
--- Day changed Fri Oct 24 2008
ybitbut i will definitely have a new laptop coming in less than 2 months00:00
bkeroGraphics chips aren't really repairable on laptops00:01
bkeroUnless you have an MxM card.00:01
kanzure__http://bloodgate.com/perl/graph/manual/benchmark.html <- Me has to imitate this at some point.00:03
kanzure__I wonder if Graph::Easy works with weird perl objects.00:07
pkyou're finding it easy to get funding for a bioreactor?00:07
gene_making a bioreactor is easier than you think PK00:08
pkkanzure was just talking about funding00:08
kanzure__pk: No. I'm referring to his connections.00:08
pkoh, gotcha00:09
kanzure__"I need a $100,000 dollar centrifuge." "Okay Bryan. You'll have it by the end of the week." "WTF?"00:09
gene_wait a minute? we got a centrifuge?00:09
gene_that's very expensive00:10
gene_why the heck would we need an $100k centrifuge for?00:10
kanzure__I said we don't.00:11
gene_making nukes/00:11
kanzure__Real men make nukes by using their mouths as centrifuges for uranium. Radiation poisoning be damned.00:11
gene_radiation poisoning isn't so much a concern as uranium poisoning00:12
gene_uranium acts like lead00:12
gene_so do any of those scifi stories you read feature hovering things?00:13
gene_like inside hovering things00:13
gene_things that hover inside a building00:13
gene_what's something from a scifi novel that hovers and would be cool to build?00:15
bkerolandspeeder :P00:19
gene_I am thinking of stuff that hovers inside building00:26
kanzure__Giru. 00:28
gene_I am not familiar with the term Giru, do you mean robot from Dragon ball?00:30
gene_I think 1950s scifi levitating furniture and tables 'might' be possible00:32
gene_lamps at the very least00:32
gene_or maybe walls of floating aerostats00:34
kanzure__use Graph::Easy; use Graph::Easy::Parser; $parser = Graph::Easy::Parser->new(); $graph = $parser->from_file("my.dot"); foreach my $node (@nodes) { $graph->del_node($node); print "Size of graph: ", scalar $graph->nodes(), "\n"; }01:27
kanzure__Before the foreach, add: @nodes = $graph->nodes();01:28
xp_prgkanzure__ that is perl is it not?01:29
kanzure__Now, can anybody tell me why it doesn't delete nodes from the graph? 01:30
kanzure__Ah crap.01:30
kanzure__That's not a good representation of the code that I'm working with really.01:34
xp_prgare you reverse engineering the interface1.php stuff?01:35
xp_prgthen what are you doing?01:37
kanzure__Generating a few thousand grammar rules re: the transformation of function structures into component flow diagrams.01:38
PeerInfinitysounds like fun :)01:38
kanzure__Much of my time is spent debugging recursions.01:41
wrldpc2Maybe you guys can help me ...03:20
wrldpc2I read some paper SOMEWHERE about how, yes people have control of their brains.03:21
wrldpc2It was related to Beuragard03:22
wrldpc2I got it: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20026793.000-creationists-declare-war-over-the-brain.html03:38
kanzureThis is weird.03:42
kanzure"kanzure_ joined #hplusroadmap"03:42
kanzureI count only two machines with irssi running.03:43
kanzure_How did this happen?03:43
kanzure'irssi' has decided to sign me in with two nicks.03:43
kanzureAnyway. Server should be back up.03:54
gene_hey does anyone here know about processing?04:00
kanzureThe java nonsense?04:00
gene_the java nonsense 04:00
kanzureI know about it.04:00
gene_and how to get it to work on windows04:00
gene_apparently it's great for messing around with vision algorithms in04:01
xp_prganyone here?04:02
kanzurexp_prg: Server is back up.04:02
gene_so I downloaded processing now what?04:03
kanzureapt-get install processing04:03
kanzureOh right, windows. Nobody dishes out free support for Windows these days :-). Try looking for a crappy tutorial on Google.04:03
gene_damn it04:03
xp_prgkanzure can I please have your help for a minute?04:04
kanzureAbout what?04:04
xp_prgI am trying to figure out what parts go with promoter, rbs, etc... can you help me to know this a little bit?04:04
xp_prghow come?04:04
xp_prgthat page is not coming up04:05
