
--- Day changed Fri Dec 05 2008
ybitbkero: you said something about full faith if some guy is appointed under obama?00:03
ybitdid you guys forget about him appointing the sexist summers?00:03
ybitcan't say i have full faith in any government with the head getting advice from a sexist00:06
ybitbut he did backtrack, so i shouldn't call him that00:09
fennybit: did you actually read what summers said?00:10
ybitno scientific basis00:11
fennanyway, is it so unusual for a presidential candidate to take advice from the president of harvard?00:12
fennoo, and he was secretary of treasury under clinton00:13
ybityep, i knew that as well00:15
bkeroybit: Lawrence Lessig00:28
bkeroAlso, I'm staring at a reprap right now00:28
fenn /me scowls at bkero00:31
kanzure_organic transistors pressed in a water bottle00:35
kanzure_come on .. that has to be exciting to at least a few of you00:35
bkerofenn: :P00:36
bkerofenn: Nothing wrong with the reprap.  The self00:36
bkeroself-replicating hubajoo is half correct, but mises the mark. :P00:36
fenni'm just scowling because you have a reprap and i dont00:36
bkerolol I see00:37
bkeroI wonder if a reprap has ever made anything besides itself.00:37
kanzure_it has never made itself00:37
bkeroI wonder if it has ever machined parts to construct a replica of itself.00:38
kanzure_From what I recall, machining isn't the issue00:38
fennreprap cant machine anything either00:39
kanzure_well, right, but I don't recall machining being a requirement to make a reprap00:39
kanzure_unless you count the electronics, which may or may not require machining in its dependency chain00:39
* bkero wouldn't know, haven't made one.00:39
bkeroIt is one of my plans to make a 5 dimension CNC mill00:40
fennwhy 5 axis?00:40
bkeroFor some of my modeled objects, a 4-dimension compatible toolpath won't cut it00:40
bkeroI could run it in 4 dimension, but I'd need to rotate and calibrate halfway through.00:41
fenni'm curious what sort of objects you're making that require 5 axes00:41
bkeroA miniature cylinder head00:42
fennhow is that impossible with 4?00:43
fennor do you think you're going to do it all in one setup? (hah)00:43
bkeroThe valve bores aren't straight00:44
kanzureValve in a cylinder?00:44
kanzureor is this a cylindrical tip for a mill that you want to make with your 5-axle cncer?00:44
bkeroValve above the cylinder.  Cylinder head for an itnernal combustion engine00:45
* kanzure does a happy dance. box2d approved for "research purposes" haha00:46
fennso uh, if the valves aren't perpendicular to the axis of the camshaft.. blah whatever00:46
* fenn wishes bkero the best on his CNC adventure00:47
bkeroI'm at the phase of getting a manual mill, and aquiring stepper motors.00:47
bkeroI'm working on my beagleboard wearable computer first00:47
fennwhat mill are you looking at?00:47
kanzurewatchya think about the chitosan 150 nm nanoimprinting stuff, fenn?00:47
bkero$150 number from harbor freight00:47
fennwah! you stealing all my projects now or what?00:47
bkerofenn: I ordered a beagleboard, myvu crystals, built a battery pack already, and got a gpio bluetooth controller00:48
kanzureI'd do a wearable if I actually knew how to make the wearable component. fenn showed me a helmet mask that might be retrofitted to do the monocular view, but I'm still skeptical on that one00:48
bkeroI'm currently trying to source miniature bluetooht half keyboards that I can strap to my leg.00:48
bkerokanzure: http://www.myvu.com look at the crystals00:48
kanzurebkero: did you get that from us?00:48
bkero640x480, vga input00:48
kanzurethe half kb strapon00:48
bkerokanzure: No, I got that from the cowboy bebop movie, a couple years ago and somehow dredged it up00:49
fennis this the mill you're getting? http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=4715800:49
kanzurefenn: maybe we were both getting that from the bebop movie?00:49
kanzurebkero: why do you want full glasses?00:49
bkerokanzure: Because they're $300, and I know they work, and they're a good resolution00:49
bkeroIdeally I'd want a HUD I can see through00:49
