
--- Day changed Sat Oct 18 2008
kanzure_Only if you want to exceed your limits is trade necessary.00:00
kanzure_And even then you're still spiraling down the path to the dark side .. 00:00
kanzure_Uh, I mean, spiraling down to zero resources. So some percent has to be spent on exploration and so on.00:00
-!- brain|washing is now known as brain|food00:02
ybitoi willPow3r00:03
kanzure_ybit: Part of the problem is that some people on the openmanufacturing list might be looking for an ad hoc solution.00:04
kanzure_i.e., a way to patch the bleeding wounds, the concept of just growing without actually knowing what materials are available and such.00:05
ybitheh, i guess you are referring to the emails concerning buying a bunch of land :P00:05
kanzure_Yes, but no, some people there in general seem to be of the mindset.00:05
fenngasp, kanzure said a dirty word00:06
fenn"spending resources"00:07
* kanzure_ looks.00:08
willPow3rg'day ybit, kanzure_ 00:08
kanzure_Oh crap, 'spent'.00:09
kanzure_Yes, I see.00:09
kanzure_Alternative wordings?00:09
fennallocated for00:09
fennunless you blow it up in the stratosphere and the vapor is unrecoverable, of course00:10
kanzure_oh, the rocket00:10
kanzure_What about energy? You still have to allocate energy, which then goes off as red.00:10
fennyeah but most of the cost of the rocket is not in the materials, it's all on the ground still (factories, scientists)00:10
kanzure_Dyson sphere solution, but even then; never ending encasings of dyson spheres until you just have a giant Dysonverse, etc. etc..00:10
fennenergy is not such a big deal as far as exploration goes00:11
fennwhen you want to lift billions of people and furnishings into orbit is when you have to worry about energy budgets00:11
kanzure_Just blow up the planet.00:11
fennbut i figure by that time you have enough capacity in orbit already that you can expand energy infrastructure indefinitely00:11
kanzure_or crash the moon into it.00:12
fenni think the dyson sphere is a stupid idea00:12
fennjust burn up the star material in your own fusion reactors where you need it00:12
kanzure_what's wrong with fusion00:12
fenninstead of making this goofy inefficient system based on gravity confinement00:13
fenndams and gasoline are both stored solar energy00:13
* nsh frowns00:18
kanzure_nsh: ?00:18
nshi have two broken metatarsi00:19
kanzure_What did you do?00:19
nshlanded :-/00:19
nshjust jumping down from a building00:20
nshbut did not land well00:20
ybitnsh: running from the cops again, finally caught up to you this time ;)00:38
ybitstupid comma slice00:39
ybitanywhos, was getting prepared to fix my server00:39
ybiti *will* find the problem sometime this week00:39
ybitwell, guess i should get ready to hit on some nerdy girls00:40
ybit...if i can find any00:40
* ybit waves00:40
* ybit has a 2.63% chance of getting laid tonight00:43
ybituh, i forgot to factor in alcohol, whoops00:43
* ybit shuts up00:45
nshyou know how, in quantum mechanics, measuring something changes its value...00:46
nshi get the feeling that you have have sealed your fate to remain in a pure state this evening by engaging in such statistical speculation00:47
-!- gene_ is now known as genetherapy01:20
kanzure_Hrm. This worries me.01:32
kanzure_"Please enter your email address and last four digits of your social security number to see your username and password," says the "forgot your pass" form for my internet connection. 01:32
kanzure_I don't think they realize how little tries it will take on 4 digits ..01:33
kanzure_9999 page requests is a piece of cake.01:33
kanzure_I also know the email addresses of other people in this building.01:33
-!- brain|food is now known as mindspillage01:36
kanzureResource conflict.02:40
kanzureAny hints?02:40
ybitwell, no ladies tonight, except for a drunken, unattractive girl04:48
ybitthere was plenty of alcohol and mary, but where were the women?!04:49
ybitbtw, i didn't have any of that, too doped up on modafinil right now04:49
ybitbkero: i take it you use xmonad now?04:56
bkeroybit: lol fuck no04:56
bkeroWe host DARCS at the OSL.  I wouldn't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.04:57
bkeroESPECIALLY after learning Haskell.04:57
ybitnice tutorial btw, it's colorful and it reminds me of the "casting spells in lisp" tutorial04:57
ybit...kind of :)04:58
bkeroIt's got an elephant with glasses.05:04
ybityeah, that, that's what made me think of a wizard ;)05:05