xp_prgnot coming up man04:05
kanzureWhether or not you know the types doesn't tell you how to generate the SBML format.04:06
gene_what makes a  SBML file so special anyway?04:09
kanzureThink of it as SLDPRT.04:10
kanzureYou were talking about it the other day, yes.04:11
gene_solidwarks file?04:11
kanzureThe synthetic biology design tool would be designing synthetic biological equivalents of "CAD files" like SLDPART .. thought this would be more obvious ..04:11
gene_I get it04:11
gene_is it easy to edit in text editor?04:12
kanzureit's an ML, so yes, but you shouldn't.04:12
gene_oh come one04:12
kanzureYou really want to memorize the entire NCBI database collection?04:12
gene_you got me there04:13
bkeroI want to grab it and run statistical analysis on it04:13
gene_I would if I could 04:13
kanzurebkero: I want to grab it because I'm just that crazy :-)04:13
bkeroMe too :)04:13
bkeroStatistical analysis04:13
kanzureIt's pretty cool to be able to say that you've pirated human genomes before.04:13
kanzure(And no, it's not rape.)04:14
gene_maybe just fun proteins like GFP, metal binding proteins, proprietary stuff04:14
gene_still we need a private source in order to compile pirated copies04:14
kanzureivf links blah blah blah04:15
gene_hurry up and read the diamond age already04:15
gene_what I am saying is that we need our own DNA synthesizer04:15
kanzureSo what?04:15
kanzureYou know I'm already on that ..04:15
gene_can you do the entire thing in microfluidics?04:16
kanzureNo. You need chemicals.04:16
gene_that's what I mean04:16
gene_no valves or anything 04:16
kanzureYes, you need fluids.04:16
gene_just fluidics04:17
gene_and maybe an output control pump04:17
kanzureWhy a pump?04:17
kanzureWhat are you talking about?04:17
kanzureJust go make http://bioinformatics.org/pogo/ and maybe improve later. :)04:17
gene_you need to be able to choose the next nucleotide don't you?04:17
kanzureWhat does that have to do with pumping?04:18
gene_we don't have special polymerase yet04:18
kanzureThat's the other version. Don't get them confused.04:18
gene_you know, we might be able to use an inkjet printer to do this 04:19
gene_an epson inkjet printer04:19
kanzureThat's not the difficult part .. it's the specialty chemicals.04:19
kanzureGo look at the wiki page. There's a full list of all of the requirements for oligonucleotide synthesis.04:20
gene_anyway how many nucleotides can the POSAM synthesize04:21
gene_damn Kanzure, your website's one of the top results for inkjet dna synthesizer04:22
gene_your under kurzweil though04:22
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/webalizer/ <- Old information about hits.04:22
kanzureLet me go recompile that data set.04:22
gene_so how many nucleotides can posam do?04:23
gene_enough for funstuff?04:23
gene_how do you do ligation?04:25
kanzure More specialty chemicals.04:25
gene_is it like what deinococcus does?04:25
kanzureDeinoccus does many things.04:26
gene_ie in ligation do you glue randomely or match pairs?04:27
gene_dang it04:27
gene_POSAM requires a special epson print head04:27
gene_and ball screws04:27
gene_wonder if air bearings might work04:28
gene_well we might not need that much accuracy anyway04:29
gene_whoa, posam is a lot more complicated than I though04:31
gene_is Oligosynthesis really sensitive to oxygen and/or solvents04:33
gene_solvents as in solvents that might be present in plastics04:33
gene_I also don't think I can get the utilities to hook up a high purity nitrogen line to my house04:35
kanzuregene_: There's a new theoretical computational neuroscience class that they are offering next semester.04:38
gene_I'm taking differential equations04:39
gene_I'm not sure that I have time for leisure classes04:39
gene_they used activated charcoal from a pet store as part of the filter04:42
gene_so what does it take to do ligation kanzure?04:44
gene_do you have any papers on it04:44
proctokanzure: you're at utex austin, right?04:44
kanzureprocto: Yes.04:44
kanzuregene_: Somewhere in the biotech repository.04:44
