
--- Day changed Mon Nov 17 2008
kanzure_http://www.miamiherald.com/459/story/773145.html 'The 16-year-old girl was mauled by a cougar and rushed to the hospital after she and 21-year-old Anthony Zitnick illegally entered a wildlife collector's home about 1:30 p.m. Neighbors believe Zitnick was trying to impress the younger girl."03:59
kanzure_That just made my day a little brighter.03:59
kanzure_"Dried blood covered Rigerman's concrete floor at the spot where the 4-year-old cougar pounced on the girl and clenched his jaws around her head."04:00
kanzure_"'I heard her scream, `I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die,' '' he said, hours after paramedics had left."04:00
kanzure_"At first, Miralles said, he tried to push Chaos off, but he wouldn't budge. He then resorted to punching and kicking the cougar, who quickly balled up in a corner, he said."04:01
fennso, which character in this drama would you most like to be?04:08
fennthe cougar, the owner, the guy, or the girl04:08
kanzurepoor sap who had to straighten out the story04:08
kanzure"Wait, the cougar's name is chaos? Well that's just flat out improbable."04:09
fenn''I'm worried about my absolutely spotless reputation with what I do with these animals,'' 04:09
kanzurethe only way that the sentence parses is if he means to say that he does terrible things with the animals04:10
kanzureDoesn't pew do internet surveys?04:19
fenncan anyone spot what i'm doing wrong?  foo = re.match('nan', '\tDefinition: nan\n')04:19
fennit should match but it doesnt04:19
kanzureis this find-and-replace?04:20
fennno, it should return a match object04:20
kanzurewhat's the second parameter?04:20
fennthe stuff i'm matching the pattern against04:20
fennbar = re.match('a', 'abc') works04:21
bkeromatch only does the beginning of a string04:21
bkeroTry search04:21
bkeromatch implies ^04:21
bkeroSo you're actually doing foo = re.match('^nan', '\tDefinition: nan\n')04:21
fenni wonder how i managed to avoid that with every other regex i've written04:23
proctooh shit... `i'm pickling an object and python-' memory usage is at 350mb04:25
proctoi'd have though cPickle would not be that heavy...04:25
bkerolol pickles04:25
proctoshit, it takes as long to unpickle as to generate the object in the first place...04:26
drazakwhen doing a genetic sequencing, we cleave chromosomes in half, and then (Generally) preform double barrel shotgun sequencing04:49
drazakwhat if we left them whole, and did a 4 barrel squencing, using more computer power and allowing for checks bassed on percent difference from results in the hg project04:49
drazakyou'd be atleast twice as fast, probably even twice as fast -1/3rd04:49
geneSo Kanzure do you know about Tipler?05:08
fenntrying to preserve the original units (inch, celsius etc) is quite a pain in the ass06:59
kanzureFor some reason I decided to go to sleep at three yesterday.07:11
kanzuregene: Yes, I am aaware of Tipler.08:22
kanzurefenn: Under what circumstances are units being changed?08:34
kanzureSo if the codebase is finished before that gets published, I just remove the "Towards" from the title.09:06
kanzure_http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/2/91/abstract  <-- Hop on the gravy train.09:14
kanzure_oh wait, 50 pg pdf. Nevermind.09:15
kanzurefenn: if it makes you happy, ADL references lisp on the site.09:57
kanzureI was trying to go through the papers there to steal images but now I'm realizing that I can't even get the majority of the papers cited ..09:57
kanzureand I supposedly "have access"09:57
kanzure_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKCZ9jRCYT0 3-O-Matic - success10:53
UtopiahGHMLanybody know studies on the most human active gene pools? what genes are currently changing the fastest and what are the hypothesised environmental pressure that pushes this phenomenum?14:07
UtopiahGHMLmaybe sth from Bruce Lahn (Chicago Uni)14:07
UtopiahGHMLId appreciate if someone could share The Mechanical Mind in History, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 978-0-262-08377-5 16:05
geneyou there kanzure17:25
kanzure_-fenn: http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/campbell/ just fyi.17:36
kanzure_-oh, I guess I should have linked to the .zip in the parent dir.17:57
kanzure_-since the filenames are hardly informative.17:57
fennand they're all empty18:43
fenni love how todo.txt is from 199918:47
fennhmm probably a date error18:47
fenncampbell said no.19:18
fenni think19:20
kanzure_-fenn: yeah, looks like he really wants a grad student20:01
kanzure_-but he replied. which is impressive?20:02
fennthere is that, at least20:02
* fenn rings up cat-lady to see if she still needs a housekeeper20:03
fennso i think i should steam ahead with SMIRF20:03
