
--- Day changed Tue Nov 25 2008
kanzurexp_prg: I saw John's announcement, if that's what you mean00:04
xp_prgVA = virignia00:04
xp_prgkanzure I am going to put in an app, may I mention our work together?00:04
kanzureI'd have trouble getting up there.00:04
kanzurexp_prg: Only if you run it by me first.00:04
xp_prgthey are paying for transportation00:04
kanzureI don't think you know the entire system yet.00:04
kanzureybit: You should tell him that.00:31
kanzureybit: Seriously. I don't know why he doesn't idle in here.00:31
kanzureIt's not like it would hurt him.00:31
kanzureArrgh! The pain! Moderately relevant topics!00:31
-!- mmarmer_ is now known as mmarmer00:34
kanzureHi mmarmer.00:34
kanzure_http://www.artas.nl/ [commercial link] User-friendly software for design, motion/force analysis & optimization of planar linkage, gear and belt mechanisms00:54
kanzure_Designers will synthesize a linkage by starting with the required output motion, mechanical advantage, velocity and acceleration. A type of linkage is chosen and modified to deliver the required performance.00:56
kanzure_Each link is treated as a vector and the vectors can be combined into a system of equations because they form a loop. The matrix is solved to create a closed form equation that relates input motion to output motion. The same is done for mechanical advantage, or any other important quantity. The equations of motion are differentiated with respect to time to find velocity and acceleration of the mechanism parts.00:56
kanzure_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0I65dJMQUc&NR=1 blender tutorial - theo jansen mechanism01:01
kanzure_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoQj-tobYOw&feature=related wheel-less bicycle. :)01:02
kanzurehm, if I had a GA or other search algorithm for making bar/linked mechanisms with various degrees of freedom, how would you prevent it from just converging on the shape of a circle? I'm imagining a simualtor where you apply a force and try to see how far it goes or something01:05
kanzureI guess it's a question of what to optimize for - diversity of generated designs to solving the same problem? That might be a sufficient metric.01:05
fennhow does it steer?01:06
kanzure"I've invented a brilliant bicycle that doesn't use wheels. The only downside is that it only goes in one direction. Good luck."01:07
fenni know the strandbeest could steer somehow to keep it on the beach01:08
kanzureI don't remember what its overall shape was, was this just the linear one like a centipede?01:09
kanzureand then it would use the pressure sensors made out of its feet to go in opposite directions with some internal logic01:09
kanzureso it might have been a circular design or something01:09
kanzurewith eight legs or something.01:09
kanzureeight "chunks" of legs.01:09
kanzureso eight directions I guess.01:10
kanzurehrm. 01:13
kanzureThat's odd.01:13
kanzureAnyway, is this stuff anything more than just bars and joints?01:15
kanzurecan you braindump a list of calculations that should be associated with these?01:19
kanzureit shouldn't be hard for me to make up some objects somewhere and then randomly connect them and try them out. don't know why ADL has an entire person working on this.01:19
kanzureI wonder if there's an interactive gnuplot for python dealy out there yet.01:22
ybitsome local is going to give me a few G3s, netvista machines, monitors, and keyboards. i <3 freecycle01:38
kanzureOh, I'm getting access to a moderate sized cluster soon.01:39
ybitwhat is moderate?01:40
kanzureNot super.01:40
ybitheh :P01:40
* ybit wants more details01:40
ybitaside from "not quite super, not quite negligible"01:41
kanzureI'll get you the details when I get them.01:41
ybitthis guy told me to bring a pickup and take as many machines as i wanted, he bought hundreds at a recent auction o.O01:41
kanzureIt looks like for mechanical kinematics all I'd have to do is encode degrees of freedom constraints01:41
kanzureYeah, I met a guy like that, didn't go up to his house though01:42
