
--- Day changed Sat Aug 30 2008
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kanzureAll this moving around makes me forget things.10:54
-!- Nade [n=lixasd@cpc2-clif5-0-0-cust516.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:56
kanzurehttps://www.lib.utexas.edu/etd/d/2007/kurtoglut41118/kurtoglut41118.pdf 11:30
kanzure"A computational approach to innovative conceptual design" (Tolga Kurtoglu, 2007)11:30
kanzureSeems to be an explanation of Matt Campbell's work at the Automated Design Lab, under the disguise of a student's thesis.11:30
kanzurebasically it uses a "graph grammar", which seems to just mean a text-based interface to graph manipulation, where the graph represents some functional system that is being designed11:31
kanzurepage 82 (offset: +20) shows that they just throw the components into a big pot, get out about 8000 results for that particular problem, then apply special algorithms or parameters or something to sort through the generated designs to come up with something good11:32
kanzurewhich sounds like a good time to mention the 'semantic search facilitator' project / autogoogler thingy, but I realize that I don't actually have any code for it (oops)11:33
kanzureHm. I was going somewhere with that. 11:40
kanzureoh, maybe it was something about the fablab plans. Since fablab has all of their software up on their site for various CAM/CAD conversions, modeling and so on, it might be interesting to throw the full toolchain together from 'semantic search facilitator' or their 'automated' design methodology (just generate everything) and wire it into 'fablab'/fabuntu11:58
* kanzure wonders if you can map 3D space into a filesystem (plan9?) so that /mnt/maxtor/ would refer to the physical hard drive location12:01
-!- pks [n=pk@c-98-217-103-22.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:55
kanzureHey pks.12:57
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]13:40
kanzureybit: Do you have literature access now?13:49
kanzureI was thinking of making a zip with the papers cited in http://www.neuroinf.org/pipermail/comp-neuro/2008-July/000922.html but I'm not sure I want to do it at the moment.13:50
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has joined #hplusroadmap13:50
ybitkanzure, yeah, i do, i've had accesss for awhile now14:00
pksdid any of you enter that io9.com "build a lifeform" contest?14:54
-!- nsh [n=nsh@d85-194-245-82.cust.wlannet.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:59
kanzurepks: I might have. I don't remember.15:01
kanzuresome of us were talking about submitting some stuffs to them15:02
kanzuredid we get around to that or not?15:02
pkshm, speaking of that, spore is coming out shortly (sept 7th)15:05
kanzureSomebody was talking with me about Spore at ArmadilloCon, he was pointing out that Spore kind of screwed up a bit15:14
kanzurethey should be making it a bit more of a GA with more incentives for user generated content15:14
kanzureor something, I wish I had his idea written down15:14
pksa GA?15:23
kanzuregenetic algorithm15:24
-!- newgenome [n=chatzill@resnet-47-165.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap15:32
kanzureHey newgenome.15:33
pksI've never seen Drew Endy talk about transhumanism15:44
pksbut I'm pretty sure he's a proponent15:45
pkshe's hinted at it in a few interviews15:45
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kanzurepks: I've noticed the same as well.15:48
pkshave you read "the singularity is near" kanzure?15:49
kanzurebtw, the singularity is near has a dedication in the front15:49
kanzureor maybe it's the "thanks"15:50
kanzurebut it's to "David Dalrymple"15:50
kanzureDavid has showed up in here a few times before :)15:50
kanzureso the book is kind of a "must know" thingy15:50
kanzureeven if it's kinda wrong15:50
pksI just started it...15:50
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/fernhout/ for a critique of the singularity is near from a F/OSS perspective15:50
kanzurewell, carry on :)15:50
pksI feel like Kurzweil is too optimistic about tech implants for humans15:51
kanzurewhat's he saying?15:51
kanzureor give me a page number15:51
pksone sec, I'll see if I can find a specific example15:52
-!- Nofaris_ [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-94-197.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:55
pksmeh, I can't find a specific example without rereading15:55
kanzurewe were digesting the book like rabid enzymes back up in California for the summer project15:57
pkswhat summer project?15:58
pksand I like the biopunk-esque analogy15:58
kanzureI was working for the Singularity Institute on "The Uncertain Future", a site that would help users reason about probability distributions for their expectations of the developments of various awesome technologies such as ai, intelligence augmentation, multigeneration in vitro embryo selection, neuromorphic ai, brain simulation, etc.15:59
pksdid you meet eliezer yudkowsky?16:00
pksi have a bunch of respect for that guy16:00
kanzureI see.16:00
Nofaris_What do you see?16:01
kanzureEliezer was surrounded by people that couldn't go five minutes without mentioning his name. 16:01
kanzureIt was a ... cult.16:01
kanzurean ai cult ;-)16:01
kanzure"Quick! Let's check overcomingbias!"16:02
-!- Nofaris [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-94-197.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]16:09
-!- Nofaris_ is now known as Nofaris16:10
NofarisWhere does the name kanzure come from?16:10
