
--- Day changed Wed Jul 30 2008
kanzure"the wayforward machine"02:30
wrldpci got golden helix02:43
kanzurehey, uh03:08
kanzurejoining #singularity on oftc.net wouldn't be a terrible idea right about now03:09
kanzureanyone awake?03:15
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]04:43
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-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@ip-194-50-167-184.mir.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap04:52
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9CF9D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:47
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-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@ip-194-50-167-184.mir.dn.ua] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]10:52
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-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9D8ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]13:45
kanzure" You can't possibly get a good technology going without an enormous number of failures. It's a universal rule. If you look at bicycles, there were thousands of weird models built and tried before they found the one that really worked. 14:01
kanzureYou could never design a bicycle theoretically. Even now, after we've been building them for 100 years, it's very difficult to understand just why a bicycle works - it's even difficult to formulate it as a mathematical problem. But just by trial and error, we found out how to do it, and the error was essential.[5]”14:01
kanzureWhere are all of the prototypes for the transistor?14:02
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]14:06
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap14:06
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9FCF3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:47
kanzurehttp://www.crunchyroll.com/media-3409/Metal-Armor-Dragonar-Episode-1.html hm, I like the opening14:48
* fenn mumbles something about heinlein14:57
kanzurethe server?15:19
fennthe lunar mass launcher blowing up geological landmarks on earth15:19
kanzurein the video?15:20
fennit's straight out of 'the moon is a harsh mistress'15:20
fennbut then they went on some kind of gundam tangent and i dont really see the connection..15:20
kanzure"Devised shortly after the release of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, Dragonar was intended to be both a "starter" series to get new fans into mecha anime, and a potential successor to the Gundam franchise. "15:21
fennyeah the gundam storyline and science got really complex15:23
fennminkowski particles and all that15:23
fenner, minovsky15:24
kanzureright, so my understanding of gundam is incredibly limited15:25
kanzurebut I do remember it looking like the actual shows spanned a decade or so?15:25
kanzure1979 to 2008, ftw15:26
fennyes but gundam ZZ is probably the best15:26
fennnew stuff gets into sappy gay-boy romance stuff15:26
fennand i'm just like.. wait a sec, isnt this a war story?15:27
kanzurewar on romance15:27
kanzureso somehow I've been swooped into this whole "save the world" group thing here15:35
fennoops, Z not ZZ15:36
kanzurefirst time I saw Gundam was whichever one had "Flying in the Sky" which might have implied G Gundam15:39
kanzureoh, fenn, it turns out that Blue Brain might actually be just mostly statistical in nature, not an actual molecularly relevant simulation yet and such16:21
kanzureI thought it was more than statistics when I watched Henry's talk, but Steve pointed out that there's technically little evidence suggesting there's anything but the waveforms mentioned around 36min running the system16:22
kanzureerm, I might be wrong on the time16:22
kanzurefenn: oh, here's an idea. let's just convert our pdf's into mpeg16:28
kanzurethere's too much processing going on to just normally read the pdfs, so why not convert them into mpeg ? the mpeg players run well enough16:28
kanzureheh, there's a http://fold.it/ team for CASP816:35
kanzurecheaters :)16:35
fenn"artificial intelligence augmentation" is confusing17:02
kanzureai's augmentation to itself17:05
kanzureand yes, it is.17:05
kanzurehelp, I'm stuck in a loop17:33
fennpriority interrupt!17:34
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:35
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fennwhy is anime the only scifi on television17:38
