
--- Day changed Wed Nov 12 2008
wrldpchey bryan could you link me to the ultrasound neuronal stimulation paper?00:19
wrldpcI can't recall where on hb i located it00:19
kanzure_hb heh'00:20
fenn"I can't be cool because I already know that indifference Closes the doors of humanity00:27
fenntranslated lyrics from ghost in the shell00:27
fennlyrics appreciation day!00:27
fennwith a fap to xahlee00:28
kanzure_is it that time of year already?00:28
kanzure_I mentioned xahlee to you before, yes?00:28
fennyes and i found him on my own already00:29
fennum, same author i guess (yoko kanno's AI alter ego gabriela robin)00:31
fennheh sorry, same author as "information high"00:33
kanzure_Why do we schedule things for 8 at night again?01:42
kanzure_Huh. Job seeker on wta-talk for "in the transhumanist sector".01:44
kanzure_so .. marketing?01:44
geneyou there kanzure02:07
-!- gene_ is now known as gene02:10
genelooks like we have enemies http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2008/11/can-humans-live.html02:36
wrldpcHis name is Sherwin Nuland.  He works at Yale School of Medicine.02:42
wrldpcDispatch the mercenaries.02:42
geneWe don't dispatch merceneries02:44
genewe dispatch genetically modified winged marmots02:44
genethat shoot fire02:44
wrldpcnanobugs with polonium-210 payloads ;)02:46
wrldpcis anyone watching Fringe now?02:46
wrldpcwtf is with Sherwin?  Is he that despaired?02:47
wrldpcMany people reject immortality because they feel they've nothing to live for.02:47
wrldpcNecessitates the resurrection of the dead.02:47
geneis that on fringe02:51
geneI might have to watch it then02:51
wrldpcnope ... not that wise unfortunately ;)02:51
wrldpcthey're using electricity to jump start a dead guy's brain and then transmitting the corpse's (?) brainwaves to another guy's brain to get some data for Agent Dunham who's in Germany ........02:54
kanzure_So, for the Building Brains class, the (ridiculously simple) homework is to describe, list and identify the ions for a neuron with an excitatory synapse that has a peak of 60 mV, and a resting potential of 0 mV, and an inhibitory synapse with a peak of -60 mV for an action potential and a resting potential of 0 mV. What are the relative concentrations at each state of the ions?03:50
kanzure_The ions in the system are potassium and sodium.03:50
kanzure_gene: Okay, thanks for the reminder.03:50
kanzure_Hey, does anyone want to check if Maddox's site follows the Supermemo repetition spacing curve?04:01
genewhat's maddox?04:38
geneit's down04:38
geneHey Kanzure04:38
kanzure_Try that one.04:38
kanzure_Fine, his server is down.04:39
kanzure_But Wikipedia will have about him.04:39
geneyou know anyway I can not sleep04:39
genenothing about it in wikipedia04:40
geneyou have any tips on avoid sleep04:41
geneavoiding sleep04:41
genecurrently experiencing verbal system air04:41
geneany coffees you recommend, teas, formulations?04:42
kanzure_gene: Stimulants.04:47
kanzure_Sleep is for the weak.04:47
genewhat do you recommend?04:48
kanzure_I'm on 60 mg Adderall.04:48
generight now?04:48
kanzure_Not at the moment, I was hoping to get some hours of sleep tonight actually.04:49
geneI'm on 30 mg04:49
kanzure_Of what?04:49
geneof same04:49
kanzure_Extended release?]04:49
kanzure_Server is going down tonight.04:54
geneI have decided not to sleep tonight04:55
-!- gene_ is now known as gene05:30
kanzure_I feel so dirty because of that latest email I sent to openmanufacturing.05:31
genewhat did you do this time?05:40
genewait a minute, you sent me a mbio thing about patent law?05:40
genewhat's the fun in that?05:41
kanzure_You go to know who to stay away from.05:41
xp_prgkanzure whatup with my script you doing more with it or what?05:41
kanzure_xp_prg: I thought I explained?05:42
xp_prgyou said you were doing more stuff in other areas or something05:42
kanzure_.. righto, well there's a bit more to it than that but ok05:42
ybitthoughtware.tv :: new to me05:42
kanzure_thoughtware.tv is new to you? :)05:43
kanzure_They spam the transhumanist mailing lists like crazy.05:43
ybitthat's where i found it just now05:43
kanzure_singularity list?05:43
genewhat's thoughtware, and does anyone know eigenvectors/ eigenvalues05:43
kanzure_Just some media website.05:44
genedo you know eigen vectors kanzure?05:44
kanzure_I no longer know them.05:45
kanzure_Uh oh.05:53
kanzure_Nope, nevermind. False alarm.05:53
genewhat about how to solve boundary value problems05:54
geneguess not05:54
kanzure_I'm looking at this on Wikipedia and I fail to see how boundary value problems aren't solved by the same ways you find limits of multivariable functions.05:56
geneit sorta of is06:04
genebut is sorta not06:04
kanzure_Waah, Paul is getting bitchy because he doesn't use IRC.09:22
kanzure_".. looks like you last updated 4 months ago .. I don't do IRC though and am too lazy to read logs even though I read every other kind of log"09:22
kanzure_for the ronja receiver: "it looks like pitch-black-analog-movie material can make some quite good IR-pass filters. since they usually are 35mm square they could be placed quite easy in front of the receiver diodes for IR-based systems"12:53
UtopiahGHMLUpdates from visualbiotech http://www.youtube.com/user/visualbiotech , videos of neurons rendering13:59
UtopiahGHML(for the story BioInspire, made by VisualBioTech, is used by the Blue Brain Project at the Brain Mind Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland)14:09
UtopiahGHML(and for the story of the story "The Blue Brain project is the first comprehensive attempt to reverse-engineer the mammalian brain, in order to understand brain function and dysfunction through detailed simulations." EFPL+IBM)14:09
UtopiahGHML(actually those were old renderings :(15:21
UtopiahGHMLanyway, between this project and the LHC it makes you think that despite its size, Switzerland is still pretty active...15:47
nshswitzerland is a geographical tardis15:51
UtopiahGHML(watching http://seedmagazine.com/mind08/mind08_henry-markram.html )15:52
UtopiahGHML@14:00 building biocomputer to run the simulations of the brain modeled15:54
UtopiahGHML\Hi Descartes\15:54
kanzure__UtopiahGHML: I have a link to the Henry Markram talk on the wiki btw.16:56
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/intense_world_syndrome.html is the same guy running the Blue Brain Project16:56
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Henry_Markram 16:56
kanzure__UtopiahGHML: Yeah, if that link on seedmagazine is not the IBM talk then you need to go see the IBM talk.16:57
kanzure__I have a copy on my server, though presently it's being copied over to another hdd.16:57
kanzure__"Just wondering if anyone saw the Armistice Day service on TV?17:04
kanzure__The last 3 surviving British WW1 veterans were able to attend;"17:04
kanzure__One of them was 112 years old.17:04
-!- gene_ is now known as gene17:14
