
--- Day changed Thu Sep 04 2008
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* nsh reads buffer02:36
* nsh is rather dubious of measures like PoPS and RiPS02:41
kanzureread on 02:41
kanzureI solve it02:41
kanzureor at least that part02:41
* nsh reads on02:42
kanzurethere's also stuff in #bioinformatics where faceface got whiff of what I'm doing02:45
kanzure*caught scent02:46
nshyou want to systematically optimise a simulated gene regulatory network by training a stochastic model, such as HMM or ANN against a simulation of the GRN itself, such that the model becomes successful at predicting whether a certain change in the configuration of the GRN variables will lead to greater or lower efficiency, according to some metric?02:47
nshbut rather than replicate the computational complexity redundantly in two models, you feel it would be possible to feed the stochastic efficiency predicter only the uniqueness-factor of the GRN model and have its implicit modeling recreate it somehow?02:48
kanzurebut, not only is it (1) either a HMM or ANN or something -- this is variablized, and not only is (2) the GRN design circuit variablized, and not only is (3) the simulation results (obviously) variablized, but I'd also like to (4) variablize the fact that it's a GRN ...02:48
kanzureNo, what I'm interested in seeing is if the stochastic model predictor thingy applies across different problems02:49
kanzureand the ranking of these 'stochastic models'02:49
kanzureparticularly rules ("graph grammars") used to do some internal fixups on the 'stochastic models'02:49
kanzurewhich makes it even weirder02:49
nshthat sounds dangerously like an attempt to produce a general purpose solver02:49
nshwhich is almost certain to not work well02:49
kanzurebecause then you have to ask, how many iterations of rule applications are you willing to go through as well? or will you just "lock it in" at some point02:49
kanzurebut it's not intended to do general purpose solving really02:50
kanzureI think i'd be good if it works for just a given problem02:50
* nsh nods02:50
kanzureproblem space, something with context. i.e., a particular GRN that you're making02:50
kanzurefaceface was happy that it sounded like it could possibly automatically generate all possible GRNs / biochem pathways from some unmodeled organism, and then the stochastic models could help fish out which one of those has the correct 'gaps' filled in that nobody knows about yet from the bioinformatics02:51
kanzure:-) which is one possibility :-)02:51
kanzurethere's probably a simpler way to do it than a bruteforce tree search + dynamic programming / backpropagation02:52
kanzurebut anyway.02:52
nshbear in mind combinatorial explosion02:52
kanzureright right02:52
nshcomplex networks scale terribly02:52
kanzurebear in mind we have supercomputer access02:52
nshoh, we do? :-)02:52
* nsh notes this02:52
* kanzure grins02:52
kanzureyou understand what it is that I'm doing, but02:53
kanzurewhat the hell do I feed into the ANN/HMM/stochastic-model-thingy ?02:53
kanzuresomething that is a function of a given generated/possible model, I know this much.02:53
kanzurethat's not much of a start :)02:53
* nsh was thinking the same02:54
kanzureso I was going to use biobricks as some seed content02:54
nshyou can convolute a set of data in many different ways and still retain its uniqueness. some forms will be more facile to predict from than others; the question is, why?02:55
kanzureand there's some ways I can get kinetic reaction or gene expression models for the biobrick parts, so that's a start02:55
kanzureright, you could conceivably take the ID number of the generated design02:55
kanzureor the md502:55
kanzurebut that's not necessarily going to produce something interesting with a limited ANN02:55
nshmd5 is lossy02:55
* nsh nods02:55
nshand the id number would only contain the data of the final model when coupled with the complexity of the GRN generating algorithm02:56
kanzurethe idea is to somehow model the simulator in less steps, right?02:56
* nsh nods02:56
kanzurei.e., hidden variables that aren't really variables in the simulation, but rather represent some 'computational complexity wetdream of a mix of variables'02:56
kanzurecomputational complexity in the sense of complexity science, not the real deal02:57
* nsh smiles02:57
nshbut there's no free lunch, of course02:57
nshyou can't arbitrarily reduce the complexity of the model02:57
nshonly whatever is redundant in it02:57
nshand if you can't tell for certain whether you're optimising or approximating02:57
nshyou run the risk of inaccuracy for certain marginal cases02:58
nshso, maybe you can think of it like image compression, or mp302:59
kanzureit = ?02:59
nshit, the optimisation of the GRN simulation02:59
nshwhat features are extraneous to the final output variable03:00
