
--- Day changed Sun Nov 16 2008
fennwonder why he asked if i own a motorcycle00:17
kanzure_ maybe he will tell the police that you don't own a helmet. 00:17
fennbut i have two, and they're full of mouse poop00:17
kanzure_ uhm.00:19
fennbecause the mice pooped in them00:20
fennalgae-bot looks pretty good to me00:20
kanzure_I didn't click00:20
kanzure_but I remember seeing something once that was this water-surface-thingy00:20
kanzure_that harvested algae.00:21
kanzure_is this it?00:21
fennlooks sorta like a crab00:21
kanzure_hm. I remember a typical boat with a giant roller-thingy.00:21
fennit has a roller thingy00:21
fennmore like a crab robot though00:21
kanzure_yay memory00:21
kanzure_I got a stupid email today about some synthetic biology paper that said "RAWR WE NEED CATEGORIES" and so some kids got their names on a paper for saying it.01:04
kanzure_Why didn't I write that?01:05
kanzure_weren't we ranting about this months ago?01:05
fennuh huh01:05
kanzure_weren't we??01:05
kanzure_I think I should rant in PDF form from now on.01:05
fennlinkdumps are encouraged in pdf form01:06
kanzure_For some reason I don't tend to bookmark papers that I read.01:07
fennlazyweb me wants a url->bibtex translator01:07
kanzure_Mostly because it's too much overhead. Download PDF, rename, move to the right location; tab over to the actual PDF display; 01:07
kanzure_luckily some of the paper websites list the bibtex or some other weird citation format01:07
kanzure_sciencedirect, for instance, does it in plain html01:07
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: Firefox extensions don't count.01:07
kanzure_The publishers don't actually take pdf submissions, of course ..01:11
kanzure_they have their various latex template files I'm sure.01:11
kanzure_fenn:  Who was it that did that Regli virtual manufacturing research with NSF originally?01:31
kanzure_NIST, woops.01:31
kanzure_It wasn't Regli, I just remember that nam.01:32
kanzure_luf-team email about Vermont virtual companies. Apparently they are implementing some CGI(?) gateways to allow you to register companies automatically. 01:35
kanzure_this is a russian botnet's owner wetdream ..01:36
kanzure_go install some stuff on Amazon W3 services, deploy a few fake email addresses (dodgeit.com?), ..01:36
kanzure_get a few pre-paid credit cards ..01:37
kanzure_I wonder if a virtual company will be subject to zoning laws. haha.01:37
kanzure_(not IP zoning.)01:38
kanzure_fenn: I ask about the NIST virtual manufacturing stuff  because that would be very good context-establishing information for the email. which you haven't sent me.01:48
fennthis? http://www.cs.umd.edu/~nau/vm2/02:31
kanzure_Ah, Nau. yeah.02:31
fennre: cgi corporation, reminds me of 'lobsters' by stross02:32
fennhe had a flock of corporations whose bylaws were written in python02:32
fennused them for lawsuit barrage DOS attack02:33
kanzure_bylaws written in python? Business operations in python, sure. Bylaws, I'm not so sure.02:33
kanzure_"There will be one meeting every month!" is a bylaw02:33
fennwell, something like that02:33
kanzure_"There's a meeting this month" would be a check.02:33
kanzure_I don't remember that section either.02:34
fenn'corporation will follow its prescribed business operations' check02:34
fenn'corporation will do what it wants'02:34
kanzure_ I want to see if they have fees for setting up companies. If so, we get to argue "land of opportunity" and "unreasonable fees."02:35
kanzure_"Sorry, that's how much they have to charge in order to pay off the consultants."02:35
kanzure_"I'll do it for free."02:36
kanzure_"Sorry, we still have to fuck you."02:36
fenninteresting that it's vermont02:36
kanzure_Is Wikipedia giving some weird unicode output for you?02:40
fennexample link?02:41
fennthe list of languages are unicode of course02:41
kanzure_there it goes.02:41
kanzure_Anyway, I was trying to remember the population of Vermont. 02:42
kanzure_significant in the sense that it's not.02:42
fenni'm amazed at how well konqueror/kwrite handles the mixed unicode text02:43
kanzure_It was this bad output for the entire page, I suspect it was on my end. 02:43
fennit only screws up when selecting persian (which seems to have a lot of ligatures)02:44
kanzure_Not what I mean.02:45
kanzure_I should have saved the page.02:45
fennreminds me of a certain video game03:40
genewell you know  the company is headed up by john carmack03:48
bkeroHoly shit03:50
bkeroThat's less people than Montana03:50
bkeroI thought only Wyoming had less people03:50
fennnow this is what i call a dot matrix printer: http://www.dapramarking.com/video/wmv/DMS-HandHeldMarking.wmv04:03
genecheck it out04:04
genea pocket mill04:04
genenow if we could only build one04:05
fenni have no idea what i'm looking at04:05
geneit's a milling machine04:05
genethat could fit in your pocket04:05
geneie 04:05
geneit cuts a way stuff to make things04:05
fennthe "maze" kinda reminds me of physik instrumente's 6-axis piezo stages04:06
