
--- Day changed Sun Oct 19 2008
kanzureHow's xp_prg's work going ?00:00
splicerit seems to me Austin Texas is the transhumanist mecca00:00
kanzureBay Area is the most sacred .. that's where everyone is. That or Boston.00:01
splicergoogling 'boston transhumanist' the first entry is a video by wrldpc00:04
splicersmall world00:04
wrldpcno shit00:04
kanzureSplicer: Smaller than you might suspect. I get recognized at a Make Faire more than I recognize other people.00:05
splicerwe'll you're kindof famous00:05
wrldpcSo Alec Resnick from nublabs is in Austin for MAKE?00:05
wrldpcThat's cool.00:05
kanzurewrldpc: Yes, Alec's there.00:05
wrldpcYeah you're a legend, Bry.00:05
kanzureWe had our awkward moment together.00:05
wrldpche sold you a hard drive?00:06
kanzure"Yeah Bryan, I'm Alec. Alec Resnick." "Oh fuck." "yeah." "So the hard drive is in the mail?" "Yep." 00:06
kanzureNo, I'm just dumping shit on it.00:06
wrldpcIs any of this stuff from Convergence 08 up yet?00:06
wrldpcI mean00:06
wrldpcnot C00:06
kanzureSplicer: What do you mean by famous, or wlrdpc, how am I legend if I haven't actually done anything?00:07
wrldpcuh, the Singularity Summit00:07
wrldpcNo, it's what you're doing.00:07
kanzureSitting around yelling at everyone? :-)00:07
wrldpccompiling data.00:07
splicerKanz: your tracks are everywhere00:08
wrldpcI need to make songs about this stuff.  I'm largely useless.00:09
splicerhehe: wrldpc: I whish I could do what you do00:09
wrldpcdon't flatter me! :P00:10
wrldpcbut thanks.00:10
wrldpcoh yeah wait00:10
wrldpcwish you could do what I do ..00:10
wrldpcyou mean nothing substantial?00:10
wrldpcit's actually VERY EASY.00:10
splicerthere is a sort of laid back art thing you do00:11
spliceris kanz doing anything substanisal?00:12
kanzureSomebody tell xp_prg that http://bloodgate.com/graph-easy/ already uses javascript/ajax/prototype and just needs to be wired into the backend synbioss stuff. 00:16
kanzureIt would be a simple task to just edit it such that nodes are given some extra information like 'type' or something. The disply format sent to the graphviz backend is just dia/dot format, but there can be extra information that the user client state has for the design/system such as the 'type' for the node of course.00:17
kanzurewget -p fails to get javascritp requisites for a page.00:21
kanzure /cgi-bin/graph/graph-easy-render <-- Any ideas on what this is? It's somewhere on the bloodgate.com server.00:28
kanzureI'm sure it's somehow using Graph::Easy from CPAN, but that's not the encapsulating script there.00:29
fennsplicer: is anyone doing anything substantial?00:29
kanzurehttp://bloodgate.com/cgi-bin/graph/graph-easy-render <-- huh, shows an output without actually sending it anything00:30
kanzureLooks like it's just generating HTML output of a graph. Hrm. Maybe it's just Graph::Easy set in HTML output mode.00:30
kanzurei.e., as http://bloodgate.com/graph-demo/00:31
kanzurebug on graph-easy with the edge-adder; needs to allow you to select the nodes that you want to create edges to (if that was something that is to be allowed of course ..)00:34
kanzureInstead of forcing you to type it in, I mean.00:35
kanzuremore bugs: https://mailman.research.att.com/pipermail/graphviz-interest/2007q3/004721.html00:37
splicerfenn: I noticed when I said that that maybe I should have shut up. It has to do with an old discussion with kanz about how maybe it's better to do one thing well and finish it than many many things concurrently.00:41
fennexcept "and finish it" means it becomes your career and you have no life00:43
splicernot finishing things can be that too00:43
kanzureSplicer: I didn't answer you because when you asked whether or not I'm doing anything substantial it reminded me to go do Stuff.00:44
kanzurefenn: Steve suggested I try to get gene playing chess, since that's a situation where you need some sufficiently broad overview of the possibility space before you make your move. Of course, that might not work since I didn't understand that when I started playing (I was more focused on actually making moves, and didn't discover the point to strategizing until later.)00:45
kanzureWas Firefox's tools for debugging javascript ever able to capture AJAX requests? 00:47
kanzureHrm, maybe there's something built into prototype just for this purpose.00:47
kanzureHuh, so according to graph.js there's just a direct request in Graph_update_graph() with 'code' being sent over to the perl script (don't know what the 'postfix' variable is doing there); 00:58
