
--- Day changed Wed Oct 15 2008
willPow3rand no i'm not racist.00:09
ybitkanzure, is the cad.py file located http://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/fab/ in fabuntu?00:26
ybityou do have fabuntu right?00:27
kanzureNo, I don't have fabuntu. /me fetches it.00:27
fennit's rather small @277mb00:28
ybiti'll grab it tomorrow while i'm on a stable comp.00:29
fennthey don't really explain what it is, eh?00:29
kanzureCBA/fablab on some site somewhere explains it a bit00:30
kanzuresomething about a handful of extra scripts for using the equipment00:30
ybitokay, yeah, cad.py is included00:30
ybitbtw, i'm sure most of you have seen this page: http://fab.cba.mit.edu/content/tools/00:34
ybitit still makes me drool00:34
* fenn is unimpressed00:34
kanzureybit: wrong link.00:35
fennwhat the fuck: 3M #1126 copper tape with conductive adhesive 6"x36 yds @$236.44/roll00:41
fennnevermind, i guess that is a lot of tape00:42
kanzure? lenovo, laptops?00:42
willPow3ri wish i would have seen that before i blew 2k on my new u11000:42
bkeroI can give anyone here IBM employee pricing on any Lenovo laptops.00:45
willPow3rhow much could you get a u110 for?00:46
bkeroI dunno00:47
willPow3rdo you get like 35% off or something?00:47
bkeroLet's see.00:48
bkeroThey start at $1486.6500:48
ybitpara el enlaces (fablab inventory web link), gracias capit?n kanzure 00:48
willPow3rbkero, before emp. pricing?00:49
willPow3rthey start at 1899 w/out, but are on sale for 1749 right now00:51
willPow3rso about 22%00:52
willPow3rwhich is significant. wish i had known sooner00:52
bkeroI ordered new macbook today.00:54
bkeroI have 2 new laptops coming in the following weeks.00:54
* bkero goes home00:54
* fenn cries in his milk00:55
willPow3rfenn, melamine milk?00:56
fennold-laptop milk00:56
kanzureHow the fuck do you people afford these things?00:56
willPow3rthere is one significant advantage to having an old laptop00:56
willPow3rkanzure, u are familiar w/ the credit crunch, right?00:56
willPow3rthe linux drivers.00:57
fennwillPow3r: i'd just buy a new one with linux installed00:57
willPow3rlinux wont even install on mine00:57
kanzurewillPow3r: What?00:57
kanzureCredit crunch, huh?00:57
kanzureThat doesn't explain how you can afford this.00:57
willPow3ri used to be in the air force and i collect funds from them now to go to school00:58
kanzureAnd this allows multiple laptops?00:58
willPow3rmilitary doesn't pay [i]nearly[/i] as bad as the media makes it sound 00:59
fennit's a job..01:00
willPow3r"cell phones for soldiers"?? pull-fucking-leeze. they make so much money in combat zones01:00
fennthat pisses me off, because they just grind them all up into toxic sludge to extract the gold, and then i can't get any cellphones to play with01:00
kanzurebut I see this in general all across campus01:02
willPow3rkanzure should join the army01:02
kanzureif I join the army, you'll see a death star deployed in under three months01:02
kanzuresecret backup garage w/ nitrogen-based rockets01:02
kanzureI have this psychosis; I don't tell you guys nearly as much as I probably should01:02
willPow3rehh. not impressed.01:02
kanzureHave you seen my journals? :-/01:02
willPow3rdo they have pics of you in caves in afghanistan by chance?01:03
kanzureYes, but I was in metal armor.01:03
willPow3roh, medevial style01:03
willPow3rit would have been cool though.01:08
willPow3rkanzure, is this you: http://heybryan.org/shots/2008-05-23_bryanhead.png01:16
kanzure_Can somebody help me become more paranoid?01:30
fennaw, it's like reprap only less pretentious: http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/MIT/863.07/11.05/fabaroni/01:31
kanzure"How to Make (Almost) Anything" is a very famous class.01:32
kanzureI recall reading about one year where the class decided to build a 747 while stranded on an island. That sort of thing.01:32
kanzureSlashdot comment id 582014901:33