fennsince it's the only way to get anything done these days20:03
kanzure_-what, "the only way to get things done is to throw it into an MMORPG" ?20:03
fennflashy graphics and social software, that is to say20:03
kanzure_-sounds boring.20:05
fennbillions of people can't be wrong!20:05
kanzure_-huh, so there is an alternative20:07
kanzure_-well, no there isn't. nevermind.20:09
kanzure_-http://www.utexas.edu/ce/college/ doesn't really help with the income factor.20:09
kanzure_-(nor the undergraduate standing)20:12
fennideally i'd be able to migrate south for the winter20:12
fennthem geese are smart20:12
geneok Kanzure did you finish the thing?20:15
kanzure_-gene: The thingy?20:15
kanzure_-What thing?20:16
genematerials and manufacturing report?20:16
kanzure_-that's due next week20:16
kanzure_-it was assigned last week.20:16
genehmm.... why not apply an mmorpg to SKDB?20:17
geneput stuff into database20:17
geneget points20:17
geneand win things20:17
genelike hats20:17
kanzure_-because people suck at data entry.20:17
kanzure_-that's why the current repository sucks.20:17
kanzure_-(also because the data entry app sucks too, but that's just because people sucked at understanding what they were doing)20:18
fenngene: that's the idea20:19
fennbehind smirf20:19
kanzure_-yesterday you said to get rid of human data entry20:19
fenni did?20:19
kanzure_-after commenting on the Mike mockup20:19
kanzure_-arid_shadow comcast link thing that Paul links to20:19
* fenn has amnesia20:19
fennwhat Mike mockup?20:20
kanzure_-the one that showed an entry app to their "OSCOMAK" but it was really just this thing with a giant human language entry form20:21
kanzure_-and a small link on the side saying "Upload CAD file button"20:21
fennnot that kind of data entry20:21
fennmore like Alice/croquet20:21
kanzure_-and then on the left there was stuff like "category blah blahb lha"20:21
fennperhaps my production budget is too low for my ambition, but certainly a more graphical "tactile" interface is desirable20:22
fennand semantic wikipedia already exists so why reinvent it20:23
genetactile would be awesom20:23
geneshape parts with our hands20:23
fennwell, nobody has haptic input devices so will have to get by with mouse and keyboard :(20:23
kanzure_-shape isn't a really important factor in all of this20:23
kanzure_-it's one of them, but not really.20:23
fennthere is a lot of "this"20:24
kanzure_-what's unfortunately?20:24
fenngene wants play-doh land20:24
genetactile interfaces aren't sufficiently cheap yet20:24
genenot play-doh20:24
fenni cant say i blame him really, it works for spore20:24
fennand would work for the "magic" stuff in smirf20:25
genemore like dimension parts with your hands20:25
kanzure_-but we have 3D shape generators already.20:25
geneput lines and stuff down with your fingers20:25
genejust an idea20:25
kanzure_-just a month of running would generate the possibility space of constructable components that users would ever be able to make within their lifetimes20:25
fennshow me20:26
kanzure_-well, give the user a finite set of operations and be amazed20:26
kanzure_-for continuus variables and parameters, like "offset by 2132.5414.141" sure, that's not going to happen via the generators unless that number has some damned good definable reason20:26
fennah arid_shadow = mike harris20:27
fennis "energy minima" a damned good reason?20:28
fennstate space20:28
kanzure_-"energy minima" in terms of what, something like tension?20:28
fennoptimized for some function20:28
kanzure_-no. because you're being too vague here.20:29
fennlike mass or thermal dissipation20:29
fennor rigidity20:29
kanzure_-k, that looks like end-result parametric tweaking more than anything20:29
kanzure_-since this doesn't do FEA-down-the-tree (whatever that means / looks like)20:29
fennwell, it should20:29
kanzure_-what I mean by that is that it does generate->load into FEA->run FEA on that item20:29
kanzure_-what would "FEA-down-the-tree" look like?20:29
kanzure_-FEA-down-the-tree means that the operations that are allowable are in terms of the FEA-results as well as manipulation of the topology/operations-that-you-can-make-on-the-design20:30
fennyou mean "back propagation"? http://fennetic.net/cadwiki/index.php?back-propagation20:30
kanzure_-if that makes any sense. probably doesn't because I don't know of anybody who has this method.20:30
kanzure_-not quite.20:30
fennoh so you're treating FEA as a design constraint (but soft)20:31
fenno yonder whatsit20:31
fennWhat light through yonder window breaks? 20:31
kanzure_-hm, the way that you word backpropagation I'd be tempted to say yes20:31
fennbtw i think iteration is way more practical than PDE's20:32
fennin terms of actually getting something finished20:32