kanzurethere's also a parser above that chunk of code for parsing the request .. which is just some chomp()ing / formatting fixes that are directly written to the page (HTML or SVG stuffs, etc.) 00:58
kanzureif we wanted to be jerks we could just wire this in directly to partsregistry.org's Dsomethingsomething output service but I don't recall there being much information there01:04
kanzurewhere is synbioss getting its modeling information from? 01:04
kanzureThey're doing various ODEs, such as on that biomodelwiki page that I linked to once before, but that information isn't readily available from partsregistry.org :-/01:05
xp_prgkanzure what is up with the project page?01:47
kanzureHuh. Wrong username.01:59
-!- kanzure is now known as kanzure_01:59
drazakkanzure_1_: you here?02:34
kanzureHeh. I wonder for how long I would have tried brctl, bridge-utils, ipmasq, and friends with the wrong type of ethernet wire. 03:13
kanzure(Not that anything's working with the right ethernet cabling anyway though.)03:13
kanzureServer should be back up later tonight. 04:13
kanzurehttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/3218944/Japans-young-turn-to-Communist-Party-as-they-decide-capitalism-has-let-them-down.html <-- I like how everyone misses all of the real issues in this article.04:17
-!- mindspillage is now known as mind|wandering05:24
kanzure"Spatio-temporal electrical stimuli shape behavior of an embodied cortical network in a goal-directed learning task"14:06
kanzurehttp://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0003355 Granger causality between spiking neurons14:09
kanzure "Causal Measures of Structure and Plasticity in Simulated and Living Neural Networks" <-- DeMarse's group.14:10
* drazak sits on kanzure until he gives him nature molbio and nature biochem14:35
-!- nsh_ is now known as nsh14:40
nshkanzure, what real issues in the japanese-students->communism article?14:41
kanzureHow undefined 'jobs' are in the first place. The young Japanese guys go to their communist parties after they realize that the current policies suck. So they band together with communism? As if the inherent nature of "communist" policies won't turn out to suck as much too?14:43
* nsh nods14:44
nshregardless of the degree to which the other camp's prospects are inherently better, the very act of migration from the prevailing regieme has a destabalising influence that is a necessary precursor to the precipitation of novel solutions14:47
nshyou have to pull apart the lego bricks before you can build a new model14:47
nshso it's not necessary the final result of these people's adoption of communist policies that is important14:48
nshbut the flux in transition between the two dogma14:48
kanzureMeh. I thought the Japanese were smarter than this.14:49
nshthe deconstructionary period allows for the import of new ideas14:49
* nsh smiels14:49
nshread: http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=1775606814:49
kanzurehttp://flickr.com/photos/steevithak/sets/72157608138769364/ Austin Maker Faire photos15:01
kanzureSomebody please ping heybryan.org and check to see that the IP is not
drazaknope, .9815:14
kanzureOkay. 15:14
kanzureServer is back up.15:14
kanzureMostly. There's a few things I haven't done yet. But there's 400 GB of extra data on it now.15:15
drazakincluding nature molbio/biochem?15:24
kanzureNot as such. I just have a giant dir of (most of?) all Nature papers.15:25
kanzureThis will take forever to load: http://localhost/nature/15:27
kanzure122,000 papers, so the indexing process sucks.15:28
drazakhow big's the dir?15:28
kanzure8 MB.15:28
kanzure8 MB index, 40 GB of papers.15:28
kanzureYay it just started loading for me.15:29
drazakthat's no fun, they're not by actual paper issh15:30
kanzureI don't see YOU stealing nature.15:30
drazakI'd steal it15:31
-!- nsh_ is now known as nsh15:46
kanzurek. got it.15:52
UtopiahGHML The graph-easy AJAX interface failed to load properly.15:54
UtopiahGHMLPlease enable Javascript and reload the page. 15:54
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/graph/tels.zip (dir now shows)15:54
ybithttp://www.smartmobs.com/2008/10/15/lecture-videos-run-on-fast-forward/ -- heh, didn't know so many did this, i thought i was one of the few 17:04
* nsh isn't clevel enough17:26
elias`mplayer -af scaletempo ftw17:26
nshto spell17:26