fennsounds like sarcasm to me01:34
fenn(not that i can find the comment you're talking about)01:34
fennyay, no results01:37
kanzurehttp://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/Library/BrainDynamics/Global mapping of pharmacological space nbt1228_Paolini.pdf02:34
kanzureWouldn't that reek of fenn's global ontological crisis02:34
-!- mind|distracted is now known as mindspillage04:09
xp_prghi all!05:01
geneyou know people don't tend to like the concept of self-replicating machines05:37
genethey keep telling me that self-replicating robots are bad05:39
geneThey have obviously watched too many movies05:39
boogles_Life is a self-replicating machine05:44
fennhow many movies have self-replicating robots anyway? i can only think of one: the terminator series05:44
fennoh and the matrix05:44
fennany more?05:45
willPow3rdidn't fortress have those?05:57
willPow3rw/ christopher lambert?05:58
genepeople see robots as bad beacause movies paint robots as bad06:02
geneHollywood stereotypes robots06:03
genewill you must be old06:06
fennooo james cameron is doing battle angel alita06:08
geneand steven spielberg is doing ghost in the shell06:10
fennthat doesn't even make sense06:10
bkeroKeanu Reeves is diong Cowboy Bebop06:10
genespielberg wants to do ghost in the shell06:11
genehe better not do what he did to indiana jones06:11
bkeroKeanu Reeves is spike in a live-action Cowboy Bebop06:12
geneI am not familiar with that anime, please wait while plot summaries are loaded...06:13
bkeroYou know GitS but not Bebop?06:20
bkeroBebop is my third favorite anime.06:20
bkeroThe soundtrack is a close first.06:20
fennawesome soundtrack06:22
fenni love 'we qui non coin'06:23
bkeroI like the entire thing :)06:24
fennhttp://fennetic.net/pub/irc/Cowboy Bebop OST 3 - 14 - We Qui Non Coin.mp306:24
fennstrangely it has nothing to do with the plot in that particular episode06:26
fennerm, but i guess you'd have to know japanese to understand what it's about06:26
fenn(it's about a girl whose dog ran away)06:27
bkeroI listen to the soundtrack in alphabetical06:27
bkeroI have all 3 OSTs, the Movie soundtrack, and Vitaminless06:27
fennvitaminless is just the same songs live, right?06:28
bkeroVitaminless is actually by the seatbelts06:30
bkeroIt's Yoko Kanno's band doing covers of Yoko Kanno songs.06:30
bkeroDamn, it seems there's a bunch more seatbelts I need06:31
fennooo spooky, search for "sharon apple theory" http://www.gabrielarobin.com/mainsite/gr.html07:38
fennthe new sifter interface is refreshingly functional08:27
fennor maybe it's just the sub-second response time08:29
kanzure_1_http://www.interfacecontrol.com/sml/sml/mainpage.htm Spacecraft Markup Language.15:20
kanzure_1_http://www.yeda.de/dreammarkup/index1.php Dream Markup?15:22
kanzure_1_http://www.interfacecontrol.com/sml/sml/mainpage.htm Spacecraft Markup Language. <-- Phreedom. Since you missed it.15:23
Phreedomkanzure_1_: thanks. will take a look15:24
kanzure_1_fenn: it occurs to me that the 'interface'/flow metadata might already be somewhat implemented with CAPs in ebXML CPP situations15:24
kanzure_1_http://fcmlgroup.org/index.php?id=1&L=2&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=&cHash= Facility Control Markup Language15:27
kanzure_1_Everybody Wants To Be A Markup Language15:28
kanzure_1_Next they're going to want me to design an XML-compatible microprocessor ...15:28
kanzure_1_Explanation of cpp: http://www.developer.com/xml/article.php/224785115:37
kanzure_1_"The CPP is a formal description file that lists what an organization can do in terms of ebXML operations."15:37
kanzure_1_Except obviously we don't want it in terms of 'organizations' but instead 'parts'.15:37
kanzure_1_http://web.mit.edu/mecheng/pml/why_pml.htm    <-- Hrm.15:54