kanzureAlso, I gave out a link to a better version a few days ago04:44
kanzureI mean, a quicker version 04:44
kanzureNot better at all.04:44
gene_you need a better user interface04:45
kanzureYou were saying the other day that we didn't need ui.04:47
gene_NCBI doesn't have a pretty user interface04:48
gene_but it is easy to use04:48
kanzureIt has a stupid interface.04:49
kanzureWhy HTTP of all things?04:49
kanzureLuckily, they also provide FTP.04:49
fennyou're stupid kanzure04:50
gene_I am not a programmer04:50
fennhttp > FTP04:50
proctoor maybe it's simply that04:51
kanzurefenn: not when you use it wrong04:51
proctohttp != ftp04:51
fennyou know, science citation index just recognizes good memes04:51
gene_kanzure likes to have all the information on his computer04:51
proctothey have different uses04:52
proctoswitch your use case, and your tools will change04:52
fennbut http can cover all of the functions of ftp04:52
proctofenn: and vice versa04:52
kanzurefenn: http gives people incentive to think in HTMLy terms04:52
kanzureactually, I can't complain about NCBI specifically04:52
kanzureThey seem to have actual gurus behind that operation.04:52
kanzureDon't know how they organize all of that with so many universities.04:52
proctokanzure, of course, has an incredibly esoteric and idosyncratic usage scenario, for, well, everything04:52
kanzureand institutions etc.04:53
gene_this conversation seems to have devolved into a programming argument04:53
proctoprogramming? no, architecture04:53
gene_DNA is ligated with T4 ligase04:53
gene_which comes from T4 bacteriophage04:53
gene_now that might be useful04:53
kanzureArchitecture is very important.04:53
kanzureSometimes more important than the minor details.04:54
proctoindeed it is04:54
kanzure*cough* lesson *cough*04:54
proctowell, not sometimes, always04:54
proctoby definition04:54
gene_are you guys talking about voodoo?04:54
proctohoodoo, yes04:54
proctoyou need to engineer chickens with hypermobile necks04:55
proctothen we can wring their necks without killing them04:55
proctoreusable voodoo chickens04:55
proctofor the squeamish sorcerer04:56
kanzureNow it's devolved.04:56
kanzureHi fenn.04:56
fenngood morning04:56
kanzureMeet with Narsi tomorrow.04:57
gene_who is Narsi and who want to go visit a slaughterhouse?04:57
kanzureNarsi is open source algae bioreactor man.04:58
proctooh cool04:58
proctokanzure: link?04:58
bkeroI do04:58
kanzureprocto: I think I'm the link. :(04:58
* kanzure becomes a link.04:58
bkeroI advise an algae bioreactor project in Eugene.04:58
proctokanzure: I was asking about utex because I had just read that they had a spiruline culture they would send04:58
bkeroThey're using it to generate methane04:59
fenni want to share this image i just found: http://a576.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/14/l_6e45b8d7285325d29dd9ae0e733e7017.jpg04:59
kanzurefenn: How do I copy likns in irssi?04:59
bkerojust highlight them with your mouse04:59
bkeroand right-click in the url bar04:59
kanzureFoolish mortals!04:59
bkeroor rather, middle-click in the url bar04:59
fenni use mouse :(04:59
kanzureI've switched back to the server for the time being.05:00
bkeroIt's more of a 'your terminal' thing than an irssi thing05:00
fennxterm has been properly cursed so that double click properly highlights the whole url05:00
kanzureNot xterm.05:00
kanzureI'm straight up tty3 or something.05:00
bkeroMy xterm just highlights a word on doubleclick05:01
bkerotripleclick highlights a line05:01
fennbkero: you need some ridiculous string in .xtermrc 05:01
proctonow, sleep time05:01
proctogood night05:01
gene_sleep is for slackers!05:01
kanzureThis guy is coming in from India to meet with me.05:02
kanzureSleep is for the weak! Death for the hopeless! Fight entropy, begin doing nothing _today_.05:02
kanzurewait, wait05:02
fennin .Xresources: XTerm*charClass: 33:48,36-47:48,58-59:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:4805:02
bkeroThat's dirty05:02
fennit doesnt hilight ()'s which i dont yet know is a good or bad thing05:02
