
--- Day changed Wed Aug 20 2008
kanzurewhy do they make it hard to steal these papers02:07
willPow3rit gives their it departments something to do02:22
kanzurethey have it departments??02:22
kanzureyes, I know what it is02:23
fennwho's on first02:23
kanzurethen who's on second?02:24
kanzureHey Phreedom.03:14
kanzureHey chizu.03:58
fennits like python, but less powerful04:08
fennand seriously, what's with that font?04:09
willPow3r_whats wrong with comic sans?04:10
willPow3r_whats up marainein 06:53
maraineinhey willPow3r_06:53
maraineinhave i met you before?06:54
maraineinif not, then hi06:56
maraineinwhat sort of things are you interested in?06:57
willPow3r_neural engineering06:57
maraineincan you tell me what exactly that is?06:58
maraineinare you an amateur neural engineer, or pro?07:02
willPow3r_student, actually07:03
maraineinme too07:05
maraineinstudying neuroscience?07:05
willPow3r_where are you studying?07:10
maraineinmolecular biology07:13
maraineinmainly interested in rejuvenation therapies, aubrey de grey, etc07:13
maraineinalthough other stuff also holds interest for me07:13
maraineinbut i have to concentrate on something, and life extension seemed to be the right thing to take care of first07:14
kanzureStewart Brand did "Whole Earth Magazine" for the California 60s hippie communes18:26
fennit was sort of its own culture18:32
kanzuredoes this mean I'm a hippie?18:34
fennlet me know if you figure that out19:15
kanzurereal time collaborative writing via xmlhttprequests ?21:27
kanzurekind of hard to figure out who's writing what21:28
* nsh thinks anything involves xmlrpc must be doing it wrong by default21:32
nsh, checks21:32
fennwhat's wrong with xmlrpc?21:34
nshi don't know; what's right with it?21:35
nshnah, i guess i was too quick to judge21:37
nshif they got rid of the xml and the rpc parts, it's actually a nice implimentation21:37
fennah, so.21:38
fennremote procedure call21:38
nshremote procedure call21:38
fennits a way of moving data around21:39
nshwhich is techbunkum-talk for "request"21:39
nshand xml which is web-fetishism for "structure data"21:39
kanzurewikipedia is surprisingly unhelpful here21:39
kanzureis it just an abstract concept?21:39
nshso, a way of requesting structuer data with minimal overhead21:39
nshis a pretty good, if trivial, idea21:39
kanzurelike, wget the data struct?21:39
nshcould look at it like that21:39
fennrpc is an old unix protocol for inter-process communication21:40
kanzurex server to app communication?21:40
kanzureand such?21:40
bkeroSort of21:40
fennits like dcop21:40
bkeroApp to app communication21:40
nshexcept doing anything with xml is just asking for some idiot to "EXTENSIBILISE" it21:40
nshinto some clunky pile of balls21:40
* nsh checks SOAP to confirm suspicions21:40
kanzureof course throwing collabedit.com into a browser is rather stupid21:40
kanzureit should be a standalone app IMHO21:41
nsh"SOAP once stood for 'Simple Object Access Protocol' but this acronym was dropped with Version 1.2 of the standard, as it was considered to be misleading."21:41
bkeroXMLRPC is for people who have huge boners about their Dewey-decimal organized book collection.21:41
fennwell it seems to work for what it is21:41
* nsh smiles21:41
nshi'm just a cynic. don't need to mind me :-)21:41
* bkero is a bittered web 1.0 veteran.21:41
fennbkero: you're just jealous of my huge dewey decimal system21:42
bkerofenn: That's exactly what it is.21:42
bkerojealousy, not loathing21:42
nshloathing is a more refined sentiment, that takes years of studied practice21:43
nshi often feel that i am approaching the cusp of loathing21:43
fennfwiw i thought netscape was a step down from mosaic..21:43
nshbut like all forms of enlightenment, the destination is ever one step further21:43
* nsh thought SQL was a stepdown from flatfiles and perl21:43
kanzureSQL isn't really a server query language21:44
kanzureit's a "subcomponent of a server query language'21:44
bkeroIt's structured query language21:44
* kanzure smacks his head21:44
* nsh watches more banal american television21:45
bkeroYou should try using an ANSI complient SQL implementation. :)21:45
fenn60MB left on the paranoia agent download21:45
bkeroIs IE still based off of Mosaic?21:46
biopunkisn't mozilla?21:47
kanzure Surfraw - Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web21:47
bkeroEr, no.21:47
kanzure'Surfraw provides a fast unix command line interface to a variety of popular WWW search engines and other artifacts of power. It reclaims google, altavista, babelfish, dejanews, freshmeat, research index, slashdot and many others from the false-prophet, pox-infested heathen lands of html-forms, placing these wonders where they belong, deep in unix heartland, as god loving extensions to the shell.'21:47
