
--- Day changed Thu Oct 23 2008
bkero http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/S/SCI_SCOTCH_TAPE_SURPRISE?SITE=NVLAS&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT00:12
drazakso, I'm gonna make a connexin crystal, using dna to replicate the membrane conditions00:15
kanzureelectrolytic filtering.. hrm.00:22
kanzureAnybody want to work on a power sat project with Keith Henson, legendary L5 founder?00:35
kanzureHey hkhenson. :-)00:37
kanzureKeith, maybe you want to say a line or two about your latest projects? You've been wrapping them in a veil of secrecy on the extropy-chat mailing list.00:39
hkhensonI don't have permission to speak of the progress/idea openly, but can go into it here00:39
hkhensonbeen working on a way to build power sats eventually at a cost so low that the power can be sold for a penny a kWh00:40
hkhensonat that price you can use the power to make synthetic gasoline that could sell for a dollar a gallon00:41
kanzureYou've mentioned working more on the business plan to make it profitable .. rather than the tech .. last I checked it required something like mile-diameter rectifiers on the planet surface.00:41
kanzureIs that mile-wide rectifier still ok?00:41
hkhensononly problem was how to fund something that could go into the hole as much as 350 billion bucks00:41
hkhensonrectenna, and yeah, figure 1-2 hundred bucks per kW00:42
hkhensonCharles Miller has had the solution to funding them since the ISDC back in May00:42
hkhensonit's the same thing the german gov did to get all the PV cells installed--in spite of the fact german is a piss poor place to collect solar energy00:43
hkhensonthe laws require the utilitis to buy power from them at some outreageous rate00:43
kanzureHow was ISDC2008 anyway? I was really hoping to go. It conflicted with high school graduation ceremonies though.00:44
hkhensonso the idea is to pass legislation that would do the same for power sat energy00:44
hkhensonISDC was ok, mostly primate self congratulating blather of course00:45
hkhensonbut then they are all like that00:45
kanzureDo you know Charles F. Radley?00:45
hkhensonanyway, I think a campaign focused on dollar a gallon gasoline would get the public support for such legislation to be passed00:46
kanzureGuess I don't have to introduce you two.00:46
hkhensonalso figured out a mixed rocket and laser way to get a million ton per year pipeline to GEO00:50
kanzureI've seen designs for laser-based rocket launches .. i.e. transfer of energy to ignite onboard explosives. Is that what you mean?00:51
hkhensonno, ablasion lasers.  17km/sec exhaust velocity00:52
hkhenson4 GW laser00:52
kanzureOn board laser ablation? Something about converting materials into a plasma. Anyway.00:53
hkhensonno laser is on the ground00:54
hkhensonmirrors to redirect the beam00:55
hkhensonpop the payload up with a modest rocket to 260 miles00:55
hkhensonthat gives you about 15 minutes before it falls out of the sky to put it in GTO.00:55
kanzureGTO? Not GEO? 00:56
kanzurefenn: Awake?00:56
hkhensonGEO transfer orbit00:56
hkhensonwhen it gets out to GEO you have to hit it again to circularize the orbit00:57
kanzureHey ppk.01:00
ppkso I'm trying out this program you guys sent out to diybio01:00
ppkwhat does it do?01:00
kanzureit does nothing01:01
kanzureI don't know why xp_prg sent it01:01
kanzureIt doesn't even meet specs.01:01
xp_prgppk hey!01:01
xp_prgkanzure release early, release often01:01
ppkwell, nice interface01:01
xp_prgppk it is a very, very, very early approach to biobench01:02
xp_prgthanks ppk that is the kind of feedback I wanted!01:02
xp_prgdo you get where i am going with that?01:02
kanzureYou don't release the wrong thing though.01:02
kanzureppk: Which one are you referring to?01:02
ppkhaven't checked your link out yet01:03
xp_prgppk tell me more of what you would like to see, I am very open to suggestions etc...01:03
kanzurePlease do :-)01:03
ppkI came here to find out what the stuff was01:03
kanzureSo, it's supposed to be an interface to interface1.php, interface2.php, interface3.php01:04
kanzureBut those guys haven't sent the files, they probably won't01:04
kanzureso we have to reverse engineer it01:04
xp_prgppk have you heard of spice for electrical engineering?01:04
kanzureppk: http://heybryan.org/graph/bloodgate.com/graph-easy/01:05
ppkI'm guessing this is a biological analogue01:05
kanzureindex2.html doesn't work. Graph-easy does though.01:05
xp_prgppk did you get the idea of my app though?01:05
ppkyes it does01:06
ppkNo I didn't, from what I saw01:06
xp_prgppk the idea is you instantiate a cell then start adding biobricks to it 01:06
xp_prgthen you can compile to see if you added wrong ones etc...01:06
xp_prgthen you can run it to see what the cell will do with those biobricks inside of it :>01:07
ppkvery very cool01:07
xp_prgppk does that make sense?01:07
xp_prgnow does it make more sense what you were seeing?01:07
ppkI'm guessing you're going off known data, not simulation, right?01:07
xp_prgwell I am trying to come up with a way to do that well, have any suggestions?01:08
ppkI hadn't heard of iGEM teams working with yeast before01:08
xp_prgppk what is your field?01:08
ppkI'm a microbiology student01:08
xp_prgoh ok cool01:08
kanzurewe already have a way to do it01:08
kanzureI keep telling you01:09
kanzureWhy aren't you listening?01:09
xp_prgoh with synbioss?01:09
xp_prgright sorry forgot :>01:09
kanzureppk: The output is SBML.01:09
kanzureppk: One of the plans is to wire this up to inventory systems -- for plasmids and such -- from various labs.01:10
ppkgraph-easy is cool01:10
kanzureand also to http://e-oligos.com/ http://mrgene.com/ -- So you can imagine this being an automated synthetic biology system.01:10
xp_prgkanzure your going to hate me I just don't understand what your doing with graph easy there01:11
kanzureThen press a button with SKDB .. get some instructions for making the equipment :-) or connecting with a local Fab Lab .. :-)01:11
kanzurexp_prg Circuit construction.01:12
ppkhaving a resource like this online would be really awesome01:12
ppkhow do you guys like collaborating online?01:14
ppkit's still sort of a new phenomenon01:14
xp_prgppk I love it!01:14
kanzureNo, it's been around for decades.01:14
xp_prgppk do you want to be apart of our project?01:14
ppkI don't know what I'd be able to contribute, but I'm willing01:15
kanzureppk: Have you seen the repository?01:15
xp_prgppk you could contribute testing and documentation at the least :>01:15
kanzureNo, he's microbio.01:15
kanzureLet him look at http://heybryan.org/gitweb.cgi 01:15
ppk404* that is01:16
kanzureYeah, server was changed recently01:16
kanzureThere's an older version at http://biohack.sf.net/01:16
ppkyeah, same version as the one I have01:16
kanzureAh, right, so, yeah. /That/ needs serious help until SKDB gets rolling.01:17
ppkquality control?01:17
kanzureyeah :(01:17
kanzureorganization, more like it01:17
