
--- Day changed Sat Sep 20 2008
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/SAGA_hybrids.pdf SA/GA hybrids. "[EAV91] introduces a generic method similar to this one and shows that SA (simulated annealing) can be viewed as a special case of GA (genetic algorithms) with population size 1 where the only operator is mutation". 01:29
kanzurehttp://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=SERIES9612&type=series&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=3419166&CFTOKEN=30177381 table of contents of stuff that clearly should be pirated01:36
kanzureespecially since it's talk like a pirate day01:36
bkeroI'll pirate you.02:40
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 15 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]02:40
willPow3ri tried to convince my gf to talk like a pirate in mandarin15:15
willPow3rbut the effort was in vain15:15
kanzureHi all.17:48
kanzureChinese pirates still exist, you know, willPow3r17:49
elias`I'm looking for some small-ish laptop for lecture notes and such, any recommendations?18:08
willPow3relias`: http://www.switched.com/2008/05/05/lenovo-u110-hands-on-and-overview/18:09
willPow3ri have one of these (in red though) and love it18:10
willPow3ri use it and a wacom for all note taking etc18:10
willPow3rpdf versions of my books are found online via torrents18:10
willPow3rso all i carry to school is a 3 lb laptop, 1 lb wacom, and a binder for handouts etc18:11
ybithp 2133 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_2133_Mini-Note_PC 18:11
ybitmsi wind http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSI_Wind_PC18:11
ybitasus eee pc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asus_EeePC18:12
ybiti'm going to get one of those for next semester18:12
ybiti have been taking notes on my old thinkpad t41, but 11lbs is too much to lug around with my other books. my backpack weighs 27lbs according to the scales yesterday18:13
ybiti find it odd that i'm the only one taking notes with a laptop in class18:13
willPow3ri hear these are cost effective: http://olpc.com/pictures.html18:14
ybitah yes, glad you mentioned it willPow3r18:14
ybiti would really like one of those, especially for the viewable screen outside18:14
willPow3ryeah, so would i18:14
ybitthey are supposed to be on sale soon18:15
ybitkind of like last year where you buy one for about $350 and they donate one 18:15
willPow3ri'm going to steal one of those OLPC laptops from an african child if i ever travel there18:28
kanzurehey, quick heads up guys18:32
kanzuredoes anyone remember my concept of 'wikipeding' ?18:32
kanzurepeople may be coming in here under the assumption that this is #wikipeding18:32
kanzurehm, there's a #freeculture18:35
kanzureHey mindspillage18:36
* mindspillage waves18:36
kanzureybit: 11 lbs is hardly enough to lug around. And a T41 comes in handy in class. 18:36
kanzureAs long as it doesn't have a fan, that is.18:36
kanzureI was sitting next to a fellow yesterday who has this fan that revs every time he loads a page in Firefox18:36
kanzureAnd my fan is constantly going, so I just use other people's laptops (in exchange for word-for-word notes) in class18:37
willPow3rprobably needs to clean his cpu heatsink/fan18:37
kanzureBut how do you explain my situation? ;-)18:37
willPow3rwhat is your situation?18:37
kanzureTwo giant fans underneath and dualcore Intel18:37
willPow3roh, nm18:37
kanzurewillPow3r: Fans constantly on, you can hear them across any room it's in18:38
willPow3ryour laptop weighs 11 lbs?18:38
ybitmine does18:38
willPow3rdoes it fit in your backpack?18:38
kanzure8.8 pounds18:38
willPow3ri thought gateway == chapter 1118:39
willPow3rguess not18:39
willPow3rkanzure, you could get one of those laptop cooler pads18:39
kanzureOh crap, where am I going to get replacement power cords? These things break all the time. I've had to hotwire three or four of them together at one point since they break all the time in different ways.18:39
kanzurewillPow3r: Yeah, I've had one since 2006 underneath the laptop everywhere I go. Except, sometime in 2007 it broke and no longer has the USB connection, so I've been lugging around dead hardware. Oops.18:40
willPow3rno chance for a new laptop altogether?18:40
ybitokay, mine weighs 5lbs18:40
ybitjust pit on the scales18:40
willPow3ri was going to say18:40
willPow3ri used to have a 7 lb laptop that was built in 0218:41
willPow3rwith a P4/2.8 GHz18:41
willPow3rthat thing was so noisy and a total PITA to carry around18:41
ybitah, it was phreedom who made a joke about my laptop weighing 11lbs, that's what i was recalling, anyway 5lb+ is too much18:41
willPow3rbut just replaced it with a lenovo u110 ultraportable18:41