bkeroMozilla uses the gecko rendering engine.21:47
biopunkI thought mosaic becam that21:48
kanzurewait, are we seriously all awake at the same time? wtf?21:48
biopunkbkero: checking21:48
fennnetscape/mozilla just covertly swooped on mosaic hq and kidnapped all their programmers, but it doesnt contain any mosaic code21:49
kanzureI was hoping to use Gecko, KHTML, GtkHTML, WebKit or "that other one" once for 'my own browser'21:49
kanzurewhat I want is a fully scriptable browser that isn't single threaded and that doesn't suck21:49
bkeroI used skipstone for a long time because I didn't want to install GTK.21:49
biopunk"Mosaic's direct descendent on the coder line, via Marc Andreessen, was Netscape Navigator. Netscape Navigator's code descendent was Mozilla Firefox.21:50
bkerokanzure: Have you looked into links v2?21:50
kanzureI want something that manly and that can handle the hundreds of tabs I have open21:50
kanzurebkero: links2? yeus21:50
kanzurewait, maybe not21:50
bkerokanzure: Firefox 3 has 45 tabs open on my laptop right now. 21% cpu, 173MB ram.21:50
kanzuredillo, emc, links, links2, emacs shell line browser thingy, ...21:50
kanzure45 tabs21:51
kanzureyou're a lightweight :)21:51
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/2008-03-23_autoscholar.png <--- 21:51
kanzureanyway, it's silly how browsers are written21:52
kanzureof course, the web isn't any better21:52
kanzurenot inspiring the best of human thought obviously21:52
bkerokanzure: You could start by ditching kde. :P21:52
bkeroThat's just a personal nitpick.21:53
* kanzure had to do a vertical tab bar hack to kde's kdebase kicker thingy. Didn't submit the patch yet ... it's been five months. Should probably look into this.21:53
bkeroI liked E17, WindowMaker, GNUStep, XFCE(to a lesser extent), ion3, and now i'm a wmii whore.21:53
kanzureI used to really like fvwm9521:53
bkerofvwm95 is what I would give to my mother if she had some computer training 10 years ago, and had only seen a windows 95 computer.21:54
* biopunk is trying to find a way to rationalize buying an eee pc21:55
kanzureI have your rationalization21:55
kanzurejust a sec21:55
nshkanzure++ for surfraw21:58
kanzureI think he wired it up to his eeepc21:58
kanzurensh: hell yeah21:58
fennsurfraw doesn't really work anymore, all the url's have changed in the course of time21:58
fenn(unless someone fixed it)21:58
nshi'd have thought it would check for updates from a user-collaborative wiki thing21:59
kanzureit's not that easy, nsh21:59
nsheverything's easy21:59
kanzureit's easy to change the output of your website21:59
kanzurescreen scraping enthusiasts know this.22:00
nshthat's why there should be a firefox extension22:00
nshthat reports these changes22:00
nshas firefox is connected to an intelligent html parsing device22:00
kanzurewah, firefox?22:00
kanzureno, you understand that this isn't a browser, right?22:01
nshpoint is, use people to get around changes to output interface22:01
nshyes i know22:01
kanzureI see what you mean22:01
kanzurejust track what the users are doing22:01
nshthere should really be a central database22:01
kanzurewhich can be used to script stuff like perl's cpan's WWW::Mechanize22:01
kanzurecentral repo like cpan or greasemonkey or something.22:01
nshthat browsers report to, to get around htmlcruft22:01
kanzurebugmenot and such.22:01
* nsh nods22:01
nshcut through the web22:02
nshfor great justice and so on and so forth22:02
* nsh checks some surfraw stuffs22:02
kanzuresupposedly browsers have the 'input form wizards' that automatically fill the forms out, but this is the suck22:02
kanzureI was going to throw autoscholar into surfraw, but then realized I hadn't written it yet22:02
fennif you know how get/post works it's quite easy to fabricate any form-based query22:03
* kanzure does it all the time22:03
kanzureactually, on that note, twitter is one that is hard to fabricate22:03
kanzureI did it once, but then when trying it more recently I failed completely22:03
fennare there any tools for vivisecting flash viewers?22:03
kanzureI went through all the motions -- fake user-agent, login with the cookies, etc.22:03
biopunkPrivate Eye P4 Head-Mounted Display22:04
kanzurefenn: might be with the 'hex' community (the flash one, not the real hex)22:04
biopunkit dispays the screen on the reina?22:04
kanzurebiopunk: Nah. It's a HUD.22:04
biopunkso.. on glasses?.. I can't find a reflector22:05
kanzureStanislav Datskovskiy22:05
