
--- Day changed Thu Jul 31 2008
-!- Endos [n=Endos@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:01
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-251-80-134.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:20
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: heybryan server will be down as of 2008-07-12 | Semi-intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio tools: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS re: Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/00:20
-!- Topic set by nsh [] [Tue Jul 15 03:32:49 2008]00:20
[Users #hplusroadmap]00:20
[ fenn ] [ kanzure ] [ nsh ] [ procto] 00:20
[ freer] [ kanzure_] [ Overand] [ ybit ] 00:20
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 8 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 8 normal]00:20
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200800:20
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 32 secs00:20
kanzurehow does one fix the internal to external output translation layer 00:59
-!- Endos [n=Endos@] has joined #hplusroadmap01:42
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9CB3C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap02:17
-!- Endos [n=Endos@] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]02:32
-!- Endos [n=Endos@] has joined #hplusroadmap02:35
Endosso i've got a general question 02:35
Endosif anyone here really wanted to learn something that would take about a month to do, would they work day in and day out for the most part to get it done sooner if time isn't permitting of a month? 02:36
Endoscalculus 3 02:36
Endosa self-study 02:36
Endosi've already done the first two chapters 02:37
Endosthere's like 4 more left 02:37
kanzureIs this multivariate calculus?02:37
Endosprobably won't even take 20 days 02:37
Endosyup 02:37
Endosmultivariable 02:37
kanzuremultivariable. Oops.02:37
Endosmainly i need to know a few specific concepts introduced in it, but that's pretty much the extent of it, and the last chapter is helpful too.... 2nd order diff EQs 02:38
Endosalthough the title sounds implicit for methods of the solution lol 02:38
Endosdo you think i should pull an all nighter? 02:40
kanzureI don't know :)02:42
Endoslol 02:43
Endoswell i had a pain in my chest earlier... and i would rather not die, so i'll get some sleep, but wake up early and do my work (god if I had a nickle for all the times I've told myself I'll do that... I'd have a dollar) 02:44
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9CB3C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]02:44
Endosnickel* 02:44
Endoslol 02:45
-!- Endos [n=Endos@] has quit ["Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com"]03:07
-!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: ybit, nsh03:26
-!- Netsplit over, joins: ybit, nsh03:28
kanzurefenn: I have a few spare moments and I was figuring I'd finally get around to improving my autogoogler scripts (which I have technically lost, but am not worrying about that). 03:30
kanzureso what I have is an idea to wire up wordnet with synonyms and then generate a few extra queries or something03:30
kanzurebecause I always seem to permutate through a few related terms when I search for some stuff03:30
fenndoesn't google do synonyms automatically? (to my chagrin, usually)03:31
kanzureI'm thinking of just doing either an opera/firefox session generator or maybe just kdcop to have it pull the strings of konqueror directly03:31
kanzuredoesn't feel like it some times.03:31
kanzurewell the other part of the idea is to keep track of the searches in my current session at the same time as well03:31
fenncan you do queries with logical OR?03:31
fennhmm i guess asking for regex would be too much :)03:32
kanzureon Google?03:32
fennsupposedly it works with "google code" but i cant find anything with that03:32
fennseriously though this OR AND NOT stuff is just a lame-ass regex03:33
kanzurewhat's your point?03:34
kanzuresorry, my io filters are seriously down03:34
fennwhy do you want to have a script to substitute synonyms for you?03:34
kanzureoh, wait03:35
kanzurewhat about just visualizing the synonym graph 03:35
kanzureand then selecting which to use to use as queries03:35
kanzurewould your question still apply?03:35
fennlike googlefight?03:35
kanzurewell, not each sent as queried because then google hates us03:35
fennuh, what would you be graphing then?03:35
kanzurethe relation between the words making up your general grammatical search space03:36
kanzureuh, is that a bullshit answer?03:36
kanzurelike here's a search: programming extropy emergence magic, okay and there's a number of related words that could be used to construct an alternative query03:36
kanzureand if I have those words flashing up then it could conceivably help to find alternative ways of wording the search or some sort03:37
kanzurea "query mutator" of sorts03:37
fennthere's n^4 possible combo's right?03:37
fennthe number of synonyms for each word03:37
kanzure4 = count(words_in_original_query)03:37
kanzurehm, yes, I suppose so03:38
kanzurebut not all of them need to be displayed necessarily03:38
fennjust the closest match03:38
fennbut.. that depends on context, which the computer can't really infer (or can it?)03:38
kanzureme doesn't know if wordnet has that sort of information but at the same time that's ok for first approximation/prototypes03:38
fenndoes extropy have any synonyms?03:39
kanzureaccording to wordnet03:39
fennuh, how does wordnet work exactly?03:40
kanzureit's an external database of words methinks03:40
kanzuredon't know03:40
kanzureis there something better for dictionary tools?03:40
fennhmm.. urbandictionary.com?03:44
kanzurehas an api?03:44
fenni just started thinking about the futility of having a "complete" dictionary03:45
fennand what subset of existant words you might be able to cover03:45
kanzureblargh, I don't have a good idea for my autogoogler interface03:46
fennanother problem is that each word has many meanings03:46
kanzuregeneral searching problem anyway03:46
fennsounds more like NLP to me03:52
fennnatural language processing03:52
kanzureI don't want to go too deep into linguistics04:06
kanzureI guess there's little benefit to extract, I don't recursively/iteratively google any more 04:11
kanzureor as much as I should..04:11

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