geneit is a piezo stage basically04:07
fennbut there arent enough actuators04:07
geneit appears to be six axis04:08
genedo you have access to piezo stages?04:08
fennthere's only two piezo actuators (the oval thingies04:08
fennno i dont have access to anything04:09
genethe paper says there's like 6 axises04:09
fennthe paper by Shorya Awtar?04:10
genethat marking gun would be great to have04:10
geneApply to surface04:10
geneand bam graffitti04:10
fenninkjet cartridge + mouse sensor would be neat too04:10
fenn"technology disclosures - filing underway" wtf does that mean04:12
geneif only we could figure out how inkjet cartridges are controlled04:13
genewe could do amazing things04:14
fenn"if only"?04:14
genemuch of the cost(for Z-corp) of a Z-corp 3d printer is making a special driver to control the inkjet cartridge(same as the ones 2d printers use)04:15
fennone would think that i would have saved the inkjet graffiti device as a bookmark...04:16
genethe only reason why 3d printers cost a lot, is that people who buy them are willing to pay a lot04:16
genewas it an epson inkjet?04:17
geneepson inkjets are the best to use for 3d printing04:17
fenncan't find it again. whoever wrote the article reverse engineered the inkjet pinout in an afternoon04:19
fenndo you have a real source for "much of the cost is in inkjet drivers" or are you bullshitting me?04:20
geneit's true04:22
geneand that probably doesn't cost much04:23
fenn"it's true" means what04:23
genehold on let me find the sauce04:23
fenni know it's just a glorified xyz stage with a squeegee and an inkjet cartridge04:24
fennbut i bet the software development is a miniscule part of the actual costs04:24
fenntech support is probably greatest04:25
fennfollowed closely by legal fees :)04:25
geneit's more than just a squeegee04:26
geneit's a roller04:26
geneand a powder dispenser04:27
fennoh right, i've seen that04:27
genethere is also a special heater04:27
geneand a binder reservoir the size of a small gas tank04:28
genethe binder is just water with some stuff added to it04:28
geneZ-corp is making quite a profit04:29
geneand guess what Z-corp uses to add color to their prints04:30
geneFood Dye04:30
fenni bet they are04:33
fennwhy havent we seen "hack your inkjet into a 3d printer" instructable yet04:33
fennwhat's the powder, baking soda?04:34
fenni hear powdered sugar should work too04:34
genesomeone made one though04:34
genepowder is maltodextrin04:35
geneor something like that04:35
geneor plaster04:35
fennhmm plaster would be good04:36
geneyou strengthen the print out by dripping super glue on it04:37
fennwhat do you think about leaving some capillary channels through the part to soak up a stronger resin, like epoxy04:38
geneZ-corp sells special additives for strengthening parts like that04:38
fenn"sulfate salt" is probably an anti-caking agent04:38
genethere's this one video of a z-corp part treated with their special super secret additive04:39
geneand the par being used as a hammer04:39
kanzure_John Carmack has emailed me before.04:41
fenndidnt he say something like 'you need to do your homework'? :)04:41
kanzure_fenn, can you link me to the pocket mill paper that you can't access?04:41
fenni dont know what paper gene was talking about04:42
geneDamn Kanzure you know Carmack too?04:42
kanzure_I'm a bit extreme.04:44
genewhat did carmack email you about?04:44
kanzure_fenn: I was assuming the link was from the .edu page.04:44
kanzure_Some CFD stuff and telling me to stop trying with amateur rocketry.04:44
kanzure_Totally destroyed my image of him.04:44
geneyou did amateur rocketry?04:45
kanzure_I haven't stopped.04:45
fennO RLY04:45
kanzure_Just haven't been building things of late ..04:45
genewhat was your propellant?04:45
kanzure_You're assuming I had something working?04:45
kanzure_Bad assumption.04:45
fenngeez not like it's hard to go buy an estes kit04:45
geneso what did you intend your propellant to be?04:45
genedon't you mean oxidizer and candy?04:46
genewhat did you intend to use as an oxidizer?04:47
genepotassium nitrate04:47
kanzure_KNO3, yes.04:47
kanzure_In particular I was following the sugar-candy rocket people, like Richard Nakka.04:47
genewas this a serious rocket?04:48
kanzure_Why are you assuming there was just one rocket ?04:48
kanzure_this is weird04:48
kanzure_Stop assuming shit.04:48
genedid you intend to build big serious rockets?04:49
geneor estes sized things04:49
kanzure_Big stuff, but you don't start big.04:49
genehow big?04:50
fennbut you dont start at all sometimes04:50
geneget to space big?04:50
kanzure_That's altitude.04:50
kanzure_Are you talking about physical size or distance?04:50
kanzure_*or altitude?04:50
genesometimes they are mutually exclusive04:51
kanzure_Anyway, it's not like I had schematics or any metal laying around.04:51
fennif you can make a rocket go mach 30 i'll be impressed04:51
kanzure_Go bark up another tree.04:51
geneheh fenn04:53
geneI don't think anything can go mach 3004:53