kanzurebut they're full glasses ..00:49
bkeroBut that seems to be out of my budget00:49
fennkanzure: i never saw the cowboy bebop movie (well, i saw the first five minutes)00:49
kanzuremaybe it was in the first five minutes00:50
kanzurehowever, I've never seen it, so nevermind :)00:50
bkeroThe similarity was the thigh-mounted halfkeyboards00:50
kanzurehah, I just got it00:50
kanzure"kb strapon"00:50
bkeroHave you guys sourced another HUD?00:51
kanzureit was on hackaday a year ago00:51
fennthe private eye?00:51
fennthat's been out of production for decades00:51
kanzureno, the private-eye was somebody else00:52
kanzurebut something like it would be awesome.00:52
kanzure(with better resolution of course ..)00:52
fennwhy is VGA "highest resolution" in 2008?00:52
fennsrsly.. am i the only person who ever thought of putting DLP chips in HUD glasses?00:52
kanzure_wait, this might be the wrong one00:52
kanzure_if it's not the monocle it's wrong00:53
bkeroFairly low ersolution :/00:53
bkeroAlthough absurdly cheap00:53
kanzure_screw it, just get the mount00:54
kanzure_"$1,299" haha (on that last link)00:54
kanzure_and then replace it with a screen from a cell phone00:54
bkeroThe myvus are vga+svideo in, and 640x48000:54
bkeroAlthough I would really prefer something I could see through.00:54
fenn1.44 Million Pixels!!!1100:54
kanzure_[LH-GVD310A] for $13000:55
kanzure_30 inch screen? wtf?00:56
bkeroA name like chinavision scares the shit out of me00:56
kanzure_I read it first as 'china invasion'00:56
fennit's actually chinavasion00:56
kanzure_three different interpretations00:56
bkeroI've had one beer and am hopped up on hacking endorphins from being at NYC Resistor.00:57
kanzure_oh look00:58
kanzure_it's not a visor?00:58
kanzure_that looks like a monocular display to me00:58
* fenn yawns01:00
fennanother stupid looking head mount display01:00
fennthe way i see it, there's two use cases01:00
fenn1) you're in a hard-hat or helmet zone01:00
fenn2) you're an everyday guy on the street and dont want 9 zillion people asking you why you're wearing that thing01:01
kanzure_around here in Austin the majority of us either go naked or with golden ssj2 hair, so it's natural01:01
kanzure_"According to eMagin, the Eyebud 800 delivers a viewing experience as if viewing a 105-inch screen from 12 feet, offering a 40-degree field of view of whatever is playing for up to 6 hours. Also, the monocle viewing piece can be worn on either the left or right side, "01:03
kanzure_bigger image of that first one01:03
fennbut super saiya armor would be so uncomfortable in the texas heat, and the blue/orange gi + scouter would send a confusing message01:03
bkeroEyebud just sounds painful01:03
bkeroI believe everybody would think you were a homosexual.01:03
fennbkero: it might just be the default in austin01:04
kanzure_the revival of wear-hard01:04
kanzure_with lots of spam. Sigh.01:04
fennwear-hard is dead?01:05
fennthe original i mean01:05
kanzure_http://igargoyle.com/archives/geowearable.jpg <- what's going on here? It looks like it's on a very flimsy connection behind the ear01:05
fennthat's a microoptical (defunct brand)01:09
fennit clips on the glasses01:09
fennjust a wire going behind the ear01:10
fenni think maybe he had some kind of extra wires going to the display for some reason01:10
kanzureI think myvu is doing some false advertizing01:11
kanzureI don't see the monocle on their site01:11
kanzure_oops, different company01:12
fennmuch prefer this: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2003/20031204/biz2.jpg01:14
kanzurefenn: that's sign of OCD for elegance right there :)01:14
fennwhat, not having a big ugly thing strapped to my face?01:15
fennit's sheer pragmatism, my dear01:15
kanzureargh, even "eyebud" is linking over to their full-visor only01:16
fenneven better would be to just pipe the image up through fiber optics somehow01:16
fennis there some brick-and-mortar store where you can actually try these things out?01:18
fenni mean it's not like shopping for a new monitor01:18
kanzureGary Jones. I'm going to hunt down this bastard.01:21