nshwhich is, for example, some measure of optimality03:00
nshso, in testing efficiency, you're taking a large data set and reducing it finally to a very small one03:00
kanzurenot optimizing the simulator, btw03:00
kanzureokay, so that's possible, 03:01
kanzuremaybe the stochastic models can figure out the 'interesting stuff' on the fringes03:01
* nsh bbl03:01
kanzurethat don't "compress well" in the typical patterns of other generated designs (GRNs, or stoichiometrical chem, ..)03:01
kanzurehttp://www.me.utexas.edu/~adl/graphsynth/images/flowchart.png <-- harder than this claims it to be03:04
kanzureisn't that the semantic search facilitator?03:05
* kanzure scratches his head03:05
kanzureOh, maybe this is better described as a runtime/online interpreter to 'dynamic programming'03:09
kanzuredo I need the stochastic model? if I can autogenerate all possible designs using a set of 'rules' for the manipulation of the circuits/designs, then surely some rules are going to be more useful in a certian problem domain than in others. These rules, that when applied, if they consistently make 'better stuff' then that's what should be used more often, no?03:35
kanzurehypothesis: there are hidden variables between genotype and phenotype03:37
bkeroPerhaps you could adapt acovea for what you're doing? :)03:40
kanzure'ACOVEA (Analysis of Compiler Options via Evolutionary Algorithm)'03:40
kanzureoh god03:40
kanzurejust what I need :)03:40
bkerobtw the guy who runs it is insane03:41
kanzureHow serious are you?03:41
kanzureinsane as in insane in the sense that you'd have to be to do that code,03:42
bkeroHe does some weird shit03:42
kanzureor in an institution for the insane?03:42
kanzurewait, this is just for compiler flags?03:42
kanzureNothing more?03:42
kanzureCompiler optimization usually looks at code and then tries to find a better way and fixes your mistakes03:43
kanzureevolutionary algorithms and backpropagation and such are what I've been thinking of03:43
kanzureand really this /is/ a compiler/optimization problem03:43
bkeroThis basically takes algorithms, and figures out what combinations of compiler options yield the fastest runtimes.03:43
kanzureif it's just "flags" in general, and not analyzing algorithms (loops?) in the code, then blah03:43
kanzurewhy not just implement the code from within the compiler in the first place ?03:44
bkeroBut it's built in such a modular way you could adapt it to running any dataset through a filter to see which performs better(less entropy, faster runtime, faster compile time, etc)03:44
bkeroIt's testing combinations of flags03:44
bkerobased on evolution03:45
kanzureyes, I know03:45
kanzureit says that.03:45
bkeroThere might be a plugin for gcc that does this, but I've never heard of it.03:45
fenn"AMD’s products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body"  well shucks, so much for that idea03:47
bkeroFuck AMD03:48
bkerogo arm03:48
kanzurefrom their legal mumbo jumbo?03:48
kanzurebkero: Atmel meeting later today :)03:48
kanzurethey're showing up for the local IEEE chapter03:48
bkeroGotta love those 8-bit microcontrollers03:48
kanzuremethinks they've quadrupled that by now03:48
bkeroSeriously though, ARM chips are where it's at if you need any serious cruning done in an embedded environment.03:49
-!- faceface [n=dbolser@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap03:49
fennthere are 32 bit AVR's but most people use the 8 bit chips because they dont come in ridiculous BGA packages03:49
fennand the free compiler yadda yadda03:49
kanzureI'm nearly convinced that the Semantic Search Facilitator project is equivalent to the Automated Design Lab project.03:49
fennyou've rediscovered the do what i mean interface03:50
kanzuredoes this mean I have to become Larry Wall ?03:50
fennthere can only be one03:50
bkeroYou're doomed to a terrible fate.03:50
bkeroDude, have you SEEN larry wall?03:50
kanzureHave YOU?03:50
bkeroHe was at oscon this year03:51
kanzureme was going to use GAs to mutate the search strings03:52
kanzureand then find those GA / rulesets that prove most lucrative in certain search domains03:53
kanzurethat's basically the same thing here03:53
kanzureexcept not natural language03:53
kanzureand not the web03:53
bkeroSounds like some bioperl03:56
kanzureYes, I've toyed with bioperl.org before.03:56
kanzurethe wikipedia article on ANNs vaguely references them as "systems that learn in an /optimal/ sense" 03:57
kanzureall these darned things are really just ways of otherwise saying 'optimization'03:58
kanzurelife is a compiler, I am the optimizer and you sir are a very, very Big O notational headache03:58
kanzureI'm sure that line could be improved03:58
bkeroI'm actually bytecode.03:59
bkeroAlready interpreted and ready to be run03:59