UtopiahGHMLkanzure__: the SEEDmag video was 15min long so I guess it wasn't the IBM talk, Id like to have the link when the copy will be ready18:11
kanzure__UtopiahGHML: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2874207418572601262&q=almaden+cognitive+computing18:15
UtopiahGHMLthank you18:17
kanzure__He has something close to $100 million in funding, 125 postdocs in a dark room tapping away at terminals programming, the whole ordeal.18:17
UtopiahGHMLit means he can make people believe and hope in his project but hardly that he will succeed.18:19
UtopiahGHMLbut as long as he's having fun and we can learn from the experience, I like it :P18:20
UtopiahGHMLbtw do you have material on the soma part of the neuron and its ability to rewrite itself?18:24
kanzure__The soma and rewriting itself?18:24
UtopiahGHMLIve read about it in a textbook but since Im not expert in the subject I probably lack the correct vocabulary to find papers on this precise topic18:24
kanzure__You're not talking about plasticity, are you?18:24
UtopiahGHML1sec for the ref18:25
kanzure__Try "synaptic plasticity", "excitability plasticity" and then a third type that I am currently forgetting.18:25
kanzure__Excitability plasticity modifies the soma.18:25
UtopiahGHML[1] "An introduction to brain and behavior"18:25
UtopiahGHMLBryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw from University of Lethbridge, Alberta18:25
UtopiahGHMLWorth Publisher 200518:25
UtopiahGHMLpage 78 "Even in a mature, full grown neuron, the cell's generative blueprint can <<reopened>>, allowing the neuron to alter its structure and function by producing new proteins."18:25
kanzure__I took notes on these types actually ;-)18:25
kanzure__"reopened" <- grammatical error?18:26
UtopiahGHMLreopen I guess18:26
kanzure__You might have been had; that sounds like typical same-old-same-old genetic expression.18:26
kanzure__* took notes (today)18:27
kanzure__Anyway, I'm going off to lunch.18:27
kanzure__When the server gets back up completely, the /books/mousebrain/ dir is worth exploring, as well as the brainonadisc dir.18:27
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Computational_neuroscience is a good substitute in the mean time18:27
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/school/buildingbrains/all.html (not including the past three lectures though)18:28
kanzure__I took 6 pages of notes, about 3500 words in a 40 minute period today. 18:28
kanzure__Technically I should be able to type that in about half the time, but the professor stutters frequently. ;-)18:28
UtopiahGHMLalready used mindmap to takes notes?18:28
kanzure__I just do audio->text translation for myself.18:29
kanzure__if I start using mindmap I become Lion King and kill myself.18:29
kanzure__Lion Kimbro, I mean.18:29
kanzure__http://www.speakeasy.org/~lion/nb/html/doc003.html "If you do the things described in this book, you will be IMMOBILIZED for the duration of your commitment.The immobilization will come on gradually, but steadily. In the end, you will be incapable of doing anything."18:30
kanzure__And he's absolutely right ..18:30
kanzure__"How to make a complete map of every thought you think."18:31
UtopiahGHMLespecially if you write that you are writting that you are writting that...18:31
kanzure__You go so meta that you realize you've gone sub, somehow.18:31
kanzure__Anyway, lunchtime.18:31
UtopiahGHMLI wanted to write a book called the century of meta18:32
UtopiahGHMLbut I was too lazy18:32
-!- gene_ is now known as gene18:36
UtopiahGHMLkanzure__: regarding Henry Markram ability to raise fund, I can bet that his investment in visualization played a key role.18:42
fennhmm @ "shift in perception of property from commodity to bandwidth" (re eric hunting on land and capital)22:04
kanzure__Wonder how much of that metaphor he has worked out.22:08
fennit certainly brings to mind many posthuman scenarios i've read about22:10
fennhah apparently he has been watching paranoia agent (The state of current car design just makes me want to go Shonen Bat on everybody)22:15
bkeroCurrent car design = Let's make it bigger, add more safety features, heavier, and make it more rounded.22:17
* bkero wants a car with 3-4 wheels, weighs under 600lbs, and is shorter than he is.22:18
fenndont forget the hover skirt22:19
* xp_prg want to create a cell that using photovoltaics to make electricity using an electric eel type approach22:22
fennbkero: dunno if i've shown you these yet: http://fennetic.net/sketches/tadpole-plane-0.2-web.jpg http://fennetic.net/sketches/tadpole-0.1-web.jpg22:23
fenni should 3d model the plane i guess, and show wings attached22:24
fennanyway, aptera is close enough so just go buy one of theirs22:25
fenni wonder if any of the mileage freaks have played with aerodynamically integrated radiator surfaces22:30
fenninstead of a big box that requires air to be pushed through it constantly22:30
* kanzure__ leaves for his algae22:35
* fenn putters about aimlessly22:36
fennoo its almost time for robo-club22:37
fennthis looks familiar22:39
ybitthat's what i said22:47
ybitwhen it was shown to me22:47
bkerokanzure__: I need to get you to send me some of those algae samples.22:48
bkeroEugene is digesting algae for methane production, and they're just saying LOL WE'LL USE WHATS IN THE POND ALREADY22:48
fennnot bad, but why not go with thermal depolymerization instead, that way you recover 100% of the embodied energy, and it's in a more convenient form (long chain hydrocarbons)22:50
fenngreater capital investment is the barrier i guess22:51
fenngah i hate when i realize at the end of the article that i'd already read it several months ago22:55
ybithttp://fora.tv/2008/07/30/New_Ideas_New_Fuels_Craig_Venter_at_the_Oxonian -- wasn't this video linked from here?23:12
-!- gene_ is now known as gene23:40
geneequations for spirals instead of SVG, generate from library to STL thingy23:40
geneCFD explanations23:40
--- Log closed Thu Nov 13 02:19:06 2008
--- Log opened Thu Nov 13 02:19:16 2008
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 14 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 14 normal]02:19
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 75 secs02:20
-!- gene_ is now known as gene03:23
-!- gene is now known as genehacker03:24
kanzure_Austin SKDB clone with possible venture capital funding03:24
kanzure_D5v 03:24
genehackerKanzure, actlab has 0.3 repraps03:24
genehackerthey have all the electronics and a working extruder but not the frame03:25
genehackernow I wonder...03:27
genehackerras has a CNC03:27
genehackermaybe they could be joined03:27
kanzure_"joined" ?03:30
kanzure_fenn: Can you fix the licensing issue with Paul? He confuses me.03:31
kanzure_bkero: Send algae request by email03:32
bkerokanzure_: k03:33
willPow3rknow of any F/OSS geographical information systems?03:35
fennkanzure_: just slap a "distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2 or later" at the top of your source files03:38
