
--- Day changed Mon Sep 29 2008
superturtleNo takers? Really?00:25
fennhttp://www.yashlabs.com/wp/wp-content/Ray Kurzweil.jpg00:43
superturtlewatch yer %20's00:43
superturtlesomewhat funny.00:44
fennThat Q guy showed up again. I suggested to the Captain that this guy wasn't some all-powerful, godlike alien, and that he was probably using some kind of advanced replicator or nanotech-based tech which we could probably figure out and disable, what with having a sentient computer as a crewmember, but the Cap would hear nothing of it, instead opting for going on endless debates about the future of humanity with this cosmic jerk.00:48
superturtlewarp 12! engage!00:49
superturtleso I picked up a book on the mechanics of materials00:57
superturtleas far as I can tell, it's all the type of newtonian classical mechanics that I dislike.00:59
superturtlehttp://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2969446 WHY CAN'T I TORRENT HARDWARE01:49
superturtlere: RTL, Verilog, VHDL; see Atom, Lava, Chortl, and Confluence01:49
superturtleSpeaking of which, what would hardware torrenting look like?02:01
superturtleDigital schematic torrenting is already done of course;02:01
superturtleI'm talking about the idea of distributed p2p hardware piecewise distribution services.02:02
superturtleIn a sense, this is already what is happening; the difference is that there's no code directing parts from individuals to each other, i.e. using centralized mail/package delivery services instead02:02
superturtlethe repo format is really confusing.03:08
superturtleI know it was generated with some software app-tool-thing, but seriously, it just looks like somebody went wild with XML fever03:09
superturtleI was just looking over the zip drive.03:10
superturtleAlso, the fact that designs aren't graphs kind of worries me.  It's just a collection of subcomponents all thrown into a salad.03:27
fennsuperturtle: reprap was supposed to be something like that04:38
fennpeer to peer hardware manufact + distribution04:39
fennit makes more sense though if each person mass produced one part to send to everyone else04:39
ybit"SpaceX Falcon 1 launch successful"05:03
ybitit's beautiful :')05:03
proctonot just launch05:12
proctothis is the first ever private orbital insertion05:12
ybithi Aulere05:23
ybitgood point procto05:23
superturtleAulere. wb.05:40
Aulerethanks superturtle05:41
ybitnow it's time for the moon05:45
ybithttp://astrobotictechnology.com/ maybe?05:45
superturtleIt's never too early to start writing "WHY THIS PROJECT IS NOT AI" documents.05:47
-!- mindspillage is now known as mind|wandering06:02
bkeroand I'm officially homeless in New York. :)06:27
superturtlebkero - there's a few transhuman friends I have up in New York that might be able to take you in06:33
superturtleif you need it.06:33
bkerosuperturtle: That would be great06:34
superturtleLet me look into it. Don't bet on it.06:34
bkeroI've got a friend getting back wed-fri, his father had a heart attack, so I'm homeless until he gets back.06:34
superturtleYou have a car?06:35
bkeroI can navigate subways(i think)06:36
superturtleNah, not what I was thinking of.06:37
bkeroWhat were you?06:37
superturtleCar. Sleep.06:37
bkeroOh, sorry06:38
bkeroNope, I'm in the portland airport right now06:38
bkeroTraveling to JFK in an hour06:38
superturtlehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/repo/todo.html various thoughts of little relevance.06:56
superturtleWhat I need is some food for thought.07:05
superturtleGo forth and bring me photos of weird machine with weird surface contact problems were I to make it into a graph-based design!07:05
superturtleybit: new neurocommons release07:06
bkeroCan anybody vouch for me on couchsurfing.com?07:08
ybit thanks superturtle :)07:09
* ybit gets some sleep before class07:09
ybitbkero: good luck07:10
bkeroybit: thanks07:10
ybitsuperturtle, you are writing something positive for him, no?07:10
superturtleI figure there's something he wants me to press07:10
superturtle"I VOUCH THAT HE'S A HUMAN"07:10
superturtle"NOT A BLOOD THIRSTY CYBORG"07:10
* superturtle sleeps too07:11
ybiti srsly need sleep. bkero, if you can maybe leave something such as a link, i will try to check this comp. before school07:12
superturtlebtw, ex: http://tetrajet.com/carnation_distributer_line.jpg most of this isn't weird, just inclined planes and surface contacts, but it's worth noting.07:13
UtopiahGHMLCouchSurfing rules.07:32
nshhave you ever considered setting up an RSS feed of your bookmarks?10:13
nshi would certainly appreciate this10:13
UtopiahGHMLlike delicious?10:15
UtopiahGHMLnsh: offer him the delicious plugin to synchronize his bookmarks and point your feedreader to his delicious account then you will have live news of what he bookmarks for free.10:18
UtopiahGHML(he could even dedicate special bookmarks for you or you could have feeds on special tags/keywords)10:19
nshmeh @ delicious10:20
nshwhat's up?15:52
kanzure_linux installation stuffs.15:56
kanzure_nsh: what sort of RSS setup for my bookmarks would you want to see? I could set up diff to periodically run on my 3+ MB ADR file, and then markup the changes and put that into the form of an RSS feed or something15:57
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: I have a strong distaste for delicious. :(15:58
kanzure_heh, so does nsh :)15:58
* nsh smiles15:58
kanzure_ok, I'm going offline for a while to install some debianism.16:00
-!- yb is now known as ybit16:40
* ybit waves goodbye16:53
superturtle-~blah 19:25
superturtleyay nathan came to my rescue in response to patrick on openmanufacturing19:45
nshwhat was the point of contention?19:45
superturtle"waah u needz monies"19:45
superturtle"Any sufficiently advanced garbage is indistinguishable from magic."19:45
superturtle"Any sufficiently stupid play on Sufficiently Clarke Quotes is indistinguishable from boredom." <- k, I'm bored.19:45
superturtlehm, what's p2presearch@listcultures.org ?19:46
superturtlehi fenn_19:48
superturtlehttp://www.neweuropeancentury.org/GodAI.pdf <- do not read this19:49
UtopiahGHMLwhy not20:02
superturtleBetter things to be doing. 20:03
UtopiahGHMLit's either that or going of the 544 wedding pictures of a friend...20:04
superturtleYou could go photohunting for me :-) 20:04
superturtlehold on, let me upload some stuff as an example20:04
ybitwoah woah woah, when did kanzure become superturtle?21:12
ybityou're leonardo aren't you? everyone wants to be him21:12
ybitah, superautomation > superturtle21:16
ybitone of ~3 machines connected, i see21:16
* ybit deserves a cookie21:26
superturtleybit: :)22:25
superturtleybit: we were joking around about turtles and philosophy again22:25
superturtlealso, laptop troubles, I'm keeping it cool until a few important downloads, uh, finish.22:25
* superturtle should cough up the funds to get the USPTO discs22:26
ybitoi Nofaris_22:48
Nofaris_How goes it ybit22:49
ybitit's going i suppose :)22:51
ybitNofaris_: are you going to be helping with the diybio group in cali?22:51
Nofaris_Show me it.22:53
Nofaris_As of now, I don't have any plans for that22:53
Nofaris_On freenode?23:08
Nofaris_Thanks for the information23:10

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