kanzureit's a screen22:05
kanzurethe EEEs are small enough to make a very good wearable22:06
kanzureconnected to that sort of screen :)22:06
biopunkkanz: yeah.. don't huds display on a semi opaque plate?22:06
bkeroSort of22:06
kanzurebiopunk wants to rationalize getting one of the Asus EEE PCs.22:06
bkeroI had one22:06
bkeroSmall VGA LCDs like that are exceedingly expensive. :(22:07
kanzurebiopunk: oh, I didn't know22:07
kanzureand apparently this had some nasty awesome resolution22:07
bkeromuch more than an eee22:07
kanzurebut this was before the modern LCDs and such22:07
kanzurebut for some reason had more resolution22:07
kanzureodd, eh?22:07
biopunkand it's from 8922:07
kanzure'The Private Eye P4 is a monochrome head mounted display manufactured by Reflection Technology in the early 1990's.  The company seems to have gone out of business, but a sales brochure describing the device is available here, and a full set of developer's documentation lives here (permanent mirror here.)  The display was distinguished by its relatively low price and high resolution (modern color micro-LCD HMD's are available with less than half the a22:07
bkeroHeh surfraw is in portage.22:08
fennnasty awesome!22:08
bkeroTHat's lower than 640x48022:08
biopunki guess it shines a lazer on the retina22:08
bkeroIn terms of pixel density22:08
kanzurewait, there are LCDs doing 640x480 now?22:08
kanzureI mean,22:08
kanzuresmall ones :)22:08
bkeroMost are lifted from small projectors.22:09
bkerocell phones can do 640x480 too22:09
fenni think a DLP mirror and RGB LED would make an awesome HUD22:09
biopunkI think the next generation of consolegames will come with goggles22:09
fenni have some small mems mirrors but no documentation22:09
kanzurebiopunk: they were saying that in the 70s22:09
kanzurethere are many pictures of people looking like dorks with those vr goggles22:10
kanzurefrom that time period.22:10
bkeroHahahaha  * You can try some searches, for example: * $ sr ask why is jeeves gay?22:10
fenni'd rather have a saiya-jin battle meter22:10
biopunkbut they are cool.. and it's a killer app.. like the wii movement sensoring thingies22:10
kanzurefenn: his power level is over nine thousand!!22:10
fennobviously i used the wrong terminology, so what's it really called?22:12
nshwhere do i sign up?22:12
fennnsh: your local army navy recruitment center22:12
biopunkfenn: in the 90:ies22:12
nshthey won't let me in anymore22:12
kanzurepower level scouter thingy22:12
biopunkor the swedish army actually.. they had a system like that inside an old MBT22:13
kanzure'Scouters - were created by Frieza's scientists. It was made to help determine how strong a person was. It's worn around one eye and can detect power levels from miles away. It gives the power level in the form of a number, and so they compare the number to their own to see where they stand if they were to fight that person.'22:13
fennscouter? did they do a new translation or something?22:13
* kanzure remembers "Understand" (Ted Chiang)22:13
kanzureit would be neat to do that geospatially and map "power users" (surfraw users?) 22:14
bkeroAre we seriously discussing dragonball z scouters?22:14
nshnothing's off the table with good ol' kanz22:14
kanzureI used to run a dbz website22:14
* kanzure hides.22:14
fennugh that web page was talking at me!!22:14
nshoh cool22:14
biopunk(no wonder I was lost)22:14
bkerokanzure: I used to imm a dbz mud. ;)22:14
kanzureoh crap22:14
kanzureI probably showed up in it at one point, who knows22:14
bkeroMUDs are old shit.22:15
kanzureI was all over the place.22:15
nshwhy doesn't the internet talk at you in that robowoman voice from the 80's already?22:15
kanzureyeah, there were still some muds running in 200222:15
nshi thought that was where all technology was heading22:15
bkeroI ran it for like 6 years.  I still have some source of it on a cd in my cd case.22:15
bkerokanzure: I ran this until about 2003-2004.22:15
nshyou know, that one that was in every film for about a decade22:15
biopunkpeople play muds on facebook22:15
biopunkbig there22:15
bkeroThat doesn't count.22:15
kanzureRight, that's what my website was like.22:15
kanzureweb-based 'rpg' 22:15
kanzureand it sucked22:15
fennmud on facebook? wtf22:16
nshi thought facebook *was* an MUD22:16
bkeroFuck web-based RPGs.22:16
* nsh feels conned22:16
bkeroI need to develop a MUD interface to facebook.22:16
kanzurebkero: yes, but I didn't have that sentiment back in the day22:16
kanzureI was too young to realize how much the web sucked.22:16
fennmud is like IRC but you can kill the other people :)22:16
