
--- Day changed Wed Dec 03 2008
fennhmmm "blue light hazard" makes me wonder about light therapy for non-24 hour circadian stuffs00:14
fennblue light is 2x as effective as white light00:15
kanzureyay, supercontraption compiles on linux after adding in some include <string.h>'s in the right locations.00:30
kanzuresuper > fantastic, right??00:30
willPow3rkanzure, according to snake, rattle, and roll, no00:31
kanzuresnake, rattle and what?00:32
willPow3rold nintendo game00:32
kanzureWikipedia's not being helpful .. what was the gameplay like?00:33
willPow3r^^ better link00:35
wrldpc_re: the zipf's law01:01
wrldpc_pardon the blatancy01:01
-!- percent is now known as jihaaad02:16
kanzureHm. I wonder if the solid links are just really a joint at each end of a solid rectangle02:42
ybitanyone know some good books on the cerebellum?03:08
kanzurebias: any paper referenced by Mauk03:08
kanzurein fact,03:09
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/school/buildingbrains/ 03:09
kanzurecheck the syllabus, there should be a book referenced in there03:09
kanzure_Holy shit the fantasticcontraption guy is a jerk04:13
kanzure_"Seriously.  This is what's wrong with the flash gaming world.  WRITE04:13
kanzure_YOUR OWN GAME.  Don't clone someone elses.04:13
kanzure_Creativity?  Anyone?"04:13
kanzure_This guy is a little too easy to figure out. http://www.colinnorthway.com/forum/04:26
kanzure_the incredible machine04:28
kanzure_armadillo run (which is fantastic)04:28
kanzure_world of goo04:28
kanzureyep, he has a level XML file04:33
kanzureWhy do people insist on pissing me off?04:33
kanzure_"Colin, this game is great! I'm not going to ask how you did it, but I love the way it looks and the animation is so clever! I'm having fun just watching what happens when I don't get it right, but it feels super when I succeed. Thanks for sending it my way. Aunt Chris"04:43
kanzuregene: Do you know of fantasticcontraption, the incredible machine, armadillo run or world of goo?05:10
geneInstalled armadillo run on my old computer05:10
kanzure_^ my clone of the game.05:10
kanzure_There's also a Theo Jansen contraption - 05:11
geneyou made it today?05:11
genefor adl?05:11
kanzure_sort of. More for myself.05:11
xp_prgkanzure_ hey man!05:11
genehow does it store teh data?05:12
kanzure_gene: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/fantastic/level.xml05:12
genealmost a tree format, but not quite05:12
genelooks like it might be hard to do ADL with that05:13
kanzurenope, graphsynth generates gxml files05:13
kanzureso I just need to convert gxml to this particular form of xml05:13
geneall rigid chips models are essentially trees you know05:13
kanzuresince Pradeep (in the lab) already does mechanisms like four bars etc., this is just plug-and-play (for him at least)05:13
genewhat are four bars?05:14
kanzurehell if I know05:14
kanzureI think I'm supposed to know though05:14
kanzuresomething about a link, two joints and something else05:14
genewell introduce the ADL people to rigid chips plz05:14
genepeople have already made genetic algorithms in it05:14
genethat can actually put up a fair fight05:15
kanzureADL hates GAs :)05:15
kanzureGAs are not the entirety of search algorithms.05:15
kanzurethere's other methods that we implement as well as GAs, but anyway05:15
geneI want to see what those algorithms can do with rigidchips05:19
kanzuregraphsynth is a free download05:19
geneif they actually find the best way to build a spaceship a tank or what not05:19
generigidchips is a free download05:20
kanzurewe've already gone over this.05:20
geneexplain graphsynth again05:21
kanzuregraph grammars = substitution rules for subgraphs, the translation of gxml seed graphs into gxml final graphs (with optimizations sometimes) based off of grxml files (the substitution rules, which match left-hand-sides with host graphs)05:22
kanzurethen there's various types of searching methods, like breadth-first and depth-first05:22
kanzureinformed search is one that I'm implementing for designer preference modeling05:22
geneso how do I use it to make a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX05:22
kanzurewhat conditions would you say an XXXXXXXXXXX is made.05:23
genewhat are conditions?05:23
kanzurewell, I don't know what an XXXXXXXX is05:24
kanzureso how would the software know too?05:24
genea turbine05:25
genestring XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX = "turbine"05:25
kanzurebut how does it know what a turbine is?05:25
