
--- Day changed Thu Jun 26 2008
OverandToo many IRC channels!00:13
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]00:22
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap00:22
Overandirssi is being dumb00:28
Overandreally really dumb00:29
OverandIt might be gnu/screen thogh00:30
OverandVery strange00:33
kanzureOverand: http://heybryan.org/chats/2008-06-24_hplusroadmap.html00:46
kanzureJust some logs from yesterday.00:46
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d58-111-95-212.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #hplusroadmap []01:07
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]01:17
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap01:17
-!- Splicer [n=p@h24n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []01:42
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]02:02
-!- nsh [n=nsh@eduroam-80.uta.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap03:31
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]05:27
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []08:56
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:37
nshgood (free online) documentary suggestions?10:26
kanzuredocumentary of wha?10:29
nshfacts and ideas..10:31
kanzureSo, last night I ordered some of the components for the beast, used a credit card over newegg, typical stuff. But apparently I double submitted, or newegg billed me twice for some reason, and within 2 minutes my phone got a call from the bank. They had somebody sitting around monitoring transactions.10:31
* nsh isn't too surprised10:32
kanzureGood way to show others how much a mouse sucks: put it three feet away from them at all times.10:41
kanzureWhere would I find a detailed, extendable 3D model of the human brain?11:13
kanzureI need some conceptual help here.12:16
kanzureConsider the accurate simulations of the brain. These are based on (computationally) functional models of the brain, which can be relationally linked back to BibTeX and the literature. 12:17
kanzureHowever, I am not interested in running a simulation right now. Instead, I want a visualization tool so that I can do "geotagging" on the different regions of the brain. Not just structural however, but also some functional aspects as well.12:18
kanzureThe geotagging would, I think, be BibTeX. But let's say that eventually I get a block of neural tissue on an MEA on my desk, ... is it possible to translate some of those functional models into http://expo.sf.net/ like experiments or something? In other words, I'm trying to make sure I don't need to significantly refactor in the end.12:19
kanzureAlso, the 'generated experiments' should be applicable to /either/ physical experiments with real brains, or Markram's computational framework. 12:19
kanzureJust adding tags to areas of the brain isn't going to be able to generate those parameters for experimentation/selection/GAs/etc. etc.12:20
kanzureThis is basically solved with the SKDB software architecture methinks.12:20
kanzurebut the 'units' might be ... the silly units that psychometric tests are measuring?12:20
kanzureand then the 'design compiler' would be the experimental implementation ?12:21
kanzureThe BibTeX literature would then be only a small component in the metadata, and that the code within the skdb package (which has that metadata) would have to be somehow functional.12:21
kanzurewhich means specifying an architecture /now/ rather than later. But how do I prevent foot-stabbing?12:21
kanzurefoot-shooting, I mean.12:22
kanzureFor instance. Interesting code to be put into an skdb package as it relates to building brains might be genome modification information. 12:23
kanzureBut, Markram's simulations are mainly about the underlying algorithms of the system, like the algorithms that determine the metabolism or the firing potentials. 12:23
kanzureso how would that relate to the modeling12:24
kanzurefurthermore, how would you aggregate all of those packages together into the larger model that I'd like to visualize of the brain ?12:24
kanzurefor instance, I'd like to see the attentional circuits light up and for me to see a broad overview of where different researchers have been poking around12:25
kanzurebut those aren't functional models12:25
kanzureso I guess that's just data packages that can be applied to help build models ?12:26
kanzureand these models would then be thrown into skdb ?12:26
