
--- Day changed Fri Sep 19 2008
proctokanzure: hmm, what?00:39
proctoabout #diybio00:40
proctokanzure: I got my 23andme kit in the mail today.00:40
proctokanzure: checked on the site, and though they don't give you the snp csv, they do give you a raw data dump. I was afraid they might not.00:40
proctokanzure: I'm trying to figure out Vector NTI, so I can maybe import some of my DNA into it00:40
kanzureprocto: What's Vector NTI?04:15
kanzureGlad that they dump the data to you. 04:15
kanzureIt would be worth a refund if they didn't.04:15
proctokanzure: vector nti is a fancy-ass bioinformatics package from invitrogen04:32
proctonice and polished04:32
kanzureWhat does it do?04:32
proctoand pretty for demos since it comes with a large library04:32
proctowell, you can edit sequences04:33
proctoso you car download a biobrick or a biopart04:33
proctoand drag and drop, and look at the graphical cad dispaly04:33
proctoit can also simulate electrophoresis cells04:33
kanzureScreenshot it please.04:33
kanzureAlso, does it really work with biobricks?04:33
proctoI haven't seen it used with biobricks04:34
proctoI've seen it with parts04:34
proctojason kelly showed it in a slide show04:34
procto(he's one of the gingko folks)04:34
proctoyou really drag the text of the biopart into the text area04:34
kanzureme knows of jkelly04:34
proctobut you can do it right out of a browsser04:34
kanzurethe text of?04:35
proctointo the software04:35
kanzurewhat does that do?04:35
proctothe code, GATC04:35
kanzuretext analysis bullshit?04:35
kanzurethat's not much04:35
proctoand just drop it into where it goes04:35
proctosure, but that's just one example04:35
kanzurethat's just stupid Windows GDI bullshit04:35
proctoanyways, it has a lot of various fancy features04:35
kanzurelike drag/drop?04:35
proctohaha, that's really not the major thing it's about04:35
proctothe reason invitrogen provides this for free to nonsenterprise users04:36
proctois that there's a little order button on the toolbar. so you've just designed something04:36
proctoyou can click on it, and the order goes straight to their site04:36
proctoa few weeks later, and you've got some DNA or a protein in the mail04:36
proctomy bioinformatics-fu is quite so-so at this stage04:37
proctobut if you have a windows or mac machine around04:37
proctoI recommend giving it a try04:37
proctoit's very feature rich, but learning curve is less steep than other things04:37
* kanzure missed http://tools.invitrogen.com/imgLibrary/VNTI_Gateway_Fig3.jpg04:38
proctohere it is running a gel04:38
proctoold version04:38
proctoah well, there ya go04:38
proctoobviously it can handle both circular and linear dna, etc04:39
kanzureI don't get it, this just looks like annotation04:39
kanzurehow much bioinformatics do you know?04:39
proctothere's the downlad link04:39
kanzureare you aware of how to use the databases and such? click click click04:39
proctolike I said, fairly intro stuff04:39
proctonot so much, but i've seen folks who know much much more than me use this to nice effect :)04:40
proctoso you can give it a whirl, and then let me know what you think04:42
ybitsorry, couldn't help05:19
ybitgenre: comedy, title: "professor wikipedia"05:24
ybitlanguage: english, subtitles: none05:25
ybitjust thought i would give info required to post a video link ;)05:25
kanzureHah. :)05:28
kanzureHrm, what's YAML doing there?05:47
kanzureWilhelm's data dump: http://scratchcomputing.com/svn/05:50
kanzureHey Depucelator.06:32
DepucelatorHello yes I am Depucelator06:33
Depucelatorsomeone on another channel said you guys were giving away free girls gone wild tapes how do i get them06:34
kanzureWhich channel?06:34
Depucelatori already email kanzure@gmail.com but guy not answer yet06:34
Depucelatornobody else get an answer either i think06:35
kanzureWhat's up?06:35
Depucelatorwell i neverf got my free girls gone while yet06:35
Depucelatornobody else either06:35
Depucelatorthis is a very disappointment to me06:36
Depucelatorwell if i cant get girls gone wild does anyone know where i can get a server for groups, representations and cohomology preprints?06:37
Depucelatorno dudes tho06:38
kanzureCohomology? Yeah, arxiv.06:39
Depucelatorthanks fellow!06:39
kanzureDepucelator: http://www.math.uga.edu/archive.html06:39
kanzureGroup, representations and cohomology preprint server06:39
Depucelatornice i like how the 404 makes a bold statement06:40
Depucelatorperhaps about the futility of human existence06:40
DepucelatorBryan why do you stay up so late06:40
willPow3rhe's a robot06:41
Depucelatorare you an insomniac06:41
willPow3rsorry, wasn't supposed to tell you that06:41
DepucelatorRobots can have peachfuzz moustaches?06:42
willPow3ronce they evolve that ability, yes07:05
kanzureHm, so Phreedom is at least alive.09:09
maraineinhow do you make that deduction?09:10
kanzureI use life/death to describe login/logout of the otherworld.09:11
willPow3rkanzure, your idea of life/death then is not valid if you compare it to login/logout09:32
kanzurewillPow3r: Valid?09:32
kanzureSir, vitalism is a thing of the past.09:32
kanzureoh shit :)09:33
willPow3rthe word "login" isn't anywhere on that page09:33
