
--- Day changed Sat Nov 01 2008
xp_prgkanzure_ do you understand the output of synbioss?00:37
kanzure_I haven't finished converting it to run on linux yet.00:38
xp_prgconverting it?00:44
kanzure_It includes various windows-only libs.00:45
xp_prgpyGTK is cross platform, I am confused what you mean00:46
kanzure_Why would they look in C:\GTK for my GTK installation then?00:47
kanzure_That's clearly a Windows directory.00:47
drazakyou did it wrong00:47
ybitit says that its available for linux00:54
ybitbtw, who did what in flash?00:54
ybiti went to some link which had flash.00:54
ybitwhy? you will have to answer to the semantic web gods later00:55
ybit+ open source gods = not good for you00:55
drazakdownload that00:56
drazakunzip it00:56
drazakand compile00:56
drazakand it will work in linux00:56
drazakthe .exe is windows i386 specific00:56
kanzure_drazak: Look at setup.py00:59
drazakI'm decently certain that the os module converts c:/ to ~01:01
kanzure_I wonder why it failed on my system.01:02
drazakwhat was the error?01:02
kanzure_It's been a while. I probably ranted about it in here, though.01:03
xp_prghi drazak I am using flash because it is more robust for what I need to do01:16
drazakwhy are you telling me?01:16
xp_prgthe back end will be python with django though01:16
xp_prgyou asked01:16
kanzure_Why django?01:16
kanzure_Who the fuck said anything about django?01:16
drazakno, ybit asked01:16
xp_prgits the best web framework for python01:17
xp_prgdo you know a better one?01:17
kanzure_That doesn't answer my question.01:17
xp_prgkanzure_ what would you have me use?01:17
kanzure_I'd have you write the dman script you should have written months ago.01:18
xp_prgI want to use google engine but python needs to use libsbml which is a shared library, google engine can't handle that01:18
kanzure_Not a web service thing. Not a flash app. Just the script.01:18
kanzure_I don't care about the google engine.01:18
xp_prgkanzure_ you agreed  this would be an ajax app01:18
xp_prgI made my libsbml script01:18
xp_prgwhat is missing that you want?01:18
kanzure_No you didn't.01:18
kanzure_The sbml script is incomplete and doesn't reconstruct the same data.01:18
kanzure_though it is a step in the right direction01:19
xp_prgI asked you what the next step was and you told me you didn't want my help01:19
xp_prgI would love to know what the next step you want me to do is with that python script01:19
kanzure_Yeah, I don't need that flash bullshit.01:19
kanzure_I just told you. 01:19
kanzure_Also, I told you a few days ago as well.01:19
xp_prgkanzure_ please help me to understand what "same" data your referring to, I need an example to attempt to recreate manually, can you supply one please?01:20
xp_prgor is it just reverse engineer the entire functionality of the synbioss designer by myself?01:20
kanzure_I gave you over 50 MB of examples. What the hell man.01:21
xp_prgjust raw xml?01:21
kanzure_Yep, entire functionality.01:21
kanzure_Yes, that was the output of the designer-website-thingy on the neptune servers.01:21
xp_prgyes, I see that, well I am working on it, I just made one that worked with synbioss, now I have to reverse engineer it01:21
xp_prgyes I know where it is01:22
xp_prgthe truth is you don't really need those, you can use the modeler directly in synbioss01:22
xp_prgit is probably more robust anyway01:22
kanzure_Fuck GUIs.01:22
kanzure_I just want that script.01:23
xp_prgkanzure_ may I ask how you will supply the inputs to the script?01:23
kanzure_Do you have a memory problem?01:23
kanzure_We've gone over this many times before.01:23
xp_prglike how will you supply promoters, effectors, biobricks?01:23
kanzure_I keep telling you CLI, but maybe you don't understand what a script is?01:23
kanzure_What a cli-only script is, I mean.01:23
xp_prgyou have not gone over the CLI input specification01:24
kanzure_Same input as on the HTML document.01:24
kanzure_*HTML pages.01:24
kanzure_And yes, I did go over that.01:24
xp_prgkanzure_ that is what goes in, not how, like for example lets say the script is kanzurehy3s.py01:24