fenni mean plausible scifi17:39
fennnot that silly star wars crap :)17:39
kanzurethe stuff on tv is significantly worse than star wars17:41
kanzuredorm doesn't have anime-active channels17:41
fennjust as well, unless you like sailor moon17:42
kanzurethe closest thing is like "Toon Disney" or "FOX: Family Guy" and so on. :(17:42
kanzureno, not even Sailor Moon17:42
* kanzure admits to having a collection of Sailor Moon music for some reason17:42
* fenn admits to reading a vampire romance right now17:42
-!- kanzure_ [i=bbishop@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]17:43
kanzureoh shit17:44
kanzurewhere'd my server go17:44
kanzureshit shit shit shit17:44
fennyou broke it!17:46
kanzurewhy didn't I have dyndns installed again?17:46
fennbecause your update script was in /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin?17:47
kanzurebecause I didn't have one17:47
kanzureit's back17:48
kanzurebest stroke of luck ever17:48
fenndid it really just expire in the last hour?17:48
-!- kanzure_ [i=bbishop@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:48
fennsame IP17:49
-!- Endos [n=Endos@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:49
Endoshey 17:49
kanzureEndos is someone who should have been in here for a while now but I neglected to mention the channel to him17:50
kanzurethat sort of thing17:50
Endos well now I know17:50
Endos it should automatically join when I come on trillian now17:50
kanzurefenn: so I was trying to upload the mp3 http://heybryan.org/music2/%5bFamison8bit%20-%20by%20Momo-i%5d%2023%20-%20Moonlight%20Densetsu%20%5bInstrumental%5d.mp3 17:51
kanzurebut anyway17:51
kanzureit's not that great17:51
kanzurejust since you mentioned SM and I realized I had stuff17:51
Endos brb17:52
kanzurenow if only I could get signifier to /connect and /join17:52
Endos back18:00
kanzureEndos: I'm playing around at http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Low-hanging_fruit_for_human-level_artificial_intelligence_augmentation at the moment18:04
kanzureso not much is really happening in here18:04
kanzureand nothing much has been happening all the last week or so because I've been out and about18:04
kanzurebut I think I left off with http://heybryan.org/fractal.html18:04
kanzureoh, something I just added to the page18:07
kanzure'irrelevant); Proposal: mutation passing interface. Probably a language or specificiation of some sort based off of the constraints markup language that I mention in egan.html and maybe humancortex.html and definitely in the conversations from #hplusroadmap.'18:07
kanzure"mutation passing interface'18:07
kanzureMPI 18:07
kanzureany laughs? come now ..18:07
kanzureI was proposing a constraints markup language for research to proceed, so passing around mutations between GAs or other applications of some sort, in some formalized manner, surely couldn't hurt18:07
kanzureI think the problem is that if it's truly a good mutation you're not going to be able to capture it18:08
kanzurethese were the 'tools on the frontier' for dumping content into skdb methinks18:08
kanzureprocessing *then* dumping of course18:08
fennmutation ~== patch?18:09
kanzurewhy, yes18:10
kanzureok, so that simplifies things a lot18:11
-!- Netsplit zelazny.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: ybit, nsh18:11
kanzurehm, netsplit?18:11
fennso, a patch is somewhat different from a module in that the thing being patched has to have some common ancestry18:12
-!- Netsplit over, joins: ybit, nsh18:13
kanzureoh, that's true18:17
kanzureso there is certainly a difference worth pointing out18:18
kanzureI wonder what sort of framework we should have going18:18
kanzureI keep mentioning 'frameworks' for brains and such, either building them, compiling them from components found over the net and such, but I haven't addressed extensibility issues18:18
kanzuresince there's no code basis of it anyway .. extendability seems always kinda tricky18:18
fenni dont get "some laws of systematics" at all18:18
kanzureit's not directly applicable I guess18:19
kanzurebut what don't you get specifically? some of the rules seem obvious to me18:19
fennsome of them seem wrong or just butt-headed18:19
kanzureoh, wait, I remember something like this when I looked at them too, a few of them did seem like they were just angsty18:20
fennwell, they should take their own advice and just cut it down to "keep it simple"18:22