genegive an example of what conditions would be for a turbine05:26
kanzurewell, basically what you would do is figure out the requirements that you have for the turbine05:27
kanzureI'm guessing this would mean some dimensional analysis stuff05:27
kanzureand then you would go get a ruleset that matches this situation, and have it run over your "seed graph" (the requirements, or the general function structure - the conversion of electrical energy into rotational mechanhical energy)05:27
genesize 0.5 in sq05:27
kanzureright, right05:27
kanzureso that's how it would do it.05:27
kanzureit would then generate all possible graphs based off of the tree search parameters (depth, for instance)05:28
kanzureat the moment not so much on 3D shape generation though, that's something that an optimizer module would have to do05:28
kanzureAlbert/Pradeep both have optimizer modules for their gears/mechanisms for instance05:28
genegenerate lots of thrust using the least amount of butane fuel05:28
genethat sucks05:28
genewe really need something that can make it's own optimizer modules05:28
geneby itself05:29
kanzureyou can't create something from nothing05:29
genehave it browse the internet make inferences from things05:30
genebut that might be a bit far off05:30
kanzureyou forget that I'm kind of in the ai crowd05:31
kanzureit's not "far off", it's just worng.05:31
genehumans can do it05:31
kanzurebut if you want to look at inference engines05:31
kanzurethere's lots of theorem solvers05:31
kanzurecan they?05:31
kanzureHumans tend to suck at design from what I can see05:31
geneI know05:31
genehow do automatically design a part assembling robot?05:32
kanzureagain it's about the requirements specification format I think05:33
kanzureif you have an assembly then I suspect we could come up with mechanism designs that would then translate into physical motions05:33
kanzureand the one that properly fits them together from feed lines is teh win05:33
kanzureit probably could be a one-off generator, rather than generating multiple designs05:33
kanzuresince most assembly is simple actuators lined up or something05:33
geneok I think I might have something for you05:35
genemake a mechanism to put control and drive units into a unassembled robot05:35
geneas fast as you possibly can05:36
geneI've been contemplating designing a micromachine05:36
genea tiny swimming robot05:37
geneone of the problems I might encounter is integrating an electronics package(for sensors and stuff) and drive components(think magnets)05:39
geneof course it might be possible to make a robot driven completely by sound, using fluidic logic and stuff like that05:41
genebut what's the fun in that?05:41
genethe problem is, it's very hard to do economical assembly of parts on a small scale05:42
kanzureHi Ghost` .05:56
Ghost`hey kanzure!05:56
Ghost`i think i was ok at the AI exam!05:57
genedid you pass the turing test?05:57
Ghost`this teacher is kinda chaotic (which is ironic enough for such a logic-influenced subject)05:57
Ghost`that one is tricky05:58
Ghost`but i`ve got a breach on it.. you can pretend you`re a human pretending you`re a machine ;)05:58
Ghost`the human on the other side will think you`re just a human pretending you`re a machine, and will vote that you`re a human xD05:59
geneever program boids?06:00
Ghost`this can be done with a pretty small knowledge base!06:00
geneor any swarms?06:00
Ghost`i know, but whats that06:00
Ghost`well, there is a game called grobots, which i`ve been involved with for some time06:00
Ghost`i`ve been willing to alloc more time to it, but university always takes it all06:01
geneboids is a swarming algorithm06:01
Ghost`never done that i guess06:02
Ghost`but check grobots out, its pretty cool06:02
Ghost`kanzure! 3 clones!?06:02
kanzureThe fourth one is in my garage on life support.06:02
Ghost`omg! 4am! O.o gotta wake up in a few hours to study :-/ end of semester nightmare....06:03
Ghost`later folks06:03
-!- Ghost` is now known as Ghost-Zzz06:03
geneyou could just gork all your clones06:05
geneI hear they store better that way06:05
kanzure_""A colony of bacteria found 2.8 kilometers below the Earth's surface in a South African gold mine is able to sustain itself without energy from the Sun. While sub-surface colonies of microorganisms utilizing sulfur (mostly near deep sea hydrothermal vents) is not new, this particular colony is unusual. The colony does it by relying on radioactive uranium to split water into hydrogen gas. Thus, instead of solar energy and photosynthesis, this species 13:53
