
--- Day changed Thu Aug 14 2008
bkerokanzure: Have you ever watched Regenesis?01:07
kanzureNo. Link?01:07
kanzureThe TV show?01:07
bkeroI ahve some up, not the first episode though01:08
kanzureIt would be neat if I could take away my thinking license when I know I'm incapable of generally doing it ... I think I spent the last hour trying to reconstruct a thought that would otherwise only take me a minute. And as soon as I touch the keys to record it, it escapes me again. Bah.01:18
proctobkero: last season of regenesis was so horrible02:01
bkeroprocto: Yea. :(  I really hope they bring it back for another season though.02:01
bkeroBecause bad regenesis > no regenesis02:02
biopunkCute that the guys name is David Sandstrom with dots over the o02:13
bkeroEpisodes 3-12 are available forom
fennwell this is starting to get old.. second person living at my house to have a schizophrenic episode in two months02:19
bkeroDamn sir, you need to find some new roommates02:19
biopunkhave you seen Army of 12 monkeys... maybe it's you02:20
bkeroprocto: It wasn't so horrible.  I mean the cloning bob thing is kind of meh, but the seasno started out OK.  It was just the ending that was completely wtfwtfwtf02:21
fennbkero: those _were_ the new roomates02:21
bkerofenn: Stop living with college students02:22
fennthey werent students02:22
fenni dont think it's me, actually i think its a side effect of the mind control beams the CIA is beaming at my skull from cell phone towers around the house02:22
bkeroYou need to stop living with crazies heh02:23
biopunkfenn: hehe02:23
fennkanzure: true names is kinda dated, we're basically living it right now: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/Vernor Vinge - True Names.pdf02:24
fenn(i havent read it btw)02:24
bkeroFucking <3 Vernor Vinge02:25
kanzureI have a Vinge number of 2 now \o/02:27
kanzureI seem to have a lot of so-and-so numbers of 2, actually.02:27
kanzureKind of defeats the purpose if you never get a number-of-1.02:27
kanzurebkero: You wouldn't happen to know how to profit off of laziness, would you?02:28
fennerdos is dead; long live erdos!02:29
bkerokanzure: capital02:30
kanzurebkero: what the hell does that mean02:31
fennsome famous CS guru (wall?) claims the programmer's primary virtue is laziness02:31
bkerokanzure: If you have enough money you can live on interest02:31
bkerofenn: That would make sense, he did make python02:31
fennand look where it got him..02:31
kanzureYou sir, fail at the internet.02:31
fennkanzure: you could make an air-hockey floor covering, for fatasses to glide along silently in the night02:32
bkerotrying to play portal on my macbook...02:32
bkerofenn: I believe that's called a datacenter02:32
kanzureI doubt ideas are the problem in here02:33
bkerokanzure: You can be a spammer, that's pretty lazy02:33
bkeroAnd assuming the russian mafia doesn't come after you, relative painless02:33
fennseems like it would be easier to just set up a real business02:34
kanzureI don't like the idea of having to prove to other people that I should get food (aka whatever the result of running a business is supposed to be)02:34
kanzureseems like a silly idea02:34
bkeroJust form a whuffie economy, that should cover it02:35
biopunkA lot of people who make fortunes do it cause it's to painful for them to work02:35
biopunktrading time for money is masochism02:35
fenni feel like this whole 'profit off laziness' is part of a conversation i missed02:35
kanzurefenn: continuation of bootstrapping issues02:36
biopunk'get more money by doing less'02:36
kanzurebiopunk: stfu about money02:36
bkerobiopunk: that's referred to as management02:36
fenn"maximize the energy ratio"02:36
* bkero is getting a bachelors in CS, bioinformatics, and a masters in business administration02:37
fennat the same time?02:37
fennsay.. is MBA really a masters degree?02:37
kanzurefenn: I'm going for manufacturing engineering + comp neurosci at the same time. So why not?02:37
kanzurethey definitely claim MBA = MS02:38
biopunk..the science of finance02:38
bkeroWhen it's from the university of chicago, it is.02:38
* kanzure laughs02:38
bkeroMBA is a masters in arts, becaues bullshitting == art02:39
biopunkCS had the same problem btw02:39
fennso.. is there anything out there that isn't bullshit?02:39
kanzurewhat problem?02:39
bkeroComputer Science is part of the engineering college at my school.02:39
biopunkthe MS thing02:39
fenni'm having trouble figuring out what to do02:40