kanzureI was hoping I could use some of it as inspiration to ways to describe this so-called "low hanging fruit to ai self-augmentation"18:23
fennthe total amount of human energy in the universe is constant - wtf is this supposed to mean?18:23
fenn(law 3)18:24
fenn"Complicated systems seldom exceed five percent efficiency." wrong18:24
kanzuredid you see the bicycle quote yesterday from Dyson?18:25
Endos lol - fenn i'm pretty sure that whoever wrote that just didn't want to quote the bible "Vanity, all is vanity... there is nothing new under the sun"18:25
kanzurebasically he was saying that there were a ton of patches to bikes until something useful was constructed18:25
kanzureso I'm wondering how we could trace these patches ...18:25
kanzurehm, I'm sure somebody has written about the history of bicycles18:25
kanzurebut I mean the patches for any system in general, like, a random boiler system in the factory down the street18:25
fennkanzure: yeah, and the transistor probably went through a lot of failed design cycles before it was commercialized18:26
fennbut i dont think it's necessarily a law of nature, but more of a good rule of thumb18:26
fennfor example the first nuclear bomb worked18:27
kanzureisn't that failure-history kinda useful?18:27
kanzureeh, the first one?18:27
kanzurewhat about the testing and experimentation they did?18:27
Endos (Just so there are no misconception, I consider myself atheist only because being agnostic would require putting too much effort into thinking about a god)18:27
kanzurethey only declared it a nuclear bomb when they were ready to test the final design and putting together all of the components18:27
fenntrinity was the first bomb and it worked just as the theory predicted18:27
kanzureI'm pretty sure they had compartmentalized debugging before that18:27
fennand the first nuclear pile before that18:28
Endos was trinity an implosion device or was it the tube design? I can't remember18:28
kanzurehm, what was that infinityplus story about augmented humans18:28
kanzureStephen Baxter I think.18:28
kanzureTed Chiang.18:30
fenni liked ted chiang's "story of your life"18:31
fennhttp://fennetic.net/pub/irc/Ted Chiang - Story of Your Life.pdf18:34
fennhmm i think that's the right one18:34
kanzure158k ?18:34
fennits not too long18:37
kanzureoh, while randomly browsing fenn's /pub/irc/ I saw a mention of konq again I remembered signifier's suggestion to check out the gtk browser 'kazehakase' whch seems to be another c-compiled browser but it's at least something I missed when going through the ol' list of browsers to hope don't suck18:38
fennis "Understand" about the two people taking some kind of alzheimers medication that makes them super intelligent?18:39
* kanzure still wants a perl-based browser18:39
kanzurefenn: yeah, are you asking to see if you remember?18:39
kanzureor if you can skip it? it's worth not skipping 18:39
fennit's pretty depressing18:39
fenncan't we all just get along?18:40
kanzuretwo months of an advantage producing that much of a difference :) hehe18:40
kanzurethat's kinda what these guys (that I'm living with now) are fearful about though, right?18:40
kanzure"well, if bad ai is first then game over" etc.18:40
kanzureI tried to come up with a way to verbalize my objections to the 'we are all doomed' enthusiasts, and I came up with something somewhat crappy but somewhat not crappy, let me upload 18:43
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/eli.html was sent to someone across the room (since I fail at verbalizing this for some reason -- though less so in text?) so that's why it has strange context18:43
kanzureI know that I'm kinda an island in here about those disagreements18:43
kanzureesp. since I think fenn has some disagreements with my disagreements :-) (right?)18:44
kanzuremaybe it would be best to just say "if ufai versus fai is such a big deal and a wrong move is so big an issue, let's go find another way" but I don't know if that directly maps to the stuff I wrote in eli.html18:48
fennsounds like you are having fun18:55
kanzureyou totally glazed over my eli.html argument19:03
kanzureperhaps intentionally?19:03
* fenn reads it for the third time19:06
fennare you saying that improving the brain is more likely to yield a friendly intelligence because it derives from a supposedly friendly source? (human mind)19:08