fennor url after # mark05:02
kanzureList of ascii keycodes?05:02
fenni guess05:02
* kanzure frowns at how his hit rate has gone down.05:03
bkeroStill highlighing snigle words for me, even in new xterms05:03
bkerokanzure: get /.ed05:03
kanzurebkero: http://slashdot.org/~the_kanzure <- Rawr.05:04
kanzureAt one point I was solid 5's.05:05
gene_silly fool05:07
gene_I always get fives05:07
gene_where on slashdot do I go to see that05:08
gene_ok almost always get fives05:09
bkeroI get fives on IRC :)05:10
kanzureWell, you admin nodes, so.05:10
fennbkero: you have to xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources (put that in your .bashrc)05:10
gene_anyway I don't post to slashdot that often05:11
bkeroworks, sweet05:12
gene_kanzure how do i use your damn database05:16
kanzureWhich one? :)05:16
kanzureThe git repository?05:16
gene_whichever one finds me microfluidic dna synthesizers05:17
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/biotech/ is a link to an HTTP index of the files. http://heybryan.org/gitweb.cgi is a CGI interface to the git repo. http://heybryan.org/biotech.git is the repo itself.05:17
gene_dang I just found a source for 35% H2O205:19
gene_and that we might run into problems obtaining an integral component for DNA synthesis because of the DEA05:22
gene_but we might be able to make it ourselves05:23
gene_ Kanzure do you know what THE GOLDEN BOOK OF CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS is?05:23
gene_you want it?05:24
kanzureI should put up my book collection.05:24
kanzureNo. I have it.05:24
kanzureNo fair.05:24
fennwah :P05:24
gene_wrong reaction05:24
kanzure:( fenn got to it first05:24
fennapparently a chemistry teacher at my high school was killed (in the 1980's) when he tried to open a glass peroxide bottle with a pair of vise grips. (the cap was rusted on)05:25
fenni'm probably misremembering several details05:26
gene_ouch 05:26
gene_wait a minute, it had a metal cap?05:27
gene_that doesn't make sense05:27
fennand perhaps because of things like this they now have plastic caps05:27
gene_no, metals tend to break down H2O205:27
gene_it would make more sense if it was a glass cap and the vise grips where a bit rusted05:29
gene_heck, probably giving hydrogen peroxide a wrong look might cause it to break down05:30
fennhmm one would hope the paper "Bottle explosion following catalytic dissolution of hydrogen peroxide" would provide some insight, but alas05:30
gene_you know it is fairly simple to purify hydrogen peroxide?05:31
gene_it's too simple05:32
fennjust distill it05:32
gene_too dangerous and hard 05:32
gene_for the amateur at least05:33
gene_still haven't guessed it05:35
gene_so don't05:35
fennguessed what?05:35
gene_the golden book doesn't have any reactions for making acetic anhydride05:38
gene_a hard to obtain chemical 05:39
fennhot damn i was going to make this program but someone already did: http://www.liquidpcb.org/05:39
gene_dang it05:41
gene_microfluidic dna synthesizers need to be solvent resistant05:42
gene_which means they need to be made with PTFE05:42
fennor glass05:43
gene_which means they need to be made with Hot embossing05:43
fennor silicone05:43
gene_got me there05:43
gene_good 05:43
gene_silicone might not be practical though05:43
gene_but it can be made with shrinky dinks05:44
gene_so kanzure what do you do about argon in the biohacking toolkit?05:50
gene_you can't synthesize argon05:51
kanzureB2B auto procurement of argon.05:52
kanzureToo bad everyone sucks.05:52
kanzureProtocols for business servers to communicate in trade/auctions, etc.05:54
gene_you buy the argon?05:54
kanzureNot with money though.05:54
gene_not mine it from the air?05:54
kanzureI'd have to look at the maps.05:55
kanzureAnyway, specifically in the kit, the thing to do about argon is the retarded polymerase, maybe.05:55
kanzureI also am pretty sure that any inert gas would work for the vacuum that they wanted for POSAM.05:56
gene_wonder if you can make helium with an electric eel cell powered fusor...05:56