willPow3rnor is logout09:33
kanzureYou're claiming that my idea of life/death is wrong,09:34
kanzureI'm telling you that life/death strikes me as vitalism09:34
willPow3rif you compare it to logging in and logging out09:34
willPow3rit strikes another friend of mine as vitalism too09:34
willPow3roddly enough09:34
kanzurethat's the architecture of IRC09:35
willPow3ri hold that logging out and logging back in does not equate to dieing and being reborn09:35
bkerokanzure: The otherworld is known as meatspace.09:37
kanzureMeat .. space?09:38
kanzureThere is none other than the digital.09:38
bkeroThis spae...not IRC09:38
bkeroIt's full of meat09:38
bkeroIn strange sacs.09:38
kanzureClearly years of Lain should have taught you this by now.09:38
bkeroBossy meat creature.09:41
* bkero enters his protocomotose state.09:41
kanzureHo hum,09:42
kanzureGeschke is coming, Geschke is coming!09:43
kanzureI get to yell at him for PDF. Yay!09:43
kanzureso glad that it conflicts with the president of bank of america09:44
kanzure'Sep 18, 2008  Designed to create complex turbine components requiring 5-axis machining, Turbomachinery Application Library (TAL) addresses manufacturing of complex rotary parts such as impellers, blisks, airfoils, and inducers. It includes toolpath strategies for efficient machining of hard materials such as stainless steel and titanium. Strategies are designed to provide long tool life and create optimum finishes.'09:51
kanzurehow specific09:51
kanzure'  Used to manufacture components for dental industry, DentMILL v4 offers 5-axis machining options as well as abutment production module. It offers functionality based on PowerMILL CAM system and can produce copings and bridges in ceramics and titanium with minimal material waste. In addition to accepting data from any dental design system or any scanner capable of exporting data in STL format, knowledge-based solution can output machining toolpaths t09:51
* kanzure needs to look up engineering mechanic calculations for metals in general, to play around with the matweb dataset12:36
kanzurehttp://arxiv.org/abs/0807.3697 Stellar structures with different fundamental constants16:25
kanzurehttp://www.pnas.org/content/105/37.cover-expansion <- Visualization of the web. Highest concentration at some central 'singularity' point, everything scattered out around it. Don't know the algorithm, but it looks suspiciously like an atom.16:32
kanzurewtf argh16:43
kanzureDIY Maxam-Gilbert sequencer just brings up my site :(16:43
kanzureopen source nanotech16:49
* kanzure clicks16:49
kanzurehrm? http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1673265,00.html "In TIME magazine, Michael Kinsley Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007 wrote: The computer revolution has bred a generation of smart loners, many of them rich and some of them complacently Darwinian, convinced that they don't need society--nor should anyone else."17:15
kanzureoh, it's political17:15
kanzureHi all.19:41
kanzureDoes anyone know of a paper that consists of an overview of the modeling of biological devices, tools, instruments, circuits, networks, reactions, pathways, cascading anythings, etc.? Specifically, an overview of the variables, unit dimensions and equations for working with those variables.19:53
* kanzure picked up a copy of Mathematica today19:54
spookactstudent edition or insanely high priced edition?19:58
kanzureThe disc says "For network and single machine" 20:02
kanzureMathematica 620:02
kanzureSo it doesn't say student. This is a Good Sign.20:02
kanzurehttp://www.dna20.com/tools.php 'Gene Designer from DNA2.0 Inc. is the design tool for molecular biologists and synthetic biologists.'20:42
kanzure' Drag-and-drop sequence elements from a pre-compiled library, add new sequence elements to a user-created library and rearrange elements within a project and much more for designing functional DNA molecules.'20:42
kanzurePrecompiled library?20:43
kanzurehttp://www.icsb-2007.org/proceedings/abstracts/C15.pdf CAD/CAM for synthetic biology20:52
kanzureHm. What to code, what to code.21:53
kanzureIt's when I'm away from the computer that I figure I should be doing something more productive with my time, like writing code, but then I end up back in front of a terminal forgetting the majority of my todo list.21:53
kanzure'Dynamics and control of synthetic bio-molecular networks - delvecchio_sontag_07acc_tutorial_21mar07.pdf' seems to have some of what I'm looking for re: circuit-creator21:56
kanzurenumerical computation package - http://www.scilab.org/ 105 MB for linux - must have missed this one when I was doing my searching way back when22:04
willPow3r_its modeled after matlab22:05
willPow3r_pretty useful22:05
ybitkanzure, oh how i can relate to your comment22:20
ybitcomment on scilab: http://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=383631&cid=2162460122:22
kanzureybit: yeah, the situations are pretty bad22:37
kanzureAren't you glad to know that your nuclear reactor is running on Windows?22:37
kanzureThat's even worse.22:45

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