xp_prgyou would invoke it on the cli with ./kanzurehy3s.py input1 input2 input301:25
kanzure_You could. Another option would be to ask for user input via STDIN.01:25
kanzure_Either way.01:25
xp_prgoh ok, I didn't know how you wanted that done, that is all I am asking01:25
kanzure_Parameters are fine.01:25
xp_prgwell it would help me to understand the parameters you want it to accept and how you will specify them01:25
kanzure_The same parameters as on the HTML pages .. I just said this two minutes ago.01:26
xp_prgfor example:  find . -name "*.py"01:26
xp_prgkanzure_ yes man, but a cli program takes arguments in a certain way, what is that way you want me to use?01:26
xp_prglike -name specifies the name of the files to search for01:27
kanzure_HTML form elements have a 'name' variable that specifies its name.01:27
kanzure_hrm, *their01:27
xp_prgkanzure_ I am not asking what needs to go into the script but how it will be supplied on the command line01:29
kanzure_You were asking about the name of the parameters. You might as well preserve the same naming scheme of the parameters.01:29
kanzure_I don't know why you would change it at this point.01:30
xp_prgok lets try with an example:01:30
xp_prg./kanzurehy3s.py -biobricks b123, b234, b45601:30
xp_prgis that how you want to do it?01:30
kanzure_<input name="thingy" value="user supplied variable">01:30
xp_prgor like this:01:30
kanzure_./program --thingy="user supplied variable"01:30
xp_prgthat is all I was asking01:31
kanzure_You can also do STDIN.01:41
xp_prgso prompt the user for input like enter the bio brick:>01:42
xp_prgis that what you mean?01:42
kanzure_Yes, that's "standard input".01:44
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/Voltage-controlled_ring_oscillator_for_13_Hz_to_407_MHz.pdf 02:27
kanzure_Ultrasound stimulation of the heart.02:35
kanzure_fenn: So I was doing a phone conference today with the VOICED people.03:53
kanzure_It's interesting how literally equivalent their problems are to the ones we were thinking about months ago.03:54
kanzure_Basically they want better formats and more detail to be packed into it, but everyone is generally clueless.03:54
kanzure_One character associated with this crowd is apparently surprised how "little detail" all of this work involves, apparently he does finite element analysis and so on, and thus would obviously think much of this 'design' work is pathetic, though I don't see him going through a few million designs with his partial differentials.03:55
kanzure_For solid (metal) mechanical systems, an algebraic language allowing for 3D geometric primitive subtraction and addition can be used, plus part mating algorithms to make 3D model files for those FEM simulations, I guess.04:01
* kanzure_ needs to remember to see if the coffee filters capture the algae. 04:03
kanzure_I wonder why there's no library for doing that, even in OpenGL or Blender. "Make giant sphere. Take out a triangle on the surface at the pi/2-th coord." <- Isn't subtractive modeling obvious?04:07
kanzure_or additive.04:07
kanzure_I suppose it's because it's annoying to have to recalculate the mesh, and calculating collisions between objects given a mesh.04:08
kanzure_Set of operators (add/del), set of primitives, some way of specifying where on the so-far-constructed-object to perform the action (other than pre-defined based off of the nature of each of the primitives in use)04:11
kanzure_perhaps also parameters to each of the individual primitive generators04:11
kanzure_I'm not sure how to relate 'functions' to which primitives to involve. I suppose certain shapes are better/worse for different situations (preferentialism). Hexapods for some scenarios, triangles for ribs/ribbing, ..04:18
* kanzure_ goes off to write about the 'superneuron' simulator04:18
gene_kanzure, we have a problem04:34
gene_a big one04:35
kanzure_ What?04:41
-!- Nofairs is now known as SurpriseAbortion04:44
kanzure_Not much of one.04:44