gene_ponder this06:08
fennrubber microfluidic chip sounds like a good place to use piezo actuators08:17
UtopiahGHMLanybody good with ancient greek or Thyucydides' philosophy?08:54
UtopiahGHMLin french it's "Il faut choisir : se reposer ou etre libre."08:59
UtopiahGHMLthat goes a bit like "A choice has to be made : rest or be free."08:59
UtopiahGHMLbut Id like the original version and real English version, not my lousy translation.09:00
facefaceme no good with language10:35
facefaceis there a transhumanist degree course anywhere?10:36
facefacecan we organise one?10:36
UtopiahGHMLa degree?!10:39
UtopiahGHMLare you serious10:39
UtopiahGHMLsorry, let's try10:41
UtopiahGHMLwhat would we the core of the classes? like the notions to master 10:41
UtopiahGHMLhow would your organize the basics of the ideal transhumanist degree?10:41
fennoh it's quite straightforward: cybernetics, genetic engineering, neurology, aero engineering, instrumentation, human machine interface.. that ought to cover most of it10:49
UtopiahGHMLthe core10:50
UtopiahGHMLwhat do you think would be the strict minimum?10:50
facefaceUtopiahGHML, see kanzures biohacking stuff10:51
facefaceI just walked past a poser about the mechanics of tying synthetic muscle to bone, and I thought that this should be part of a degree course10:51
faceface human machine interface10:51
fennum, well, i suppose you could split it up into three areas of focus: wearable vs implant vs engineered-human10:51
UtopiahGHMLdo we have a wiki to design this and add links to what we think should be the required materials (books, videos, thesis)?10:52
UtopiahGHMLwhat I mean is listing topics or area is somewhat easy but ordering them by importance and ordered by steps of the learning process is harder IMHO10:52
fennpff "ordered by steps of learning process"10:53
facefaceI thought kanzure__ had somethign like this10:53
facefaceyup, lets define the modules and plan the years10:53
facefacewe can build around the standard modules that a university has too10:53
facefacelike cs modules, bio modules, phys modules...10:54
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: wikiversity10:54
facefacelets do it!10:54
* fenn bets 9000 whuffie that name is already taken10:54
UtopiahGHMLit's not "taken" it exists.10:54
facefaceno, we can design a new degree using wikiversity10:54
UtopiahGHMLthat's what I meant10:54
facefacelets do it!10:55
* fenn notes that most famous "transhumanists" are actually futurists10:57
UtopiahGHMLtarget audience? what degree? NS?10:57
fennright, well, while you guys are off doing all this education stuff, i'm going to watch some anime10:58
fennand maybe someone will save the world10:58
fennor whatever it is we're trying to do here10:58
UtopiahGHMLGITS as required material for a course ;)10:59
fennmedia appreciation10:59
UtopiahGHML"communication of ideas" class10:59
UtopiahGHMLhow to translate a concept for the public10:59
fenneven ghost in the shell is a poor example of an ideal11:00
UtopiahGHMLan ideal?11:00
facefaceUtopiahGHML, I was thinking batchelors, a 3 year course (including futureism)11:00
fennit's not exactly a happy future11:00
facefacewe can nick from various masters courses in futurism, synth-biology11:00
UtopiahGHMLCyberpunk is often dystopian...11:01
facefacefenn, seen ghost in the shell series 2?11:01
facefaceITS FRIKIN AWESOME!11:01
fenni've only seen the movie and GITS:innocence (the one with the basset hound)11:01
facefacehow can I give you 7Gb right now?11:01
fenner. you can mail me a dvd i guess11:01
facefacefenn, you have seen the worst gits has to offer11:01
fennyep innocence was pretty bad11:02
facefacethe first movie is awesome, the second (innocence) was awefull11:02
fennthe movie was amazing though11:02
facefacethe second series is killer11:02
facefacewhat is the future of data transmission?11:02
faceface(other than mailing disks / dna?)11:02
fennprobably spread spectrum laser11:03
facefaceand fibers?11:03
fennfiber is good but expensive for hooking up your toaster11:03
facefacehow do we get wired up?11:03