kanzure_And what if he asks about the repo XML files?03:39
kanzure_Should I slap up that line there too?03:39
fennsince the repo data copyright belongs to someone else (?) you cant just do that03:40
kanzure_Why not?03:40
kanzure_I can just slap up that line in the first case..03:40
kanzure_I don't see what's different03:40
fennbecause you technically arent allowed to redistribute it in the first place.. uh03:40
kanzure_it was on the servers?03:40
fennyou wrote the other stuff right?03:40
kanzure_what are we talking about?03:40
kanzure_I'm talking about the .repo files I guess03:40
kanzure_the XML stuff.03:40
fennhttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/manufacturing/ http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/repo/ i think03:41
kanzure_I mean, the designRepositoryEntryApp thing is GPL'ed03:41
* fenn actually looks at the links03:41
kanzure_content added through a GPL'ed app is GPLed :p03:41
kanzure_can I make up that statement?03:41
fennhey it's just pdf's03:41
kanzure_/repo/ is not03:41
fenncontent added through a gpl app is not gpl03:42
fennit seems arbitrary but there are specific operations that make something a "derived work"03:42
fennlinking to a binary for example03:42
fennor simply modifying a fil03:43
fennyou need to straighten this out upstream (at ADL)03:43
kanzure_Technically the work that I'm doing at the moment does not suffer from licensing issues.03:44
kanzure_I'm not using derived data from the repo, and just randomly generating it.03:45
fenn<CreatorInfo CreatorFirstName="michael" CreatorLastName="orlando"> owns the copyright on that particular .repo03:45
kanzure_Though I am 'linking' or whatever the hell it is in C# to a module of GraphSynth.03:45
fenni dont know about C#03:45
fenni'm almost surprised there arent any programs to help sort this legal stuff out03:46
kanzure_how would these programs work?03:46
kanzure_and would they sort their own licensing issues out?03:47
fennthere would be various countries with sets of operators (laws) and licenses with sets of terms03:47
kanzure_GLIN or Global Legal Information Network has some XML stuff like that btw03:48
kanzure_I can't believe I know that.03:48
kanzure_see also legalxml03:48
* kanzure_ cries03:48
fennit's too bad legal system turned out so subjective03:48
fenni'd like to know beforehand whether something i do is legal or not03:49
fennbut currently it seems to be up to the whim of a judge03:49
fennbased on their interpretation of "is" or "with intent"03:49
kanzure_Uh, also the problem of an infinity law book03:49
kanzure_thou shalt not execute behavior 555559491409415555503:50
kanzure_crap, my random number generator is broken03:50
fennGLIN looks to be plain english (or whatever spoken language)03:50
kanzure_I don't know where I picked up on it. It was probably somewhere that had "XML" near or on the page, and this was just an advertisement thingy. Sorry.03:50
fennwhy do we call them programming languages anyway?03:51
fennthey're formalisms03:52
kanzure_because of the cultures that develop around them?03:52
kanzure_I don't know.03:52
kanzure_Is this a trick question?03:52
* fenn thnks03:52
fennnope no tricks03:52
fenngot some good aspie time in tonight assimilating electronics components at robotics club03:53
kanzure_Assimilating how? Scurrying them away into boxes and bins?03:53
fennyes, and also creating a sorting system for the bins03:54
fennthe current system seems to be "random shuffle"03:54
kanzure_boo random shuffle03:54
kanzure_actually, when I had an electronics bench, my approach was "leave the men where they fall and die", those being the components03:54
fenngood way to get a header pin stuck in your foot03:55
kanzure_header pin?03:55
fennthe gold jumper pins like on motherboards03:55
kanzure_hrm, minor inconvenience03:55
fennwell "leave things where they fall" doesnt exactly work with ten people using the same space03:56
fennroot word is?03:57
kanzure_the people working with unptnt.com03:58
kanzure_it's a weird term03:58
fennskdb != project hosting03:59
fennand what's the point of freeduino.. arduino is already free?03:59
kanzure_don't know.03:59
kanzure_skdb != project hosting, it's true, but that doesn't mean that we can't try to do some damage control and so on04:00
fennwhy are people giving them money?04:00
kanzure_hell if I know, but the venture capitalist was standing right there next to me and seemed enthusiastic about this stuff.04:01
kanzure_"is 'good will' an adequate explanation?"04:01
fennbut frankly it's not a viable business plan :)04:02
fenndo they have 501c3 status?04:02
kanzure_"super secret pre-pre-pre alpha"04:02
kanzure_as if they want to go IPO on it? wtf?04:02
fennnon profit is a tax status, it doesnt mean you cant make money04:03
kanzure_oh, sorry, 501c3 is nonprofit04:03
kanzure_501c3's don't do IPOs04:03
fennhowever you're more likely to succeed i think, though the maximum possible payout is much lower (not millions of dollars)04:04
fennbut wtf are people going to do with millions of dollars anyway04:04
fennblow it all on expensive handbags and wine04:04
kanzure_it's "invisible" to the rest of us.04:04
fenni'd probably buy an island04:05
fennor maybe a really sweet dirigible04:06
fennthen i'd fill it with hydrogen just to piss off all the idiots who think it's dangerous04:07
* fenn has a sense of deja vu04:07
kanzure_So I'm apparently a grad student to most people.04:10
kanzure_I wonder if I could get a graduate standing position by lying about an undergraduate degree.04:10
fenni like the (Un) lightbulb04:11
fenni wonder if they will trademark it :)04:11
fennkanzure_: compared to most undergrads you might as well be a grad student04:11
kanzure_compared to the grad students in the MAD lab (parent lab of ADL) I might as well be grad too04:12
fennhowever, colleges make money by forcing students to go through years of classes, so it's not easy to test your way through a whole degree04:12
kanzure_well, there are the tests and exams, but I'm not good at supercramming and predicting what will be on the final/exam-accelerator-thingies04:12
kanzure_In fact I'm not good on any test these days.04:13
kanzure_uh oh04:23
kanzure_external hdd has a bad superblock04:23
kanzure_What do I do?04:23
fennthe problem is in your gigabytes04:25
* fenn mumbles something about ddrescue04:25
kanzure_so one of the demonstrations at the actlab tonight for 'dorkbot' was a hdd converted into an mp3 player04:27
kanzure_This was full audio from the hard drives.04:28
kanzure_Something about a hdd working much like an amplifier.04:28
kanzure_Okay. Server is back up. I'm somehow shorting the circuit on the desktop's motherboard though.04:30
fennyeah that originated on afrotech i think04:33
kanzure_So I was wondering how high that sort of frequency could go. heh'04:34
kanzure_It can do dog whistles, I know that much.04:34
