
--- Day changed Sat Jun 07 2008
kanzurefenn_: re: getting DNA out of neurons, see DNA single-stranded binding protein (SSB)00:04
-!- parodyoflanguage [i=pseudony@mmds-216-19-34-118.twm.az.commspeed.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:01
kanzureHey parodyoflanguage.01:03
kanzurefenn_: What about writing a hacky DNA strand out of rNTPs and dNTPs and others, then using repair mechanisms to correlate each of those *types* back to the original four ddNTPs ?01:15
ybitand this one if you need something watch while chowing www.youtube.com/watch?v=V026kSw4XCs02:58
ybitand this is quite interesting as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sudmW97FZA0&feature=related03:21
ybitperhaps i should sleep :P04:41
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-75-60-172-87.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:33
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/exp.html | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help06:33
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Tue Apr 29 18:54:31 2008]06:33
[Users #hplusroadmap]06:33
[ faceface] [ fenn_ ] [ nsh ] [ Phreedom] [ Splicer ] [ wrldpc] 06:33
[ fenn ] [ kanzure] [ parodyoflanguage] [ shogunx ] [ Vedestin] [ ybit ] 06:33
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 12 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal]06:33
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200806:33
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-!- fenn_ [n=pz@adsl-76-251-87-17.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]06:53
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-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]09:25
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kanzureHi all.11:56
kanzureHrm. We actually /lost/ people.11:56
-!- macowell [n=cis-acti@65-78-26-169.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:56
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kanzureFine, be that way.11:56
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio toolkit: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel blog: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/11:58
-!- cis-action [n=cis-acti@65-78-26-169.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:00
kanzureHey cis-action. 12:00
cis-actionfinally got my nick changed.12:00
cis-actionhey bryan12:00
kanzureSo, the email is a success. :) At least one person.12:02
kanzureI was surprised that the biobarcamp group was going ahead with book planning without wider community proliferation.12:02
kanzureThere's literally tons of content out there that we can do better re: organizing it.12:02
kanzureSo I sent out the email. :)12:03
cis-actionI'm surprised you didn't propose an ebook.  I don't agree that a bunch of content on a mediawiki server, or a bunch or mediawiki servers, is sufficient12:03
kanzurean ebook would be fine, IMHO12:04
kanzureWhat do you consider to be an ebook? PDF?12:04
cis-actionthe whole value in an instructional book is in presenting the otherwise-torrential amount of information in a manageable and efficient manner12:04
kanzure:) And links to more information.12:04
cis-actionI don't know what I consider an ebook12:04
cis-actionI don't think anyone is doing a good job solving that12:05
kanzurewell, let me get a bit less 'in the moment' -- what I really, really want one day12:05
kanzureis to be able to download information packages12:05
kanzurelike apt-get install <biotech kit>12:05
kanzureso, a wiki does that (sort of) because it has a database, but as you point out there are obvious limitations12:05
kanzureI'm thinking of setting up a git repository with the biotech information I assembled at http://biohack.sf.net/ 12:06
cis-actionI think the main aspect of bookness are the careful sectioning and modularizing of the information into chapters and the intense amount of editing and fact-checking that (theoretically) goes into the book12:06
kanzuresure, but I think that we can also have a backend community to generate content too12:06
kanzureand then somebody can select parts of it and feed it to O'Rielly or whatever12:06
cis-actionyeah but bryan, that's exactly my point, there's almost more work in organizing and relating all the package and subcomponents to one another in a meaningful way than in actually building them individually12:06
cis-action(concretely speaking, I think drupal has an interesting book module)12:07
kanzureheh' that's why I keep linking over to my biohacking toolkit -- that's where I did tons of working on the individual building of the components, and threw all of the information together12:07
cis-action*threw* is the operating verb there12:07
kanzureyeah :)12:07
cis-actionit can't just be thrown together12:07
kanzureso we can do better12:07
cis-actionthat's not what a book is.  yeah.12:07
cis-actionShow me a good crowdsourced book12:08
kanzureI think a git repository is a good idea in this case, actually12:08
kanzurewe can have multiple branches for the chapters / topics12:08
kanzureand then the root branch would be the entire book12:08
kanzurelet me go set that up12:08
cis-actionwhat's the interface?12:08
cis-actionwait wait12:08
kanzurethere are many interfaces12:08
kanzurelemme get a screenshot12:08
kanzurethere are web interfaces, shell interfaces, wiki interfaces, so many :)12:08
kanzureit's decentralized too12:08
cis-actionmost people have no idea what git is, much less than what the best practice is for adding text to it12:08
kanzurebest practice is to just write12:09
kanzurethen you save the file12:09
kanzurethen you have a program that 'commits' it12:09
kanzureyou tell somebody about your changes, and then they can "pull" the changes into their own working copy12:09
kanzure'working' as in, draft :)12:09
kanzuremain GIT website: http://git.or.cz/12:09
kanzure'Git is an open source version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency, but just as well suited for small personal repositories; it is especially popular in the open source community, serving as a development platform for projects like the Linux Kernel, WINE or X.org.'12:10
kanzure'Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. Still, Git stays extremely fast and space efficient.'12:10
cis-actionok, you put together the first collection of 10 diybio protocols, or stubs at least, and a screencast on how to contribute to them, and I'll work on them and evangelize the idea12:10
kanzureyeah, give me a few minutes, this shouldn't take more than 1012:11
kanzurealthough the screencast might take longer.12:11
* kanzure wonders where his microphone went :)12:11
cis-actionno more than like 5 minutes for the screencast12:11
kanzureSlides on what git is all about: http://www.slideshare.net/anildigital/git-introduction/12:11
kanzureyeah, bandwidth and so on12:11
kanzureit's pretty quick anyway12:11
kanzureit's not meant to be a bottleneck12:12
cis-actionok, I'm professor john q. coral, expert in fluorescent proteins, and I want to add a little bit from a recent study guide I wrote about how to do mutagenesis on a particular jellyfish fluorescent protein, using my vista box that the school gave me.  Thank god bryan bishop demonstrated how this new-fangled git works with his handy 4 minute screencast!12:14
kanzureyep :)12:15
kanzurebasically that prof will dump his research into the git repo12:16
kanzureby just copying + pasting the file12:16
cis-actionp.s. if this works and we actually end up with a community of contributors we coould consider writing it or building a web interface for http://elseviergrandchallenge.com/12:16
kanzureand then it gets diffused automatically to the community12:16
kanzurecis-action: I haven't seen that one before. What's it about?12:16
cis-actionare your legs broken?12:16
kanzurehold on12:17
kanzureokay, yeah I see it12:17
cis-actionit's elsevier's dubious science 2.0 / publishing 2.0 / collaboration 2.0 "grand challenge"12:17