kanzurehe was a freecycler somewhere up in North Texas and basically has old AT terminals in giant junk piles on a few acres01:42
kanzuredoes a lot of 'research' on his own time, that sort of thing01:42
kanzureCan't get him oline because of poor eyesight apparently.01:42
kanzureBill Snodgrass, I think.01:43
fennparallel kinematics gets ugly quick01:47
fennsometimes there isn't a direct analytical transformation from joint space to cartesian space01:47
fennhmm. somehow i find it hard to take statements like this seriously:01:50
fenn"That's right, as an industry we're truly about to automate ourselves out of our jobs. Which, of course, is what we've been nobly aspiring to do for 30 years, but, folks, this time we're actually going to do it"01:50
fennybit's link01:52
kanzureso what's so hard about this kinematics stuff01:52
kanzureI mean, when I look at it, it's like animation skeletons for video games 01:52
fennthat's not parallel links01:53
ybitfenn, he says there are other tasks that sysadmins will be performing01:53
kanzurewhat's a parallel link?01:53
ybitnot the ones typically performed today01:53
fennwell, like theo janssen mechanism has two parallel links01:53
fenner, two links in parallel01:53
kanzureso just a rectangle.01:54
fennthe stewart platform (hexapod) is another parallel topology01:54
fennyour neck uses parallel linkage01:54
kanzurewhat's the linking mechanism?01:54
kanzureno, in let's say the theo janssen mechanism01:55
fennoh, pins and bearings i guess01:55
kanzureso what's hard about doing that taking analogies from animation skeletons01:55
fenndoesn't really matter for the purposes of calculating where it will be given a certain pose01:55
kanzureagain, degrees of freedom. those linkers being highly constrained of course.01:56
fenn"why is anything hard"01:56
kanzurewell I guess there's some hardness in figuring out how to draw interesting things out of these beams, Hod had a lot of video clips of things that didn't even barely flo01:57
kanzureand they were using some internal linear actuators01:58
kanzureI guess a 'hard' part about such generators for these mechanism designs would be to make sure that parallel structures crop up at some frequency, rather than allowing a full range of irrational numbers to specify placement coords02:01
kanzurealthough presumably all patterns can be broken down into simpler more fundamental patterns, right? and that's just a single bar, no?02:01
fennhow many foglets could a foglet chuck02:04
wrldpcanyone have that open currency link fenn posted earlier?03:08
wrldpcI think it was fenn ..03:08
fennwrldpc: http://openmoney.info/sophia/index.html http://evolvingtrends.wordpress.com/2008/10/21/p2p-social-currency-money-20/  probably one of those04:37
fenni'm rather against calling it "currency" or "money" since there are too many preconceived notions about what money is already04:37
fennand it's too easy to just say "money sucks" without providing any solutions04:38
kanzureblah, now I'm hooked on figuring out how to pull off a koyaanisqatsi for manufacturing. It's so easy with classical music + trance paired to random hypnotizing shots.04:40
kanzure"look, a spinny thinger"04:41
fenna lot of "industrial" music came from people using sampled sounds of machinery04:50
fennwould be neat to do some sort of video sequencing where you see it and hear it at the same time04:51
kanzureso when I heard about Black Sabbath and the finger accident, I thought it was kind of cool that they went on to do metal04:51
kanzurebut then I realized it was just a finger04:51
kanzurepeople lose half their bodies, most of their brains, etc.04:51
kanzurewhere's *their* heavy metal? :/04:51
fennheh maybe you should just start recruiting brain damaged people to play music04:53
kanzure_"You could be the first on your block to own a residual gas analyzer which has an open filament in the ion source. Replacement filaments are available for $485 and I do not wish to spend this much to repair the instrument."05:16
kanzure_freecycle contact I think05:16
fennhmm how much could some tungsten wire cost05:18
