairns (Dec 1969). "Isolation of an E. coli Strain with a Mutation affecting DNA Polymerase". Nature 224 (5225): 1164-66. doi:10.1038/2241164a0. PMID 4902142.21:21
kanzurewell, we do21:21
fenndecember 1969, when everything happened21:21
kanzurebecause it has to be slow enough to let the switches do their magic :(21:21
kanzurethe switches obviously complicate things, but I'm sure there's a way21:22
kanzuregenerally halting it is a good thing21:22
kanzurehas to be light, there's no way a diffuse reactant can get to all of them in time21:22
fenncould induce strand separation by coding a bunch of C-G's21:23
fennto stop the enzyme, kick it away from the template strand21:23
kanzureso pad everything?21:23
fennC-G binding is weaker than AT binding21:23
kanzurehow would the sequence be 'recovered'?21:23
fennsee what i'm saying?21:23
kanzuresort of21:23
kanzureno, I don't see how it would work to our advantage21:24
fennok nevermind21:24
kanzurebut now you have C-G's21:24
kanzureinstead of your sequence :(21:24
kanzureand if you endonuke it, too many fragments right?21:25
fennyou can predict where restriction enzyme will cut21:25
kanzureoh, so the buffer will be the sequence for endonuclease21:25
kanzurethen you do an endonuclease cut21:25
fennyeah they are very specific to certain sequences (5 bp or so)21:26
kanzure<your sequence><endonuclease seq><kick the polymerase off>21:26
kanzurethen endonuke it21:26
kanzurebut you lose the position21:26
kanzurewasn't that the point of polymerase?21:26
fennisnt that the point?21:26
fennyou're done21:26
kanzurethat's for one base21:27
fennoh, why kick the polymerase off?21:27
kanzureto stop the enzyme21:27
fennwait, are you saying use transcriptional circuits to synthesize a new polymerase enzyme for each base?21:27
kanzureso that you can give the switches time to induce the building of the 'fetch' signaler molecules21:27
kanzurethe circuits control the production of the 'fetch-next' molecules21:28
fennok so the 'fetch' molecules are something like tRNA21:28
kanzurethat sounds right :)21:28
kanzure\o/ translation?21:28
fennwell, tRNA normally grabs amino acids21:28
kanzuretRNA could be an easy byproduct of the switches, I think21:29
fennor it could be a short aptamer21:29
kanzurehow would you dehook whatever the aptamer catches, (dehooking -> give to polymerase)21:29
fenni dont see the need for a separate fetch molecule?21:30
kanzurefunny, Wikipedia page "Translation" is on linguistic translation. Even though bio translation occurs in trillions of cells *per organism*.21:30
kanzurewell, the fetch molecule tells the polymerase what to fetch next21:30
fennso its more like information transfer than molecule transfer21:30
kanzurethe actual molecule doesn't matter21:30
* fenn pictures floppy disks being shuffled around21:31
kanzure(but the swap signal, that probably should be a molecule or something)21:31
kanzurethat's nearly before my time21:31
kanzurebut I do remember loading floppies into machines21:31
kanzureto install software.21:31
kanzure"insert next disk"21:31
fenn'never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon loaded with tapes hurtling across the countryside'21:32
kanzureunless you refer to the concept of a stack/list/queue21:32
kanzureso we need to get the information to the polymerase molecule21:32
kanzureand we need it to act on this information somehow21:33
kanzurekind of like switching out a prosthetic hand21:33
kanzurea new hand for a different job (eating, versus playing catch with a kid)21:33
kanzure(I've heard that people used to do that with old prosthetic hands)21:33
fennprosthetic hands is a pretty sad state of affairs21:34
fennso, instead of switching hands and then looking around for them each time, why not have a "wheel" with all the hands you need on it already21:34
kanzurehow do you tell the wheel to rotate, and how do you tell it to rotate a certain amount, and how do you know that you're not rotating the wheel multiple times?21:35
fennthe wheel rotates on its own, but gets locked into a certain position when some "solenoid" is on21:35
fennexcept in this case the solenoid is a light-activated protein21:35
fennso when there's no input, the wheel is just spinning due to brownian motion21:36
kanzurehow do you make a molecular wheel21:37
fennor, it could be any old binding protein that gets synthesized by your transcriptional switch21:37
fenn i suppose it doesnt need to be a wheel, just some free floating proteins in close proximity, held together with 'chains'21:38
fennso you just write it all on one gene like we talked about earlier with the purification tag21:38
