
--- Day changed Tue Jul 01 2008
willPow3ra friend of mine is going to that01:05
willPow3rto see aubrey speak01:05
kanzureAubrey has been an interesting guy, but he and I seem to disagree on implementation issues.01:35
-!- Phreedom_ [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]02:02
kanzureIsn't it a common tactic in mathematics and sometimes science that when it becomes too burdensome to prove something, that you then prove its opposite?02:14
-!- Splicer [n=p@h231n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []03:00
-!- nsh [n=nsh@eduroam-80.uta.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap04:19
kanzureThose Russians are up to something.09:49
nshwhat this time?09:51
kanzuresame thing09:59
kanzurehttp://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2006/12/14/revisiting-ruby-on-rails-revisited.html?page=2 ruby script\generate scaffold recipe recipe09:59
kanzureso this is what's up with ruby10:00
kanzureI always imagined writing a script like this10:00
kanzureso that I can just construct tables and then generate the 'scaffold'10:00
kanzureguess somebody got around to actually doing it10:00
kanzureHey, so can anybody confirm the general bullshitness of this ? Apparently KDE 3.5 can't possibly use two virtual desktops at the same time. So when I ALT+TAB on one screen, it ALT+TABs on all screens. This sounds like a 'bug' that many would want to get rid of.10:03
nshdoes seem a bit stupid10:04
kanzureso when I maximize it maximizes across monitors10:06
kanzurebut I have to admit that this is a great improvement anyway10:06
kanzurejust with two monitors :-)10:06
* nsh takes your word for it10:07
kanzureeven a junky 15" is better than nothing at all10:08
-!- fenn_ [n=pz@adsl-75-60-173-17.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:21
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio toolkit: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS perspectives on Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/10:21
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Sun Jun 8 13:00:15 2008]10:21
[Users #hplusroadmap]10:21
[ fenn ] [ freer ] [ nsh ] [ procto ] [ wrldpc] 10:21
[ fenn_] [ kanzure] [ Overand] [ willPow3r] [ ybit ] 10:21
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200810:21
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-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-248-68-62.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]10:34
-!- nsh [n=nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit []12:31
-!- Danila [n=blackcha@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:47
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-!- nsh [n=nsh@d85-194-245-82.cust.wlannet.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:17
-!- h2i [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap13:40
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-!- mib_psal02 [i=41dff69e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ee552272112eaa3e] has joined #hplusroadmap14:27
mib_psal02greetings from werk.14:45
fenn_grr what's with libraries making it hard to access information14:51
-!- You're now known as fenn14:51
mib_psal02who knows, man.  what's with knowledge embargo in general?15:08
mib_psal02do you accept on some level that "the universe" only gives you what you're capable of parsing??15:21
mib_psal02what about the logos?15:21
-!- Splicer [n=p@h225n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:33
h2iw00t, making progress15:59
-!- h2i is now known as ybit15:59
ybitdown from 321 website tabs to 77 :)15:59
ybitthe news feed isn't looking so good though 1k+ o.O16:00
ybitand i've got to read everything that took place in IRC16:01
* ybit needs another brain16:01
-!- Netsplit simmons.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mib_psal02, wrldpc16:14
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kanzureybit: I need another one too.16:39
mib_psal02Okay I need a task.16:56
mib_psal02Human brain reporting for duty.16:56
-!- mib_psal02 [i=41dff69e@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ee552272112eaa3e] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]17:21
-!- willPow3r_ [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:23
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-!- willPow3r_ is now known as willpow3r18:01
kanzureWho is mib?18:19