* SurpriseAbortion goes back to his corner04:47
* SurpriseAbortion sobs04:47
-!- SurpriseAbortion is now known as Nofaris04:47
kanzure_There, there, I'm sure some infertile couple might want you.04:47
NofarisI'm sorry, I'm in a really silly mood right now04:47
NofarisMore like a pregnant teenager in a religious household04:48
NofarisMore like back alley04:49
gene_it's with the bioreactor04:56
gene_the place we have to put the scaled up reactor is near04:57
gene_a major river04:57
gene_not only that, but the river is downhill from the bioreactor04:57
gene_the species we are growing is not native04:57
gene_we don't want to introduce an invasive species04:58
gene_especially not into a major river04:59
gene_is that a cell05:03
gene_a lysed cell?05:03
gene_flocculated cells?05:04
kanzure_I told you, I centrifuged today.05:04
gene_that's centrifuged05:04
gene_that's really clumpped up05:05
kanzure_1.2 to 1.5 mm diameter splotch on the side.05:05
kanzure_You kidding me?05:05
gene_that is VERY clumped up05:05
kanzure_It worked great.05:05
gene_did you see the sonicator we got?05:05
gene_when did you show up?05:05
kanzure_I didn't see.05:06
kanzure_I was in the lab at 11 and 3.05:06
gene_I left at 2:3005:06
gene_when did you do the centrifuging?05:06
kanzure_11 and 3.05:06
gene_you know05:06
gene_I think the centrifuges work in a vacuum05:07
gene_on 190?05:07
gene_did you push the coverslip down?05:08
gene_it looks like cells got flattened05:08
kanzure_The second batch was a centrifuge->microwave and then another one for microwaving->centrifuging.05:09
kanzure_The microwaving didn't help.05:09
gene_you microwaved it?05:09
kanzure_Got bored.05:09
kanzure_But yeah, the algae clumps up and can be tapped off the side of the tubes.05:10
gene_it looks like you lysed the cells05:10
kanzure_Where's me liquid, and why did it still clump?05:11
kanzure_Or, even, why did the chlorophyll stay?05:11
gene_what do you mean?05:11
gene_why wouldn't chrollyphyll say05:11
gene_stay anyway05:11
kanzure_No cell walls, so I'd imagine there to be more diffusion instead of uniforn chlorophyll (like with cellular membranes in tact).05:12
gene_so those flattened cells are the microwaved ones right?05:12
kanzure_Anyway, on the microwaved algae slides, I noticed rainbow-like colorings, like oil in a parking lot.05:12
gene_YOU DID!05:14
kanzure_Might have been oils from my fingerprint.05:15
gene_I think you sintered them bryan05:15
gene_they melted05:15
gene_and fused together or something05:16
gene_what was it like after you microwaved them?05:18
kanzure_Macroscopically the same.05:18
kanzure_No, it was also brittle before. 05:18
gene_did it look different?05:18
kanzure_Under the scope, yes.05:18
kanzure_The first few pictures are the ones that I didn't microwave. The rest is. That's why you don't see distinct cell bodies.05:19
gene_that's very odd05:19
gene_let's try repeating it?05:19
gene_anyway what's are the cell walls made out of anyway?05:20
kanzure_I spent three hours on it.05:20
gene_on what?05:20
kanzure_Membranes are lipid bilayers with integral-proteins embedded throughout with a distribution.05:20
gene_not silicon dioxide or anything?05:21
kanzure_You haven't taken a bio class?05:21
kanzure_But yeah, silicon isn't popular in cells.05:21
gene_diatoms have SiO2 cell walls05:22
kanzure_There's no 'cell wall' here. Not plants.05:22
gene_congrats bryan05:23
gene_I believe you've discovered a new lysis method05:23
gene_microwave disruption05:24
kanzure_No, it's been in the literature.05:25
gene_how long did you microwave it for05:25
kanzure_A minute. I don't have the wattage rating of the microwave.05:26
gene_good enough05:26
kanzure_But it's one of those ancient microwaves with a wood case.05:26
kanzure_Looks like it belongs in a station wagon.05:26
gene_so we can't patent it?05:26
kanzure_What the fuck?05:26
kanzure_Get out.05:26
gene_I want to fucking patent it05:26
gene_so microwave disruption isn't anything new?05:27
kanzure_Studies on microwave disruptions, that lay out specific numbers, would be somewhat new though.05:28