fennstill that's not a bad price for a working mass spec.05:20
kanzurewhat, free? :)05:21
kanzurewhy is it that I get equipment when I least need it / least have room for it05:21
kanzurethis is silly. we have excellent mass spec machines on campus05:21
kanzureand no room in a dorm05:21
kanzurewhere's the bryanlab when I need it05:21
fennhow big is it?05:21
kanzuredunno, I've asked though05:21
fennsome pics on the intarweb look lunchbox sized05:22
fennof course it would be sorta useless without a high vacuum system05:24
fenn"glow discharge between the quadrupole rods is the main limit to high pressure operation, not the mean free path length of the residual gas molecules, so they have roughly the same high pressure operating limit. Operation at high pressures will result in a very short filament life also."05:27
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML08:52
UtopiahGHML7 Beautiful Data Visualizations (With Videos)11:21
UtopiahGHMLNovember 24, 2008 http://mashable.com/2008/11/24/data-visualizations/11:21
UtopiahGHML(not really new though)11:21
kanzurehm, a friend that I've known forever at 2 am: "I am officially scared of /b/"12:39
kanzure"they can find people so easily"12:39
kanzurewe have agents everywhere, rawr12:39
kanzure_"Elysia chlorotica is a lurid green sea slug, with a gelatinous leaf-shaped13:09
kanzure_body, that lives along the Atlantic seaboard of the US. What sets it apart13:09
kanzure_from most other sea slugs is its ability to run on solar power."13:09
kanzure_Mary Rumpho of the University of Maine, is an expert on E. chlorotica and has13:09
kanzure_now discovered how the sea slug gets this ability: it photosynthesises with13:09
kanzure_genes "stolen" from the algae it eats.13:09
kanzure_http://holy-web.blogspot.com/2008/11/amazing-video-excavating-giant-538.html Amazing video: excavating a giant (538 square feet) ant colony13:14
kanzureat 4:16 it starts to get interesting13:17
kanzuregah, they so need to digitally scan all of that :/13:18
UtopiahGHMLthe equivalent of the Blue Brain Project for eusocial species13:19
UtopiahGHMLcould provide some interesting "good pratices" recommendation for MAS/Mashup of WebAPIs 13:20
UtopiahGHMLautomatized biomimetics13:20
UtopiahGHMLmulti-agents systems13:20
UtopiahGHMLcould submit results to sth like Software Patterns and Quality 0913:22
UtopiahGHML(automatized biomimetics that would be like... real machine learning)13:28
fennsearching cyberspace for signs of intelligent life13:30
kanzureNo results found. :(13:49
wrldpcfuck /b/13:51
wrldpcno (no offense)13:51
wrldpcthat psychopath jihad who occasions this room is a barometric for the kind of misguided intellects that populate 4chan.13:54
kanzureI used to be one of the occupants of 4chan. :/13:54
wrldpcSo did I .. for like a noncontiguous week.13:55
kanzureI was so excited when I learned that there was another 4channer in my high school when I was a freshman. Ah, those were the days.13:55
kanzureAll games are either too short or too hard (to the point where you're pretty sure that the level boss is impossible to beat).13:56
kanzureAnything in between? besides, like, tetris.13:56
wrldpcIf they had any real skills and any real intelligence (yes, intelligence) they would hijack the Super Bowl broadcast this year and transmit a neo bla bla bla13:57
wrldpctetris is nice ..13:57
wrldpcgood book by Campre I think called Finite and infinite games13:58
wrldpcinfinite games>finite games13:58
wrldpcsorta ..13:58
wrldpca neo-golden record http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_Golden_Record13:58
wrldpca mish mash of Aubrey de Grey, Kurzweil, Gershenfeld, ........13:59
wrldpcJust hijack the transmission and broadcast heybryan.org for 2 consecutive hours ... redirect everyone to heybryan.org14:00
kanzureI'm amazed that people who run television networks still know how to do "live" footage.14:01
wrldpcwhy isn't there anyone out there with robust spam technologies filling everyone's email box with the H+ memes?14:01
kanzureWhy would that be productive?14:02
kanzurebesides "male enhancement" spamvertisements14:02