kanzure_1_Within lower order pairs there are six general types of couplings - spherical, planar, cylindrical, revolute, prismatic and screw, as shown in Figure 7, There are six lower order kinematic pairs -, spherical, planar, cylindrical, revolute, prismatic and screw can be represented easily in the Physical Markup Language."15:57
kanzure_1_fenn: is the male/female socket distinction useful enough to keep?16:14
xp_prghi all!17:13
* kanzure_1_ leaves.17:44
* bkero stays.17:49
-!- xp_prg4 is now known as xp_prg19:34
fennyep otherwise you try to put a nut in a nut19:57
fennwhich is possible, but not with the same size thread19:57
splicerI have a completely unrelated question... does anyone know how a chemical sperm count kit works?20:04
nsh-my friend malthius simbad al-internet probably does20:05
* nsh- asks20:05
splicertook me a while to get that ;) .. i couldn't find it there20:06
splicerthey look like this: http://www.reallifesolutions.co.uk/FORHIMfertilmarqtech.htm20:08
splicersome reaction turns the thing blue in proportion to the amount of sperm20:09
splicerbut i can't understand how it works20:09
nsh-how the staining works?20:09
nsh-or how the comparison works?20:09
spliceryeah... it it pH driven?20:10
spliceris it just a stain, like gram staining?20:10
* nsh- would suspect so20:11
nsh-http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/reprod/semeneval/morph.html looks informative20:11
spliceryou´re right... I'm an idoit20:12
splicer; ) thanks20:12
nsh-np, happy sperming20:12
kanzure_Hrm, it's not supposed to rain in Texas.20:14
splicerit's sperm20:15
splicersorry about that, I'll do it somewhere else20:16
fennnot pH, semen is highly buffered regardless of sperm content. it's probably a bradford assay?20:18
kanzurefenn: Charles Collis is adciv.org20:20
splicerfenn: About the pH, I overcomplicated it... I imagined some reaction with the sperm that would make the solution acidic. I was far off.20:20
splicerfenn: I think there is a lot of protein in the solution compared to the amount of sperm20:22
kanzure_Also, I've been unable to find mathematical models of the destruction of algal membranes by different methods of energy transfer. Since I've not been able to find anything, I'm considering bruteforcing it .. i.e., total energy content of the membrane, anything greater than that will bust it. Thoughts?20:23
bkeroUnequal energy distribution around the membrane?20:23
fennyou can break the membrane at room temp. with the right enzymes20:24
kanzure_fenn: enzymes are another method, that's true.20:24
fenni'm just saying it's not about energy content20:24
fennstrain in the membrane, for physical methods20:24
* fenn suddenly has the urge to rap20:24
kanzure_There was a big list going last Saturday.20:25
* bkero raps his knuckles against fenn's head..20:25
bkerofenn: You should walk into C-money's office and break out some rap.20:25
kanzure_Anyway, for mechanical contact methods, what are some good assumptions to make? 20:26
kanzure_I don't know what characterizes breakability/burstability really.20:26
fennmechanical contact is probably not very good for single cell algae20:26
kanzure_for instance, I could make up arguments about the energies in the bonds between the atoms in the membrane, but that's not anywhere near true20:26
kanzure_that's true, but I need to come up with something20:26
kanzure_for the general categories.20:26
fennwe used a "pressure cell" i think it was.. you pump water at high pressure through a tiny orifice, the sudden pressure drop across the orifice bursts the cell20:27
kanzure_yes, yes, pressure is also on the list alreaduy20:27
kanzure_"A model of neuronal bursting using three coupled first order differential equations" surely this implies a reference to a more general paper?20:28
xp_prgkanzure I did some work on biobench, is it ok if I use google app engine, it is free and works with python which is perfect for using sybioss code20:28
fennbursting could mean a zillion different things20:28
kanzurexp_prg: What are you talking about?20:28
xp_prgbiobench implementation software20:29