kanzure_a thread on Orion's Arm is talking about strange places for organisms to live, and all I can come up with is Chernoybl and "within rocks".13:53
kanzure_ah that's right, these are extremophiles13:54
fennin the outer layers of a red giant star13:57
fennor on the surface of a neutron star, if you've ever read Dragon's Egg13:58
kanzure_http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/stories/gravitymine.htm The Gravity Mine by Stephen Baxter13:58
kanzure_there was one by a game developer, something about life within stars, in a magnetohydrolayer13:59
kanzure_although it wasn't "hydro"13:59
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/docs/The%20Masque%20of%20the%20Heat%20Death%20-%20David%20Krieger.html <- lepton life14:01
kanzure_"leaping leptons!" as the boy genius would tend to exclaim.14:01
kanzure_gaah, somebody stop me. http://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/12/hard-takeoff.html#comment-141211660 "When are you going to start the ai clock? We've been ticking for the past 50 years .."14:07
fenni tend to agree, but using the word "never" is foolish of course14:10
kanzureso while you're around, I was wondering if you had any magical solution to gene's (random) design question.14:11
* fenn reads the logs14:12
kanzurehe asked for graphsynth to design a turbine, and frankly it's not going to be doing that without a lot of upfront effort to make up some graph-representation of turbines14:12
kanzurebut he just pulled the word 'turbine' out of his ass14:12
kanzureI've been avoiding the question of how to get a formal 'requirements' specification format. This might haunt me in the future.14:13
kanzurefunction structures are close, but at the moment they are just a graph of "import electrical energy => convert to rotational mechanical" and then a mechanical contraption is substituted via various substitution rules in the db14:14
kanzuredoesn't quite help, with, say, an intuition that a rotational device has to have fins .. that would have to be in the db already. There's not some magical method I'm missing out on, is there?14:14
fenna turbine would be one node in a graphsynth diagram, with arrows for "fluid flow" and "mechanical rotation" coming out (at best)14:17
fennas far as i can see graphsynth doesnt do any designing at all, so the question is moot14:18
fennare you sure GA isnt the entirety of search algorithms? :P14:19
kanzureit's more for circuitry14:19
kanzurebut I can't really imagine a generalized system able to pull anything out of its ass just by a name 'turbine'14:19
kanzureif you say 'turbine' you are referencing something already designed14:19
fennnot necessarily14:20
fennjust by the name, sure14:20
fennbut even that isn't enough14:20
fennand seriously, what's the point?14:20
fennall these boxes and arrows14:20
fennwith no real information14:21
kanzureI can't exactly walk up to him and tell him it's meaningless14:21
fennwell that's your problem i guess, don't drag me into it14:21
kanzureI also don't have an available alternative14:21
fenndid i mention i hate earth yet today?14:21
kanzureNo, you're scheduled for later tonight.14:22
kanzurealthough you haven't seen the gear and bar-link stuff in graphsynth14:23
fennfour bar linkages is approaching real information14:24
kanzureI'm not saying it's unique to graphsynth or arguing for it, just that it's there.14:24
fenndo they specify the length of the bars at least?14:24
kanzuremaybe. But don't expect collision detection out of that, "oh look, a subgraph 80 nodes to the left " (ok, who makes an 80 link contraption anyway?) " might physically intersect with this part" <- not happening methinks.14:26
kanzureor if it does happen it will be a hack and not done the way that it should be done.14:26
kanzurei.e. proper collision detection or implicit degrees of freedom constraint checking would end up as further substitution rules :/14:27
kanzure_-http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels-main/static-pages.do?page=release_03December2008 12th release of the biomodel sbml database17:15
kanzure_-http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/CAD_and_CAM/Computer_Aided_Manufacturing/ yeah so dmoz gets excessive sometimes18:25
kanzure_-http://varkon.sf.net/ more cad for linux..18:28
kanzure_-haven't seen that one around.18:28