bkeroThat way I don't need to use their shitty web interface.22:16
biopunkthey don't call it muds.. it's stuff like 'Wampire slayer'22:16
nshisn't that just viral inanity?22:16
biopunkit's a new generation22:17
bkeroI need to design a MUD interface to various web sites.22:17
bkeroLike amazon22:17
kanzureI wonder if it's worth hacking a gameboy console or a lcd from an old phone22:17
kanzurea MUD for amazon?22:17
kanzurehow would that work?22:17
fennthat's not a bad idea really22:17
kanzure"You've encountered yet another wish list!"22:17
biopunkstop... now22:17
bkeroconsider wish list22:17
kanzure"you've encountered bad html, error"22:17
fenndon't even think about it!!22:18
bkerogo west to deviantart22:18
kanzurexkcd map of the internets22:18
bkeroquaff unused menstrual blood22:18
fennyou feel ... emo22:18
kanzureactually, even the screen from my digital camera would work22:19
fennbkero attempts to flee, but the apathy is too strong!22:19
bkerocast surliness22:19
biopunkyou feel weak22:19
nshyou could use the xkcd internet map22:19
nshthis idea should not be drawing me in...22:20
biopunkfor a nethack maybe22:20
nshwhat's that game22:20
nshdwarf fortress?22:20
nshkeep meaning to have a go22:20
nshlooks funny22:20
fennhmm i should sell scouters on ebay22:20
bkeroTry robotfindskitetn22:20
bkeroInfinitely better.22:20
bkerofenn: You could use an IR themometer with some maths attached.22:21
bkeroThe idiots wouldn't be able to tell a difference.22:21
nshuh, is it infinitely better because it exists only in your mind, bkero?22:21
bkeronsh: no22:21
fennhe's emitting over 9 gigawatts!22:21
bkeroOr RFK for short.22:21
bkeroThere's a version for every platform out there.22:21
biopunkthe funny thing is the experience was every bit as real as people experience the MMORGS now22:22
* nsh didn't notice obvious typo22:22
nshwas like, robot finds kite tn?22:22
bkeroNo sir.  Robots and kittens22:22
bkerorobotfindskitten v1.4142135.349                                                                                                  22:23
bkero"Go back to Libraria!", says Pat Schroeder.22:23
fenni think MUDs permanently warped my brain22:23
nshcome to think of it, why *isn't* the web implemented in ascii22:23
nshhttp://www.robotfindskitten.org/ is the nicest website i've visited all day22:23
kanzure'yet another zen simulation' ?22:24
bkeroIn this game, you are robot (#). Your job is to find kitten. This task                                                           22:24
bkerois complicated by the existence of various things which are not kitten.                                                          22:24
bkeroRobot must touch items to determine if they are kitten or not. The game                                                          22:24
bkeroends when robotfindskitten.22:24
biopunk..and steps on it22:27
biopunkI'm still fascinated by the fact that simulators can be used to learn real skills22:28
bkeroKittens are nice! Robots don't step on them.22:28
fennhmm @ http://www.dvdactive.com/images/news/screenshot/2006/1/dor22:29
biopunkbkero: yes they do... when the screen is turned odd22:29
kanzureimage unavailable?22:29
fennoops http://www.dvdactive.com/images/news/screenshot/2006/1/doragoni3.jpg22:29
fennno info on it though22:30
biopunkIt looks like it may not be functional22:30
kanzureyou can mod it22:30
kanzureeasily make the speaker and mic work,22:30
fenni'm just trying to figure out how to attach the earpiece without looking dumb22:30
kanzurelike hair behind it?:22:31
kanzurewhat's up with that in the pic anyway?22:31
kanzurenormally people do direct ear to headphone contact22:31
biopunkfew things are totally normal in Japan22:33
fennthis might work, but nobody would recognize it: http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc23/Burningvegeta/KrudulePurpleMFG-SaiyanElite.png22:34
kanzureI wonder if somebody with myostatin deficiency would look like a character right out of dbz22:35
fennadd antigravity field and no shampoo for a month and their hair would look right also22:36
kanzureI think some fans might have already solved that one22:36
biopunkpong is a superower of sorts22:36
kanzurebah, just do tien22:37
biopunkfenn: slang for strong smell.. I think.. or used to be22:37
kanzureI can't quite figure out what I would do with an lcd three or four inches in front of me22:38
biopunk( http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pong )22:38
kanzureunless I have a full keyboard and an internet connection22:39
kanzurethe internet connections really, really cost22:39
kanzure$60/mo for a crap (unlimited) connection22:39