kanzure_fenn: Ah, yes, bursting => action potential bursting :/20:29
kanzurexp_prg: I don't want anything dependent on Google unless you can disconnect from the internet and it still works.20:29
kanzureif you're http'ing over to google, that's failure.20:29
xp_prgok, google app engine will work without google20:30
kanzureis it a javascript download?20:30
xp_prgno it is a very powerful cloud computing offering from google20:30
xp_prgjust google for it20:30
kanzurewhat the fuck20:30
kanzurethat would require google20:30
xp_prgit hosts web apps20:30
kanzure" Provides the possibility for developers to host theirs web application on the company's servers."20:30
kanzureyeah, that's failure20:30
kanzuredon't do it.20:30
xp_prgno the engine itself can run without it!20:30
willPow3rfailure == gau20:31
xp_prghahah will20:31
xp_prgkanzure but it can run without google man!20:31
fennis it just me, or is the intelligence level of the room falling steadily?20:31
kanzureNo, I've noticed it too.20:32
xp_prgkanzure just trust me it works without google it will be ok20:32
kanzureThen why are you asking me?20:32
xp_prgjust keeping you in the loop is all :>20:32
kanzure" The Breakdown of Cell Membranes by Electrical and Mechanical Stress" <- Aha.20:32
xp_prgkanzure did you read in Sci Am about causing neurons to fire with light?!20:33
kanzure" Electric field-induced breakdown of lipid bilayers and cell membranes: A thin viscoelastic film  ..." <- Excellent.20:33
kanzurexp_prg: Yes. 20:33
xp_prgthat rocked!!!!20:33
kanzureOptogenetics has been around forever though :-)20:33
kanzureEd Boyden does a lot of that.20:33
kanzureOur labs do too.20:33
kanzureI find this ridiculously awesome: http://jcs.biologists.org/cgi/content/full/114/11/2009 "life without a cell membrane". 20:54
fennwoah.. it's like fluowen20:57
kanzureNo definitions were found for fluowen.20:57
fenner, flouwen20:57
kanzure" Light-induced changes in membrane potential in Spirogyra"20:57
kanzuredependent on the amount of chloroplast in the cell. Fun.20:58
fennno-javascript pulldown menus: http://www.grc.com/menudemo.htm21:07
kanzurefor 80 micrometers^3 solution of of erythrocytes, with some unknown molarity, it takes about 3.25kV/cm to rupture the bastards.21:11
kanzure(for the records: http://www.biophysj.org/cgi/reprint/14/11/881.pdf )21:11
kanzurepage 888 table 121:11
fenni'd wager the voltage/distance is the defining characteristic21:12
fennyou can probably increase the field concentration with tiny conductive needles21:12
kanzure3.25 kV for 80 um^3 is not good.21:12
kanzurewhat's the rule of thumb, diesel engines are 80% efficient? 21:13
kanzurewith some sort of kV output that I forget. Bah. Back to searching.21:13
fennhmm 80 um^3 = 80 femtoliter21:14
fenngenerally higher voltages are more efficient, but diesel is like 25% efficient at most21:15
kanzurethat's reason to cry.21:15
kanzurehigher voltages are more efficient?21:15
fenni dont really see what volume has to do with the process21:15
kanzureWhat the fuck have I been learning in these years of electronics classes21:15
kanzurepresumably volume means there's more cells.21:15
fennhigher voltage = less current for the same power; power dissipation goes as the square of current21:16
fennno i mean, why the fuck are they even mentioning the volume21:16
kanzurewhat I want is per cell, it's true, but they might be doing something 'special' with their setup. like not counting their cells.21:17
fennuf. dielectric breakdown doesn't mean what you think it does21:17
fennhmm.. i read some old cranky stuff about sending electricity into a diseased area at the resonant frequency of the bacteria/parasites, and this would 'pop' them21:19
kanzureso, 21:20
kanzuresince each membrane has a 'membrane potential' value that we can measure, would my equation involve that variable to determine the voltage I'd need to kill it?21:21