genetherapyany of you guys going to maker faire?05:16
bkeroI went two eyars ago05:18
bkeroI want to go05:18
bkeroBut bay area is a ways away05:18
ybitgrr, every girl, attending my school, which i find on facebook, if they happen to have an interest related to anything somewhat nerdy, they have to mention how much they love a dead guy named "jesus"05:18
ybitoh well, i've met a few through biology/chemistry clubbing, Monday should be interesting in this regard05:19
ybityeah, i'm sure you all don't want to hear this, maybe i will keep this stuff to myself next time05:21
bkeroThere are a ton of girls in biology.05:21
bkeroTell the jesus ones to fuck off though.05:22
ybitif i see them, i will tell them to die and rot in the ground like everyone else05:22
genetherapyAh come on man, just use your teleporter05:22
genetherapyyou have one right05:22
ybitheh, no i don't, mind teleporting here, so i can use yours :)05:23
genetherapydo those girls ever happen to dispute certain facts?05:23
bkeroybit: Just tell them that you don't need a god to make you feel alright.05:23
genetherapythis is a the fly style teleporter05:24
genetherapymeaning you have to have two booths05:25
genetherapythe chamber is also sufficiently irradiated before hand to insure that no scifi scenarios occur05:26
ybitman, that teleporter sucks05:26
ybiti'll stick to flying :)05:27
genetherapygood choice05:27
fennballistic catapults05:28
genetherapybad choice05:28
fenntether transport catapults?05:29
genetherapyacceleration needed to do that is many many times that which a human can survive05:29
fennnot true05:29
fenn1.8g is the optimum accel for earth05:29
genetherapyfor a ballistic catapult?05:29
fennfor an orbital tether system05:30
fenntether reaches down, grabs you, flings into sky, you fall at destination05:30
genetherapyI prefer gravity trams though05:30
genetherapydrill a hole from point a to b line with centering magnets and fill with nothing05:31
fennparabolic arc right?05:31
genetherapydrop tram at point a, stop it at point b05:31
fenn"yer doin it wrong"05:31
genetherapypretty much a straight line05:31
fennno need for magnets05:32
genetherapyyou don't need them05:32
genetherapyit's just so you don't have a chance of hitting the walls05:33
fenni dont think that would work on earth.. the whole molten iron core thing05:34
genetherapyit makes more sense on the moon05:34
genetherapywith it's solid core05:34
genetherapyAlthough I hear the moon is potentially geologically active05:35
fenni dont see any volcanoes05:35
genetherapythere aren't volcanoes05:39
genetherapythere are radon gas explosions05:40
genetherapyand there are moonquakes05:40
genetherapyoh yeah did you see this: http://www.dailytech.com/Single+Neuron+UnParalyzes+Monkeys+in+Test/article13223.htm05:41
genetherapyapparently a monkey can control it's paralyzed arm with a SINGLE NEURON05:42
fenni'm still trying to figure out what exactly they did05:44
fennif it's just connecting a wire from the monkey's brain to the monkey's arm, how come we're first hearing about this in 2008?05:46
genetherapywhat do you mean?05:46
fennseems really basic05:46
genetherapythey did this a while back05:47
genetherapyexcept the monkey controlled a robotic arm05:47
genetherapynow they're connecting to a real arm05:48
genetherapyI am doubtful of the extent of the monkey had over the real arm05:49
fennt-slot monkey :)05:52
genetherapydon't you just love modular components?05:53
fennwerent they controlling cruise missiles with cats in the 80's?05:53
genetherapythey were?05:54
genetherapyactually I think that was the 1950s and with pigeons05:54
genetherapyor are you mixing up neuromancer with real life?05:55
bkeroYou should read accelerando.05:55
fenni think i read about this in 'secret life of plants'05:55
bkeroA based on crabs.05:55
bkeroAI based on crabs05:55
genetherapyai based on squids makes more sense05:56
genetherapysquids have big easy to study neurons05:56
fennAI based on biology is silly no matter how you slice it05:56
genetherapythe secret lives of plants05:57
genetherapyWhy is it silly?05:57
fennits like making planes with flapping wings05:57
genetherapythat does not make sense05:57
fennand having no theoretical understanding of aerodynamics05:57
genetherapyeven pterodactyls didn't fly by flapping05:58
genetherapyflapping makes more sense on small scales05:58
fennthere were lots of attempts at making airplanes with flapping wings05:58
genetherapyflapping doesn't make sense as you scale it up05:59