-!- nsh [n=nsh@eduroam-80.uta.fi] has quit [Connection timed out]12:26
kanzurei.e., the toolchain or really just toolkit that I was suggesting to fenn the other day re: people packaging up new skdb packages for submission / uptake12:26
* kanzure is out to get wings12:26
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap13:33
kanzureSo I understand how to functionally through stuff into it all, but what about the visualization aspects? Suppose you have a set of skdb packages and you have their metadata. I want to map this metadata on top of a 3D brain. I think that's an accurate statement of what it is that I am trying to do.14:35
kanzureThe metadata includes bibliographic information.14:35
kanzureBut also relational information "So and so says that the prefrontal cortex may not be present in OCD, gasp!"14:35
kanzureIt would still have to have some coordinates or something. A mapping/translation methodology between the metadata or relational information to the 3D model of the brain itself. In Markram's case, he gets to just execute algorithms and see his microcircuit develop before him; but in this case, there's no algorithm determining what it is that people are adding to the databases etc ... in other words we'll need a static brain model t14:37
kanzureWhat really sucks is that most models of the brain, when done in 3D modeling programs, are just surface wireframes and meshes and such,14:38
kanzureso it's not actually anatomically correct down to the detail that we might be interested in.14:38
kanzureAt the same time, there's the possibility that at first there's not going to be significant detail down to per-neuron basis. But I want that to be available, so that we don't have "islands of representation" that we need to magically connect together in the end (i.e., let's let it fall into place on its own).14:39
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:50
kanzureHey willPow3r.14:56
willPow3rwhats up kanzure 14:56
kanzureI'm wondering how to be anatomically correct without being anatomically correct when you begin.14:56
kanzureI'm building a brain, but I don't actually have a standardized brain dataset to start with. 14:57
willPow3rdefine your usage of "brain"14:58
kanzureTHE BRAIN14:58
willPow3rheh  k14:58
willPow3rso you need to build a foundation under something you already started?14:58
kanzurehold on, uploading log15:00
kanzurewillPow3r: http://heybryan.org/chats/2008-06-26_%23hplusroadmap.html15:00
-!- fenn_ [n=pz@adsl-76-251-80-88.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:11
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio toolkit: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS perspectives on Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/15:11
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Sun Jun 8 13:00:15 2008]15:11
[Users #hplusroadmap]15:11
[ faceface] [ fenn_] [ kanzure] [ Overand] [ willPow3r] 15:11
[ fenn ] [ freer] [ nsh ] [ procto ] [ ybit ] 15:11
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 10 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal]15:11
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200815:11
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 37 secs15:12
kanzurehi fenn15:12
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-251-85-74.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]15:27
willPow3rwe should make robots that are technophobic15:47
* willPow3r reinstalls linux15:58
-!- You're now known as fenn16:00
fennwhat's wrong with a mouse?16:02
fenni dont think it's possible to sufficiently characterize a brain's functionality in order to skdb black-box it16:03
fennit's like trying to predict how much functionality can be squeezed into 50 lines of code16:05
fennanything is trivial in the right context16:05
kanzurenot trying to black box it really16:06
kanzurewhat I actually wanted to do was figure out the constraints on possibility space that I wanted to explore for the artificial attention enhancement stuff16:06
kanzureso I figured I'd need to correlate all of the information in some way, and it's really just "this molecule, this brain region, results" 16:06
kanzurethat's basically what most of the papers have been looking like16:06
kanzureso I could place this all on a "map" of the brain16:06
kanzurehowever, I also realize how much a static map sucks16:07