fennwhat do you mean "membrane potential"?21:22
kanzureThere was this awesome page in a medical terminology text I shelf that talked about a form of "therapy" where they electrocute the hell out of a diseased area.21:22
kanzureVoltage across the membrane = membrane potential21:22
fennin bacteria this is typicalle about 1.2V or so21:22
fennusually less21:23
fenni'm picturing something like two nanotube forests intermingling, (one is upside down) and small droplets of water suspended in the oil pass by and make a breakdown path between the nanotubes21:25
fennbut this just seems too high tech21:26
fennwhat was wrong with thermal depolymerization?21:27
kanzureIs 'electroporation' enough? The techniques that labists were using to transfer DNA into cells. Would they expel their lipids at the same time? That sounds counterintuitive .. if DNA is going to be transferred, they want to keep energy caches.21:27
kanzureI don't care what's wrong with it .. I'm attempting to be all good about this and do a direct comparison of the models for the members of the list.21:28
fennelectroporation is brutal, most of the cells die21:28
kanzure'cell lysis' is another phrase that has just turned up in a result .. should have been more obvious to use that.21:28
kanzure' Automatic spark gap control for spark source mass spectrometry  ' <-- there's a spark gap spectrometer method?21:29
fennemission spectroscopy21:29
fennum, yeah21:30
fennand plasma desorption21:30
kanzure' Reagentless mechanical cell lysis by nanoscale barbs in microchannels for sample preparation' http://biopoems.berkeley.edu/publications/DiCarlo-mechanical-LabChip2003.pdf ... almost your nano-electrocution method.21:30
fennbut better since it doesnt need electricity21:31
kanzure'barbs' on that scale can rupture membranes? That doesn't sound right -- it's always been my understanding that the smaller things are, the less likely things are going to be ruptured by much of anything. I.e., the bigger bubble will surely burst, but as you scale it down, the "sharp tip" is increasingly losing relative "sharpness".21:32
kanzure'integrated in microfluidic channels'. Oh crap. Was hoping that read 'implemented in microfluidic channels'.21:33
fennwell looks like it works21:33
fennwhat was wrong with thermal depolymerization?21:35
kanzurenanospheres with nanobarb spikes?21:35
kanzureI didn't say anything was wrong with it21:35
kanzureAre you not listening?21:35
kanzureI don't care what's wrong with it .. I'm attempting to be all good about this and do a direct comparison of the models for the members of the list.21:35
fennok, it's just.. the most straightforward way to skin a cat is to cut the skin off it21:35
kanzurewith a boiler?21:36
fennyeah basically you pressure cook whatever and it turns into oil, salts, and some dissolved gases21:37
fenn300C for 15 mins21:37
kanzureof course, you'd want constant flow, so what's the energy requirements on boiling?21:37
fenntheoretically zero, practically i have no idea21:38
kanzureokay, so just assume initial investment energy in boiling will be made up21:38
kanzureand then just worry about thermal heat dissipation21:38
fennor maybe half the energy required to raise water to 300C21:38
fennalso, it doesnt boil since it's under pressure21:38
kanzureespecially with respect to heat dissipation of any specimen you take out21:38
kanzurepressurized systems. fun stuff ..21:39
kanzureNeed to run.21:39
fennmaybe just a couple coils of stainless tubing would work21:40
-!- splicer is now known as Splicer22:41
-!- Splicer is now known as splicer_sleeping22:41
bkeroSo if you chop off the top half of a rat except for it's spinal cord and soak the leftovers in neurotransmitters, the legs kick.23:12
kanzurebkero: Working late in the lab?23:22
bkerokanzure: Heh23:23
bkeroI work at google right now23:23
bkeroBack to the lab in January23:23

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