
--- Day changed Tue Dec 02 2008
kanzurewhat's going on here?00:23
kanzurehttp://change.gov/ is on the creative commons00:24
bkeroI'm putting it into revision control00:34
kanzurethe entire site?00:38
kanzure_When you fold a complicated, choppy, cascade-y chain of differential equations in on itself via recursion, it should either flatline or blow up.  You would need exactly the right law of diminishing returns to fly through the extremely narrow soft takeoff keyhole."00:45
kanzure_yay I'm finding I like Eliezer's writing today00:45
kanzure_I usually don't read his blog00:45
kanzurethough it sounds like he was just reading off of my 00:57
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/recursion.html file00:57
fennunless it's a fractal01:11
fennor one of those not-quite-random-but-unpredictable patterns that wolfram is so fond of01:11
kanzurebasically he's saying that the planets have to be in alignment.01:15
kanzureexcept instead of 'planets', he's using a folk psych ontology of sorts.01:15
kanzurehrm, where'd my brain compiler go.01:17
bkerokanzure: ghc?  It's still here somewhere01:18
bkeroJoke :P01:22
kanzureAnyway, I'm kind of surprised that he's talking about differential equations for recursive self-improvement keyhole plotting when he doesn't even have metrics for improvement really, except in the sense of Big O notation I guess, but even then.01:30
kanzureit will probably turn into some dimensional analysis epigenetic search algorithm that checks for a plotted course for "ridiculous FTW here"01:30
kanzurebut that's impossible without those quantitative measurements I'd think..01:31
kanzureI mean, ontologically you get to restrict yourself to the seven fundamental types of energy and various types of matter01:35
kanzureand although the combinatorial space for machines to interconnect and convert those types are many, even just within electrical for the representation of turing machines, perhaps we get to say that RSI-stuff is a class of its own on the level of playing field as a turing machine01:36
kanzurevon Neumann machines and von Neumann universal replicators, for instance, but replicators!=recursive improvers01:36
bkeroThis is why the EFF deserves all your money.02:35
kanzureWhat the fuck.02:38
kanzureThat's a page out of Star Wars.02:38
bkerolol awesome02:43
bkeroThe legislation is an attempt to give the president the authority to terminate claims that the president has violated the people's Fourth Amendment rights.02:43
kanzure_http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1045407&cid=25925939 <- Wait, what? His sister died at a Who concert? That's .. brutal.03:30
kanzure_"The crush"03:33
kanzureCan anybody posit a proper argument against the notion of RSI leading to things like archailects and >S3 creatures that basically are giant brains built up of a civilization ?03:50
kanzureI mean, I'm trying to picture the concept of an S3 in a box, but all I get is Ede-the-man-as-a-hologram.03:51
kanzureI guess that's an obscure reference to War in Heaven.03:51
kanzureSpoiler: Ede the God, in a final blast of desperation while fighting some evil super moon entity, transmits radio signals to holocrons across the galaxy and downloads "himself", in a highly cut and compressed form. So, in the box, he might appear to be rather brilliant, but in truth it's like a child trying to be a bajillion year old old-man.03:52
kanzurewhich is more of a fake than anything.03:52
kanzureI suppose calling it a "civilization" makes it difficult in argumentation to convince others because "civilization" usually conjures up other images03:53
kanzurerather than things pulled from Zindell and Orion's Arm.03:53
kanzure_or rather: http://www.orionsarm.com/sophontology/toposophics.html03:56
kanzureoh, I guess that's the same as fenn's fractal comment. bleh. nevermind.04:01
geneso Kanzure could you give me a brief overview of that paper you scooped?04:39
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 22 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 22 normal]05:39
-!- xp_prg2 is now known as xp_pr08:47
-!- xp_pr is now known as xp_prg08:47
kanzure_Yay, the Ponginator made it13:26
kanzure_http://box2dflash.sourceforge.net/ <- what Fantastic Contraption is probably using..13:30
kanzure_"Thanks to those who have supported this project with their generous donations: .... Colin Northway"13:31