kanzure" But the students say they can absorb the information faster than the professors deliver it." <--- Yay.17:27
elias`it's weird only like debian-multimedia's version seems to have the filter though17:27
kanzureWe possibly have a deal with Chris Sypolt with http://onlinemetals.com/ 17:28
kanzureAh. " ThyssenKrupp is one of the world's largest steel producers."17:30
kanzureAnd onlinemetals.com is the best they can do?17:30
kanzureI was talking with Chris and he's excited about the B2B ebXML stuff. I offered my services to him, to do it freely and quickly, and he does want to go through with it, though it sounds like they were resistant to my offer.17:30
kanzure' As of 2008 25.01% of the company shares are held by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation.'17:31
elias`I think it might be worth it to design and manufacture a mobile device that had something like these: OMAP3530 and FPGA for reconfigurable computing. Also internal HSDPA, GPS, (digital?) video input that is possibly split to HD encoder/recorder and AR processing, maybe digital video output, some wifi probably and bluetooth17:31
kanzure' often referred to as Alfried Krupp, was a member of the 400-year Krupp dynasty of industrialists in Germany, and head of the Krupp company, which is now part of ThyssenKrupp, during World War II. '17:31
elias`Pandora sells for ?200 and has many of the features, with only an initial batch of 3000 units17:31
kanzureelias`: You refer to "the ultimate connection configurator."17:31
kanzureEveryone always wants to make the ultimate 'port' system. USB + RS232 + RCJ45 + LTP + firewire + .. etc.17:32
elias`yeah. :p17:33
kanzureNot that I'm stopping you.17:33
kanzureI wonder what the difference between an 'industrialist' and 'capitalist' is.17:33
kanzureIs there an 'industrialism'? Hrm. On Wikipedia, 'industrialist' redirects to 'Business magnate'.17:33
kanzureHow many of these are not dead? Yes, I know, semantic mediawiki would answer this for me. Blah.17:34
UtopiahGHMLanybody want 1 book from the collection ? 5min before deletion17:34
kanzureAll of it.17:35
UtopiahGHMLall of 1 book, good idea, which one?17:35
kanzureNo, all of the books.17:35
UtopiahGHMLwell my pipe can't handle it, 15ko/s upload or so17:36
UtopiahGHMLit's 3Gb total17:36
kanzureI can handle that.17:36
UtopiahGHML4min left17:37
kanzureUtopiahGHML: Why are you removing it?17:37
UtopiahGHMLlight traveler philosophy, being zen and minimalist17:37
UtopiahGHMLok, no request?17:42
kanzureUtopiahGHML: Maybe the Leibniz collection.17:54
kanzureI'm getting 100 KB/sec.18:02
kanzureOkay, 30.18:02
nsh_what is it, UtopiahGHML?18:03
kanzureLeibniz papers.18:03
nsh_Leibniz's complete works?18:03
nsh_in english?18:03
kanzureNo, not his complete works.18:03
nsh_pft, work harder18:03
kanzureLeibniz is me hero.18:04
* nsh_ smiles18:04
kanzureLeibniz must have been an Asimov. Asimov would wake at six and not stop writing until midnight, when he would proceed to sleep and begin the cycle once more.18:06
kanzureHowever this makes me wonder how it gave Leibniz time to think.18:06
-!- marcel_qo9h is now known as marcel18:08
* nsh_ does his best thinking while writing18:09
nsh_which is why i try to do as little of it as possible.18:09
nsh_one you start giving a trestle to your musings, you'll have a damnable garden in no time18:09
kanzureHas anyone noticed how unused folders often are?18:14
kanzureI always find it facinating to find somebody who has a lot of folders of really interesting things. 18:14
kanzureIn the majority of cases, people with computers hardly have files to keep track of at all in the first place, which is unfortunate.18:14
kanzureOkay. Enough complaining from me .. time to get back to work.18:15
kanzure" Exmocare wristwatch  .. physiological monitoring.. send alerts to loved ones via SMS, email, or instant messaging"  (CPAN is installing Graph::Easy, so give me a break ;-)18:21
-!- splicer_ is now known as splicer18:22
kanzureit works: http://heybryan.org/graph/bloodgate.com/graph-easy/18:34
kanzureDon't forget to chmod the damn script.18:34
UtopiahGHMLok, "To Digest" folder cleaned :)18:36
kanzureAny digestable "To Digest" folder is definitively far, far too small.18:37
UtopiahGHMLthat's why I deleted it18:38
kanzureThis is annoying.18:42
kanzureThe synbioss web service has no src download linkage.18:42
kanzurePhone: 612-624-419718:47
* kanzure is uberstalker18:49
splicerthat the recession is going to produce a shitload of really good manga and other art?18:50