fennthe fetch molecule would then come along and pull everything together21:39
fennok, so, instead of throwing your prosthetic hand behind the couch after you're done eating, you keep all your hands tied to your belt21:39
kanzuredo we have a belt?21:40
fennyeah, its the polymerase21:40
kanzureit doesn't seem to work like that21:40
fenn"you" are the polymerase21:40
kanzureI mean, it has no reconfigurable 'hand joint'21:40
kanzurei.e., in the prosthetic hand case, "you are the polymerase" -> "you're the guy with the hook for the hand" 21:40
kanzurehow would you even think about evolving that ?21:40
kanzurethe reconfigurable joint21:40
fenni'm gonna go look for some youtube animations of polymerase21:41
kanzurehow does it do it anyway?21:41
fenni'm hoping for a nice animation like for atp synthase, but its unlikely21:42
kanzureneeds a 'hand eject' function21:43
fennthis is cool, a little too fast though :) http://youtube.com/watch?v=49fmm2WoWBs&feature=related21:45
fennalso very nice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8NHcQesYl8&NR=121:47
kanzureneed to have a 'hand eject' function21:49
kanzurethink of it as if you're causing neurotransmitter receptor sites in plasma membranes to stop working21:49
kanzureerm, to just float off21:49
kanzurelike lifeboats21:49
kanzureproblem with that is like asking for you to detach an ion channel :) an ion channel is a *channel* :) not a flagella-like molecular extension21:50
fennanother cool animation (ribosome) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jml8CFBWcDs&feature=related21:56
kanzurehttp://scholar.google.com/ search 'polA polymerase reduced OR slow OR inhibited'21:58
kanzure'DNA polymerase active site is highly mutable: Evolutionary consequences'21:58
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kanzure' (motif A) of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I. After selection, by using genetic complementation, we obtained a library of approximately 8,000 active mutant DNA polymerases, of which 350 were sequenced and analyzed. This is the largest collection of physiologically active polymerase mutants. We find that all'22:00
kanzurewoah :)22:00
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fennpatent avoidance search :)22:00
kanzure' Bacteria dependent on these mutated polymerases for survival are fit to replicate repetitively. '22:01
kanzure' that bears the temperature-sensitive DNA polymerase I mutatation, polA12. The mutant enzyme has a reduced electrophoretic mobility and sedimentation rate. It is abnormally thermolabile and is rapidly inactivated at low salt concentrations.'22:02
kanzuresalt is metallic, use quick magnets22:02
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fennwhat we need is 80/20 for proteins22:06
fennsome basic folding motif that we can plug together like legos to build molecular structure22:06
kanzurefolding chemistry consists of what?22:07
fenninstead of custom holistically-crafted kanji characters22:07
fennsomething more like the roman alphabet22:07
Vedestinchanging the physical structure of proteins22:07
kanzureVedestin: would require protein folding, or lots of selection22:08
kanzurefenn is talking about something, else22:08
Vedestinoh is he?22:08
kanzureyes, 'instead of custom holistically-crafted kanji characters'22:08
fenni'm trying to think of an analogy22:08
kanzureI thought the language analogy was mostly good22:08
kanzurebut kanji is still object/pattern recognition22:09
kanzurethere's nothing quite like the way that life is doing it22:09
kanzurethere has to be, it's physically occuring22:09
fennthe idea is to build a discrete set of modules that stick together, and design your protein machine based on those instead of trying to fold the whole thing like origami22:10
kanzureprobably avoiding protein folding22:11
kanzureor if we do folding, it's only through mechanisms we know about22:11
fennit throws the pol-I out with the bath water though22:12
kanzureof course22:12
kanzureit throws mostly everything out22:12
fenni.e. i still dont know how to make a 'hand'22:12
fennso, i think this is more than an evening's work22:12
kanzurewell, we just need to hack polA22:13
kanzurepol I, whatever22:13
kanzureso I'm thinking a few ways: (1) selection experiments, mutations22:13
kanzure(2) biomolecular engineering with protein folding. let's hope we can model the folding of polymerase.22:14
kanzureand then we can do something computational like that22:14
fennhack it how?22:14
kanzurewe're obviously going to make a new polA, right?22:14
kanzureso we'll take the sequence and modify it22:14
