
--- Day changed Sun Aug 03 2008
-!- Depucelator [n=Depucela@c-71-195-30-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit ["Leaving."]02:20
-!- tmccabe271 [n=toiwgowg@adsl-75-36-170-160.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap02:44
kanzureHey tmccabe271.02:45
kanzureI don't actually know if anyone else is up, but they certainly should be if they aren't.02:46
tmccabe271Are they on PDT?02:47
kanzureA few of them are in Sweden, another is in Boston, etc.02:47
kanzurensh may or may not be a bot, I'm not entirely sure yet02:47
kanzuretmccabe271: Since we use the book so much, you might like the commentary on TSiN - it's the last link in the /topic with 'fernhout' in the URL.02:49
willPow3rwhy should we be up?03:59
kanzurebecause I said so04:18
willPow3ralways a good reason04:21
kanzurehm, "objective morality" came up tonight04:23
willPow3rhow exciting04:36
willPow3rdo you ever sleep?04:39
fennnevar! sleep is for the weak!04:44
willPow3rall humans are weak04:45
willPow3rthey must be destroyed04:45
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-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]05:15
kanzureso I think they really want to do a startup around web software for future scenario prediction05:17
kanzurebut why would anybody pay for that05:17
kanzureand they're all largely ignorant of the architectures mentioned in here and such05:19
kanzureso that's not goo05:19
kanzureI'm meeting Eliezer tomorrow.05:19
-!- biopunk [n=p@h135n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]05:55
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-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:09
ybitkanzure, would you do speak at the imminst sunday evening update?12:43
ybitotherwise it probably won't be worth watching12:44
ybitreally if anyone in here would speak, it would be interesting12:45
ybitno takers?14:40
willPow3ri could speak, but it wouldn't be on the right subject14:41
kanzurehm. When?14:42
kanzure(2008-08-03 12:24:47) wheels: Heh, "You thought PDFs are bad? Now you can upload them to Scribd and make them even worse by displaying them in a shitty Flash applet. Scribd has a distinction of being the Y Combinator startup with highest chances of making the Web even worse than it is now. I seriously hope they never succeed."14:47
kanzurehttp://twobits.net/discuss/chapter2 <-- a good explanation of Eugen Leitl15:38
kanzure"There is still a role for technical invention, but it is strongly distinguished from political, legal, cultural, or social interventions. For most transhumanists, there is no rhetoric here, no sophistry, just the pure truth of “it works”: the pure, undeniable, unstoppable, and undeconstructable reality of technology."15:39
kanzure' For the transhumanist attitude, the reality of “working code” has a reality that other assertions about the world do not. Extreme transhumanism replaces the life-world with the world of the computer, where bad (ethically bad) ideas won’t compile. Less-staunch versions of transhumanism simply allow the confusion to operate opportunistically: the progress of technology is unquestionable (omniscient), and only its eff15:39
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/transhumanism_def.html has been updated15:50
fennheheh they dont compile until you build a fuzzy compiler16:01
fennthis reminds me of john mccarthy's take on "calculemus"16:03
kanzureleibniz's "calculemus" and 'let us calculate' ?16:03
kanzuretwobits.net looks like something we might want to get some first mover advantage on re: the comments on each of the pages16:04
kanzureoh look16:04
kanzurecrap crap crap16:05
kanzure'P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Book of the Week: Christopher Kelty’s Two Bits says: [...] You can buy and read the book here, and we recommend reading the conclusions on the [...]'16:05
kanzureI don't know if this means this is from P2P Foundation or not16:05
kanzureyeah, that was a comment16:05
kanzurebut I just emailed it to the p2pfoundation guys anyway16:05
fenni'm still slogging through their heavy use of CSS16:05
kanzurestupid desgin16:06
kanzurethere's a PDF methinks16:06
fennah fuck it.. /me switches to dillo16:07
fennsome guy was at my house expounding the virtues of flash based photo galleries.. i was about to stab him16:08
kanzurefenn: you're a good man.16:10
fenngood for him that i have restraint at least :)16:10
fennit's interesting that for some people literally every thing that comes out of their mouth is wrong16:11
fennstatistically they'd have to get something right every once in a while on accident16:12
