
--- Day changed Sat Nov 08 2008
willPow3rlooks pretty fucking cool to me00:03
gene_look at it again00:05
gene_when you see it00:05
willPow3ri'll shit brix?00:05
willPow3ri don't see anything but potential. what do you see that makes it not-good?00:06
willPow3ryou are probably of the camp that newton was stupid because he didn't come up with general relativity.00:07
willPow3rthat thought*00:07
gene_look at it00:18
willPow3rhttp://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE4A676R20081107   and i bet he never played GTA even once00:18
gene_lemme guess00:18
gene_enraged antivideogame fanatic raving?00:18
willPow3rlol  opposite00:18
gene_uh btw00:19
gene_I want to know what an orange looks like under a microscope00:19
gene_but I don't have access to a microscope00:20
willPow3rwhat is it that you're trying to see?00:20
willPow3rthe rind or the pulp00:23
willPow3rtwo technologies that will be essential to understanding brain functionality and the subsequent modeling thereof: image compression and knowledge mapping00:30
kanzure_Knowledge mapping might not quite be what you think it is. Think of it as tradeable regions of brain, but only within a context of the original brain that it was in.00:35
kanzure_This goes down the dark side to philosophy, so I'll avoid.00:36
willPow3rno no. image compression combined with knowledge mapping.00:36
kanzure_Sorry, but your knowledge mapping will just be silly 'tagging', and that's Not Right.00:36
willPow3ryou are so quick to shoot down ideas.00:36
kanzure_Haven't you and I talked about this before?00:37
willPow3ryou'll see, when i take over the world00:37
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/thinking.html (ok, this is less relevant than the others there.)00:37
* willPow3r bows down.00:38
kanzure_You're not going to read them?00:38
willPow3ri'll grab a 64 oz of coffee from 7-11 and read them tonight.00:38
willPow3rright now i'm checking out http://labspace.open.ac.uk/00:39
willPow3rto see if there's anything worthwhile in there00:39
kanzure_I'm quick to shoot them down because I've been going over this stuff for so long now. I mean, what other reasons would I have for being verbose about ideas for brain engineering if I _haven't_ thought about the knowledge issues before?00:40
kanzure_Maybe I'm just making it all up, right?00:40
kanzure_Bah. Nevermind.00:41
* kanzure_ goes away.00:41
willPow3ri'll look over those links in a bit and see if i can come up w/ anything u may have missed00:41
willPow3ri see your point though.00:41
kanzure_I link to them all the time, you've never seen them?00:41
willPow3ri've been out of vyvanse for some time now, so pretty much everything is "tl;dr"00:43
willPow3rmega add mode over here ;)00:43
kanzure_I know the feeling.00:43
willPow3ryou should put abstracts on the top of each of these pages00:50
willPow3rkanzure_ ^^00:50
kanzure_Huh. Who is "Majunior"?00:57
kanzure_fenn: How's the new kernel?01:09
fennlappy has no hardware opengl acceleration, and server decided to install/run the -486 kernel instead of -686 for some reason, so when i tried to play with some demos from quelsolaar.com nvidia pooped out because they only make -686 binaries01:14
kanzure_mesa layer?01:14
fenntoo slow01:14
fennthere's lots of lighting tricks, that's sort of the whole point01:15
fennahh it's great to be on a real computer again01:18
fennnothing special, but with 1GB ram most of the filesystem is cached01:19
fennlappy has 256MB and constantly thrashes01:19
willPow3rwow. reminds me of 200201:20
kanzure_My laptop is /from/ 2002.01:22
willPow3ras is my older one.01:22
willPow3rall 8 lbs of it01:23
kanzure_What am I doing?01:23
fennmine's from about 2000 i think (latitude l400)01:24
willPow3rdecent machine for it's time01:25
fenni have this plastic seafood container inventory system, i'm procrastinating on a project to build a computer into one of those, as a sort of portable computer but not as custom/non-commoditized as a laptop01:25
fennit has 2GB ram so i wonder if i even need a hard disk01:26
fennsub-goal is to make it totally fanless01:26
willPow3rram isn't flash01:27
fennyes i know, the idea is to run it from PXE and then mount NFS root and home01:28