facefaceis this satelite to satelite ?11:03
fennand it snags on branches and stuff when you're prancing through the forest :)11:04
facefaceso your lazers are wireless?11:04
fennno fool! you have a little camera/transmitter thing that sits on your glasses11:04
fennit's powered by your body area network11:04
* fenn slumps11:04
facefaceoh... how fast can I send you 7Gb using this?11:04
UtopiahGHMLuse BT...11:05
fennyes of course you'll have RF transmitter for backup when out of line of sight11:05
UtopiahGHMLmakes no sense to transfer by P2P sth that swarms already have.11:05
facefacefenn, use BT11:05
UtopiahGHML(I mean 1on1 P2P...)11:05
fenndear lazyweb, please point me to a torrent i can click on11:06
fennum, and why is it 7GB?11:06
UtopiahGHML(AFAIR boxtorrents.com is dedicated to anime)11:08
facefacefenn, the second series of GITS11:08
facefaceits ~ 7Gb11:08
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: are you editing a page right now?11:09
UtopiahGHMLfor the cursus11:09
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: ttp://www.transhumanisme.nl/node/913:51
UtopiahGHML# Year 1: Transhumanism and Human Nature13:52
UtopiahGHML# Year 2: Environmental Impact of Transhumanism13:52
UtopiahGHML# Year 3: Social and Legal Implications of Transhumanism13:52
UtopiahGHML# Year 4: Transhumanism as Secularized Eschatology13:52
UtopiahGHMLEschatology (from the Greek ......., Eschatos meaning "last" and -logy meaning "the study of") is a part of theology and philosophy concerned with what is believed to be the final events in the history of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humanity, commonly referred to as the end of the world. (Wikipedia)13:54
kanzureyay alarm clocks14:33
kanzureThis sleep thing isn't working out for me.14:33
kanzurere: Transhuman Tech degree program, I think Utopiah was thinking of http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Roadmap maybe14:37
* kanzure runs14:37
* UtopiahGHML just created a meta-ToDo node... not sure it's such a good idea ;)14:49
UtopiahGHMLwho was talking about SCRUM sometime ago?14:55
kanzure__Hrm. I might have done a bad thing.16:00
kanzure__Bioreactor group is led by somebody who used to work for Monsanto.16:00
kanzure__Isn't that sorta unforgivable? Like working for Microsoft?16:00
bkeroMy friend just applied for a job at Monsanto.16:18
bkeroBiochem position16:18
kanzure__Pure evil?16:26
bkeroI asked him if he didn't have any problem with them, and he said that he knows more about GM food than hippies.16:27
bkeroThen I told him I was referring to Monsanto's business practices, and not GM food.  He didn't respond.16:27
UtopiahGHMLit's not about the quality the research of the product they do, like Microsoft16:28
UtopiahGHMLit's about the dependency their business model enforce.16:28
UtopiahGHMLthey trap consumers in their system.16:28
UtopiahGHMLwith no possible to turnback.16:28
UtopiahGHML(seeds of sotfware, you do not possess them anymore, it's your mean of production, you're fucked)16:29
bkeroSingle-yielding plants sort of turn me off. :16:29
bkeroSterilizing the seeds so you have to buy more Monsanto seeds.16:29
UtopiahGHMLthat's the whole BM.16:29
UtopiahGHMLterminator seed I think they called it.16:29
UtopiahGHMLI think most people who work for Montsanto are nice16:30
UtopiahGHMLin the end it doesn't matter, they still enslave.16:30
kanzure__Dr. Sata is certainly an interesting, nice fellow16:30
kanzure__But I'm starting to see very strong business motivations.16:30
kanzure__I'm actually wondering things like, "wait, is this legal?"16:30
UtopiahGHMLbeing illegale doesn't mean being bad16:31
kanzure__i.e., as an explanation to where all of this money is coming from16:31
kanzure__Of cours.e16:31
kanzure__*Of course.16:31
kanzure__I don't think I care that much, but I would like to know regardless.16:31
bkeroMonsanto has an exraordinarily large lobbying group.  There's no court in this country for companies like Monsanto.16:31
kanzure__I see.16:31
UtopiahGHMLit's a tech and law powerhouse16:31