biopunkkanz: see.. i have the same problem with the eee pc22:39
kanzureI haven't tried the onboard keyboard so I can't quite tell you what it's like22:41
kanzureI've seen a few people with them though22:41
fennjust use 802.11 that's more or less ubiquitous?22:42
biopunkmaking pokemons could be a nice biohacker project22:42
kanzurenot around here :)22:42
kanzurebiopunk: that's a huge genetic engineering project22:42
fenninstead of a gsm modem22:42
biopunkkanz: one could start with the easy ones.. like make a squirrel into lickitung22:43
fennand who wouldnt want that: http://www.worth1000.com/entries/171500/171599bHjg_w.jpg22:44
biopunkhehehe.. girls?22:44
kanzurebiopunk: ah, so you just mean "almost like the characters"22:44
fennumm... no comment22:44
bkerokanzure: Do you really want to look like a dbz character?22:45
kanzurebkero: No, we were talking about displays.22:45
kanzurewearable computers22:45
fenni was designing a HUD and it ended up looking sorta like a dbz "scouter"22:45
* bkero was just looking at the dominant feature--the hair.22:45
fennso why not go all the way22:45
kanzurebkero: however, a myostatin deficiency would be ok22:45
fennsupposedly i look like vegeta :\22:46
bkerolol terrible receeding hairline?22:46
* bkero looks like bkero.22:46
* fenn grumbles22:46
* bkero is reflexive.22:46
fennkanzure: couldnt you just make some molecule that inhibits myostatin?22:47
fenninstead of going full gene therapy22:47
fennmonoclonal antibody for instance, but i'm sure there's more conventional chemistry ways to do it22:47
kanzureapparently there's one like that already in fda testing22:48
kanzureso maybe we should just go look at the patents22:48
kanzureand see what they're doing22:48
fenni wonder what the side effects are22:48
kanzureattractive women22:48
kanzureneed to eat ridiculous amounts of protein?22:49
bkeroInterestingly, whippets with the homozygous deletion also had an unusual body shape, with a broader head, pronounced overbite, shorter legs, and thicker tails.22:49
fennbut they are also bigger overall, so are the legs shorter proportionally or absolutely?22:50
kanzure'As of 2005, no myostatin-inhibiting drugs for humans are on the market, but an antibody genetically engineered to neutralize myostatin was developed by New Jersey pharmaceutical company Wyeth.[20] The inhibitor is called MYO-029 and recently underwent testing however the results have not yet been made public.[21][22][23] Some athletes, eager to get their hands on such drugs, turn to the internet, where fake "myostatin blockers" are being sold.'22:50
kanzurehm, New Jersey22:50
kanzurewe have a sympathizer there22:50
biopunkif one could just remove myostatin by filtering the blood it would be the perfect doping22:51
* nsh reads http://www.theonion.com/content/node/28784?issue=4228&special=2001 again22:51
nshbecause sometimes you have to22:51
nshrecombinant antibody? 22:52
kanzureMedia - Gerald Burr - Wyeth Pharmaceuticals - 484-865-513822:52
kanzureInvestor - Justin Victoria - Wyeth - 973-660-534022:52
nshthere's a tiny little irish voice in my head saying "well there, what could possibly go wrong, eh?"22:52
bkeroWhat does removing myostatin do to muscle stem cells generation?22:53
nshoh, doesn't mean what i thought it might22:53
nshit's a growth factor iirc22:54
kanzurewhat's Stamulumab?22:54
kanzure'Stamulumab (MYO-029[1]) is an experimental myostatin inhibiting drug developed by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of muscular dystrophy.Stamulumab (MYO-029[1]) is an experimental myostatin inhibiting drug developed by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of muscular dystrophy.'22:54
nsh"Myostatin (formerly known as Growth differentiation factor 8) is a growth factor that limits muscle tissue growth, i.e. higher concentrations of myostatin in the body may cause the individual to have less developed muscles. The myostatin protein is produced primarily in skeletal muscle cells, circulates in the blood and lymph and acts on muscle tissue, apparently by slowing down the development of muscle stem cells."22:54
kanzure'However, as of January 24, 2008, the study has been accepted by a peer-reviewed journal and publication is expected "in the next few months"'22:55
bkerowhat does the body benefit by producing myostatin?22:55
bkeroOr is it just a byproduct?22:56
kanzurelimits to growth can be useful22:56
fennbkero: benefits by not turning into a high metabolism freak22:56
biopunkI guess from an evolutionery perspective the body can go longer without food22:56
fennalso perhaps your heart isnt big enough to supply those muscles with oxygen?22:57