kanzureWhere's your virtual machine?03:59
bkeroIt has yet to be written.03:59
bkeroSo I'm actually useless bytecode, and very hard to reverse back into higher-level.03:59
kanzurehttp://www.cs.jyu.fi/ai/OntoGroup/InBCT_May_2004.html <-- Semantic Search Facilitator04:06
kanzure"Semantic Search Assistant hides from users the complexity of query language of concrete search engine and performs routine actions that most of users do in order to achieve better performance and get more relevant results."04:06
facefacekanzure, I was working with a guy who worked on that field04:19
kanzure'that' ?04:20
kanzurebkero: I've found myself wanting a compiler optimization database of tricks and such. gcc is more of a hack IIRC. llvm looks more structured, maybe.04:20
facefaceoh, semantic search facilitator type stuff04:20
kanzureWhat'd you come up with?04:21
facefacecant find his website04:21
kanzurebtw, don't care about the semantic aspect .. just the facilitator part ;-)04:21
facefaceactually we were working on protein-protein interactions04:22
kanzureso, how did that work?04:22
kanzurehelping researchers to find the right proteins to fit into the puzzle?04:22
facefacei.e. nothing to do with semantics04:22
facefacehis idea was that ontologies should help you lean a new field04:22
kanzuredamn right04:23
bkeroscience 8)04:23
facefacefound it at last... http://www.vincent-wolowski.net/04:25
facefaceyup, science it is :-)04:25
facefaceits just most tools don't let you use an ontology in that kind of didactic / explorative way04:25
kanzureexplorative = realtime/online debuggng, profiling or compiler optimization04:26
kanzuremeaning some really funky code04:26
kanzureor a giant virtual machine04:26
facefacewell.. time to work04:26
kanzurewhat's your latest?04:27
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap04:28
facefacepeople hear are boring04:28
* kanzure gets ready to mark a place off his map04:28
facefaceguess what... disks are getting larger... data is getting more... lets spend the morning talking about how much dna exists...04:28
facefacedundee, scotland04:29
kanzurethey want to calculate the amount of existing dna?04:29
facefaceoh well... (I'm only jelous because they are having this conversation without me)04:29
facefaceno that would be interesting04:29
kanzurethen what are they talking about?04:29
facefacethey can only see what people who do sequencing present to them04:29
kanzurethey have no sequencer?04:30
facefacesequening = faster, data = more04:30
facefacenot here04:30
facefaceoh if data = more then ... OMFG! 04:30
* kanzure wonders about an 'ecological search facilitator' to find unknown niches/links04:30
kanzurein thermodynamic systems in general. hrm.04:30
facefacewell.. have fun04:30
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220.253-204-179.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap04:32
kanzureit occurs to me that in the semantic search facilitator, or my 'autogoogler', if I had the 20 different queries up, I would only obviously select a few (or maybe all (eventually)),04:40
maraineinkanzure: what thing are you talking about?04:41
kanzurefrom that selection information, the 'GA, rules, HMM, or ANN aspect'' that were used to generate those queries would be reinforced04:41
kanzuremarainein: hold on04:41
kanzureas nsh said it:04:41
kanzure"you want to systematically optimise a simulated gene regulatory network by training a stochastic model, such as HMM or ANN against a simulation of the GRN itself, such that the model becomes successful at predicting whether a certain change in the configuration of the GRN variables will lead to greater or lower efficiency, according to some metric?"04:41
kanzure"but rather than replicate the computational complexity redundantly in two models, you feel it would be possible to feed the stochastic efficiency predicter only the uniqueness-factor of the GRN model and have its implicit modeling recreate it somehow?"04:42
kanzureapplications include automatically generating genetic regulatory networks, factories, search queries, and filling in the gaps in our knowledge of genotype/phenotype relations.04:46
kanzureyou know what I like, the simulator allows numeric output04:49
kanzureinstead of flipping through google search results04:49
kanzurealthough google search results give semantic feedback04:50
kanzurehm, tradeoffs :)04:50
* marainein nods04:50
kanzureSuppose you took the opposite approach of limiting the search results and instead expanded it; perhaps you applied the probabilistic web crawling papers to the issue of design. Then, you have weird, strange variables that relate various models (out of the 10,000 generated models) together.04:57