UtopiahGHML(who have people working or CSR and Greenwashing too...)16:39
kanzure__Anybody want to call protein and protein-membrane interactions. The goal is the design of synthetic biopharmaceutical products, such as antimicrobial peptides.16:39
kanzure__Prof. Kaznessis also directs the University of Minnesota Bioinformatics Summer Institute, a summer undergraduate education program funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. For more information go to www.bsi.umn.edu.16:39
kanzure__Anybody want to call Kaznessis? He isn't responding to me.16:39
facefacemonsanto was dubbed 'monster', but they are not that bad. they just tried to make a fast buck from old technology16:40
facefaceI think they would be much better if they started again with hindsight (impossible I know)16:40
facefacekanzure__, was the roadmap an overview of H+ topics?16:41
kanzure__faceface: No. Yes. I'm not sure any more. It was more an attempt to lay out areas to explore more thoroughly. Some of the pieces of it go down to details about making the brain implants for instance, but note that it doesn't mention how terribly hard it is to make them do something useful.16:45
facefaceI see16:48
facefaceI think there is enough primary research out there on enough core H+ concepts to outline a 3 year BSc16:49
facefacequite why I don't know...16:49
facefaceI'm not in the business of running degree courses... 16:49
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: didyou see the linked I posted?16:49
facefaceI'm such a lazy bastard16:51
facefacewhat language is that?16:52
facefaceits not english!16:52
facefaceUtopiahGHML, I thought that was your proposal16:52
facefaceProponents of transhumanism believe that advances in robotics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and genomics will liberate humanity from pain and suffering... you could say the same about biologists16:53
faceface(the last part I mean)16:53
facefaceI don't see the necessity to tie H+ so closely to a particular overarching philosophical outlook 16:54
facefaceat base its a bunch of technologies right?16:54
facefaceI mean the philosophical aspects are fascinating, like the increasing digitization of the real world and simulation leading to a movement towards extending our consciousness 'online', and those topics could (and should) be covered.16:55
facefacebut the details of human computer interface, combined with the detail of tissue engineering, and the detail of AI, these don't need any particular philosophical underpinning  other than that of science in general16:56
faceface(I just picked a few 'modules' of H+ at random)16:56
UtopiahGHMLI would put : prospective, strategy, innovation management, mathematic modelling, simulation and few directly technical topic of the key trendy areas (bio, info, cogno, nano)16:59
UtopiahGHMLand course on how to leverage what you need regarding law, investment, etc17:00
facefaceand how to manage learning in rapidly advancing fields17:01
UtopiahGHMLcognitive science could help there but it's true, something dedicated to it would be interesting17:01
UtopiahGHMLand also a "connect" specific discipline17:02
facefacealso some 'history of innovation' would be neat too17:02
UtopiahGHMLusing cross-domain knowledge and tools.17:02
UtopiahGHMLknowing when to focus and separate but knowing when to catalyze and blend.17:02
facefaceontologies, analogous reasoning, semantic knowledge management, expert systems17:03
faceface80:20 management?17:03
UtopiahGHMLwhat do call management? human resource?17:04
UtopiahGHMLteam building?17:04
facefacelike project management17:04
facefacespecification - development - what is that third thing17:04
facefacetesting? 17:04
UtopiahGHMLI would put that into strategy (like a sub-chapter tactic and human-based tactics)17:04
facefacerequirements engineering ... etc.17:04
UtopiahGHMLwould you like a build a tree of all this on a wikipage?17:05
facefacebut I have to og17:05
facefacemy wife asked me to not spend the weekend with my gf...17:05
