
--- Day changed Wed Oct 29 2008
xp_prgppk what up man?00:13
kanzure_Microsoft's latest commercials of "I'm a PC" consists of people sending in their webcam vids00:20
kanzure_at the end of the commercial, it's 00:20
kanzure_oops .. threw keyboard.00:21
bkerolol jon hodgman00:33
bkerois a dick00:33
bkeroYou said "I'm a PC"00:34
kanzure_I don't get it.00:34
bkeroI watched his TED talk, and his Daily Show interview.00:34
bkeroHe acted like a dick on both occasions.00:34
kanzure_How does that make him a PC?00:39
bkeroHe plays the role of a PC in the Apple ad campaign.00:40
kanzure_The PC has a TED talk? How ironic.00:41
kanzure_Haha. News flash. Showing the stories "at 11". "Tired of people stealing your presidential ads? See how one woman solved it ... <pic of her yard spraypainted with the Obama symbol> .. I figure they can't steal my grass". ON THE CONTRARY. :)00:42
* kanzure_ pictures goons stealing sections of grass.00:43
bkeroSneaky goons00:48
xp_prgppk where are you man?!01:39
gene_you there Kanzure?03:41
gene__you there kanzure?04:09
gene__can I have the powerpoint that is improved so I can add to it04:09
gene__kanzure, I found a new seperation technique04:45
wrldpcDoes anyone read http://everything2.com/ ?04:56
gene__you there?05:11
fennlol winblows http://www.intelliadmin.com/blog/2008/10/smb-vulnerablity-found-emergency-patch.html07:26
UtopiahGHMLanybody made something out of biobricks so far?08:36
UtopiahGHMLsth physical I mean08:37
UtopiahGHMLkanzure_: http://seedea.free.fr/wiki/index.php?n=Oimp.CAST since you said "so, as to what you're looking for, that's, optimally, what I should have been doing for the past three or four years"09:14
fennshould rename it "clippy"09:22
UtopiahGHMLI don't remember you could edit the suggestions from "Clippy"09:23
UtopiahGHMLwhat is your suggestion anyway?09:23
fenni just think it's a bad idea09:23
fenni want the computer to get out of my fucking way 99% of the time09:24
UtopiahGHMLit's not instrusive, as said in the page you can ignore it09:24
fennnot true, i can't ignore anything09:24
UtopiahGHMLand the more you ignore it, the less it proposes anything09:25
UtopiahGHML(see the treshold level based on user response)09:25
fenni'd rather have a bell i could ring to summon the servant09:26
UtopiahGHMLmy point : if you want to suggest sth do it, if you want to say sth is bad and you could do this instead Im listening.09:27
fenni often press the 'tab' key to complete a word, it's automatic/reflexive, doesn't change on me "adaptively"09:28
UtopiahGHMLhow do you think the dictionnary of word is created if not based on your usage?09:28
fennit's based on the possible choices09:28
UtopiahGHMLwell check the algo in Vim or other FOSS that propose completion09:29
UtopiahGHMLthey are often ordered based on your usage09:29
UtopiahGHML(also FF awesome bar, Vimperator completion, etc)09:29
fenni havent used vim completion, but i'd be surprised if it changed on you09:29
UtopiahGHMLit does "change" on you, it's empty when you start a document09:30
UtopiahGHMLif I type blabla uto[C^N] it does nothing09:30
UtopiahGHMLif I type blabla utopiah uto[C^N] it completes with utopiah09:30
fennnope it always picksthe first word in the doc09:31
fennfoo fwee frob f^N gives me a list: foo fwee frob09:31
fenneven if i pick fwee multiple times09:31
UtopiahGHMLwell the list is still based on your usage09:32
UtopiahGHMLhave you type chinese pinyin ?09:32
UtopiahGHMLor japanese kanji09:32
UtopiahGHMLthey are ordered based on frequency of usage09:32
fenni think that depends on what software you are using09:32
fennbah i can never remember how to enable it09:33
UtopiahGHMLyour point being?09:33
fennpoint being: it's quite possible to ignore good UI design09:33
UtopiahGHML(to go back to having computer assistance on current task)09:33
UtopiahGHMLso, what should I do?09:35
fennmake a list of possible actions that doesn't change (this can be ordered by frequency of usage ahead of time, as long as it's not "adaptive")09:36