gene_microwave disruption on a massive massive  scale would be new too05:29
kanzure_How do you know?05:30
gene_I guess it's not new05:30
gene_if you consider certain 'cases'05:31
gene_microwave cell lysis is patented05:34
gene_did you add salt to it?05:34
kanzure_What's with you and patents?05:34
gene_I need some money05:34
kanzure_Go get a job?05:35
gene_why get a job when you can live off patent money05:36
kanzure_Are you a patent troll?05:36
gene_or product you sell money05:37
kanzure_I think you are.05:37
gene_don't believe in that kind of think05:37
kanzure_You're the one looking to patent stuff.05:37
gene_if you patent something you have to sell it05:37
gene_not leave it patented and not develop it05:38
kanzure_So what?05:38
* kanzure_ is guessing gene_ hasn't read the algamics papers etc.05:39
gene_never heard of it05:39
gene_anyway have my own ideas to patent05:39
kanzure_If you patent and try to sell shit, I'll build it for free. Screw selling.05:40
gene_I don't think you'll be able to build it05:40
gene_I don't think you'd even buy it either05:42
kanzure_I don't buy much.05:42
gene_I doubt my product market would even try to build it for free05:43
gene_so what's algamics?05:44
gene_how would you build something for free?05:45
kanzure_Free as in, for no money. Not free energy.05:45
kanzure_Money is just icing on a cake, it's not the foundations of physics and reality.05:46
gene_I know that05:46
kanzure_The forming of materials into the result.05:46
gene_so I want to own the Mona Lisa05:47
gene_what then?05:47
kanzure_What the hell is ownership?05:47
gene_the mona lisa05:47
kanzure_That's a painting.05:47
kanzure_Not ownership.05:47
gene_I want to own it05:48
gene_have ownership of it05:48
kanzure_What the hell is ownership?05:48
gene_Ownership is the state or fact of exclusive rights and control over property, which may be an object, land/real estate, intellectual property (arguably) or some other kind of property. It is embodied in an ownership right also referred to as title.05:50
gene_sauce: wikipedia05:50
kanzure_"Control is an illusion; order our comforting lie. Through chaos, from chaos, into chaos we fly."05:50
gene_I own this laptop05:51
kanzure_That was all just a bunch of crap to me. "Rights" are sociology-crap.05:52
kanzure_According to who?05:52
gene_I am going to have your  computer ok?05:53
gene_I am going to have it05:53
kanzure_It's over here, and it's behind the lock.05:53
gene_guess I'll have to bring my thermite then05:54
gene_I see what you mean by ownership05:55
gene_so I can have your computer if I can get it?05:57
kanzure_You basically just asked "if I can get it did I in fact get it" and by the nature of the scenario you're just repeating yourself.05:57
gene_So I can have your computer in my room and use it if I can move it out of your room without your consent05:59
kanzure_What does my consent have to do with anything?06:00
NofarisIt removes a possible threat06:00
Nofaristo his plan06:00
kanzure_Maybe his plan shouldn't be considering stupid threats like that.06:01
kanzure_I mean to say that perhaps you should be able to plan so that threats aren't even possible within the framework.06:01
gene_I can get that tombstone out of your room06:02
NofarisSome threats cannot be completely eliminated06:02
kanzure_Nofaris: Fuck death.06:02
gene_no Kanzure I would not like to have sex with death06:04
NofarisGood websites06:04
NofarisAlready know of them06:04
NofarisWhat are you up to kanzure?06:04
gene_just kidding fuck death06:04
kanzure_Nofaris: Hm?06:04
kanzure_Nofaris: Right now?06:04
gene_world domination06:04
gene_that's what we're up to06:04
kanzure_Nofaris: I'm writing up some notes on the superneuron simulator.06:04
NofarisWhat is that?06:05
kanzure_A neuron simulator.06:05
Nofaristhat is super06:05
kanzure_Meh, I got pretentious when I named it.06:05
NofarisYou named it eh?06:05
gene_you're writing documentation?06:06
kanzure_gene_: Not really.06:06
gene_or code?06:06