fennmib = mibbit.com autogenerated nick18:21
wrldpcwas at work.18:35
wrldpcI want something to do.18:35
wrldpcWaht can I do to help?18:35
ybitkanzure: don't forget boston university ..http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Undergaduate_neuroscience18:41
kanzurego add it18:41
kanzureyou lazy ass18:41
kanzurealthough I can't blame you, I hate clicking too18:41
ybithey! i corrected a mispelling just a few mins ago18:41
kanzureneat :)18:41
ybiti'm not too lazy18:41
* kanzure lugged two monitors from down south today18:42
kanzuretwo more coming tomorrow18:42
kanzurethese things are beasts18:42
kanzurethe hdd storage space arrived via FedEx today18:42
ybitwhat are your plans for the monitors? i have an extra monitor, but i don't use it18:43
kanzuresupposedly tomorrow I will be getting my case, power supply, thingamajigs, and thingamabobs.18:43
kanzureybit: http://heybryan.org/shots/inspiration/ except on crack18:43
kanzureexcept on adderall18:43
kanzurethank you18:43
kanzureglad someone is listening?18:44
ybitwas looking at my bookmarks... 18:45
kanzureI was joking.18:45
ybitheh, gl with that setup :P18:46
kanzurethe biggest difficulty is maximizing table height, my height, the chair's height, and table depth for the minimal space in the dorm18:46
kanzuregiven the extreme size of the monitors18:46
ybiti bet caltech and GIT have undergrad programs18:47
kanzureGeorgia? Hell yes.18:47
kanzureThat's one of the better schools for neuroengineering.18:48
kanzureWait, I'm thinking Georgiatech. Is that GIT?18:48
fennthat's because it's the heart of the illuminati conspiracy18:48
ybiti found that with multiple monitors i was just distracted 18:48
fenni think multiple monitors would be very useful for doing electronics layout18:49
kanzurehaha, you just try doing anything significant with ALT+TAB and switching between sheets of virtual paper18:49
ybitwith my one small lappy monitor, i can easily focus on one task at a time18:49
kanzureybit: do you program?18:49
kanzureI mean, code?18:49
kanzureyeah ...18:49
kanzurejust call me the distraction master18:49
fennhmm for code all you need is a vim session and browser with api reference...18:49
ybitVIM! w00t18:50
kanzureI'd argue that it would be useful to have multiple pages of documentation up at the same time18:50
kanzureor multiple scripts that you're hacking at (I don't know)18:50
kanzurefor instance, right now I'd definitely move my email and feed reader over to another monitor18:51
kanzuremy bookmarks are currently displayed on the second monitor18:51
kanzureand that's why I've been pasting more links recently18:51
kanzureat least, links that aren't related to the server downstairs18:51
fennand then tape over that monitor with aluminum foil so that no light can seep through18:51
fenn(email and feeds that is)18:52
ybitwell, gtg, there's the only dork meeting in town happening tonight and i've got to be there18:52
kanzuredorkman away!18:52
fenndork dork dork18:52
ybitque the music!18:52
fennthis looks pretty neat http://www.opencircuits.com/Linuxstamp18:53
kanzureso, fenn, I was hoping to install squid-proxy and play around with openmosix on one of the near-dead boxes that I have laying around (would need to get a 2.4 kernel somehow)18:53
kanzurethe 'archive everything I view on the net' thing18:53
kanzurewhich would equate to also automatically bookmarking it too18:53
kanzureand then just implement some key commands to delete a page that I don't like/need, or a command to just bookmark, etc18:54
kanzurewith openmosix I'm hoping to shift some of the more active procs off of my main boxen to the other boxen18:54
fennparallel pdf-rendering cluster18:55
fennwhy are pdf's so slow to begin with is the real question18:55
fennanyway, sounds like a good plan. still gotta sort/tag bookmarks or end up with a mess18:56
kanzurebecause adobe cuts herself18:56
fennnot me, i run ghostscript18:56
kanzureI thought Adobe did the PDF standard ?18:57
fennhmm. i still dont get it18:57
kanzurewhy would the programmers at adobe be so cruel18:57
kanzuredon't they use this software for themselves?18:57
fennbecause they are mathematically inclined?18:58
kanzureI was implying that they are doing self-injurious behavior18:58
fennpostscript was a text layout software originally, so performance wasn't really an issue18:58
fennnow it's turned into a defacto exchange standard18:58