UtopiahGHMLsplicer: as in everybody become Otaku because virtual life is cheaper than real life?18:51
* kanzure is listening to Animeinforadio at the moment.18:51
kanzureArgh. Animenfo radio.18:51
kanzureAnyway. I really hate this yiannis fellow so far.18:51
kanzureDo we have any umn goons?18:51
UtopiahGHMLhttp://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/david_perry_on_videogames.html TED Talks David Perry: Will videogames become better than life?18:55
splicerWho was it that said the holodeck will be mans last invention?18:58
splicerScott Adams I think18:58
UtopiahGHMLfor most WoW is enough18:59
UtopiahGHMLgenerations of potential philosopher and scientists are fucking up their life right now :)18:59
UtopiahGHMLleveling up! :-#18:59
splicerI don't know.. maybe it's one of those things that the people in the culture like in another generation don't get. 19:00
kanzureUtopiahGHML: "And more, I would say that the so-called virtual realities are misnamed: they should be called something like "simulated experiences." Because they aren't real, and can never be so, any more than a map can be the territory."19:00
kanzure"And more, for the same reason that a map is necessarily less detailed than the territory that it describes, a virtual reality can only ever be a pale shadow of the real thing. Such constructs might prove amusing, or even useful and illuminating, but how could they ever take the place of the essential reality that they represent?"19:01
splicerDunno, there is sci-fi and manga too19:01
UtopiahGHMLSerial Experiment Lain19:01
splicerA videogame can be a good tool to express creativity19:02
UtopiahGHMLsure, Im actually trying to make my own video game19:02
* kanzure is a veteran game programmer.19:02
kanzure(I feel old.)19:02
proctomake a map as large as a territory, and it becomes a territory19:03
kanzureIt becomes _a_ territory, but never the original.19:03
proctomost tertainly19:03
kanzureUtopiahGHML: Ah, a web-based game.19:03
UtopiahGHMLkanzure: yep, I believe you can do a lot with the web now19:04
proctobut virtual reality certainly*19:04
kanzureI used to do those too. I had this stupid "Anime Universe" website with half a thousand members at one point. The goal was to become the strongest in the universe. ;-)19:04
proctobut VR doesn't try to make the original19:04
kanzureI hated it back then and I hate it now. Web-based RPGs are teh suck. Go back to nethack please.19:04
kanzureprocto: The problem is how easily people can be confused. "Hey, look! It looks like the real thing, it's just as interactive, so what's the big deal?" Meanwhile, the infrastructure fails and crumbles in reality, .. etc.19:05
* UtopiahGHML doesn't want to enter another virtual/real debate19:05
UtopiahGHML(Nick Bostrom)19:06
splicerIt's a forver debate19:08
kanzureSimulation-argument.com is just about our universe being simulated, that's not what we're talking about.19:10
UtopiahGHMLanybody  going to Convergence08  ?19:10
kanzureRemind me of the time?19:10
kanzureHrm. It's a weekend. 19:12
kanzureI can make it. I'm still deciding whether or not to go.19:12
UtopiahGHMLbetter decide in less than 30hours else it's 50bucks extra19:13
kanzureWhat the fuck, entry fees?19:13
splicer(I wonder if Pen and Teller will go)19:17
UtopiahGHMLin SF months ago Ive seen an expo on the Info-Bio-Nano-Cogno church :)19:17
UtopiahGHMLin an art exhib19:17
kanzureSo it would cost me at least $350 roundtrip, and that's only if there's somebody in San Jose willing to bunk me. Jef will I guess.19:18
UtopiahGHMLdoes your future worth it? 19:25
kanzureI went up to BioBarCamp earlier this year and it was indeed worth it. There were more transhumans packed in there than they cared to admit.19:26
UtopiahGHMLwas in the Bay Area?19:27
UtopiahGHMLkind of the place for transhumanists19:27
kanzureUtopiahGHML: I was living with them. ;-)19:27
UtopiahGHMLbeen to burning man already?19:28
kanzureNah. I'll get to that eventually.19:28
facefacefacewhere should I upload my lectures20:07
facefacefacewhich site?20:07
splicerThat is a really good site. I hadn't seen that before.20:35
UtopiahGHMLreally good indeed20:35
UtopiahGHMLeven if they don't *)&%& provide RSS feeds20:35
UtopiahGHML(been asking them for 2 years by email, *&^&*^*(ing saying they would do it)20:35
splicerThere is that old cyberpunk proverb "Information wants to be free". It's very true. I'm still amazed by the fact that lectures from say Berkely and MIT are online... and the books on torrents. 20:41