kanzure_eyebud 800 supposedly01:24
kanzure_24 bit SVGA 800x60001:24
fenni wonder where they source the OLED display.. since Osram closed the only(?) OLED factory01:27
fenner, OLED display factory01:27
kanzurewell I can't seem to find where to buy an 'eyebud 800' on the net01:28
kanzureso maybe that answers your question01:28
kanzurewhen did Osram close?01:28
fennlast year01:28
kanzurethat might explain it.01:28
fennOsram is a lighting company and decided to get out of the display business, so they sold the rights, and it probably just got swept under the rug from there01:29
* kanzure_ bows to Nikon01:30
kanzure_$678 price tag01:31
fennhmm looks like sony has jumped on the OLED display ride01:32
fenn$700 isnt bad, relatively speaking01:36
fennbut it's only 640x48001:36
kanzure_http://www.flickr.com/photos/21355799@N02/2964777100/ 01:36
kanzureI guess I just want the plastic more than anything01:36
kanzureI should be able to source my own microdisplay01:37
kanzure_in fact it looks like it's just a simple mount on the side of headphones01:37
kanzure_why didn't I think of that01:37
fennsure, gumstixk would fit in headphones just fine01:38
kanzure_Gumstix develops and sells small, low cost, highly functional Linux computers for rapid product development and production systems."01:38
kanzure_Biologically inspired by the common carp, the robotic, gumstix-driven fish could avoid objects and swim around a specially designed tank entirely of their ."01:38
fennyes, people with too much money again01:39
kanzure_Every time on the internet that I find something dropping off in mid-sentence, I inadvertedly imagine the author having a horrible, horrible and untimely death.01:39
fennor perhaps it's a superhero, slaughtering idiot bloggers and preventing us all from egregious mental harm01:40
kanzureI think this could be solved by a simple hole drilled into the side of a headphone case (remove the speaker first to prevent damage)01:40
kanzureand then a small screw and small washer to mount a plastic piece that extends out and somehow carries the microdisplay01:41
fennit's more complicated than that, you have to drive this display somehow01:41
fenn(fancy electronics)01:41
kanzurenot just some pins from a PIC/AVR/beagle/arduino?01:41
kanzure /parallax?01:42
fennparallax = beginner attempt at VLSI01:42
kanzureright right01:42
kanzurebut Austinites get free shit for mentioning parallax, so :/01:42
fennPIC would be fast enough to do like Atari style graphics01:42
kanzurewhat, refresh rate ?01:43
kanzureoh, also memory size01:43
kanzurenot going to do 800x600 on a PIC :)01:43
fennwhat you really want is some kind of FPGA to take a regular video signal like HDMI and turn it into whatever weird protocol/signal your display needs01:43
fennbut FPGA's draw a lot of power so better hope it fits in a CPLD01:44
fennsmall FPGA, sorta01:44
bkero Beagles :)01:45
bkeroOr arduino01:45
kanzureAnd what about the 800x600 stuff going on there?01:45
kanzureor greater01:45
fennwhat about what?01:46
kanzureon an arduino01:46
kanzurewhat's the memory size and have people had these things driving video displays?01:46
kanzureat any respectable resolution?01:46
bkeroBeagle has a 32MB framebuffer, it'll do 1280x1024@3201:46
fennarduino has like 128k memory max01:46
kanzurehehe 128k01:46
bkeroI'm diong 1680x1050x4801:46
kanzure32 MB framebuffer is good01:47
kanzurepeople used to be able to cheaply pick up 16 MB PCI cards :/01:47
kanzureto add monitors to a box01:47
fennbeagle could easily output a gazillion pixel display, but you have to figure out how to interface it01:47
kanzureyeah, fancy wiring tricks01:47
bkerokanzure: You can get $25 video cards to add monitors to a box01:47
* kanzure remembers back when he was trying to wire up his N64 controller to RS23201:47
bkerofenn: It has an HDMI output :)01:47
fennoh btw beagle has s-video out too, so most pre-built HUD's will work01:48
fenni'm gonna wait at least until they release the 256MB RAM beagle01:48
kanzures-video out too? yay01:49
bkeroRev C is rumoured to have 25601:50
