
--- Day changed Fri Oct 03 2008
kanzure"Buffon opened his treatise by considering a simple question: why will a human being purchase a lottery ticket when the chances of them dying in the next 24 hours are greater than the chances that they will win?"00:05
fennhope springs eternal00:49
fenn17:09 < anonimasu_> you know what I hate?00:49
fenn17:09 < anonimasu_> not having a engineering degree.00:49
fenn17:09 < anonimasu_> there are all theese nice papers on everything on IEEEE..00:49
fenn17:10 < anonimasu_> like if you google for how to mount lasers to sharks there's a paper about it..00:49
fenn17:10 < anonimasu_> and you cant be member of IEEEE, unless you are a engineer or at a institution..00:50
kanzurewhere is anonimasu? ##electronics ?00:53
kanzureI've talked with him before I think00:53
fennprolly asleep now00:53
fennjust thought it was funny - he was searching for air bearing info00:54
fennand the papers are all on ieee00:54
* fenn goes to bedsky00:56
kanzuremy grandfather, the one with the massive brain, was named belsky00:58
kanzure_great grandfather01:20
kanzure Victor Deeb is appearing at nubtalks in boston01:56
kanzurewho are our boston people in here?01:56
kanzurehttp://crossintotheabyss.org/about4.htm hm02:02
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/school/Chemistry/2008-10-02.png <- What the hell syntax is this? Commas?03:04
kanzuremysql db is up04:26
ybit"Auction of Over 50 Major Semiconductor Fabrication Tools & Support Equipment"04:58
* ybit gets some sleep04:58
kanzuresleep is for the weak! etc04:58
kanzure (8) Applied Materials P5000 CVD's (2) Novellus Concept II CVD's (7) Kokusai Vertron III LPCVD furnaces Kokusai CX9620 Diffusion Furnace Mattson 4100 Rapid Thermal Processor LAM 4728 Dry Etcher (2) Thermawave 2600 Film Thickness Measurement Systems KLA/Tencor 2132 Wafer Defect Inspection Tool KLA/Tencor AIT Patterned Surface Wafer Defect Inspection Tool KLA/Tencor CRS1010S Ultrapoint Confocal Wafer Review Ststion KLA/Tencor Quantox 6400 Metrology In04:59
kanzureyay now I know which companies to stalk04:59
ybitsleep is for the drugless05:43
ybitbtw, i'm not sleeptyping, just working on prying myself away from information05:43
facefacepeople can control robot arms using stomach muscles - anyone know of a 'passive' typing device?07:45
facefacei.e. high res brain monitor for typing?07:45
facefaceyou mean he really had a big brain? or a metaphor for intelligence?07:48
Utopiahfaceface: hi, check http://seedea.free.fr/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Content.Concepttreefmri I started a comparisom matrix in the end07:50
facefaceI figure if I ever lost a hand, I'd try to build a new one on a computer07:51
UtopiahTech Talk: Machine Learning under Changing Environment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcQ4ec7z3XM at minute 15min or so gives example so you could check their Japanese lab, I didn't take the time to do so but it seem very similar07:51
Utopiahbuild or grow?07:52
Utopiahor let it build itself , kinda similar07:52
Utopiahbut... you know speech recognition make progresses, you can check that *today*07:53
Utopiahgood point about SR : it's super cheap.07:53
Utopiahand there is nearly no learning curve07:53
-!- biopunk is now known as splicer12:15
kanzureapparently the thing that you see people tugging behind their bikes is a 'y-frame' http://www.carryfreedom.com/Y-Frame.html according to openmanufacturing12:26
fennno it's a y-frame trailer because the goofy way the hitch attaches12:42
spliceryou guys are up at this hour?12:55
fennis there something special about 9 am?12:55
splicermy bad12:57
splicer(somehow i held the belief that your morning started in about 6hrs)12:59
fennmy schedule rotates13:03
fennso the city inspector and landlord's stooge barge into my house one day13:04
fennthen a couple days later i receive a notice that the city planning department "received a complaint" imagine that13:05
fennthey want me to remove all construction materials and equipment13:05
fennwith $100 fine the first day, $200 the next, up to $7500 at which point presumably they "initiate legal proceedings"13:06
fennthis is all for having some boards laying in my driveway mind you, and i dont have any neighbors13:07
nshtell them to fuck off13:15
nshi can't believe people are allowed to arbitrarily levy fines on you at a whim13:15
nshthere's gotta be something wrong with that13:15
facefacefenn, just fine them back14:31
faceface'we have rules sir' - yeah, I got a bunch of 'rules' too14:32
kanzure___https://www.fbo.gov/download/9bc/9bce380aafb19f9ad3bda188bfc1ab20/DARPA-BAA-08-65.doc <--- DARPA Mathematical Challenges16:14
kanzure___1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, and 23 look interesting.16:16
fennfine numbers, all of them16:16
kanzure___on the document16:26
* kanzure___ hasn't actually looked at the document, just got an email from the extropy mailing list16:26
kanzure___anybody have ideas for interesting queries to run on the database?16:40
kanzure___I've been running a few multitable select queries but they don't really have any meaning16:41
kanzure___"select all flows in an entire system" is a doable one, showing the chain of material or whatever.16:41
