
--- Day changed Sat Sep 27 2008
kanzurehttp://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=957787&l=61ea0&id=644717755 <-- Where Eric Hunting is hiding out these days.00:31
kanzurehrm, isabelle's birthday tomorrow00:44
kanzurewhich one of you knows her? is it willPow3r?00:44
kanzuremonroe phoned me00:46
ybithttp://electro.mthn.net:8400 -- electronic music, nonstop for the past 2 hours01:35
* ybit likey01:36
kanzureI need to add that to http://heybryan.org/music2/internet/01:47
kanzureor maybe it's http://heybryan.org/music2/radio/01:47
kanzureybit: I'll listen soon, I'm (for some reason?) watching presidential debates01:48
kanzureit's somewhat entertaining to see how the candidates ignore each other01:48
fennprimate psychology01:48
kanzureyes, monkeys are entertaining, it's true01:50
fennpolitician's job is to fool us into thinking he's a good "leader" which is derived from evolutionary pack behavior01:52
fennbut 99% of the actual work they are supposed to do is an optimization algorithm01:52
kanzurein what sense?01:53
fennso that's why there are massive "cabinets" etc01:53
kanzureoptimization of vetoing?01:53
kanzureright, compartmentalized specialists01:53
ybitif anyone is listening to the radio station now, uh, it's playing some cheesy early 90s (too sexy for my body) type music o.O01:55
fennis that a good thing?01:55
ybithaha, not at all01:55
ybitit was a matrix-like rhythm playing for a good while01:55
* ybit loads the matrix soundtracks01:56
fennwoah.. (garlic + leek)-aftertaste + vanilla ice-cream = super weird02:02
ybitapparently the guy i met on campus runs plan 9 and has 5-7 servers and is a commodore diehard with 4 amigas02:47
ybitinvited him to this channel02:48
ybitruns plan 9 on his mail/web server*02:49
ybitand this http://www.evilshare.com/4857fb58-dd8f-102b-bdf3-0007e90cfb90 was one of his recent assignments02:51
ybitjust for everyone's info02:51
kanzurewhat is it?02:51
kanzureteh page is not really loading for me02:51
ybit"modeling immune response to HIV with chemotherapy treatment"02:52
fennis there a reason you chose such an obnoxious file sharing site?02:52
ybitany better ones?02:53
kanzurewhat happened to you have a server right next to you?02:53
ybitit's still right next to me02:53
ybiton the groud02:53
ybiti'm still unsure what the problem is :|02:53
fenndeath is no excuse!02:54
kanzuretis merely a flesh wound!02:55
kanzurebah, shouted.fm doesn't display the current track title02:56
ybithttp://www.mediafire.com/?0d9xmbwydlw -- that might be better02:57
ybitcome back! i'll bite your legs off!02:58
kanzureand why can't you use your current machine?02:58
fennwants to inject spy cookies into my browser - hah!02:58
ybitkanzure: because openvz isn't installed02:59
fennfor future reference http://filebin.ca/ is non-hostile03:00
ybitah, now that's much more sane03:00
kanzurea *-bin? huh.03:01
fennit almost reminds you of the time when data was data03:01
kanzurebut then stabs you in the eye? 03:01
kanzureoh, it doesn't03:02
ybitfenn, kanzure, you do use virtualization for your servers, right?03:03
kanzurevmware and bochs and such?03:03
fennopenvz is neat but it reminds me too much of work03:05
kanzurejust through up an *ftpd03:05
kanzurenevermind, it's fenn and not ybit03:05
fennuuencode and paste in channel03:06
fennthree hours later and i _still_ dont know the beagleboard dimensions03:07
ybitctl-q is inconvenient03:10
ybitwas saying that, kanzure, dcc sent you the file because i thought you were the only one having problems with the file upload site03:11
kanzureoh, i got it then.03:12
ybitthat time konversation crashed03:15
ybitheh, so yeah.. i'll think about not using virtualization03:15
ybithmm, i need to get some work done. bbl03:15
wrldpc2later ybit03:16
kanzureso, if I wanted to represent HTML as a graph, obviously a hierarchical tree, how would I store that data? should I just do a bruteforce array to associate an ID to a type of HTML element ?03:22
kanzuresounds hackish.03:22
kanzureso, if I wanted to represent HTML as a graph, obviously a hierarchical tree, how would I store that data? should I just do a bruteforce array to associate an ID to a type of HTML element ?03:23
kanzuresounds hackish.03:23
spookactnot exactly sure what you mean, but why not just store it as a tree? or did you need mean to serialize it?03:28
spookact^re: kanzure03:30
kanzuremean to serialize it, correct03:30
* kanzure listens to http://heybryan.org/music2/Gundam%200083%20-%2002%20-%20OP2%20-%20Men%20of%20Destiny.mp3 (stupid %20's)03:33
kanzurefenn__ tell us when you're alive again.03:33
fenn__well this is annoying.. my wireless seems to have gone totally kaput04:15
-!- fenn__ is now known as fenn04:16
fenngosh thanks to bert and helen the Openmanufacturing list has become even less technically oriented than it was before04:29
kanzureuh oh04:29
* kanzure checks04:29
fenni'm still catching up from 9/2504:30