wrldpcit's very theoretical14:02
wrldpcthe gist is ... the memes are like software the brains process ... 14:02
kanzureEverybody always wants to do something to "help H+" but it always turns into some stupid publicity thingy.14:02
wrldpcmore processors ..14:03
kanzurebullfucking shit14:03
wrldpcyou're right.14:03
kanzure<--- is enough of a processor14:03
wrldpcdamn straight.14:03
kanzurenow give me metals14:03
kanzureand a lab14:03
kanzureand a bajillion virgins14:03
* fenn puts in a request for a space elevator14:23
* wrldpc seconds fenn's request!14:47
kanzureAren't you supposed to be the one filling the order though?14:57
fenni'm rather disappointed that a car exhaust costs more than a decent laptop17:04
kanzureI'm disappointed that nobody has made a full pokemon clone engine yet. :/ it's like ff3 or something except less.17:08
-!- xp_prg2 is now known as xp_prg18:46
bkerofenn: You're looking at stupid designer exhaust.19:10
bkeroMy exhaust cost me $160 for a nice downpipe, $35 for a cherry bomb, $50 for a muffler shop to provide extra pipe and weld it up.19:10
kanzure_http://www.pge.utexas.edu/faculty/srinivasan.cfmv <- Meeting with this guy today at 4 pm. Any suggestions?19:55
xp_prgnothing showed for me kanzure_20:27
xp_prgthat link20:27
kanzureI probably added an extra v at the end.20:27
xp_prgI suggest you tell him synthetic biology is the future and "step off bitch"20:28
kanzureWhat do you think he does?20:28
xp_prgPetroleum engineering20:29
xp_prghe works at stanford?20:29
kanzureAnd what do you think I do?20:29
kanzurebiofuel bioreactors don't have the word fuel in it for nothing20:29
kanzurewhile it's not petro, I just don't see what you're getting at20:29
kanzuresynthetic biology assists in variosu fuel scenarios, fyi20:29
xp_prgyes I know20:29
xp_prgtell him that20:29
xp_prgand then to "step off"20:30
xp_prgdoes that make sense kanzure?20:31
kanzureNot really. I don't understand, do you have a bias against petro people?20:32
xp_prgno, dude, making a joke20:32
xp_prgjust trying to say synth bio is where its at20:32
xp_prghe probably doesn't understand its potential20:32
kanzure_"Today, a Japanese startup called Lunascape has released an alpha version of its Lunascape browser... that allows you to switch between all three of these prominent rendering engines. The company says that the Japanese version of Lunascape has been downloaded 10 million times and touts it as the fastest browser available.""21:00
kanzure_I wonder how they're managing to do that. I guess they either have backend deals with Microsoft, and some tie-in with Gecko, and webkit. 21:00
kanzure_oh, Gecko, Trident and Webkit. Okay.21:00
kanzure_Not interesting. Nevermind.21:00
kanzure_re what I was talking about on blender + kinematics + animation - http://www.lysator.liu.se/~torkel/graphix/blender/ikman.html21:09
-!- nshyah is now known as nsh21:29
geneblender huh?21:33
kanzure_just showing that mechanical kinematic components have been done in blender.21:33
genewell the beauty of rigidchips isn't that you can make mechanical kinematic components, it's that you can quickly and easily make something with them that you can control21:36
kanzurewhy do you think I was comparing blender to rigidchips?21:36
kanzureI wasn't ..21:36
kanzureand also, it's not beauty because it's closed source and proprietary.21:36
geneI wouldn't exactly call it proprietary21:37
geneit's free21:37
geneneither is it open source21:37
bkeroThere's some pretty impressive stuff done in blender.21:38
genethough there is a resources folder with all the textures, basic model meshes and stuff like that21:39
genethere might be some other stuff in there too21:39
genebut I haven't really checked it out21:39
genebecause it's all in japanese21:39
bkeroThis was done in Blender: http://downloads.sketchworkproductions.com/peach/big_buck_bunny_1080p_h264.mov21:39
kanzureah yes the "open source movie" crazies :)21:39
geneI can't see it21:39
genehey, there might be source code in one of the folders included with rigid chips21:41