kanzurecrap, I need to submit an abstract12:17
kanzuresee here: http://heybryan.org/exp.html12:17
kanzureit's a bit of a broader plan, but it's not well written quite yet12:17
kanzurefenn: git doesn't require ssh natively, does it?12:18
cis-actioncaution: one of elsevier's 4 judging criteria is pragmatism12:19
cis-action"The project’s potential for realization in practice: The project's potential benefits for the publishing industry as a whole, in terms of user needs fulfilled and advantages proposed, will be evaluated in terms of the possibility and ease of implementing the project within a publishing workflow."12:19
kanzurehehe :)12:20
kanzureit's a semantic web deal12:20
kanzurewherein published papers become more 'functional' by attaching their models and BibTeX and so on12:20
kanzurehowever, the hard part is that most people don't know about git or ikiwiki and so on12:21
kanzurethe tools are already out there and are well known in the progrmamer communities12:21
fennugh fuck elsevier12:29
kanzureI think they want to implement the project themselves12:33
kanzurehowever, there's a few communities out on the net that would not want that at all12:33
kanzureopen standards development, all that stuff12:33
fennone of elsevier's unstated judging criteria is "will this fuck everyone else over and make elsevier a lot of money?"12:34
kanzurethe answer is always 'yes'12:34
fennsince that's their business model12:34
fenngit 'recommends' ssh and curl, but its not a dependency12:36
fennbut without them you're stuck on the same machine, and that's sorta silly12:36
kanzurehow does it use ssh anyway12:37
kanzuredo I need to create a new user for people to pull from heybryan.org ?12:37
fennoh, i forgot about the git protocol12:39
fenni dont know much about it really12:40
kanzureso it has its own port and everything12:40
fenni think http is the most convenient/least problematic12:41
fennyou just compiled it without http support12:41
kanzureI did?12:41
fenndidnt get curl-dev or whatever12:41
* kanzure is creating the git repo at the moment12:43
kanzureit's loading up a few hundred megabytes of raw content. good thing we can download only subsets and so on :)12:43
kanzurecis-action: Ok. 'Pushing' at the moment. This means that the content is being uploaded to my server. Then others will be able to "pull" it very easily. 13:08
cis-actionbut no one will use it without someone like you making it uber-easy to figure out13:09
kanzureright right13:09
kanzureI'm working on the screencast too13:09
kanzurecan it just be an mpeg?13:09
kanzureI don't know what youtube/dnatube/etc. wants13:10
fenndid you dump the diybio stuff into it?13:13
kanzurepushing at the moment13:13
kanzure"Compressing objects: 0% (23/10839)"13:14
kanzureoh boy13:14
cis-actionh264 is the current web standard13:14
cis-actionor flv13:14
fennflv is just a container format anyway13:14
cis-actionoh really?13:14
fennkanzure: do you know what a "mess" is?13:16
kanzurefenn: the kit? :)13:17
kanzurethe idea is to improve it 13:17
kanzurea few biotechers want to make a book13:17
kanzureso I'm finally throwing up the content into something better13:17
fenni'm just wondering why you're dumping the whole thing into a git repo13:17
kanzurebecause people want to make changes and so on?13:17
kanzurewriting objects :)13:19
fennah that was pretty quick13:20
kanzure2 MB/sec. Awesome. 13:20
fennif you 'check out' a partial repo and make changes and then push back, does it actually work?13:21
kanzurestill uploading13:21
kanzurehrm, it must be percentages based off of the number of objects, not their relative size13:21
kanzureyep, 10 seconds ago it was 3%, it just shot up to 99%.13:22
fennmost source code is tiny files13:23
kanzurewhen I get more hdd space, maybe I'll do a public service and put Wikipedia into a git repo :)13:23
kanzurealright, neat13:24
fenni kinda like the fact that there's only one wikipedia13:24
kanzurethere's not, think of all the spam content wholes13:25
kanzurethat downloaded Wikipedia and threw up adds13:25
fennmaybe you could have a 'metapedia' which layers all the MPOV from around the net 13:25
fennso everyone gets their say13:26
kanzurean internetpedia?13:26
fenni'm thinking like metacrawler13:26
fenna wiki aggregator13:26
kanzureI've definitely wanted a place where I can point out weird trends on the internet13:26
fennaggropedia :P13:26
kanzurere: wiki aggregator, see Wiki index13:26
kanzureI dunno which one it is.13:26
fennthat's just a list of wikis13:27
kanzurewhat more?13:27
kanzureoh, right13:27
kanzurenot just a list13:27
fenni'm talking about, one article with different perspectives on the subject from around the internet13:27
kanzurewith citations back to the people that are arguing that perspective?13:27
kanzurehow would you make sure that they don't say "well, he's not a part of our community, so we don't want him editing this article" BS?13:28
fennyes, i think.. citation has the wrong connotation13:28
fennjust to solve the whole edit war thing13:28
fennif you dont like foopedia, fork it and make barpedia13:28
fennthen do a diff to see what barpedia thinks differently13:28
kanzurehow would we make sure that we select good admins though13:28
kanzuredo we need admins for that?13:28
fennno, that's the point13:29
fennthe problem with iwwikipedia is the admins13:29
kanzurebut what about banning troublemakers?13:29
kanzureoh, 13:29
kanzureright, just fork it13:29
fennor the self-proclaimed admins or whatever they call themselves13:29
kanzureand then we'll import content that we like13:29
fennyes, there's too much focus on banning misbehavior rather than searching for good content13:29
fennif you vandalize your own wiki, nobody gives a shit13:30
fennif someone publicizes you by saying 'hey this is good stuff' then you tend to work harder to making good content13:30
fenndo you have any clues on the incantation to import part of a git repo?13:32
fennbtw you should install gitweb because i cant even tell what's in biohack.git13:32
kanzureI already have it installed13:33
cis-actionkanzure: are you still going to make a prospectus screencast?13:33
kanzurecis-action: yeah, I have my mic working and am now installing a screencasting package13:33
kanzureit'll take a few more minutes, also I want to install gitweb like fenn suggests13:33
kanzureso that I can show a web output13:33
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/gitweb.cgi13:35
kanzurewhat do you think is going wrong?13:35
kanzureit only shows skdb13:35
fenni think gitweb has to be in the same folder as biohack.git13:36
fennor maybe a ln -s13:36
kanzuresomething about /etc/gitweb.conf or rather13:37
kanzurefenn: it doesn't actually have a local git repository13:37
kanzureI mean, it has the server one13:37
kanzurebut it doesn't have a local copy for editing13:37
kanzuredoes this make a difference?13:38
fennbare repo should work13:38
fennmaybe you need to do 'git-update-server-info'13:38
kanzureaha 13:38
fennwhere'd skdb.git go?13:39
kanzurebleh, different places13:39
kanzureone is in /home/bbishop/.git/skdb.git/13:39
kanzurethe new one is apparently /var/git/biotech.git/13:39
fennthat looks a lot smaller than the .zip from biohack.sf.net13:40
kanzureit's five times as large13:40
kanzureat least.13:40
fennok i just didnt notice the subdirectories13:42
fennbefore it was all just a big pile13:42
fenndoes sf do git hosting?13:43
kanzureI think it's safe to say that it still is13:43
kanzuresf does everything with cvs and their own way (centralization)13:43
fennwtf :(13:43
kanzureit's why I moved the wiki; their mysql db was so huge and sucky13:44
kanzurethey wanted me to host the wiki on *their* wikifarm13:44
kanzurebut it has ads and nasty templating etc.13:44
kanzurewith no db dump13:44
fennno db dump!!13:44
fennthere should be some 'sensible wiki features' that all wikis should have in order to be socially acceptable13:45