kanzureBy laws of connectivity, clicking from one to the next should only take a certain amount of time to find The Good One -- some upper-bound on the number of clicks/hops that it would take. But it has to be more links than the number of nodes overall, obviously.04:57
kanzureSo, I'm interested in taking the 'Autogoogler' idea in terms of design. There's no "web" that is pre-generated. There's "not much" to search. The user input is, what? The results are ranked by simulator results, obviously -- whatever parameters the user is ultimately optimizing for. 05:02
kanzureWhat's the user input? It has to be constrained - it's not going to be 'words' since there's no 'words' attached to the generated designs. I suppose the user input is the selection of different 'rules' to apply to rewrite the design-graphs (possible manipulations between, i.e., biobricks), by clicking on the equivalent of the 'list of 20 search queries'. 05:02
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kanzurethe npr link might be beter06:00
* nsh wonders how kanzure has time to find all the links he spouts, when he doesn't even have time to read them all06:26
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]06:27
kanzurensh: the confused mumblings of /me, ah yes :-)06:27
kanzuresilly mortal, there is no /me06:27
kanzureAnyway, the trick is to be not human.06:27
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* nsh guesses as much06:49
kanzuregrumble grumble, why does this have html output06:56
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kanzurespec: http://www.biodas.org/documents/spec.html07:01
* nsh reads http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v9/n9/full/nrg2414.html07:13
nsh, cringes at capitalised wiki07:13
nshheh, type "nucleur"07:17
nshNature should hire a proofreader07:17
* nsh will do it for 5 figures07:17
nshtwo typos "compute"07:18
nshthis is pretty kintergarten stuff :-/07:20
nshgood that they have a concrete example problem though07:20
kanzureI got stupid and turned the televisional news on07:25
-!- faceface [n=dbolser@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap07:26
nshusually it happens the other way around07:26
nshhey dan07:26
nsh(people watch the television news and then become stupid)07:26
kanzureand there's this silly stuff saying "mmr vaccine doesn't cause autism - it's the nail in the coffin to the debate .. so stop talking about it." but they'll just say it's a conspiracy07:26
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* nsh tries to ignore the crazies07:28
kanzureyay, let's treat these there darned children with these thingies called brainers or somethin'07:30
kanzurethat'll learn 'em07:30
* kanzure fetches a pitchfork07:30
* nsh smiles07:31
nshA mature biology cyberinfrastructure should make this type of analysis much more straightforward (Fig. 2b). Ideally, the researcher would be able to design the experiment at a high level by describing the data sets he wishes to work with and the relationships he wishes to traverse (protein to gene to exon to conservation score) by using a graphical tool or a high-level description language. 07:31
nshThe infrastructure would then do the hard work of finding databases, analysis services and compute resources that can satisfy the request, thereby transforming and integrating the data and returning the results. If the researcher desired, he could then easily share the method and results with the research community by pushing a 'publish' button; this information would then become a discoverable service that could be re-used by others. 07:31
nshOver time, other members of the research community could add value to this work by commenting on it, linking it to related work, contributing modifications to the method, and submitting new raw and analysed data sets that enrich it.07:31
kanzureI'm going to go yell at them07:31
nsh]]] --http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v9/n9/full/nrg2414.html#B407:32
kanzureI think they're down the street07:32
kanzurescrew them07:32
kanzurelook at their wiki07:32
nsh(above is essentially saying: wouldn't it be cool if there was MAGIC!?!?!?!?!)07:32
kanzurethey cite SKDB for a reason07:32
kanzurethat's not quite magic07:32
kanzurejust throw it into git repositories07:32
kanzurewe'll do the rest, m'am07:32
* nsh smiles07:33
* nsh actually believes all the above is quite possible07:34
kanzure"how do we fix these kids"07:34
nshdo i really want to watch that?07:34
kanzurebut it's next door :-(07:34
nshthen leave your rubbish bags outside their porch07:35
nshbut don't give them brainspace07:35
nshthat's valuable finding-cool-links-for-nsh time07:35
nshand coming-up-with-interesting-ideas time07:35
kanzurenow wonder these kids "withdraw" (whatever that means)07:43
kanzurefind me my variables for my GRN optimizer07:52
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kanzureHey kikl08:09
