
--- Day changed Thu Aug 07 2008
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:01
nsh-hot purple girl is hot and purple00:04
kanzureshe's Creative Commons00:05
kanzureshe mentioned she does 8k miles in 10 days of flying00:05
nsh-that's insane00:06
kanzureme, Joseph Jackson, Jim Hardy, Chris P (does biogerontology stuff ;-), and I have no idea what her name was00:06
* nsh- nods00:06
kanzureso the other day I was talking with a grad student from Stanford 00:26
kanzurehe does quantum optics00:26
kanzureI think I mentioned it in here00:26
kanzureso I was talking with him and he mentioned he does quantum optics00:27
kanzureand my eyes went up in flames00:27
nsh-what does he do in particular?00:27
kanzureand I asked him if he knew Nathan Lundblad, 00:27
kanzure(light squeezing)00:27
kanzureand he laughed :)00:28
kanzurebecause he indeed does know Nathan00:28
kanzureI don't care what area of science you are in, but,00:28
kanzurefor me to be able to tell you who your friends are just off of hearing what general area of physics you are in00:28
kanzureis pretty damn awesome :)00:28
* nsh- chuckles00:29
nsh-i forget what light squeezing means..00:29
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kanzureaha, Kaitlin00:48
proctokanzure: re our previous discussion of HMMs, look up bernoulli processes00:53
proctonow I'm off :>00:53
kanzureblah, not a good time00:53
* kanzure is sending out emails to everyone he met at BioBarCamp00:53
* nsh- contemplates cyberstalking her00:55
nsh-(joke. that would be a poor use of my time)00:55
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]01:00
kanzure"hip hop recursion"01:16
nsh-sounds interesting01:17
kanzure'These implants are neodymium earth magnets, encased in metal (stainless steel for the larger, gold for the smaller), and then encased in implant grade silicone.  The one on the left went into my upper left forearm, and the one on the right went into the distal pad of my left ring finger.'01:17
kanzurehuh, Todd follows Silona01:22
kanzurebah, I have to go find my twitter scripts01:22
kanzureto auto import or something01:22
kanzureI actually called the script 'twstalk'01:30
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]01:35
kanzureshe helps to organize Maker Faire in Austin.01:46
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biopunkAbout the implants, those are considered 'functional body modifications'... one can feel electromagnetical fields in the fingertip. There is a small thread about at biopunk: http://www.biopunk.org/23c3-body-hacking-t38.html02:22
elias` Last time I read about someone with such implants their casing had broken within a few months, leaving the person without the sense and magnetic particles in a scar tissue.02:25
biopunkThat's probably Quinn Norton, the one in the youtube clip02:33
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kanzurepete pointed out something stupidly obvious to me03:38
kanzurenote that Google AdSense generates a list of suggested terms that you might use03:39
kanzurewhatever that method is, is what I want for the semantic search facilitator thingy03:39
elias`kanzure: how do you currently filter and discover relevant information to read?03:45
kanzureelias`: filter? I read 500+ blogs. This is /not/ filtering. This is "read or die".03:46
elias`not everything's going to be relevant out of those03:47
elias`anyway, based on my experiences, I think there's a significant potential for automation using e.g. a multi-agent system to crawl the Web, seeking/tracking relevant sources of information.03:54
elias`and I'm just using about 50 RSS feeds as of now03:55
fenndear lazyweb why would you stick a magnet in your fingertip?04:02
fennthere are these things called spectrum analyzers that are more useful, cost less, you can share results with others and do data analysis, etc etc04:03
kanzureyes, I do crawling somewhat04:13
kanzureelias`: http://heybryan.org/projects/autoscholar/04:13
elias`just recently got access to similar things through uni. Possibly unknown knowledge dependencies and a general lack of information about relevant things to look for make it difficult to find what I want04:26
elias`So currently I'm mostly focused on publicly available things like mailing lists, newsletters, RSS feeds, etc.04:28
* nsh filters using kanzure v0.807:46
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]09:21
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@adsl-76-229-131-214.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]11:52
-!- nsh [n=nsh@eduroam-80.uta.fi] has quit ["hoem nao"]13:23
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-!- PanGoat [n=pan@ovid.sensoryresearch.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:47
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@adsl-76-229-128-167.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:30
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