kanzure'ACVR2B is similar to Stamulumab but is not an antibody; rather, it provides a portion of the molecule to which myostatin would normally bind thus preventing the myostatin from binding with the actual molecule'22:57
bkeroBut wouldn't your heart also grow stronger?22:57
kanzurelooks like that's something we could grow in a bioreactor22:57
biopunkapparently mysostatin doesn't effect the heart22:57
bkeroSo they're just getting rid of the receptors instead of the myostatin.22:58
kanzureACVR2B is the gene for the receptor, it seems22:58
nshi is almost certain to have more than one role22:58
nshwhich is why i'm always a little dubious about pharmatwats trying to knock things out22:59
biopunkI would like to know a lot more before I'd start messing with receptors in myself22:59
biopunkbiohacking is funny that way22:59
kanzureno, you don't mess with your natural membrane receptor proteins22:59
kanzurethis is just something floating around in the blood23:00
biopunkthere are unexpected outcomes all the time 23:00
bkeroWhich is why there are test animals. :)23:00
bkerokanzure: Do most animals produce mysotatin?23:00
biopunk"The animals are there for us to eat, wear and experiment on"23:00
fenntest animals can't show long term effects such as immune sensitization23:00
fenni'd hate to be injecting acvr2b and then have my immune system attack it23:01
bkeroThat would make you feel pretty shitty. :/23:01
biopunkfiltering the blood is safer23:02
nshi have sinking feelings about this kinda thing...23:02
bkeronsh: proactive genetic engineering?23:02
fennit's not genetic engineering23:02
nsh(unexpected long-term immnological effects of novel treatments)23:02
bkeroOr fucking with body chemsitry23:02
bkero(i was referring to the genetic mutation of doggies from the wikipedia article)23:03
nshthere's a fine line between paranoia and recklessness23:03
biopunkit's happening and we have to deal with it23:03
biopunkI wonder how electricity felt to people when that was new23:04
fenni think the issue is that getting 'buff' isnt a serious enough goal to do risky things like messing with hormone levels23:04
bkerobiopunk: ever see edisons demonstration on how easy it is for AC to kill an elephant?23:04
bkeroThere's video of it floating around online.23:04
fennbut hey, people take testosterone supplements all the time, it's probably a lot worse (since it affects your behavior also)23:04
biopunkno ;).. must have been a hoot at the time23:04
biopunkyeah.. the thing is if it can be done, there will always be people who will want to do it23:05
* nsh hates edison23:05
bkeroPeople will extract blood, put it in the fridge, and reinject it later for performance benefit. :P23:05
biopunkhuman cloning is a good example23:05
fennso, maybe myostatin-blockers will end up being safer and having less side effects than all the testosterone boosting supplements23:05
nshbkero, finnish guy won a lot of running events by doing that23:05
bkeroIt's banned now23:05
biopunkblood doping23:06
fennthey should just ban athletics23:06
kanzureMost of all animals, yes, produce myostatin.23:06
fennban all athletes!23:06
bkeroI'd like for them to allow all sorts of steriods and dopings one year just to see all the freaks that compete.23:06
fennbkero: and put them all in a gladiator ring, battle to the death23:07
kanzureI agree that 'getting buff' is not a serious enough goal23:07
nshoh man23:07
nshthey should have a freakolympics23:07
nshneither's living forever, imho23:07
nshwell serious, maybe23:07
biopunkhehe.. that elephant is smoking23:07
fennwinner gets to be governor of california23:07
bkero*newsflash* ac kills people23:07
* nsh chuckles23:07
fennbkero: not if it's over ~1kHz23:08
nshof course, the argument was over what to use in power lines23:08
fenn(not that i'm suggesting to try it out)23:08
nshso the killing elephant 'demonstration' was just stupid23:08
biopunki'll send lickitung23:08
bkeroI'll send magicarp23:08
fennpikachu, i choose you!23:08
bkerobiopunk: http://pown.it/113523:09
biopunkdamn I hate picachu23:09
biopunkbkero: hehe.. i get it now23:10
bkeroSo work just gave me a shiny stainless steel thermas.  I'm thinking about making it into a capacitor.23:11
nshthermos flask?23:11
nshthat would be cool23:11
bkeroI can probably get a farad out of it23:11
nshoh, i wonder how the ultracapacitor guys are getting on23:11
bkeroNot very good in terms of storing energy. :/23:12
biopunkit sounds a bit dangorous23:12
bkero(for periods of time)23:12
nshthey were supposed to be making batteries obsolete like two years ago23:12
* nsh hates hype23:12