kanzurefenn: do you mean "do for money" or just "do do"? 02:40
fennwell, both02:40
kanzureI'm trying to figure out how to make "do do" work without the "do for money" 02:40
fenni'm running out of my stockpiled bars of gold.. so02:40
kanzureI just want a fablab02:40
kanzureand some food in it02:40
fennwhat would you do with a fablab? (assuming this means laser cutter, water cutter, milling machine, etc)02:41
kanzuresee, that's where laziness comes in02:41
kanzureI don't want to do a business since I won't want to actually do the 'work' or whatever it is that is considered 'work'02:41
kanzureI'd rather be doing my own other projects02:41
biopunk(I would make guns I think)02:41
kanzuresure, weapons would be worth exploring02:42
fenni think the point of 'running a business' is that other people do the work02:42
kanzurebut but 02:42
kanzureso with a fablab, I'd get to be lazy in some productive manner02:42
kanzurebut that would only be apparent really only to me it seems02:42
kanzureI mean, anybody who tinkers and such only sees the value of their tinkerings as first02:42
kanzurethat's why it's called, uh, tinkering02:42
kanzureI guess I just need funding until I can get my hydrogen harvestors online :p02:43
fennhmm your windchimes?02:43
kanzure(also until I hit a hydrogen cloud)02:43
fenni dont think it's gonna happen02:43
kanzurethe funding?02:44
fennproducing useful quantities of energy with parasitic generators02:44
kanzurewait, are we on the same wavelength here?02:44
fennprobably not02:44
kanzuresuppose we have our 5 cubic ly hydrogen molecular cloud02:44
kanzureinsert giant bulldozer02:44
kanzurepacman action02:44
fennwah? why not just get it from a star?02:45
kanzurethose things are hot02:45
fennor a jupiter planet02:45
kanzurewhat do you have in mind?02:45
fennwell, the core of many giant exoplanets is metallic hydrogen, seems easier than flying around in circles for eons02:45
fennbut anyway, whats the point of gathering interstellar hydrogen02:45
fennor any hydrogen for that matter02:45
kanzuresilly dreams of transmutation of the elemnets02:46
biopunkthis is the 'build societies on Mars' dream?02:46
kanzureinto the ingredients necessary for life or whatever other materials would be necessary02:46
fennbiopunk: this is "build giant moonbrains in orbit around each other after eating the entire solar system"02:47
biopunkI've missed to much of the discussion I think02:47
kanzurefenn: is it?02:47
fennsounds like it02:47
kanzurethis is "find a way to make lazy work"02:47
fennyou need.. a business plan02:47
kanzureI guess calling it lazy is the wrong way to say it02:47
fennwaiting until someone gives you 99 exadollars is not a business plan02:48
kanzuretheoretically this can be done for zero02:48
kanzuresince money is just a societal layer app02:48
fennyou have to start with some credit to use zero dollars (money is credit anyway)02:48
fenncredit can be whuffie or the more traditional banking kind02:48
fennlike getting a loan02:49
kanzureSteve has it pretty good02:50
kanzurehe doesn't have to concern himself with this02:50
fennwhy not?02:50
kanzuresomebody pledged herself to taking care of him02:50
kanzurehe says she has "humanity points"02:50
fenni doubt she can fund his stellaforming projects02:50
kanzureshe can barely fund herself02:50
fennok, so its just redundancy02:51
kanzureyou know, it actually shouldn't be this hard02:52
kanzuresuppose you take a quick dive into the traditional agricultural lifestyle02:52
kanzuremaking the machines (openfarmtech, our buddies) to automate that isn't terribly hard, as long as you have those materials laying around or something02:53
kanzurebut to begin with you can herd your own cattle and such02:53
kanzureso that problem is solved02:53
kanzureso until you do in vitro meat you'll have a bit more on your plate of course02:53
kanzuredon't know what to do about metals though. .. cargo ship taking part of a junkyard or something?02:54
fennyou're demonstrating a systematic error in common sense02:54
fennif it were so easy, why dont we have any automated agriculture yet?02:55
fennand robotics research is expensive, so why start with a low yield research area like agriculture?02:55
biopunkI love the way you guys jump from 'no money' to terra forming02:56
kanzurewell, I was thinking of the problem of how to get food02:56
kanzurebiopunk: "no money" wasn't the problem though ...02:56
fennkanzure: food is easy in america, there's dumpsters full of it behind every grocery store02:57
