
--- Day changed Sat Jun 28 2008
ybiteven the snythesis of it looks laborious00:02
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kanzurefenn: I like that quote from Ed's blog, thanks00:44
kanzurere: quantified chemical analysis, http://heybryan.org/instrumentation/instru.html some with explanations and links to diy projects, many not00:44
kanzurealso, it doesn't include biological instrumentation even though it should :)00:44
kanzurehm, now I just need to figure out what to present tomorrow00:49
kanzureEli singled me out on the sl4 mailing list today. :-/00:52
kanzurehm, it's not on the archives yet00:53
kanzurebasically, Lee Corbin sent an email to the list as if he was an ai and was saying "this is why you should give me all yer keys to the thingies!"00:53
kanzureand then I replied with a lengthy analysis pointing out all the bullshit and said00:54
kanzure"You're freaking me out if /this/ is what all of your wonderful ideas amount to."00:54
kanzureI even included the phrasee lee-i in the message, so it's obvious that I knew it was Lee.00:54
kanzurebut then Eli comes up and says "This isn't me; I have no idea who. Come on, isn't that obvious from the writing style?"00:54
kanzureso he can't read headers00:55
fennis he still doing the 'ai in a box' game?00:56
kanzurenah, but the guys on the mailing list are00:57
kanzureI really don't know what he's up to00:57
kanzurehe just gets funding for I don't-know-what00:57
fennis anissimov still in his group?00:58
fennhe had some kind of deduction/inference engine00:58
kanzureanissimov and I haven't been getting along recently00:58
kanzureanissimov and maybe even eli take this "no, only intelligence => singularity" stance00:58
kanzurewhereas I point out the upper limits on hardware manufacturing as a limit to 'supposed' exponential growth etc.00:58
kanzurei.e., you can copy all you want, but you'll need more hdd space :)00:59
fennnah, intelligence can get around so-called upper limits00:59
kanzuremaximum compression balconies?00:59
fennbalconies? what a silly term00:59
kanzurebasically you're talking about data compression00:59
fennno, but there's plenty of room for that too01:00
fenni mean, we havent come close to exhausting lossy compression01:00
kanzureat some point a bit is going to have to correlate to something01:00
kanzureso, what, 1 bit per 'intelligence point', ok great01:00
kanzurewell you still are producing bits at a linear rate01:00
fennwtf are you on about01:00
fenndata and intelligence are orthogonal01:01
kanzurelet's suppose we have /bin/ai01:01
fennok and your unstated assumption is it runs on a computer and has no connection to the rest of the world01:01
kanzureand let's also, for the sake of simplification, say that it's a scripted language so it's just a script realyl (not both a binary and code)01:01
kanzureyour unstated alternative assumption is that it will just bitforce its way into the interfaces or something :)01:02
kanzurei.e., random combination #334914 now trying to activate hardware component 37 on floor 5 of ip address ....01:02
fennor persuade a human to do rl stuff until it has the means to make its own hardware01:02
fennrobots come with documentation, why cant it just read the manual01:02
fenni dont want to just grind through all the yudkowsky examples for you01:03
fennif the AI is worth a damn it can figure out how to run a robot01:04
kanzureanyway, back to my example01:04
kanzureat some point, you're going to maximize the number of beneficial changes to the code that you can make without adding an extra bit01:05
kanzurethere's a maximum on the number of bits.01:05
kanzurewhich is constrained by linear manufacturing of those bits (hdd fabber).01:05
fennwhy linear manufacturing?01:05
kanzureI'm referring to what we currently have going for us01:05
fennsure but that's a poor upper limit01:06
fennand even so it's probably more than enough01:06
kanzuretheoretically, the enhancements to the manufacturing proc can be discovered within those bits of additional uhh usefulness, before it reaches that leveling off at the max number of bits on a hdd01:06
fennwhat's the total data storage connected to the internet? anyone know?01:06
kanzurein 2003 it was est. 161 exabytes01:06
fennok i rest my case01:07
kanzurenot established01:07
kanzureunless that's now 161^2 exabytes now ... ;-)01:07
fennenough code to blow up earth many times over01:07
kanzureI feel a great disturbance in the market for pizza and coke.01:07
kanzureI'm not sure why I was complaining about ai a few moments ago like that01:10
kanzuretechnically there's that upper limit issue, sure, but in reality that's not my big beef with the whole thing of course01:10
kanzurethere's a few issues that concern me, like the implied "the ai can do this and you can't" and of course their weird Bayes approach to it all ;-)01:11
kanzurewhat the hell am I going to be presenting tomorrow? :-p01:12
kanzureI know what to talk about and I know how I want to say it,01:12