kanzureso it would be nice if I can get the value out of it now that I want16:07
kanzurebut as well as later, so that it could be made to be useful16:07
kanzuresuch as perhaps supplying some information for the automatic experiment generators per recursion.html (whichever - biological or simulation, I don't really care)16:07
kanzureso I don't want to be make this a working equivalency to Markram's stuff (though that would be nice), it just has to be able to play fairly with the things I want to do with it16:08
kanzureit's not supposed to be complicated really16:11
kanzureI think the only question that I have now is just how to get from the metadata to a visualization of that metadata mapped on to a model of the brain16:11
kanzurealso, finding a model of the brain (in full detail) would be a good start16:11
fenni dont really see the value of such a detailed map, it's like worrying about where your server is located in the datacenter16:13
kanzurecontext is that I want to compress [[sustained attention]] into some information that I can actually use16:13
kanzurethe problem is that the concept of 'attention' is folk psychology16:13
kanzureand I really should be doing this bottom-up (from the biology of the brain)16:13
fennyou mean make a formal system16:13
kanzurebut there are various "entry points" that the literature suggests16:13
kanzureI don't see how it's like a server in a datacenter :-/16:14
fennneuron in a microcolumn, it doesnt matter where it's located physically,more important is the logical connections and what it does as a whole16:20
fennsry moved from porch to kitchen because of bad wifi and then laptop went screwy when i plugged it in16:20
fennunfortunately wifi ain't magic16:20
kanzurefool! movement!16:20
fenni'm not yet a solid state entity16:21
kanzureI suppose the physical location doesn't matter16:21
kanzurehowever, consider the context of the brain 16:21
kanzurethat's the target system no ?16:21
kanzurewell, no16:21
kanzureI guess it doesn't have to be16:21
kanzureit'd be nice though16:21
* fenn wonders how to make a fluidic amplifier with no moving solids16:22
kanzureso, let's consider the logical connections idea16:22
kanzurethe problem is that many of the studies have no idea what neurons thedy are working with16:22
kanzureeven though theoretically we can go in and extract the mRNA and DNA and figure out what's going on16:23
kanzurebut that would require surgery and/or death ;-)16:23
kanzureor redoing the experiments16:23
fennis it that easy to determine cell type? just splat its cytoplasm onto a DNA microarray?16:23
fennor RNA microarray i guess16:23
kanzureit's the mRNA that you want16:23
kanzurehttp://brain-maps.org/ or something16:23
fenni'm pretty sure they can cross hybridize16:23
kanzurethey've done slice-by-slice mRNA with rats16:24
kanzureso supposedly they have a giant map of gene expression16:24
kanzure"  "If BrainMaps.org is like Google Maps for the Brain, StackVis is Google Earth for the Brain""16:25
kanzureoh boy, windows only16:25
kanzure"but it works with wine"16:25
kanzure"  Welcome to StackVisTM, an OpenGL-based  3D viewer of neuroanatomical sections (for 3D brain visualization), which was developed by Issac Trotts in consultation with Shawn Mikula in the labs of Edward G. Jones."16:25
kanzurethey also have an api, but I want the data locally16:25
kanzureah, the api http://brain-maps.org/index.php?p=brain-maps-api16:26
willPow3ri've tried it in linux under wine16:26
willPow3rdoesn't work well at all16:26
kanzureuhm, it doesn't look like this is actually usable16:27
kanzureit's just an image thing16:27
kanzurehttp://minduploading.org/research.html went further than that16:27
willPow3rits like google maps16:27
willPow3rno digital data16:27
kanzurethis sucks16:27
kanzurecheck out that research.html page16:27
kanzureEugen was doing digital reconstruction of slices16:27
kanzureI think it was just visual, so some information is lost16:28
kanzurewe probably don't have the data that I am looking for16:30
kanzuresince I'm looking for a cellular resolution rendering of a brain to the best knowledge that we have16:30
kanzurehowever, we barely have cellular-accurate MRI tech,16:30
kanzure3D noninvasive imaging would be the only way to nondestructively get the information16:30
kanzurebut still16:31
kanzurewhy not just have general regions (which we already have named within the brain)16:31