kanzureif I ever run a journal, I'll demand no PDFs. Instead, you're submitting me a tar or zip with your raw data and source code.18:59
fennbut surely there are faster ways to render postscript at reduced quality (i.e. just draw the text with an X font instead of fancy scaling and antialiasing)18:59
fennkanzure: many scientific papers are submitted as LaTeX but then they are distributed as pdf18:59
kanzureI'm going to cry if the quadcore doesn't improve rendering performance18:59
fennlol good luck19:00
fennthe world is too stupid to use parallel processing19:00
kanzureooh, four pages at once19:00
kanzure(four monitors)19:00
kanzureactually it's more like six monitors19:00
kanzureI have some hidden in my closet and on the other side of the bed that the parental unit doesn't know about (or remember)19:00
fennand a spinning mirror to multiplex pages in front of you at 50Hz?19:00
kanzurewell, if it improves rendering ...19:01
kanzuredid I interpret you correctly?19:01
fenn$2k should be able to buy a lot of monitors19:01
kanzurebut I just got ripped off today19:02
kanzurespent $25/ea19:02
kanzurefor 21" monitors19:02
fennuff they're CRT's eh?19:02
kanzureI don't need large stuff, I'd be ok with 17" too, but whatever19:02
kanzureas for the tagging problem19:03
kanzureor bookmarking problem19:03
kanzureI'm clueless.19:03
kanzureI sometimes find awesome information on my hard drives19:03
kanzurestuff that I haven't seen in years19:03
kanzurebut probably should have, etc.19:04
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]19:04
kanzureI definitely need to keep an overall map of everything I have19:04
fennyou need something like supermemo that watches what you're interested in and then spits possibly interesting nostalgia at you19:04
kanzurewhat the hell defines possibily :-/19:04
fennwell that's where it gets interesting.. :)19:04
fennyou could do some neural net weighting that correlates what web pages you're looking at with what's in cache19:05
kanzurewhat sort of correlation importance would be needed19:05
kanzureI mean, 20% hit ratio?19:05
kanzure50% would be nice, but I suspect unlikely19:05
kanzureand it would probably get lower the more content I accumulate19:05
kanzureI definitely like the idea of this though19:06
fennthreshold depends on how busy you are, start with the highest score and keep going until you get sick of it19:06
kanzureI could have one monitor that just pops up random shit19:06
kanzureand then closes out of it after a certain amount of time19:06
kanzurewith a very explicit log19:06
fennand a back button19:06
kanzurein case I have one of those "what the hell was that from five seconds ago"19:06
kanzuresure, but with the caveat that there should be no human interaction to let it go do its stuff19:06
kanzureenki-2 has something like this19:06
fennoh ya?19:06
kanzurebut he has it pop up text on his screen randomly19:06
kanzuresubliminal messages19:07
kanzureI tried it out, wasn't impressed19:07
fenni thuoght that was for hypnotizing/seducing the roomates19:07
fenndont quote me on that, it might have been me misunderstanding19:07
kanzureno, supposedly he does it to prep his ol' filters19:07
kanzureI don't know if it works19:07
kanzurehe's claiming that it makes him more receptive to new ideas that are related to the content that has been flashing in front of him19:08
fennyeah, i can see how that might work19:08
kanzurethe reason why I doubt its functionality is because enki-2 might be enki-2 even without it19:08
fennit might also give you a nervous tick19:09
kanzureif not a seizure?19:09
kanzurei'm kind of twiddling my thumbs and toes waiting for tomorrow's package, not much else to do in the mean time me thinks19:09
fennprobably not a seizure19:10
kanzureI did find something interesting earlier today on the polymerization of GI-POFs19:10
fennunless you really muck with the settings (18Hz redraw rate)19:10
kanzurePOFs = polymer optical fiber19:10
kanzureGI = graded index19:10
kanzurethere's also PF or psomething fluorinated polymer optical fibers19:10
kanzureanyway, 19:10
fenni was not really reading about optical fiber tethers for navy submarines today19:10
kanzureit turns out that someone figured out how to make plastic internet connections with a centrifuge19:11
kanzurethe protocol was something like 7 hours at 3k rpm at 90 deg C.19:11