ppkI have looked through it, there's a lot of good stuff in there, I can pare it down to the best stuff01:18
ppkand/or organize01:18
kanzureorganizing even in the form of text files talking about where stuff is (or isn't)01:18
ppkie a table of contents?01:18
kanzureThat's too much to ask for.01:19
ppkwhat about an HTML file nomenclature01:19
ppkthat would be parsable and doable one at a time01:20
ppkthere'd need to be a standard set first though01:20
kanzureNomenclature for what?01:20
ppkthe docs themselves01:20
kanzureI don't know what you're saying.01:21
ppkyou could have a subject, and a quality rating, etc01:21
ppkie, Transduc_9_blahblah01:21
kanzurePart of SKDB is to help automatically generate instructions for building systems made up of individual components .. so it's more specific than just tagging of documents I guess, but if you want to do that I suppose it would be an interesting start.01:22
ppkmeh, just throwing ideas out there, I'm not set on anything01:22
kanzureso, the problem that I see01:22
kanzureis that if you start a tagging system or nomenclature, you start to get lots of natural language 01:23
kanzureand not much parseable. cleanup and so on works methinks. but a way for new data entry or "where to put stuff" will become quickly outdated because of the other work that's going on :)01:23
kanzureHrm. I've talked you into oblivion.01:26
ppkhow much have you added to the repository since jan 28th?01:26
kanzureit's grown from 40 MB to 400 MB.01:26
kanzureHold on.01:26
kanzureThis is a relatively recent representation of it: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/biotech/01:26
xp_prgppk dude can you give me any ideas on my interface?01:26
kanzurexp_prg Why are you working on the interface?01:27
xp_prgcuz I want to and that is what I was told to do01:27
kanzureYeah, but then an interface was made, so now we have to get the other part working01:27
xp_prgwell I am working on a better interface I think :(01:28
kanzureBut it interfaces to nothing.01:28
ppkthrow a logo up there, maybe make the buttons a bit bigger?01:28
xp_prgwell it will interface to something, just getting it out there01:28
ppkI'm running at 1680x1050 though01:28
ppkhigher than a standard res01:29
xp_prgoh wow kanzure do we have a logo?01:29
kanzureDo you see the icon on http://heybryan.org/ ? The icon in the address bar (the ICO file). That might be a logo.01:29
kanzureProbably need something better.01:30
ppkcan't distinguish much detail from the .ico01:30
xp_prgppk you good at making art stuff man?01:30
ppknot particularly01:30
kanzureppk: yeah, so I think something new is needed01:30
kanzureHi gene_01:31
gene_I might have to leave fairly soon01:31
ppkgraph-easy is going to be used to make the 'biological circuits'?01:32
kanzureppk: Yes.01:32
kanzureI'll add a list-mechanism or maybe a command line interface for specifying biobricks. Maybe a wiki-window to see partsregistry.org as well.01:33
ppkthe interface might feel more 'stable' compositionally if you extended the gray bar across the top of the whole page01:34
ppkas in the graph-easy program01:34
xp_prghi gene_ did you see my biobench thing?01:34
xp_prgits biobench.html01:35
xp_prgnot .swf01:35
kanzureppk: What browser?01:36
gene_so what do I do with biobench to make me an organism01:36
xp_prggene_ well File->new->cell->e-coli01:38
xp_prgthen right click on the picture and add biobrick :>01:38
kanzureppk: Ok. I'll check that out Real Soon.01:38
kanzureppk: Personally I'm not too worried about the visual stuff. I'll let somebody deal with that. I'm just making all of these interfaces work.01:39
ppkI feel you01:39
ppkwhat's 'Real Soon'?  Euphemism for never? lawl01:41
kanzureI haven't decided yet.01:41
xp_prggene_ what do you think?01:44
gene_I think that it'd work just fine with out visuals01:45
gene_heck have it all .txt file based01:47
ppkscientists despise aesthetics01:48
kanzureppk: No. CLI is just more useful.01:48
kanzuregene_: I don't think .txt is sufficient.01:48
gene_aesthetics are irrelevant01:48
kanzuregene_: Look up SBML.01:48
gene_.whatever file01:48
gene_I mean biobricks are fun and all, but the real fun is in proteins that are found in nature or synthetic proteins01:49
gene_also you might want to integrate things like how the biobricks might interfere with cellular function01:50
kanzureyes, SBML includes this01:50
kanzurealso, biobricks include some proteins 01:50
kanzureActually, it's mostly all proteins.01:50
gene_how much ATP they eat, whether or not they mess around with proton concentration01:50
kanzuregene_: Yes, that's all included, as long as you're wired up to a usable database. Like http://reactome.org/ (ok, bad example, but it's fun.)01:51
kanzureKEGG might be a better example.01:51
gene_I mean why not integrate a function for build me this protein when this happens01:51
gene_and I paste in the amino acid sequence for the protein and it builds protein when this happens01:52
gene_there also needs to be some better intercellular communication functions01:53
gene_there is also the issue of compiling the code01:54
kanzureThat's where the automated design lab and "design compiler" comes into play.01:54
gene_compile as in make the DNA sequence01:55
gene_at home01:55
gene_not have someone else do it01:55
gene_well I have to go now01:55
ppkso, what's the next step for biobench?01:59
kanzurereverse engineer interface1.php01:59
kanzureand 2 and 302:00
kanzureThis would make for an actual functional backend.02:04
UtopiahGHMLanybody seen a study on a possible correlation between Internet QoS and the price of electricity?02:04
kanzurequality of service?02:05
UtopiahGHMLyep like ping, uptime, etc02:05
bkeroIt's not really a function of electricity02:06
bkeroThe electricity cost is negligable.02:06
UtopiahGHMLwell, Im seing several "small user" selling their powerhungry server to either use remote RPS/VPS/Cloud or have lower consumption servers02:07
UtopiahGHMLso maybe it's just a local thing, limited to people I know or small players02:07
UtopiahGHMLbut Id enjoy reading a study on this.02:07
kanzureHey PeerInfinity.02:11
PeerInfinityhi kanzure :)02:11
kanzureYou've missed quite a bit.02:11
kanzureWould you like the logs?02:11
PeerInfinityyes please :)02:11
PeerInfinitythanks :)02:12
kanzureHold on.02:12
PeerInfinityheh, I was expecting you to just paste the log into a private chat window02:12
kanzureThe "#" doesn't work.02:12
kanzurePeerInfinity: It's far too long.02:12
kanzurePeerInfinity: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/2008-10-22_%23hplusroadmap.html02:13
kanzureThere. That'll work.02:13
PeerInfinityyes, it worked, thanks :)02:13
kanzurePeerInfinity: It's best that you ignore everything with percent_.02:14
PeerInfinityheh, ok :)02:15
PeerInfinityfor over a year now, I've been hanging out in Second Life, talking to any transhumanists I could find.  One question I asked all of them is if they knew of an IRC channel where transhumanists regularly hang out.  Noone knew of any...02:17