kanzurefenn: re: dumps, http://heybryan.org/gitweb.cgi?p=biotech.git;a=tree;f=biotech-DIY__kanzure_2008-01-27_v1/oww;h=bf0e70e094c26f67a6b3c2941ef81588de917ff6;hb=0532022269e7dce28521ca9a8ac026a6d34f9f9f13:45
kanzureno kidding :(13:45
fenn100% organic wiki13:45
kanzurethe real organic wiki /should/ be ikiwiki13:46
fennikiwiki sucks13:46
kanzurefenn: so if I was to do a screencast on git usage, I'm figuring I'll show two ways13:46
kanzure(1) shell (git it done in a few seconds)13:46
kanzure(2) some gui or web interface or something13:46
kanzureright, ikiwiki sucks is the problem13:47
kanzureso if I do it via the shell, I'll just need to do "git clone http://heybryan.org/biotech.git"13:47
fennif you want to clone th whole thing13:47
kanzureand partial clones?13:48
fennmight as well start out with the full clone, since its easier and makes more sense13:48
fenni dont knowh owt od o partialc loney et13:48
fennbtw make sure you add gitweb to robots.txt13:49
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap13:49
kanzureHey Phreedom.13:50
kanzureThe #git people don't know how to do partial clones. 13:50
fennso.. make sure people feel comfortable about deleting large swaths of irrelevant junk13:50
* kanzure is playing with 'istanbul'13:50
fenngood luck13:51
kanzurebtw, I'll upload the video and have one of you do a bullshit detector on it13:51
kanzureshouldn't take too long13:51
kanzure*detection test13:51
fennbtw maybe you should show how to install git :\13:52
kanzureheh, 'how to make a linux screencast' first result is a linux screencast on how to make screencasts13:52
kanzureapt-get install git-core ?13:52
fenn'how to open a terminal window'13:52
fennits not a joke :(13:52
fenni love how youtube removed the 'quality' setting so now everything plays like shit on my slow laptop13:53
kanzurehm, I wonder if my screen size is going to be an issue13:54
fennwhat's the point of 'how to do a linux screencast' where 90% of the screencast is using windows programs?13:56
kanzurethat's a good question13:57
kanzureI was surprised when windows was brought up13:57
kanzureso I closed it13:57
kanzureoh boy, 1 MB/sec13:58
cis-actionI recommend vimeo.com then blip.tv for the hosting, they allow much higher quality14:01
kanzureI'm looking for my audio device now. I think I'm on /dev/dsp, not sure14:01
fenncis-action: i want *lower* quality though14:02
cis-actionit's all pretty low-quailty optimized stuff14:02
fennthe proprietary flash plugin is not very efficient with cpu cycles..14:03
fennyou used to be able to reduce the resolution to get a decent framerate14:03
cis-actioncan you use mencoder to make h264?14:03
kanzureI need something that looks like "hw:0,0"14:04
fennyes i can download the .flv with a script and play it in mplayer just fine14:04
fennbut that's annoying14:04
fennkanzure: that's an alsa device address14:04
kanzurefenn: yeah, I need to find the address for my soundcard14:04
kanzureso that's a good start14:04
kanzurewell, this sound system stuff sucks :)14:29
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kanzureHow is it that mpg123 can play music, but then krecord says the sound card is not accessilbe?14:43
kanzureHrm. Was I offline?14:43
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kanzurewell, I can get audio going out the front speakers15:02
kanzurefrom the microphone15:02
kanzuredoes that count?15:02
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kanzurefenn: you wouldn't happen to have a microphone, would you?15:32
fennas a matter of fact, i believe there is one on this computer15:33
kanzureyou wouln't happen to be willing to speak a few lines, eh?15:33
kanzureI've been funneling text into a voice synthesizer as my alternative :-p15:33
fennin alsamixer i turned up the mic volume and then un-muted it :(15:34
kanzureso your soundrecorder works after that?15:34
kanzurebecause I am using alsa15:34
fennit plays the mic sound thru the speakers15:34
kanzureand then I run stuff like krecord, gnome-sound-recorder, 15:34
kanzureyeah, I can get it to play through the speakers, and the headphones, or either/or15:34
kanzurebut never does it seem to actually get into some user-accessible environment15:34
kanzurerecordmydesktop -d hw:0,0 doesn't work (the sound card is in fact index 0, so I know that's right)15:35
fenni dont have any of that stuff, so i'll try audacity15:35
kanzurefenn: does it work?15:47
fennum, no15:49
fennlooking at this right now: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Record_from_mic15:49
fennpress tab in alsamixer to get to the capture screen15:50
fennok it works.. somehow i was pressing the space bar wrong :\15:52
kanzurepress tab in alsa mixer, and then what?15:56
fenndont press tab, just arrow over to Mic and press space15:57
fennactually, press tab twice, then arrow over to Mic and press space15:58
fennyou shuold see a red CAPTUR show up15:58
fennnow arrow over to Capture and increase the volume15:59
fennhave to press space on Capture too16:00
kanzurelooks like that for me too16:04
kanzurestill not getting anything on hw:0,0 or hw:1,016:04
kanzurealso, Item: Mic doesn't say on nor off16:05
fennthat's cause i have the mic muted so it wont cause feedback16:05
fennshouldnt matter either way16:06
fennhw:0,0 refers to the whole sound card16:06
kanzureon [All], I can change the volume of the mic input going into my ear / out my speakers, but I still can't actually record16:06
kanzurewell, what refers to the mic jack?16:06
fenndunno. why does it want an address anyway?16:06
kanzurebecause /dev/dsp doesn't apply for some reason?16:07
fenn/dev/dsp is the synth16:07
fennoh wait, maybe i'm thinking dds16:08
kanzurekrecord - "cannot open soundcard: Device or resource busy"16:08
fenndo you have firefox open?16:08
kanzurerecordmydesktop -d hw:0,0 output.ogv 16:08
kanzurebut I do have Opera open16:08
fennor some other music program16:08
fennso, this kind of problem is why alsa got invented16:09
kanzureok, krecord now works16:10
kanzurenow if only I can figure out what device it's on16:10
kanzureok, it works now16:10
kanzureis there anyway I can demand Opera does not steal me audio?16:11
fennno, you are destined to be a slave to opera forevermore16:13
kanzureactually, I'll just record /while/ booting up Opera16:13
kanzurebrilliant, right?16:13
fennsrsly the solution is to use alsa instead of /dev/dsp16:13
fennor that16:13
kanzurebut I'm not using /dev/dsp16:13
fennalsa doesnt have that 'device or resource busy' problem16:14
kanzurebut I *am* using alsa16:14
kanzureokay, so it works :)16:17
kanzurenow I have to make sure I'm not talking out of my ass when it comes to git16:17
fennjust make it short and if people need more info they can get it elsewhere16:18
kanzureI wish I could pop up links in a youtube vid16:18
fennalso, resizing your monitor to like 640x480 should help16:18
kanzurestone age16:18
fennyoutube is only like 300x40016:18
fenni hate screencasts where we see the person's pretty desktop background but cant read any words16:19
kanzureI guess I can resize16:19
cis-actionuse vimeo.com16:19
fennvimeo is the same size?16:20
cis-actioncrosspost to youtube if you are concerned about visibility16:20
cis-actionit will show 640x48016:20
kanzureyeah, okay, I resized16:21
fennheh we need a theme song.. "citizen scientist"16:22
kanzurefenn: so, I just need to mention apt-get install git-core; git clone16:22
kanzurecitizen scientist? 16:22
kanzuremaybe the MacGuyver theme16:23
fenncis-action: yer video has jittery audio, do you get that?16:23
fennkanzure: like the "citizen soldier" theme for the national guard16:23
cis-actionI think the first couple of seconds (certainly the first slide) is messed up16:24
cis-actionbut I hear all the audio fine.  maybe it's... your flash player16:24
fennwoo.. go flash16:25
fennwelcome to the 21st century of more bullshit16:25