kanzureoh, probably ybit08:09
kanzureno fun.08:09
kanzureWhat's with the random nickjoins, anyway?08:09
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facefaceignore me08:36
jimjimI thought xchat had crashed08:37
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facefacensh, thanks for the link - we were just talking about that at lunch08:40
facefaceI saw it on nature networks forum08:40
facefacensh, kanzure, are you on nature networks?08:41
facefacenot that its good for anything really...08:41
kanzureNo, is it a social community thingy?08:42
* kanzure stole nature.com08:42
kanzureAll of it ...08:42
facefacekanzure, you did that with a log in somewhere?08:42
facefacecus a guy over on #bioinformatics would be interested in dumping those PDF's into a P2p08:43
kanzurefaceface: I need somebody god damned serious about it.08:43
facefacekanzure, yeah...08:44
kanzureI'm willing to invest some money into it for a machine to put behind a coffee shop.08:44
kanzure40 GB is a *huge* torrent.08:44
facefacecoffee shop?08:44
facefacekanzure, dont torrent the whole thing man!08:44
kanzureRight, just leave it on a hdd uploading or torrenting.08:44
kanzureWhy not ?08:44
facefacecus its not what ppl want to download... a few yes08:44
kanzureyou and me both08:44
kanzurethat's about it :-)08:44
kanzureNo, I'm sure some foreign universities would love to meet me08:44
facefaceppl want papers08:45
facefaceoh yeah... them too08:45
facefaceforgot about the poor folk08:45
kanzurecd3wd comes to mind08:46
kanzureAlthough CD3WD is only 700 MB.08:46
kanzureThis would substantially increase their collection. Oops.08:46
kanzurevon Neumann probe project here we come?08:46
kanzure(not with natural language)08:47
kiklkanzure, good guess08:50
fennCD3WD is many GB08:50
-!- kikl is now known as ybit08:50
fennabout 14GB i think08:51
ybitdo you guys ever sleep o.O08:51
fennit's getting close to my bedtime08:51
facefacethis week08:52
kanzureSleep is for the weak! Food is for the weak! err .. 08:57
kanzure(2008-08-26 11:21:12) kanzure: nsh: Food is for the weak. Sleep is for the weak. Fight entropy: start doing nothing today!08:57
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nsh[]_+````{ pk: STATE PURPOSE. }''''+_[]10:21
pklawl what?10:22
* nsh smiles10:23
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kanzureAnd now I know the Great Evils of CAD.13:45
kanzurewhile the interface isn't as bad as blender, it doesn't promote the cleanest thinking13:46
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@ip-194-50-167-184.mir.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap13:46
kanzurespecifically solidworks13:46
bkeroHow about CAM?13:47
kanzureHaven't tried yet.13:50
kanzure'There is a plate of dark chocolate cookies with tiny chocolate chips in the middle office.  It has been brought to our attention that, if these cookies are not consumed by the end of the business day, certain peril might doom every PCR ever carried out in this building henceforth. 13:50
kanzureIt is our suspicion that super intelligent bears have laid plans to dope DNAses into every tiny 200 uL eppendorf in every lab, and they are using the chocolate chips within the cookies as a homing signal to know where their target lies.  In order to safeguard the success of the work carried out within the MBB, we highly encourage you, the brave citizens of Ellingtonia, to consume these cookies with all due haste.  '13:50
kanzureAh yes, interlab politics13:50
kanzureI'll (never?) miss it13:50
bkeroMmm cookies.13:51
bkerokanzure: fscking awesome13:52
kanzureoh the terror http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/me302/13:53
bkeroI just have faceless cube.13:53
kanzurethere were one or two cubes in Andy's lab13:53
Phreedomkanzure, fenn, nsh: I wonder if any of you use jabber?13:53
bkeroCoworkers are made out of cardboard.13:53
kanzurethey had the Holy Post Docs that No One Must Ever Disturb.13:53
kanzurePhreedom: yes13:53
kanzurePhreedom: kanzure@gmail.com13:53
* kanzure also knows jer, the guy responsible for xmpp in the first place .. *cough*13:54
kanzurebkero: Ironically, these cubes were right next to Andy's (the PI's) office13:54
kanzureyou'd think they might get some of the most freedom13:54
bkeroCubes are a sterile and uninteresting environment.13:54
kanzurei.e., furthest desks maybe13:54
kanzureOh no,13:55
kanzurethere is no sterility and uninterest in a molecular bio lab13:55
kanzurefar from it :)13:55
bkeroThere is at intel. :P13:55
bkeroMy cube is J14-JF4-10413:55
kanzureIsn't that a number from Star Wars?13:56
bkeroNot that I can remember.13:56
kanzureIntel has stormtroopers?13:56
kanzureAre those the DRM goons ?13:56
bkeroMore or less13:57
bkeroMostly they're overfed downs kids.13:57
kanzureThat's unfortunate.13:57