willPow3roh right01:28
fennbut i'd probably stick a CF card in there just in case01:28
fennthere are these 5W 1TB drives on sale.. oh the agony of poverty!01:29
kanzure_Want one?01:29
kanzure_Remember, I made an announcement that there's now project money for our things here.01:30
fennyou did? what does that mean exactly?01:30
kanzure_That means I'm loaded and bleeding cash.01:30
kanzure_except I have an aversion to buying things01:30
* fenn shakes kanzure's hand01:30
kanzure_which makes for an odd situation01:30
fenni've got a few bridges i need to buy01:30
willPow3rwell there buddy01:30
kanzure_Heh, not that loaded :)01:30
kanzure_Wait, what type of bridge?01:31
kanzure_Bridge bridge, the type that you don't want to break, or a PCI-bridge?01:31
fennthe kind with lots of rivets01:31
kanzure_Guitar bridge?01:32
fennit's just a saying01:32
* fenn wikis01:32
willPow3rthink I-35W through minneapolis01:32
fennReferences to "selling the Brooklyn Bridge" abound in American culture, sometimes as examples of rural gullibility but more often in connection with an idea that strains credulity.01:33
fennso.. yeah01:33
kanzure_I think you've used it wrong.01:34
willPow3rincredulity in reference to the anchorage bridge courtesy ted stevens01:34
willPow3rwell, yeah. nm01:37
fennso, here's the dooley: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682213615101:40
fennif you want to send me a present i'll happily accept01:40
kanzure_I'm thinking "project money". Hard drives are projects I guess, but ;-) maybe there's something higher on our lists. I don't have these lists though.01:41
willPow3rwhat projects are available to be worked on?01:41
willPow3rneed a manager?01:41
fenni have lots of projects but they were all carefully designed to require very little money01:42
kanzure_fenn: Right.01:42
kanzure_Transitioning to the university life style is kind of weird for me actually,01:42
* fenn needs a project queueing system01:42
kanzure_because suddenly I have all sorts of resources and cash01:42
fennoh right, that's why i was working on SKDB in the first place.. so i knew which projects needed which other projects01:43
kanzure_fenn: The problem I have with todo queueing is that when a task pops up, I get the idea to go rather do something else01:43
fennyak shaving to infinity and beyond!01:43
kanzure_indeed :(01:43
kanzure_Come to think of it, where would I find myself a yak anyway?01:44
kanzure_So re: uni life. All of these careful designs that don't require money and so on, quickly become pretty worthless.01:44
fennyeah, unless you happen to be trying to make a fucking difference in the rest of the world01:45
kanzure_Now it's just a matter of convincing people to give you access to certain tools, most of which I've not bothered to think about my first time around in all of the thoughtspaces, simply because I was going for careful cheap designs01:45
fenn*cough* fab@home bah01:45
kanzure_He mentioned fab@home. "10 million downloads. Chocolate!" and a few other taglines.01:45
fenn10 million bot hits maybe01:45
fenni seriously doubt there's more than 100k "makers" on the net01:46
kanzure_No doubt.01:51
kanzure_Sometimes the money in these projects is used as a buffer for not understanding things.01:52
kanzure_which is awkward; I don't know how research is done like this, but whatever01:52
kanzure_Now I'm just ranting.01:52
kanzure_willPow3r: Not really. What I do need is somebody to go and kill those people who say they will do parts of projects but then never do.01:53
kanzure_And so on.'01:53
willPow3rcan you get project funding for that to cover my fees?01:53
kanzure_For killing people? Not really.01:54
fenni think the goal is for it to become part of public policy, rather than the actual killing01:54
willPow3ri take two classes and dont work. give me something to do01:54
kanzure_fenn: "it" ?01:54
fenn"it" = for somebody to go and kill "those" people :)01:55
kanzure_willPow3r: Really? Would you please go fetch me all circuit diagrams for rTMS circuits from http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/01:55
kanzure_fenn: I don't know what you're talking about :-/01:55
fenneh nevermind01:55