genetherapyalthough biologically produced methane ramjets might or H2O2-catalyzer might06:00
fennyou've been reading too much science fiction06:01
fennhttp://www.century-of-flight.net/Aviation history/ornithopters/images/2a.jpg06:02
genetherapyif we ever manage to write a dev environment for life, one of the things I want to make is an animal that breaks the sound barrier06:02
genetherapythis is a biohacking forum06:02
fennno it isn't06:02
genetherapylink is broken06:02
genetherapyBut I know what ornithopters are06:03
genetherapyand have heard about big ones06:03
genetherapyheh steampunk06:03
genetherapysteampunk from the age of steam06:04
genetherapyit's fairly accurate06:04
genetherapyof what today is like06:04
genetherapyexcept with gas stations instead of coal stations06:05
genetherapybut they did predict fast food06:06
fennand better fed dogs06:06
fennwhat is "infernal defiance" and "dreadful vengeance" supposed to mean?06:07
fennoh those are their names06:07
genetherapyback in the 1800s they didn't have copyright06:08
genetherapywhich means they didn't run out of cool names to use and start using weird words that no one has heard of06:08
fenni think you mean trademark06:09
fenncool plane: http://www.bugattiaircraft.com/kalempa.htm06:23
willPower__lol: http://www.virtualworldlets.net/Shop/ProductsDisplay/VRInterface.php?ID=309:28
willPower__the military, once again, leading the way in technological development: http://www.vuzix.com/tactical/nextgen_systems_wearable_computing.html15:58
willPower__yay military16:00
wrldpcMIT has been fielding prototypes for this kind of stuff for decades.16:31
* willPower__ wonders where the fruit of said prototypes/research is...17:23
nshforbidden and tasty17:31
willPower__my favorite kind17:52
elias`are there any nice heuristics to rename non-descriptive PDF filenames to something that resembles the intended title?18:03
ybitelias`: you could write a program which converts the pdf to postscript, searches for the title tag, and then converts it back to pdf i suppose18:13
ybitor do you need the original .ps file... probably so18:14
willPower__or use the first few lines of pdf2html output18:14
elias`the title metadata?18:14
elias`I found something that does that, unfortunately it's almost useless18:15
elias`only maybe 10% of PDFs have useful title metadata18:15
willPower__do you know how to bash script?18:15
elias`pdf2{html,text} output still needs to be filtered appropriately to get filename-sized output18:15
willPower__thats what awk and sed can be used for18:16
willPower__are you on linux?18:16
elias`just couldn't be bothered to find heuristics for filtering it if someone else has done that already18:16
willPower__or pdfinfo18:20
-!- nsh_ is now known as nsh21:27
fenni'd love to see a screenshot from one of those military goggles.. what is it, icons on a windows desktop or something?21:52
ybitis skdb good for parametric design/manufacturing, hmm22:16
ybitwhat parameters will be included in the yaml markup?22:19
fennlots of them22:19
willPow3rthe video unit in the goggles displays 800x600, which is the highest resolution i've seen available22:19
willPow3rbut it takes any vga input i think22:19
ybitand if it's not there, suppose i can put it in :)22:20
ybitit = parameters need22:20
-!- xp_prg2 is now known as xp_prg22:23
ybityikes, kanzure, when do you think heybryan.org will be up? wanted to check out http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Skdb22:28
xp_prgis kanzure here?22:29
ybitkanzure_1_ is :)22:29
ybitnot sure if that's him or not though22:29
ybitxp_prg: any progress on the ajax interface?22:29
xp_prgworking on it now, need to get to my web page at http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/BioBench22:30
xp_prgits not coming up :(22:30
ybiti know his internet access has been limited :22:32
ybitwhat ajax framework did you decide on?22:32
xp_prgybit want to assist?22:33
ybitlet me get back with you on that :)22:34
ybitmaybe later after i have my server setup (hopefully this coming week)22:35
xp_prgybit we are going to use google app engine, it has a server you can setup in minutes!22:39
ybitit's still a preview release :|22:41
xp_prgit will work don't worry :>22:41
xp_prgdownload it if you don't believe me :>22:42
ybiti kanzure22:42
ybitxp_prg: btw, i wasn't implying that i was going to use my server to develop it, sorry22:44
kanzureThe internets are no longer free.22:44