bkeroI really don't need 256 though.  128 is fine for a framebuffer for a terminal01:50
bkeroBTW the graphics chipset has 3d accel and h264 accel :)01:50
bkeroSo it can play 720p01:50
kanzure_http://www.msefi.com/index.php open fuel injection project01:50
bkeroI have a megasquirt running my car01:51
kanzure_ http://www.open-ecg-project.org,01:52
kanzure_ http://www.open-ecg-project.org01:52
kanzure_as of Dec 3rd01:53
kanzure_http://metamodern.com/ Drexler blogs02:48
kanzure_heh, he mentions Paul Rothemund :)02:49
kanzure_(hi Paul!)02:49
kanzureyeah, I was talking with him over the summer about me research02:55
bkeroHow many projects do you have university funding for now?02:56
kanzureI'm working under at least two grants, if that's what you mean.02:56
kanzureI count multiple projects under each grant though02:57
kanzureNSF and DARPA at the moment.02:57
ybitthey are both supporting what exactly?03:11
ybitheh, which of your projects? :)03:12
kanzureVOICED and the bioreactor/biodesel/fuel stuff.03:13
ybitfav. open manufacturing site?03:14
kanzurewhat does fav mean?03:15
ybitthe one you visit most often03:15
kanzurethe mailing list I guess03:15
kanzurebut I just read that in my inbox03:15
ybitno particular site03:15
ybithttp://p2pfoundation.net/Open_Manufacturing doesn't have much03:15
kanzureI play around with p2pfoundation.net I guess03:15
kanzuretry http://p2pfoundation.net/Product_Hacking03:15
bkeroNYC Resistor also has some 2-axis CNC mills03:16
bkeroWait, there's a third access03:16
wrldpc_old news03:33
wrldpc_i submitted it anyway though ... nothing on digg about it03:33
kanzureEEG != ECG per-se.03:33
wrldpc_yeah linked to that openECG proj. in the comments too03:33
kanzureI'm still not a big fan of EEG.03:34
kanzureWhat was EEG originally designed for anyway?03:34
kanzureI mean, it's never really used for anything good03:34
kanzureusually people are trying to "read teh minds" from a single electrical potential aggregate signal out of 100 billion neurons and god knows how many trillions of synapses 03:34
kanzurebut this is generally _wrong_03:34
wrldpc_rudimentary brainwave ... yeah03:34
wrldpc_lol where's the DIY fMRI?03:34
kanzurethere was an article in SciAm recently about a portable fMRI03:35
kanzurebut it was closed source.03:35
wrldpc_it's low resolution but it's still kinda neat .. oh yeah?03:35
kanzureSomething more readily doable by an amateur might be the EROS stuff03:35
wrldpc_there was an article in techreview about a DIY MRI some guys at MIT built.03:35
wrldpc_what was jihad talking about he threw together an electron tunneling microscope?03:38
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/instrumentation/instru.html for diy STM, SEM, ATM stuff.03:38
kanzureor maybe it's the other way around03:39
wrldpc_"There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page."03:39
wrldpc_bryan bishop the scientific iron mystic fire wizard higher physics titan who supply the missions03:48
kanzureWhat's this about, wrldpc_ ?03:52
wrldpc_i just made that up03:52
wrldpc_synthesize antidotes from viper venom03:52
wrldpc_pardon my poetry, sir03:53
kanzureWoah, xmms is blown from my box. What's going on? apt-get install xmms doesn't do anything, and apt-get install xmms2 only gets me the server daemon.04:06
* kanzure had to do a dpkg -i --ignore-depends=libglib1.2 xmms_1.2.10+2006..04:08
kanzureoddly my playlist was preserved04:11
xp_prganyone know a good place to get car insurance on the internet?04:17
bkerokanzure: You should try mpd :)04:45
bkeroxp_prg: I've had good luck with progressive04:45
bkeroMUCH cheaper than other places04:46
bkeroMy first bill was $250 for 6 months04:46
genekanzure want to know how to get some chitosan quick n easy?04:50
genenevermind found it in bulk as a supplement04:52
geneyou can sell anything as a supplement04:52
geneabsolutely anything04:52
geneeven ground up shrimp exoskeletons04:53
genecheck this out sunlight pumped laser http://www.opticalfutures.com/harvesting_solar_with_lasers04:56
bkeroI'm thinking about making a trip to AZ to get an implant05:54