genein the atmosphere at least04:53
fennshirley you must be joking04:53
fennnot in the atmosphere04:53
kanzure_"frivolous ambivalence" heh'04:54
genewere you intending to build a scramjet?04:55
kanzure_What I was planning on doing was improving some models of engines and designs that I was pulling out of my copy of Sutton04:55
kanzure_Carmack didn't think this was appropriate and basically gave me the finger.04:56
kanzure_(but not much in terms of alternatives)04:56
kanzure_(he isn't why I stopped, of course)04:56
genewere you telling him to go open source?04:57
kanzure_I was not talking to him; he just replied to me.04:57
geneman he must be quite a dick04:57
kanzure_and so we started talking etc.04:58
kanzure_I don't know about that.04:58
kanzure_I think he just needed to rant.04:58
fennwowee 0 forum posts and no content, wtf is the point of osaerospace.com04:58
kanzure_"You damned kids don't know how hard it is, rawr"04:58
kanzure_fenn: Squatters.04:58
kanzure_"Back in my day, we solved PDEs by throwing stones at the Chinese."04:59
geneif you were trying to get into space, then he might have had the right to say that it was hard, if you were trying to build something estes sized then he didn't04:59
genecan you solve PDEs kanzure?05:00
* fenn has maxima installed...05:00
* kanzure_ has mathematica, maxima, matlab, labview, ocam, and a few others installed05:00
fennnot like i know how to use it or anything though05:00
kanzure_So yes.05:00
geneI mean by hand05:00
kanzure_Why the fuck would you do it by hand?05:00
kanzure_Do you have any idea what you'd be getting into?05:01
fennit makes sense to know what's going on "under the hood"05:01
genebecause they don't allow us to use calculators on the test05:01
fennbut how often does one use PDE's in real life?05:01
kanzure_who's they?05:01
kanzure_and what test ??05:01
genemy math teacher05:01
genethe one on monday05:01
kanzure_fuck your math teacher05:01
genehis background is error analysis05:02
genewhich means he really don't trust computers05:02
fenni have a book on that05:02
fennoh, wron kind of error analysis05:03
kanzure_There are ways to prove programs for correctness.05:03
geneI know05:03
geneI hate doing PDEs too kanzure05:03
fennso, what's the big deal?05:03
kanzure_If he has a list of arguments for why a certain PDE solution algorithm sucks, that's fine, but I don't see why his test has to get in the way of me doing modeling on a computer and Carmack yelling at us "damned youngers"05:03
geneI know05:04
geneis there anyway I could run that software on two sheets of paper like a slide rule?05:04
fennyou could make some colored tiles and assemble/disassemble them until you get the solution :\05:05
kanzure_But you might as well just know the algorithms at that point.05:05
geneI am allowed only two sheets of paper on the test05:06
kanzure_see, this is why selling yourself like a whore is a bad idea.05:06
fennthank you so much for saying that kanzure05:07
genenow if I could implant a calculator in my hand...05:07
kanzure_ ?05:07
genethat's controlled by thinking05:07
kanzure_gene: Have you seen the TI-83 hacks that replace the processor and so on?05:07
kanzure_fenn: sarcasm?05:07
fenni'm sorta worried about slaving like a dog for campbell/<insert professor here> and then them getting all the credit/IP05:07
geneI can't use a calculator05:07
kanzure_fenn: so you're not worried about the general slaving part?05:07
fennif i'm doing something i believe in, it's not slaving05:08
fenndoing lots of work for someone else's benefit for little pay is slaving05:08
geneheh we might have to worry about that kanzure05:08
kanzure_gene: What?05:08
kanzure_fenn: So, what I do is I write the majority of the good code at home and publish it on the web before I show it in the lab05:09
kanzure_well, or I write it on the job but not on a logged hour, that sort of thing05:09
kanzure_but this is just cheap.05:09
fennuh, ok05:09
fennsomehow i doubt that counts05:09
kanzure_I talked with Campbell about the licensing stuffs05:09
kanzure_(not the "co-author" stuff - he's eager to get me on a paper)05:09
kanzure_and he's basically as clueless/apprehensive as I am about it05:10
geneyeah I know05:10
kanzure_"Well, I've had graphsynth online for 3 years, so it's out there. I'm just worried about what the university will say."05:10
geneactually doesn't he want us to publish something over the break?05:10
kanzure_gene: You don't work for Campbell.05:10
geneDoes fenn?05:11
fennwell, i wont sign anything that says i have to fork copyright over to the uni. i'll cross it out05:11
geneI am not familiar with campbell05:11
kanzure_gene: Maybe.05:11
kanzure_fenn: I haven't had to sign anything like that. 05:11
kanzure_but it might be "implied". 05:11
fennit might have been buried in fine print05:11
genethat would be scary05:12
fennho hum. so what's campbell doing in engineering anyway?05:12
fenni guess i should ask him that not you05:12
kanzure_that's a good idea.05:12
kanzure_did you send the email?>05:13