fennnope no ideas16:52
kanzurefenn: re: social contracts,20:43
kanzuredebian's came *after* they had something, I do believe.20:43
fennyes of course20:44
fennbut with all this yammering about "open" it started to seem like nobody had the same idea of what "open" meant20:44
kanzure"debian rides space shuttle" :)20:44
kanzurethat's true20:45
kanzureit's interesting though, it seems like the people are on the same note more or less20:45
kanzureexcept a few oddballs20:45
kanzuredespite having no terminological common ground other than referencing other projects20:45
kanzurehttp://www.spi-inc.org/ "Software for the Public Interest"  SPI is a non-profit organization which was founded to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software.20:49
kanzureoh, in the device drivers sillyness sense20:49
fenndevice drivers?20:51
fenni'm just talking about open manufacturing20:51
kanzureI linked to a site that had 'device drivers' 20:52
kanzureit said 'open hardware'20:52
kanzurebut meant it in the sense of documentation for software projects20:52
fennhuh. i know seb kuzminsky20:53
kanzure/join ##distros20:53
kanzureI fail20:53
fenn(he wrote the software for that space shuttle experiment)20:54
fennand some device drivers for emc20:54
kanzuresomebody remind me to figure out how to be smarter than ieee xplore, it's more important than nature21:07
kanzurematweb has finished21:07
fennnow what21:07
kanzureyou want?21:07
kanzureconversion into usable format21:08
kanzureright now it's mostly html21:08
kanzurebut it's in tables21:08
kanzure(apparently their brilliant Excel format was also just HTML)21:09
kanzure2.4 GB of HTML.21:11
* kanzure doesn't know what this is http://fabuntu.org/downloads/reprap-fablab.zip21:12
kanzureybit: find me the better way to download neurocommons' db please :)21:14
kanzureyou mentioned it before21:15
kanzureI have completely forgotten it21:15
fennso i havent really looked at matweb, is there basic materials stuff like metal alloys, ceramics, plastics?21:16
kanzurehm. good news :) the files are deflating at about 80 to 80% via zip21:17
fennfigures if it's html21:17
fenncan probably chop out a lot of crap21:17
kanzureif I wasn't so lazy right now I'd work on yet another html::parse thingy in perl to extract out the data and throw it into something less like htmlk21:18
kanzureblah, only 2.1 GB left on the server21:19
fennfor example they have both SI and (random english units)21:19
kanzurewhile it's zipping21:20
kanzureme being my typical clueless self :)21:20
fennwell you should only need 480MB21:21
kanzureapparently "part mating" is what I should be calling "surface ontology bullshit"21:21
fennif it's zipping 80% compression21:21
kanzureare you calculating it by bytes and the number of digits for each of the numbers?21:21
kanzurewell. yes.21:21
kanzurestill deflating21:52
kanzureuploading :)22:04
fennwhat was the final size?22:04
* fenn struts22:04
kanzure480 MB in 48 seconds22:05
kanzuregod I love this connection22:05
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/matweb.zip 22:05
kanzureybit: did you get the link?22:34
ybitmy computer sucks22:35
ybiti don't recall pasting a link to download the data any faster22:35
ybiti looked at the logs, and the only link that isn't broken is: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/Banff2007Demo22:35
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/matweb.zip 22:36
ybitthere's also http://sparql.neurocommons.org/22:36
kanzure^ is what I meant22:36
kanzureNo, I meant my matweb.zip link22:36
ybitneurocommons = matweb, now? o.O22:36
kanzureno no no22:36
kanzurematweb finished22:36
kanzureI sent the link 20 minutes before you logged out22:36
ybityeah, i saw that in my logs22:37
ybiti didn't log out, that was my computer not liking vibrations22:37
ybitand this link was somewhat interesting: http://neurocommons.org/page/Special:Allpages22:37
ybitthey have information for downloading the entire dataset yourself...22:38
ybithmm, not sure where i saw that..22:38
ybitmaybe this is what you are looking for: http://neurocommons.org/page/RDF_distribution#Loading_and_installing22:41
ybitdo you meet the hardware requirements though?22:43
ybitif you want to run the server, it is recommended to have 8gb of memory22:44
ybitand if you just want the data... 22:44
ybitThe Neurocommons Virtuoso database itself currently occupies about22:44
ybit50 gigabytes, but will be expanding as some of the feeds grow and as new22:44
ybitfeeds are added, so leave yourself plenty of room for growth.  Maybe 300G.22:44
ybitbut the total needed as mentioned in http://ftp.neurocommons.org/export/NEUROCOMMONS_INSTALL.txt is ~400gb22:46
kanzureoh wait23:04
kanzurethat isn't about turtles at all23:04
ybitfenn, have you got wildcat-cat to run yet?23:23
ybitkanzure: http://code.google.com/p/wildcat-cad/23:26
fennybit: no23:26
kanzureoh, -cad23:26
kanzurenot -cat :)23:26
fennis it linux-ready yet?23:26
ybiti thought it was, but i didn't see a release for linux in svn23:27
kanzuredear lazyweb23:31
kanzureplease hijack fabuntu for me23:31

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