genebut it's all in japanese21:41
genecan I post some of it?21:42
gene---------------------^???VB6?T?"?v?<(Form + Button(Command1) ,??\??)21:42
genePrivate Declare Function RegisterWindowMessageA Lib "user32" (ByVal msgid As String) As Long21:43
genePrivate Declare Function PostMessageA Lib "user32" (ByVal hwd As Long, ByVal msg As Long, ByVal wpara As Long, ByVal lpara As Long) As Long21:43
geneConst HWND_BROADCAST = -1 '0xFFFF21:43
geneConst UMSG_RCLOAD_START = 0   'o???--?'--?M?J?n21:43
geneConst UMSG_RCLOAD_CHAR = 1    '^?o???,,,?'--,?21:43
geneConst UMSG_RCLOAD_END = 2     'o???--?'--?M?I--?21:43
geneDim WmRCLoad As Long21:43
genePrivate Sub Form_Load()21:43
gene' <?--p?E?B?"?h?E???b?Z?[?WID(WM_RIGHTCHIP_LOAD)"o~^21:43
gene  WmRCLoad = RegisterWindowMessageA("WM_RIGIDCHIP_LOAD")21:43
geneEnd Sub21:43
genePrivate Sub Command1_Click()21:43
gene    21:43
gene    ''--,?, 1/2 ,?o???--??i?p?Xot,<<?t?@?C?<- 1/4 ?j'?:VB,?String,?Unicode21:43
kanzure_yawn, basic.21:43
gene    filenameW = "C:\Rigid15B19\Data\BigFoot.txt"21:43
kanzure_You can stop now.21:43
gene    'Unicode,(C),??V?t?gJIS,?,?o???21:43
gene    filenameA = StrConv(filenameW, vbFromUnicode)21:43
gene  21:43
gene    '?E?B?"?h?E???b?Z?[?W'--?M21:43
gene    'o???--?'--?M?J?n21:43
gene    PostMessageA HWND_BROADCAST, WmRCLoad, UMSG_RCLOAD_START, 021:43
gene    '^?o???,,,?'--,?21:43
gene    For i = 1 To LenB(filenameA)21:43
gene      PostMessageA HWND_BROADCAST, WmRCLoad, UMSG_RCLOAD_CHAR, AscB(MidB(filenameA, i, 1))21:43
bkeroLooks like code to me21:43
gene    Next21:43
gene    'o???--?'--?M?I--?21:43
gene    PostMessageA HWND_BROADCAST, WmRCLoad, UMSG_RCLOAD_END, 021:43
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/bioreactor/membraneless_filtration/2008-11-25_something_wrong.png <- gnuplot stuff.21:43
geneEnd Sub21:43
genewould that be considered open source?21:43
geneif it includes what the code is?21:44
UtopiahGHMLgene: http://paste-it.net/21:44
bkerogene: If 'seeing the code' means it's open source, then all of php is inherently open source.21:44
genethis is in the documentation folder21:44
kanzure_Anyway, what do you want to do with it gene?21:45
genemake it better21:45
kanzure_do you expect me to use this Visual Basic code to do something?21:45
kanzure_*source code21:45
kanzure_CPE 3.118 apparently.21:45
* kanzure_ leaves21:45
kanzureI'm surprised. Sanjay knew about VTK and OpenFOAM and was quite enthusiastic about these two packages being used.23:07
kanzure_gene: apt-get install freefem3d ifrit libvtk5 libvtk5-dev mayavi mayavi2 octaviz python-vtk python-pyvtk vtk-doc vtk-examples vtk-tcl vtkdata 23:10
genehold on a second, I have to install linux23:10
geneare you serious?23:11
kanzure_Yes, the packages really are useful.23:11
genethat's a lot23:11
kanzure_it's like 566 MB of packages, so you should do it in the lab23:11
kanzure_will take about 5 minutes.23:11
genewhat lab?23:12
kanzure_the one that you have access to23:13
kanzure_namely Sata's23:13
kanzure_because he doesn't have download restrictions23:13
geneI ain't gonna be here all week so it don't matter if I use up all the band width23:13
kanzure_If you really want to use apt-get, which I recommend, then you'd need to get linux first, yes.23:13
genewait a minute kanzure, your using arctan2 to plot polar equations?23:14
genemay I ask why?23:14
kanzure_that's cartesian.23:14
geneit makes no sense23:14
geneyou want to convert to cartesian?23:14
genepolar to cart is easy23:15
kanzure_well, ultimately GPUs use cartesian coordinates, so whatever I end up using should be in cartesian, but I can convert to and from polar to cartesian with the cosines and sines.23:15
kanzure_I don't want to convert that equation that I pasted,23:15
kanzure_you mentioned knowing of something better23:15
kanzure_which more adequately represents what we're doing23:15
kanzure_uh, for spirals I mean.23:16
geneyeah man23:16
genesines and cosine are what you use23:16
kanzure_What do you have in mind?23:17
kanzurewhat's with the VTK documentation being 60 MB?23:38

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