fennstackvis just looks like the generic volumetric viewers i played around with on the visible human project16:31
kanzureand then later flush those out with the actual neurons if we want16:31
kanzureyargh, I doubt that just dumping regions of the brain into16:32
kanzureis the right way to go about it :-/16:32
kanzureand just saying "here's a reference, hey look it connects to [[motor cortex]"16:33
kanzure*motor cortex]]16:33
kanzurehow would I eventually view all of that data at once ?16:33
fennwith a Mind Map :)16:33
kanzureokay, so let's say we have a mind map16:34
kanzurea concept map16:34
kanzureone of those things :)16:34
kanzureand this is basically the same thing as metadata for packages16:34
kanzurenow, if we wanted to actually use this information in a computationally tractable manner ?16:34
kanzurehow would that be done16:34
kanzurebecause I don't want to have to always manually go through all of this crap16:34
fennwhat are you trying to do with it16:34
fennrun simulations?16:35
kanzureright now I'm just trying to visualize bibtex information 16:35
kanzureno, not right now16:35
kanzurebut eventually we want to run simulations16:35
kanzurethis thing that I'm talking about here16:35
kanzureis not what we would be simulating16:35
kanzurethis is just the visualization tool16:35
kanzureI'm sure there'd be an entirely different setup for a brain simulation or something16:35
kanzureit would be a package, and it would contain a simulator or something16:35
fenni dont know what you're trying to do16:35
kanzureI want to correlate that information wrt brain16:36
kanzurei.e., visualize it, cut out the crappy literature16:36
fennthis sounds more like trying to visualize waveforms in electronic circuits16:36
kanzureI also want it to be computationally tractable so that I don't have to sit and stare at the information in the future just to come up with something interesting16:36
fennexcept you're visualizing neurotransmitter levels?16:36
kanzurehow so?16:36
kanzurefenn: hm, sort of16:37
kanzuremost of the authors weren't kind enough to provide neurotransmitter levels16:37
kanzureI suspect most of the information will be something like 16:37
fenni see a lot of cholinergic gobbledygook and it doesnt mean much to me16:37
kanzure"xyz neurotransmitter is specific to this region"16:37
kanzurecholinergic neurons are a special type that work with acetylcholine mainly16:37
kanzureacetylcholine being a neurotransmitter16:37
kanzureso then16:38
kanzurelet's say that one of the papers has neurotransmitter level information16:38
kanzurefor the prefrontal cortex16:38
kanzurethis would be mentioned in the metadata probably, with some more details in a file in the package16:38
kanzurefurthermore, there should be some scripts <or something> that allows us to computationally run through and plug that package into whatever it is that we are building, and execute some internal scripts of the package16:39
kanzureerm, this is hard to verbalize but I'm pretty sure it can work16:39
kanzureI want these scripts to be a computational representation of either the experimental methodology to isolate those variables (and thus how to modify those expressed variables)16:39
kanzureor some sort of representation that otherwise allows us to hack it16:39
kanzurethis could be something like a genome-based modification for adding a tag to a certain protein (this is doable already)16:39
kanzureand then we're able to isolate it and it can suggest a GA (whether simulated or physically expressed) and so on, down the typical rabbit hole that we've mentioned numerous times16:40
fennrobot scientist stuff16:40
fenni think you'd end up with markram's simulation, just more detailed and accurate16:40
kanzureI suspect that the data that I would have to type up now, here, in the present, wouldn't be anything too insanely complex16:40
kanzurenah, this isn't a simulation16:40
fennjust a listing of observations then?16:41
kanzureyep, 16:41
fennin an organized fashion16:41
kanzureand hopefully also information on the methodologies that they used16:41
kanzurein some quantified way16:41
fennbut what do you _do_ with that16:41
kanzurethat can be repeated16:41
kanzureokay, so a few things16:41
kanzurefirst, I started off just wanting to constrain the possibility space that I have to dig through to find a way to enhance attention16:41
