
--- Day changed Sat Nov 22 2008
fenni wonder if he uses code folding tools to hide the bulk of his quotes00:00
kanzureI wonder how he's managing it though00:00
fennmost of them have the python triple quote comment00:00
fennmaybe a good question to ask00:00
kanzurehe's mentioned it before, on the openvirgle mailing list00:00
kanzurebut it must not have been a good enough method for me to remember00:01
kanzuresomething about 'winter' in his reply, so search for that.00:01
kanzuremore crap from Patrick. I should ignore him, but ..00:03
fenngrep -i 'winter' mail/openvirgle00:04
kanzureI'll find in a moment, I'm busy trying to make up a reply to Patrick00:04
fenni wonder if thingiverse intends to add some more metadata than just author00:09
fennoh, tags hmmm00:10
kanzure'winter'. Blah. I must be wrong.00:13
kanzurefenn: did you read my post to om about linking up different levels of abstraction in different packages in a skdb-like repo?00:39
kanzureby weaving and connecting the different arbitrary levels of packages into a common api framework?00:41
kanzureuh, I guess I need a better way to say that00:41
-!- xp_prg2 is now known as xp_prg01:39
fennno, i'm a few days behind on om still01:43
kanzurerandomly neglecting email?01:43
kanzureDARPA grant went through02:15
kanzureyay DARPA.02:15
kanzure_"A summary of the study, released in advance, alleges that networks and databases used by the US government and American defense contractors are regularly targeted by Chinese hackers. 'China is stealing vast amounts of sensitive information from US computer networks,' says Larry Wortzel, chairman of the commission set up by Congress in 2000 to investigate US-China issues.""02:31
kanzure_Which of these contractors would they be stealing from?02:32
kanzure_Surely not Lockheed, for instance?02:32
drazakwe wouldn't be talking without them02:33
kanzure_http://etherpad.com/ real time collaborative editing via AJAX 02:34
kanzure_erm, I should scarequote "real time"02:34
kanzureI wonder if the hacking that the Chinese are doing are just bruteforcing ssh logins.02:46
kanzureHi `tty`.02:48
`tty`hey Bryan - marc here02:48
kanzureAh, good. :)02:48
`tty`had to get mIRC.. nicer than FF plugin... havent been on irc in 10 yrs02:48
`tty`anyway, just parking here while I have my dinner :)02:49
kanzureYeah, I've been tending to dump chatzilla on to anybody not knowing about IRC, but I now tend to go for irssi, a tty IRC client.02:49
`tty`will go over your site, and discuss as i go... the wine bottle staring back at me ... bbl :)02:51
* fenn scowls at 4.38GB file06:18
fennall my DVD-R's are 4.37GB06:19
fennit's actually only 5MB over06:20
genedid you hear about that new media format that stores like a terabyte per disk?06:35
drazakblue ray is like 54gb06:35
drazakbut yeah, there's something else, if I recall06:35
gene3d disk storage06:36
drazakoh that stuff06:38
genedoes anyone know where I could get 3.2 kilos of americium07:51
geneguess not07:55
gene3.2 kilos of americium is enough to make a nuclear battery07:56
genecheck this out http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7740484.stm?ad=107:56
kanzure_http://richarddawkins.net/article,3361,Single-Celled-Giant-Upends-Early-Evolution,Discovery 1.4 inch single celled organism15:56
kanzure"During the 1971 World Science Fiction Convention, MIT students were chanting in the hotel hallways: THE RINGWORLD IS UNSTABLE!"16:04
kanzure_http://www.geocommunicator.gov/GeoComm/site_mapper/home/index.shtm "Site Mapper"16:20
kanzure_I'm not getting any information to show up though16:22
kanzureVery confusing interface, but at least it's hypothetically stealable and parseable.16:26
kanzure_"There are estimates of as many as 500,000 abandoned mines in our nation."16:28
kanzure_This is begging for robots .. come on ..16:28
kanzure_ "Autonomous exploration and mapping of abandoned mines" http://www.ri.cmu.edu/pubs/pub_5317.html16:41
kanzure_"Abandoned mines pose significant threats to society, yet a large fraction of them lack accurate maps. This article discusses the software architecture of an autonomous robotic system designed to explore and map abandoned mines. A new set of software tools is presented, enabling robots to acquire maps of unprecedented size and accuracy. On 30 May 2003, our robot "Groundhog" successfully explored and mapped a main corridor of the abandoned Mathies 16:42