kanzure_Colin being the guy who gets all teh monies from Fantastic Contraption13:31
kanzure_oh, #box2d13:32
fenntoposophics.html is disappointingly focused on the physical size of the intellect13:35
kanzureanother thing I noticed yesterday with OA is that they are of the mentality of the ai 'ruling' the 'lesser intellects'13:39
kanzureOA was originatedd with the idea of ai not being a necessarily evil thing or something13:39
kanzure_http://www.box2d.org/screenshots.html look at #2. hrm..13:40
kanzure_comparing to fantasticcontraption.com that is13:40
kanzure_the flash cuts out for me when the ads to the right reload, and loading the swf file just redirects me to the ad-ridden page13:41
kanzurein light of OM, sourceforge is a jerk for using a good name13:44
kanzure"make: error: g++ not found." <- Have I really not been using g++ in so long?13:51
kanzureI don't get it. What's so open source about the IEEE-NIST VMAC?15:02
kanzureThere's no code, or anything.15:02
kanzureapparently the three organizers have written a 'framework' (the three from NIST)15:04
kanzureUSARSim, MOAST, unreal game engine15:04
kanzureteams: Zoran Duric, Eugene Yu, Rahul Simha, Darby Thompson, Alex Stefanovski, Ali Eydgahi, Payam matin, Mark Bivens, Chris Epps, Lee Long, George Dimitoglou, Xinilian Liu, Brandon Burger, Kristopher Reese, Eric Walton, Keith Hargrove, Therese Andeme, Kashun Davis15:05
* kanzure_ leaves15:06
bkeroHehe frameworks15:27
kanzure__"Kinematically accurate models of new robots can be added using vehicle classes from the Karma Physics Engine, a rigid multi-body dynamics simulator that is part of the Unreal development environment. "16:15
kanzure__"The standard version requires the Unreal game engine bundled with Unreal Tournament 2004. By using a game engine, the simulator achieves high fidelity on commodity hardware. The Unreal runtime engine version uses a modified vehicle class." 16:16
kanzure__Does this mean unfree software is required?16:16
kanzure__http://sourceforge.net/projects/moast/ "The Mobility Open Architecture Simulation and Tools (MOAST) framework aids in the development of autonomous robots. It includes an architecture, control modules, interface specs, and data sets and is fully integrated with the USARSim simulation system."16:18
bkeroUT2004 is unfree, yes.16:19
wrldpc_where are the logs for #hplus?16:22
kanzure__there's a #hplus?16:23
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/logs.zip are some old #hplusroadmap logs, I have some more recent logs in an irssi log file, but I no longer have complete access to complete logs.16:24
kanzure__any particular reason for asking? sharing with somebody?16:24
wrldpc_the presidential schema to remove culpability for amendment violations or something ..16:25
kanzure__bkero: There is talk on the internet, in some forums, of a free UT server app. Be this true?16:25
kanzure__wrldpc_: huh?16:25
wrldpc_and you also had a GEM this morning/last night, B.16:25
wrldpc_I can't remember the context or the content .. I just recall it as being extremely well worded.16:25
kanzure__genetically engineered machine?16:25
bkerokanzure__: The UT dedicated server.  I don't think it's free.16:29
bkeroThat source code is just for the scripting language16:30
wrldpc_gem as in precious stone ;D16:30
kanzure__a well worded gem stone. Nope, don't remember anything good in the last 24 hours. But I also don't have my logs in front of me.16:31
kanzure__bkero: How is this open source then. 16:31
kanzure__USARSim, I mean.16:32
fennwrldpc_: http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/08/12/02/0120249.shtml16:32
kanzure__lies: http://www.washacadsci.org/capsci08/presentations/ieeemadhaven.pdf16:34
kanzure__"Sython, a language for privacy-preserving programming in which developers don't get to see private data (open-source)."16:42
kanzure__Meh. The VMAC participants seem boring. Except maybe Keith Hargrove.16:48
kanzure__I don't know how this is virtual manufacturing automation just by focusing on automated ground vehicles.16:49
kanzure__I guess it's somewhat related, but I don't expect manufacturing environments to be so visually messy and noisy in the sense of things not being where they are supposed to be.16:49