kanzure_-fenn: iteration instead of PDEs?20:32
kanzure_-does not compute for the way I was going to use PDEs (FEA methods etc.)20:32
kanzure_-or not "going to" but "would use if I were to"20:33
kanzure_-iterate the graph and then given a final 3D cad model, run FEA20:33
kanzure_-erm, not iterate the graph20:33
kanzure_-traverse the tree of all possible graphs up to some point defined by various metrics yay handwaving20:33
fennwhy would you do analysis as the last step?20:33
kanzure_-and then take that representative design and run FEA20:33
kanzure_-not quite the last, but at some well-defined points in the tree20:33
kanzure_-like at points that you might be interested in showing the user20:34
fenndecision points20:34
kanzure_-but this isn't because of any sort of "informed search" where the information making up the "informed" aspect is due to FEA information .. I'd like it to be due to FEA precognition information, yes of course20:34
kanzure_-FEA foresight?20:34
kanzure_-FEA precognition information?20:34
kanzure_-projected results?20:34
kanzure_-some confluence of the operations in the manipulation of the traversal tree, making it so that you get reasonably useful predictions of what the FEA results are going to be from one manipulation of the design-graph to another.20:35
fennfea is very low cost with coarse meshes20:35
kanzure_-but pretty inaccurate, no?20:35
fennbut good enough for a first order survey20:35
kanzure_-are you sure?20:35
kanzure_-I can approximate a human with 20 surfaces maybe (think pre-N64), but in reality some of those surfaces are complex, high-impact craters that impact FEA results dramatically (I'm making this up)20:36
fennthat was the strategy i was planning on using for magical-cad-app20:36
fenngenerally if the topology doesn't work at low res it wont work at high res either20:37
fenn(sometimes it will work at low res but not at high res)20:37
kanzure_-ok, so for a quick check, sure.20:37
kanzure_-I do all kinds of quick checks as it is, so a few more isn't terrible.20:37
kanzure_-Do you know of a python library for exporting 3D data into some format that blender or 3D modeling packages will like?20:38
fennexport from what?20:39
kanzure_-I've been looking around for this but haven't found much for python nor perl. which is awkward.20:39
fennthere was some opengl screen capture to STL hack somewhere20:39
kanzure_-export from a collection of points, vertices, lines, or some other similar primitive objects.20:39
kanzure_-screen capture?20:39
kanzure_-or buffer capture?20:39
fennbuffer capture20:39
fennstl cant do primitives though, only mesh20:40
kanzure_-that's fine, I can convert to quads20:40
kanzure_-(I think)20:40
fenni dont think there's much 3d geometry stuff for python20:41
fenn(would love to be proven wrong of course)20:41
kanzure_-same with perl. :/20:41
kanzure_-I wonder why I'm talking about perl/python20:41
kanzure_-the glxgears.c stuff I'm doing is still in c20:41
kanzure_-so uh, I'm sure gamedev.net and nehe will have something.20:42
* fenn grunts20:42
fenn"good luck"20:43
fenneveryone loves to write importers, nobody writes exporters20:43
fennpraps you could simply use the blender python api20:45
kanzure_-I could generate a python script perhaps20:45
fennoh right it's still C20:45
kanzure_-nah, generating a script isn't bad20:45
fennwhy didnt you use the glxgears.py i linked to :)20:45
kanzure_-does glxgears.py run in blender?20:46
fennthere is a blender gears script tho (makes anatomically accurate gears too)20:47
kanzure_-it's not terrible for me to write "print <command>" instead of just calling <command> .. just means that I'll have to generate a .py script, then run blender in batch mode or whatever20:47
kanzure_-hm, I'll have to look int othat20:47
kanzure_-*into that20:47
kanzure_-plus the buffer->STL stuff.20:47
fennkewl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcZsMhU7H3o20:48
fenni dont think you're going to find anything better than this: http://www.swineworld.org/blender/gears/20:51
fennof course no fscking license info20:52
kanzure_-Hello ferrouswheel.20:53
fennoh, i guess "(cc) by 3.0 nl" means something20:53
ferrouswheelhi kanzure_ 20:54
* fenn runs it through his license multiplier matrix </dream>20:54
ferrouswheelhey UtopiahGHML - fancy seeing you here :)20:54
kanzure_-I'm confused. Do we know ferrouswheel?20:55
ferrouswheelNo, I've never been in this room, but I work on OpenCog w Ben Goertzel.20:55
fennsounds familiar20:55
fennah that's probably it20:55
ferrouswheelJoel Pitt IRL20:56
ferrouswheelRandomly saw this room in an email by Bryan Bishop, while randomly searching for other things in gmail.20:57
ferrouswheelSo thought I'd drop by :)20:57
UtopiahGHMLhi ferrouswheel 20:58