UtopiahGHMLHow Resilient Is the Modern Economy to Energy Price Shocks? http://www.frbatlanta.org/invoke.cfm?objectid=D6B9F3FB-5056-9F12-12B7317CE85BBCD0&method=display_body02:17
PeerInfinitythere used to be the #sl4 channel, but that's mostly dead now...02:17
kanzurePeerInfinity: Most of us here are transhuman.02:19
PeerInfinitysilly me, if I would have just googled "transhumanist IRC", I could have found the #transhumanism channel...02:20
kanzure#transhumanism doesn't have much02:20
ppknever heard of it02:20
kanzureThis is basically it :-)02:20
UtopiahGHML(see, InternetQoS/energy prices, told you)02:28
PeerInfinityI found this channel when I joined the #cosmeng channel, which just opened today, and kanzure mentioned this channel...02:28
kanzureHi ybit, bkero, procto, chizu.02:28
PeerInfinityhi new people :)02:28
PeerInfinitywho mysteriously all joined at the same instant, and have the same names as the people who just left a few seconds ago...02:28
kanzureThat's what a netsplit is.02:28
PeerInfinityhehe, of course, Wikipedia pas a page about that... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:28
PeerInfinityso, how long has this channel been around?  can you give some highlights of the things I missed?02:28
PeerInfinityI just googled UtopiahGHML, and found chat logs for this channel...02:30
kanzureI don't see them.02:30
kanzurehttp://www.imageandnarrative.be/narratology/davidherman.htm <- Narative and neuroscience.02:30
kanzurePeerInfinity: So, the channel has been around since 2008-03-22. 02:31
PeerInfinityso, um, here's a project I started recently:  http://cosmeng.org/publicwiki/index.php/The_Scenarios_Project02:32
PeerInfinityI'm still working on the scripts to automatically generate the graphs for each page02:33
PeerInfinityof course :)02:33
kanzureSo, re: existential risks,02:33
kanzureAre you familiar with SIAI?02:33
PeerInfinityyes, I donate several thousand dollars per year to them.02:34
kanzureI was up in California during the summer doing some programming for them.02:34
PeerInfinitynice :)02:34
kanzureIt was a web app to help people think about existential risks.02:34
PeerInfinityooh, I haven't heard anything about that...02:34
PeerInfinitytaht project02:34
kanzureI didn't agree with it at all. But I liked the programming and I liked being up in CA. :)02:35
PeerInfinityheh, and Michael Anissimov says that it's conterproductive to even talk about existential risks other than genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics:  http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/blog/2008/09/ideas-for-mitigating-extinction-risk/02:36
kanzureMichael was living in the same house.02:36
PeerInfinityI live in Manitoba, Canada, and am employed full time as a programmer, working on regular, boring projects that have nothing to do with AI, or the future...02:37
PeerInfinityI suppose so...02:38
kanzureI'm a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin in manufacturing engineering and computational neuroscience.02:38
UtopiahGHML( PeerInfinity if you are into SIAI Bgoertzel is making a tutorial on OpenCog PLN right now in #opencog )02:38
UtopiahGHMLtutorial every wednesday evening02:38
PeerInfinityyeah, I went to the first of those sessions, and decided not to bother going to the others...02:39
kanzureoh, I mean, Hi fenn.02:39
PeerInfinityit's fascinating stuff, but kinda useless if I'm not going to get directly involved in the project itself02:39
kanzurefenn: if you want to rant about O'Neilleous glory days, since Keith Henson is in our channel, now might be a good time02:39
UtopiahGHMLyou can get involved02:39
PeerInfinityI mean, kinda useless for me to attend02:39
fennwell that's lame. i missed keith henson for donuts and hanging out in a pizza parlor kitchen :(02:39
kanzureOh man. Life's so cruel :)02:40
kanzureYet so delicious.02:40
fennugh, no, donuts are gross02:40
fennand this from a sugar addict02:40
kanzureThe opencog guys are kinda sad and kinda not at the same time.02:42
fennOMFG fuck tethers.com just took down half of their papers because of ITAR02:43
kanzureDo you have archives?02:43
fenni think so02:43
PeerInfinityI really should read through the discussion on the SL4 mailing list about whether or not the opencog project is a bad idea because it helps dangerous AI projects just as much as it helps the projects that we might actually want to succeed...02:43
kanzureOh please.02:43
fenni was building an archive of everything robert forward ever wrote02:44
kanzurePeerInfinity: Lame.02:44
kanzurefenn: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://tethers.com/ you be in luck02:44
kanzurePeerInfinity: Yes. Lame.02:44
fennok yeah i have a mirror02:44
kanzurefull mirror? hrm.02:44
PeerInfinityhow so?02:44
kanzurePeerInfinity: One of the messages that you have missed in the SL4 archives is the concept that we're already "AI". 02:44
kanzureSo if you're so worried about dangerous stuff from happening, go live in a padded room on the other side of the galaxies.02:45
UtopiahGHML(IMHO the biggest danger of OpenCog is ... not working because of the number of complex pieces to put together and a non-functional iterative approach)02:45
kanzureYay somebody agrees with my disagreement with iterative/ad-hoc designs! :)02:45
PeerInfinity"there already is lots of danger, so let's go ahead and make more danger"?02:46
kanzureOur mission isn't ai anyway.02:46
kanzurePeerInfinity: Somewhere in the logs you'll find long debates about the bullshit that is known as 'risk'.02:47
* PeerInfinity waits patiently for kanzure to explain...02:47
UtopiahGHMLPeerInfinity: the whole idea of a perfect solution is flawed IMHO, especially if you think of an "impact-less" solution that would change postively for everybody/everything without having any form of negative consequence now and later.02:49
UtopiahGHMLYou just do your best today and fix the shit resulting as it appears.02:49
UtopiahGHMLyou do your best with your predictive model, no other choice.02:49
kanzurePeerInfinity: If I could explain, I'd be getting your thousands of dollars instead of Eliezer.02:50
kanzureAnd I'm not.02:50
kanzureEliezer has a "reality distortion device" in his left pocket. He claims intelligence is true and real, and I don't think so; but you can't quite argue with somebody who is talking about folk psych. :)02:51
kanzureAnd I'm not too interested in arguing either .. I'd much rather just go build my stuff.02:51
PeerInfinityanyway, the reason I started The Scenarios Project was to try to figure out if there was some other cause that I should be supporting instead...02:52
kanzurePeerInfinity: http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Design02:52
kanzureCheck that out.02:52
fennsusan blackmore's on to something, re: what is intelligence02:55