kanzurefenn: so, how to install git, git clone http://heybryan.org/biotech.git, and then show them the gui versions (ugh)16:25
kanzurethat sound good?16:25
cis-actionhey, so if you don't want flash, use blip.tv16:25
fennreally i just think video is a poor medium for knowledge exchange16:27
fennflash just aggravates the problems with it16:27
ybitwow, you guys have been at it for a long time over a screencast :P16:30
fennybit: note my first remark, "good luck"16:31
cis-actionfenn: I disagree a bit16:33
cis-actionI think screencasts can be very high-bandwidth in some situations16:33
cis-actionfor instance, if you could be physically present, how would you teach someone how to tie their shoelaces?16:33
ybiti made a screencast with istanbul once, took less than 10mins to film it capture and upload16:35
ybitit's a nice program16:35
ybitPhreedom: do you know of a kde alt? (i've yet to look for one)16:36
kanzurehrm, I was using istanbul, but it didn't like me16:36
fenncis-action: well.. you probably like podcasts too16:37
kanzurewhat type of crap is this?16:39
kanzureit doesn't even capture text at 640x34016:39
ybitlol, this is becoming entertaining :)16:40
kanzureHey parodyoflanguage.16:41
kanzureWhat's up?16:41
parodyoflanguageJust wondering what's going on :)16:41
parodyoflanguageNot a whole lot, procrastinating work.16:41
kanzureI'm doing a screencast on how to download the biotech toolkit.16:41
parodyoflanguagescreencast == video?16:42
parodyoflanguageI don't think I'm ready for that yet :)16:43
kanzureFor what?16:43
parodyoflanguagedyi bio16:44
kanzurewhat about kids16:44
kanzureYeah, you have to do "diy bio" to get kids. :/16:44
kanzureJust saying. It's an example, probably a bad one.16:44
parodyoflanguageYou mean this stuff is kids stuff?16:45
kanzureNo. I mean that many people are already doing biology in their own homes.16:45
kanzureWe're made up of cells and so on -- we're just largely ignorant of the biological basis of day to day stuffs.16:45
parodyoflanguageOh, you mean reproduction :)16:45
* kanzure goes off to make the screencast.16:46
parodyoflanguageA book sounds like an awesome idea.16:48
fenni have a jar of kombucha going bad on the back porch16:53
kanzurelinux users should be able to figure out how to install git16:53
cis-actionlater guys16:53
-!- cis-action [n=cis-acti@65-78-26-169.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]16:54
-!- Splicer [n=p@h87n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:56
-!- Splicer is now known as Biopunk16:56
-!- Netsplit zelazny.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: kanzure16:58
-!- Netsplit over, joins: kanzure16:59
kanzurecrap, a 72 megabyte video?17:04
kanzurebleh, I don' want to do a video :(17:10
kanzurethis is pretty easy stuff17:10
kanzureraise your hand if you can't use git, here17:10
* Biopunk waves17:21
Biopunkwhat video don't you want to make?17:22
kanzureA video on how to use git.17:36
kanzurefenn: I got some lip from biobarcamp people about the git stuff.17:37
kanzure"please don't do this, this is not the way to do it"17:37
kanzureand "The BioTech Geek Book was meant to only have a small chapter on DIY stuff."17:37
kanzureand other BS as if the internet only has enough space for one more book17:38
Biopunk"The BioTech Geek Book" is this the pimm guy?17:40
kanzureMight be.17:42
kanzurethey're not playing fair17:42
Biopunki was thinking you meant this one: http://pimm.wordpress.com/2008/02/28/lets-compile-a-biotech-for-it-folks-book-and-publish-it/17:42
kanzurethat's the kit damn it :)17:43
kanzureI think Atilla is angry because she has a publishing deal17:45
kanzureyes, that17:50
Biopunkyup pimm17:51
BiopunkIt strikes me how small this world still is17:52
kanzurehave you ever gone outside?17:53
BiopunkThe aliens took me once17:55
BiopunkI'm hardly on the inside... you and Atilla are.. not sure there is a demand for my ideas of subculture yet17:56
kanzureI think they don't like me posting to their mailing list or something18:01
kanzuremaybe they're not used to email18:01
kanzureI mean, hell, ignore the message if you want18:01
fennno, this is MY temporary autonomous zone! wah!18:05
kanzureplease send that message in response to her18:07
kanzurethat would be hillarious :)18:07
Biopunkit's a guy18:08
fennyep definitely male18:08
kanzurewell shit :)18:08
kanzureAtilla is not a female's name?18:08
fenn"Attila Csordás is a research scientist in the Gene Therapy Center at Tulane University.  He is the author of Pimm"18:09
fennwere there any specific pro/con type objections?18:10
kanzureNo, just that HIS book is Different18:11
Biopunkmaybe you talk about different books... he talks about IT for biotech people on pimm18:11
* fenn squints18:12
kanzureI don't know if I like it.18:12
kanzurethat was like my fifth go and it sucked worse than the other ones :)18:12
kanzuretoo many 'um's and so on, 18:12
fennlooks like it blanked out 'apt-get install git-core'18:13
fennwrite a script18:13
fenna teleprompt script that is18:13
kanzurebut it's really retardingly simple stuff though18:13
kanzureit's not even really worth talking about18:14
kanzurebut, if we have to, there's the video18:14
kanzuretechnically I'm missing the step where you git add origin master18:15
kanzureor something :)18:15
fennheh i love how nothing works18:15
Biopunkyou don't sound texan18:15
kanzurefenn :)18:16
fennno, push access is dumb18:16
fennit keeps people thinking in CVS paradigm18:16
kanzurethen what do we do?18:16
fennworst case scenario they can do some kind of diff/patch18:16
kanzurebut then what's best ?18:17
kanzuresend out an email with an attached diff?18:17
kanzure"maybe OpenWetWare will be interested in this"18:17
kanzurecentralization sucks :(18:17
kanzureI guess I'll redo the video.18:18
Biopunkkanzure... why is git better than a wiki? git it has a learningcurve18:20
kanzurea wiki is git, except more sucky18:20
kanzurethis is better because nobody 'owns' it18:20
fennyou could have an ikiwiki interface18:20
kanzurewell, in theory :)18:20
Biopunkbut it's a repository?.. so someone has to hold it in anycase?18:21
kanzuredoesn't somebody have to have a wiki ?18:21
BiopunkIf it has a learning curve like that.. people just won´t use it I think18:21
fennBiopunk: for one thing, there's a lot of bad script/conversion output that made lots of little files. that's really hard to deal with from a wiki interface18:21
kanzureyou drag and drop files18:21
kanzurehow hard could this be18:22
Biopunkit's not hard for me.. but i'm not sure I'd spend the time to find out18:22
kanzuredo you run linux?18:23
kanzuremaybe I'll just make a slideshow and talk18:24
fennthis whole free software rushing headlong into the singularity would be a lot more exciting if we didnt have to drag the rest of the world along with us18:25
fennkicking and screaming18:25
BiopunkOn the topic of the singularity: http://luci.ics.uci.edu/blog/archives/2006/09/ubicomp_2006_br_1.html18:30
BiopunkIt's a talk by Bruce Sterling on UbiComp 200618:31
fenni hate that word 'spime'18:31
Biopunkhehehe.. yeah18:31
BiopunkI liked the part where he talked about how writers talking about the singularity were in no particular hurry18:32
fennthe ones predicting a rosy future maybe18:33
Biopunkyeah ...they had smooth lines pointing into the future... it would happen without them doing much.. and they would be proven right and reap the benefits of being prophets18:34
BiopunkThe guy gives a great speech18:34
fennreally? the only bruce sterling talk i saw was horrendous18:34
BiopunkI thought you saw this one... he mentions splimes18:35
kanzurecool, I think I did well this time18:36
* kanzure sits around waiting for it to render18:37
fennhttp://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/UsingGit pretty good summary18:40
fennyou really need an alpha tester to see if its understandable though18:41
fenni.e. not me18:41
kanzureuploading (again)18:48
kanzurefenn: is it worth doing more videos?18:49