kanzure_I'm also not thinking straight at the moment.01:55
willPow3rkanzure_, u really need to do something about your upload speed02:31
kanzure_What is it at?02:31
willPow3rthese docs take for-freaking-evar to d/load02:31
kanzure_The HTML documents?02:31
willPow3rthey're pdfs02:31
kanzure_I get up to 8 MB/sec down sometimes, so they must be sticking it to me with my up.02:32
willPow3rwhy can't u just get hosting for like, $4/month from godaddy02:33
willPow3rfast upload02:33
kanzure_Do they give me SSH and dedicated hosting?02:33
willPow3rdedicated hosting yes02:33
willPow3rso yes to both02:34
willPow3rseems like a justifiable expense too, although i'm sure that u could get a university dedicated host too02:35
kanzure_Why are you refusing to type out "you"?02:36
willPow3ri use txt a lot on my cell and u is a lot easier to use than you02:36
willPow3rif you don't understand "u" i can type the whole thing out if you would like.02:36
willPow3rbut i suppose it does seem like it isn't a choice word to shorten, considering i'm only removing two characters02:38
-!- percent_ is now known as jihad02:56
-!- jihad is now known as jihaad02:56
kanzure_Oh, maybe it's something like expected return on bookfetching.03:15
gene_you there kanzure?05:33
gene_it's about the special polymerase kanzure06:46
gene_ANYONE AWAKE06:59
gene_LOL NO06:59
gene_HEY EVERYONE07:06
bkeroMmm meat07:29
willPow3rthat protein paste stuff is good07:31
UtopiahGHMLMusic & DNA http://web.archive.org/web/20011213235946/www-ks.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/people/schulz/fmusic/dna.html10:05
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: Re: & music. I have some stuff on /books/ about making bacteria generate music and streaming it to a blog or whatever.13:27
kanzure_http://www.thevenusproject.com/ 13:42
kanzure_Are those designs downloadable?13:42
kanzure_Or are they just bullshitting us?13:42
UtopiahGHMLcool idea, the cell's blog13:42
UtopiahGHMLhave you seen it in Zeitgests Adendum?13:42
kanzure_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacque_Fresco <- Holy crap, it's an actual person, hrm.13:43
kanzure_Do the planes fly and do the machines actually work?13:44
UtopiahGHMLnever tried them myself so...13:44
kanzure_"VIrtuSphere". Heh.14:44
willPow3r_venus project eh?21:03
kanzure_Looks like an old man getting carried away with the ability to draw large objects, and then go buy plastic to make it21:03
willPow3r_its definitely reminiscent of the jetsons21:04
willPow3r_other than the obvious art deco styling of this new culture, is there anything groundbreaking in it?21:04
kanzure_Nope. But there might be this small chance that he actually knows what he's doing and that he might have schematics for the machinery he has in those pictures.21:05
kanzure_Very small chance.21:05
willPow3r_too many photo galleries21:06
fennyou should ask eric hunting, apparently he's been following jacques fresco for decades21:07
willPow3r_i wonder if you can make donations of negative values of money.21:08
fennpersonally i'm tired of "designers"21:09
willPow3r_dont all singularitarians fall under that category?21:10
kanzure_the programs don't seem to do much but geometry, which even then is more a matter of the machine shop doing its job than it is of the CAD app21:10
kanzure_unless you mean the people, who don't seem to do much other than keep trade secrets21:11
kanzure_"Designers" doesn't make sense anyway. There's only a finite number of ways that matter and energy is going to be converted from one form to another. The rest is just aesthetics and making things fit together in the same way.21:24
UtopiahGHMLWhat tangible did he make so far?21:33
kanzure_An amusement park.21:33
UtopiahGHMLany working tool or just plans to make tools one day?21:33
UtopiahGHMLis it more brain washing than Disney?21:33
kanzure_Perhaps not.21:35
kanzure_Interesting: http://www.boringguys.com/2008/06/06/obama-and-mccain-website-technology/ <- The Obama campaign websites were running LAMP, McCain was running IIS/.NET. Funny.22:14
UtopiahGHMLSouthpark last episode on Obama and McCain conspiracy http://allsp.com/l.php?id=e17922:16