fenni'm having a hard time focusing on this twobits book16:14
kanzure'recursive public' sounds like fractal.html16:15
kanzure"recursive publics" => skdb 16:16
kanzureor the other way around or something16:16
fennone could use space colonies as literal petri dishes for social science experiments16:26
fennthe only problem is getting people to believe the results16:26
kanzurescrew that16:27
kanzureto believe that space colonies are feasible16:27
kanzurethat's a good start16:27
fennfeasible in what sense?16:27
kanzurethat i.e., it can work so let's go make it happen16:28
kanzure"wha? that will require hundreds of billions of dollars!"16:28
fennthere's basically two arguments: 1) it costs too much and only whitey will benefit 2) i'm an ecologist and ecosystems are so amazingly awesome that you just have to listen to me when i say it won't ever work16:29
fenni'd eat algae for a year if i had to.. i dont know how anyone can buy argument #216:30
fenn#1 is a little harder because it involves getting people to actually open their eyes16:30
fennfuck i dont need to be thinking about this16:31
fennkanzure help, what do i do?16:31
-!- Depucelator [n=Depucela@c-71-195-30-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:31
ybitre "When?" 5pmCST16:32
fenneven if i have the world's best personal fabricator i'm not going to be able to put a rotovator in orbit16:32
fenndamn this muddy gravity well!16:33
kanzurefenn: what do you need to be thinking about?16:36
fennthe depressing overall situation of space development16:36
kanzureoh, right16:36
kanzurere: damning the gravity well16:37
kanzureI know this sounds completely insane but I've considered blowing the planet up16:37
kanzurein a well-controlled way16:37
kanzuredrilling nukes down through the surface and mantle16:37
kanzurejust enough to have giant chunks of the earth split up and have less of a gravity well16:37
fennsure i dont see any problems with that at all16:37
kanzurewell, we'd have to be damn sure we can be prepared for space survival16:37
kanzureatmosphere will probably vanish16:38
fennnukes arent that powerful16:38
kanzurehrm, there's a finite amount of plutonium or uranium or something16:39
fennyou can make a fusion bomb almost arbitrarily large16:39
kanzureand this might not be enough for the number of detonations or yield that would be required16:39
fennbut i dont think it would result in blowing "chunks" off16:39
kanzurewhat do you think would happen?16:39
fennrock behaves as a liquid or dust at those sort of scales16:40
kanzurewait, if you have that much fusionable supplies16:40
kanzurejust do Project Orion16:40
kanzurethe real Project Orion, not the fake16:40
fenni think it would make a big crater with a very large nuber of pieces a couple hundred meters max16:40
fennheh orion is a joke16:40
fennboth of them16:40
kanzurehow was the first one a joke?16:41
fennit's so wasteful16:41
fennthat many bombs would cost more than just launching that much stuff on chemical rockets16:41
fenni still cant figure out why they never developed nuclear rockets in the cold war16:41
fennmaybe it just wasnt necessary16:42
kanzurehow about tractor beam the moon and make it crash into the planet?16:46
fennif you have a tractor beam just beam your damn self up16:47
fenniran has a nuclear program, and a space program, and dont seem to be constrained by conventional politics16:49
kanzuresend in a resume16:50
kanzuremake sure you grow your beard out first16:50
fenn Ali Mahmudi Mimand the Chief engineer in the Iranian Ministries Satellites and Aeronautics Industry had passed away under mysterious circumstances that have not been explained. He was called the "father of Iran's Missiles".16:55
fennyou'd think china would be more pro nuclear power in the current global warming hysteria16:57
fennbut they keep building dams and coal power plants16:57
kanzuresnowball effect17:00
kanzureso, nsh, I actually have the chance to throw a damaging blow17:01
kanzurein about 10 minutes17:01
kanzurefor some reason everyone here is really nervious about meeting him, which is very weird17:02
kanzurecultthing or something17:02
fennheh you should say something about that17:04
fennhis cult-like aura17:10
fennit's not like he doesn't bring it on himself17:11
fennthe SL4 censorship/dictatorship doesn't help either17:12
fennan additional moderated list would be a good compromise17:13
fennbut better if someone besides eli has that power17:14
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kanzure"You're a mysterious fellow." 20:45
* nsh frowns20:48
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