Nadeall this stuff is a long way off16:13
kanzureNofaris: 2003-05-21 --> http://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_view&t=7659&b=216:15
kanzureI know that being young is no excuse for being stupid, but I was pretty stupid, so please be kind when reading that post.16:15
kanzure(I was 13)16:15
kanzureNade: Intelligence augmentation isn't all that far off especially since we can simulate brains and do implants and so on.16:15
kanzuremultigeneration in vitro embryo selection is easily done16:15
kanzureBrain simulation just needs more hardware -- some researchers have it basically "down to an art" but don't have the scaleup required. Markram was thinking of doing direct circuits in FPGAs or even outside of FPGAs to represent each of the algorithms and so on.16:16
kanzureto get the speed/computations he needs.16:16
pkshave you ever made a game kanzure?16:16
kanzureoh yes, many16:16
pksyou have them online?16:16
kanzureI've lost many of them over the years, but let me see.16:17
kanzurehttp://web.archive.org/web/*/morph.hey.nu/dbzinsane/ was my 2D DBZ RPG16:17
kanzurehttp://web.archive.org/web/*/devskills.sytes.net/7k/ was my 2D space shooter 16:17
kanzurehttp://web.archive.org/web/*/animeu.hey.nu/grak/ was my 2D MMORPG :-). It got to the point where I was buying out some art, music, etc.16:18
kanzureI still know the artist, Blake, and the musician, Vincent, as well as a few of the people who were helping me do the programming. 16:18
kanzuremost of the code is locked on an old laptop hdd that has either died or lost an old IDE cable or something16:19
pksthat's cool16:19
kanzureI also had a 3D adventure game going in "Dark Basic" when I was 12, until somebody clued me into some real programming and I hung out on the allegro.cc community for a few years16:19
pksusually amateur mmos don't amount to anything, they're wayyy too difficult and time consuming16:19
kanzurewell, 16:19
kanzureI was stupid and had OOP madness16:19
kanzure"Everything's an object!"16:20
pkswell I think games are the optimal way to teach certain kinds of material16:20
kanzureit didn't go too well :)16:20
kanzurewas slow, laggy, lua scripting + tons of objects => failure16:20
pksyeah, none of them do though16:20
kanzureone of my favorites was a dysfunctional game where you would try to draw a path to pop the most balloons with a straight line, or something16:20
kanzurethere was some feature where you had to click the balloons/circles 16:21
kanzureand it was supposedly novel gameplay16:21
kanzurebut it must have been too novel since I've now forgotten what the hell I was doing16:21
kanzureone of those "do a game in 48 hours" things ;-)16:21
pksI want something like Iron Chef for game development16:21
pksmake a game in like 5 hours16:22
kanzurean angry chinese man yelling at you?16:22
pksit would be neat to see some higher profile designers doing something small and unique16:22
kanzureno arguments there16:27
* kanzure has somewhat fixed calendar.pl .. http://heybryan.org/projects/calendar/16:40
kanzureI'm currently testing with two origin events that conflict with one another. Followed by two more which do not conflict. I haven't tried three conflicting events all at the same time .. I'm assuming this works since a three-conflict is just broken up into a conflict, followed by another conflict on the next recursion down anyway, right?16:41
fennpks: wil wright's "small and unique" game: http://www.stupidfunclub.com/16:55
kanzureso, would somebody be willing to break my calendar.pl script for me?17:01
kanzureI guess I need to come up with an interface for making new events now17:01
kanzureit's not that hard to figure out the file format17:01
* kanzure just got the Singularity Summit 2008 announcement email17:03
fennwhich yaml library should i get?17:03
kanzureI just did cpan -i YAML17:04
* fenn tries libyaml-perl17:04
kanzureum, just in case I was being stupid17:05
kanzureI reuploaded calendar2.pl17:05
kanzureI don't know if I uploaded it after I shouted hurray17:05
* fenn grumbles something about git17:05
kanzurewhere was that cheatsheet I had .. hm ..17:06
fennit seems that lately everything i do sends this poor laptop into fits17:06
kanzureclean the fan?17:06
fennfan? what fan?17:07
fennit doesn't lock up, just 100% cpu usage for like 5 minutes upon installing a package17:07
kanzureI have two17:07
kanzurenote that it's a pentium 4 hyperthreading beast, so this thing generates heat faster than a soldering iron17:08
fennold lappy, i just bought a new micro-atx board so lets hope it works17:08
kanzurealso, in the running dir don't forget to mkdir calendars17:09
kanzureno, that's the old version17:09
kanzureno mkdir required.17:09
fennit said something about genesis.evt but didnt make any files17:09
kanzuregenesis.evt is just something I was using to make sure all the schedules were originally the same variable17:10
kanzureit doesn't generate files because I'm just printing it out, line 111 should be the open/close file handling routines of lines 137-140 inclusive17:10
-!- nsh- [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap17:12
kanzurehi hi hi17:13
fennso, it sees a conflict between 1 and 2, is it supposed to do something about it?17:14
kanzureit should do something about it17:14
kanzureyou should see: genesis.evt,1.evt,3.evt17:14
kanzureand genesis.evt,2.evt,3.evt17:14
fennno genesis.evt17:14
kanzuredo you see the lines saying: "Hm. It must be done: " in the output?17:15