kanzureit's obtaining enough resources to get the cascading snowball effect02:57
biopunktrust me... spend to much time thinking about this and money will be02:57
kanzurefenn: yeah, but then you have to have a local fablab or something02:57
kanzurewhich means land cost thingy02:57
fennland is negotiable for whuffie02:57
fennit's not like they were using it anyway02:57
kanzurein a city?02:58
fennif not in the city, then definitely in the country around the city02:58
kanzurepresumably where those dumpsters are 02:58
fenni dont really see the need to be in a city though, except for publicity/community exposure02:59
fennits not like you have massive shipments and need to be near docks or trains02:59
fenneric hunting is always talking about how figuring out alternative lifestyles in inner cities is the future of hippie movements03:00
fennbut honestly it's harder than it sounds03:00
fennthere are so many stupid people in cities, at least in the country you can build a little island of sanity03:01
fennat least until the cia starts shooting mind control beams at you03:02
biopunkWith cults the problem is more often FBI I think03:05
fenni wasn't talking about cults, just lack of stupid people03:06
biopunkI'm sure your cult is special03:07
kanzurewhat cult?03:07
biopunkIt's sounds a bit cultish dont you think?03:07
kanzuremoney worship?03:08
biopunkmoving out on a piece of land and forming an own society to get away from the stupid people?03:08
kanzurethat's not really the point03:09
biopunkwhat is the point?03:09
kanzurebootstrapping/groundedness -- i.e., need to obtain/find resources within our lifetimes so that we can actually get the projects we're interested in, done/going/rolling03:10
kanzureby 'piece of land' that could just as easily mean 'fablab'03:10
kanzureeven your 'business', Mr. Capitalist, would require some 'land' or address space or something03:11
fennfablab is sorta undefined (unless you mean the specific project started at MIT)03:11
kanzurefablab = building + fabrication tech + lab stuff03:11
fennyeah but what if you want a nuclear submarine, can you make that in a fablab?03:11
kanzurewhat other possible definitions could be used?03:11
fennor a space shuttle03:11
kanzurewhy not?03:11
kanzurego make the equipment / go get the materials03:12
fennum, space pier? is that fablab territory still?03:12
fenni'm just wondering at what point it stops being a fablab03:12
fennbecause in my mind fablab is like something you stick in a basement03:12
fennnot something used to make megascale engineering projects03:13
kanzureI think you should certainly be able to make some of the engines required for the machines that you'd need to build it or something03:13
kanzurebut obviously you don't have the whole planet inside your basement03:13
ybitanyone know where to find "Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments" for free?04:05
ybit*on the net04:05
kanzurethat's easy04:10
kanzureapparently not04:11
kanzureI thought I had it04:11
* ybit cross-posts04:32
kanzureit occurs to me that just whispering 'bootstrapping' over and over again doesn't actually mean anything05:16
kanzureit's not a bootstrapping problem. that's only for the design compiler really. Everything else is a "please think of us when you have some material that we'd find useful" problem.05:16
kanzurewtf, AutoDesk is responsible for Maya ?05:50
bkerokanzure: Do you think the bootstrap will begin with debian?05:53
kanzureapt-get needs to expand to more than just software05:53
kanzureapt-get me a coke05:53
kanzure(though maybe not a coke)05:53
bkeroI think that that functionaality won't get into apt-get, but is probably already implemented in aptitude05:55
kanzurebkero: we have our own version in here with 'agx-get'05:57
kanzurere: http://heybryan.org/exp.html sort of05:57
kanzureI should rename that file to suck.html because of how poorly I write.05:57
kanzuredia, actually05:58
fenndia svg export is busted06:30
fennotherwise it would look better06:30
fennevery project should have one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipe-tan16:32
kanzurearen't those the OStans?18:24
bkeroBut Wikipe isn't an OS18:24
kanzureTell that to the web 2.0 people18:24
bkeroI will18:24
bkeroI fucking hate those idiots.18:24
* bkero is a jaded internet 1.0 veteran.18:25
kanzureback in my day, we flipped bits by extinguishing the bonfire18:26
bkeroxkcd butterflies18:32
kanzurebah, my version doesn't require an hdd18:34