fennum, yes, but how do we know the correct sequence22:15
kanzure'… response of E. coli to low levels of alkylating agent: The role of polA in killing adaptation '22:15
kanzureright, we have to figure out how to 'hack' it22:15
kanzureI bet somebody has mapped this22:15
fennit's the old 'protein folding' problem22:15
kanzurelet's say it has a seq of len 522:15
kanzureof len 50, actually22:15
kanzureso maybe bp 5 to 15 are what we are looking for22:15
kanzureif so, we're in super-duper luck22:15
kanzurethe smaller the better :)22:16
kanzurewe're looking for some way to control mutagenesis, remember22:16
fennno, i could care less about mutagenesis22:16
kanzureso we need to be able to leave some sort of 'molecular hookon' jiggler that we can trigger when we have the polymerase molecule going about22:16
kanzureerm? the idea is to control when it 'makes an error'22:16
kanzureto hack the error process22:17
kanzureand just make that the default22:17
fennit should always be making an error22:17
kanzureand be in control (grab life by the horns)22:17
kanzureheh, paper title: The Horns of Polymerase22:17
fennok, we have good control over the sequence, but no way to map that to a folded structure except through reverse engineering22:17
kanzureright, but lots of people have focused on polymerase already22:18
kanzureso we might have a 'map of polymerase mutations'22:18
kanzureand if anything on that map looks potentially useful22:18
kanzurethen we're good22:18
fennif we had a direct write tool, we could do lots of trial and error to figure out some motifs22:18
kanzureso it might be one-to-one like that in the case of polymerase, it might not be22:18
kanzureit's something to investigate in the literature22:18
fennbut we dont have a direct write tool, so its kind of a dependency loop22:18
kanzureI have a lab22:18
fenni think modern methods are too slow and labor intensive to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time/money22:19
fenn$15/bp? well what if it takes a couple billion bp in trial/error to figure out some basic patterns22:19
fennso, how many bp does it take anyway? :)22:20
kanzure$0.15/bp  http://e-oligos.com/22:20
kanzurewe would have to evolve it without sequence engineering :(22:20
kanzureand I'm clueless as to the design of selection experiments, where we want to add input/output22:21
kanzureto the target..22:21
fennveolve what?22:21
* fenn kicks ssh in the nads22:21
kanzureevolve our hacked polymerase22:21
kanzureoh, lag?22:21
fennping works without any delay, but for some reason my typing doesnt get echoed for like 20 seconds22:22
kanzureuh, also, how would we make polymerase work anyway? it needs a template strand to work with22:22
kanzurea template strand to copy, I mean.22:23
fennu is small, can squeeze A G C T on the other side22:23
fenner, uracil, sorry22:23
fennits the RNA version of thymine22:23
kanzurebut what does squeezing have to do with anything?22:24
fennyou wouldnt be copying the template strand, just using it to crawl along22:24
fennthe information comes from elsewhere22:24
fennso its not actualy a template, more like a scaffold22:24
fennso, when you add some arbitrary sequence opposite the scaffold strand, the bases dont really fit22:25
fennnormally the "doesnt really fit" would activate the proofreading domain22:26
fennits kind of amazing we hav all this computer power and it isn't enough22:27
kanzurefor typing? :)22:28
fennfor simulating protein, folding, and interactions between proteins22:29
kanzurere: protein folding, see CASP, the protein folding prediction compettition22:29
fennsay you have the sequence for pol-I, and the structure of DNA, you should be able to watch it go22:30
fennlike that program Phun22:30
fennit doesnt have to correspond to reality 100%, just close enough that the same principles of design apply22:31
* kanzure doubts we know protein engineering design principles :(22:31
fennwell, we know the physical chemistry interactions between all the different amino acids22:32
kanzureI just found a Nature review 'The descent of polymerization' 22:32
kanzureI clicky, and it's Andy22:32
kanzureplus the last co-PI guy, Matt Levy22:33
kanzure'The in vitro selection of a ribozyme polymerase capable of catalyzing the faithful addition of up to 14 nucleotides to a series of noncovalently bound primers fills a niche in our understanding of the origins and evolution of life on Earth.'22:33
kanzureA. Levskaya, A.A. Chevalier, J.J. Tabor, Z.B. Simpson, L.A. Lavery, M.Levy, E.A. Davidson, A.Scouras, A.D. Ellington, E.M. Marcotte, and C.A. Voigt (2005). Engineering Escherichia coli to see light. 22:35