kanzure_gene_: It's just some explanation as to why it's a multicompartment differential-equation-like model rather than a simple array-based ANN.06:06
kanzure_Nah, it's not code. Just some pseudocode. For the class.06:06
gene_do you understand diff eq?06:06
kanzure_I'm rusty on partials.06:07
gene_do you dare explain your differential equation06:07
kanzure_It's just some stuff about rates of change of membrane potentials in relation to ion concentrations etc.06:09
gene_I've been thinking about writing something like that for e.coli06:10
gene_for simulating chemotaxis06:10
gene_can I see that pseudocode? I am sorta having trouble applying differential equations06:11
xp_prg4kanzure based on what I can tell, building hy3s takes the intel fortran compiler that costs money, is that what your finding?06:13
kanzure_xp_prg4: I haven't looked into compiling hy3s yet.06:15
kanzure_Mostly because I'm still waiting on ahem, a few other things.06:15
kanzure_Like, uh, that script.06:15
xp_prg4well I can't even test the script without hy3s06:16
kanzure_Tell me how you think that's true.06:16
kanzure_What's the goal of the script?06:16
kanzure_What's the output of the script?06:16
xp_prg4because that is the end result, we make a script that makes an sbml file and then it converts to netcdf which then goes to hy3s06:16
kanzure_Uh, so why does that require hy3s?06:16
xp_prg4to make sure it will work06:17
gene_can I see that pseudo code?06:17
kanzure_You have the examples in http://heybryan.org/graph/synbioss/tmp/06:17
kanzure_gene_: Give me a few moments.06:17
gene_did you write the differential equation your self?06:17
kanzure_gene_: There you go.06:21
kanzure_Hrm. That looks like an older version. Oh well.06:21
gene_why even have dendrites06:21
kanzure_It was group work in class, but I had to give them a nudge to understand psuedocode.06:22
gene_when you can have lots of dendrites06:22
kanzure_It was restricted to two dendrites.06:22
gene_or a function that describes dendrite branching06:22
kanzure_Right, that's the Proper Thing to do.06:22
gene_how do you figure in noise?06:23
gene_real neurons are noisy am I not correct?06:24
kanzure_This is not precise.06:24
gene_due to a whole bunch of things06:24
kanzure_There's some distortion and degradation in amplitude in the axon that is included in the pseudocode there.06:24
gene_would your simulated version of a brain diverge with time with the real version of the brain being simulated06:25
gene_given that both brains are being given equal stimulation06:25
kanzure_Yep, because this is a simplistic neuron, and it can't be configured to become the types of neurons found in a real brain without some serious modification.06:26
gene_I know06:26
kanzure_The mauk.zip stuff doesn't diverge though.06:27
gene_over the course of how long?06:27
kanzure_He sits around in his lab for hours with rabbits strapped up to an oscilloscope.06:27
gene_what about years?06:28
kanzure_His software remains consistent.06:28
kanzure_The rabbit would die by then. ;-)06:28
gene_I know06:28
kanzure_It's open-skull for reading the variables.06:28
kanzure_uh, it might not be open skull. I'm pretty sure it is.06:28
gene_I bet it is06:28
gene_would a simulated version of someone actually be them so to say?06:29
kanzure_What the hell is identity?06:29
gene_as in would divergence ever occur?06:30
kanzure_Don't you diverge each moment?06:30
gene_now your freaking me out06:30
gene_I mean given the same stimulation would they diverge06:31
kanzure_Do you mean any general simulation of a neuron, and then comparing it to a real neuron?06:31
kanzure_Or do you mean a specific neuron simulation that you want to compare to?06:31
gene_I mean specific neuron simulation06:32
kanzure_Which one, then?06:32
gene_as in approximates neuron exactly06:33
kanzure_If by definition it's exact, then you've already claimed it's exact06:33
kanzure_If by definition it's only an approximation, then it's by definition just an approximation06:33
kanzure_I am confused, what do you ask?06:33