ppkwhat kind?06:02
geneMake sure the mod parlour you go to uses clean equipment06:14
geneyou would't want any infection now would you06:14
genewhy do you wan to implant a magnet in your hand?06:15
ppkthat's really cool06:19
bkeroI hack hardware a lot06:19
bkeroIt would really help in diagnosing circuits06:19
ppkI'd be concerned about not being able to do certain things though06:20
bkeroLike what?06:20
ppklike getting an MRI06:20
genewhat if you want to take apart a harddrive?06:20
ppkin case of an emergency06:20
bkeroAn emergency MRI?06:20
ppkif I suffered from a stroke or something06:20
ppkand they wanted an image06:20
bkeroQuestionable whether it would be torn out or not06:21
geneyou should just get a magnetic ring instead06:21
bkeroThat's not really the same thing :/06:21
geneit would fly probably turn into a bullet06:21
genethere are magnetic metamaterials06:22
genethat might do the trick06:22
ppkthey talk about MRIs 06:22
ppkin the second page06:22
genea magnetic metamaterial might be able to cloak the magnet from the MRI magnetic field06:25
genebut you might just get a magnetic ring instead06:26
genein fact if you hold a neodyium magnet near the base of a halogen light you can feel the oscillating 60 hz magnetic field06:27
genemagnetic metamaterial06:29
geneI mean magnetic cloaking06:30
bkeroYou want me to implant a sheet of lead that's cooled to superconducting temperatures?06:33
geneyou put your hand in it when you get an mri06:55
kanzure_The problem is that verification requires a specification, and a specification that is complete enough to be correct is also complete enough to be automatically implemented through stepwise transformation (though it may be inefficient)."12:18
kanzure_"Kanjiteru aizu"12:27
kanzure_http://www.allproducts.com/manufacture97/headphone/product1.jpg Shouldn't this work? except for the poor plastic connection12:41
kanzure_" DIY Touchscreen Eee PC" <- heh12:56
kanzure_http://www.natureinterface.com/e/ni04/P063-065/0104_063+01.jpg eyetrek ($700, no longer made, some in stock in a few places online though)13:01
kanzure_http://vrealities.com/i-port.html iport. price: $650013:05
kanzure_but otherwise basically what I'd want.13:05
kanzure_http://vrealities.com/vr1monocular.html another one for $1400..13:09
kanzure_http://vrealities.com/eyetopcentra.html ah, here's one for $30013:10
kanzure_some reviewing: http://www.yb2normal.com/eyetop.html13:13
kanzure_http://salestores.com/eyetopbu.html here's one for $17013:13
kanzure_http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=m38&_nkw=eyetop&_sacat=See-All-Categories $200 on ebay ..13:14
kanzure_somebody got them for $80 :)13:15
bkeroNot bad15:13
kanzure_-eMagin got back with me, they don't sell the monocular advertized item.17:04
bkeroBut they have it advertized on their site?17:11
genekanzure could you send me the chitosan paper17:18
kanzure_-it wasn't a paper :(17:22
kanzure_-it was a talk17:22
kanzure_-bkero: They're jerks, I know.17:22
kanzure_-bkero: Check out "eyeport" though.17:22
genethose bastard17:23
kanzure_-gene: they go from crushed crab shells in the lab17:23
kanzure_-to printed organic transistors17:24
geneI know that17:24
geneyou dissolve the crab shells in acetic acid17:24
kanzure_-I just thought it requires some re-emphasis :) because it's so neat :-)17:24
genedescribe the process17:24
kanzure_-he didn't17:24
genehow do did they get pattern the chitosan17:25
genewas it this: https://buffy.eecs.berkeley.edu/PHP/resabs/resabs.php?f_year=2007&f_submit=one&f_absid=10136417:26
genedamn still requires metal and a substrate17:27
genewe may not need ligase17:30
UtopiahGHMLis there a non gregorian H+ style calendar?17:37
UtopiahGHMLsomething that wouldn't start with the Christ "birth" and that woulnd't center around sun17:37
UtopiahGHMLbut using a scale based on evolution pace, eventually... non human-centric17:38
Phreedomthis is a very promising development17:43
Phreedomabstracting away the site is going to be cool17:43
Phreedomlaying this on top of something like i2p can provide privacy17:44