* kanzure_ is so cheap.04:34
fenninverse of seek time04:35
fennso 1/5ms = 200Hz04:36
kanzure_are you sure it's in terms of ms units?04:36
kanzure_because 1/.05 would be great04:36
fenni'm probably all wrong, since i know it can go higher than 200hz04:36
kanzure_Grumble grumble. mocp crashed the server.04:42
genehackerso the VC was interested in SKDB type things?04:42
genehackerFenn Zeppelin's are awesome04:43
genehackerI'd love to build one04:43
fenni've had the "personal bicycle blimp" discussion many times04:43
kanzure_So I've lost track of the conversation, what have I missed? Everything since I last sent a message.04:44
fenn2340 kanzure quites 2342 kanzure joins.. nothing happened between04:45
genehackerah yes the ol bike blimp04:45
fenngenehacker: even better if you can generate electricity with it while tethered04:45
fenn(and use as a wifi/ronja relay of course)04:46
genehackerok, now I haven't heard of that one04:46
fennthat was the plan when my plan was moving out to dialup boonies04:46
genehackerso why would a VC be interested in stuff like this04:48
kanzure_good will?04:49
fennventurecat has no profit motive04:51
fenn<insert picture of stray cat here>04:51
genehackerso what they had was a project library?04:51
kanzure_Nah, they're like github but for open hardware projects.04:51
genehackerwhat's github04:52
kanzure_it's a hub for git repositories.04:53
fennlike sourceforge but less teh suck04:53
genehackerwas it something like instructables?04:55
kanzure_No. Instructables is more about tutorials than it is about designs, files, repositories, forking, cloning, etc.04:55
kanzure_One of the features that I'm pushing for is automated instruction generator,04:57
kanzure_much like the origami work that we were talking about earlier this year.04:57
genehackerdid you tell them about that?04:57
kanzure_No. It's hard to do a full brain dump in 5 minutes flat.04:58
genehackerwell you did tell them about autodesign04:58
genehackerthe automated design lab04:58
kanzure_That's because of VOICED.04:58
fennone would hope they might be thinking about automated design04:58
genehackerwhat's that?04:58
kanzure_Virtual Organization for Innovative Conceptual Engineering Design04:59
kanzure_I have NSF funding.04:59
genehackerto do what again?04:59
kanzure_SKDB, basically.04:59
genehackerI missed the presentation what did he talk about again?05:01
kanzure_but also some other website that I can't remember the name of05:02
kanzure_prolotopia? prultopia? porotopia? prulatopia? prulatopia was probably it.05:02
genehackerrepository of product files ready to print off05:02
genehackeropen manufacturing processes?05:03
kanzure_No, it's a website. Prolutopia or protopia or somesuch.05:03
genehackerthat's it?05:04
genehackerjust a website you collaborate with people on?05:04
* ybit wants to read kanzure's response to paul on om mailing list05:06
genehackerjust a repository for stuff?05:06
ybitconcerning licensing05:06
genehackerthat's free?05:06
kanzure_ybit: "Eat it"05:06
kanzure_ybit: :-/05:06
kanzure_genehacker: Well, that's the part that they're doing, and if they think they can get contributors then that's great, SKDB is more like the backend to their system if they want05:07
genehackerso it looks like they'll sell either ads or support for the stuff on the website05:08
genehackernothing new there05:08
genehackerat least on the front of it05:08
kanzure_Nobody said it will be profitable.05:09
genehackerso can I see the gear visualizer?05:10
kanzure_One sec.05:10
kanzure_Ah, I lost my logs from today. One more sec.05:10
genehackerand what are you currently doing with that NSF funding?05:10
kanzure_NSF funding? Paycheck.05:11
kanzure_and that's why we have project money in here now05:11
genehackerwhat are they paying you for?05:11
kanzure_My work.05:12
genehackerwriting gear code05:12
kanzure_No, the gear stuff is just one side project.05:12
genehackerSo it looks to me like the gear visualizer might not be useful to our reverse engineering project05:12
fennwhat's the big deal with the glxgears screenshot?05:13
kanzure_dunno, somebody wanted to see it I guess05:14
kanzure_and was apparently impressed05:14
kanzure_"ooh! pretty!"05:14
fennooh a demo program!05:14
kanzure_"I feel like we're doing something productive!"05:14
genehackeroh no bryan05:14
genehackerI wasn't impressed05:14
kanzure_No, I'm not talking about you05:14
genehackerI knew what you did05:14
fennkanzure_: maybe if it were in flash, with an AJAX frontend and SQL server05:14
kanzure_fenn: You know I hate myself for writing all this stupid AJAX stuff, yes?05:15
fennwhy is it called AJAX again?05:15
kanzure_asynchronous javascript and xml05:15
genehackerunless the software  for making the gears can be used to figure out the right combination of gears such that the ammunition dispensing piston and the cartridge advancer move at different times so they don't jam up05:16
fenn"Despite the name, the use of JavaScript, XML, or its asynchronous use is not required." Buzzword Alert!05:16
genehackerthen it's pretty much useless to us05:16
kanzure_genehacker: yeah, Albert's software can do that05:16
kanzure_fenn: wtf is it if it's not js/xml/asynchreneity ?05:17
kanzure_does PHP+flash count? isn't that just php+flash then?05:17
genehackerI explain to you how the cartridge advancer and ammunition dispenser piston work right?05:17
kanzure_I don't know05:18
genehackerwell then05:18
genehackerlooks like I might have to send you something05:18
fennmachine gun mechanism is pretty simple and reliable05:18
genehackerthis is a machine catapult fenn05:18
genehackerit's a bit different05:18
fennwhat's the power source?05:19
fenni'd be tempted to make a giant mini-mag (paintball gun type) using compressed air05:19
genehackerideal power source: tamiya gearbox05:20
genehackerpower source I am likely to use: hand crank05:20
fennever taken apart an airsoft gun?05:20
fennthat's basically a tamiya gearbox05:21
genehackera tamiya gearbox isn05:21
genehackera special name for a mechanism05:21
genehackerit's a brand name05:21
fennyes i know05:21
genehackerthis is what I mean by tamiya gear box05:22
genehackerholy crap05:22
genehackerthat's pretty much my mechanism05:23
genehackerbut a bit different05:23
genehackerI just reinvented the wheel05:23
fenncongratulations, you are now an engineer05:23
genehackerthis is an automated catapult05:24
genehackermeaning it uses an arm to throw projectiles05:25
genehackerit also uses plastic pigs05:25
genehackerwhich aren't round like balls05:26
fennthat's why you stuff them in short sections of pvc pipe05:26
genehackerwhich means I can't load them in a hopper and shoot them as easily05:26
fennhoppers dont work well even for balls05:26
genehackerHAHAHAHAHA PVC pipe05:26
genehackerFenn, I'm printing this out on a 3d printer05:26
genehackerbecause that's what the assignment is05:27
fennwaste of resin05:27
fennsigh... nevermind05:27
