
--- Day changed Sat Aug 09 2008
* willPow3r wonders why MIT uses realplayer for streaming video01:28
-!- Depucelator [n=Depucela@c-71-195-30-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap04:22
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@adsl-76-204-177-197.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap04:27
kanzuresemantic search facilitator / autogoogler, autoscholar, twstalk, PLoS coding, Ted Nelson superprogramming, some work to finish up theuncertainfuture, openmosix + squid-proxy + "rabid archiving"04:42
kanzurehm, a few other things that I'm forgetting04:42
kanzurehm, http://www.tudorgroza.org/ semantically annotated LaTeX framework 04:51
kanzuretoo bad PDFs rarely come with their latex04:51
fennthis is like structured argument? (but a one-sided argument)04:53
fenn"modeling the rhetorical structure of the publication" doesnt mean much to me04:53
kanzuresounds like you're going to have to spend even *more* time reading the paper04:59
kanzurefenn: did I mention that I have PLoS' ear?05:00
kanzureoh, the Todd stuff too05:04
kanzureI also need an address book solution05:08
kanzurewell, I guess the p2p viral banking stuff should be thrown in there as well, but that's something kind of obvious that should be implemented on top of apache maybe or something (SSL + a few specific scripts for passing back and forth some hacked version of whateve data formats that current banking solutions use)05:09
kanzureFIX, except other stuff05:09
SplicerAre you building a site?05:27
kanzureFor what?05:27
Splicersomething that need 'viral banking'05:28
* kanzure dislikes being randomly insightful - in #wrongplanet he mentioned the brainsynch implants don't need to transfer text .. just plasticity rules and other things in the same sense that he accepted 'divergence' as a fact of life in place of complete/total neural uploading.05:28
kanzureOh, well. The viral banking stuff was from Democritus.05:28
kanzureI was just using apache to mention how different people can host a server/daemon for processing applications and incoming data 05:28
kanzurebased off of hosted scripts ..05:28
kanzureit's a rather common service model (considering the size of the web and such).05:29
kanzurebah, #debian thinks SQL DBs are sufficient for address books05:30
kanzureit's kind of hard to fit people into an address book05:30
kanzureunless they're midgets05:30
kanzureor it's a really, really large book05:30
Splicer..ot they are homeless05:30
Splicer..in which case you don't have to fit the address05:31
kanzurecell phones05:31
kanzurethese are addresses05:31
SplicerI forgor05:32
* kanzure contemplates making "DEATH TO PDF" stickers and buttons/pins.05:32
Splicerwhat was the google guy at biobarcamp talking about?05:35
kanzuresilly data storage services05:37
kanzurethey will even send you 20 hard drives if you're legitimate05:37
kanzurebut nothing more05:37
kanzureand they won't host you if you have more than a $5 million grant05:37
kanzurebut they will host people without grants (including high school students, for instance)05:38
SplicerI think I saw a mention of that somewhere else. What was the secrecy about... people were asked not to tape or blog about it05:40
Splicerah.. maybe it's just not official yet05:41
Spliceror rather the details of it05:41
kanzuresame thing05:41
Splicerdid de Grey talk?05:43
kanzurebtw, Aubrey's a mac user05:44
SplicerI wasn't sure he owned a computer05:44
-!- Depucelator [n=Depucela@c-71-195-30-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit ["Leaving."]05:45
Splicer(I think he would get probably more donations and cred to his cause if he shaved and dressed as Kurzwel)05:46
kanzureHe's getting donations like crazy.05:46
kanzureWhat he really needs is a few more grad students.05:47
Splicerfor human experiments?05:47
kanzureI mean literally -- for work.05:47
Splicermoney can buy those05:48
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]07:21
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9F128.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:15
-!- Splicer [n=p@h176n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]09:08
kanzurewhatever mechanical path that instincts are using can be doubly exploited to apply the diff-and-patch methodology of 'experiencing sharing' or at least 'minimal bits of experience to get across something somewhat important sharing'.09:33
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@adsl-76-204-177-197.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit ["Leaving."]09:46
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9F128.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]12:39
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:34
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]16:15
-!- willPow3r [i=will@251.sub-75-213-148.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:50
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-!- biopunk [n=p@h64n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:04
-!- biopunk [n=p@h64n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has left #hplusroadmap []18:04
-!- biopunk [n=p@h64n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:06
kanzure_So I'd call that a successful trip :-)19:08
fennhey this doesnt sound half bad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raëlism21:02
-!- kanzur1 [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap21:18
-!- kanzur1 [i=bryan@] has quit [Connection timed out]21:57
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap22:00
biopunkfenn: ;) you think? you'll love scientology then. 22:28
fennno scientology is a bunch of corporate fuckhead hollywood lawyers22:30
fenni'm reading this right now, its pretty wild: http://www.bmezine.com/news/pubring/20040401.html22:30
biopunkskimmed it to the end22:33
biopunkAny people talking to aliens end up in the religion/tinfoil lady category for me.22:34
* kanzure points out that the bank of scientology is on the other side of the block from him, more or less22:35
fennd'eaux! "Of course this was an April Fools parody article!"22:35
kanzurewhy are all of the foodplaces closed at nine at night22:37
kanzureeven subway22:37
biopunk..it's the aliens22:38

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