kanzure_Down rates on my other box are looking close to 10 for the past two days. Guesses?22:28
kanzure_KB/sec. Not MB.22:30
UtopiahGHMLwell now that you have a democrat president, don't expect the same efficiency.22:34
UtopiahGHMLmore seriously if you want to study packets you can use WireShark22:36
UtopiahGHMLalso if you have a good ISP there is maybe an IRC chan on their IRC server22:37
UtopiahGHMLwith some pro-techies there22:37
kanzure_I suspect it's from the ISP, not my box.22:37
kanzure_So they wouldn't be telling me that they're slowing down my speed in my packets.22:37
kanzure_Nah, the U.S. doesn't have any good ISPs that care to have IRC channels.22:37
UtopiahGHMLmaybe they changed their QoS policies22:37
UtopiahGHMLalso if you can make test from different location22:38
kanzure_Yes, this box is a different location.22:41
UtopiahGHMLdistributed independant test if you can, eventually concurrent too22:42
kanzure_Of Google? Come on, this is ridiculous. It's safe to assume Google is doing pretty well.22:43
kanzure_But for the record, on this box it's fine.22:43
kanzure_Aha. Up to 62. Now it's only 5 hours for dist-upgrade ..22:43
willPow3rdid you hear about the presidential rose garden?22:51
willPow3rits being replaced with a watermelon patch in january22:52
fennyour upload has been pretty slow (<5kb/s) for a couple days22:52
willPow3rfenn is right. it makes getting those rTMS circuit diagrams a chore22:53
kanzure_OpenMFG ?23:01
kanzure_So when I asked what my up was the other day, none of you said 523:01
kanzure_That's kinda something I need to know23:01
kanzure_Try now.23:02
fennup went up to ~50, cool beans23:17
xp_prghi kanzure, working on the script :>23:17
kanzure_I think I cut off there for a bit, latest thing I've gotten was fenn's cool beans23:18
xp_prghi kanzure, working on the script :>23:18
kanzure_Aw. The lab server is down.23:35
kanzure_That's odd. There's somebody on slashdot asking for voice recognition software packages because he works under a biological hood for ventillation, and thus can't  touch his computer.23:38
kanzure_I fail to see how wireless keyboards don't solve this problem.23:39
kanzure_Once they get dirty, treat it as biological waste. What's the problem?23:39
fennwaste disposal :)23:39
fennalso, he probably uses the same comp for general lab stuff23:39
UtopiahGHMLshell, VNC, X server, etc... actually give me the access Ill do it for him...23:40
UtopiahGHMLtalking about voice recognition, any FOSS solution giving good result?23:41
UtopiahGHMLdidn't test that for a while now23:41
fennhavent tried23:41
fenni hate talking anyway :)23:42
UtopiahGHMLyep but I guess it could be efficient in some situations23:43
willPow3rthere are f/oss voice recognition solutions23:43
fennhopefully it's improved at least a little from macintosh "speakable items menu" in 199523:43
willPow3rthe vista voice recognition software is actually quite good23:44
fenndoes it do dictation?23:44
UtopiahGHMLI don't have Vista and Id appreciate some command line interfaces23:44
willPow3ryes, after you "teach" it your voice23:44
willPow3reven using the laptop built-in mic works pretty well23:45
UtopiahGHMLcan it learn new vocabulary? like buzzwords if you write blog articles23:46
willPow3ryea, very simple interface23:46
UtopiahGHMLdo you know if "people" are using it?23:47
UtopiahGHMLlike becoming sth common23:47
willPow3rthere are videos of people's frustration with it on youtube23:47
willPow3rbut none of these people went though the learning modules23:47
UtopiahGHMLblah, people on youtube complain about the earth rotation, it's like a giant distributed psychologist...23:47
fennstupid earth rotation23:48
fennit messes up everything23:48
fennwe just need to BLOW UP THE MOON23:48
UtopiahGHMLask Obama, same people think he's the messiat.23:48
* UtopiahGHML sometimes hate people.23:49
* UtopiahGHML goes on YouTube to make a video about it with Windows Vista thingy.23:49
willPow3rso you implicitly love them sometimes too?23:49
UtopiahGHMLthe part where it's me mainly.23:50
fennoh you're such a narcissist!23:50
UtopiahGHMLdon't be jealous.23:50
willPow3r^^ reminiscent of calvin & hobbes23:54

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