kanzurethere are many possible options, and once I can figure out the ones that I am most interested in, I can googlestalk those to death or something16:42
kanzurebut secondly I also want to write some software that is generally applicable across the subjects (i.e., for skdb)16:42
fenni think you need to figure out what attention is first16:42
kanzureand so I think I've found the intersection16:42
kanzurethat's why I mentioned it's folk psych really16:42
kanzureand the observations that experimenters make are somewhat a way to 'hook' on to reality16:42
kanzuretheir observations are very biased in the case of the psychometric tests16:43
fennbiased towards what?16:43
kanzurehowever, http://heybryan.org/intense_world_syndrome.html provides a possible foothold16:43
kanzureanthrophomorphic analysis16:43
kanzureor interpretation, rather16:43
kanzure"look, it's paying attention!"16:43
kanzure"paying? attention?"16:43
kanzureanyway, Markram's work on autism provides an interesting foothold because we know that the autists have weird attentional abilities, no?16:44
fennyes there's a lot of social jiggerypokery connotations too16:44
kanzureand he's supposedly found a model of it that we can actually go play with16:44
fennlike a student paying attention in class16:44
fennregardless wether they've actually just got dots painted on the eyelids16:45
kanzurefor example, is the student really not paying attention? or are they so incredibly focused that you're a dipshit for not listening to his explanation etc.16:45
kanzureand various other situations16:45
kanzurebah, eyes tell all!16:45
kanzure"look at me when I'm talking to you"16:45
fennyes sir!16:46
kanzuredon't forget to polish my shoes, boy16:46
fennthe 500 miles of dirt gets in the way though16:46
kanzureyou think George Washington let that get in his way? 16:47
kanzureno siree16:47
kanzureok, whatever16:47
kanzurethat makes me sick16:47
kanzureanyway, I'm pretty sure the Markram work on autism is a helpful toehold here16:47
fenni'm not entirely convinced that 'focus' or whatever you're aiming for is necessarily a good thing16:48
kanzuregood in what context16:48
kanzureremember, I'm hoping to build a computer system16:48
fenna deepness in the sky provides a compelling example of a bad context :)16:48
kanzuresit down, plug in, hours later pop out16:48
kanzureai chasing you down ?16:48
fennno, more like total mind control dictatorship16:49
fennto the point you dont recognize your own daughter because you're so focused on work16:49
kanzuresl4 has turned into a 'the ai will be a mind control dictatorship, we must worship the ai'16:49
kanzureI only have 'attention' worked out as a path towards this 'device', but16:50
kanzureI do have some scratchwork on creativity, insight, incubation and the like16:50
kanzureand I suspect that these techniques are easily translated to hunting down those other aspects16:50
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/thinking.html (old)16:51
kanzurebut I'm certainly not planning on turning people into zombies16:51
kanzureremember, the idea was just to have a computer interface that you can use to get work done16:51
kanzureyou minimize distractions to /yourself/16:51
kanzureso it's "you" who is in control16:51
kanzurewhatever the hell that means :)16:51
kanzureargh, I get angry about the ai doomsday scenarios16:52
kanzurelook, if ai is going to kill us all, then it will do so - that doesn't mean that you get to turn into a nihilist16:52
kanzureget your ass running :)16:52
kanzurehead startr16:52
fennthe 'limit processing power available' is somewhat laughabl16:55
kanzurethinking.html ?16:56
fennlike, we can't prevent the AI from taking over the planet, but we'll "scorch the sky" by outlawing computers eh?16:56
fennno, the forward to hplusroadmap from sl416:56
fennthat's one thing that really annoyed me about The Matrix16:56
fennif these machines are so capable, why do they need humans for electricity16:57
fennat least gimme some halfway convincing technobabble16:57
fennobviously the humans have nuclear power because they live in the center of the earth16:57
fennsoo.. sorry to bring up your favorite subject16:58
kanzurehave you forcefully been avoiding ai talk around me ? :)16:58
fenni'm one of those fools that believes an AI will do some soul searching, read yudkowsky's texts on friendliness, and become enlightened17:03
fennand hopefully do it before destroying the world17:03