genehackerwhat 3d printers use resin?05:27
fenngo stick your head in the sand please05:27
genehackerthis one uses plastic05:27
genehackerbut we might have to use the SLS05:28
genehackergiven the FDMs05:28
genehackercurrent condition05:28
fennif you're making large numbers of identical plastic pigs, why not do injection moulding?05:28
fennor blow moulding05:28
genehackernot printing that05:28
fennyou could 3d print a blow mould05:29
genehackerI see no need to05:29
fennjello mould05:30
genehackeryou do have a point there05:30
fenn"made from real pig parts (tm)"05:30
genehackerthe printer doesn't have that kind of resolution05:31
fennoo it would be cool if you could make a pig shaped hotdog05:31
genehackermeat shaped like meat?05:31
fennyou could make a meat/jello slurry and cast it in blow-moulded cellulose wrappers05:32
fennor whatever the aburage process is called in english05:32
genehackerI don't want to 3d model a pig05:33
genehackerthere's no way I could do that05:33
fenni thought that was the whole point05:33
fenn$35 pig STL05:35
fennbut i'm sure you can do that05:36
fennwhat are rubber duckies made of?05:37
genehackerI could buy 432 plastic pigs for that price05:37
kanzure_Hm. Homework or sleep?05:38
genehackersleep is for slackers05:38
kanzure_It's weird, I can do allnighters when it interests me, but otherwise it just tires me.05:39
* kanzure_ sleeps05:39
genehackerso you said that software can do phase and stuff?05:39
genehackerphases I mean05:40
fennwhat software?05:40
genehackergear software that kanzure's talking about05:40
kanzure_What does phase refer to when talking about gears?05:42
kanzure_Albert Swantner <aswantner@gmail.com> has the source code. Maybe he will send it if you ask really really nicely.05:43
genehackeras I go through a rotation thing A happens over theta degrees05:43
genehackerthing B happens at theta + x degrees05:43
bkerofenn: Did the LOVE guy ever get back to you?05:44
genehackerIE as I turn the crank, the piston goes in and out of the cartridge before the cartridge is advanced05:44
kanzure_yeah, angle is in this05:44
genehackercould you ask him?05:45
kanzure_About angles?05:45
genehackerif you could 05:46
kanzure_I know that it's in the system.05:46
kanzure_because it's a requirement for the file format that he and I talked about ;-)05:46
genehackeryou might be thinking of teeth angle05:46
kanzure_No teeth angle information.05:46
genehackernot phase angle05:46
genehackerwell it might help me a lot05:46
genehackerI've been doing some calculations and have been getting some weird results05:47
genehackerwhich means that either my math is wrong05:47
genehackeror that it doesn't work05:47
fennbkero: no05:48
kanzure_Does anybody remember that latest game that demoed an ability to go through 4 or 5 dimensions at once?05:49
kanzure_Something about being able to stretch things through the dimensions and making really cool use of the monitor.05:49
kanzure_I'd like to see if there's an API for applying that to generalized N dimensional data sets, like my graph permutation tree.05:49
fenncurved spaces?05:49
kanzure_was that the name of the game?05:49
kanzure_The name might have had something like 'crystal' in its title.05:50
genehacker5 dim game?05:51
kanzure_It was a space shooter of some sort.05:51
kanzure_Steve will know.05:51
kanzure_Which IRC network did I leave Steve on?05:51
genehackerI've been trying to find some 3d glasses so I can try out stereo rendering on my computer05:51
fenngenehacker: you know the polarized glasses + saran wrap trick?05:52
genehackerI need anaglyph glasses 05:52
genehackerI do know the trick however05:52
genehackerdo you mean this kanzure?05:54
fennfor some reason i think of your nick as being a real name, like "eugene a. hacker"05:54
genehackermy true identity has been revealed05:55
-!- genehacker is now known as gene05:55
-!- gene is now known as anon05:55
fennsurprised that isnt taken already05:56
kanzure_watch him be kicked in a few minutes.05:56
anonHow did you know my middle name started with an a though?05:56
fenni'm psychic05:57
fennbeing psychic is not particularly desirable05:58
fennyou know all sorts of things like "i'm going to miss the train" and then it happens and you're still stuck05:59
anonespecially if you know what I am thinking of right now05:59
kanzure_The actlab keeps a kid around by the name of Drake. He finished uni at age 13, and has hung around ever since and is now 18 or 19 or something. They call him their 'resident genius'. So tonight he was talking about some markov models for speech recognition for a game of telephone with robots whispering words to each other, as well as some infrared LED message passing protocols. Not sure how much 'genius' it takes for that, except the uni thing. Dal06:00
kanzure_why doesn't irssi split up my messages.06:01
anonIs he the guy that started teh reprap?06:02
fenngah anon get out of my mind06:02
kanzure_Brandon started reprap.06:02
kanzure_Brandon Wiley also did freenet and bittorrent work06:02
kanzure_maradydd's husband bunked with whoever did bittorrent originally06:03
fennbram cohen?06:03
kanzure_yeah, that guy.06:03
kanzure_Apparently Bram married a superpornstar.06:03
* fenn wonders what that means06:03
kanzure_quite literally a porn star.06:03
kanzure_aspied his way into that one.06:04
anonI don't understand how that is possible06:04
anonsocial engineering?06:04
kanzure_Mostly social engineering of himself more than anything else.06:05
fenni find it highly improbable that this isnt mentioned on wikipedia06:06
kanzure_Jenna Cohen. There we go.06:11
fennso i just need to write awful stories and the babes will come looking for me?06:19
anonno you have to aspie06:21
fenni think generally that's the problem06:21
bkeroMmm mmm dillo dillo07:51
willPow3rim installing mapguide opensouce on my linux server13:50
kanzure_What is it?13:50
willPow3rits for collecting and distributing geospatial data over the web13:51
kanzure_Gah, their 'standards' page.13:52
willPow3ri'm trying to find a complementary copy of autocad map 3d13:52
kanzure_CityGML sounds worth clicking.13:52
kanzure_Autocad map 3D, eh? I haven't heard of Autocad doing any mapping stuff.13:53
willPow3rits really just hosting software13:53
kanzure_Hosting how?13:53
kanzure_An HTTP server daemon?13:53
willPow3rbelieve it or not, autodesk made an opensource version13:53
willPow3rapache extensions more or less13:53
kanzure_Fun stuff.13:53
kanzure_I'll have to look into that.13:53
willPow3rits like google earth with overlays for collected geographical data13:54
kanzure_I'm trying to determine where opengeospatial.org is keeping data. 13:54
willPow3rthe only problem i can find is that most corporations are going to keep that data secret13:54
willPow3rthe data they find while searching for petroleum etc.13:54
kanzure_There's actually a US govt office for keeping track of that information.13:55