kanzure_before I could ask him he answered it for me05:13
fennyes, last night05:13
kanzure_but I don't remember the specifics.05:13
kanzure_it was more like "I feel kind of bad being all in engineering and here I am publishing about graph theory"05:13
genewho is campbell?05:13
kanzure_Automated Design Lab professor.05:13
fennhead(?) of the utexas automated design lab05:13
kanzure_fenn: head.05:14
fenngiant pulsating brain05:14
kanzure_fenn: the hierarchy goes Manufacturing and Design Lab -> ADL05:14
kanzure_uh, I guess <- ADL.05:14
fennsay that again?05:14
kanzure_how does one express subordination?05:14
fenna is a subset of b05:14
kanzure_ADL is a subset of MAD lab05:14
kanzure_but I was talking about the -> notation.05:15
fenni dont know any -> notation05:15
kanzure_guess that's directionality05:15
genekanzure, if the computers ever start disobeying humans decommission them with a hammer05:15
fennthat's perl's lame excuse for a method operator05:15
kanzure_so campbell was complaining about how I work so ridiculously fast05:16
kanzure_"I need a grad student"05:16
fenno rly05:16
fennwhen was this?05:16
kanzure_huh? a few days ago.05:16
genedamn Kanzure05:16
kanzure_fenn: really he was saying full time 05:16
fennwell, i am slow, so maybe it will balance out05:16
kanzure_but that's why I told you05:16
kanzure_No, I mean you.05:17
* fenn tries to untangle the conversation05:17
kanzure_No information was conveyed.05:17
fenn"i am the bottleneck"05:17
kanzure_I was just saying that he was talking about how fast I work, and he was also saying that I shouldn't be doing some of the work I do or whatever, that he needs a full timer05:18
fenn"from my distorted and anxiety ridden perspective, it appears that my behavior takes on certain characteristics of a bottlneck in a flow system"05:18
kanzure_so I was saying that as evidence of this quickness, he now has a resume sitting in his inbox05:18
* fenn hates e-prime05:18
kanzure_what are you saying now?05:18
* kanzure_ goes away05:18
geneany way05:19
geneI'm wondering if I could build a pocket mill05:20
geneor other small mill05:20
genethat could be kept in a dorm05:21
kanzure_Did you see the papers on a 30x30x30 mm mill + lathe setup?05:21
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/manufacturing/ <- somewhere in here05:21
genethe microfactory right?05:21
genetoo bad it ain't any where near automated05:21
kanzure_What, you mean load/unload of materials?05:21
kanzure_Even if it was, that would be hard to deploy in a dorm.05:22
kanzure_You don't quite have enough space to stack an inventory preped for autoloading.05:22
genenow how would we automate it?05:22
kanzure_In a dorm? forget about it,05:22
kanzure_but if you have lab space then you can start talking about some lifting mechanisms and positioners with guidetrains05:22
geneI just want to build an electrochemical mill05:22
geneI've been contemplating designing a electrochemical machining head for reprap05:23
kanzure_For electrochemistry?05:24
genefor machining metal05:24
fennare you sure you mean ECM and not EDM?05:24
geneECM is easier to do05:25
fennwell, good luck with that05:25
kanzure_Quick summary of ECM? 05:25
fennmassive computational prediction of electrode shape to remove the desired form from cathode05:25
kanzure_huh? So you make this anode?05:26
kanzure_and then you do anode-cathode contact and do what, where's the chemistry?05:26
fennthey're separated by electrolyte solution05:26
kanzure_and this causes some induction of heat or something.05:26
fennit dissolves into solution and then plates onto the anode05:26
geneyou scan a syringe coated with insulator except for the very tip charged up some odd distance from surface spraying electrolyte(salt water ok, sodium nitrate great)05:26
geneit goes into solute05:27
geneit goes into solution I mean05:27
genehow do you make electrode05:27
kanzure_Heh, I cacn link you to how to make electrodes for brain stimulation. Not the same thing.05:27
geneyou buy a blunt tipped dispensing tip05:27
geneyou could make electrodes for brain stimulation05:28
genewith ECM05:28
kanzure_This method just involved wrapping wires carefully.05:28
genegold wires right?05:28
kanzure_(and very large)05:28
genebtw got an idea for brain stimulation05:28
kanzure_Maybe. http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/neuro/ has a file on it. (one of the PDFs)05:28
genethat might work05:28
geneand would do minimal damage to tissue(hopefully)05:29
geneI'll explain it later05:30
kanzure_Why not now?05:30
kanzure_You just started to say, but now you're starting?05:30
kanzure_*you're stopping?05:30
genebasic idea is that you have a nonconductive fiber coated with 05:31
genemetal and insulator such that you have a bunch of electrode pads on it 05:32
genepush these fibers into nerve fibers 05:32
genesuch that they form something of a matrix05:32
kanzure_Like an MEA?05:33
kanzure_Microelectrode array05:33
genebut you apply electricity  at x and y fibers 05:33