fennat least it shouldn't change without explicitly being told to change09:36
UtopiahGHML(oh btw is there a way to have statistics on corrections applied thanks to FF dictionnaries?)09:37
fenni have no idea09:37
UtopiahGHMLId love to have the list of my top mistakes!09:37
fennmaybe you type "teh" all the time and dont even know it :)09:38
UtopiahGHMLwell I don't use autocorrect so I guess Id know it09:38
UtopiahGHMLpersonnal -> personal etc...09:39
fennsince google translate began working with japanese text, i've forgotten all my kanji :\09:39
UtopiahGHMLhave you tried https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7208 ?09:39
UtopiahGHMLKanji-lish : Firefox add-on that allows you to practice Japanese kanji while you read English (or other languages). 09:39
fennkanjilish? i just looked at that yesterday, sounds interesting09:40
fenni'd rather do something with squid since i hate FF09:40
UtopiahGHMLbasically your suggestion is to have a fixed behavior from the software part?09:40
UtopiahGHMLwell if you understand the underlying adapting algorythm it still is deterministic.09:41
fennbehavior should be deterministic, even with random input09:41
fenndo you understand why i'm making a big deal about it?09:42
UtopiahGHMLbecause it's cognitively easier on your part09:42
fennyes, and my fingers can't look at the screen09:42
fennso when i'm typing some long complex sequence with multiple predictive shortcuts, i dont have to look and make sure the computer is doing what it did last time09:43
UtopiahGHMLwell you type while looking at the screen, not the keyboard, I don't get it09:46
fennbut i'm not thinking about what's on the screen, i'm thinking about what i'm trying to do09:46
fennif i have to look at the screen and figure out what the computer thinks i want, then it interrupts my train of thought09:47
UtopiahGHMLwhat about having the suggestions at the end of the task, queueing them?09:48
fennthat might work, but i dont know how to do it(?)09:48
UtopiahGHML(I added http://seedea.free.fr/wiki/index.php?n=Oimp.CAST#Suggestion , is it correct?)09:49
fennyou should read this if you're interested in UI: http://jef.raskincenter.org/humane_interface/summary_of_thi.html09:51
fenn(yes that's correct)09:51
fennhmmm threaded IRC conversations..09:51
UtopiahGHML(reading the summary, thanks)09:52
fennkate (text editor) has a list of files that are open, you switch to them by clicking on the name... the background of the filename changes color depending on how often you visit that file09:59
UtopiahGHMLideally beside trying not to be instrusive, I should have a way to detect when to avoid giving any message to the user, I actually wrote sth about that a while ago but on paper, never typed it10:09
UtopiahGHMLat that time my walls were my wiki ;?10:09
UtopiahGHMLhard to run a search on that :(10:10
UtopiahGHMLI wanted to add higher-res picture and IDs (like barcode) with meta-data but, just too much work obviously.10:10
fennyou just need VR goggles and a digital pen10:12
fennseems hard on the posture though10:13
UtopiahGHMLhuhu I need high-res camera + trippod + tech recognition + semantic engine + API for SecondLife and that's it, so easy ;)10:16
fenni think the "Normal human inertia" comment was about groupthink more than habituation10:25
UtopiahGHMLwell I still think that in most environment we have strong resistance to change, no?10:30
wrldpcanybody got artilect war or ending aging in pdf?10:35
facefaceits not much, but at least its more than nothing.  http://biocourse.org/index.php/H%2B10:41
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML10:55
UtopiahGHMLsorry switched to mozilla.org instead of opening a new server session10:56
UtopiahGHML(Ill contact the Hunspell resp to see how I could get stats data from this)10:56
facefacehow do I find the mime type of a link?11:00
facefacefile --mime tells me "application/vnd.rn-realmedia"11:00
facefacebut not sure if the webserver is saying that when I grab it11:00
UtopiahGHMLsupposed to be in the header11:03
facefacehow do I see the header?11:05