UtopiahGHMLStanford too, INSEAD too, etc... yep20:42
UtopiahGHMLwell Berkeley it's "supposed" to be ;)20:43
UtopiahGHMLWharton too20:43
UtopiahGHMLamazing resources for free20:43
spliceryeah, the best courses on those topics in the world. 20:43
splicer+ having accesss to the videocasts is better than actually being there20:44
splicerhmm. It seems Stanford keeps their lectures on iTunes.21:01
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/bioreactor/ Enjoy.21:13
* kanzure was just reading over the microencapsulation paper.21:13
kanzureMicroalgae immobilization - Current techniques and uses.pdf21:21
kanzureHrm, that's not a bad one.21:26
fennah no wonder mplayer sucked so much.. somehow i "upgraded" to the official lenny version that was missing x264 codec22:17
fenn(of course it would just crash instead of saying so)22:18
drazakI need someone to do bioinformatics for me22:19
fennhire a university :)22:20
kanzureoh fuck where'd my wiki go22:23
fennis it just me or is maker's faire == american anime con?22:24
fennyou know, robots with swords and lasers n stuff22:24
fennmoose trap22:25
kanzureThe R2 group was right next to Vern's setup :-)22:26
kanzurePaul has finally figured out his linux setup for his cnc router, that was pretty neat22:26
kanzureI was glad to see that he had figured out how to hack through that proprietary protocol22:26
fenni guess "wonderfest" would be more similar22:29
kanzureit was weird seeing how much O'Reilly pushed themselves22:29
fennwho's oreilly?22:29
kanzureeverywhere you looked you could buy "Maker Faire Gear" -- shirts, kits, magazines, 22:29
fennthe publisher?22:30
kanzureO'Reilly = the evil guys behind Make22:30
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/Eaton%20-%20Electric%20field%20induced%20in%20a%20spherical%20volume%20conductor%20from%20arbitrary%20coils:%20application%20to%20magnetic%20stimulation%20and%20MEG.pdf  22:33
kanzure"Electric field induced in a spherical volume conductor from arbitrary coils: application to magnetic stimulation and MEG". Brainways, a company evidently doing deep brain TMS, is essentially based off of some guy doing some line integrals in22:33
kanzure Mathematica to figure out an optimized coil design for deep brain stimulation, with a ref to Eaton's model to figure out field shapes from coil geometries.22:33
kanzurefenn, you see that from the other day?22:33
fenni didnt read the paper22:40
fennyour link is full of unicode turds22:40
kanzurecopied it from pidgin logs, lemme check to see if it's in the logs themselves22:41
kanzureyes they are22:41
-!- nsh_ is now known as nsh22:43
fennwhy dont they just use commercial field simulators such as used for radar or motor design?22:44
kanzuresuch as?22:44
fenni dont know, google electromagnetic FEM22:46
fennhieroglyphics in the morning makes me grumpy22:47
kanzureyay search terms http://www.ece.osu.edu/~volakis/Book/radlab/FEM_for_EM.html22:47
fennwhen dealing with messy starting conditions, trying to come up with an elegant analytical solution just seems kinda silly22:49
kanzurealso, "FPGA" rTMS designs were discussed with Steve the other night .. I think I mentioned this in here .. nevermind.22:58
fennelias`: check out beagleboard22:59
fennno FPGA, but it could be grafted onto the GPIO somehow23:00
kanzureSomebody give me a good reason *not* to go to Convergence08.23:02
fenndanger of being infected with the groupthink virus23:04
fenn(i think you should go, fwiw)23:05
kanzureI'm trying to find a reason not to go23:09
kanzureon the down side, nothing ever gets done at these23:09
kanzureonly at hackathons (well, sort of)23:09
fennyou could engage in high-bandwidth data exchange23:10
fennpeople are more motivated to write scripts to sort your porn collection if they have a copy23:11
fenns/porn/journal article/23:11
kanzure$330 roundtrip on the plane tickets. then $70 for the entry fee. 23:12
kanzureI wonder if there's the possibility of using lab money for this.23:20
bkeroLab money for bkero's plane ticket and accomodations?23:25
fennit's not so far-fetched23:26
fennheh "hybrid vigor institute" anyone wanna guess what their bias is?23:28
fennsigh.. revolution of lowered expectations strikes again23:31
pppkhey bryan, do you have any media from SB4.0?23:54
kanzureNot yet.23:57
pppkyou're expecting some?23:57
kanzureSurely at least some flickr photos?23:58
pppkmeh, lame23:59

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