fenni'm running calendar2.pl btw17:15
fennHm. It must be done: genesis.evt,2.evt,3.evt17:15
fennok, so uh, that was the output right?17:15
kanzurethere should be one that has s/2/1/ in the output too ...17:15
fenni think its needs a pointy clicky :)17:17
kanzurebah! mortals!17:17
kanzurewget http://heybryan.org/projects/calendar/calendar2.pl --output-document=calendar2.pl 17:19
kanzurehas better output now17:19
kanzureand uhh, if I can remember how to name initialize this git repository17:19
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fennmay i suggest using unix timestamps instead of local time?17:24
kanzureI was googling around for good stuff and couldn't find much17:25
ybitkanzure, why were you wondering if i still had access to online journals?17:26
kanzureybit: maybe you wanted to eat the files17:26
ybitah, i do, but no room right now 17:27
ybitwhich reminds me, i need to order the power supply today17:27
* ybit is off to eat with family17:27
kanzurefenn: git clone http://heybryan.org/projects/calendar/calendar.git17:32
kanzurefenn: can you find me how to implement unix timestamps?17:36
kanzureyou're talking about the files?17:36
kanzureI thought you meant lines 10 and 11 heh'17:37
kanzuretake a look at the "Download" linkage17:44
kanzureit's a somewhat usable format, hurray17:45
kanzureis bkero multiplying?17:47
kanzureit's iCalendar format17:51
kanzurefor the iPhone.17:51
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar RFC 2245 17:51
kanzureshould I just use vcal format or stick with me yaml?17:55
kanzureeither way I'll have a user interface that hides the file format anyway17:55
kanzure http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2005/08/18/ical_dot.html 'A somewhat trivial example of this sort of creation is an application that converts iCalendar data into a directed graph, readable by an application such as GraphViz'17:56
* kanzure wonders about graph grammars for manipulating calendars17:56
kanzureassuming this works, how about some scoring metrics ?18:02
fennkanzure: unix time stamps: perl -e 'print time . "\n"'18:32
fennavoids all those nasty time zone issues18:34
elias`shouldn't have had this window in focus anyway :s18:49
kanzurethe university goes to great lengths to make it a pain to get their course listing database18:57
kanzurealthough I see some human contents in the HTML, so there's at least a human on the other side18:57
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-!- xdsd is now known as ybit19:46
Nadeanyone ever built a brain machine?20:21
Nadeor dream machine20:21
kanzureWhich one?20:21
Nadethose flashing led type sunglasses20:22
Nadei was a bit bored so i've been playing with an arduino :)20:22
Nadei got the leds flashing and i've tried several different frequencies but they're not having much effect on me20:23
kanzureyou could make some electrodes :-)20:23
kanzureremember, it's also possible that it's bullshit20:23
Nadethat is quite likely20:23
Nadealthogh aparently there's some science behind it20:24
Nadei guess i found out that i'm not really epileptic20:28
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-204-179.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap20:47
kanzureThe dataset is tainted now that mostly everything is closed, but meh.21:11
kanzureI guess we can randomly populate the open/close statuses for testing purposes.21:12
kanzuresometime earlier today the idea came to me that you could fake "mind uploading" in a geeky way by having a live cd with neuroscience software on it21:40
kanzure"brain on a disc" and dazzle some people21:41
fenncall it 'uprap'22:07
fennlike reprap, because it's not really mind uploading22:09
kanzurewhy is reprap with a rap anyway22:09
fennbut you can issue press releases all you want22:09
kanzurethis is appealing22:09
fennrap for rapid prototyper22:09
kanzuresee! see!22:09
* kanzure notes the easy linux live cd creator scripts out there22:10
fennuse fsv for the file browser and 99% of people will be astounded22:12
fennlike in jurassic park22:12
-!- ChrisMT [n=lixasd@cpc2-clif5-0-0-cust516.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:25
ybitwow, how did you know that fenn22:26
kanzureHey Chris.22:26
ybit...that fsv was used in jurassic park22:26
* kanzure doesn't actually know who ChrisMT is22:27
fennybit: because it says 'as seen in jurassic park' on just about every reference to fsn on the internet22:29
ybitfenn: hehe22:30
ybitguess it makes sense22:30
ybitxcruiser is nice22:31
ybitit was with some version of damn small linux i used once22:31
fennthere was another 3d filesystem browser for irix called "button"-something  that was actually useful22:32
fenngood lord they're still making irix and people are actually releasing new software for it22:33
kanzurewikipedia says otherwise22:35
kanzurehalted in 2006 by SIG22:35
kanzureexcept for people with bug bucks22:35
kanzureguess that counts.22:35
-!- Nade [n=lixasd@cpc2-clif5-0-0-cust516.nott.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:37
kanzureuhm, encryption?22:49
-!- lkj [n=h@c-71-207-240-143.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:21
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]23:21
kanzureHi lkj23:22
-!- lkj is now known as ybit23:23
kanzureI just uploaded 200 MB of neuro papers23:28
kanzureHave fun.23:28
-!- Nofaris [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-94-197.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]23:31

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