willPow3r11.1" screen, 3 lbs, 5 hr charge18:42
kanzure5 hr charge? Gah.18:42
willPow3rthats with heavy use18:42
kanzurebut yes, P4/2.6 GHz. 18:42
kanzureSo it was probably also 2002.18:42
kanzureWho puts a P4 in a laptop anyway?18:42
kanzureThat's a bad idea.18:42
willPow3rit was good for a desktop replacement18:43
ybitwillPow3r: u110 up = very nice18:43
* ybit likey18:43
kanzureYeah, my up time is 1 hr.18:43
willPow3ryes, i love it 18:43
* kanzure goes back to reading about simulated annealing18:43
ybitmax uptime here without suspending it is ~3-4hrs18:43
* willPow3r heads to IKEA18:44
willPow3rybit, thats not bad really18:44
ybitno, i was surprised18:44
willPow3rbet you still can't get through a dvd though18:44
ybitheh, that's true18:44
ybitmostly because my dvd player doesn't even work now :P18:44
willPow3rcan you just pull it out and not have to carry around the extra weight?18:45
ybitthought about it18:45
ybitbut then i don't want to put duck tape on my lappy to cover a hole18:45
willPow3rwhy not? duct tape is stylish these days18:45
willPow3resp when holding together high tech electronics18:46
ybitlooks slightly redneck, and i'm already in the heart of the south18:46
kanzureybit: Just run some CFD simulations all the time and be lost deep in thought. You'll look mad scientist instead of redneck.18:46
mindspillageUse black duct tape. That's what I do. :-)18:47
willPow3ror you could get some parachute pants and grow a beard and be like de Grey18:47
kanzurehttp://news.ucf.edu/UCFnews/index?page=article&id=00240041039ca8f29011b0d8a566806b65&mode=news <-- Another university has a biodiesel project of their own. Started w/ 3 students. Produces 60 gallons every 2 days. Uses left-over vegetable oil. 18:47
kanzureWhich is odd since that's our biodiesel project's plan too. Oops.18:47
kanzureExcept we're planning to do about 2,000 gallons/yr. 18:47
kanzureSo they're doing about 10 times as much as what we're thinking of doing.18:48
kanzureOh well.18:48
kanzure'Although one of the students' reactors will remain on campus to fuel the university's fleet, some of them have systems in their garages that will continue to power their vehicles and serve as the base for their new company's operations'18:48
ybitwillPow3r: is linux running on your lappy?18:52
willPow3rnot on my new one18:52
ybitah, so you have retained the "face recognition biometric logins" feature18:52
willPow3rthe x3100 chipset drivers hadn't been developed yet on ubuntu18:52
willPow3rthat visual recognition is really more of a nonfunctional selling point18:53
kanzureHow is it a selling point, then?18:53
willPow3ri took it off since it increased startup time by like, 5 mins18:53
willPow3rkanzure: it's on the product features list?18:53
kanzureWouldn't people point out that it fails to work?18:54
willPow3rsince i use my laptop mostly in low-light situations, it couldn't recognize my face18:54
willPow3rbut most corporate users probably wouldn't have problems at all with it18:55
willPow3ras you can see, my work environment is somewhat dark: http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/images/hackers11.jpg18:58
willPow3rhttp://www.cyberpunkreview.com/images/hackers08.jpg too18:59
ybitwhere do you wrok again?19:00
ybitit looks like a retro 90s chuck-e-cheese playplace19:00
ybitbut slightly cooler19:00
ybitah :P19:01
ybitthat movie was..meh19:01
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/quotes.html#successful_designer <-- Something I found in an ancient book in the library.19:01
ybitit was alright19:01
kanzurewillPow3r: Is that a link to the Hackers setup?19:01
willPow3ryea, with that amazing new 3d filesystem explorer19:02
kanzureNo, I guess it isn't.19:02
willPow3ri saw that page of yours19:02
ybitthe matrix setup is my fav so far19:03
willPow3ri'll stick w/ thunar tho for now19:03
willPow3rfsck. late^2. bbl19:06
kanzurewillPow3r: You've been up for four days, what do you mean "late" ?  :)19:09
willPow3ri'm supposed to take my gf to ikea @ 10, which was 2 hrs 12 mins ago19:12
kanzure'Author Joe Haldeman, in his science fiction novel The Forever War, describes fluid being introduced into all 7 natural orifices in the human body, and one surgically-added connection, through which the thoracic cavity would be filled and drained. In such a situation, the fluid in the lungs would have to be pumped in and out to provide an inspiration/expiration cycle (total liquid ventilation). Alternatively blood could be oxygenated extracorporeal19:29
kanzure(because I was mentioning the Iron Man suit to a buddy, he brought that up)19:30
kanzureWoah, are they actually using SOAP?20:44
kanzureI'm somewhat impressed20:44
kanzurethis is a somewhat challenging site20:51