kanzureThe idea is to incorporate as much functionality as possible into as small a space as possible .. there are various groups and projects working towards this. O'Neill habitats are a good example (and we're lucky enough to have Keith Henson in here tonight). Fab Lab is a good move in the right direction. 02:55
kanzurefenn: where?02:55
kanzurehttp://www.susanblackmore.co.uk/Books/Meme Machine/Chapter 1.htm ?02:55
fennthe ted talk utopiah was talking about yesterday02:55
fennshe does a bad job explaining what a teme is exactly though02:56
fenni wouldnt consider an o'neill habitat a "small place"02:58
kanzurea "single" system02:58
kanzureUh. How would this be worded?02:58
fenni'd wager there will be more trade in/out of a space habitat than an earth port town02:59
fennafter all, all you have to do is fling the caro to where it's going02:59
kanzureMaybe. 03:00
fennwhile the political ideal is that you could simply fork() and go somewhere else, i dont think it will turn out that way03:01
kanzureWhy would you have incentive to live in a system where you can't check the designs and functionality all the way down?03:01
fennit has nothing to do with information freedom03:01
kanzureSeems kind of silly to me.03:01
kanzureNo, I'm talking from the perspective of you, as a programmer-user.03:01
fennit's because you need to get minerals from asteroids etc, and move people around03:01
kanzureso what? Why aren't you mining the minerals for yourself03:02
fennso, i can check the designs all the way down03:02
kanzurewhy aren't you in control of your own mining operations? 03:02
fennkanzure: because i'd rather live on a habitat than in a mining facility?03:02
kanzurewhy would you have to live with the mining facility?03:02
fennotherwise i'm not "in control"?03:02
* fenn shrugs03:02
UtopiahGHMLis "mining facility" a metaphor for China?03:02
kanzureyou don't push your electrons in your processor, do you?03:03
fennUtopiahGHML: no03:03
kanzure"Why do mommy and daddy have unplanned babies?" <--- this is probably why.03:03
kanzurebut seriously, I think it's stupid to have such long, unexplainable supply chains03:03
fennkanzure: processors are deterministic, and are extremely low maintenance03:03
UtopiahGHMLunlike women.03:04
fennif i could build a solid state mining facility, i would03:04
fennhence all the talk about giant mass spectrometers03:04
* fenn contemplates solid state women03:05
* UtopiahGHML thinks about Solid State Society (GITS)03:06
kanzureSolid State Society is a GITS reference?03:06
fenni havent seen that yet03:07
fennor SAC for that matter03:07
UtopiahGHML(everything interesting is a GITS ref)03:09
kanzureEverything truly interesting is a Lain ref.03:10
UtopiahGHMLSerial Experiment Lain +1 yep03:11
UtopiahGHMLI liked ErgoProxy a lot too but... too slow/long compared to those03:11
UtopiahGHML(Lain layer9 protocol ;)03:12
kanzureOh. I just came up with a good characterization of Andrew.03:18
kanzureAndrew is my Vegeta.03:18
UtopiahGHMLV for Vendetta and his mask for the crowd, Code Geass R2 08 and Zero's mask for rebels, it looks like P2P tactics are getting more and more "public"03:30
UtopiahGHMLactually Id be curious to see the evolution of P2P tactics in history and in the media/culture03:32
Splicer"Nothing is more powerful than an idea who's time has come"03:33
hkhensonback 03:33
hkhensonneedless to say anon is of great interest to me03:34
fennnothing spreads as fast as a meme with willing hosts.. except for that whole internet thingy03:35
hkhensonhave any of you read anything by clay shirky?03:35
hkhenson"here comes everybody" is an interesting read03:37
fenn"crowd sourcing" anthropologist, apparently03:37
hkhensonthinking about trying that to get power sats funded03:37
hkhensonIf you have not seen this, it's worth watching03:38
hkhenson3.2 million views.  Sheesh.03:38
hkhensonA crash program starting now would have a GW/day power sat production up by 2015.  By 2020 the world's electric power should be switched over.  By 2025 the US and China (biggest players in the game) could have most of their liquid fuels switched over to synthetics.03:39
hkhensonSo we do this as a time travel to 2025.  Whoosh, fast moving clouds, the actor is in 2025.03:39
hkhensonAnd having a conversation with a gasoline pump.  Why not?  By that time even a gas pump could incorporate a chat bot.  Gas pump uses a computer generated voice.03:40
hkhensonTime Traveler expresses shock at the price of gas.  Expected it to be ten to twenty dollars a gallon, it's 99 cents for regular on a display that could go to $99.9903:40
hkhensonTime Traveler:  What happened?03:40
hkhensonGas Pump:  Elaborate please.03:40
hkhensonTT:  I expected gasoline to be more expensive than it was in 2008.03:40
hkhensonGP:  I don't dispense natural gasoline.  My superior product is a blend made mostly from synthetic oil.  In a few years it will all be synthetic.03:40
hkhensonTT:  They couldn't do that in 2008.  How is it done?03:40
hkhensonGP:  There are over 500 power sats powering the synthetic oil plants.03:40
hkhensonTT:  We didn't have those in 2008.03:40
hkhensonGP:  True.  The first one was turned on in 2015.03:40
fennhkhenson: you should be aware of tether boost technology, if you aren't already: http://web.archive.org/web/20071008084248/www.tethers.com/papers/JPC00LEOGTO.pdf03:42
fenni'm also quite fond of the airplane to orbit scheme: http://web.archive.org/web/20071008084151/www.tethers.com/papers/HASTOLAIAAPaper.pdf03:43
ppkin shotgun sequencing, what colors are a, t, g, and c labeled, respectively?03:47
fennhkhenson: and if you're absolutely stuck on lasers, at least look at http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/897Kare-modular-laser-launch.pdf03:47
fenn(cant find the actual paper online)03:48
fennppk: http://www.mathworks.co.kr/company/newsletters/news_notes/may03/images/dna1_large.gif03:49
fennthis looks more like the graphs i've seen though http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Courses/Molbio/MolStudents/01licohen/sequence1.gif03:50
fennthat's blue green red black03:51
ppklooks ugly03:51
fennofcourse, this is SCIENCE man! no room for decent graphics03:51
hkhensonlasers just look to be less expensive than rockets03:54
gene_wait a minute K?03:54
gene_where does the K come from03:54
hkhensonthe other less expensive than rockets is the partial elevator where you use a rocket to the end of it03:54
fenngene_: it's an ambiguous result03:55
fennY = pyrimidine, K = um, something03:55
gene_what about launch from a balloon from the edge of space or attaching a ion drive to a high altitude airship03:56
fennthere is no "edge of space"03:56
fennthe atmosphere trails off exponentially03:57
gene_giving you something edge like03:57
fennan ion drive would never have enough thrust to overcome atmospheric drag03:57
fenn(unless you were already in orbit)03:57
gene_not at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_airship03:57
fennthose guys are full of shit03:58
fenna waverider might possibly work, but that's totally different03:58