kanzureI mean, for other things18:49
kanzureI'm not sure I like this, it doesn't encourage intellectualism18:49
kanzureof course, there's nothing wrong with that18:50
fennvideos are worth negative time unless they have some editing and production put in18:50
fennif its not a video you get: hyperlinks, searchability, skimmability, language translation, modifiability, etc18:51
fennpretty much automatically18:51
Biopunkif a wiki would be the better option... you are putting time into making something worse... maybe you should ask people if they are prepared to use git for this18:52
Biopunkyou have a lot of traffic... a survey on the site might be worth while18:54
kanzurewhat type of bullshit is that?18:54
kanzurea wiki is /not/ a better option18:54
kanzureand there's already a wiki18:54
fennsettle down boy18:55
* kanzure settles18:55
fenna wiki is a good interface for some things18:55
* Biopunk is still sobbing a little18:55
fennand bad for some other things18:55
kanzurewe can do a wiki interface18:56
kanzurehowever, if you want to rewrite the backend that'd be awesome18:56
fennnow, i'm still not sure what you're trying to do18:56
kanzureoh, the git stuff?18:58
fennwhat's the desired end-product of the biohack kit project supposed to look like?18:59
kanzurewell, it's supposed to be the bioreactor ;-)18:59
kanzurebut in the mean time we need to keep some people entertained, it seems18:59
kanzureso, information on how to do Stuff19:00
kanzureand at the moment it's not the best of information19:00
kanzureI mean, it's just all thrown together19:00
kanzureso there's opportunity for improvement19:00
BiopunkThe quality is what would give the value19:01
fenni think it might be better if, instead of trying to sort everything in place, you sort through the pile of junk and build something structured in a separate place19:01
kanzureI hate ontologies19:01
kanzureit pains to me save stuff in ~/cache/ellingtonia/polymerase/ (and not just because I have to keep on typing that out when saving PDFs at the end of a session)19:01
fennwikipedia doesnt really have an ontology, but it's structured, and filtered, and in a standard format19:02
kanzurebut rather because it's *not* Just about polymerase19:02
kanzureokay, new version is live19:02
fennand non-redundant for the most part19:02
fenna tagged filesystem perhaps?19:02
kanzurewhere's Enk-2?19:03
kanzurehe's the one doing that sort of thing19:03
kanzurego pester him19:03
fennlast version is acceptable :)19:07
kanzureamphetamine - it works ;-)19:07
Biopunkwhat's supposed to be in the repository that's not in the wiki?... the wiki imposes a certain standard which is not a bad thing19:13
kanzurewhat's in a wiki?19:13
kanzurecontent, right?19:13
kanzurewords, text, stuff?19:13
kanzureWhere does this get stored?19:14
kanzureok, why?19:14
Biopunkit's manageable.. searchable19:14
Biopunkis this a backend to a wiki?19:15
kanzureokay, so, as opposed to that database19:15
kanzurewe can use git19:15
kanzurethe frontend is totally modularable, it could be a wiki19:15
kanzurethe only wiki currently anywhere near ready for a git backend is ikiwiki19:15
kanzurehowever, ikiwiki sucks19:15
Biopunkyeah.. but are you planning to have separate suff in git and ind the wiki?19:16
fennwiki is just a different view of the data19:17
Biopunki look at your clip... you say it's a wikipedia without the clicking and the need to download 6gig.. and I don't understand the point19:17
fenngit is like a filesystem, wiki is like a filesystem browser19:17
fennimagine your filesystem was only accessible through google docs19:18
Biopunkyes.. and if the data is the same.. what's the upside with git?19:18
kanzureit's accessible to all of your file tools that you normally use19:18
fennbig fucking pain in the ass, you have to load a webpage every time you do anything, no batch commands, no batch revisioning, no merging19:18
kanzureloading a webpage is BAD19:18
kanzureavoid at *all* costs19:18
Biopunkbut it's a standard.. it has a value19:19
Biopunkpeople will use it19:19
kanzurepeople will use whatever *works*19:19
fennif loading a webpage took less than 0.1 sec then it would be fine19:19
fennwell, actually no nevermind19:19
fennstill have all the other problems (and you dont *own* the data)19:19
kanzurethe problems are a very long list19:19
* kanzure goes to watch Captain Ron19:19
fennmost consumers are idiots and can't manage their own personal data, so that's why we have webmail and google docs19:20
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio toolkit: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/19:21
fennbut if you know how to manage large numbers of files at once, then web based filesystems are just frustrating and backwards19:21
Biopunki'd say the way you are doing it is the way it used to be done all the time 20 years ago in BBS days19:22
kanzuremaybe back then it *worked*19:22
fennBBS didnt do content creation19:22
fennthey just hosted files people had created19:23
Biopunkrelease a dump on a torrent once a month19:23
kanzurethis is the dump19:23
Biopunkall I'm saying is that if you wan't people to use it.. there can't be a learning curve19:24
kanzurehey, would you like to package a new torrent of it?19:24
Biopunkin windows format?19:24
fennwindows format?19:25
fennkanzure: making a tarball of the git repo actually isnt a terrible idea.. because then you dont need git to access the plain .html or whatever wiki markup19:25
fennbut the repo information is still there if they ever decide to commit19:26
kanzureoh, a tarball of the first master commit?19:26
kanzureor whatever19:26
fenndoes wikipedia have mysql fields for stuff like categories? or only last modified date, user, etc19:27
kanzureI could check. but I'm going.19:27
kanzurewill be back19:27
kanzureuhm, also, 19:28
kanzureI'm still stuck on the evolvable polymerases19:28
kanzurethere's technically no advantage that we can give to polymerases that copy only one nucleotide19:28
kanzurefenn: researchers have found a way to do fluorotagging but for magnetism19:58
kanzureso supposedly we can come up with some super-high-resolution MRI machines and get an image of cellular resolution.19:59
BiopunkI want to see robots performing automatic keyhole surgery at high speed with that info20:06
kanzurebrain scanning20:06
kanzuresubcellular resolution20:06
Biopunkit would be cool if we would come to understand the brain through understanding how the organism builds it... somehow the blueprint for how it works is in the DNA.. waiting to be understood.20:09
kanzurethe blueprint isn't really encoded in the DNA though20:10
kanzurethat's what all this 'amorphous compiler' stuff is about20:10
ybit[17:10] <kanzure> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joVr-5NTE28 - whatever that was, it's already been removed20:13
fennkanzure: sweet, that's another fantasy of mine20:13
kanzureoh, subcellular resolution20:13
kanzureybit: try the link in the topic20:13
ybitalready have, everything went well20:14
kanzureI'm trying to come up with some other possible uses of it.20:14
ybitand you made me laugh at the part where you stated that you already had the material, etc.20:14
kanzureit's a membrane-bound integral protein.20:14
kanzureybit: material?20:14
ybitone sec.. i'll get the quote..20:14
fenncomputer debugging20:14
kanzurefenn: how so?20:14
kanzurecool, 27 views on the vid20:15
fennDNA FPGA crystal growth errors20:15
ybit"we can ignore that, because *I* already have it"20:15
kanzureybit: :)20:15
fennor poisoning20:15
kanzuredunno if that works though20:15
kanzureit's built into the membrane20:15
fenngot a link?20:16
kanzure"We have found a very simple way to make mammalian cells have a  20:17
kanzuremagnetic signature," says Hu, who is director of Emory's Biomedical  20:17
kanzureImaging Technology Center and a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent  20:17