gene_so if I get my brain scanned in, then have it simulated would it be me?06:34
kanzure_What is "me" though?06:34
gene_that is what I'd like to define06:34
NofarisIt's too vague a conceptual wrapper to define06:34
gene_now this is really freaking me out06:35
kanzure_"Identity" is a folk psych concept. I rank it up (down?) there along with 'money' and 'intelligence'.06:35
gene_I know06:36
NofarisMoney is a folk psych concept?06:36
gene_so then Kanzure, can I have your money?06:36
gene_ I shouldn't think about existentialism stuff06:37
kanzure_Nofaris: The hypothetical list that I was talking about there is not made up of only folkpsych.06:37
kanzure_This isn't existentialism.06:37
gene_I know06:37
* Nofaris is confused06:38
gene_so the question is am I am who I am from moment to moment?06:38
NofarisYou are constantly changing06:38
kanzure_gene_: Try http://heybryan.org/quotes.html for some help.06:38
gene_I really wish they had whole brain maps06:38
gene_I don't what damn quotes06:38
kanzure_The map is not the territory.06:39
NofarisI like quotes06:39
gene_I want me some fucking data06:39
NofarisGood quote06:39
kanzure_"Truly, I cannot know what you are. Conscious or not, aware of your existence or not, I cannot know what you are. But you are only you, you are what you are. Isn't this enough?"06:39
gene_SYSTEM ERROR06:40
Nofarisnot so good a quote06:40
kanzure_Wrong system.06:40
kanzure_Nofaris: I'm citing it wrong. It's on the page though. Search for "Truly,".06:40
NofarisDon't worry about it06:41
NofarisI think I understand what it amounts to06:41
kanzure_And what's that?06:41
Nofaris"If mathematical thinking is defective, where are we to find truth and certitude?"06:41
NofarisI like this a lot06:42
NofarisThank you for the quotes.06:42
gene_now the real question is what is feeling?06:42
kanzure_What is what?06:42
Nofarismoving in your brain06:42
gene_I know that06:42
kanzure_No, answer me this: what is what?06:42
kanzure_(in response to your question)06:43
kanzure_Yes, but what is that?06:43
gene_you know very well what I am referring to Kanzure06:43
gene_even if it is a folk psychological concept06:43
NofarisWhat are you referring to?06:44
gene_it's results can be observed06:44
kanzure_The map is not the territory.06:44
gene_I sense the temperature of an object and can act in response to the temperature06:45
kanzure_"Siren Call of Metaphor: Subverting the proper task of systems neuroscience"06:45
gene_so how am I able to process information from my hands into what I would call a feeling06:46
gene_is said information stored in something like a variable?06:46
kanzure_Not really.06:47
gene_like a variable06:47
kanzure_The mapping between experiences, genotypes and phenotypes is not obvious.06:47
kanzure_Source code.06:47
gene_do you mean that?06:48
kanzure_Not really.06:49
gene_so then06:50
gene_how does mri work?06:50
gene_it just images blood right?06:50
kanzure_Magnetic resonance is a nuclear physics phenomena that you really should look into. It's because of the alignment of subatomic particles etc.06:51
gene_so you are looking for rotating magnetic fields06:51
kanzure_SciAm had an article this month about a portable MRI unit.06:51
kanzure_gene_: Assume identity is wrong. Do you know the alternative?06:52
kanzure_Think of it as a brain teaser.06:52
gene_what is the alt?06:52
gene_so if you introduced small magnetic particles into the brain06:52
gene_you could see where they are?06:52
kanzure_What are you trying to do?06:53
gene_they use paramagnetic materials as contrast agents06:53
gene_make a super contrast agent06:54
gene_for imaging where neurons are06:54
gene_and when they are firing06:54
kanzure_Look at EROS.06:54
gene_I have an idea06:54
gene_I don't know if it will work06:54
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/mousebrain/ <- "Brain Conqueror" and "Brain Builder", some old stuff I was working on.06:55
gene_especially because it invloves introducing compounds into neurons06:55
gene_there are proteins that are paramagnetic06:56