-!- Depucelator changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: Country First04:41
kanzureWhat the fuck?04:41
-!- Depucelator changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: Semi-intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio tools: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS re: Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/04:41
DepucelatorIs it okay if I add more pipe characters though04:42
Depucelatorto the MOTD04:42
genewhat? why country first?05:39
geneare we getting political here?05:39
fennnobody knows05:48
DepucelatorWhat my opponent doesn't understand is that doubling the number of pipe characters would make the economy thrive05:50
fennone line of unix shell is worth a thousand lines of java05:52
genewhat are world pipe characters?05:52
fenngene, i'm curious, what did you do during your adolescence?05:53
genewhy are you curious?05:53
percentI mostly masturbated05:53
* fenn struggles to find a non-offensive way to say this05:53
geneI built things05:54
genethat's what I did05:54
fennwhat did you build?05:54
genelot's of things05:55
genewhy do you want to know this anyway?05:55
fennok, i'll start: i made an arc welder out of a microwave transformer, a paintball gun from a squirt gun and pipe fittings, a remote control car with weapons on it05:55
geneI made a pneumatic air cannon, [redacted], and lot's of other small things like gliders with a wingspan of about 5 mm05:57
fennpipe characters are these things: |||||| they are used to pipe the output from one command to the input of another, like cat foo | grep -v bar > foo.bar05:58
Depucelatorit seems a common thread in history's brightest minds was that they weaponized toy cars at an early age05:58
Depucelatorwhy is it called a pipe character05:58
fenntesla used a toy ship, does that count?05:58
genelet's just say that redacted might have got me in trouble with the FAA05:58
fenni assume it has something to do with guided explosives delivery systems05:59
genebut close to something else that is also redacted05:59
geneso percent, can you turn on and off electrospinning fairly fast?06:00
genelike how fast?06:00
geneseconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds?06:00
percentSeeing as how he particles come out of the needle at percentages of the speed of light06:01
percentprobably fairly fast06:01
geneare you kidding me?06:01
percentyou're dealing with high voltage, not high current06:01
fennsmall percentages06:01
percentYou've heard of electrospray, right?06:01
percentit's fast as fuck06:01
fennit doesn't give off x-rays06:01
percentit's fast enough not to be a problem06:02
percentmodulated electrospinning06:02
percentnow that's an idea06:02
genehow fast?06:02
percentaudio modulated06:02
percentI don't know06:02
percentNobody's ever done that shit before06:02
genethat would be fucking awesome06:02
percentthe fuck am i, a scientist or some shit06:02
percenti am06:02
percenthow'd that happen06:02
genematerials science?06:03
fennyou can't bounce fiber off a mirror like with lasers, unfortunately06:03
percentthe overwhelming,omni-topic of ALL THINGS NANO06:03
percentI seem to work a lot in CVD though06:03
genecould you accelerate the fiber to like 99% the speed of light?06:03
fenn"nano" means a lot of stuff these days06:03
percentby nano, i mean 10^-906:04
* fenn just read about some "nano" folding bicycle06:04
genenano, really really small shit06:04
percentalso, gene: Well, I've got this large hadron collider...06:04
geneI highly doubt they could accelerate the fiber06:04
fenn99% the speed of light would just make a nice explosion06:04
fennshower of gamma rays06:05
fennprobably some exotic particle physics stuff06:05
genea nice explosion?06:05
percentAlso, you definitely wouldn't get any fiber06:05
percentyou'd ionize your shit fuckin fast06:05
geneif you could get it fast enough you could aim it at an alien civilization and eliminate it06:06
fennassuming your nanofiber piece weighs nm*nm*20nm*1g/cc = 2e-20, the resulting explosion would contain 1.79 microjoules06:07
fennwait, wrong formula06:07
geneif you have a nanofiber many kilometers long  06:08
genethen you might get  something a bit more epic06:08
fennbut it won't all hit at once06:08
maraineinwould it scatter?06:08
fennunless you got fancy with varying the speed somehow.. hrm06:09
geneguess you're right06:09
genebut's it's going too fast to matter06:09
* fenn liked the modulated beam idea better06:09
geneso you can modulate electrospinning at audio frequencies?06:10
genedo you need an accurate pump for electrospinning?06:10
fennlooked like you dont need a pump at all, just a pipette and let gravity do the work06:13
fennwhat's the pump for?06:13
genepumping out a precise amount of liquid06:14
geneso you make nanofibers with small diameters06:15
genelike 8 nm06:17
* fenn spends too much time on writing perfect emails06:35