kanzure$290 for an 8 Mbit line for the rest of the semester.22:44
xp_prgdude bummer!22:44
kanzureAnyway, I just got back from Make.22:44
xp_prgKanzure where was that at?22:44
ybitaustin 22:45
* ybit quits answerng questions directed to kanzure22:45
kanzureIt's interesting because when I start talking to people, I blabber on about various projects and so on, and then they say, "Oh, yes, I know. You're Bryan." "Awesome! Who the fuck are you?"22:45
kanzureI was just talking with nublabs/Boston-fablab. Alec Resnick was there. He had mailed me a hard drive a few days ago, so it was awkward when I found out that it was him that I was talking to there. :-/22:45
kanzureMailed as in, mailed it from Boston.22:46
ybita hard drive? what, why?22:46
kanzureData trading ring.22:46
kanzureFuck. 1500 unread emails.22:46
xp_prgkanzure can I not get back to my project page then>?22:46
ybityou know, there's such thing as encryption, right? :)22:46
kanzurexp_prg: You'll have to give me a few minutes to download all of my email and then I'll wire up the server again.22:47
kanzureI really, really need to know what program I need to use to get the server working as a router for me.22:47
kanzureHm, another 500 unread emails.22:49
* drazak needs to get a supscription to nature molbio22:51
kanzureNo you don't. I'll give you nature molbio in a zip soon.22:52
drazakI want a physical copy though22:56
drazakI kinda want biochem too22:56
* nsh blinks22:57
nsha book, i can understand22:57
nshbut why would you want to read journal articles on tree?22:57
drazakkanzure: eh, I'll take a zip though22:57
drazaknsh: because... I'm weird?22:57
drazakI don't spend enough time at a computer anymore to read stuff like that on it22:58
nshfair enough22:58
* nsh nods23:00
nshe-ink readers will be pretty prevailant in the next few years, hopefully23:00
kanzurefrom Nathan Cravens - 'By building mathematical models of its own employees, IBM aims to improve productivity and automate management' - http://thenumerati.net/index.cfm?postID=7623:01
drazakI wrote down the specs for one I'd want to make/design23:01
drazakno thicker than 3/8"s though23:01
drazaklcd on the front, metal case, touch screen, sd card and wireless23:02
kanzureInternet archive now has February of heybryan.23:11
kanzure"Haren says the efforts under way at places like IBM will not only break down each worker into sets of skills and knowledge. The same systems will also divide their days and weeks into small periods of time--hours, half-hours, eventually even minutes."23:12
kanzure"At the same time, the jobs that have to be done, whether it's building a software program or designing an airliner, are also broken down into tiny steps. In this sense, Haren might as well be describing the industrial engineering that led to assembly lines a century ago."23:12
kanzure"Big jobs are parsed into thousands of tasks and divided among many workers. But the work Haren is discussing is not done by hand, hydraulic presses, or even robots. It flows from the brain. The labor is defined by knowledge and ideas. As he sees it, that expertise will  be tapped minute by minute across the world."23:12
kanzureInteresting formulation of the same issues. I wouldn't have said it quite like that, but whatever.23:12
fennyay manna23:13
* nsh thnks of ted nelson23:13
kanzurePoor Ted.23:13
kanzurehttp://onlinemetals.com/ <- I need to email these guys about setting up the automated ordering and quoting services. They're excited about these ideas.23:14
kanzurefenn: I talked with the bug guys :-) But I'm not sure what I said.23:14
fennbug guys?23:14
kanzurethey were on some webtv thing23:15
kanzurethey were doing plug-and-play robotics23:15
kanzurereconfigurable parts.23:15
fennthe reconfigurable personal gadget guys?23:15
kanzureweren't they bug-something?23:15
fennbug labs23:15
kanzurefrom Tony's end: "GOTO http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/mcell/mjcell/mjcell.html Start MJCell -- it selects Brian's Brain by default, B being early in the alphabet. A CA in which nearly everything persistent is moving at C and it is the exceptions that are interesting."23:29
fennthey're missing the fact that hydraulic presses and robots don't try to game the system23:38
ybitheh, i thought of manna too when reading on the ibm system23:39
kanzureArgh. Too much to do, not enough time to write a proper todo list.23:51
-!- splicer_ is now known as splicer23:51

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