bkeroYea.  Does your laptop run on an ultracapacitor?23:12
fenna thermos won't be a farad.. maybe a nanofarad23:12
fenn1F requires a huge amount of surface area23:12
bkeroDude you can get 1 farad caps for car stereos, and they are about the same size as this theros.23:12
fennthey have like a square mile of aluminum foil inside23:13
nshyeah, farad is a crazy huge SI unit, iirc23:14
* biopunk would like to to have good batteries with long lifespans now23:14
biopunk..or fuelcells23:15
fennbkero you can calculate it here http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/pplate.html23:16
nshit'd be nice to be able to store energy as crystaline structure23:16
nshdilithium style23:16
nshwell, hydrogen is a chore...23:16
fenni dont get the dilithium, you can store antihydrogen easily enough with UV lasers23:17
fennthey pop positrons off it, giving the antihydrogen crystal a net charge, so you can just levitate it with charged plates23:17
fennor use other 'laser tweezer' effects23:17
nshprobably weren't invented when star-trek was being thought up23:18
nshor at least, common knowledge23:18
fennthe problem is turning the antimatter into electricity without killing yourself with the gamma rays and subatomic particles that come off it23:18
fennso, yeah. i'd settle for a methanol fuel cell23:19
fennstar trek is so full of technical flaws it's not even worth talking about23:20
biopunkmaybe we're back to a methanol producing bioreactor then23:20
fennmaking methanol is easy, just heat wood in the absence of oxygen23:20
fennset a 55 gallon drum full of wood chips on top of a bonfire23:20
* nsh wonders if we might transcend electricity sometime this century23:21
fennit's possible23:21
biopunkelectricity is a mode of transport23:21
fennelectricity is useful for chemistry23:21
biopunkand brains23:21
fennphotonics is better for brains i think23:22
nshi mean specifically moving past electricity as the main way we manipulate energy23:22
nshnot sure how it would be even possible, but i'm sure it might23:23
fennwell, fiber optics are basically superconductors right?23:23
* nsh nods23:23
nshbut you can't transfer much power via optic fiber23:24
kanzuresome other subatomic particle physics perhaps/23:24
fennwhy not?23:24
fenni beg to differ.. those tattoo blasting lasers use a fiber to transfer the beam to a hand held stylus23:24
nshi don't know; was an assumption23:24
fenn(some of them use a periscope thingy though)23:25
* nsh nods23:25
nshi think the reconversion would be the most difficult thing23:25
nsha laser beam in itself has a reasonably limited range of functions23:25
nshbut i agree, it'd be the way to go about it23:25
nshlight is just the exchange of subatomic momentum23:25
nshand anything we want to get done is transfer of momentum in some form or other23:25
fennif you expand your horizons a little bit to encompass the whole solar system, laser beams are a lot more attractive than electrical wires23:25
biopunklazers have huge military applications23:26
biopunkif you can see it you can kill it23:26
fennlaser sails (like a solar sail) can be used to convert light to momentum23:26
nshand (apparantly) plausable deny it23:26
fennyou know those radiometer toys? white/black vanes in a vacuum dome that spin23:27
* nsh is a little dubious about that.. not many people will have the ACME giant space-based laser gizmo23:27
* nsh shakes head23:27
nshoh right23:27
nshyeah, uses light pressure23:27
nshwell, heat differential actually, if i remember correctly23:28
biopunkisn't it heat?23:28
* nsh nods23:28
nshit was originally supposed to be light pressure23:28
fennif the vacuum were good enough it would work with light pressure23:28
* nsh nods23:28
nshhence light sails23:28
biopunkone side is white the other black23:28
fennanother prospect is like the 'source' in 'the diamond age'23:29
fenni read some investment scam with plausible science behind it.. the idea was to use aluminum/air batteries to transfer huge quantities of electricity across the ocean with no loss23:30
biopunkin a tanker?23:31
fennyeah, building sized batteries23:31
fenni forget what the magic technology breakthrough supposedly was23:31
fennyou could use some kind of organic molecule like NADP as a charge carrier23:32
biopunkbuckets of atp23:32
fenninstead of the nasty heavy metal vanadium, like the vanadium redox cell23:32
fennatp is hard to make and has a low-ish lifetime before it spontaneously dissociates (am i making this up?)23:33
nshsounds right23:34
fenngoogle says half life of about 1 second23:34
biopunkfat the then23:34
fennhow about gasoline :)23:34
