
--- Day changed Sun Aug 10 2008
-!- biopunk [n=p@h64n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []05:41
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap11:49
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-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9BFBE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:17
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ybitso what'd i miss from the past two days?12:58
* nsh invented flavoured sound12:59
nshthey repeated the 12th and 14th centuries in bratislava12:59
nshand the new SI standard measurement of weight is THE MOON12:59
* nsh weights 4.325 * 10e-54 moons13:00
ybitnsh: :P13:46
kanzureSo the cafeteria has the olympics on the television, particularly the weight lifting division13:52
kanzureand there's this 17 year old Chinese kid lifting world records etc.13:52
kanzureheh, here's something funny13:53
kanzurewhen I'm not "in the mode" and feeling myself, there's this big, glaring hole in the majority of my projects that I wish I could solve13:54
kanzurewhen I *am* "in the mode", it totally escapes me and all of the thoughts appear complete13:54
nshon that front, how go the projects, kanz?13:55
kanzurein generla?13:55
kanzurenothing's really changed actually13:57
kanzurewhich is probably worrisome :-)13:58
* nsh smiles13:59
kanzureI hate it when a month evaporates away from me13:59
kanzureif you check the site you'll see I didn't throw anything up in the past month13:59
kanzurealthough I guess I could throw up a few of the scripts I was working on for http://scattershotfuture.com/ and http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Q1.1 and http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Q1.213:59
kanzurealthough it's rather pathetic the way that the project was being gone about :-/14:00
nshone should judge oneself lightly and compassionately14:00
kanzurenah, the issue is that I'm deeply confused in some way14:03
kanzurebut again, I seem to forget it when I'm most able to solve it14:03
nshok, well14:04
nshhe's a strategy:14:04
nshvideo yourself for a month, annotating whenever you feel the periods of clarity14:05
nshfrom this data, determine a facial or bodily micro-gesture ("tell", in poker terms), that indicates the onset of the phase14:05
nshbuild a device to monitor for this tell and alert you to pending tasks 14:06
nsh4. PROFIT?!14:06
kanzurepending tasks14:21
kanzurein the last two days of my stay with my gracious hosts I revealed to a few of them my previous involvement in a cult of goals and how I came to realize that goals aren't teh bestest14:22
kanzurethis, of course, comes to a shock to them, as they work on 'friendly ai' and 'supergoal theorems of intelligence and selfhood' and such.14:22
kanzurebut yet I keep reminding them that the majority of their talk about goals is anthrophomorphization and never does your code 'have a goal to solve chess' -- it's a *solution* to the problem of chess, crystalized in code,14:22
kanzureand still no one can point to me a phenomena in the brain that represents a goal itself, indeed because 'goals' is a folk psychology concept14:23
kanzuredespite my http://heybryan.org/todo.html that I maintained for many years :-(14:23
kanzurewe used to be based in #calxism on freenode until the others stopped caring14:24
kanzureit was mostly to answer the question "what should I do?" 14:25
kanzureand it boiled down to some Pascalean arguments without religious connotations and such14:25
* nsh nonspecifically agrees with 92.5% of the above14:32
kanzurenonspecifically mostly because I haven't explained the specifics :-)14:32
nshalso, points for "Pascalean arguments"14:32
nshspecificity is over-rated14:32
kanzureI even have my conversionlog14:32
kanzureremember, back when I was 15 I wasn't all too bright14:32
kanzurewe had many different projects going - we were going to bootstrap a civilization off in a Chilean desert for about $10 million14:33
kanzureanyway, that should be a topic for another time - I should focus on getting something else done at the moment :-)14:33
* nsh smiles14:33
nshthe discreteness of temporal moments is also overrated14:34
kanzuregah, I can't help it14:35
kanzureokay, so the basic idea was that you could ask the question 'wtf should I do?' and then you have a few possible answers like (1) do nothing (nihilism, sort of), (2) do something. And then of all of the possible things to do in #2, why do anything in particular ?14:35
kanzurethe 'calxist answer' was simply to do everything, especially those things that expanded the set of available goals14:36
kanzureso it was entropy maximization through proactive awesomeness or something14:36
kanzureexcept terribly argued ...14:36
kanzurehm, 330 meeting w/ the mores14:41
* nsh chuckles14:44
kanzurehttp://store.doverpublications.com/0486417670.html "Bergson argues for free will by showing that the arguments against it come from a confusion of different conceptions of time. As opposed to physicists' idea of measurable time, life is perceived in human experience as a continuous and immeasurable flow rather than as a succession of marked-off states of consciousness."14:44
kanzure(from Natasha's ear)14:44
kanzureerm, mouth I guess14:44
kanzureand then to my ear14:44
kanzurebut anyway14:44
nshinteresting line of argumentation14:45
kanzureI always like the line for free will where we point out that the only way to predict the future is by inventing it, the universe already has the maximum information for making up the next state (and we can only come up with a portion of that if we wanted to), 14:46
kanzureand therefore your physical process still has a role to play in the unfolding of the story/universe 14:47
kanzureanyway, I really dislike the descrepancy between 'recursive publics'  (skdb) and 'personal augmentation projects' (autoscholar, autogoogler, artifiical attention augmentation systems)14:47
kanzureoriginally I was using http://heybryan.org/recursion.html to use 'personal recursion' and one's functionality as an excuse to get self-replication, but this framework isn't all that thorough of an argument14:48
* nsh distracted but will read in a bit14:50
nsh(brain can't work atm)14:50

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