kanzureuse case for the automated design prototype with biobricks14:17
kanzureconsider Charlie/newgenome14:18
kanzurewho has been showing up with his various ideas to use various thingies to do things14:18
kanzureone of his interests is synthetic biology14:18
kanzureHow would he, somebody who could learn a techical spec if necessary, address his ooh's and aah's in the right way to let the computer hash out the possible designs via the permutations and scoring and evaluators and so on?14:18
-!- willPow3r_ [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:19
* kanzure doesn't like assuming only one type of variable worth dealing with in these contexts ("gene expression levels, yay we're done")14:19
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kanzureguess it's dependent on the information available more than anything14:19
kanzureso given a dataset that he selects from, there's certain amount of pre-encoded functionality that could be combined together14:19
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kanzureDaily wtf by way of Damien Broderick: 'David Duchovny has entered a rehabilitation center for sex addiction, The Associated Press reported. Mr. Duchovny, who plays a sex-obsessed character on the Showtime show "Californication," did so voluntarily, according to a statement on Thursday from ... '14:58
kanzurehttp://www.neuro.gatech.edu/groups/potter/papers/DagstuhlAIBakkumpreprint.pdf Removing the 'a' from 'ai'15:02
kanzurehttp://machineslikeus.com/news/thinking-causes-weight-gain <-- studying students and their calorie intake /after/ intellectually daunting tasks15:11
kanzurethis sounds like an amazingly awesome excuse for me to head downstairs for a bite to eat right nwo15:12
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kanzurehttp://austinbrains.org/austin.ics <-- 1.4 MB of events. Not that it's interesting to any of you, of course.16:06
kanzurejust had to throw it up there :)16:06
kanzureanybody surprised that Google Calendar can't handle the calendar?16:44
* kanzure is downloading 15 GB of data from the UT Solar Vehicle Team server16:56
kanzurewtf, somebody on campus uses a bug tracker16:58
kanzurecan't escape the bullshit17:07
kanzurejust trying to get some cartoons in the background ...17:07
kanzure"A man was dragged over a mile today ... investigation at 10 ... the Autism Conference started today including this ectostatic chamber " -- note that that this was looking like a giant body bag, the thing the Star Trek vessels shoot you out of when you're as dead as you're ever going to be (you have to really worry when even they, the Trekkies, cannot save you) -- "but what did they think about the new vaccine research? Coming up." do'h17:08
kanzurewhen you're as dead as you're ever going to be (you have to really worry when even they, the Trekkies, cannot save you) -- "but what did they think about the new vaccine research? Coming up." do'h17:08
kanzure'hyperbaric chamber'17:24
kanzuresensory deprivation17:25
kanzure' Portable Hyperbaric Chamber|Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber|Portable ...Manufacturer of low pressure portable chambers for use in clinics and offices. Includes specifications and distributor locations.!'17:25
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bkeroI need myself a hyperbaric chamber.20:28
bkeroHang out at around 6 BAR all day.20:28
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fennthree years later and this thing still reaches out and grabs me: http://www.positron.org/projects/A51/21:39
kanzureof all people22:10
kanzuredoes anyone remember that I was once dating a blind woman?22:10
kanzurebefore she knew me she was with someone who turns out to be the 'head sys admin' of the robotics group here22:11
kanzurewhich is awkward because I think after she knew me she went back to him22:11
kanzurewhat happened to "there can only be one [programmer per high school]" anyway?22:11
fenni think that went out of fashion after they stopped playing the Highlander series22:12
kanzureis CentOS worth getting?22:15
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ybitanyone speak mandarin?22:30
kanzureit's on my todo list22:32
ybitmine too22:37
ybitafter spanish and portuguese22:37
ybitif you learn spanish, you essentially know portuguese22:38
ybitguessing it will take half the time or less to learn compared to spanish22:38
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fenni would learn mandarin first22:50
fennspanish is too easy22:50
kanzurealso, mandarin = more people22:51
ybitspanish = latin america22:58
ybitalso, countries with less control if that appeals to anyone23:00
ybitspanish will only take about 2 years to learn anyway, and since i've been studying for about a month now, i'll continue with it :)23:01
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