kanzure_Why do you want to image neurons?06:56
gene_So I can know how I work06:56
gene_that's why06:56
kanzure_Only by writing programs do you learn to program.06:57
kanzure_"I am program, programmer and that which is programmed." 06:57
kanzure_(quotes.html again)06:57
gene_plus it would be really cool06:57
kanzure_So, imaging isn't enough.06:57
gene_and useful for making back ups06:57
kanzure_Oh, that's certainly true.06:57
kanzure_Not entirely.06:58
kanzure_You can't reconstruct from that information.06:58
kanzure_Anyway, what's important in backups?06:58
kanzure_What information, what characteristics and what functionality?06:58
gene_so what do you need?06:58
kanzure_Many minduploading skinheads think that they want everything, every single detail,06:58
kanzure_they want "exact identity transferance", whatever the hell that means06:59
kanzure_I'm not going for that.06:59
kanzure_I'd rather do what works.06:59
gene_well if you don't capture everything06:59
xp_prg4kanzure__ your going to be so proud of me!06:59
gene_you end up diverging from yourself07:00
kanzure_YOu end up diverging anyway.07:00
kanzure_*You end up diverging anyway.07:00
kanzure_"How do you capture a beautiful bird without killing its spirit?" (also quotes.html)07:00
kanzure_(an answer is found in the Neverness books, btw.)07:00
gene_ok so you have real and simulated system07:01
gene_denoted r and s07:01
gene_initially system r and s start out in the same state07:02
kanzure_How do you know?07:02
gene_given the exact same stimulating07:02
gene_this is a hypothetical case07:02
gene_system s might go down a decision path that results in it receiving different stimulation than system r07:03
kanzure_What's a decision?07:04
gene_ie whether a system looks left or right07:04
kanzure_How do you define left and right in a brain?07:05
kanzure_That makes no sense.07:05
gene_this is a hypothetical situation07:05
gene_if you look right you receive different stimulation than if you looked left resulting a path of changes that leads to more changes07:06
gene_so the question is, are systems r and s the same?07:07
kanzure_What is sameness?07:07
gene_if they diverge no?07:07
gene_going down the same decision path07:08
kanzure_ Didn't you just answer your own question then?07:08
gene_performing all the same actions in the same order07:08
gene_as the other system07:08
gene_if the systems perform different actions they receive different stimulus which results in different actions07:12
kanzure_xp_prg4: are you ever going to tell me or not?07:13
xp_prg4I have roughly 50% duplication of generates sbmlfile of that created with designer07:14
xp_prg4I clearly understand what they are doing07:14
kanzure_What's the other 50%?07:14
xp_prg4just still coding it, wat me to send you the comparison files?07:14
xp_prg4look at lacl in particular07:18
xp_prg4added reactants!07:32
xp_prg4want to see it now kazure__ ?07:32
xp_prg4added products07:38
kanzure_Are you allowing for a variable number of these elements per the HTML forms did? (The dynamically generated forms with the help of the PHP scripting.)07:38
xp_prg4yes they are stored as variables07:43
kanzure_No, a variable number of them.07:44
xp_prg4that is not difficult07:44
xp_prg4this is actually exremely easy07:44
kanzure_I know.07:44
kanzure_I wasn't sure if you were doing it though.07:44
kanzure_If you're doing the parameter version, then it's simply a pre-specified number in one instance, or if the STDIN version then that's the simple ask-if-the-user-wants-to-do-blah version.07:45
xp_prg4just added Reactions07:45
xp_prg4well it is a little late, I must go to bed07:45
-!- xp_prg4 is now known as xp_bed07:46
fenn"if you patent something you have to sell it" <- wrong10:14
UtopiahGHMLlots of patents are defensive10:15
UtopiahGHML01:03:00 -=>  http://quicksilverscreen.com/watch?video=5257113:59
UtopiahGHML(little part on Citizen/P2P R&D as "Politics" from  Zeitgeist Addendum)14:00
willPow3rtoo bad i dont have any of those quals15:12
willPow3ror even a Ph.D. that would be nice.15:15