kanzure_-"In this generic, default Varkon user environment, it is possible, for example, to draw a line. Let's say, though, that you are involved in diagramming the plumbing system of a building. In this case, you may need not lines, but pipes. Through the MBS programming language, Varkon allows you to define parts such as pipes, and to specify them parametrically. You can therefore design a general...18:29
kanzure_-..."pipe" (think "class" if you're used to object-oriented programming (OOP)) which can become a specific pipe (think "instance" in OOP terms) when specified with its required parameters."18:29
kanzure_-"Varkon goes beyond this, however, because it allows you to add this concept of a pipe to the user interface itself. You can create a menu, or modify an existing menu, to allow "pipe" to become a menu item alongside other Varkon and user-defined functions. "18:29
kanzure_-"To the designer of a project, Varkon is preeminantly a programmer's modeling system. Varkon menu systems are sets of files in a simple format whose items resolve, ultimately, to Varkon functions (built-in or user-defined). The elements of a Varkon drawing or model are not defined as, say, entries in a database. Rather, they are modules of code written in the MBS programming language....18:29
kanzure_-...Programming a Varkon project is more than scripting macros to simplify user's tasks; programming a Varkon project means creating a unique system built out of the tools Varkon provides. "18:29
kanzure_-MBS program structure: http://www.marcdatabase.com/~lemur/vk-structure.html18:30
kanzure_-Uh, I'm not too sure what's going on here.18:31
kanzure_-http://www.varkon.org/Stone_Soup.html <- I don't get it.18:39
kanzure_-http://rfqboard.com/ - 'RFQ Board is a non-profit, web-based service designed to facilitate an organized quoting process for manufacturing type jobs.'18:45
kanzure_-found from: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.cad.solidworks/browse_thread/thread/7030f60faf703b9d/676b6c003ad8c475?lnk=gst&q=.SLDPRT#676b6c003ad8c47518:45
kanzure_-"We just had a demo from a Rand rep where I work, and he was really18:48
kanzure_-pushing this new product for Pro-E.  It was a conduit between VBA and18:48
kanzure_-Pro-E (can't remember the name) that would allow you to program stuff in18:48
kanzure_-VBA (through excel, word, VB, or whatever) and have it control Pro-E.  I18:48
kanzure_-think it cost like $5K or $10K (memory doesn't serve, the demo was a18:48
kanzure_-week ago actually). " 18:48
wrldpcmemetics is bullshit:  http://redalyc.uaemex.mx/redalyc/pdf/339/33905206.pdf19:25
kanzure_-I thought everyone knows that :)19:59
kanzure_-"Design is the initiation of change to a man-made artifact." from random flippings through books laying around the lab21:04
* kanzure_- hears angels singing21:54
kanzure_-now if only I can get the conceptual design studies to start focusing on the voiced toolchain itself21:54
xp_prgkanzure did you see my email to diybio22:26
xp_prgI sent it and it doesn't appear to be posting22:26
kanzureYes, I did see it.22:59
kanzureconnection issues?23:51
fenni was looking for an ethernet cable and unplugged the wrong one. then plugged server back into a dead port :)...23:51
* fenn makes label for dead port23:52
xp_prgkanzure I am meeting with a ceo of a biotech firm and a biostatastician23:54
kanzureWhat for?23:54
xp_prgdiscuss my ideas23:54
kanzurebut you hardly know them23:54
xp_prgand biobench23:54
kanzureI've had to supply you with half the ideas :/23:54
xp_prghe is from a cse background23:54
kanzurewell, good luck23:54
xp_prgkanzure you did help me understand many things for sure, but you never listend to my original ideas :)23:54
kanzurefeel free to tell them my number23:54
xp_prgI will give you credit of course23:54
xp_prgwhat is it?23:55
kanzurewell, your ideas suck frankly, nobody writes a compiler in flash23:55
kanzuresorry :(23:55
kanzurexp_prg: it's on the site, 1 512 203 050723:55
xp_prgthe frontend they do, the back end23:55
kanzureno they don't..23:55
xp_prgkanzure you don't understand cse man23:55
xp_prgyour a biologist23:55
kanzureuh, no, I'm comp sci23:56
kanzurenice try though23:56
xp_prgyou are?!23:56
xp_prgnow I am totally dumbstruck23:56
kanzureI mean, I'm technically enrolled in manufacturing engineering and computational neuroscience23:56
xp_prgdo you major in biology as well?23:56
kanzurebut my background is computer science23:56
kanzureNo, I'm not anything to do with biology coursework23:56
xp_prgwow cool23:56
kanzurealthough I am taking a brain course.23:56
bkerobrian course23:57
kanzureis there a difference?23:57
* bkero shrugs23:57

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