fennthis guy has a nice worldview (too bad part 2 is missing from web archive): http://web.archive.org/web/20060706154616/danimalarchive.blogspot.com/22:34
fennbonus points for whoever figures out of i'm being sarcastic or not22:35
kanzurefenn's back?22:36
* kanzure tries for nsh now22:36
fennhello. hurricane ike got me (see phone line under tree in foreground): http://fennetic.net/pub/camera/DCP_0818.JPG22:37
kanzure'"The initial organization of the brain does not rely that much on experience...Nature provides a first draft, which experience that revies...'Built-in' does not mean unmalleable; it means organized in advance of experience." (Marcus, 2004)' 22:38
kanzurefenn: "don't die" is a good idea, fwiw22:38
kanzureyou missed NY Times Magazine being interested in #hplusroadmap22:39
fennlol i can see the headlines now22:41
kanzurere: ike? you were kind of the subject of those headlines, I think you knew before the newspapers did22:41
fenner, what? why are you playing into my paranoid delusion fantasies?22:43
fennlogs! warrrrg22:44
kanzureyou want the logs?22:45
fennit would help me to understand what you're talking about maybe?22:45
kanzurenot re: ny times, he actually just came in and idled for a day or so22:45
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/logs.zip22:47
kanzurelog formats suck, btw22:47
kanzureybit: Thanks for the heads up.22:50
kanzureMind contacted me wanting a chat on the spot22:50
kanzureto his ustream channel22:50
kanzurehm, on the ustream video of Kaku's silly BBC series, there's a lab that decided to do regenerative tissue growth via mounting tissues on balloons as a growing scaffold for shape22:56
ybithe wants to give you an interview now? [kanzure]23:03
kanzureabout 30 minutes ago23:03
kanzurehad to fiddle with the microphone23:03
kanzurehe left before I got it working23:03
ybitglad he finally got around to interviewing you23:03
ybitthere should be a national speak in Python day ;)23:06
kanzuredoes anyone remember the old theorem solvers that people called ai?23:14
kanzurewas there ever a study of just automatically generating all possible proofs up to some size?23:16
kanzurehttp://metamath.org/ or something23:16
kanzure'  Essentially everything that is possible to know in mathematics can be derived from a handful of axioms known as Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, which is the culmination of many years of effort to isolate the essential nature of mathematics and is one of the most profound achievements of mankind.  '23:17
kanzure"everything that is possible to know in mathematics"23:17
kanzurewhy is there only 8000 steps in the db?23:18
kanzure' the Metamath Proof Explorer has over 8,000 completely worked out proofs in logic and set theory,'23:18
kanzurefenn: I do not understand the danimalarchive link. He jumps from rape in marriage to silly iraq stuff to ..23:20
fennits a collection of snippets from his usenet postings23:22
fenni was always suspicious of math proofs23:23
kanzuremath in general is suspicous23:23
kanzurethe way that it's taught in classrooms is ridiculous23:23
kanzureand why isn't all of math ML'erized yet? mathml and such23:25
kanzurelatex, even23:25
* fenn would like something readable23:25
kanzureoh, the twobits.net author showed up on the diybio mailing list23:26
fennapparently people from asian cultures occasionally use chinese characters as symbols in their equations23:26
kanzurefenn also see #diybio23:34
kanzuremaradydd used to work at IDT and has been growing some cultures in her -80 c fridge she scoped off of craigslist23:34
kanzureshe's also the latest person to download the git repository and yell at me for how badly it needs to be fixed23:35
fenni hope you had your deflector dish aimed properly23:36
kanzureoh, yes23:40
kanzureI was just happy enough that somebody from diybio.org agrees with me about repositories23:40
kanzureshe knows somebody doing something like /exp.html except he's working mainly on "interfaces between parts". I've contacted him, but he hasn't replied yet23:41
kanzureso, fenn, I've been back to trying to do matweb.com23:56
kanzurethis didn't work out well23:56
kanzuream trying to zip my work up23:56
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/matweb/matweb.zip has everything23:57
kanzureincluding a log made by wireshark, the tcp spy program23:57
kanzurein particular I'm just starting with http://www.matweb.com/search/MaterialGroupSearch.aspx23:58
kanzurejust trying to retrieve the index that they display there23:58
kanzurethey are using a combination of AJAX and ASP and shared namespaces that make me think they might know what they're doing (in their mission of obfuscation)23:58

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