UtopiahGHML"< fenn> ofcourse, this is SCIENCE man! no room for decent graphics" except that graphics are cognitive tools... (that you actually pay for a very high price in journals)03:59
fennheh UtopiahGHML so how come so much science graphics is atrocious?04:00
fennpeople using full page 256 color .gifs for their webpage04:00
fennthere ought to be an art department for every research program04:01
UtopiahGHML"there ought to be" always sounds like a weird idea to me04:02
fenncurrently this is accomplished by the NSF's "outreach" requirement04:02
fennyou have to either hire marginalized groups such as minorities, or have really good communication with the lay public04:03
fennnow, this seems like a weird idea to me04:03
fennman that boeing waverider on wikipedia is ugly04:04
fenni did better with my legos04:04
UtopiahGHMLalready thought that your parents "instanciated" yourself?04:09
fennsay that again?04:09
UtopiahGHMLalready thought that your parents "instanciated" you?04:10
fenni mean i dont know what you are saying04:10
UtopiahGHMLyou have a model or a class an abstraction04:10
UtopiahGHMLif you build something from it you have an entitity of the possible population04:10
UtopiahGHMLyou can call that instancianting an entity/element04:11
UtopiahGHMLhaving a new instance04:11
fennok, and what does this have to do with legos/spaceships/anything?04:11
UtopiahGHMLoption #304:11
fennso, "I'm a possible person", yes, big deal04:12
fennhkhenson: do you have any links to "partial space elevator"?04:13
* kanzure goes out to find some meats.04:15
hkhensonno I don't 05:05
hkhensonthere should be a link 05:05
hkhensonthere was a presentation about it at the military conf on space based solar power Oct 2-305:06
fennyes i see that05:06
hkhensonron clark gave the talk05:06
fennis it anything like launch loop or space fountain?05:07
kanzureHi eschatoon.05:36
eschatoonHi everyone05:37
* kanzure is watching ANH. 05:37
eschatoondo you guys think freenode gives a stable and fast irc service, or is it better to install an irc server?05:38
bkeroFreenode is good enough05:38
bkeroI admin three of the nodes05:38
kanzureFreenode has been stable for at least a decade.05:38
bkeroIf you'd like to us those :)05:38
bkeroI admin brown, kurtz, niven, and zelazny05:39
bkeroMy bad, that's 4.05:39
kanzureHeh. Niven.05:39
bkeroI showed you the agalmics manifesto, didn't I?05:40
kanzureI thought /I/ showed you.05:40
fennno I showed YOU!05:40
kanzurewell that's true fenn :)05:40
bkeroI read about it in accelerando and posted the link here :P05:40
gene_scarcity elimination05:40
gene_got it05:40
bkeroEmail: levin@openprojects.net05:40
bkeroOnline: lilo at Open Projects Net IRC05:40
kanzureIn Accelerando? What a sick way to come across it, bkero.05:40
kanzurebkero: lilo is dead. :(05:41
bkerolilo was the owner of Freenode05:41
bkerokanzure: He is lilo.05:41
kanzureOh. I was thinking of Larry Niven actually.05:41
kanzureSince the name of the nodes are scifi authors.05:41
bkeroNo. :P05:41
kanzureZelanzy, niven, heinlein, etc.05:41
bkeroRobert Levin, the owner of freenode, wrote the paper on agalmics.05:41
bkeroand subsequenly died05:41
kanzureYes, yes, I know.05:41
kanzureHrm. 05:41
fennaccelerando has a lot of "new" stuff in it05:42
eschatoonhat is where stross got the idea?05:42
fenngathered from the wastes of the net05:42
kanzureStross steals all of his ideas :) in a friendly way.05:42
gene_doesn't accelerando have russian powered gas boots?05:42
eschatoonwhat happened to levin?05:42
gene_i mean gas powered boots05:42
kanzureBiking accident in Houston.05:42
bkeroDeath stole him from us05:42
fennhit by car05:42
bkerofenn: Have you read accelerando?05:42
bkeroI'm reading it on the train commute05:43
kanzureNeverness > Accelerando.05:43
bkeroI'm almost done with the 2nd chapter05:43
kanzureThough Neverness =~ k*accelerando05:43
bkeroThe Rediscovery of Man > Neverness05:43
kanzureHave you read both?05:43
kanzureBah, just an immortality novel.05:44
bkeroNo, If you're saying it's like an amplified accelerando, I'd say Rediscovery of Man is better05:44
kanzureSo how would you know if you haven't read both?05:45
fennyou havent even finished accelerando!05:45
bkeroI know.05:45
bkeroRight now I'm reading The Sickness unto Death, Accelerando, and Godel Escher Bach.05:46
* kanzure sometimes accidentally sends stuff to Stross when he means to send said such stuff to gene_05:46
bkerokanzure: wtf?05:46
kanzureBoth are named 'Charlie'.05:47
kanzureso, "Charlie<tab>" ==> Stross05:47
kanzureemail client05:47
kanzureTab completion.05:47
fennhe'll steal all your best chess ideas, watch out05:47
bkeroDo you often write emails to stross?05:47
kanzureNot all too often. Maybe less than ten overall.05:47
bkeroI've been tempted to read House of Leaves more than once.05:49
bkeroSimply because I seem to enjoy 'fucked up shit'.05:49
eschatoonare transhumanist channels compatible with the policy and focus of freenode or they prefer having only opensource software channels?05:49
eschatoonwe can say that transhumanism is opensource philosophy and memetivs05:49
gene_this conversation seems to have digressed into a discussion of scifi, instead of how to make scifi possible05:50
fenneschatoon: freenode is geared towards supporting peer directed projects, which is what we are doing05:50
fennthere are also generic topical channels like ##electronics and #space though05:51
fenngenerally the idea is "let's just all get along" instead of the usual flame-fest on  most irc networks05:51
kanzureLee misdaled me05:55
hkhensonit's very amusing for me to read stross06:35
hkhensonand see all the stuff I have contributed to the TH/extropian world show up in his novels06:36
kanzureThe onlinemetals guy got back to me. 07:18
kanzure"Since two of you came to me within the same hour about this .." he was cc'ing to Alec Resnick ;-)07:19
bkeroHeh, I've ordered stuff through them before.07:37
fenntheir prices are very good for <1ft cuts07:37
fennmost places end up charging about the sme for 1 inch as 1 foot07:38
bkeroI've gotten some brass plate stock and aluminum from them07:38
fenni got CRS for my gingery lathe from them07:38
bkeroalso a small 64x64mm 1/8" thick piece of copper for a waterblock07:38
bkeroNobody makes waterblocks big enough for my peltier07:39
fennbkero: check out that block of copper: http://rugludallur.com/index.php?id=12307:40
fenn(bottom right)07:40
bkeroThat's an absurd piece of copper if it's solid07:41
bkeroI cold make some things out of that :)07:41
* bkero sleeps on it07:41
fennthey sliced it like bread for water blocks07:41
kanzureServer will probably die tonight.07:42
fennshould we hold a vigil?07:42
kanzureNo, I mean the laptop.07:43
kanzureThe power adapter is not transmitting power. Screen is flickering because the battery is randomly cutting off every half second.07:43
kanzureLooks like we might be having ourselves a deal with onlinemetals.com07:51
kanzureand yeah, server is dying07:51
kanzurestupid battery07:52
fennso uh, what's the dealy?07:52