faceface(her name for my computer!)17:06
UtopiahGHMLso cute17:06
facefacesee you monday17:06
UtopiahGHMLsay hi from your gf :P17:06
kanzure__I wonder what I was thinking.17:07
kanzure__"Oh. Sure. 371 factorial rules. No problem."17:07
kanzure__Bahahah. "Number senses".17:08
UtopiahGHMLdo you guys have memory backtracking tricks?17:08
UtopiahGHMLlike when you write notes you add the date and the location17:08
UtopiahGHMLor when you are having a conversation you make mental notes17:08
UtopiahGHMLthen use a physical item to remember you need to bounce after this item on that17:08
UtopiahGHMLwhat do you use?17:09
kanzure__Not so much that.17:09
kanzure__No, it's not so much that I use a particular method or trick, but it's kind of like after reading a few thousand papers, you start to be able to remember papers because they follow such a pattern.17:09
kanzure__When I was younger, I would come home from school and write for hours on end the entire day, "line by line" as it were. I could cite to you the patterns on the bricks in the hallways (okay, not really - but I did remember some textures for instance), I would write about which people passed first and then second, but oddly enough I couldn't tell you what was written on the overhead projector. Hrm.17:10
kanzure__http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27339516/ Transplanted cornea living for 123 years.17:14
kanzure__I suppose this begs the question of its identity though. Cells die and grow quite frequently.17:14
kanzure__especially over 123 years.17:14
kanzure__Oops. I said "begs the question". Wrong.17:14
wrldpc2For the record GITS 2>GITS 118:24
UtopiahGHMLthey even provide... a customURL18:30
UtopiahGHMLso basically I posted from Gtalk on Facebook and my wiki simultanouesly.18:31
UtopiahGHMLso now I can SMS/IM/Twitt/... my wiki :D18:31
kanzure__ping.fm? Hrm.21:49
kanzure__Narsi hasn't called yet. Probably won't happen. Oh well. 21:56
kanzure__So for the bioreactor stuff, I fear that it will end up requring a ridiculously fine filter even with bioflocculant-induced coagulation..22:25
wrldpc2can you guys serve your book collections via torrent?  (fenn&bryan)22:43
fennnope, cant be bothered22:44
ppkbook collections?  what book collections?22:52
ppkdo you have them up, in any format other than a torrent?22:52
xp_prgfenn did you see my biobench app yet?23:03
kanzure__ppk: http://heybryan.org/books/Feynman/23:19
kanzure__ppk: http://heybryan.org/books/chem/23:19
kanzure__ppk: http://heybryan.org/books/bio/23:19
xp_prgfenn hello?23:22
kanzure__                                                                        This is a23:31
kanzure__crucial distinction which is not always made in discussions of the subject; but, in23:31
kanzure__principle, a truly unified theory cannot come from an act of unification; that is,23:31
kanzure__we cannot, for example, create a truly unified theory simply by combining23:31
kanzure__quantum mechanics and general relativity in a new mathematical superstructure.23:31
kanzure__Such attempts have always failed in the past, and will continue to do so in the23:31
kanzure__future, because the concept of unification as combination is invalid. 23:31
kanzure__                                                                       Nothing is23:33
kanzure__unique among conceptual ideas in being infinitely degenerate (infinitely capable23:33
kanzure__of reinterpretation) and it may be that this infinite degeneracy is the key to an23:34
kanzure__understanding of its special power.23:34
ppksweet, thanks bryan23:34
ppkpro collection.23:34
kanzure__ppk: There's more where that came from. I just need to go sorting through the collections.23:35
* kanzure__ likes that "Zero to Infinity" book. It starts off talking about the universe rewriting itself, i.e. a generative process related to the infinitely degenerate 'nothingness'.23:36
kanzure__Clearly the work of somebody who has spent too much time submitting bug reports to mod_rewrite.23:43

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