fenntelnet to port 80 :)11:06
UtopiahGHMLif you just want to check it telnet could be a simple option11:06
UtopiahGHMLelse you just use your favorite language then http query the server and extrat the header11:06
kanzure_Huh. Marshall Brain was at singsummit.11:45
UtopiahGHMLSolar Cells- Materials, Manufacture and Operation http://knowfree.net/2008/10/29/solar-cells-materials-manufacture-and-operation.kf11:47
UtopiahGHMLContent : * organic and dye sensitized cells11:52
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: Could you email that link to me?11:52
UtopiahGHMLdo you have a delicious account?11:52
kanzure_Yes, but delicious is the devil and should go to hell.11:53
UtopiahGHML(cause I have bindings so it's faster for me)11:53
kanzure_Bah, bindings.11:53
kanzure_You're probably just using webscraping tools.11:53
UtopiahGHMLin FF I type D and I just have to add for:kanzure [Enter] and it's done11:53
kanzure_(I can't afford the HTML overhead that would be caused because I use 2.8+ MB of bookmarks.)11:53
UtopiahGHMLand fields are filled with selected data before typing D11:54
UtopiahGHMLIll just mailto with url as the subject then11:54
kanzure_uhm, that's probably a bad idea11:54
kanzure_my intention in receiving the email is to be able to clicky the link :)11:54
kanzure_I'm still having shell troubles, you see.11:54
UtopiahGHMLtitle=subject and content=link then11:55
UtopiahGHMLwhat's the keyword for content though, I forgot11:55
kanzure_fenn: What if we threw in an extension to firefox that makes it cache all tabs to hdd above five tabs or whatever the limit is where it begins to croak?11:56
UtopiahGHMLanywya, sent11:57
fennkanzure_: you dont have a mouse?12:02
fennwoah check out the solar cells on that one12:05
fennpossibly the second most obnoxious file sharing site ever12:06
kanzure_I have a mouse somewhere.12:18
kanzure_I set up a mousetrap with some cheese, but it's just been getting green and moldy12:19
kanzure_"Brain scans of people full of hate show distinct hate signatures"12:20
kanzure_I wonder what my signature is.12:20
kanzure_"Good god! This man hates everything!"12:20
fennSir! I've detected an alien lifeform, showing unusual hate signatures!12:29
fenn> The copyright belongs to the photographer.12:32
fenn                                                    New Buffer                                                                                                              Modified  12:32
fennIf you hand someone the camera and tell them what to do, are they they photographer or are you?  What if you grab a passer-by's camera to take a picture of something?  What if you grab a passer-by and ask them to take a picture of something with their camera?12:32
fennwe're so screwed12:33
UtopiahGHMLfuck copyright13:02
kanzure__fenn: Source?16:00
fennsifter mailing list.. think it was brandyn16:01
fennthe question was then answered; for the curious, the copyright belongs to whoever pressed the shutter button16:01
gene_are you there kanzure?16:01
kanzure__fenn: Meh.16:02
kanzure__gene_: Yes.16:02
kanzure__gene_: Graphene day is on the 31st, by the way. Flyers are up by the elevators @ ETC floor 2.16:02
gene_yeah I saw that16:02
gene_could you open of google chat for a second?16:02
gene_or is that even working for you?16:03
kanzure__Yes, I can at the moment.16:03
gene_I found a new separation process that looks very energy efficient16:03
kanzure__Why can't you tell me here?16:03
gene_so there is this seperation process called froth floation where you bubble air through the algae to cause it to froth16:04
gene_and extract the froth16:04
fennmmm algae shake16:04
kanzure__"Kelp shake".16:05
gene_it cost $30 for ton of algae16:05
gene_in 195716:05
kanzure__Is this separation or harvesting?16:05
fennwhat kind of algae?16:05
gene_figure has been adjusted for inflation16:05
gene_separation is harvesting right?16:06
kanzure__Not really.16:06
gene_harvesting 16:06
gene_can you send me the current powerpoint?16:06
gene_I'll add froth flotation and the stuff I have to it16:07