kanzure_I don't have the link off the top of my head, but I might have something in /books/ including the data set.13:55
willPow3rexactly, noaa etc. keep all that online13:55
kanzure_It's basically a very poor geographical annotation/markup of major mines and so on13:55
kanzure_NOAA is it?13:55
willPow3rwell, they're only one of the agencies that keeps data like that13:55
willPow3rand, apparently, this geospatial data can be fed into autocad somehow13:56
willPow3ri'm trying to figure that out13:56
kanzure_Yeah, so what I was originally thinking of doing was to come up with this giant index of material suppliers worldwide, but in a reverse manner13:56
kanzure_see, the major trading websites keep their 'supply network' behind closed doors even once you register and ask for bids on projects13:56
willPow3rsuppliers by material?13:56
kanzure_yeah, sort of13:56
kanzure_There's the mindat.org dataset, which tries to do that, then there's my latest matweb.com dataset;13:56
kanzure_then with the NOAA dataset, I was hoping I could do some cross-reference,13:57
kanzure_and if there's some locations that aren't in the mindat.org dataset, then feed those into Google Maps and try to figure out what business exists at those geocoords13:57
kanzure_and then somehow figure out their URL.13:57
kanzure_(URLs mapped to geographical areas .. blah, what has this world come to.)13:57
kanzure_Alright, I'm off to calculus.13:58
willPow3rhave fun13:58
willPow3rhttp:// <-- my opensource mapguide server13:59
willPow3rit works, apparently13:59
willPow3rat least the compiled-from-source apache daemon does14:00
willPow3rhmm. how in the fuck does an oss project rely on an expensive ESRI database server?14:10
willPow3roh nm. it can use mysql14:13
UtopiahGHMLB citizen only : http://www.indymedia.org.uk/images/2004/05/292199.jpg17:56
kanzure__It's a Star Wars game they made for a final. :)18:18
* kanzure__ was thinking of making an xwing cameo appearance in the gear thingy18:18
fennubuntu will be making a ARM Cortex-A8/9 port: http://linuxdevices.com/news/NS9527593286.html19:27
fennthis will be good for beagleboard19:27
fennand other mobile computing shenanigans19:28
UtopiahGHMLFive-Year Follow-up of Bilateral Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Advanced Parkinson's Disease http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/349/20/1925 19:32
bkeroThey're expecting an ARM netbook19:32
bkeroWhich would be fucking awesome19:32
bkeroAlso, handhelds.org already has an ubuntu arm port :{19:32
UtopiahGHMLhttp://beagleboard.org/ "ultra-low cost, high performance, low power OMAP3 based platform "19:33
UtopiahGHML(woops didn't see you were actually already mentionning beagleboard :)19:38
bkeroI have a beagle board :)19:44
bkeroIt's a fun little critter19:44
bkeroAnd it can be powered by USB - badass19:45
fennbkero: what are you doing with it?19:47
bkerofenn: gentooizing :)19:50
bkeroAs far as a purpose, I'm not sure yet.19:51
fennwell looks like the $100 laptop is finally here, from hong kong: http://www.jointech.com.hk/jl7100.html19:51
bkero64mb ram, 64mb rom, alright19:52
fenn"what" you say, "its not green?"19:52
fenncertainly not enough ram, but that seems to be the way these things go for some reason19:52
bkeroI wonder how much they would cost without windows XP.19:52
fennwin CE19:52
fennthere's no XP ARM port19:53
bkeroScreenshots are XP19:53
UtopiahGHMLbkero: have you tried to add a tiny multitouch screen to make a modile device (a la Internet Tablet)19:53
* fenn cant tell one grassy knoll from another19:53
bkeroUtopiahGHML: No, I already had a nokia 770 for that19:53
bkerofenn: show me a screenshot of a windows ce grassy knoll19:53
bkeroWait....That's an Eee 701.  I owned one19:54
UtopiahGHMLbkero: tried the N810 Wimax?19:54
bkeroIt's white, but that's it19:54
bkeroUtopiahGHML: My friend has an N800, used it for a while.  He also works for clearwire, which is behind wimax.  It's fucking vaporware until you can buy service and hardware.19:55
UtopiahGHMLN810 Wimax has ... Wimax and you have some ISP in Moscow and tests in Paris19:55
fennare you talking about 802.11n?19:56
bkerofenn: That laptop, look at the right side.  USB ports, VGA port, SD card port are all in the same spot.  The LCD bumpstops are in the same place.  Same mouse, same power button19:56
bkeroIt's an Eee 701 without branding19:56
fennbkero: they all look like that19:56
bkeroNo dude, I've owned an Eee 701, and now a Dell Mini Inspiron 9.  I know what they all look like19:57
bkeroThree of my friends have them, I see them at my house all the time19:57
bkeroThere is not a single physical difference besides the badge shape on the top19:57
UtopiahGHMLbkero: heard any N810 but more "up to date" (kind of old HW now)20:00
bkeroYou want a newer internet tablet?20:01
UtopiahGHMLand open, unlike Archos and such20:01
UtopiahGHML(didn't try them personnaly but I asked in the channel and guys there say it was Linux but still not really that open)20:02
bkeroThere aren't any20:02
bkeroNokia published the distro they're using, called maemo20:02
UtopiahGHMLyep I checked that20:02
UtopiahGHMLbut it doesn't have real VGA out does it? Id like that too ;)20:02
bkeroJust get a small laptop and call it good20:03
bkeroEee 900A's are at best buy for $280 now20:03
UtopiahGHMLI have an X31 20:03
bkeroN810 is about as good as you're going to get20:03
UtopiahGHMLk, thanks20:03
bkeroYou could get an iPhone and use video out :P20:04
UtopiahGHMLnot the most open device out there :/20:05
kanzure__ADL needs a grad student.20:07
fennoo oo me me20:08
kanzure__fenn: Are you serious?20:10
kanzure__Do you want me to put in a word for you?20:10
fennuh.. i guess20:11
fenni want you to help me figure out what is going on in professor/administrator's mind20:11
kanzure__excuse me?20:11
fennok so i'll apply and then when they dont respond you can ask them20:12
kanzure__btw, what was your SMIRF stuff? How was it supposed to 'improve' anything? was it "wait until you get 10,000 pieces of user feedback"? We're thinking of doing some smybolic regression analysis where we 'co-evolve' a simulator to provide smooth user feedback, because user feedback is too scattered. 20:12
kanzure__fenn: I could walk down the hall.20:13
fennsmooth user feedback?20:13
kanzure__Imagine user clicking on "hot or not" for 20 times20:13
fennsmirf was basically MMO x CAD x open source20:13
kanzure__20 data points is not enough to get a good function going there20:13
kanzure__but what if you had regression on there20:14
kanzure__and try to figure out a good function?20:14
kanzure__Then you have your 'generator' ping back the 'smoothalizer' (instead of directly to the user)20:14
fenn20 data points isnt enough?20:14
kanzure__if your graph has 300 nodes, and you've generated 10,000 graphs20:14
kanzure__20 clicks of "I hate this, I hate this", just narrows it down to you possibly hating just substitution rules with IDs <list here> ..20:15