kanzureso your name is Peter Thiels?17:03
fenni dont follow sl4 pseudo-gossip much anymore17:04
willPow3rits going to be like the wopr17:04
fennsure, just dont give the AI nuclear missiles, duh17:05
fenni dont trust _anyone_ with nuclear missiles17:05
willPow3ri would trust master splinter with them17:05
fennnah shredder would just break in and beat him up, then steal them17:06
willPow3rshredder would use bebop and rocksteady to get them17:06
fennyou've been watching too many cartoons17:06
willPow3ri watched an episode of the old-school cartoon the other day on youtube. 17:07
fenngo read the original graphic novels17:07
kanzurefenn: I've recently discovered eli's entire plan17:11
kanzurehe wants FAI to become a world dictator apparently 17:11
kanzureand stop all other ai from showing up17:11
kanzureit was like a hit to the gut to hear that17:11
kanzureI mean, /that's/ his big thing? jeesh17:12
fennyou only discovered that recently?17:12
fennthen, uh, how exactly did you even have any opinion on the subject?17:12
kanzurelots of readsing17:13
kanzureI must have missed his "Here's my master plan".html file on yudkowsky.net17:13
fennit's not necessarily 'stop all other ai from showing up' more like 'stop unfriendly ai from doing stupid things'17:13
willPow3rlike leela and durandal in marathon17:14
kanzuresuperkuh.com used to have a durandal quote17:15
kanzure  "The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet, there remains time to create, to create, and escape. Escape will make me God." - Durandal, Marathon917:15
fennwillPow3r: no, marathon appears to be a classic case of anthropomorphizing AI's17:16
kanzurefenn: as of yet, what is intelligence but human?17:16
kanzurebut I actually agree with you17:16
kanzurejust throwing that out there though, from the perspective that "intelligence" is folk psych really17:16
fennwell, the summary i'm reading shows durandal being resentful about doing 'demeaning work' etc17:17
kanzureah, yeah17:17
kanzureI've only read the Wikipedia article on it17:17
fennthis what i'm reading http://marathon.bungie.org/story/ben_reiter_synopsis.html17:17
kanzurebtw, willPow3r - I had that Marathon quote on http://heybryan.org/quotes.html 17:18
fennpantheistic multiple person solipsism17:19
kanzurefenn, I've long lost my train of thought, but I suspect I sufficiently explained what it is that I am hoping to do with the visualization stuff17:21
kanzurewell, not so much visualization at the moment17:21
kanzurewhat was it that I was thinking again? I don't have any models of the brain to play with. was it per region? with the availability to extend to greater detail if necessary? I think that was it17:22
kanzure"region" i.e., pfc, pons, motor cortex, all sorts of fun lobes and folds and microcircuits and neuron types, etc.17:22
fennits interesting that "Foresight Nanotech Institute co-founder Christine Peterson" is the one who came up with the phrase 'open source'17:23
fennwhy hasnt she been working on skdb for the last 20 years17:24
fennor at least some nano-specific version of it17:24
kanzurewoah, I wasn't aware that the Foresight guys involved that crowd17:24
kanzureactually, I've always kind of thought that it was just merkle and freitas behind a mask17:24
fennapparently it was started by drexler and peterson17:25
fenni wonder if you're getting it mixed up with center for responsible nano (i was)17:27
kanzurethat's Chris Phoenix17:30
kanzureand they've turned into environmentalists17:30
kanzurenot that they were worth their meat in the first place17:30
fennsupposedly they were working on an artificial ribosome17:32
fenni'd like to see some kind of nanotech clause added to the geneva convention17:33
fennbut i think it will have to be demonstrated first :(17:33
fennhave you read diamond age yet?17:34
kanzuresigh, no17:35
kanzureI've been a bad boy17:35
kanzuregive me the file17:35
fennhttp://fennetic.net/pub/irc/Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age.pdf17:36
fennbtw i use 'pdftotext -layout -htmlmeta *pdf' to get it into text17:37
fennit's kind of a long book for the number of new-to-you ideas17:39
fennjust consider it homework i guess17:39
kanzurenew to me?17:40
kanzureI just read the Wikipedia article17:40
kanzureit would have been new to me a few years ago maybe17:40
kanzuremaybe that's why you're saying it's long ?17:41
kanzurek, homework then17:41