gene_I also found some important figures on harvesting16:07
kanzure__How are you caculating $30/ton?16:07
gene_a paper told me16:08
fenndry weight?16:08
fenn(does dry weight include volatile oils?)16:08
fennistr most algae oil is low molecular weight16:09
fennum, but i guess they've genengineered that problem away16:09
gene_this paper told me16:10
gene_and I adjusted for inflation16:10
kanzure__oops, stupid double click16:10
gene_centrifuging cost $300 per dry ton 16:11
gene_in 195716:11
gene_figure adjusted for inflation16:11
kanzure__I'm more interested in the price function, i.e. "cost is a function of X, Y, Z" not random dollar signs.16:11
kanzure__I'm sure you could make an argument that centrifugation cost is a function of cost per kilowatt hour, but then where's the equation of kilowatt hour per multiple of g' you need to clump some density/concentration/mass of algae to visible diameters? etc.16:12
kanzure__Nice paper.16:12
fennfish tank filter16:14
kanzure__I'm going to be adding some prices for flocculants sometime within the next hour to the presentation, so you'll need to push your changes to me.16:14
gene_on flocculants16:14
gene_UV light can cause algae to flocculate16:14
kanzure__Yes, you said that yesterday.16:15
gene_so can interrupting the co2 supply to the algae culture16:15
kanzure__Yes, we've been testing that with the group. Remember?16:15
gene_what's the lowest pH they have grown algae at?16:15
gene_and has it ever foamed at low pH's16:17
fennyou can buffer the solution with carbonate16:18
kanzure__fenn: We're doing carbonation studies at the moment.16:18
kanzure__fenn: By "we" I mean the guys that have been on the project longer than me I guess.16:18
fennthe algae lab?16:18
kanzure__uh, yeah, call it that I guess16:19
fennwhat do they call themselves?16:19
gene_how low Kanzure?16:19
fenn2 is pretty low, i doubt carbonic acid would even get that low16:20
kanzure__I don't have the results.16:20
gene_I think they were able to grow it at 216:21
kanzure__They were growing at 7 to 9 at one point.16:21
fennat 10 atm CO2 the pH is only 3.416:21
gene_have you ever noticed a ring of green around the top of the tank?16:22
gene_I also found a number on harvesting16:25
kanzure__What's the function?16:36
kanzure__fenn: http://heybryan.org/graph/sbml_notes.txt Any ideas on changing the species identifier of an object added to the reactants/products list of a reaction object? They want you to call createReactant()/createProduct() and have an object returned, but it looks like 'species' (the variable of the returned object) is protected and there's no public function for modifying it. Thoughts?17:42
* kanzure__ goes to chem17:42
UtopiahGHMLis there a registery that maps biobricks to some mathematical/programming_language functions?18:02
UtopiahGHMLsth not too low level :-x18:03
fennkanzure__: i doubt it's protected, try help(createReactant()) to see what's there18:47
fennprobably a documentation error18:47
fenni wonder why they have a different class for SpeciesReference18:49
fenninstead of something like Reaction(products=[1,2,3], reactants=[4,5,6])18:50
fennXML can do that right?18:52
fenn 18:54
fenndef libsbml.Species.setCharge libsbml.Species.setCompartment   libsbml.Species.setHasOnlySubstanceUnits libsbml.Species.setInitialAmount   libsbml.Species.setInitialConcentration18:55
fenn^^ is that not what you want?18:55
fennfrom http://sbml.org/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_species.html18:56
fennso should end up looking something like createReactant().species.setFoo18:58
kanzure__http://www.thoughtware.tv/videos/watch/2992-Wearable-Computing-Goes-Wireless Olympus HUD 19:18
kanzure__LCD images are reflected on a 3.2mm-wide small optical bar located in front of pupils. 19:19
kanzure__ while watching a 3.8-inch screen located 50cm ahead.19:19
kanzure__Anyway, thanks fenn.19:20
fennhuh i wonder what resolution19:25
fenn521 x 218... we are almost back to 1980s tech :\19:27
fennoh oh wait maybe it's 854 x 48019:27