kanzure__I'm only asking because of SMIRF, not because of the need for a grad student20:15
fennsmirf was born out of the gaping hole in open source cad software20:16
fennit's not automated design20:16
kanzure__"challenge the players to enhance the physics simulation"20:16
fennhowever, there was supposed to be a sort of "realtime" FEA and physics simulation20:16
fennso you could play with the design, instead of having a dead static drawing20:16
fennand it would do stuff in the world, slowly replacing dungeons&dragons style "points" systems with procedural simulations20:17
fennthat's what all the alpha/beta star chaotic orbit is about20:17
fennso you can look up in the sky and see "magic is loose in the world!"20:17
fennto borrow a quote from heinlein :)20:18
kanzure__Hm. Hod talks of an integrated robotic design+manufacture machine.20:30
kanzure__for "robotic ecologies". 20:30
kanzure__so he uses agency as a means of bridging the gap, that's peculiar. 20:31
kanzure__I think I was talking about this on SL4 once.20:31
kanzure__Basically if you have this 'robot' that you are testing in an unknown, unpredictable environment, you wonder what the minimal set of programs you send with the robot/machine into that environment for problem solving.20:32
fennthat doesnt make sense20:32
kanzure__Something about bounding maximal return on investment or somesuch.20:32
kanzure__no, it doesn't.20:32
fennif you dont know what to include you should include as much as possible20:32
kanzure__This was an email from 2006, so nevermind20:32
kanzure__I shouldn't talk about things I haven't seen in forever20:32
kanzure__Anyway, they do "robot ecologies" so that they have agency for context sniffing to figure out what a bette design might be.20:33
kanzure__(and instead of the sniffing information to go directly back to the GA search tree, it goes back to a simulator; the simulator then remains consistent to the environment, plus or minus weird predictions, so that the GA-of-the-robot-tree can ping the simulator and get back more smooth information to figure out optimal designs)20:34
nsh(don't forget, guys, everyone is painfully stupid)20:38
* fenn braces for the impact20:39
fennyeah, conserved sequences20:40
fennis this news?20:40
nshkanzure_, can you access http://scitation.aip.org/getpdf/servlet/GetPDFServlet?filetype=pdf&id=PRLTAO000100000025258103000001&idtype=cvips20:49
nsh(Physical Review Letters)20:50
kanzure__Hm. An interesting approach would be to just say "how far can we push automated design and of what". That would be fun. It would give us an excuse for the automated design of really big things.20:50
UtopiahGHMLhttp://www.voltaicsystems.com/bag_generator.shtml so expensive :/20:57
kanzure__"We address the issues of Fully Automated Design (FAD), .." starts one Lipson paper.21:02
kanzure__"               That is why we first focus and develop the21:07
kanzure__conventional algorithms for conservatively simulating21:07
kanzure__structures, and then parallelize into agents, rather than21:07
kanzure__hoping some simple pre-programmed behavior primitives21:07
kanzure__will scale. 21:07
kanzure__fenn: You'd have to do a phone interview with him probably.21:20
kanzure__nsh: http://dhcp-84-253.me.utexas.edu/PhysRevLett_100_258103.pdf21:22
UtopiahGHMLSubthalamic Nucleus Stimulation in Severe Obsessive.Compulsive Disorder http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/359/20/2121 (that was the article I wanted to share...)21:22
kanzure__Does it increase OCD?21:23
UtopiahGHMLConclusions These preliminary findings suggest that stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus may reduce the symptoms of severe forms of OCD but is associated with a substantial risk of serious adverse events. 21:24
kanzure__Not interested.21:25
kanzure__Show me what increases OCD and then I'll start to be interested.21:25
UtopiahGHMLwhy increase OCD21:25
kanzure__It's one of the ways you tweak variables, so that you know that your variable you think you have is really associated with what you're observing.21:27
kanzure__It becomes very obvious when you shine a laser in your eye.21:27
UtopiahGHMLif the technique stimulate to inhibit I guess it could also be used to do the opposite when knowledge on the topic will improve21:28
proctothe problem with tweaking the variables in your very perception system21:29
proctois that you can only feel that difference that you mentioned when things are back to "baseline"21:30
proctoexcept you may not necessarily know when you're truly at baseline again, if ever21:30
kanzure__fenn: re: your question about fab@home; the reason why is because it was an attempt to promote the solid freeform design technique. That was the purpose of the device apparently.21:31
fennwhat was my question?21:31
kanzure__why doesn't he just drop it and go with reprap21:36
fennthe lasercut plexi thing is redundant21:39
fennreprap would benefit from having new device heads, and they could standardize (gasp)21:40
fennnot to mention it would cost about $2k less21:40
kanzure__uh oh21:49
kanzure__"ADL" as in [A]DL (designs of instances of automation) or ADL as in design automation.21:49
kanzure__Huh, I didn't notice that difference in interpretation originally21:50
kanzure__but it can be read both ways21:50
fennderr... what?21:53
fennautomated design means one thing21:53
kanzure__[automated design] lab = that one thing21:53
fennwhy do you add brackets?21:54
kanzure__[automated] (design lab) = the other one. 21:54
kanzure__A pathetic attempt at emphasis.21:54
fennits the same thing though21:54
kanzure__well I guess I am assuming some leeway in the tense, but I'm trying to point out the distinction between just working in a bubble versus designing automations.21:54
fennsecond case brings to mind robots typing away at computers for some reason though :)21:54
kanzure__think of it as a command: "Design automation, lab! do it or else the robots will take over the world."21:55
kanzure__see the difference?21:55
fenni know what you're saying but i dont think the words fit the concept21:55
fennso how does one go about applying for grad school...21:56
kanzure__yes they do. "Automated design" can mean both (1) the automation of the design process and (2) the same sense as "Blackened Car Lab"21:57
kanzure__ugh, Blackened is a bad example ..21:57
kanzure__Furrowed Eyebrow Lab.21:57
fennadjective has to apply to both (object of study) and (laboratories)21:57
fennexpensive technology lab21:57
kanzure__yeah, that's sufficiently amibguous to illustrate the point21:58
fennhuh grad school has tuition?22:02
fenni thought i was signing up for slave labor22:02
fennah the problem is that "design" is a verb, not a noun22:11
fenni think its called a gerund22:11
kanzure__Automated Walking Lab v. what?22:16
kanzure__I mean, is ADL the 'walking' version?22:16
kanzure__I've confused myself.22:16
fennAutomated Designing Lab vs Automated Creation Lab22:17