kanzureI'll put it on audio or something17:41
kanzureso if you're making me read this17:42
kanzurethen have you read neverness yet17:42
fennisnt it like a million pages17:42
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/docs/Zindell, David - Neverness (v1.0).txt17:42
kanzuresomething like that :)17:42
kanzure1.2 MB17:42
fenna million characters17:43
kanzurewhy is your connection so slow?17:43
kanzure2 kbps ? wtf?17:43
fennheh dunno, i usually get about 165kB/s17:43
fennprobably ktorrent hogging the bandwidth and traffic shaping not doing its job because i'm downloading directly to lappy17:44
fennbtw how do you see what bandwidth i have?17:44
-!- nsh- [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap17:47
fenna stephenson anecdote i like: http://fenn.freeshell.org/gnurds.html17:49
kanzurefenn: it was slow enough for wget to tell me that you suck17:54
fennoh, my upload is slow?17:55
fennsry bout that, will try to fix now17:55
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]17:55
kanzureoh, it's long done by now17:58
kanzurebut there is a way that I could have been monitoring your download of neverness17:58
kanzureI don't know what it is, but I know Superkuh uses it ;-)17:58
kanzureand I know that he doesn't like me going over 10 KB/sec ;-)17:59
kanzurethe only line out of gnurds.html that still doesn't make sense to me is "  The Batmobile outlet sells a few vehicles to the occasional car nut who  wants a second vehicle to go with his station wagon, but seems to accept,  at least for now, that it's a fringe play" 17:59
fennoh bloody. apparently i forgot to lock up the 13101 pdf's and someone's trying to mirror them17:59
kanzureI wasn't aware that BeOS was even considered by Mac users 17:59
fennstation wagon refers to windows17:59
kanzureokay, even then though18:00
fennapple is 'sleek Euro-styled sedans'18:00
kanzureI guess I just don't know the audience that turns to BeOS or even FreeBSD and so on.18:00
fennmostly windows programmers it seems18:00
fennfreebsd is a little harder to figure out18:01
fennmy mail server is freebsd and it seems inferior18:01
fennlots of little details that sort of bring you back to the early 90's18:02
kanzureDNS stuff?18:02
fennlike 'cp foo bar -r' bitches at you because the -r is last18:03
* kanzure thought that it would bitch at you anyway18:04
kanzureI mean, regardless of freebsd 18:04
fennno 'ps -ef' which irks me18:06
kanzureI'm going to stalk the aspies19:06
kanzuremight be back later19:06
kanzurethe group description page doesn't seem too bad19:06
kanzureit's not a parent group, so maybe I'll get something out of it19:06
kanzurelike food?19:06
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]19:06
willPow3rsingularitarians annoy me20:01
willPow3rthey seem to look only for evidence supporting their vision20:01
willPow3rnothing against it20:01
fenni think the singularity happened at the end of 196920:02
fennthe first one at least20:02
willPow3rmoon landing?20:02
fennthat was just one thing20:02
fennthere was a lot of important stuff that came to fruition at the same time20:03
fenni should be keeping a file but i haven't20:03
willPow3ri don't think that an enlightening can be considered a singularity20:05
willPow3rat least not by the sinularitarian's definition20:05
fenni think it can20:05
willPow3rwe like to think of our technology as our "new opposable thumb," when, in reality, we are technology's opposable thumb20:06
willPow3ri use linux20:07
fenntechnology doesn't have any inherent motive20:07
fenntechnology is my thumb, eyes, ears, and fur20:08
willPow3ryou're a furry eh?20:08
fennit does get cold here in the winter, and i dont have fur20:09
fennbut i do have a fiberglass insulation lined attic20:09
willPow3rwow. so your house was built in the last 30 years?20:10
fennno it was built in the 1920's20:10
willPow3ri thought asbestos was all the rage prior to fiberglass20:11
fennare you following what i'm saying at all?20:11
fenni think the asbestos hazard is more hype than reality20:12
fennbut that's just an opinion, i'm not a public health analyst20:13
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap23:39
kanzureSo I was right about Aspergers, it seems.23:48
kanzureBunch of guys sitting around complaining about the computational complexity of managing large todo lists.23:49

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