kanzure__http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1maJZ0U8ULg Fantastic Contraption speed run16:53
kanzure__hah! hahah.17:09
bkerokanzure__: I can have open source software that interfaces with a proprietary module.17:10
kanzure__You'd still be a jerk.17:11
bkeroI never claimed USARSim wasn't open, nor run by jerks. :P17:12
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/2008-12-02_box2d.PNG <--- bwahah17:13
kanzure__Theo Jansenn's mechanism in box2d17:13
kanzure__yeah, so fantasticcontraption is like one of the tests for box2d but with extra graphics17:17
kanzure__(except using the box2d version for flash)17:17
bkerohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken 17:26
kanzure__yeah, he's famous, but I don't get the whole "feeding with an eyedropper". Where's the mouth and throat?17:28
fennso are you going to do some gear simulations in box2d? :)17:44
kanzure__Maybe. Actually what I really want to do is a clone of fantasticcontraption. I've figured out how to do it too, I just need to go remember how to wire up glut with the mouse callback function.17:54
kanzure__and then assign some keys for different types of bodies (which I've done)17:54
kanzure__they kind of just appear out of nowhere at the moment though, oops17:54
kanzure__once I have key bindings, I'd like to do an XML-ish format for the different types of bodies to specify17:55
kanzure__mapped to the API ideally17:55
kanzure__so if that happens then yes, I'll just write a converter to spit out the graphsynth gear stuff to the nonexistant box2d XML format17:55
kanzure__the simulator is just as addictive as fantastic contraption, and there's not even any goals.17:56
bkerokanzure__: check out protocol buffers or yaml18:01
bkeroThey're both awesome and not as heavy or expensive as xml18:01
kanzure__protocol buffers?18:01
bkerohttp://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/pythontutorial.html 18:03
kanzure__I must be out of practice. If I wanted to declare a global variable in C++, I go define it in a common (common to the source files in which I need it) header file, yes?18:04
kanzure__ah, my extern was right18:05
kanzure__Nevermind. :)18:06
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML18:24
kanzure__geeze, destroying bodies in box2d is unnecessarily complicated18:53
kanzure__it's this messy web of pointers from just about every other object/body in existence within the simulation..18:54
xp_prgkanzure__ I wrote a script to turn every bbf file into a big json file!18:54
kanzure__Heh. Took a little too long to get a delete method going.19:21
xp_prgkanzure__ did you see what I said?19:46
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/2008-12-02_box2d_3.PNG <--- *grins*20:42
kanzure__No motors yet. Only 'water'-type connector.20:43
fennwhy are you making a fantastic contraption clone?20:51
kanzure__I'm not sure21:02
kanzure__well, yes I am21:05
kanzure__my "super secret plan" is to load up graphsynth constructions21:05
kanzure__and using some of the rougelike-algorithms from the other day that I linked to (roguelikedevelopment.org), some automatic level generators, then do some automatic design (first in a vacuum, then plus selection -- vacuum = design up to 20 nodes, and then see which ones work)21:10
kanzure__todo: joint-to-joint, rigid/solid joints, motors, joint delete function (or, rather, general object indexing), and then yaml + gxml + some level specification format (ok, yaml too.)21:16
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/fantastic/ has a 10 MB zip file21:16
kanzure__it's kind of buggy because of a lack of checks on pointer indexes.21:18
-!- kanzure___ is now known as kanzure_-22:17
kanzure_http://www.physorg.com/printnews.php?newsid=147353055 Zipf22:41
kanzure_Zipf's law re: connectivity following a negative curve when on a log-log scale22:42
kanzureHi fenn_.22:44
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn22:44
kanzurehah, Slashdot article - "Teacher sells ads on tests"22:44
kanzurewonder if each ad covers the ink cost ..22:45
kanzure"but I was distracted by the punch the monkey ad!"22:45
fennwant to try and git-clone git://fennetic.net/cxf2cnc for me?22:45
* fenn just poked a hole in the firewall22:46
kanzureyep, works22:46
xp_prgkanzure have you used my script yet?22:54
xp_prghow come? :(23:13

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