kanzure_ooh http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~thrun/3D/mines/html/map0.html16:42
kanzure_http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~thrun/3D/mines/mine-mapping/mine1-anim-alt.avi 10 MB, streams 16:43
kanzure_"Click here for the CARMEN robot navigation software (open source)"16:45
kanzureOh, found what I was looking for17:12
kanzureHi amaruk.17:49
amarukHi kanzure and hi all17:54
UtopiahGHMLGoogleTechTalk about  Ajax Push, Comet, Reverse Ajax, and HTTP streaming : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLycb-Vyz8Q18:35
kanzureSomeday I will be punished for my sin of using AJAX.18:36
kanzure_http://www-c.inria.fr/gamma/download/download.php various 3D meshes21:38
kanzureHey cis-action.21:58
fennwow that's a lot of models22:01
fennit seems to actually find similar models too22:04
kanzureWhere are you seeing that?22:07
kanzureat the bottom of a particular model's page?22:08
fenni want a screensaver of these meshes falling into a big garbage pile22:10
kanzurebecause they suck? or because it's fun to see interesting garbage?22:10
kanzureheh, star wars dir22:11
fennbecause i'd much rather have functional cad models to import to smirf, but all i get are these useless meshes instead22:11
kanzurebtw, I'm downloading and will zip probably faster than you could rip the site22:12
kanzureconverting these into cad models isn't terribly hard, dimensioning information would have to be inferred, but there's nothing about making these functional though22:13
fennhm that reminds me, need to check whether 7zip managed to trim off 5MB from that 4.705GB file22:13
fennno i mean they need to have proper kinematics and material info22:14
kanzurekinematics => motions/joints, yes?22:14
fennso i.e. you could ride the bicycle22:14
kanzurethat's what I mean too22:14
fennoh well i guess i'll have to settle for a magic dinosaur with a saddle22:15
fennbut that still needs kinematics added to it22:15
kanzurewhy is my life condemned to reconstructing and repairing terrible datasets?22:15
fennbtw how are you ripping the site? i havent found any downloads yet22:18
kanzureraw rip, because I'm too lazy to do it properly22:18
kanzurethere's tar files that they link to22:18
kanzureon the right of the image, for instance22:19
fennwhy do star wars ships suck so much22:19
kanzurebecause when they were designed they were working on a shoestring bduget? "alright, we have four plates of plastic. let's make a ship."22:20
fennso ALL.*.tar will get you everything right? :P22:21
kanzureI wonder why I'm downloading the whole site22:21
kanzureyay not reading22:21
* fenn shrugs22:22
kanzureI wonder what the real dir structure is22:22
kanzurethey have counter.php hiding the dir structure.22:23
kanzure_never underestimate the mighty error message22:23
kanzure_http://www-c.inria.fr/gamma/OBJECTS/STAR_WAR/ALL.3ds.tar 94 MB. hrm.22:24
fenni wonder if there's warez of geocommunicator.gov data sets22:24
fennsurely there's a better way to view it than some java web app at least22:25
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/3D_models/dir_list.txt taken via Opera's link-list, plus copy+paste + regexp search/replace22:28
kanzurefor the geocommunicator.gov stuff I was thinking there should be some GTK-style map client22:36
kanzureand then hoping that the "National Geo info service" (or whatever it's called) isn't being done via images only22:36
kanzureand get the data sets from them, convert to formats that the client understands22:36
kanzureand then view maps.22:36
kanzurefenn: re: the meshes not being cad models.23:01
kanzureBack when I was doing game design, in 2002 or 2003, I came across the same problem23:01
kanzureI was not big into 3D modeling, but I wanted the models for my games23:01
kanzureso one of the big things was skeletons for the models23:01
kanzurewhich would determine ranges of possible movements23:01
kanzureas well as animation sequences of movements23:02
kanzureso one of the techniques that I recall was a way to just make up a skeleton23:02
kanzuregiven the model input.23:02
fennsounds magical23:04
fenni've run across this problem in 2d with engraving algorithms23:05
kanzureskeleton models aren't quite cad stuff I guess :-/23:05
fennno, but good enough for animals23:05
fenni've been converted to eskil's vision of "kill em once" monsters23:06
kanzureHaven't heard of that.23:06