fennduh.. what's a plastic internet connection?19:11
kanzureit's plastic19:11
kanzureand it's a wire19:11
kanzurewell, not a wire19:11
kanzurethink of an glasseous optical cable, and now suddenly it's plastic :-)19:11
kanzurereliably does 0.1 to 1 km without signal degradation19:12
fennyes i know what fiberoptics are.. but what's it got to do with centrifuges19:12
kanzureand can do upwards 16 Gbit/sec from what I've been reading19:12
kanzurethe method of making the plastic19:12
kanzureyou mix chemicals together19:12
kanzureand you let it polymerize.19:13
fenni'm picturing spinning up a big cylinder of plastic so the heavy stuff falls to the surface of the cylinder19:13
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:13
fennand then melting/stretching it out19:13
kanzurewell, you have cylinders or straws inside19:13
kanzurewhich is supposedly the tubing that you'd be using in the end anyway19:14
fennmore wearable/shareable computers http://advogato.org/article/964.html19:49
kanzureadvogato.org hosted the debtorrent essay stuff19:59
kanzurethat I link to in http://heybryan.org/exp.html19:59
kanzure"The goal is simple: *actually* provide people with a means to articulate their thoughts, needs and desires, and to be able to communicate those thoughts needs and desires to whoever can fulfil them. world-wide."20:00
kanzureit's as if 20:00
kanzuredunno, like we actually wanted to get something done for once20:00
fennyeah a lot of that article sounds familiar20:03
kanzure" hardware. "well-understood" does not necessarily mean "well-liked". For example, I heard somewhere that google told people that it uses brute-force search instead of database indexing (which didn't go down too well on slashdot)."20:03
kanzureI thought they were using pigeons :)20:03
fennno, that's blug (the other blug)20:04
kanzure" 20:04
kanzureThe key to understanding "Knowledge" is in the Vedic scriptures, which are *not* religious texts: they are an expansion of quantum mechanics functions. Many readers will have difficulty accepting this simple statement. The only thing that I can say to you is: it's taken me my entire life so far to understand enough to be able to state what I have, and it's only in the recent few weeks that I've begun to fully comprehend the signif20:04
kanzurewhile I can grok the Vedic20:04
kanzureI don't know why he has to say quantum mechanics :)20:04
fennnever underestimate the bandwidth of a comet loaded with nanites, hurtling across the galaxy20:06
kanzureyes, but he could have just as easily said cosmology20:07
kanzureor mathematics20:08
kanzureor information science20:08
fenneh sorry i was off on a pigeon tangent20:08
fennhe should have left the vedic stuff out, it's too out-there20:08
fenni think i hate pyjamas already20:09
kanzureactually, the Vedas might represent a good bunch of people20:18
kanzurenow, whether or not their documentation is good20:18
kanzureis a valid question20:18
kanzureapparently Zindell is very Vedic.20:19
kanzureElder Eddas (in Neverness) ==> the Vedas.20:19
kanzureheh, randomly walking aruond the house => randomly available, oversized monitors20:23
fenndistributed bug tracker 20:24
kanzureturns out that there's some common circuits in the brain for attention and eye movement21:41
kanzurewhich makes sense21:41
kanzureconsider the difference between GUI and shell21:41
kanzurewith a shell you don't normally watch every single thing on the screen, you kind of just sit there and know where to look21:41
kanzurewhereas with a GUI you, in general, have to move your eyes frequently in peculiar wys21:41
kanzure"Anybody can make a biological weapon." - Eric Toner, FBI/CDC/CIA agent on bioterrorism.22:38
kanzureok, we have the go ahead22:38
kanzureI kid.22:38
kanzureoh shit22:39
kanzureEric seems to be working on a pandemic ventilator project22:39
kanzure' Handbook of Mathematical Cognition'22:40
fennthat's cool, i guess they aren't all bad22:50
fennthe real problem is that we have near-zero defense against any kind of virus22:51
fennoperating hospitals on "just in time" supply lines seems like a generally bad idea though22:54
fennon a related note, i acquired an oxygen generator today22:56
fennuseful for various welding and glassworking things22:56
fennno idea how to test it though22:56
fennugh PLC and labview :P23:04

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