kanzure_How is that not like an MEA?05:33
geneto stimulate xy neurons05:34
fennyou cant multiplex an electrode, sorry05:34
fennthink about it05:34
genebecause it goes into the nerve fiber05:34
kanzure_An MEA supposedly has specific control of each electrode tip.05:34
geneI know05:34
kanzure_but you can make crappy versions of course05:34
fennthere has to be some kind of and gate at each junction05:34
genebut neurons can't go through the electrode array05:35
kanzure_fenn: What is multiplexing again?05:35
fennthe x/y multiply number of i/o scheme05:35
fennusing x anodes and y cathodes05:35
fenner, multiplexing is more general than that actually05:35
geneit's hard to install a flat plate electrode array and connecting up the neurons on the other time05:36
geneother side05:36
genelol dyslexia05:36
kanzure_It's pretty easy to push a flat plate into the brain05:36
geneyeah it is05:36
kanzure_It's done all the time for MEA studies in vivo.05:36
genebut you damage a lot in the process05:36
kanzure_Not with things like patch clamp methods,05:37
fenngene you could do something with plastic transistors on flexible plastic05:37
kanzure_there's been a few articles about "self-guided tips" and scuh.05:37
kanzure_flexible plastic sounds less intense. :)05:37
geneOh sorry, we didn't mean to erase your ability to do calculus05:37
kanzure_Killing one or two neurons on the surface of the cortex doesn't quite work like that.05:38
kanzure_but it's of course important to avoid.05:38
genewe didn't mean to mess up your memory of your encryption key05:38
kanzure_Who's this "we"?05:38
geneit's a hypothetical05:38
kanzure_A few months ago I was thinking about getting the trepanation people to also do some implants while they are at it.05:39
genehow do you get deep into the brain05:39
kanzure_You do deep stuff without MEAs. ;-)05:40
fennwe = Lacuna, Inc.05:40
kanzure_Lucana? who ?05:40
genehow do you get a MEA deep into the brain05:40
genefenn it's hypothetical05:40
genewith out messing up a bunch of stuff05:40
kanzure_YOu don't get an MEA deep into the brain.05:40
kanzure_That's like mashing a giant surface into your brain.05:40
kanzure_You just want the electrode tips. 05:40
fennwhat's with all these sublet people wanting to keep their stupid furniture in the apt.. sheesh05:40
kanzure_And even then you're cutting through a lot of tissue.05:40
kanzure_fenn: huh?05:40
geneI am talking about pushing in tiny wires between neurons05:41
genetiny wires05:41
kanzure_gene: So, DeMarse does this kind of.05:42
kanzure_What some people have been doing is getting some silicon surfaces, HFMA or whatever,05:42
genedoes he have wire with electrodes on them?05:42
kanzure_drawing a PCB circuit on it05:42
geneor a wire that is an electrode05:42
kanzure_and then coating that same circuit pattern with neurotin or something05:42
kanzure_maybe NGF, nerve growth factor05:43
kanzure_and then adding a culture to the protocol05:43
kanzure_So, then you have neurons growing at very specific locations05:43
kanzure_and it's networked.05:43
kanzure_So then you know the exact linkup and where to insert pins for ideal locations05:43
kanzure_However, if it's on a surface anyway, just put it under a microscope.05:43
geneso what would it take to expand my sensory and motor homunucli?05:43
kanzure_and do typical patch glamp optical microscopy guidance.05:43
kanzure_What would you consider 'expand' to be?05:44
geneability to use more arms at the same time05:44
genewell I am AFK05:44
kanzure_I suspect the state of the arm attachment is the more important factor ..05:45
generobotic arm05:45
geneover the internet05:45
geneor what not05:45
kanzure_uh, no05:45
kanzure_What's the physical connection?05:45
geneblue tooth05:45
kanzure_Your brain does not have a wifi or bluetooth receiver.05:46
kanzure_For the record, the open source prosthetics people use some chest stuff for wacky third arm movement.05:47
genenot yet it doesn't05:47
* fenn suggests RFID since it needs no power source05:47
geneyes it does fenn05:48
fennwell, not inside your skull at least05:48
fennhmm or blood fuel cell05:49
fennn/m pay no attention to me05:49
kanzure_Power-on on read request?05:49
kanzure_that would be nice if it follows some "recently released calcium" rule or something05:49
kanzure_erm, recent release of neurotransmitter effecting the concentration at the electrode tip05:49
fennhyperventilate to turn on brain prosthetic :)05:50
kanzure_and this being read as input when it gets transmitted power05:50
kanzure_but anyway,05:50
kanzure_the MEAs already tend to use electrical in05:50
kanzure_I forget the terminology05:50
kanzure_but they do not require batteries.05:50
kanzure_same concept as microwave energy transmission05:50
fennRFID basically05:50
fenninduced current in a coil right?05:51
kanzure_because this uses some funky hardcore EM principles for transduction or something05:51
fennthe higher frequency the smaller the coil can be05:51