fennlike, why does the big bad dragon respawn after you kill it? it should go away forever and leave everyone in peace23:06
fennand same for everything else23:07
kanzurecheck this out: 23:07
kanzureerm, that came out the wrong way23:07
kanzurebut anyway, that's kind of back to my fakemon days23:07
kanzureand random dungeoncrawler content generators23:08
fenni sort of doubt it's even worth looking at what other games are doing23:08
kanzurethey're doing nothing but respawning23:08
kanzureI haven't seen something that does otherwise23:09
fennthere's a very good reason for that, and it's because it takes a lot of programmer effort (money) to create each exquisitely detailed flawless monster23:10
fennso they have to get the return on investment from it :)23:10
kanzureright, content generators tend to have that same problem23:10
fennhow's that?23:10
kanzureI just ended up following Aristotle's model of stories23:10
kanzurewell, the stories don't tend to be convincing23:10
fennwho said anything about a story23:11
kanzure(plus I never completed the entire thing, but you could get a sense from the raw output of the sentence structures that it wouldn't be coherent)23:11
kanzureit's content23:11
fenni'm talking about information flow, stuff happening in a simulator23:11
kanzurewhether it's pixels or text I don't see the difference23:11
fennlike, peasant gets attacked by dragon and runs whining to the knights23:12
fennor rather, runs around randomly until she sees a knight23:12
fennthe whole "quest for the holy grail" thing gets kinda boring after a while anyway23:12
kanzurequest generators usually follow a template like that.23:13
* kanzure fetches a link23:13
kanzure_hrm, not the second link23:13
kanzure_although it does have a lot of content23:14
kanzurein Ender's Game, the game that Ender plays (not the one related to the title) is an 'endless game' that keeps him occupied and educated, constantly generating new levels23:15
fennhmm maybe i should try to get terry hancock on board with this23:18
fennhe was working on some kind of story generator i think (and also free cad social systems)23:18
kanzureso what I had with my story generator was everything down to sentence generators23:19
kanzureand ideally I was hoping to have it be like interactive fiction23:19
kanzurethe sentences that were generated were just experimental, and not related to anything within the game engine23:19
fennthe problem with story generators is you have to win the loebner prize first :)23:19
fenn(turing test)23:20
kanzurefrom what I hear about erotic fiction, not true23:20
fennyeah  but who reads erotic fiction all day23:21
kanzuremany stories in video games aren't that great either23:21
kanzurein fact, most stories suck23:21
fennthey dont read like spamvertisements though23:21
fenni cant believe in 2008 we still havent cracked the chatbot problem23:22
kanzurehow did we get to stories? generating monsters is slightly easier.23:22
kanzureme tried his hand at making chatbots before23:22
kanzureI think it's something that everyone does though23:23
kanzureone of those phases23:23
* fenn spent way too much time playing with megaHAL23:23
kanzuremy stuff was from a community at wiredbots (doesn't really exist any more), which was some stuff with perl and regexps23:23
kanzureand response databases. I don't know what I was thinking.23:23
kanzurewasn't even markov bots, so it wasn't fun like that23:24
fenni want something with at least some potential for growth23:24
fennotherwise why even talk to it23:24
fenni already know it's not a person23:24
kanzureI have some logs from 2005 of me talking with myself, but it was boring.23:25
fenn"Talking with complete sentences there and also too talking in a way that ordinary Americans can't really do there, I think needing to do that isn't tapping into what Americans are needing also, you betcha" governor palin responded in an article about Obama's use of complete sentences23:27
kanzureThat's painful.23:30
bkeroI like complete sentences.  they make me feel like I'm speaking a specified language.23:32
fennah the sweet sense of false security23:33
kanzure"I like complete sentences. They make me feel like I'm actually receiving information."23:33
kanzure_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH0pJgEy6DU inventory sorting for pre-packaging23:59
kanzure_it's an ad though23:59

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