fenngosh singularity summit has a lot of Big Names09:45
* nsh curses Eliezer for no particular reason09:50
fennget over it09:52
fennwhat have you been up to lately nsh?09:52
nshexperiencing the man-woman level of projective identification at transferance10:11
nshfolding paper10:11
nshthinking about electron dynamics and geometry10:12
nshdna sequencing, cloning, pcr, gel electrophoresis, and some marginal bioinformatics10:13
nshlistening to down-tempo music10:14
nshreading about the development of marxist theory in post-war japan10:16
nshobsessively-masochistically reading about the presidential election campaigns10:17
nshet tu?10:18
fennmostly moping, and obsessing about wearable computers10:58
fennslowly making my way through jef raskin's website10:58
fennjust spent 3 hours going through the last two weeks of openmanufacturing10:59
kanzurefenn: it took you 3 hours to go through openmanufacturing? really?14:31
kanzuredo'h. serialization of an html tree would be, clearly, the stupid fscking HTML tree itself. 15:54
kanzurewritten out in html, no less.15:55
kanzurebut I need to manipulate it in terms of a graph. ah.15:55
kanzurehttp://search.cpan.org/~azs/Graph-ModularDecomposition-0.13/ModularDecomposition.pm wants me to use "ab,cd" format to represent a->b and c->d  in a graph.16:01
kanzuretypical perl.16:01
kanzureisn't that stupid? am I supposed to keep a hash of alphanumeric titles to real variables or something?16:03
kanzurehttp://search.cpan.org/~jhi/Graph-0.84/lib/Graph.pod would make me think they know what they're doing16:04
kanzureand yet, the ModularDecomposition is supposedly an extension, yet demands a string-based input format, wtf?16:05
kanzurehttp://9819.jp/ for exit trance16:22
kanzureI wonder if this means there's a copy of uspto.18:16
kanzureSomebody needs to put this back on wikileaks where it belogns.18:18
kanzure40920. Seems to be 6 minute lags between downloads now. How weird.18:22
kanzure2 hours to go 100? Guh.20:44
kanzurefenn was right, I should have been doing this doubly on two boxen20:44
kanzurealthough this slowness is probably because many of the tor IP's are useless now20:44
kanzureso randomly going through them on 2+ boxes would only make the problem worse, right? 20:45
kanzurehm, privoxy is doing 80% of cpu usage in top20:48
kanzureokay, reboot of privoxy at 41807 around this time. top no longer says 80% usage by privoxy .. so it must have some threading leaks or something.20:50
kanzureso, sometime in early 2007 I met Joram Zutt, a netherlander talking about building his 'bazaar model' and 'Project C', a microwave-oven-sized atom holography-based fabricator; so after we talked we kept in contact,20:52
kanzurehe sends these emails every so often, maybe once every three months, and at first it was awkard and kind of annoying20:53
kanzurebecause he was ranting about these strange predictions of a world financial crisis20:53
kanzurehow the world bank was involved and such.20:53
kanzureso, yeah, that's not awkward at all.20:54
kanzurehttp://datamob.org/ <- I should probably upload to here some day.21:02
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/rules.zip Can anybody make sense of these grxml files? 21:41
kanzureThey are supposed to be for 'rules' on transformations to graphs. So, supposedly the contents contain "given this, do that", but when I look, it's questionable as to what's what and whether it's actually doing that.21:41
kanzureL and R must represent left and right, before and after the transformation21:43
kanzuremakes sense.21:43
kanzurerouteRule3.grxml for instance. What's going on here? In the left hand side, you would be led to believe that the labels ("a") are being used to keep things internally consistent;21:51
kanzurehowever, on the righth and side, there are /two/ nodes with the label 'a'21:51
kanzureI'm trying to figure out how the program is keeping it all separated. I mean, on the left hand side and the right hand side the only thing that's different is connectivity. So, it has to keep track of the nodes and keep them the same, so what is it doing?21:52
kanzureit could just be cheating and assuming that both sides are in the same order21:52
kanzurecan anybody confirm?21:52
fennkanzure: " it took you 3 hours to go through openmanufacturing? really?" there were 135 messages, some of them quite lengthy, and i wrote three responses (well two really)23:20
kanzure135. hrm.23:20
fenni did actually read all of them because i think the people there are intelligent and highly relevant to my life23:21
fennsometimes it's hard to figure out what cravens is trying to say though :)23:21
kanzurekind of like me I guess.23:32
kanzurethere was actually a good Nathan email23:32
kanzurethe one that I replied to with the thing about compiler errors23:33
kanzure"so that your world doesn't encroach on my world" sort of thing.23:33

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