kanzurebut just standing up or sitting down and talking isn't a good way to go about things. 01:12
kanzureshould I do the typical stupid power point?01:12
kanzureThere's a projector available, so I could just go around surfing the net. 01:12
kanzureand pointing out why something is awesome and how it can relate to the overall projects01:13
kanzureI titled it 'automating innovation' so that I can tie in the incubation theory ideas with the artificial attention augmentation system plus some other fun stuff, like, you know, an innovation aggregation project (erm, skdb), etc.01:13
fennsounds like you're making a super duper AI yourself mister :)01:15
kanzureand in which case I just need to figure out which links among the many that I'll want to select01:16
kanzurenot so, according to them the ai means all sorts of statistical inference sillyness and Bayes and Goal Hierarchical Systems and voodoo magic made for dominating the world etc.01:16
fennyou will run into the same things while creating an automated innovation machine01:16
kanzurewhy would we need a statistical inference engine01:17
kanzurehar har har01:19
kanzureinnovation automation01:19
kanzureit's like ai but all backwards.01:20
fennre: societal aspects of innovation, normally i think of 'standing on shoulders of giants' and isaac newton etc01:43
kanzuresure, I could throw in some references to that01:43
kanzurehm, there's a lot to throw in01:43
kanzureI present at noon, but it starts at 1001:43
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--- Log opened Sat Jun 28 10:40:46 2008
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-248-68-62.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:41
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio toolkit: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS perspectives on Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/10:41
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Sun Jun 8 13:00:15 2008]10:41
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200810:41
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kanzureI met freenet guy.16:03
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kanzureKevin either wants to hire me, work with me, or do something related to brain augmentation. He used to do neurofeedback apparently.17:26
kanzureI'ms till beating my head over about the whole brain visualization stuff18:13
kanzureI mean, if I do a 3D model of the brain and just do regions, what good does that do me18:13
kanzuredon't I need an exact neuronal model of the brain18:14
kanzurebut at the same time I need to do something that I should have started yesterday18:14
kanzureso I'm trying to find that "balance"18:14
kanzurethe real balance might be in something totally different that I am neglecting somehow18:14
kanzureI suspect I made a nerror in reasoning somewhere, and tracing this error is proving to be a pain.18:14
kanzurehttp://www.kosmophone.com/ "The Kosmophone is a gamma-ray spectrometer operating in the range of about 3 to 7 million electron-volts (MeV) controlling a MIDI music synthesizer." in Austin.18:21
kanzure$18 125 PSI air tank w/ guage. On the other side of the city. Worth it?18:37
fennhow big?18:59
fennif <10gal no, even then you should have a use for it or it will just be in the way18:59
kanzureit was 10 gal ish19:35
kanzurewhy don't I have a map of the whole brain anyway, even a 'fuzzy map'19:35
kanzurethis is ridiculous19:35
kanzureanyway, on another front, for some reason I ended up writing this 'long' email that I'm about to send out to a number of mailing lists19:36
kanzureit's asking others how they go about acquiring useful equipment for cheap19:36
kanzureso, you know my autoscholar script19:36
kanzureit would be ridiculously easy to write a crawler that goes through a predefined routine always searching the local websites for deals one quipment19:36
kanzure*deals on equipment19:36
kanzurefor instance, craigslist and ebay definitely19:37
kanzureand also include some behavioral routines, such as driving through some predefined course and checking a number of stores / locations19:37
kanzurethe driving part can't be computationally automated obviously19:37
kanzurebut no reason that you can't be automatically keeping tabs on all of the indices for specific words and so on19:37
kanzureHow weird.19:48
kanzureThe only two possible locations: temporal cortex or visual cortex.19:48
kanzureUhh. Isn't there more specificity than that in the brain.19:48
kanzureJust uhh saying :)19:48
kanzureSo obviously this is going to end up leading me back to ontologies of the brain, or internal coordinate referencing systems, or something.19:50
kanzureSo I was just sitting in the garage. I found this really neat maroon chair sitting there. So I was there for a few minutes, whatever.21:22
kanzureClicked back to craigslist (I'm outlining some garage sales to hunt for tomorrow, and then dumpsters to try diving in)21:23
kanzureThat's the chair.21:23

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