kanzure_the papers are good btw, especially the Shazaku or whatever paper05:51
* kanzure_ checks05:51
kanzure_blah, the Irazaquui guy or whatever05:53
kanzure_can't remember his name or the link in the ~bbishop/docs/neuro/ dir.05:53
kanzure_heh, one of the names in there is 'Arfin'. Scott Arfin hit me up over gmail once about me having his paper in that directory ..05:53
kanzure_he was actually glad to see it there.05:53
kanzure_He did MEA + bird studies.05:54
fennmost people are sensible05:54
fennum, as far as redistributing their papers, i mean05:54
* fenn wants a song extractor brain prosthesis05:57
kanzure_That sounds like the start to a bad fairytale.05:58
fennonce upon a time, there was a prince with a song stuck in his head05:58
kanzure_"Help! The evil mad scientist has stolen the song from all the birds!"05:58
kanzure_enter mario05:58
kanzure_or something.05:58
fenndoctor robotnik05:58
kanzure_I still like my copy of "Once upon a galaxy"06:01
kanzure_and I only wish it was an anime novelization instead a collection of science fiction fairytales06:02
kanzure_fenn: Do you see Nathan's post on "open enterprise"?06:11
genekanzure I believe the MEA you are referring to work like transformers06:11
kanzure_I don't think Nathan understands how easy it is to code up some HR dept apps for his 'enterprise'06:11
kanzure_gene: Did you read any of the papers?06:11
kanzure_or at least glance06:11
kanzure_You should trust the documents over me, in this case.06:12
genelol doctor robotnik06:12
genehow much access do you have to the ME server?06:12
geneare you root?06:12
kanzure_None at the moment, I don't know its address.06:12
kanzure_kanzure- isn't logged in, so something bad happened.06:13
genewell the ME server is sorta broken right now06:13
kanzure_I don't think you know how servers work06:13
kanzure_There are multiple servers in the mechanical engineering department.06:13
geneit's broken as far as I am concerned06:13
geneit's not letting me save files and stuff on it06:13
genewhich is fucking annoying06:14
kanzure_You don't have access to the server I deployed.06:14
geneI have to write functions in matlab06:14
genewhich means I have to save them in the same folder as matlab06:14
genebut I can06:15
genebecause the ME server won't let me06:15
geneso anyway want to help me with our project?06:16
kanzure_Which project?06:16
genecatapult v206:16
kanzure_What's up with that anyway? You're not getting credit for it, and I think he's only printing the stuff we've snet him, which was the other parts we've emailed him.06:17
geneyou already sent the part's?06:17
kanzure_I cc'd you ..06:17
genewhat do you mean I am not getting credit06:17
geneI made most of the parts06:18
kanzure_that's not what I'm talking about06:18
genewhat for improving the catapult?06:18
kanzure_yeah. I mean, it's cool and everything, but it's not something I'm spending time on because of other things going on06:19
kanzure_and also because it's not for credit06:19
geneI know06:19
fennaha i figured out what the song was stuck in my head.. it's from this video: http://www.wehi.edu.au/wehi-tv/others/movies/WTV_Lge_v3.mov06:19
genewell then06:19
fennjust doing my meme-propagation duty06:20
geneI didn't know that you already sent the parts06:20
kanzure_I cc'd you.06:20
genedid you say it was all the parts?06:20
kanzure_yeah, so feel free to email him stuff I guess, but I don't know if there's a guarantee that he will print it.06:22
geneI can't download the stuff 06:23
genethe zip06:23
kanzure_email would require uploading06:23
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/me302/project/ should have the zip06:23
kanzure_I really really doubt that Nathan gets how easy it's supposed to be. 06:30
kanzure_you could code some of the modules with less words than Nathan took to write that email06:31
fennnathan == knuggy?06:32
kanzure_um, his name is written right next to knuggy06:32
kanzure_what interface are you using?06:32
fennmust be some feature of your address book. i'm using pine06:32
kanzure_I'm using gmail at the moment.06:32
kanzure_when the laptop ressurrects itself, it's back to kmail for me.06:33
kanzure_I'm using the gmail web interface at the moment06:33
fennthis sorta sounds like a One True Prophet06:34
* fenn shrugs06:34
fennbig talk and short on details06:34
kanzure_I don't want to be a prick, but I really should reply with "This would take less words to program than it took you to write it .. shut up and code."06:35
kanzure_or really "shut up and go install a few drupal mods"06:35
kanzure_that's what I did with Andrew Hessel (oops) on diybio06:35
kanzure_"I was thinking of blah blah blah .. spending my christmas break .. blah blah blah.. "06:35
fennwhy (oops)06:35
kanzure_"Uh, Andrew, .. here's the modules"06:35
* fenn doesnt follow diybio06:36
fennhard enough keeping up with openmanufacturing :)06:36
kanzure_bad idea to smite those that you try to follow closely06:36
kanzure_I mean, I talk big about Andrew :)06:36
kanzure_since his open source biology kill-teh-cancer stuff is good.06:36