kanzurehm, somebody @ieee.org emailed me to offer a ride to the robotgroup meets19:18
kanzurethey call it 'procurement'20:24
kanzure'codestiny' heh20:25
kanzurewhat are these 'supplier databases' that they mention?20:28
kanzureI wonder if this is RDFed ?20:31
bkeroProcurement is just a lot of companies term for buying shit.20:53
kanzureof course20:55
kanzurebut it has led me to some interesting sources20:56
bkeroI order stuff from alibaba a lot.20:56
bkeroIt's where people get the cheap shit they sell on ebay20:57
bkeroonly it's CHEAPER!20:57
kanzureI'm pretty clueless as to how these people run across these materials themselves in the first place.20:59
kanzureI'm /fairly/ certain it's mostly brownian.20:59
kanzurebkero: Where else do you order from?21:05
kanzureHave you ever seen the ridiculously high prices of Sigma Aldrich ?21:06
* kanzure had to fix his logger21:09
kanzureps --no-heading -C xmms | awk '{print $1}' | [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && ctrlxmms info >> /home/bryan/xmms_playlist_2008-08-13.txt21:09
kanzurealthough if I was more manly I'd go edit the xmms codebase21:09
kanzureDon't know why it doesn't log my playlist automatically :-)21:10
kanzurewhy's that?21:15
willPow3rthey took away the frontend21:15
* kanzure thought he had xmms2 installed and it looks fairly normal21:16
kanzuremaybe I don't.21:16
willPow3rwhich front end are you using?21:16
kanzuredefault installation21:16
willPow3rthats not xmms221:18
kanzuremaybe I'm behind because of the debian repos21:19
willPow3rperhaps. ubuntu doesn't offer regular xmms anymore21:19
kanzurehow are they doing media players then?21:20
kanzureubuntu is ridiculously popular21:20
kanzureso they must have something21:20
willPow3rthey're all 3rd party clients21:22
willPow3rxmms dev are now only supporting the backend21:22
willPow3ri used to use slackware a few years ago21:22
willPow3rbut decided i didn't have time for all the word required to keep it up to date21:23
willPow3rand ubuntu is impressive21:23
willPow3rword == work21:23
kanzureslackware was my first as well21:23
willPow3rits the best to learn on21:23
kanzureI kind of assumed all of that 'work' was normal (and it was, of course)21:24
kanzurehm, how does one go about convincing wine that the service packs are installed?21:25
willPow3rubuntu uses amarok21:29
willPow3rwhich i find far superior21:29
willPow3rto anything else21:30
elias`amarok dies when you have >10,000 songs or so21:31
* kanzure looks at his 130 GB collection21:31
willPow3ri have 18556 songs21:31
willPow3rand amarok runs fine21:31
elias`well, it has died for me several times in the past.21:31
willPow3rjust use the mysql database instead of the sqlite21:32
elias`I did21:32
elias`and postgresql21:32
willPow3ri have a very powerful machine too21:32
willPow3ri suppose that helps21:32
willPow3rwhen was the last time you used it?21:32
willPow3r2.0 is out now21:32
elias`probably 1-2 years ago21:32
elias`sucks though that it requires X21:33
willPow3rit uses the xine engine21:33
elias`i.e. should have a backend that would run when X goes down21:33
willPow3rso its really just a music organizer mostly21:33
kanzurewhether or not you have a powerful machine shouldn't matter21:39
willPow3rit does when searching the collection database21:40
bkerokanzure: I get stuff from alibaba, ebay, japanese ebay, craigslist, and samart22:03
bkerosomethingawful mart22:07
bkerooh and newegg and batteryspace22:07
kanzurea few months ago I was just about to write a spider to search for geospatially local 'junk' that may be of interest22:13
kanzureand then I moved into a dorm and most of my junkspace is now only virtual22:13
kanzure"The following wll be installed: <list of all software products ever>"22:23
bkeroFreecycle is a mailing list of stuff like that22:33
bkeroWow thats stupid22:33
kanzureyeah, I'm on freecycle22:34
bkeroSweet, got my friends to make elctric bicycles. :)22:34
kanzurehm, it seems to freeze while installing all of those silly packages22:34
* bkero is not surprised.22:35
willPow3ruse qemu22:36
willPow3rwith kvm22:36
bkeroI'd use xen or kqemu22:36
bkerokqemu=kvm :P22:36
willPow3rkqemu == deprecated22:36
* bkero uses xen on his colo to run windows xp for the deluge-torrent project.22:37
willPow3ri use vista in qemu/kvm22:37
bkeroNone of my computers are fast enough to run vista. :(22:37
bkeroEspecially to virtualize it on top of another operating system.22:37