kanzureguess I need to find a team that might do something related22:36
kanzureTeam ITS; Eric -- Emulsion selections of polymerase control regions (Near-term priorities) 22:36
kanzureTeam Autogene; Eric -- Emulsion selections of polymerase enzymes Near-term priorities)22:36
kanzuresounds about right?22:36
kanzurehaha, one guy.22:36
kanzure"Team ITS. Eric."22:36
fennknow any good protein visualization tools?22:38
kanzurethe #bioinformatics people will, if that comp bio page doesn't22:41
fennwonder if garlic can handle proteins well enough22:41
fennoh good, that's what it's for :)22:44
fenni knew i was onto something22:44
fennomg nice interface (not)22:45
kanzureI'm going to email Eric22:45
kanzurehow do I sound, not stupid22:45
kanzureguess I need to know what polymerase 'control regions' are22:45
kanzureare they really control regions22:45
kanzureWhether or not genes are in an active or a repressed state in a cell depends on the relative effect of gene silencers and locus control regions (LCRs). Here, we suggest that these elements act as binary switches; the state that prevails (activated or expressed) probably depends on a competition between protein complex formation and the stability of the complexes formed at either of the two elements.'22:48
kanzureoh, duh22:48
kanzureso apparently 'enhancers' in transcription are related to the binding sites22:49
kanzurehttp://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2169052 Mutation at the Polymerase Active Site of Mouse DNA Polymerase δ Increases Genomic Instability and Accelerates Tumorigenesis22:53
kanzureMutation at the Polymerase Active Site of Mouse DNA Polymerase δ Increases Genomic Instability and Accelerates Tumorigenesis 5 bp core subunit enzyme?22:55
kanzurepolymerase holoenzyme?22:55
fennenhancers are regions of DNA before a gene that attract transcription factors22:55
kanzure' In order to recognize a promoter to begin transcription, the 5-subunit core enzyme (α,α,β,β’,ω) must bind to one of various sigma (σ) factors; this form of the enzyme is called the holoenzyme.  Each of the different σ factors recognize different promoter elements upstream of genes allowing the cell to respond to various environmental cues.'22:55
kanzure''Once holoenzyme binds the promoter, DNA downstream of this interaction is brought into the enzyme and melted to expose single-stranded DNA.  This stage of transcription initiation is described here using a model of RNA polymerase-open-promoter-complex (RPo)'22:55
kanzureso RNA polymerase-open-promoter-complex sounds important22:55
kanzurenow if only we had this for DNA polymerase22:56
kanzurehttp://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/97/10/5095 DNA polymerase active site is highly mutable: Evolutionary consequences22:56
fennwhy do you want that for DNA polymerase? (it exists, look up 'ori site')22:57
fenn(origin of replication)22:57
kanzureI already saw that paper22:57
kanzurewe want to find the complexes on the polymerase molecule22:57
kanzureand then see if anybody has reverse engineered this and shown that this correlates to an *exact* subset of the entire gene for polymerase22:57
kanzure"site-directed mutagenesis"22:58
fennreverse engineered the mapping between genome locations and functionality in the polymerase?22:58
fennor mapping between functionality and structural subunit in the polymerase?22:59
fennor something else?22:59
kanzurethe first22:59
kanzure' Exonuclease assays of the resulting mutant proteins indicate that the largest effects on exonuclease activity result from mutations in a group of carboxylate side chains (Asp355, Asp424 and Asp501) anchoring two divalent metal ions that are essential for exonuclease activity. '23:00
fennok that's easy. just knockout a particular nucleotide using "site directed mutagenesis"23:00
kanzurehere's what I'm thinking of doing23:00
fennan insertion will caluse a frame error23:00
kanzurewe'll take a molecular dynamics simulation package of polymerase23:01
kanzurewe'll then use this to just hack a way and add some extra functionality that we like23:01
fennalso you can do bacterial transformation stuff, its like reading a tape23:01
kanzurewe'll then make some general simulations and predictions 23:01
kanzureand then we'll design selection experiments that would find that23:01
fennmolecular dynamics cant handle big roteins like polymerase, and on top of that, we can't hack in new functionality because we dont know how to do that23:03
kanzure40,000 atoms on a 'top of the line' consumer-market machine23:03
fenn40kD doing what?23:04
fennlooking pretty? or actually functinoning23:04