fenn"the main problem with trying to stop the emergence of any technology  is that it's an external 'improvement' rather than an internal improvement in your own designs for the extrinsic risks and UFAI"19:09
kanzureare you saying -> no.19:09
kanzurefor the moment I think ""if ufai versus fai is such a big deal and a wrong move is so big an issue, let's go find another way [of doing what?]"" is a better way of saying it19:10
kanzurethe /what/ I think might be summarized by http://heybryan.org/fractal.html but people can still say "ok, sure, but ufai will still kill you"19:11
kanzurethe step required to do fai/ufai is kinda important, if you fail you might get ufai (or no ai, but whatever); maybe there's another way to make sure you don't die and continue on into this 'tech future' and so on, without making such a big gamble, while still surviving even if (u)fai does turn up. 19:13
kanzurebasically I like to s/ai/natural intelligence/ and just picture Hitler or even myself ... I mean, if you really wanted to blow the planet up, how hard is it to make a nuclear weapon, eh?19:13
fenni think the issue is that nobody knows where the hard takeoff line is19:13
fennso a ufai could just materialize out of some more or less unrelated projects19:14
fennremember charles stross' lobsters19:15
kanzure"but then you just have a giant jupiter brain monitoring everything and becoming creative enough to stop those emergent/materializing situations" 19:15
kanzureeh, and all the while we didn't know if that jupiter brain wasn't a case itself too19:15
kanzurebut it's important to note that I'm not so much interested in "anti authority, oh teh noes a dictatorship"19:15
kanzure(it's an important point, but I suspect it's not my central)19:16
fenni think of friendliness as a sort of golden ratio19:16
fennthe ai should be able to figure it out eventually if we start close enough19:17
fennbut in the end it's only a few extra decimal places19:17
kanzureto me it just looks like a race for the local light sphere or something ... screw ai, just s/ai/any superawesome blackswan/ ... have to be able to isolate the cancer19:18
kanzuregrr, I'm not being coherent19:18
kanzuremaybe I get to cite the semantic forest issues re: intelligence and how I'm still not certain if it's intelligence or just lots of patches leading up to something interesting19:19
kanzurehm, action potentials == patches? "the minimal information to update the perceptual models implemented in the brain" as Markram said19:23
kanzureperhaps not quite a direct mapping19:23
kanzurei.e., other neurophysiological stuff going on in there of course19:23
ybithey fenn and kanzure19:49
kanzureyou'll never take me alive19:50
* kanzure hides19:50
ybithow's it going in ¿s.f.?19:50
* ybit needs to read the above log, brb19:50
kanzurewe're all a bunch of aspies sitting around complaining about compiler errors all day19:50
fenncompiler? what's that?19:53
fennyou mean you're using one of those old dead languages?19:53
kanzureback in the old days, symbol lookups costed 15 cents, and a system call? a nickle.19:56
fennreal men write their own evaluation loop19:57
kanzurehm, that's an obscure reference19:58
kanzureone of the results is 'Design of a LISP-Based Microprocessor' heh'19:58
kanzureoh, looks like something in interpreters19:59
kanzurehttp://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/965 wondering where this might have come from19:59
fennit was more or less a lisp reference20:02
fenni wish it applied to the rest of reality20:03
ybitaand i´m back, shortly20:04
ybiti think my brain exp.ed more damage reading the logs than not ;)20:05
ybiti must say this made me laugh: http://pastebin.ca/108781320:06
fennheh that was a netsplit20:07
ybitthis is similar to what you are doing there kanzure: http://www.aleph.se/andart/archives/2008/07/the_graphs_of_war.html20:09
ybitnot quite, but it deals with doom, war that is20:10
kanzurenobody should see references or the bibtex20:39
kanzureunless they absolutely have to20:39
kanzureotherwise the fetches should be mostly automatic etc.20:39
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9FCF3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]20:53
fenn"The world can’t end in 1997 or 2029 because it already ended in 1999 when the Day of Lavos occurred."22:12

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