fennapparently birds use something like this to navigate.. it shows up in their vision (maybe its present in retinal cells?)20:18
Biopunki bet it would set of the shoplifter alarm in a supermarket20:19
fenni wouldnt mind fourier-transform-vision20:19
Biopunki saw a talk about functional body hacking... the woman talking had had a magnet in one of her fingertips for a while20:20
Biopunkshe could feel electromagnetic fields20:21
fennso, i dont really get the connection between matgnetite and MRI20:21
fennMRI is based on nuclear spin precession20:21
fennferromagnetic substances have a high spin, but does that mean it will absorb radio waves better than just hydrogen?20:22
kanzureapparently it's used to "sense the earth's gravity field"20:23
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]20:23
fennmagnetite lines up with magnetic field lines like a compass20:24
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap20:24
fenn(it IS a compass actually)20:24
kanzuregrr, still haven't figured out my polymerase selections20:25
kanzurethis is kind of annoying20:25
kanzurethe real sucky part is that I don't have a good way of automating it20:25
kanzureit requires lots and lots of gels20:25
kanzureto see if a certain batch writes a longer DNA molecule with only a specific nucleotide20:25
ybitgrr, that's the first crash in a long time20:25
kanzureand at the same time that's not selecting for a limited nucleotide acceptance20:25
ybitfor the discussion earlier... git is good for the diybio devs, the updated info package on sourceforge is good for the non-technical people interested in the project 20:26
ybitwiki might be good to host the information in different languages20:26
kanzureI was mentioning the idea of having four different *types* of other ddNTP-like-molecules, but that just shifts the problem to DNA repair mechanisms needing to translate 'ddNTP-analog to one of the four specific ddNTPs' and again I might as well just had that "get the right ddNTP" in the first place20:26
kanzureybit: the wiki frontend is good in general for anybody, but the backend is also important20:26
kanzureperhaps even more importnat.20:26
ybitupdating a wiki via git is quite interesting20:27
fenndokuwiki has a flat text structure, perhaps we could use it, along with some update hooks on both ends, to turn it into a sort of ikiwiki20:27
kanzureI met somebody a few days ago who's working with Wikimedia, the Internet Archive, and the Open Library Project and is supposedly automating updated content transfers between the different organizations20:27
kanzurehowever, the problem is that he doesn't seem to "git it"20:27
kanzureaha, dokuwiki /me goes to check20:28
kanzureeven uses the word 'repository'20:28
fennthere are other flat text wiki's (instiki for exaple) but dokuwiki has a nice interface and decent set of features20:28
kanzurehttp://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:plugins?plugintag=git hrm, none?20:29
kanzure'Links git commit hashes and references to a gitweb application and displays information about them'20:29
fennhah look at all those tags20:29
kanzurethose tags are not git-specific20:30
fennoh, those are plugin names sorry20:30
kanzureit seems to be a byproduct of their wiki setup 20:30
kanzurei.e., the page for plugins is a template or something20:30
kanzurewhich includes a list of all plugins on each page wtf20:30
fenni dont know what gitlink is supposed to do20:31
kanzureme either20:31
kanzurehrm, so the "force an ecoli to evolve a writozyme" idea sucks for a few reasons:20:31
kanzure(1) it takes longer to signal a sequence to be synthesized than it takes for ecoli to divide (as you mentioned)20:31
kanzure(2) transcriptional circuits are in vitro only, and I'm not too keen on quickly passing ddNTPs and other stuff as messengers through ecoli membranes quickly20:32
kanzurethe usual method of polymerase evolution is 'compartmentalized self-replication' where you have polymerase copy the polymerase DNA strand, and then the one that is the most efficient and the least error-prone, is the one that will win in your selections20:32
kanzurehowever, the retarded polymerases that I want will not do that20:33
kanzureyou'd have to use all four of them in a system that you assume already works, to make genes that help the organism survive20:33
kanzurewell, not organism, but whatever20:33
kanzureit needs to be an automated self-evolving system in order for the selection to actually work20:33
kanzureand that's not going to happen in vitro really20:33
fennyou could do in-vitro with magnetic beads attached to dNTP's? so the one that incorporates bead-ATP the fastest wins?20:34
kanzurehow's that?20:34
kanzuremagnetic beads attached to the nucleotides20:34
kanzurebead-ATP ??20:34
fennthen give it a scaffold strand that doesn't code for that nucleotide (so only retarded enzymes will add A to it)20:34
kanzureoh, I guess we could just select for the polymerase that hangs out around the beads, making the assumption that these polymerases will be fit to use the nucleotides there?20:35
kanzureI think that a surface, either a bead or a giant 2D plane, will be important here20:35
fennthen you can sequence the protein.. :(20:35
kanzureI was thinking that it might be useful to bind them to a surface20:35
kanzurethe polymerases, I mean20:35
kanzureand if we can bind them and keep them in a specific spot, then we can take advantage of them in a new way20:35
kanzuresequence the protein? the protein can't write itself20:35
kanzureso we'd have to remember where we put each bead and what polymerases we started off in that area or something20:36
fennyeah nevermind, bad idea20:36
kanzurewhat possible evolutionary advantage does retardation have?20:36
kanzurethere's a way to "flip" all of thus on its head20:36
BiopunkI have a feeling too that there is some crazy simple way to do DNA synthesis... the kind that when some kid discovers it everyone goes: fuck, why didn't I think of that20:37
kanzurebut I'm not well versed in selection experiments, so I can't cite it20:37
kanzureBiopunk: yeah, it's called oligonucleotide synthesis20:37
kanzuremy lab has a box in a corner that does it20:37
kanzureit's roughly the size of a toaster20:37
kanzureno, I think it might be the size of an icechest or something20:37
fennthe polonator?20:37
kanzurethe polonator is George Church's lab20:37
kanzureup at Harvard.20:37
kanzure(Church is collaborating with this lab, though, so :-))20:38
kanzurewhat if we make all of the nucleotides degrade except for one of the four20:38
kanzureand then we select for the weight of DNA20:38
kanzurewhichever polymerase can make the most heavy DNA that /lasts/, wins20:39
Biopunkthe polonator is _not_ cheap20:39
kanzureBiopunk: how so?20:39
kanzureChurch is planning supercheap genomics for everybody on the planet20:39
Biopunkisn't it like quater of a million?20:39
Biopunki'll recheck20:39
fennkanzure: isnt that what i just said? (but using magnetic beads instead of degrading dna)20:39
kanzureso you mean to say that you have four nucleotides swimming around20:40
kanzurethree of those are attached to beads20:40
kanzureone is free-floating20:40
fennno, only one is attached to beads20:40
fennor biotin or whatever20:40
kanzurewell, let's say only one is attached to the bead20:41
kanzurewhat would you select? the polymerases around that bead? or everything else?20:41
fennso the idea is the retarded enzyme will incorporate that nucleotide more rapidly than aproperly functioning one20:41
Biopunk"Danaher Corp., based in Washington, said it shipped its first $150,000 Polonator sequencer this week. 20:41
kanzureBiopunk: Heh. Well. There are other ways to do sequencing. http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/DNA_sequencer20:41
fennffs $150k20:41
Biopunk..not quater of a million but still20:41
kanzureno kidding20:42
fenni thought it was the "$0 genome project"20:42
kanzureme too20:42