willPow3rahh, starcraft.09:58
willPow3rnow i remember where my adolescence went09:58
UtopiahGHMLStarcraft2.0 out?!10:00
willPow3ri wish10:00
willPow3ri'm checking out trailers for it now10:00
willPow3ri hope it gets leaked early like when spore came out10:02
UtopiahGHMLdon't do that10:02
UtopiahGHMLdon't look at the trailers!10:02
willPow3ryou're probably right10:02
willPow3rhave you seen em?10:02
UtopiahGHMLyes :/10:02
willPow3rmy friends and i have been having serious SC sessions lately in anticipation10:04
willPow3rlike the total nerds we are10:07
* UtopiahGHML was a hardcore fan of Q3/WC310:08
willPow3ri never played wc3 because i confused it with WoW and regarded it as "totally gay"10:09
willPow3rbut i hear its actually pretty good10:09
UtopiahGHMLask SouthKoreans :)10:11
willPow3rthe person or race?10:14
UtopiahGHMLtry both10:14
willPow3rp2p file sharing sucks10:18
UtopiahGHMLtry bittorrent10:19
willPow3rthe blizzard trailer downloader uses bittorrent10:19
willPow3rbut it always stops with less than 200 k to d/load10:19
willPow3revery video file i've tried10:19
UtopiahGHMLwow, sorry but you have... the curse!10:20
willPow3ri hear it's contagious10:20
willPow3rcome a little closer10:20
UtopiahGHMLstop that, it's totally awkward man.10:21
willPow3rwhat is10:21
UtopiahGHMLvirtual gay relationship on IRC with someone you hardly know that is!10:22
willPow3rhmm. homophobia eh?10:22
willPow3ryou aren't certain that you aren't gay?10:22
willPow3rmaybe... afraid that you might be?10:23
willPow3rat least you can't get stds from irc10:23
UtopiahGHMLyou can get virii10:24
willPow3rIRC: Taking the "ST" out of STIs10:24
willPow3rstarcraft 2 already sucks10:26
willPow3rcan't even get the trailers to d/load10:26
UtopiahGHMLfail :)10:30
fenni've noticed a lot of "just released" torrents stop at 99% or so, i think it's some sort of strategy to make more seeders10:39
UtopiahGHMLnever had that problem10:40
willPow3rit could be10:50
UtopiahGHMLCurious Yellow: The First Coordinated Worm Design by Brandon Wiley - http://blanu.net/curious_yellow.html12:55
willPow3rsymbiotic computer worms/virii?13:02
UtopiahGHMLit's actually pretty close to FreeNet update mechanism13:03
UtopiahGHMLexcept that... the host accepts it knowledgingly ;)13:03
facefacescreen for X server?14:24
facefacescreen is for shell what ??? is for X?14:24
facefacescreen is for shell what ??? is for X!!?14:24
facefacegah, I mean X1114:25
facefacesomeone in here talked about it once...14:27
UtopiahGHML* references added in Communication/Marketing/Xye14:27
UtopiahGHML* ISBN : 978-1-59184-166-1 The Dip by Seth Godin (recommended by Nicolas)14:27
UtopiahGHMLwoop sorry14:27
UtopiahGHMLAn X client cannot generally be detached from one server and reattached to another, as with Virtual Network Computing (VNC), though certain specific applications and toolkits are able to provide this facility.[6] Workarounds (VNC :0 viewers) also exist to make the current X-server screen available via VNC.14:27
proctofaceface: what X is for X14:27
proctofaceface: you can set up X to allow remote connections over SSH14:28
facefaceprocto, exactly14:28
UtopiahGHMLX is a network server.14:28
UtopiahGHMLit is just being used very often locally14:28
facefaceproblem is that the network goes down and the X session is lost14:28
facefacescreen fixes this for terminals14:28
UtopiahGHMLuse VNC14:29
facefacex fixes this for X?14:29
proctoyeah VNC14:29
facefaceso x=VNC14:29
proctoyou can run nohup, but I don't know if that persists X14:29
UtopiahGHML^ SNAP Computing and the X Window System http://www.freedesktop.org/~jg/Papers/ols2005.pdf14:29
facefacebtw, anyone looked at modelling developmental pathways?14:29
UtopiahGHMLfor what?14:30
UtopiahGHMLcognitive dev?14:30
facefacethere are now movies of cellular growth that track each cell14:30
facefacelike you can watch a fish embryo ear grow at the cellular level14:30
facefacejust for bio14:30
UtopiahGHMLnice, url?14:30
facefacethe idea is to predict some pathways and then model the process to see if your predictions make sense...14:31
facefaceone moment14:31
UtopiahGHMLsame for neurons?14:31
facefacemostly embryo 14:31
facefacethe worm brain has such a network though? no?14:31
UtopiahGHMLthe worm brain?!14:31
UtopiahGHMLit's a purely reflex system over the whole body, isn't it?14:32
facefacenot tried (just looking up the ref) try googling for the digital fish project14:32
facefacesean megason14:32
UtopiahGHMLbtw since you guys know a lot about bio stuff, old question I had and no answer so far : 14:33
UtopiahGHMLin [1] "An introduction to brain and behavior" neurons have the ability to self-rewrite themselves (not just change their connections) and thus I'd like to know :14:33
UtopiahGHMLHow do soma integrate information ? Is the use of their RNA to restructure themselves part of their learning/adapting process ? Does this actually build the "computation" core ? (thus the treshold required for an action potential generation) Is there actually a boolean/logic model of the behavior of the soma ?14:33
UtopiahGHML(was page 78 "Even in a mature, full grown neuron, the cell's generative blueprint can <<reopened>>, allowing the neuron to alter its structure and function by producing new proteins.")14:34
facefacethe genetic basis of learning in neurones is an active area of research14:35
facefacedon't know the answer though14:35
facefaceme that is14:35
facefaceUtopiahGHML, linux?14:35
facefaceUtopiahGHML, "it's a purely reflex system over the whole body, isn't it" - I'm talking about the patways of development, not networks of synapses14:37
facefacewhat is the soma btw?14:37
facefaceUtopiahGHML, the url you pasted timed out14:39
UtopiahGHMLtry to waybackmachine it14:39
UtopiahGHMLsoma is the core of the neuron, where the integration mechanism takes places (treshold for signal or not)14:40
UtopiahGHMLyep I understand the idea of dev pathway but I don't understand the idea of a "worm brain"14:40
facefaceUtopiahGHML, are you running linux 14:41
facefacethe developmental pathway of the worm brain14:41
UtopiahGHMLnop but Im connected through a shell running GNU/linux, why?14:41
facefaceits not wired up at random14:41
UtopiahGHMLyes but all the worms Iknow (and... that's not a lot ;) have no brain.14:41
facefaceso I can give you this... rtsp://dan.bolser:000006@meetstream.cshl.edu:554/Secure/INFOUK/7.rm?title="Megason"&start=0:26:56.0&end=0:47:17.014:41
facefacecall mplayer on that14:41
facefacewith a dumpstream14:42
facefaceand then see how much you got and get the next chunk :(14:42
facefaceUtopiahGHML, they have 149 neurones precicely14:42
facefaceyour question was about fish though14:42
facefacewhere can I put a 15M file? (the first 5 min part of that lecture)14:43
UtopiahGHMLrapidshare.com, megaupload.com, yousendit.com14:43
facefacewell, if you can wait, I'll cap that lecture for you 14:44
facefacein 5 min chunks14:44
UtopiahGHML(wasn't able to open the URL)14:44