kanzurehrm, good question23:04
kanzurealso, we have Big Iron available at the lab23:04
fennwith much red tape no doubt23:05
kanzureapparently not23:05
kanzurethis one looks important - 'The Conserved Active Site Motif A of Escherichia coli DNA Polymerase I Is Highly Mutable'23:08
kanzureUmuC/DinB family (e.g. DNA polymerase ). Crystal struc-23:10
kanzuretures of representative enzymes from the first four families23:10
kanzurehave been determined, revealing a common overall architec-23:10
kanzureture that has been likened to a human right hand, with fingers,23:10
kanzurethumb, and palm subdomains (5–9). Although the structures of23:10
kanzurethe fingers and thumb subdomains vary considerably, the cat-23:10
kanzurealytic palm subdomains are all superimposable (10, 11). The23:10
kanzureacid residue. Essential roles of motif A in catalysis include23:11
kanzureinteraction with the incoming dNTP and coordination with two23:11
kanzuredivalent metal ions that are required for the polymerization23:11
kanzurereaction (12–15). Motif A begins at an anti-parallel -strand23:11
fennhere's a couple pics if it helps http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Web/Newsltr/FallWinter02/structure.html23:15
fennanother one, not pol-I though http://www.biochem.umd.edu/biochem/kahn/teach_res/Overheads/T7DNAP.jpg23:15
kanzurebtw, I'm not sure if looking at 3D visualizations 'helps' much23:19
kanzureI mean, I'm still surprised that enzymes sometimes have 'knooks and cubbies' for other things to connect into23:19
kanzuremainly because the mechanical probability of anything happening there seems small to me23:19
kanzurewon't it be mostly chemical interactions at that scale? so shape won't matter much?23:19
fennyes and no23:22
fennits the moore's law bug23:23
fennshape still matters even at the small molecule level23:23
fennever used a microscope at 1000X zoom? bacteria are bouncing around all over the place from brownian motion, so their insides must be just whirring around at a tremendous rate23:26
kanzureI like to imagine giant floating molecules of stuff from chem 101 interacting with other largely diffused molecules, and then radically changing shape23:27
kanzurebut I guess shape can be conserved in some reactions23:27
fennand the insides are not mostly water like they show in pictures, it's all really tightly packed in there.. i think its like 30% free water23:27
fennah the power of the internet:, i found it: http://mgl.scripps.edu/people/goodsell/illustration/public23:29
kanzurewould it surprise you if I say I've seen that image before23:31
fenni had it hanging on my wall for a couple years23:31
fennscanned it from my mol-bio book and printed on a poster printer23:34
kanzurewho the hell named this thing 'motif A'23:35
kanzurecatalysis (35). Both the N- and C-terminal parts of motif A23:37
kanzuretolerated a wide spectrum of substitutions. DNA polymerase23:37
kanzureactivity associated with single amino acid substitutions within23:37
kanzurethe N-terminal 5 amino acid residues was as high or higher23:37
kanzurethan that of the wild-type enzyme. These residues form part of23:37
kanzurean anti-parallel -sheet structure that is believed to accommo-23:37
kanzuredate the triphosphate moiety of the incoming dNTP and may be23:37
kanzurea potential target for engineering of pol I derivatives with23:37
kanzurealtered properties. In contrast, amino acid substitutions within23:37
kanzurethe C-terminal five residues tended to be associated with re-23:37
kanzureduced activity.23:37
kanzure"a potential target of engineering of pol I derivatives with altered properties"23:37
kanzureuh, yeah23:37
kanzuresome 3D pathfinder or something23:38
kanzure"because people know how to do it better" etc etc23:39
fennhumans are supposed to be good at traveling salesman problems23:39
kanzurehas this been tested?23:40
kanzureI see what you mean, but I'm wondering if we have some evidence23:40
kanzureboth DNA and RNA substrates. We conclude that isoleucine at23:41
kanzureposition 709 contributes to sugar discrimination by wild-type23:41
kanzurepol I and that this function may promote conservation of the23:41
kanzurewild-type motif A sequence. Based on analysis of a structural23:41
kanzurefun stuff, I think this paper is a goldmine23:41
fennfoldit looks really cool23:43
kanzureI need a second search box in Opera (yes, I'm back to Opera ... for the mean time)23:50
kanzureone that does Google Scholar directly23:51
kanzurewith my proxy stuff already done23:51
kanzureEric got back to me :(23:56

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