UtopiahGHMLsince you are here and alive ;) have you read The Mechanical Mind in History, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press ? seems pretty interesting but didn't check reviews yet20:59
ferrouswheelUtopiahGHML, no I haven't... recent publication?21:00
UtopiahGHMLApril 2008 21:00
ferrouswheelAhh... well. If you do read it, let me know if it's worth buying/reading21:01
* ferrouswheel already has a backlog of reading to get through21:01
ferrouswheel...as I suspect many of us do!21:01
UtopiahGHMLTOC http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=11479&mode=toc21:01
fenni'm procrastinating my backlog with my other backlog21:01
* UtopiahGHML started a meta-todo list recently21:02
fennmy todo list is more meta than yours :P21:02
UtopiahGHMLI meta-doubt it!21:02
ferrouswheelI have "finish my todo list" on my meta todo-list... etc21:03
fenni meta-dog dare you to finish it21:04
UtopiahGHMLferrouswheel: how is the transhumanism/posthumanism/... movement perceived in NewZealand?21:05
-!- ferrouswheel is now known as metaferrouswheel21:05
UtopiahGHMLany cursus? groups? labs? sth?21:05
metaferrouswheelferrouswheel doesn't know of any such movement :(21:05
metaferrouswheelhe plans to try and start a gathering of folks at his house though...21:06
UtopiahGHMLmaybe some MeetUp group21:06
fennNZ is disproportionately represented for its population size21:06
-!- metaferrouswheel is now known as ferrouswheel21:06
fennas is Boston, San Diego, and Austin21:06
ferrouswheelI miss being in SF - I may have to go on another extended trip.21:07
UtopiahGHMLthe BayArea is pretty cool21:07
fennbunch of hipsters with too much money, wah21:07
UtopiahGHMLand very open on those questions21:07
fenni guess that's the going definition of "cool" though21:08
ferrouswheelfenn, yes, but having people with too much money leads to them sponsoring crazy projects ;)21:08
ferrouswheelUtopiahGHML, I had a great time hanging out with folks who'd I'd previously only known online.21:09
ferrouswheelDamned expensive to live there though... especially compared to NZ, haha21:09
UtopiahGHMLwell you also have to consider the average local salary in MountainView/PaloAlto21:11
ferrouswheelThat's true... however I'm working on not all that amazing rates at the moment (pretty good for NZ, just not so much for SF), so it felt expensive21:13
ferrouswheelplus the NZD is low against the USD at the moment... which I don't quite understand since I though it was the US economy that was in trouble ;P21:14
UtopiahGHMLyes I didn't get it either21:14
UtopiahGHMLI changed USD this summer21:14
UtopiahGHMLand expected to have an even higher gap with euro21:14
UtopiahGHMLbut it went up21:14
UtopiahGHML(which is good for me since I still have those USD)21:15
UtopiahGHMLguess Im not smart enough to play on the currency market yet21:16
UtopiahGHMLand also talking about NZ have you tried ThinkBase? from Auckland uni, CS lab http://thinkbase.cs.auckland.ac.nz/21:17
ferrouswheeli haven't... what is it? (complains java isn't installed, but it is... :/ )21:19
UtopiahGHMLvisual wiki navigation using Freebase (using itself Wikipedia) as a network to explore21:19
ferrouswheel(it should really at least give people the option of finding out about it, even without Java)21:19
UtopiahGHMLtheir blog (not requiring java) is at http://thinkbase-blog.blogspot.com/21:21
UtopiahGHMLanother NZ project I like is http://www.eurekster.com/21:21
kanzure_-fenn: Around?23:01
kanzure_-fenn: it turns out that he was concerned because your undergrad degree was microbiology.23:02
kanzure_-he should be writing another email to you in a day or two, and if not, I'd say you have grounds to phone him23:02
kanzure_-so I told him you were computer-sciencey, perhaps more than I am (if that's possible) slash mechanical, so you just need to strut or something23:04
* kanzure_- goes to eat23:04
kanzureyawn, freebase.23:21
kanzureferrouswheel: So, hi. I'm Bryan.23:21
bkeroGoogle dinnertime in 9 minutes23:21
bkeroferrouswheel: Good evening.23:21
bkerokanzure: That wasn't a command.  I was saying dinner at the Google complex occurs at 6:30PM EST.23:21
kanzureSome good that does me.23:23
kanzuregoogle: me a dinner.23:23
kanzureerm, I mean, why can't I google up dinner.23:23
kanzureScuse me. I need to go wander around.23:23
bkeroGo troll your dorm23:24
fenntry sudo google me a dinner23:29
bkerofenn: come to new york and I'll bring you to google dinner23:30
fennok be right there..23:30
* bkero goes to google dinner23:30
fennhmm beans or lettuce tonight..23:30
fennoo maybe i'll have _both_23:31
kanzureSo what's up with bkero and all the rad jobs?23:44
kanzureIntel, Google, is he a player?23:44
bkeroSort of23:56
bkeroI'm just super awesome23:56

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