fennlarge farms of algae would probably work for that23:35
nshdon't you know it's made by geological processes!23:36
fennOTEC mariculture stuff, or iron seeding23:36
* nsh expects to see some degree of commercially-viable bioalgae in the next ten years23:36
biopunkI'm amazed by the amount of organic matter that has gone into making oil.. I mean.. it's just a miniscule fraction of what has decayed through the ages.. and still it's an enormous amount.23:36
* biopunk has been thinking about the timelines lately23:37
biopunktimelines are interesting... I think recorded history is like 6000 years23:39
biopunkbut we stand on people that came before us all the way back into the procaryote world23:39
* nsh smiles23:40
nsh(most of them weren't technically "people", but that's not the point) it's does give one pause23:40
nshstanding on the shoulders of goo23:41
biopunk200 000 years is the going number now i think23:41
biopunkThe history we can remember is like 100 years, and on this we base our view of what we are as humans...23:42
biopunkwe go "Hey, we did bad things (like WW2) but we have learned and are different now"...23:42
biopunknot really.. we are something else.. humans are something else23:43
biopunkthan can be understood by looking at the last say 300 years23:43
kanzureDoes anybody know why ScienceDirect has 1,988 different journals?23:44
kanzureI know it's Elsevier .. are they the publishers of these journals?23:44
kanzureor do they just interface and collect the papers?23:44
kanzurewhat's going on here23:44
kanzure(big page)23:45
fennelsevier publishes a lot of journals, it might indeed be 198823:45
fenn99% of journals are elsevier or wiley23:45
kanzureI see.23:45
* nsh isn't entirely sold on the popular idea that we're humans, anyway23:46
nshelsevier should be public-ised23:47
kanzurensh: shhh23:47
nshmake the common property of all humanity23:47
kanzurestop shouting so loudly23:47
kanzureI'm working on it, I'm working on it23:47
* biopunk thinks the trick is to understand what it means to be human, and that evolution is the clue23:47
fennbiopunk: it's the economy, stupid23:47
biopunk...aaah ;)23:47
* nsh smiles23:47
biopunkDoes anyone here know who david deangeo is?23:48
biopunka pua guru23:48
biopunkThat community puts knowledge about evolution to good use23:49
biopunkHe once said "A beautiful woman is the most powerful force in the universe. They are the reason money gets made and people get up in the morning. Do you think Bill Gates would be the richest man in the world if he had gotten laid in high school?"23:50
biopunkbasically pussy is the reason men want money. 23:51
biopunk....and we're back to evolution23:51
fennum.. so why do women want money?23:52
kanzureso I'll be doing sciencedirect and interscience today23:52
kanzureinterscience is silly and makes you click through 72 pages for the full list of journals23:52
kanzureso I downloaded 72 pages, however now I have weird file names with the get request attached to the file name23:52
kanzureI could just have been smarter and used --output-file=23:53
kanzurebut since I already have the files, doublebanging the server doesn't sound smart23:53
biopunkBecause money is a good indicator of how well tha man functions in a society23:53
kanzureGates doesn't function well23:53
biopunkin society he does23:53
kanzurepeople who stim are not considered socially functioning23:54
biopunkhe is a king, peopole obey him23:54
kanzureAnyway, there were some videos but I never remember seeing them.23:55
biopunk(the woman who has offspring with him has an army of peope tending to the wellbeing of that offspring. Cause Gates commands that. )23:55
kanzurenot to mention the credit card hax0rs and the leet russians23:56
kanzurewith their financial botnets and so on23:56
kanzurejust saying :)23:56
kanzureanyway, re my stupid files23:56
kanzurewhat sort of awk script should I use?23:56
fennall this primate behaviour stuff is amazingly unmotivating23:57
kanzureI could write some perl to process the file name23:57
kanzurebut that's stupid.23:57
kanzureso I should do something simpler23:57
fennsed -I23:57
fennoops, hmm23:58
kanzureit's okay, I have a better idea23:58
kanzurehow about viewing what's unique among all of the files via diff?23:58
fennoo try 'man rename'23:58
kanzure"Author: Larry Wall" yikes23:59
fennhey that's what perl was for wasnt it?23:59
kanzureif debian had a full list of credits (like the "game over" screens) for the contributors, it sounds like it'd be mostly a list of ten guys23:59
fennrenaming nasa reports or something23:59

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