Phreedomand using semantic search can erase boundaries between different repos17:44
kanzure_-Phreedom: the gittorrent guy is referenced on http://heybryan.org/exp.html already, at debian re: redlining the internet infrastructure for a week18:29
-!- UtopiahG1ML is now known as UtopiahGHML18:30
-!- gene_ is now known as gene19:13
Phreedomkanzure_-: you're everywhere19:23
-!- UtopiahG1ML is now known as UtopiahGHML19:40
kanzureyes :)19:46
fennUtopiahGHML: unix epoch21:38
UtopiahGHMLyep I thought about it, sth like it's exponential or sth21:39
fennUtopiahGHML: 100ksec day, Ms week, 100Ms year etc21:39
fennonly really matters if you have an orbital colony21:40
fennor some other non-earth-surface scenario21:40
-!- gene_ is now known as gene21:42
fennUtopiahGHML: unix epoch is used in day-to-day business in the book "a deepness in the sky"21:44
fennwhich is about human trading routes between the stars, and how to hack an information age emergence21:45
fennand mind control21:46
UtopiahGHMLfenn: ok for unix epoch as a starting point but unix time is linear, my question is also regarding evolution and it's pace, maybe just adding a second as if it was the same speed than before provide a dangerous bias21:47
fennwell, it's not mind control so much as "applied autism"21:47
fennyou're worried a second is too long?21:48
fennmay i introduce you to my friends milli, micro, nano, femto, pico, and zepto21:48
fennoo can't forget atto21:49
UtopiahGHMLthat's not the point21:49
UtopiahGHMLthe point isn't precision21:49
fenni'm not following21:50
fenna second is basically a cognitive time constant for a baseline human21:50
fennso what's wrong with prefixes of that?21:50
UtopiahGHMLwhich is good for synchronization amongst21:50
UtopiahGHMLbut which I think gives us a bias regarding evolution21:51
fennwe also have biases in meter, gram, becquerel, and every other dimensional unit21:52
fennyou have to start somewhere21:52
fennand while it would be cool to give dimensions in 10^34 planck_lengths, i question the rationale21:54
UtopiahGHMLfenn: well that would definitely not be enough and perfect but I think that with an exponential scale one would consider the present moment more carefuly based on the future consequences and I think, in a time (like always?) where organism evolve and the amount of resources available are limited, it could give interesting insights to be use to think in such a way.22:10
UtopiahGHMLId tend to think that you either become more effective or you slowly die.22:14
kanzure_-ffs, "your computation will be done in 3.80265176 years. have fun with that job security."22:15
fennUtopiahGHML: what do you mean 'exponential scale'? is log base 10 not good enough, and it has to be log base e?22:16
kanzure_-fenn: huh, eric hunting makes his living off of textbook sales, helped raise a company from $10k/yr to $2 mil/yr22:16
fennhow did he manage that?22:17
kanzure_-fenn: and what d oyou think about that eyeport?22:17
kanzure_-Don't know.22:17
kanzure_-but it's not enough apparently for him to get his own workshop, so it doesn't even sound too terribly successful (though positive growth is better than none at all)22:17
fennapparently he had really good credit, accidentally22:17
kanzure_-why isn't he in here anyway22:17
fennsome people dont like irc22:17
fenni cant blame them, seeing what a time waste it is 90% of the time :)22:18
* kanzure_- is presently 'wasting' time22:18
kanzure_-huh, I'm on windows now, why aren't I using chrome?22:19
genewant some chitosan?22:20
kanzure_-http://voiced.device.mst.edu/groups/VisualizeIT/wiki/ac2f0/ some stuff from voiced of late.22:20
kanzure_-gene: I don't precisely recall how they were doing their writing process.22:21
kanzure_-I know they were doing imprinting, but how did they make their layers on which to imprint?22:21
kanzure_-At the start of the talk the guy was talking about heating up nano-electrodes and then melting away the chitosan polymer at that location22:21
kanzure_-and something like 10 to 100 nm distance away wouldn't be affected by the extreme heat thanks to the polymer itself.22:21