fennthey can all be used as verbs22:17
fennAutomated Creature Lab 22:17
fennAutomated Creating Lab22:17
kanzure__Automated Designs Lab22:18
kanzure__ah, creating. 22:18
fennthat works too22:18
kanzure__interesting how that interpretation was resting in the ambiguity of the name.22:18
UtopiahGHMLIm watching a documentary called Losers and Winners (2006) on german factory being dissaembled to be re-assembled in China. They directly bring chinese workers in Germany to do so and put numbers on each piece of the factory to build it back in China. I can't even imagine the impact on reprap/fablab in the long run...22:19
kanzure__There's a company called Matrix Services that does that.22:19
UtopiahGHMLI didn't know it reached those levels...22:21
fennsemi-automated disassembly and reassembly lab :)22:22
UtopiahGHMLlevel of globalization, directly shipping the factory from the west to the cheaper country thanks to their worker traveling on place and rebuilt the whole thing there22:22
UtopiahGHMLI thought they would ... I dunno, just make new cheaper one there or sth22:22
fennyay free trade agreements22:22
UtopiahGHMLI didn't really think about it before22:23
kanzure__so there's a difference between just designing in a vacuum and designing for case studies requiring automation. It's hard to emphasize the difference.22:24
kanzure__I think that's what the different wording emphasizes at least22:24
kanzure__maybe my translator is broken22:24
fennthe difference is that automated design can create manually operated equipment22:25
kanzure__or one-off equipment stuff, yeah.22:25
fennbut automated designs excludes them22:25
fennone is a process, another is a set of information22:26
kanzure__It would be cool to use this as an excuse to get companies to let me study their automation. yay trade secrets..22:26
UtopiahGHML(and thinking about it reprap/fablab produced equipement will be even more prone to piloted automation since the design will be entirely software manipulated, duh I need to think about the effect/consequences a bit more)22:26
fennUtopiahGHML: that hasn't been the case so far22:28
fennreprap is very labor intensive22:28
kanzure__theoretically 'flexible manufacturing' could do allow for that to some extent, little cars that have giant robot arms on them moving around to make for some new system or something22:29
UtopiahGHMLfenn: well when I see how outdated Ive been regarding relocalization (viewing the documentary) Im starting to reconsiderate the whole process22:29
UtopiahGHMLIll ask my friends who work on those topics in eastern Europe, that's actually what they are doing for car manufacturers22:30
UtopiahGHML(new assembly lines, they don't even use top-notch automation there since labor cost is too low against machines)22:30
kanzure__That's only because the consultants get hundreds of millions for "look! an industrial robot! future tech! woo-woo-woo"22:31
kanzure__woo-woo-woo is supposed to mean hand waving I guess22:31
kanzure__fenn: I missed what you said about the distinction, one being about the process and one being about the information (designs (plural)). 22:33
kanzure__actually 'automated designs lab' doesn't have to mean just those designs that are of automated things, but also automated [designs lab]. design management and such.22:33
UtopiahGHML(btw the doc. is on a coke factory, coke derived from coal)22:36
kanzure__I suppose this goes back to the other basics I've been meaning to fix anyway, the expression of an adequate design22:36
kanzure__'adequacy' in design is a good topic in of itself because machinists are always yelling back up here at the so-called designers about how impossible these schematics are22:36
kanzure__(not really, but I know they're cursing down there)22:37
fennwell they should be22:39
fennyelling back up i mean22:39
kanzure__And of course the determinant of adequacy is (corny "ta-da" here) whether or not the design can be translated into reality. ("it from bit")22:39
fennnot really22:40
fennif you specify .00001" tolerance on a decorative plaque, that's not an adequate design22:40
fennit's physically possible to make, but the cost to benefit ratio is just off the scale22:41
fenntheoretically anything is possible22:42
UtopiahGHMLis that a theory?22:42
fenndesigns coming from an academic setting often have high cost to benefit ratio :\22:42
kanzure__translated into reality 22:43
fennexample: fab@home vs reprap22:44
fennsame capabilities, different price22:44
kanzure__No, you misunderstand me. physically possible as in, "here, I've done it using cheap tools"22:44
* kanzure__ hands you something autodesignedthingy22:44
fennthat's a weird interpretation of physically possible22:44
fenndid you know guys in the 1800's scraped granite plates to within a millionth of an inch, with files and abrasive?22:45
kanzure__but seriously, I meant with available tools, and specifically not ridiculously unavailable machines.22:45
kanzure__so 'physically possible' is, yes, not an adequate definition22:46
fennservices like ponoko are changing the landscape of "available machinery"22:47
kanzure__I posted to openmanufacturing earlier about a way to do ponoko, with possibly lower margins if automated cargo loading is done22:47
fenni'm an autonomy freak though, so renting time on a machine in some indeterminate location somewhere on earth doesn't appeal to me22:48
kanzure__somebody at dorkbot brought their "forearm-mounted electricity generator". wind-up toy. Was supposed to look like a time machine. Didn't work :(22:50
kanzure__(the time machine aspect, I mean.)22:50
fenntime machine?22:50
fenni was just talking about human powered electricity generators last night22:50
fenna string going from the shoe to a wind up "yank cord" generator on your belt, to provide power for mobile computers22:51
fennparasitic drag from walking n stuff22:51
fennthis guy in robo club made a compact 12V jiggle generator, embedded in a gandalf-ish walking staff, so it lights up when you hold it a certain way22:52
fennwith built-in ultracaps22:52
fenni was telling him to build the tech into a carpenter's hammer, for ideal nail-striking illumination22:56
kanzure__fenn: VC: chalstrom.com23:02
kanzure__Okay, I'm about to leave.23:11
kanzure__fenn: do you still want me to put in the word? you said something about the whole tuition thing.23:11
fennhe will pay for tuition23:13
fennthat's what the grant money is for23:13
fennshould i send an email tonight?23:13
fennexplaining who i am, why i want to work with adl, etc23:13
* fenn anxts over how much to write23:15
kanzure__yes, but send it to me first.23:15
kanzure__yeah, that's why you should send it to me first.23:15
* kanzure__ leaves23:16
kanzure__oh, I also just replied to Dave/unptnt with a bit of a braindump. oops.23:16
fenntoo much pasta, brain starved for oxygen..23:41

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