facefacetried to open it wiht mplayer?14:44
facefaceput in the username and pwd as given?14:45
facefaceafter about 5 mins mplayer falls over too14:45
UtopiahGHML(hmm can open it now with WindowsMediaClassic)14:46
UtopiahGHMLany specific time to check?14:47
facefacedon't remember14:47
* UtopiahGHML watching14:48
facefaceanyone else can get the first part here...14:49
UtopiahGHML(3min in, no problem so far)14:49
facefaceUtopiahGHML, licenced software should work fine14:50
faceface(you get what you pay for)14:50
UtopiahGHMLit's not a license software AFAIR but a hacked version of WMP14:50
facefaceI got 10 mins that time!14:50
UtopiahGHML(5min timestep passed, still no problem)14:51
facefacepart 214:51
facefacerapid share really sucks14:53
UtopiahGHMLyou don't have an ftp on a RPS/VPS?14:53
facefacepart 314:54
facefaceso no14:54
facefaceI don't14:54
UtopiahGHML(I should put some http upload for friends on my website)14:54
facefacedid you see the ear growing yet?14:54
facefaceanyway, they will collect this data for all kinds of mutants and then manually try to map the pathway14:55
facefaceand I'm thinking... I bet kanzure would want to make that compterized14:55
facefacethey do the same in plants14:55
UtopiahGHMLa database for biomimicry patterns 14:55
facefaceOK, the three pieces are 5, 10 and 5 mins14:56
UtopiahGHMLId enjoy having the too14:56
facefacealso the underlying genetic regulatory netowrk14:56
UtopiahGHMLeventually abstracted as potential optimization algo 14:56
UtopiahGHMLand a choosing algo based on situation identification based on pattern detection14:56
UtopiahGHMLyep, Id enjoy that a lot.14:57
UtopiahGHMLwould be like biomimicry historical database that you could query when required.14:57
facefacebut the genetics really makes this possible for the first time14:57
facefacelater he talks about embryo arrays 14:58
facefacethey systematically mutate and watch the development14:58
facefacein the old days you couldn't do the genetics (never mind the image analysis)14:58
facefacein plants you can watch the different branching patterns that result from different genetic manipulation14:59
facefacebtw, did you guys hear about the 'conscious cells' talk in cambridge recently?14:59
facefaceif you take a neuronal spike train and slow it down it sounds like gulls cawing... 14:59
facefaceamoeba can build a house...15:00
UtopiahGHML(fuck... resync was a bad idea...)15:00
UtopiahGHMLhmmm with dev. array you can extract patterns automatically pretty easilly, nice15:08
UtopiahGHMLanybody working for NYU School of Medicine?15:17
UtopiahGHMLId like to make some study over time in the "biomimicry historical database" to see the evolution of patterns :)15:35
UtopiahGHML(and eventually coevolution patterns)15:37
UtopiahGHMLthen have the same study in software15:37
UtopiahGHMLand compare the 2.15:37
UtopiahGHMLThen study the impact of energy availability on pattern evolution15:39
UtopiahGHMLand try to predict what will happen... now.15:39
kanzure__Hi all.16:06
kanzure__fenn: The power supply is 'clicking' if you put the heatbrick up to your ear. The laptop has drained its battery. I'm used to the power adapter's cord breaking off and I have various materials for fixing that sort of problem, but this one is strange and foreign to me. If I can figure out what component is broken and why, I have three other previous adapters laying around with working parts (just not wires/cords). 16:07
* kanzure__ wonders if "UPDATE blah as blah2 SET blah2.thingy='hrm' WHERE <big crapload of qualifiers>" is valid MySQL.17:00
facefacewhat is blah2.thingy ?17:05
xp_prgfenn you here man?17:08
xp_prggood morning17:09
hkhensonpower satellites are heating up as a topic17:09
kanzure__faceface: I'm not sure.17:09
kanzure__Hey Keith.17:09
kanzure__Hi xp_prg .17:09
hkhensonhi kan17:09
hkhensonand all17:09
kanzure__Nah, not all.17:09
xp_prghey kanzure__!17:09
* kanzure__ is in the lab.17:09
facefacekanzure__, er... well in that case it looks wrong17:09
xp_prgkanzure can you help me for a minute?17:10
kanzure__xp_prg: Hrm?17:10
kanzure__The server is down for the moment. I'll get it back up later today though.17:10
xp_prgok, first have you seend my program run at all yet?17:10
bkerokanzure__: I'm looking to mirror NCBI.  Do you have any script or anything to do that with?17:10
kanzure__bkero: No. I was running wget -m -np on NCBI a few times for human genome stuff though.17:10
bkeroThat's a way to do it17:11
kanzure__They have instructions in their FTP dirs.17:11
xp_prgok, I want to continue on my program and when you right click on the picture it says new bio brick, can you help me to know what should happen there, you mentioned before a type of cascading menu into the different bio brick categories, can you help me to know those please?17:11
kanzure__No. That's why you need to make the backend.17:11
kanzure__If I knew that already we'd have the frontend done.17:11
kanzure__(Okay, plus a few other rules for their interconnection.)17:12
xp_prgkanzure__ you don't know the answer to my question?17:12
kanzure__Correct. I do not know the actual categorical constraints on the biobrick listings.17:12
kanzure__If anybody has my old biobricks.zip file from my server though, they might have some category files that may or may not be useful ..17:12
kanzure__Hrm. I should go home to fix it.17:13
xp_prgyou don't any at all?  I just want like 1 or 2 right now17:13
kanzure__What good would that do?17:13
xp_prgit will help people understand what I am trying to do and they can give input into more categorizations etc...17:13
kanzure__You might as well just call it 'ABC' and 'DEF.'17:13
kanzure__No, the categorization comes from partsregistry.org.17:13
xp_prglike here?17:15
xp_prgyou have Systems, Devices, Parts17:15
kanzure__http://neptune.cems.umn.edu/designer/interface1.php Look at the SELECT element.17:15
xp_prgok so use promoter, RBS, Coding DNA, Terminator as the categories?17:16
kanzure__In particular my original rip of partsregistry.org was categorical, from the front page of the different biobricks in very much the same way that the SELECT element lists on that neptune page. 17:17
kanzure__Yes, but you don't know what it means, so it's pointless right now.17:17
xp_prgI know what a promoter is17:17
kanzure__I don't care if you know what a promoter is.17:17
kanzure__That's not what we're talking about ..17:17
kanzure__I thought we were talking about a computer program :(17:17
kanzure__Whether the category is called 'ABC' or 'promoter' is mostly irrelevant ..17:18
kanzure__unless you have the rules for how to throw things together.17:18
xp_prgoh ok, patience, it will work out17:18
kanzure__How could you possibly know that?17:18
xp_prgya I don't know that, but I am trying to get that information17:18
xp_prgby prototyping and getting feedback from the community17:19
xp_prgrelease early/release often17:19
kanzure__They would have already told us.17:19
xp_prgya UtopiahGHML exactly17:20