kanzure_-so maybe he was using some voltage => electrode => thermal/heat method to do patterning of his polymer to imprint with??22:22
kanzure_-that's a pretty tiny area to hope you get right with a metal pin, frankly.22:22
fennhow does it turn into a transistor is what i want to know22:22
kanzure_-I wish I was paying more attention22:23
kanzure_-something about another bioactive compound to make up a gap22:23
kanzure_-it's an organic transistor, so it's slow, but it does do, say, ~60 hertz22:23
kanzure_-not quite something you'd use for microprocessors (it's also leaky, but good for things like infrared detection - he's "selling" it to the military as biosensor stuff more than anything (I'd be ok with slow computers though))22:24
kanzure_-I wish everybody was required to give me their powerpoints when they do presentations.22:24
kanzure_-http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/project/list_projects_by_director.php?PersonID=1086 <- This was the presenter22:25
kanzure_-oh wait, maybe it was this guy: http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/project/list_projects_by_director.php?PersonID=70322:26
kanzure_-"A Cyborg Beetle: Insect Flight Control by a Neural Stimulator"22:27
fennheh "rotating raman spectrometer/microfluidics chip on a CD-ROM" (literally)22:28
kanzure_-Quite a number of projects22:29
kanzure_-what's going on here?22:29
kanzure_-"On-Chip DNA Transformation by Local Heat Shock and Cell Cryopreservation"22:29
fennberkely gets a lot of DARPA grants22:29
kanzure_-http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=1097 <- good times. "Prof. Jones, I'm shocked that you don't know what my research is about!"22:31
fennthe problem with cyborg beetles is they only live for 20 days, but if you could freeze them it wouldnt matter so much22:41
fenn interpreting accelerations produced by human gestures as musical signals to allow realtime musical performance. Aquisition of these high resolution acceleration signals is achieved by square millimeter size MEMS sensing devices.22:53
fennthat was '05, i wonder if they succeeded22:55
fenn'03 i mean22:56
kanzure_-"thaw the beetles!"23:00
kanzure_-"this means war. thaw the beetles!"23:00
kanzure_-Hey Splicer.23:00
kanzure_-re: human gestures as musical signals. That's interesting. What is the sensor? Vern Graner here in Austin has done ultrasound sensors for playing musical instruments, but your hand has to be in front of the sensor (and it's just a distance calculation)23:01
kanzure_-uh, not an ultrasound sensor, I guess that's really an ultrasound generator + receiver too.23:01
fennlots of ways to make an accelerometr23:15
fennsimplest is just a ball on a stick23:15
fennball flexes the stick because its mass is greater23:15
kanzure_-oh, a wearable23:17
fenni wonder how you're supposed to power it23:17
genethaw the beetles did I miss something?23:27
genecyborg insects?23:28
genewhy power it fenn?23:28
genewhen you could use RFID or leach energy from the motion23:28
fenngene: because rfid requires a big antenna usually23:33
fennwell, i'm no RFID expert23:34
genethey can make RFID chips the size of salt cubes23:34
fennbut you have to squeeze the antenna onto the 1mm chip somehow23:34
gene0.05 mm RFID tags23:35
geneof course you might not get much range from them23:35
genebut if your gluing them to your hands and want to  use them with your laptop....23:36
fennwith my not-laptop23:37
geneclose enough23:38
genebig RFID antenna23:38
kanzure_-ybit: Are you going to read the om archive like you did "hb"?23:48
geneI think I just found an legal exploit in the patent system23:55
genein Iraq at least23:56
genefor ICs23:56
genefor the circuit23:56
genefor circuits23:57
genethey define design as the Three-dimensional array of the elements constituting the circuit23:57
geneforming the integrated circuit or specifically prepared for manufacturing the23:57
geneintegrated circuit.23:57
genechange the change the shape a bit change the 3d array23:58

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