kanzureI thought that's the same Polonator Project20:42
kanzureotherwise I'm very very confused20:42
BiopunkI never understood how many bp it could manage20:42
Biopunkthe software is OS20:42
kanzureso it's bullshit20:43
kanzureI'll stop linking to it.20:43
kanzurefenn: how would it do that?20:44
kanzurehow would it incorporate *that* nucleotide (attached to the bead) more quickly?20:44
fennbecause it's retarded, so it'll be crazily adding just that nucleotide20:45
fennlike a machine gun with a sticky trigger20:45
kanzurehow does it happening to be in that location have anything to do with a selective pressure on forcing polymerase to *only* accept one nucleotide type ?20:45
kanzureokay, so what about my radiation idea?20:46
kanzuremake the nucleotides degrade in an amount of time that (1) gives polymerase a time to use them but (2) by the time I run the gels or weigh the DNA, I can find the one that weighs the most (has the most nucleotides)20:46
kanzurethe polymerase that makes the 'most errors' will lose20:47
kanzurethe trick is that the polymerase might learn to discriminate between "bad A, T, C" (with the radioisotope) and "good A, T, C" (without it)20:47
fennif phosphorous decays the dna falls apart right?20:48
fennare there isotopes of P that decay fast enough?20:48
fennand then you get to worry about high levels of radiation20:48
kanzurehurray for radiation20:48
kanzurebtw, it's a BSL2 lab, so they work with radiation daily20:48
fenni think P32 half life is like 2 years20:48
fennoh lucky you.. 14.2 days20:48
fennhow the hell does that work20:49
Biopunkbuild it in an extremophile20:49
kanzureso, I'm pretty sure that I need the DNA backbone to stay in tact20:49
kanzureit's just the nucleotides that I need to fall off20:49
kanzureor maybe there's some selective radiation where I can blast the hell out of DNA and get rid of specific nucleotides20:50
kanzurewouldn't that be nice?20:50
fenncant you just do affinity chromatography for your nucleotide?20:50
fennyou want the strand with the most A's right?20:50
fennso set up a column with T's stuck to itthe substrate20:52
kanzure"stuck to it <RANDOM UNICODE HERE>the substrate"20:52
fennsry my wifi is being a butt-head20:52
kanzureokay, so affinity chromatography looks like DNA hybridization20:53
kanzurein DNA hybridization selections, we'd have a machine that has a tip with the DNA strand that we want to match20:53
fennyes same thing20:53
kanzurethen, it goes to each well and if we detect a change in current pull, we know we have a matching20:53
kanzureexcept it looks like affinity chromatography is more high throughput?20:53
fennright, i'm thinkig something like a gel that weights strands based on their bp content20:54
kanzurewell, one idea I had earlier was to do a gel with fluoroescently labeled nucleotides20:54
kanzureand then we just look at (1) how far it travels (weight) and (2) brightness under lamp20:54
kanzurewe could do calculations for roughly how bright it should be methinks20:54
kanzurebut that's not good20:55
fennhow do you get the polymerase sequence once it makes this messed up dna?20:55
kanzureyou're running lains and different containers for the reactions, so you know20:55
kanzurebut you see, that's not selection really20:55
kanzurethat's human selection I guess20:55
kanzurein most polymerase selections, the polymerase gets to make itself20:56
kanzurebut there's no vital functionality encoded by AAAAAAA that allows it to replicate itself :(20:56
fenndidnt you have some paper with 'reduced substrate repertoire' polymerase? or was it increased repertoire20:56
kanzurewrong direction. 20:56
kanzurethe authors should had been kind enough to include some thoughts on going in the opposite direction of their work20:57
fennwhat if you had a plasmid with the polymerase gene, and then nicked the plasmid so the polymerase had somethig to latch onto20:57
fennthen pull the plasmid out with some biotin nucleotide thing20:57
fennplasmid <ori><polymerase>AAAAA<restriction sequence>AAAAAAAAAAA20:58
kanzurebiotin nucleotide?20:58
kanzureand then what? 20:58
kanzureso a normal polymerase would come by20:58
kanzureand make the hacked polymerase20:58
kanzurewhich could then copy AAAAA I guess20:59
fennyou could inhibit the normal polymerase somehow after introducin the restriction enzyme20:59
kanzureand what makes this delete the functionality for incorporating G, T, or C?20:59
fennoo here's another idea20:59
kanzurewe need to make G, T, C a wate of its time21:00
kanzurebut at the same time, we need to make AAAAAA a way for it to replicate itself (to let us see it)21:00
kanzureby 'replicate' I mean 'a way to get noticed by us'21:00
fenninhibit the normal polymerase, and then promote some kind of poison gene product that kills the cell, so only a retarded polymerase will survive21:00
kanzureit wouldn't survive anyway21:01
fennand use radiolabeled dNTP to measure polymerase activity21:01
fennit doesnt hve to replicate, just not explode21:01
kanzureanother random idea - need to make an evolutionary pressure that forces polymerase to 'compartmentalize' into four different polymerases, each specialized for a specific nucleotide21:02
fennso then, you un-do the poison and reenable the good polymerase, and the cells with messed up polymerase will then replicate21:02
kanzurehow long could it wait?21:02
fennlong time, months at least21:02
fennunless something else eats it21:02
kanzureI mean, how long could a cell go without polymerase activity21:02
fennhmm. plasmids get degraded continuously, so i dont really know21:03
fenn"it depends"21:03
fennyou understand the scheme though?21:04
fenntwo polymerases, one is sensitive to poison (the infrastructure) and the other is not (the experiment)21:04
kanzureit just seems very flimsy to me21:05
fennof course its flimsy :P21:05
kanzurewon't they die?21:05
kanzureeven without the poison?21:06
kanzurepolymerase is pretty vital, and the polymerase I want is totally retarded21:06
fenncells not replicating are fragile but they dont just vanish into vapor like un-powered RAM21:06
kanzureno, not just "not replicating", but not making any new proteins whatsoever21:06
fennyou dont nee DNA polymerase to make protein21:06
fennyou're confusing it with RNA polymerase21:07
kanzureoh, DNA polymerase is for replication21:07
kanzuretemplate strand synthesis21:07
kanzurewell, not template21:07
kanzurebut it uses template to synthesize the complementary strand21:07
kanzurehrm, I'm wondering if anybody has starved cells of polymerase like that before21:08
kanzureand observed any sort of "ability to recover"21:08
fenni'm sure they have21:09
fennotherwise how would you observe polymerase activity21:09
fennin vitro i guess21:09
fennwe did some thing in school with radio labeled NTP's to monitor polymerase activity.. i dont remember the details now21:10
fenni remember spilling tritiated TTP on my pants (actually wearing those pants right now)21:10
Biopunkyou might be a superhero then21:11
fennmaybe we were just seeing if the cells were alive21:11
fennthe idea being if they didnt use the ntp's then the cells were dead21:11
fennchinese hamster kidney21:12
fennas you can see, my schooling really stuck with me21:13
Biopunk"one thing I'd like to propose to all you garage biohackers is it: As the topic title implies,a group project.21:15
BiopunkToss ideas out, what should this group try to strive for as a project? Do you even want to undertake a co-operative project?21:15
BiopunkMy idea would be to create a theoretical enzyme that could dissolve the tar from cigarette smoke left in the lungs.21:15
kanzureBiopunk: Is that you?21:15
kanzuredo you allow HTML in posts?21:15
Biopunki think so.. i'll open it now21:16
fennlink spammer!21:17
kanzureI am a link spammer, aren't I?21:18
Biopunkyeah.. I am.. I know21:20
Biopunkmm... no setting for html in phpbb321:20
kanzureBiopunk: I just wanted to post the youtube video instead of the link to it21:20