kanzure__Scrum what?17:20
UtopiahGHMLxp_prg: Im trying to convert my wiki ToDo list to a Scrum feature list where priority is based on users betting/vote17:20
xp_prgsmart man!17:21
kanzure__UtopiahGHML: http://hnb.sf.net/ I was using this for three years for todo list management.17:21
UtopiahGHMLkanzure__: well thanks but I have a structured ToDo list (hierarchy) and now I just want to add semantic information and incorporate the top items in my "strategical scoreboard"17:23
UtopiahGHML(ideally using Intrade API)17:23
kanzure__Yes, hnb is also a hierarchical system, there's an XML export option too. :)17:24
kanzure__It's not maintained, so don't bother.17:24
kanzure__I liked the interface though. It was nice.17:24
UtopiahGHMLno community, no API, Id rather avoid it17:24
kanzure__UtopiahGHML: Have you ever seen http://heybryan.org/todo.html?17:25
kanzure__Crap. Server still down. Hrm.17:25
UtopiahGHMLno the server was always down ;)17:25
kanzure__Then what the hell was ever up?17:25
UtopiahGHMLyou don't have mirrors and failsafe redirection?17:26
kanzure__No. I am broke.17:31
kanzure__If you want to mirror my 400 GB, I'd be very happy to give you a hard drive.17:31
UtopiahGHMLwell you could stay by mirroring the wiki and file you often use they the rest eventually17:31
UtopiahGHMLIm pretty sure that would be <50MB17:32
kanzure__When I get things rolling again I'll have to show you webalizer's output.17:32
UtopiahGHMLyou could auto-redirect there when it get indexed 17:37
kanzure__http://web.archive.org/web/*/heybryan.org/ an old index :)17:40
UtopiahGHMLso you could have a super-cheap host to only do failsafe redirection17:44
UtopiahGHMLonly critera : uptime + ping17:45
kanzure__epitron offered me hosting, but his cyst and big head got in the way17:46
kanzure__A while back I was linking over to cpan re: graph segmentation algorithms and packages. Can anybody help me retrieve those links?17:52
xp_prgkanzure__ sent you biobench .00218:37
xp_prgprcto you here man?18:53
pkxp are you will?19:01
pkI made a logo for biobench19:03
pkwhat's your email?19:03
xp_prgwant to see my biobench .002?19:03
xp_prgok send me the logo and I will send you the new program :>19:04
xp_prgcan you think of a good slogan?19:08
xp_prglike "We make synthetic biology easier"19:09
xp_prgor Making Synthetic Biology Easier19:09
pkI dunno19:09
pkdid you get the logo19:09
xp_prgya I just put it in!19:09
xp_prghelp me with the slogan for a minute, based on what you have seen so far what is the first thing you think of when you think biobench?19:10
pkputting biobricks together19:10
pkhm, I can't access bryan's biobench page19:12
pkyou have a link?19:12
xp_prgI am emailing it to you now19:15
xp_prgdo you have a website you could post it on?19:15
xp_prgawsome man!19:18
pkthe dna colors changed in a strange way though, lol19:22
pkone sec, putting it up19:22
pkdid Bryan take the biobench stuff down?19:23
pkor is his server down19:23
xp_prghis server is down :(19:23
xp_prgpk it would be way cool if you make like some html help or like a description of how to use the program with screenshots19:24
pkand yeah I can do that, as you guys keep working on it19:27
xp_prgpk send out an email to the list of biobench .002 please!19:30
xp_prgwith that link19:30
pkI have a mockup for you19:31
pkone sec19:31
pkso yeah, maybe the logo could be pale in the bg19:37
pkand then when a project is started19:37
pkit's overwritten by whatever's being worked on19:37
xp_prgcool idea!19:39
xp_prgpk send an email to the diybio list man!19:39
pkwhat would they do with it though?19:42
xp_prgsee it and give feedback on it!19:42
pkeh, still no feedback from the first, lol19:43
xp_prgwell, it is more functional now :>19:43
xp_prgpk do you know how to make a screencast movie?19:43
pkalthough I don't have the software19:43
xp_prgoh ok19:43
xp_prgwell send a link anyway :>19:44
pkmy server seems to be having problems19:49
pkI love how the background blurs when you open some stuff in biobench19:56
xp_prgcool man19:56
wrldpc2Are folks going to be live-blogging the SingSum?20:25
xp_prgwhat is SingSum?20:25
UtopiahGHMLwrldpc2: do you think you could understand it though?20:28
UtopiahGHMLThe Singularity Summit gathers the *smartest people around* to explore the biggest ideas of our time. 20:29
* UtopiahGHML hate SIAI communication-fund-raising mahamoth machinery.20:29
wrldpc2heh :-)20:29
UtopiahGHMLSingularity="the rapture of the nerds."20:30
wrldpc2B said he did some programming for them this summer and that they were cool?  Kurzweil has received criticism for his wuwei "oh things will just work out" demeanor.20:31
UtopiahGHMLwell in #opencog most of the time so yes, I think most people there are smart and cool20:32
wrldpc2What is Kurzweil actually doing besides promotion?20:37
UtopiahGHMLdidn't follow SIAI for a while beside OpenCog, Im waiting for the summit podcast/video then we'll see20:38
UtopiahGHMLbut as said before I have little hope, they don't take a real incremental approach, they aim high but without having an always function project evolving incrementaly, I don't believe in int.20:39
UtopiahGHMLthey talk about recursive improvement20:40
UtopiahGHMLbut they don't apply it.20:40
UtopiahGHMLgood theoretical design idea20:40
UtopiahGHMLbut maybe too good and too theoretical to work20:41
UtopiahGHMLIMHO :)20:41
wrldpc2I'll brb, coffee in hahvahd20:41
kanzure__wrldpc2 -- I did programming for a subgroup related to singinst.org .. not singinst themselves.22:22
kanzure__also, they talk about 'recursive self-improvement' because they want this silly thing called 'coherent extrapolated volition'22:23
kanzure__and it's all bullshit, so just ignore it22:23
kanzure__Basically they're taking an opposite approach to just about everything22:23
xp_prgkanzure__ did you see my new biobench?22:34
kanzure__No. Flash doesn't work.22:47
kanzure__http://www.utexas.edu/inside_ut/take5/sathasivan/ <-- Bioreactor prof.22:52
kanzure__better: http://www.sbs.utexas.edu/sata/22:52
kanzure__Narsi is meeting with me tomorrow.23:03
kanzure__I've underestimated the bioreactor project.23:19
kanzure__Substantial funding.23:20
kanzure__As in "oh, you need to buy a $100,000 centrifuge? No problem. I'll have it for you tomorrow."23:20
PeerInfinityhi :)23:33
kanzure__Hey PeerInfinity 23:34
kanzure__Dr. Campbell might be writing a few words for Michel soon.23:37
kanzure__Hey ybit.23:54
ybithey kanzure__23:54
kanzure__Are you back in action?23:55
ybitnot really, just using an external keyboard right now. Narrowed the problem of my server down to either a bad processor or motherboard, narrowed the problem of my laptop to a bad graphics card.23:57
ybitthe laptop is so old, i might as well buy another one for what it would costs to repair it. i'm going to wait for another month and see if i can find someone who is willing to lend me an athlon xp or ur duron processor23:59

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