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: I read "CItizen/P2P R&D" as "Citizen-P2P Radio"16:06
kanzure_Technically there's enough content to do a radio show.16:06
kanzure_webcast, I mean.16:06
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: Is IT ready for the Dreaded DNA Data Deluge? by Andras Pellionisz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJMFuc75V_w21:41
kanzure-_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/neuro/Design_of_a_wearable_ultrasound_system.pdf <- See pg 44. 23:13
kanzure-_fig 2323:13
kanzure-_also pg 66 fig 4423:14
fennnow there's a science fair winner23:23
fennhaha 'make the embedded computer more "medical" in appearance"23:27
fennx86 processors generate so much heat that they're hard to waterproof23:29
fennone would think that embedded computers would take this into account, such that one could simply bolt the board to a suitable heatsink23:35
kanzure-_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/neuro/Auditory responses in cats produced by pulsed ultrasound.pdf 23:42
kanzure-_making cats hear things :)23:42
kanzure-_if you can figure out the mapping between which ultrasound frequencies lead to which "phantom sounds" in the auditory nerve, you have another science faire winner.23:43
kanzure-_Ok, so Ms. Majestic is recommending 600 to 700 kHz. 23:47
kanzure-_This one does 12 to 50. http://web.archive.org/web/20060602085215/circuitos.cl.tripod.com/schem/r72.gif 23:47
kanzure-_I'm not sure which variables would have to be modified.23:47
kanzure-_Should I just go get a few variable-capacitors and variable resistors and plug them up to that 555 timer?23:47
kanzure-_I wouldn't be doing any of the waveforms and sinewave generation that the Ultrasound_brain.pdf paper does, but I have seen schematics before showing sinewave generators and other functions.23:48
kanzure-_http://www.reconnsworld.com/audio_tonegenerate.html <- suggests using an ultrasonic transducer for frequencies over 30 kHz. :-/23:49
fenn600-700kHz is doable with hardware PWM on an AVR23:53
fennuh i think :)23:54
kanzure-_While technically a dog whistle is an ultrasonic transducer that converts mechanical energy in the form of air pressure into ultrasonic sound waves,23:54
fennthere are two pins which toggle based on the contents of a register and a clock w/divider23:54
fennso you can run a program and not be constantly worrying about i/o23:55
kanzure-_http://www.explorecircuits.com/circuit/schematic/3.jpg and its explanation http://www.explorecircuits.com/circuit/cir_ultrasonic_transmitter_receiver.htm23:55
fenn555 might not be fast enough.. dunno23:55
kanzure-_hrm, these schematics say 40 kHz speakers.23:56
fennyeah i think you need piezo transducers23:56
kanzure-_There should be a simple formula for how the capacitors and resistors need to change with respect to the expected frequency.23:56
fennit's not that simple23:56
kanzure-_I don't know anything about piezo transducers. Is there a circuit component I can pick up at Radioshack?23:57
fennthe wires in the circuit act as inductors and capacitors (and radio antennae)23:57
fennforget radioshack23:57
fennpretend it doesn't exist23:57
kanzure-_I don't have many other options :)23:57
kanzure-_I suppose I can order a few things, but I was hoping to pick up a bag of goodies tonight.23:57
fennunless you have a real electronics company nearby, it's mail order23:58
fennjameco is probably easiest to figure out23:58
kanzure-_mouser/digikey/jameco, right23:58
kanzure-_digikey can burn in hell, yes yes, I know23:58
fenndigikey is actually pretty good, but it's hard to sort through the 9 million options23:58
kanzure-_I'm still not understanding. If I picked up a piezo transducer, let's call it part XYZ, then what? How do I know which capacitors and resistors to use?23:59
kanzure-_I suppose I can go with variable resistors/capacitors and just keep it within the ranges I'm seeing on these schematics?23:59
fennur... uh.. the 555 stuff?23:59

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