kanzurebut I remember you doing that in another thread once21:20
Biopunkah.. that's a BB code21:21
Biopunk[youtube] id [/youtube]21:21
Biopunklike this: http://www.biopunk.org/how-to-use-the-board-t16.html21:22
BiopunkI like it, this is good for the board... thanks kanzure21:24
kanzureit's the reason why I'm so obsessed with this stupid polymerase21:24
kanzure(literally, it's supposed to be a stupid polymerase)21:24
Biopunkmaybe is should make 'GAAAAAAA'21:25
kanzureI need a way to do a selection for death instead of a selection for living21:28
kanzureexcept I need death to entail self-replication :-p21:28
fenninhibit good polymerase, look for polymerase activity where there should be none, clone cells with activity, un-inhibit good polymerase to replicate those cells21:31
fenndo you have access to a flow cytometry machine21:32
kanzuretechnically they have me and the rest of the guys in the attic21:33
kanzurebut the attic has more equipment and more fun stuff :)21:33
fennflow cytometry means you can pluck a glowing cell out of solution, pretty much21:33
kanzureyeah, we have one, I remember asking or seeing it21:34
fennanother 'basically an inkjet printer' sort of thing21:35
kanzurewouldn't polymerase just evolve to get around your inhibition21:38
fennyou could do some site-directed mutagenesis on the one you're trying to mess with though21:42
kanzurethere's little guarantee that the mutation will be towards what I want21:44
kanzureI need to select for the product of the polymerase in different situations of availability21:44
kanzure(availability of nucleotides21:44
kanzureif it doesn't self-replicate then it's not subject to selection experiments21:45
kanzureI think that's the simple conclusion we have to make there.21:45
kanzurenot subject to "directed evolution" experiments21:46
fennmhmm i wonder about this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_mutagenesis21:47
kanzureI saw that paper in my searches.21:49
kanzuredon't know where I put it / processed it21:49
Biopunkthere is always lamarcism21:50
fennBiopunk: there was some discovery recently about genes being transferred by some other mechanism than DNA21:55
fennthe "kit" gene i think21:55
fenni wonder how the RNA replicates21:58
kanzureoh, there was a paper that I was reading last night that unsurprisingly suggested that evidence shows that DNA-like-systems evolved at two different points in evolutionary history21:58
kanzurewhich is kind of a "duh" thing21:58
kanzurehrm, let's turn it totally upside down21:59
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kanzurewe don't need polymerase to only write a certain letter21:59
kanzurewe can hack polymerase to use a ghost template strand21:59
kanzurei.e., make the 'template strand portion' of the molecule the same as the incoming nucleotide portion21:59
kanzurehowever, it'd be retrofitted for a different type of molecule 22:00
kanzureone of the NTP-likes22:00
kanzurenoserub = distributed social network project22:14
ybitso.. how do you propose interfacing with the brain.. i'm not in the mood to read through my entire log atm22:17
ybitor what have you fenn arrived to so far..22:17
kanzurere: my polymerase woes; (2008-06-07 21:21:08) Tony: Or you do what we are doing (or trying to) with our hosting: use what we have as a spec and presume a ground up design might be several orders more efficient because what we have now is dependent on a highly contingent history.22:17
kanzureybit: okay, so brain interfacing22:17
kanzurethis can work a number of ways: invasive, noninvasive22:18
kanzureinvasive: physically touching up with the brain, neurochemicals, lesions, implants, stem cells, etc.22:18
kanzurenoninvasive: neurofeedback, fMRI, http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Neuroimaging , rTMS, 22:19
kanzurefor physical wirings, try microelectrode arrays (electrical stimulation)22:19
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/recursion.html for some other approaches22:20
kanzureI haven't significantly investigated biofeedback yet.22:20
* kanzure wants some biophysical simulations of mutation22:23
-!- xp_prg2 [n=knoppix@c-67-169-126-205.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:27
xp_prg2hi all!22:27
kanzureHey xp_prg2 :)22:27
xp_prg2ok, anyone here understand dispersion of chemical graidents for controlling gene expression?22:27
kanzurefenn: Here's a new one. "An Error-Prone T7 RNA Polymerase Mutant Generated by Directed Evolution" (Brakmann, Grzeszik). I thought this sort of thing couldn't happen. According to this paper, viruses are at the maximal mutational rate.22:28
kanzurexp_prg2: I understand it, but I can't cite any mathematical models or anything.22:28
kanzureBasically, gene expression is controlled by activators and inhibitors, so if an inhibitor is present, guess what. :)22:28
xp_prg2I heard that plastics usedthis approach22:30
kanzureHow so?22:30
xp_prg2the guy I talked to said that plastics naturally form nano structures based on chemical gradients22:31
kanzureHrm. Viable viral offspring is only 0.5 to 1.5% of a viral population. Interesting. (exponentials)22:31
kanzureSure, you mean the polymerization process?22:31
xp_prg2ya I think so, tell me more22:31
kanzureI don't know much more. :) What are you doing?22:33
kanzurefenn: you called it :)22:33
kanzureThe isolation of an error-prone RNA22:33
kanzurepolymerase from a plasmid library22:33
kanzurecontaining random sequence substi-22:33
kanzuretutions was enabled through a strin-22:33
kanzuregent positive selection scheme, that22:33
kanzureis, by rewarding inaccurate transcrip-22:33
kanzuretion by a T7 RNAP mutant with the22:33
kanzuresurvival of bacteria. Therefore, a22:33
kanzuresystem of two compatible plasmids22:33
kanzurewas constructed, which couples mu-22:33
kanzuretant polymerase genes in a feedback22:33
kanzureloop to the essential, but inactivated22:33
kanzuretetracycline resistance gene (Fig-22:33
kanzureure 1).22:33
xp_prg2no that is not it then22:33
xp_prg2I need to speak to a chemical engineer22:33
kanzureAh, I see.22:34
kanzureWhy, though?22:34
xp_prg2cuz he might know of industry practices that use chemical dispersion with gradients22:34
kanzurefenn: oh, evolving with viruses is obviously better because of their high mutational rates22:35
kanzureRight, but what are you getting at though?22:35
kanzureWhy are you interested in gradients?22:35
xp_prg2that is how body forms are created in an embryo22:35
kanzureto some extent22:35
kanzure'Towards this goal, Brakmann and Grzeszik used a reversion selection to evolve an error-prone T7 RNAP '22:37
kanzure'reversion selection'22:37
kanzureheh, I called it inversion22:37
kanzureI was so close :)22:37
kanzureI guess we don't need to keep anything separated22:46
kanzurejust throw everything into a giant pot22:46
kanzurelots of strands of DNA that encode polymerase, some that encode bad polymerase, etc., then have your nucleotide fluorescently tagged, let it sit there in the pot replicating everything. 22:47
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kanzurehttp://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=306639 On the mechanism of preferential incorporation of dAMP at abasic sites in translesional DNA synthesis. Role of proof reading activity of DNA polymerase and thermodynamic characterization of model template-primers containing an abasic site23:27
kanzuremechanisms of the A-rule23:27
xp_prg2kanzure what is that?23:53
kanzurexp_prg2: The A-rule is where thymine is paired to adenosine in DNA.23:53
xp_prg2oh ok23:54
kanzureSo the Russian Mafia has contacted me.23:58
kanzureBy this I mean, the Russian transhuman peoples.23:58
kanzureThey claim they have sources of funding and an interest in using me to make, propose, and implement a roadmap to suggest to the Russian government.23:59

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