willPow3rits actually lighter weight than xp22:37
willPow3rand installs a lot faster22:37
bkeroNot sure I believe that22:37
bkeroIt's > 10GB22:38
bkeroThe minimum requirements are also 10x what XPs are.22:38
willPow3ri must be spoiled then22:39
* bkero has an 8 core harpertown system with 12GB ram running at 4.25GHz. It still runs vista like shit.22:40
willPow3rwhy would you install vista on something like that anyway?22:41
willPow3rits designed for home/corporate use22:42
bkeroI wanted to try it out22:42
kanzurebkero: How do you afford this?22:42
bkeroIt's my desktop22:42
bkerokanzure: I'm interning at intel.  The processors were $15022:42
kanzureI just got a quadcore with 4 GB RAM and it wasn't cheap22:42
bkeroq6600s are < $200 how22:42
kanzureisn't that cheating?22:42
bkeroNo, what's cheating is using my landlords intel discount to get 8-core nehalems22:42
bkeroEven ater I leave22:42
bkeroThe nehalems ahve hyperthreading too, so that's 32 logical cores.  That should be enough for what I have in mind.22:43
bkeroI'm making an 8gb ramdisk, and copying rootfs onto it from the initrd, then pivot_rooting onto the ramdisk.  So I'll have about 8GB/sec of disk throughput.22:44
* kanzure cries22:44
elias`IBM's Quasar project seems pretty interesting, "And then IBM still has the Quasar project lurking in the background, where it's combining Power and Cell chips." (from some article about a month ago)22:44
bkeroPower chips begot the Cell. O_o  At the OSL we have an IBM QS20, which is a bladecenter filled with cells.22:45
bkeroIt's supported under gentoo ppc64.22:45
elias`I wish I could afford a QS2[0-9]22:45
elias`although QS22 was the highest last I checked22:46
bkeroThey have dual 1200w PSUs, hehe22:46
bkeroOne "blew", so we got a new one through warranty.  I use the other one at home for welding.22:46
kanzurefixme:msi:MSI_OpenDatabaseW open failed r = 80030050 for L"Z:\\mnt\\maxtor\\all\\autodesk\\inventor\\LibraryContent\\ContentLibrarySetup.exe"22:46
elias`will probably just get a PS3 for cheap processing power22:46
kanzurebkero: What does your lab actually /do/ ?22:47
kanzureor group I mean22:47
bkeroI'd ercommend an xbox 360 for that purpose elias` 22:47
kanzurebesides have awesome machines22:47
bkerokanzure: I host projects.  22:47
kanzureAnd that's all the lab does ?22:47
kanzuregiving you time to play?22:47
bkeroWell, no22:47
elias`bkero: can you actually run arbitrary code in it?22:47
bkeroPart of the lab works on prjoects like the OLPC, OpenMoko, and smoe others22:47
bkeroelias`: people hacked linux on it22:47
kanzureSo sit around coding for OpenMoko and playing on cell phones, then?22:47
bkeroIt's 3 dual-core G5's at 3GHz.22:48
bkeroI don't, the devs do22:48
bkeroI host this shit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source_Lab22:48
kanzurethen what do /you/ do?22:48
elias`Cell would be sexier :p22:48
kanzureFreenode is hosted?22:48
* kanzure thinks that SKDB would look good on that list22:48
bkeroI administer the powerdev accounts, and handle administration for some Gentoo, MythTV, Freenode, NSLU2-Linux, and the linux kernel.22:48
kanzureespecially re: http://fabuntu.org/ re: open source labs22:49
kanzureI see22:49
kanzureanyway, I have to run off to go battle robots and such22:49
bkeroJust put in a big order at Newegg.  PS2 to USB converter, 2x 3.5" sata->USB enclosures, a 4-port USB hub, 250gb 2.5" IDE hd, and a killawatt22:50
bkeroGoing to put a second hard drive in my macbook.  This 16GB SSD just isn't cutting it.22:50
willPow3rhow's the ssd on battery life?22:50
bkeroI get about 20 extra minuets depending on usage22:50
bkeroBUT that's not why I got it22:51
willPow3ri was under the impression that standard drives were more efficient22:51
kanzurebut wine can run \autodesk\\inventor\\LibraryContent\\ContentLibrarySetup.exe22:51
kanzurewtf, what's the deal here22:51
willPow3rcould be an msi issue22:52
bkeroSSDs are more efficient. :P  Show me any benchmarks to prove otherwise.22:52
kanzureit's probably a Z:\\ issue22:52
kanzurepossibly a chmod issue ?22:53
willPow3rits just what i read somewhere22:53
elias`seems there are some bad SSD's wrt power usage though22:55
bkeroBefore I got my mtron ssd I had a sata->cf22:56
bkerothat got slightly better battery life22:56
bkeroFuck, it's 100 degrees here.23:23
bkeroI moved to oregon to leave that shit23:23
willPow3rcoastal oregon?23:32
bkeroPortland area23:44
bkeroWest portland23:44

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