fennwhat's with these tech companies with no websites19:29
UtopiahGHMLFuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius http://e-booklovers.blogspot.com/2008/10/download-fuel-cell-projects-for-evil.html19:44
UtopiahGHMLSentient Creatures presents: Bio-Art - Joe Davis and Robert Zwijnenberg http://transition.turbulence.org/blog/2008/10/22/live-stage-bio-art-amsterdam/19:49
UtopiahGHMLTextiles Futures Research Group Presents: What Future for Living Textiles? http://transition.turbulence.org/blog/2008/10/20/what-future-for-living-textiles-london/19:50
gene_Kanzure should I get numbers on hexane solvent extraction20:42
* xp_prg misses ppk21:30
willPow3rxp_prg, russian techno group?21:38
xp_prgppk is a guy who has been helping me21:38
willPow3rwhat is it that you're working on?21:47
xp_prga front end for bio bricks configuration and then saving to sbml21:47
willPow3rbiobricks == interesting21:55
* willPow3r just looked into it for 1st time21:56
UtopiahGHMLwillPow3r: any idea of what you would want to build it with those?21:57
willPow3rthere seem to be a plethora of possibilities21:59
UtopiahGHMLan entire world of possibilities? :)21:59
willPow3rmaybe even an entire galaxy of possibilities22:01
willPow3rand if you've played spore, you know how massive that truly is22:01
willPow3ryou could build protein synthesizers with biobricks22:03
UtopiahGHMLlet's just say a dimension, so what do *you* want to build?22:03
willPow3rthen again, i don't really know enough about it to even guess at the possibilities22:04
UtopiahGHMLhave you seen Casshern?22:12
willPow3rsci-fi anime?22:15
UtopiahGHMLwas a japanese action movie22:15
bkeroThere's a ton of bad sci-fi anime.22:15
bkeroThere's a TON of bad anime.22:15
UtopiahGHMLThere's a TON of bad stuff.22:15
bkeroThe majority of anime is terrible.22:16
UtopiahGHMLThat's why you usually look for reviews, ratings, etc...22:16
willPow3rsamurai champloo was the only one i liked22:16
bkerowillPow3r: Have you seen Bebop?22:16
UtopiahGHMLthe majority of the majority of everything is terrible...22:16
willPow3rnope, heard it was good though22:16
bkeroUtopiahGHML: The proportion of shit to good in anime is much higher than most other subjects I can think of.22:17
UtopiahGHMLGhost in the Shell, Lain, Akira, Ergo Proxy, etc...22:17
bkerowillPow3r: If you liked Champloo, watch Bebop.  Champloo is good, but Bebop is better.22:17
willPow3rcowboy bebop?22:19
bkeroIt comes on top of Hellsing for it's amazing soundtrack.22:20
bkeroI can pretty much put 5 cowboy bebop albums in a playlist and let it run for hours.22:21
willPow3ris it like underground hiphop?22:21
bkeroNo, sir.22:21
bkeroBebop is not underground hip hop.22:22
bkeroIt's much better. :)22:22
willPow3rthat was one of the reasons i liked champloo22:22
bkeroYou might not appreciate the jazz then.22:22
willPow3rjazz is good22:22
bkeroWatch Cowboy Bebop.  You won't regret it.22:22
willPow3ri'll download it tonight from usenet22:22
bkeroYou can even watch the dub without a problem.22:22
bkeroThe animation was made to be dubbed, and it worked excellently in comparison to other dubs.22:23
willPow3rhas anybody looked into djvu format rather than pdf?22:54
kanzure_Nobody stores files in djvu.23:08
kanzure_That's the results.23:08
kanzure_But yes, I have used djvu and the djview apps23:08
kanzure_dea-ja-view app thingy23:09
willPow3rpdf still takes the cake then i take it23:09
wrldpcdoes anyone have a link to Cumbers' biomining mock-up?23:29
drazakwrldpc: which kind of biomining?23:46
wrldpcit's a system that was going to be open source to track where samples are etc23:46
drazakah cool23:46
kanzure_wrldpc: Yes.23:48
kanzure_That might have a link to his work.23:48
xp_prgkanzure_ how goes the sbml python stuff?23:51
kanzure_You're not doing it any more?23:51
xp_prgno I am, I thought I saw you asking questions about it and thought you were doing it now23:52
xp_prgspecific coding questions if I recall23:52
xp_prgdude I am doing it relax :>23:52

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