kanzure_but here he is taking a few too many weeks on a community website thingy that is installed one-click with drupal?06:36
fennis he the radio frequency treatment guy?06:37
kanzure_no no06:37
kanzure_he's oncolytic virus guy06:37
fennsounds.. tricky06:37
kanzure_he's "target an individual patient's cancer with genetically engineered viruses or whatever the hell we can to attack that *particular* mutation"06:37
kanzure_yeah, so he has some bio toolchain and stuff06:37
kanzure_sounds much like the biotech toolkit implemented for a specific purpose06:37
kanzure_met Andrew up at biobarcamp in CA06:38
kanzure_and he knew me before I knew him06:38
kanzure_so it was freaky.06:39
fennthat usually is06:39
fennunless you're used to it06:39
fenni should take him up on his book offer06:39
kanzure_I don't think I'll ever be used to it.06:39
kanzure_oh, the biology book stuff?06:39
fennjust some open source book06:40
kanzure_something like that was moving around on the diybio mailing list a few months ago.06:40
kanzure_are you talking about nathan?06:40
fenn"These ideas are explored in Open Sources 2.0, which is published by O'Reilly and is, ironically, not open source. I'll send you a PDF if you ask for one."06:40
kanzure_ah, Andrew.06:40
kanzure_on his openwetware page06:40
kanzure_I never did. 06:40
kanzure_ahessel@gmail.com IIRC06:40
fennhah role model manfred macx06:41
kanzure_I also have a few of his videos on the server06:42
kanzure_like his SENS3 talk.06:42
kanzure_His SENS3 talk was much like his biobarcamp talk except less polished.06:44
kanzure_What is that?06:45
genelink unrelated to current topic06:45
genebut other topic06:45
geneone the most advanced factories in the world06:45
kanzure_the Saturn factory?06:45
geneof course it isn't fully automated06:45
geneignore last few seconds of video06:48
genekanzure did you get the new version of Make?06:51
kanzure_the program or the magazine?06:51
kanzure_Do you have scans?06:52
genethe digital edition yes06:52
geneI can email you one page06:52
kanzure_One page?06:53
geneand that's pretty much it06:53
kanzure_how abotu all of them.06:53
geneI can't06:53
kanzure_Then how are you seeing them?06:53
geneit's a software viewer lol06:53
kanzure_what the fuck06:53
geneit's in my browser06:53
geneyes I know it sucks06:53
fennlike google books?06:54
fennheh they know their readers are cheapasses06:54
genesorta like google books06:54
genecept you have to login06:55
kanzure_Have you tried reversing the protocol or writing a scraper?06:55
kanzure_yes, so put that on the todo list06:55
geneI can't program that good06:55
fenngod cars are so stupid06:56
kanzure_you were born just breathing,06:56
kanzure_so stop complaining.06:56
genethey have an article about hacking an ultrasonic atomizer06:56
kanzure_go look at perl's HTML:: modules from cpan.org for starters06:56
kanzure_I was using HTML::TreeBuilder and HTML::Agent or something 06:56
kanzure_when I was ripping nature.06:56
geneuseful, not useful?06:56
fennmaybe we should put this in the topic: http://www.nataliedee.com/090208/you-are-free-to-learn-how-to-do-stuff-at-any-time.jpg06:57
kanzure_They have functions for "click, submit button," etc., so it's not useful for javascript, you have to go read the javascript code and pretend you're the browser and just figure out what calls they are making06:57
kanzure_fenn: go ahead06:57
fennmeh, i hate topics06:57
genean ultrsonic atomizer does pretty much the same thing as a sonicator06:58
kanzure_while interesting, I'm more interested in the entire source rather than just an individual article06:58
kanzure_maybe you should look at the code I was using for ripping sciencedirect06:58
genespeaking of ultrasound06:58
geneI want to build one of these06:59
fennthere sure are a lot of people in that car factory doing robotable jobs06:59
genefenn there are06:59
genepeople are cheap06:59
geneand they also replicate too06:59
fennso wtf is the point of the video06:59
fenn"look a factory"06:59
fenn"ford is amazingly backward in US factories"07:00
geneit's a lot more automated than anything else07:00
fennnot really07:00
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/followlinks.pl for instance07:00
genethat's not important fenn forget that immediately07:00
geneso then07:00
geneabout ultrasound07:00
fennfog machine07:00
genegood idea fenn07:01
geneexactly what I was thinking07:01
geneuse the piezo disk from a fog machine07:01
geneto make one of these07:01
geneI wonder if plain ol buzzer piezoes would work07:02
fenni dont get what focuses it07:03
genea horn07:03
genethe conical thing on the front focuses it07:03
genesound is different from light fenn07:03
genesound doesn't like to go from solid to air07:04
fennneither does light07:04
geneso it goes to solid07:04
geneas the sound move toward the tip of the cone it gets more intense07:04
kanzure_more what now?07:04
fennyeah but that shouldnt keep it focused in a beam07:04
fennkanzure_: higher pressure level07:05
geneI don't know acoustics fenn07:05
kanzure_so the surface area of the opening of the horn is less than the conical opening at the non-output area of the horn?07:06
geneI think you mean input area07:06
geneat least that's what I reason07:06
fenncross sectional area07:06
kanzure_first opening should have been 'outputing' 07:06
fennwith enough piezo discs they could make a phased array, but i guess it wouldnt look gun-like enough07:07
genethey already have phased arrays07:07
genethey use em for crowd control07:08
genethis thing works sorta like a laser07:08
genesound pulse from one disk07:08
genegets to next disk 07:08
kanzure_Where's that acoustic laser ref?07:08
fennwith no inversion though07:08
genedisk fires07:08
geneand so forth and so on07:08
fennthe disks should be "cocked" first if it were to be more like a laser07:08
fennSASER :P07:09
genehence sorta like a laser07:09
fennsay it with a lithp07:09
kanzure_but really, there was a 'saser' or something07:10
kanzure_search teh logs for 'acoustic'. we don't say that word much around here.07:10
fenn"scientists invent poop-yer-pants ray"07:10
kanzure_I'd make one.07:10
fennnot in my logs07:11
genethis sonic ray07:11
genecan knock things over07:11
genelike cows07:11
geneor crates07:12
fennor TERRISTS07:12
genealmost like the gravity gun07:12
genein half life07:12
geneexcept with out the ability to attract things07:12
fennwell this looks fairly simple construction: http://www.acs.psu.edu/thermoacoustics/refrigeration/Acoustic Laser Demo - Instructions.pdf07:13
genethe page could not be found07:14
fenni'm so not inserting %20's for you07:14
kanzure_fenn: what's up with konqueror's URL copying anyway?07:15
kanzure_I guess that's worth a codefix. I'm sure urlencode() is in their codebase already somewhere.07:15
genefenn your URL is made of fail07:15
kanzure_s/codefix/bug report/07:15
kanzure_gene: it's a byproduct of konqueror's URL copying mechanism07:16
kanzure_the URL is correct,07:16
fennnot my fault your irc client cant understand spaces07:16
kanzure_but your client thinks it's only a link up to the space07:16
fennanother day another.. well.. nothing really07:17
geneI tried putting in _07:17
genein the spaces07:17
genebut it don't work07:17
kanzure_why did you put in _07:17
geneI assumed that's what the spaces were07:17
kanzure_.. why?07:17
geneI didn't know you could spaces in a URL07:18
genethat's not a laser07:19
genenot even close to one07:19
genethey're just calling it one07:21
genethese things are huge07:22
gene1 m long07:22
geneoh wait that isn't a paper07:23
geneit's just an abstract07:23
* kanzure_ notices the time.07:28
kanzure_huh. good reason for me to be tired.07:28
geneyeah I did too07:30
UtopiahGHMLIm not sure about who talked about 2nd life community/data being crappy and who didn't try Croquet yet but maybe http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/7729963.stm could motivate a bit 12:49
kanzureThis is getting out of hand. Now Paul is bullying Nathan about his document's licensing.17:22
kanzureNext he'll be doing a standard reply to each email "squawk, I don't know if I'm allowed to read this or not"17:23
kanzureHeh. George Dvorsky tweeting about #converge: "This conference could double as an Asperger's convention."19:49
kanzureSo what should I do. Sit around doing nothing today, or go take the drugs and throw off my sleeping schedule and possibly rip a hole in the fabric of the spacetime continuum (but get lots done)?19:54
-!- UtopiahG1ML is now known as UtopiahGHML19:59
kanzure_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr-GXnNN37c <- What are they even supposed to be doing here? I'm so glad Microsoft isn't the final say in, anything at all.20:23
kanzure_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si2-gotn5uE "More than 40,000 factories across the U.S. have been shut down." Huh? Where can I go raid these then?20:27
kanzure_I think they might be lying.20:27
kanzure_around 3:0020:27
fennhaha seat performance +0.6%20:29
kanzurehey this is the INTERNET. this shit is IMPORTANT. 20:29
fenntoo bad its a bunch of gray executives driving stupid cars20:30
fenn"shut down" = disassembled and shipped to china20:30
fennuhhhhhh only 12% of our GDP is manufacturing???20:33
fennholy crap20:33
fenni must not understand how GDP is calculated20:34
fennoh i love flash, it's the greatest thing ever20:48
fennUtopiahGHML: could you summarize that croquet video for me?20:48
UtopiahGHMLfenn: I dont think it was about Croquet itself but just about using 3D env. at school20:49
UtopiahGHMLfor history, physics, etc20:49
UtopiahGHMLit was a BBC vid and like most, the references are pretty bad (if existant...)20:52
UtopiahGHMLIll try croquet when Ill have a clean semantic wiki and be able to generate my croquet universe automatically20:55
UtopiahGHMLbut for now it's not a priority.20:55
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML21:39

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